예제 #1
def generate_3(n):
    Assumes that its either qubit or qutrit state
    Returns mixed nxn state.
    assert n != 0

    dim = 0
    if (isPowerof2(n)):
        dim = 2
    elif (isPowerof3(n)):
        dim = 3

    # Generate pure state of dim*n
    P = generate_pure_state(n * dim)

    # Take partial trace over one system to get mixed state
    s, j, j3, j4 = separate(P, dim)
    if (len(j) == 0):
        return s[0]
    if (len(j3) == 0):
        return j[0]
    if (len(j4) == 0):
        return j3[0]
    return j4[0]
예제 #2
def monotocity_relative_entropy(pAB, rAB, dim):
    Returns true if relative entropy is monotonic i.e. S(pA || rA) <= S(pAB || rAB)

    # Checks that pAB and rAB have same size and are both square
    check_same_size(pAB, rAB, "monotocity_relative_entropy in entropy.py")

    S_AB = relative_entropy(pAB, rAB)
    s_p, _, _, _ = separate(pAB, dim)
    s_r, _, _, _ = separate(rAB, dim)

    pA = s_p[0]
    rA = s_r[0]

    S_A = relative_entropy(pA, rA)

    return (S_A < S_AB) or np.isclose(S_A, S_AB)
예제 #3
def H_X_leq_H_XY(p):
    Returns true if shannon inequality H(X) <= H(XY) holds
    Note: This should fail to hold for von Neumann entropy if state entangled
    sys, _, _, _ = separate(p, 2)
    pA = sys[0]
    S_A = vonNeumann(pA)
    S_AB = vonNeumann(p)

    return S_A <= S_AB
예제 #4
def bound_mutual_information(pAB, dim):
    ensures that mutual information is within bound 0 <= I(A:B) <= 2min(S(A),S(B))
    I_AB = mutual_information(pAB, dim)
    s, _, _, _ = separate(pAB, dim)
    lower = (I_AB >= 0)
    S_A = vonNeumann(s[0])
    S_B = vonNeumann(s[1])
    upper = (I_AB <= 2 * np.minimum(S_A, S_B))
    return lower and upper
예제 #5
def bound_mutual_information_log(pAB, dim):
    ensures that mutual information is within bound I(A:B) <= 2log|A| and 2log|B|
    I_AB = mutual_information(pAB, dim)
    s, _, _, _ = separate(pAB, dim)

    # d-dim hilbert space
    a_dim = s[0].shape[0]
    b_dim = s[1].shape[0]

    upper = (2 * np.log2(a_dim)) or (2 * np.log2(b_dim))
    return I_AB <= upper
예제 #6
def conditional_entropy(pAB, dim):
    calculates the conditional entropy: S(A|B) = S(A,B) - S(B)

    # Ensure that system is a 2 qubit/qutrit quantum system
    check_n_q(pAB, dim, 2, "conditional_entropy in entropy.py")

    s, _, _, _ = separate(pAB, dim)
    pB = s[1]
    S_B = vonNeumann(pB)
    S_AB = vonNeumann(pAB)

    return S_AB - S_B
예제 #7
def mutual_information(pAB, dim):
    calculates the mutual information defined by: I(A:B) = S(A) + S(B) - S(A,B)
    # Ensure that system is a 2 qubit/qutrit quantum system
    check_n_q(pAB, dim, 2, "mutual_information in entropy.py")

    systems, _, _, _ = separate(pAB, dim)
    pA = systems[0]
    pB = systems[1]
    S_A = vonNeumann(pA)
    S_B = vonNeumann(pB)
    S_AB = vonNeumann(pAB)

    return S_A + S_B - S_AB
예제 #8
def mixed_entangled_bipartite(gen_func, lim, dim):
    Return number of mixed states and number of mixed entangled states out of
    the n bipartite states generated

    ent = 0
    for i in range(lim):
        p = gen_func(dim**2)
        s, _, _, _ = separate(p, dim)

        if (is_entangled(p, s[1])):  #p and pB
            ent = ent + 1

    return lim, ent, lim - ent
예제 #9
def generate_4part(n, dim):
    Returns mixed entangled dim^4 x dim^4 state.
    dim = 2 qubit, dim = 3 qutrit, ...
    assert n != 0

    # Generate pure state of dim*n
    P = generate_pure_state(n * dim)

    # Take partial trace over one system to get mixed state
    _, _, _, j = separate(P, dim)
    # Return a random mixed state
    # k = np.random.randint(len(j))
    return j[0]
예제 #10
def weak_subadditivity(pAB, dim):
    Checks that weak subadditivity holds: S(A,B) <= S(A) + S(B)
    (2 qubit system)

    # Ensure that system is a 2 qubit/qutrit quantum system
    check_n_q(pAB, dim, 2, "weak_subadditivity in entropy.py")

    systems, _, _, _ = separate(pAB, dim)
    pA = systems[0]
    pB = systems[1]
    S_A = vonNeumann(pA)
    S_B = vonNeumann(pB)
    S_AB = vonNeumann(pAB)

    return S_AB <= S_A + S_B
예제 #11
def and_mutual_information(pABC, dim):
    calculates I(A:B,C) = S(A) + S(B,C) - S(A,B,C)

    # Ensure that system is a 3 qubit/qutrit quantum system
    check_n_q(pABC, dim, 3, "and_mutual_information in entropy.py")

    s, j, j3, _ = separate(pABC, dim)
    pA = s[0]
    pBC = j[1]

    S_BC = vonNeumann(pBC)
    S_A = vonNeumann(pA)
    S_ABC = vonNeumann(pABC)

    return S_A + S_BC - S_ABC
예제 #12
def is_entangled_ABCD(pABCD, dim, cut):
    Returns true if pABCD is entangled with cut s.t
    cut 1 - pA|BCD : H(ABCD) - H(A) < 0
    cut 2 - pAB|CD : H(ABCD) - H(AB) < 0
    s, j, j3, _ = separate(pABCD, dim)
    if (cut == 1):
        pA = s[0]
        return is_entangled(pABCD, pA)
    elif (cut == 2):
        pAB = j[0]
        return is_entangled(pABCD, pAB)
        print("Error in function 'is_entangled_ABC'")
        print("Cut given is not valid.")
예제 #13
def triangle_inequality(pAB, dim):
    Returns true if S(AB) >= |S(A) - S(B)|

    # Ensure that system is a 2 qubit/qutrit quantum system
    check_n_q(pAB, dim, 2, "triangle_inequality in entropy.py")

    systems, _, _, _ = separate(pAB, dim)
    pA = systems[0]
    pB = systems[1]
    S_A = vonNeumann(pA)
    S_B = vonNeumann(pB)
    S_AB = vonNeumann(pAB)

    abs = np.absolute(S_A - S_B)

    return (S_AB > abs) or np.isclose(S_AB, abs)
예제 #14
def is_entangled_5(pABCDE, dim, cut):
    Returns true if pABCD is entangled with cut s.t
    cut 1 - pAB|CDE : H(ABCDE) - H(AB) < 0
    cut 2 - pABC|DE : H(ABCDE) - H(ABC) < 0
    s, j, j3, j4 = separate(pABCDE, dim)
    if (cut == 1):
        pA = j[0]
        return is_entangled(pABCDE, pA)
    elif (cut == 2):
        pAB = j3[0]
        return is_entangled(pABCDE, pAB)

        print("Error in function 'is_entangled_ABC' in entropy.py")
        print("Cut given is not valid.")
예제 #15
def subadditivity_of_cond_2(pABC, dim):
    Returns S(AB|C) <= S(A|C) + S(B|C)
    s, j, _, _ = separate(pABC, dim)
    pC = s[2]
    pBC = j[1]
    pAC = j[2]

    S_C = vonNeumann(pC)
    S_BC = vonNeumann(pBC)
    S_AC = vonNeumann(pAC)
    S_ABC = vonNeumann(pABC)

    S_B_C = S_BC - S_C
    S_A_C = S_AC - S_C
    S_AB_C = S_ABC - S_C

    return S_AB_C <= S_A_C + S_B_C
예제 #16
def mutual_info_not_increase(pABC, dim):
    Returns true if I(A:B) <= I(A:BC)
    systems, joint_systems, _, _ = separate(pABC, dim)
    pA = systems[0]
    pB = systems[1]
    pAB = joint_systems[0]
    pBC = joint_systems[1]

    S_A = vonNeumann(pA)
    S_B = vonNeumann(pB)
    S_AB = vonNeumann(pAB)
    S_BC = vonNeumann(pBC)
    S_ABC = vonNeumann(pABC)

    S_A_BC = S_A + S_BC - S_ABC
    S_A_B = S_A + S_B - S_AB

    return S_A_B <= S_A_BC
예제 #17
def strong_subadditivity_q(pABC, dim):
    Checks that strong subadditivity holds: S(A,B,C) + S(B) <= S(A, B)
    + H(B,C) (3 qubit system)

    # Ensure that system is a 3 qubit/qutrit quantum system
    check_n_q(pABC, dim, 3, "strong_subadditivity_q in entropy.py")

    systems, joint_systems, _, _ = separate(pABC, dim)
    pAB = joint_systems[0]
    pBC = joint_systems[1]
    pB = systems[1]

    S_ABC = vonNeumann(pABC)
    S_AB = vonNeumann(pAB)
    S_BC = vonNeumann(pBC)
    S_B = vonNeumann(pB)

    return S_ABC + S_B <= S_AB + S_BC
예제 #18
def cond_reduce_entropy(pABC, dim):
    Returns true if S(A|BC) <= S(A|B)

    systems, joint_systems, _, _ = separate(pABC, dim)
    pA = systems[0]
    pB = systems[1]
    pAB = joint_systems[0]
    pBC = joint_systems[1]

    S_A = vonNeumann(pA)
    S_B = vonNeumann(pB)
    S_AB = vonNeumann(pAB)
    S_BC = vonNeumann(pBC)
    S_ABC = vonNeumann(pABC)

    S_A_BC = S_ABC - S_BC
    S_A_B = S_AB - S_B

    return S_A_BC <= S_A_B
예제 #19
def is_bell_state_max_entangled(n):
    Returns true if bell states are maximally entangled
    0 < n <= 4 represents bell states; go to function bell_states in entropy.py
    p = bell_states(n)
    V = vonNeumann(p)
    if (not np.isclose(V, 0)):  # Bell states are pure states
        return False

    s, _, _, _ = separate(p, 2)

    # In bell state, separated pA = pB
    if (not is_entangled(p, s[0])):
        return False

    # Maximally entangled if H = log d
    H = vonNeumann(s[0])
    if (H == np.log2(s[0].shape[0])):
        return True
    return False
예제 #20
def cond_strong_subadditivity(pABCD, dim):
    Returns S(ABC|D) + S(B|D) <= S(AB|D) + S(BC|D)

    systems, joint_systems, j3, _ = separate(pABCD, dim)
    pD = systems[3]
    pBD = joint_systems[3]
    pABD = j3[1]
    pBCD = j3[2]

    S_BCD = vonNeumann(pBCD)
    S_ABD = vonNeumann(pABD)
    S_BD = vonNeumann(pBD)
    S_D = vonNeumann(pD)
    S_ABCD = vonNeumann(pABCD)

    S_BC_D = S_BCD - S_D
    S_AB_D = S_ABD - S_D
    S_B_D = S_BD - S_D
    S_ABC_D = S_ABCD - S_D

    return S_ABC_D + S_B_D <= S_AB_D + S_BC_D
예제 #21
def subadditivity_of_cond_3(pABC, dim):
    Returns S(A|BC) <= S(A|B) + S(A|C)
    s, j, _, _ = separate(pABC, dim)
    pB = s[1]
    pC = s[2]
    pAB = j[0]
    pBC = j[1]
    pAC = j[2]

    S_B = vonNeumann(pB)
    S_C = vonNeumann(pC)
    S_AB = vonNeumann(pAB)
    S_BC = vonNeumann(pBC)
    S_AC = vonNeumann(pAC)
    S_ABC = vonNeumann(pABC)

    S_A_B = S_AB - S_B
    S_A_C = S_AC - S_C
    S_A_BC = S_ABC - S_BC

    return S_A_BC <= S_A_B + S_A_C
예제 #22
def cond_triangle_inequality(pABC, dim):
    Returns true if S(A|BC) >= S(A|C) - S(B|C)

    # Ensure that system is a 3 qubit/qutrit quantum system
    check_n_q(pABC, dim, 3, "cond_triangle_inequality in entropy.py")

    systems, joint_systems, _, _ = separate(pABC, dim)
    pBC = joint_systems[1]
    pAC = joint_systems[1]
    pC = systems[2]

    S_ABC = vonNeumann(pABC)
    S_AC = vonNeumann(pAC)
    S_BC = vonNeumann(pBC)
    S_C = vonNeumann(pC)

    S_AB_C = S_ABC - S_BC
    S_A_C = S_AC - S_C
    S_B_C = S_BC - S_C

    return S_AB_C >= S_A_C - S_B_C
예제 #23
def subadditivity_of_cond_1(pABCD, dim):
    Returns true if S(AB|CD) <= S(A|C) + S(B|D)

    systems, joint_systems, _, _ = separate(pABCD, dim)
    pC = systems[2]
    pD = systems[3]
    pAC = joint_systems[2]
    pBD = joint_systems[3]
    pCD = joint_systems[5]

    S_C = vonNeumann(pC)
    S_D = vonNeumann(pD)
    S_AC = vonNeumann(pAC)
    S_BD = vonNeumann(pBD)
    S_CD = vonNeumann(pCD)
    S_ABCD = vonNeumann(pABCD)

    S_B_D = S_BD - S_D
    S_A_C = S_AC - S_C
    S_AB_CD = S_ABCD - S_CD

    return S_AB_CD <= S_A_C + S_B_D