예제 #1
def test_bad_move_function(team_to_test):
    """ Test that having a move function that returns a bad type
    appends a FatalException. """
    def stopping(b, state):
        return b.position

    def move0(b, state):
        return None

    def move1(b, state):
        return 0

    def move3(b, state):
        return 0, 0, 0

    def move4(
    ):  # TypeError: move4() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given
        return (0, 0), 0

    layout_name, layout_string = layout.get_random_layout()
    l = layout.parse_layout(layout_string)

    def test_run_game(move):
        # Flips the order of the teams depending on team_to_test
        if team_to_test == 0:
            teams = [move, stopping]
        elif team_to_test == 1:
            teams = [stopping, move]
        return run_game(teams, layout_dict=l, max_rounds=10)

    other = 1 - team_to_test

    res = test_run_game(move0)
    assert res['gameover']
    assert res['whowins'] == other
    assert res['fatal_errors'][team_to_test][0]['type'] == 'FatalException'
    assert res['fatal_errors'][team_to_test][0][
        'description'] == 'Exception in client (ValueError): Function move did not return a valid position: got None instead.'

    res = test_run_game(move1)
    assert res['gameover']
    assert res['whowins'] == other
    assert res['fatal_errors'][team_to_test][0]['type'] == 'FatalException'
    assert res['fatal_errors'][team_to_test][0][
        'description'] == 'Exception in client (ValueError): Function move did not return a valid position: got 0 instead.'

    res = test_run_game(move3)
    assert res['gameover']
    assert res['whowins'] == other
    assert res['fatal_errors'][team_to_test][0]['type'] == 'FatalException'
    assert res['fatal_errors'][team_to_test][0][
        'description'] == 'Exception in client (ValueError): Function move did not return a valid position: got (0, 0, 0) instead.'

    res = test_run_game(move4)
    assert res['gameover']
    assert res['whowins'] == other
    assert res['fatal_errors'][team_to_test][0]['type'] == 'FatalException'
    assert "takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given" in res[
예제 #2
def test_initial_position(_n_test):
    """ Test that out test team receives the correct initial positions."""
    layout_name, layout_string = get_random_layout()
    l = parse_layout(layout_string)
    initial_pos = initial_positions(l['walls'])

    def move(bot, state):
        if bot.is_blue and bot.turn == 0:
            assert bot._initial_position == initial_pos[0]
            assert bot.other._initial_position == initial_pos[2]
            assert bot.enemy[0]._initial_position == initial_pos[1]
            assert bot.enemy[1]._initial_position == initial_pos[3]
        if bot.is_blue and bot.turn == 1:
            assert bot._initial_position == initial_pos[2]
            assert bot.other._initial_position == initial_pos[0]
            assert bot.enemy[0]._initial_position == initial_pos[1]
            assert bot.enemy[1]._initial_position == initial_pos[3]
        if not bot.is_blue and bot.turn == 0:
            assert bot._initial_position == initial_pos[1]
            assert bot.other._initial_position == initial_pos[3]
            assert bot.enemy[0]._initial_position == initial_pos[0]
            assert bot.enemy[1]._initial_position == initial_pos[2]
        if not bot.is_blue and bot.turn == 1:
            assert bot._initial_position == initial_pos[3]
            assert bot.other._initial_position == initial_pos[1]
            assert bot.enemy[0]._initial_position == initial_pos[0]
            assert bot.enemy[1]._initial_position == initial_pos[2]
        return randomBot(bot, state)

    state = run_game([move, move], max_rounds=3, layout_dict=l)
    # assertions might have been caught in run_game
    # check that all is good
    assert state['fatal_errors'] == [[], []]
예제 #3
def test_minimal_game():
    def move(b, s):
        return b.position

    layout_name, layout_string = layout.get_random_layout()
    l = layout.parse_layout(layout_string)
    final_state = run_game([move, move], max_rounds=20, layout_dict=l)
    assert final_state['gameover'] is True
    assert final_state['score'] == [0, 0]
    assert final_state['round'] == 20
예제 #4
def test_invalid_setup_game_closes_players():
    layout_name, layout_string = layout.get_random_layout()
    l = layout.parse_layout(layout_string)

    # setup a remote demo game with "0" and "1" but bad max rounds
    state = setup_game(["0", "1"], layout_dict=l, max_rounds=0, allow_exceptions=True)
    assert state["gameover"]
    # Check that both processes have exited
    assert state["teams"][0].proc[0].wait(timeout=3) == 0
    assert state["teams"][1].proc[0].wait(timeout=3) == 0
예제 #5
def test_minimal_remote_game():
    def move(b, s):
        return b.position

    layout_name, layout_string = layout.get_random_layout()
    l = layout.parse_layout(layout_string)
    final_state = run_game(["test/demo01_stopping.py", move], max_rounds=20, layout_dict=l)
    final_state = run_game(["test/demo01_stopping.py", 'test/demo02_random.py'], max_rounds=20, layout_dict=l)
    assert final_state['gameover'] is True
    assert final_state['score'] == [0, 0]
    assert final_state['round'] == 20
예제 #6
def test_non_existing_file():
    # TODO: Change error message to be more meaningful
    layout_name, layout_string = layout.get_random_layout()
    l = layout.parse_layout(layout_string)
    res = run_game(["blah", "nothing"], max_rounds=1, layout_dict=l)
    assert res['fatal_errors'][0][0] == {
        'description': '("Could not load blah: No module named \'blah\'", \'ModuleNotFoundError\')',
        'round': None,
        'turn': 0,
        'type': 'PlayerDisconnected'
예제 #7
def test_remote_errors(tmp_path):
    # TODO: Change error messages to be more meaningful
    # we change to the tmp dir, to make our paths simpler
    syntax_error = dedent("""
    def move(b, state)
        return b.position
    import_error = dedent("""
    import does_not_exist
    def move(b, state):
        return b.position

    layout_name, layout_string = layout.get_random_layout()
    l = layout.parse_layout(layout_string)

    with temp_wd(tmp_path):
        s_py = Path("s.py")
        i_py = Path("i.py")

        res = run_game([str(s_py), str(i_py)], layout_dict=l, max_rounds=20)
        # Error messages have changed in Python 3.10. We can only do approximate maching
        assert "SyntaxError" in res['fatal_errors'][0][0].pop('description')
        assert res['fatal_errors'][0][0] == {
            'round': None,
            'turn': 0,
            'type': 'PlayerDisconnected'
        # Both teams fail during setup: DRAW
        assert res['whowins'] == 2
        res = run_game(["0", str(i_py)], layout_dict=l, max_rounds=20)
        # Error messages have changed in Python 3.10. We can only do approximate maching
        assert "ModuleNotFoundError" in res['fatal_errors'][1][0].pop(
        assert res['fatal_errors'][1][0] == {
            'round': None,
            'turn': 1,
            'type': 'PlayerDisconnected'
        assert res['whowins'] == 0
        res = run_game([str(i_py), "1"], layout_dict=l, max_rounds=20)
        # Error messages have changed in Python 3.10. We can only do approximate maching
        assert "ModuleNotFoundError" in res['fatal_errors'][0][0].pop(
        assert res['fatal_errors'][0][0] == {
            'round': None,
            'turn': 0,
            'type': 'PlayerDisconnected'
        assert res['whowins'] == 1
예제 #8
def test_remote_errors(tmp_path):
    # TODO: Change error messages to be more meaningful
    # we change to the tmp dir, to make our paths simpler
    syntax_error = dedent("""
    def move(b, state)
        return b.position, state
    import_error = dedent("""
    import does_not_exist
    def move(b, state):
        return b.position, state

    layout_name, layout_string = layout.get_random_layout()
    l = layout.parse_layout(layout_string)

    with temp_wd(tmp_path):
        s_py = Path("s.py")
        i_py = Path("i.py")

        res = run_game([str(s_py), str(i_py)], layout_dict=l, max_rounds=20)
        assert res['fatal_errors'][0][0] == {
            "('Could not load s.py: invalid syntax (s.py, line 2)', 'SyntaxError')",
            'round': None,
            'turn': 0,
            'type': 'PlayerDisconnected'
        # Both teams fail during setup: DRAW
        assert res['whowins'] == 2
        res = run_game(["0", str(i_py)], layout_dict=l, max_rounds=20)
        assert res['fatal_errors'][1][0] == {
            '("Could not load i.py: No module named \'does_not_exist\'", \'ModuleNotFoundError\')',
            'round': None,
            'turn': 1,
            'type': 'PlayerDisconnected'
        assert res['whowins'] == 0
        res = run_game([str(i_py), "1"], layout_dict=l, max_rounds=20)
        assert res['fatal_errors'][0][0] == {
            '("Could not load i.py: No module named \'does_not_exist\'", \'ModuleNotFoundError\')',
            'round': None,
            'turn': 0,
            'type': 'PlayerDisconnected'
        assert res['whowins'] == 1
예제 #9
def test_manual_remote_game_closes_players():
    layout_name, layout_string = layout.get_random_layout()
    l = layout.parse_layout(layout_string)

    # run a remote demo game with "0" and "1"
    state = setup_game(["0", "1"], layout_dict=l, max_rounds=10, allow_exceptions=True)
    assert not state["gameover"]
    while not state["gameover"]:
        # still running
        # still running
        assert state["teams"][0].proc[0].poll() is None
        assert state["teams"][1].proc[0].poll() is None
        state = play_turn(state)

    # Check that both processes have exited
    assert state["teams"][0].proc[0].wait(timeout=3) == 0
    assert state["teams"][1].proc[0].wait(timeout=3) == 0
예제 #10
def test_minimal_losing_game_has_one_error():
    def move0(b, s):
        if b.round == 1 and b._bot_index == 0:
            # trigger a bad move in the first round
            return (0, 0)
            return b.position
    def move1(b, s):
        return b.position

    layout_name, layout_string = layout.get_random_layout()
    l = layout.parse_layout(layout_string)
    final_state = run_game([move0, move1], max_rounds=20, layout_dict=l)
    assert final_state['gameover'] is True
    assert final_state['score'] == [0, 0]
    assert len(final_state['errors'][0]) == 1
    assert len(final_state['errors'][1]) == 0
    assert final_state['round'] == 20
예제 #11
    def run_simulation(self):

        for game in range(self.n_sim):
            print "Game %i" % game

            self.layout = get_random_layout(filter="normal_without_dead_ends")[1]
            self.gm = GameMaster(self.layout, number_bots=4, game_time=self.game_time, seed=self.seed)
            import pdb


            winner = self.gm.game_state["team_wins"]
            if winner is not None:
                self.score[winner] += 1
                win = "Team %i wins" % winner
                win = "None wins"

            print "%s game %i. Score so far %i:%i" % (win, game, self.score[0], self.score[1])
예제 #12
    def __init__(self, layout=None, layoutfile=None, players=4, rounds=3000, host="", port=50007, local=False):

        if layout is None: 
            if layoutfile:
                with open(layoutfile) as file:
                    self.layout = file.read()
                self.layout = get_random_layout()
            self.layout = layout

        self.players = players
        self.rounds = rounds

        if local:
            self.host = None
            self.port = None
            self.host = host
            self.port = port

        self.server = None
        self.remote = None
예제 #13
    def run_simulation(self):
        # run the actual simulation for a defined amount of runs
        for game in range(self.n_sim):
            print "Game %i" %game            
            self.layout = get_random_layout(filter="normal_without_dead_ends")[1]
            self.gm = GameMaster(self.layout, number_bots=4, 
                                 game_time=self.game_time, seed=self.seed)
            for t in self.teams:
                self.gm.register_team(SimpleTeam(t, self.teams[t][0], self.teams[t][1]))

            #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()            
            #Append statistics of the last game
            winner = self.stats["winning_team"][-1]
            if winner is not None: 
                self.score[winner] += 1
                win = "Team %r wins" %self.gm.universe.teams[winner].name
                win = "None wins"

            print "%s game %i. Score so far %i:%i" %(win, game, self.score[0], self.score[1])
예제 #14
    ##ba  y#
def test_initial_positions(simple_layout):
    parsed = layout.parse_layout(simple_layout)
    i_pos = initial_positions(parsed['walls'], parsed['shape'])
    expected = parsed['bots']
    assert len(i_pos) == 4
    assert i_pos == expected

                         [layout.get_random_layout() for _ in range(30)])
def test_initial_positions_same_in_layout_random(layout_t):
    """Check initial positions are the same as what the layout says for 30 random layouts"""
    layout_name, layout_string = layout_t  # get_random_layout returns a tuple of name and string
    parsed_l = layout.parse_layout(layout_string)
    exp = parsed_l["bots"]
    walls = parsed_l["walls"]
    shape = parsed_l["shape"]
    out = initial_positions(walls, shape)
    assert out == exp

@pytest.mark.parametrize('layout_name', layout.get_available_layouts())
def test_initial_positions_same_in_layout(layout_name):
    """Check initial positions are the same as what the layout says for all layouts"""
    l = layout.get_layout_by_name(layout_name=layout_name)
예제 #15
    # TODO: Should this even be a valid layout?
def test_no_initial_positions_possible(bad_layout):
    parsed = layout.parse_layout(bad_layout)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError): # TODO should probably already raise in parse_layout

@pytest.mark.parametrize('layout_t', [layout.get_random_layout() for _ in range(30)])
def test_initial_positions_same_in_layout_random(layout_t):
    """Check initial positions are the same as what the layout says for 30 random layouts"""
    layout_name, layout_string = layout_t # get_random_layout returns a tuple of name and string
    parsed_l = layout.parse_layout(layout_string)
    exp = parsed_l["bots"]
    walls = parsed_l["walls"]
    out = initial_positions(walls)
    assert out == exp

@pytest.mark.parametrize('layout_name', layout.get_available_layouts())
def test_initial_positions_same_in_layout(layout_name):
    """Check initial positions are the same as what the layout says for all layouts"""
    l = layout.get_layout_by_name(layout_name=layout_name)
    parsed_l = layout.parse_layout(l)
    exp = parsed_l["bots"]
예제 #16
We start a server using the SimpleServer class and a layout
given by the specified layout file.

from pelita.simplesetup import SimpleServer
from pelita.layout import get_random_layout

layout_name, layout_string = get_random_layout()
server = SimpleServer(layout_string=layout_string, layout_name=layout_name)
# For more control, we could also define a game with 8 Bots,
# run 10000 rounds and want to receive connections on port
# server = SimpleServer(layout_string=layout_string, players=8, rounds=10000, port=61009, layout_name=layout_name)


예제 #17
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

We start a server using the SimpleServer class and a layout
given by the specified layout file.

from pelita.simplesetup import SimpleServer
from pelita.layout import get_random_layout

layout_name, layout_string = get_random_layout()
server = SimpleServer(layout_string=layout_string, layout_name=layout_name)
# For more control, we could also define a game with 8 Bots,
# run 10000 rounds and want to receive connections on port
# server = SimpleServer(layout_string=layout_string, players=8, rounds=10000, port=61009, layout_name=layout_name)


예제 #18
from pelita.game_master import GameMaster
from pelita.player import SimpleTeam, StoppingPlayer
from pelita.viewer import AsciiViewer
from pelita.layout import get_random_layout
from players import BFSPlayer, BasicDefensePlayer

if __name__ == '__main__':
    name, layout = get_random_layout()
    gm = GameMaster(layout, 4, 200)
    gm.register_team(SimpleTeam(BFSPlayer(), BFSPlayer()))
    gm.register_team(SimpleTeam(BasicDefensePlayer(), BasicDefensePlayer()))