def __init__(self, descriptors=None, encoding="utf-8", finder=None, action_finder=None, candidates=None, actions=None, query=None, caret=None, index=None): # initialization self.global_lock = threading.Lock() self.encoding = encoding if descriptors is None: self.stdin = sys.stdin self.stdout = sys.stdout self.stderr = sys.stderr else: self.stdin = descriptors["stdin"] self.stdout = descriptors["stdout"] self.stderr = descriptors["stderr"] if finder is None: finder = FinderMultiQueryString if action_finder is None: action_finder = FinderMultiQueryString self.actions = actions # wraps candidates (iterator) from percol.lazyarray import LazyArray self.candidates = LazyArray(candidates or []) self.has_no_candidate = self.candidates.has_nth_value(0) self.has_only_one_candidate = self.candidates.has_nth_value( 0) and not self.candidates.has_nth_value(1) # create model self.model_candidate = SelectorModel(percol=self, collection=self.candidates, finder=finder, query=query, caret=caret, index=index) self.model_action = SelectorModel( percol=self, collection=[action.desc for action in actions], finder=action_finder) self.model = self.model_candidate
def get_results(self, query, collection=None): if self.lazy_finding: # debug.log(LazyArray((result for result in self.find(query, collection)))[0]) # debug.log([result for result in self.find(query, collection)]) return LazyArray( (result for result in self.find(query, collection))) else: return [result for result in self.find(query, collection)]
def __init__(self, descriptors = None, encoding = "utf-8", finder = None, action_finder = None, candidates = None, actions = None, query = None, caret = None, index = None): # initialization self.global_lock = threading.Lock() self.encoding = encoding if descriptors is None: self.stdin = sys.stdin self.stdout = sys.stdout self.stderr = sys.stderr else: self.stdin = descriptors["stdin"] self.stdout = descriptors["stdout"] self.stderr = descriptors["stderr"] if finder is None: finder = FinderMultiQueryString if action_finder is None: action_finder = FinderMultiQueryString self.actions = actions # wraps candidates (iterator) from percol.lazyarray import LazyArray self.candidates = LazyArray(candidates or []) # create model self.model_candidate = SelectorModel(percol = self, collection = self.candidates, finder = finder, query = query, caret = caret, index = index) self.model_action = SelectorModel(percol = self, collection = [action.desc for action in actions], finder = action_finder) self.model = self.model_candidate
class Percol(object): def __init__(self, descriptors = None, encoding = "utf-8", finder = None, action_finder = None, candidates = None, actions = None, query = None, caret = None, index = None): # initialization self.global_lock = threading.Lock() self.encoding = encoding if descriptors is None: self.stdin = sys.stdin self.stdout = sys.stdout self.stderr = sys.stderr else: self.stdin = descriptors["stdin"] self.stdout = descriptors["stdout"] self.stderr = descriptors["stderr"] if finder is None: finder = FinderMultiQueryString if action_finder is None: action_finder = FinderMultiQueryString self.actions = actions # wraps candidates (iterator) from percol.lazyarray import LazyArray self.candidates = LazyArray(candidates or []) # create model self.model_candidate = SelectorModel(percol = self, collection = self.candidates, finder = finder, query = query, caret = caret, index = index) self.model_action = SelectorModel(percol = self, collection = [action.desc for action in actions], finder = action_finder) self.model = self.model_candidate def has_no_candidate(self): return not self.candidates.has_nth_value(0) def has_only_one_candidate(self): return self.candidates.has_nth_value(0) and not self.candidates.has_nth_value(1) def __enter__(self): # init curses and it's wrapper self.screen = curses.initscr() self.display = Display(self.screen, self.encoding) # create keyhandler self.keyhandler = key.KeyHandler(self.screen) # create view self.view = SelectorView(percol = self) # create command self.command_candidate = SelectorCommand(self.model_candidate, self.view) self.command_action = SelectorCommand(self.model_action, self.view) # suppress SIGINT termination signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, lambda signum, frame: None) # handle special keys like <f1>, <down>, ... self.screen.keypad(True) curses.raw() curses.noecho() curses.cbreak() # Leave newline mode. Make percol distinguish between "C-m" and "C-j". curses.nonl() return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): # Back to newline mode (TODO: is it needed?). curses.endwin() self.execute_action() args_for_action = None def execute_action(self): selected_actions = self.model_action.get_selected_results_with_index() if selected_actions and self.args_for_action: for name, _, act_idx in selected_actions: try: action = self.actions[act_idx] if action: action.act([arg for arg, _, _ in self.args_for_action], self) except Exception as e: debug.log("execute_action", e) # ============================================================ # # Statuses # ============================================================ # @property def opposite_model(self): """ Returns opposite model for self.model """ if self.model is self.model_action: return self.model_candidate else: return self.model_action def switch_model(self): self.model = self.opposite_model @property def command(self): """ Returns corresponding model wrapper which provides advanced commands """ if self.model is self.model_action: return self.command_action else: return self.command_candidate # ============================================================ # # Main Loop # ============================================================ # SEARCH_DELAY = 0.05 def loop(self): self.view.refresh_display() self.result_updating_timer = None def search_and_refresh_display(): self.model.do_search(self.model.query) self.view.refresh_display() while True: try: self.handle_key(self.screen.getch()) if self.model.should_search_again(): # search again with self.global_lock: # critical section if not self.result_updating_timer is None: # clear timer self.result_updating_timer.cancel() self.result_updating_timer = None # with bounce t = threading.Timer(self.SEARCH_DELAY, search_and_refresh_display) self.result_updating_timer = t t.start() self.view.refresh_display() except TerminateLoop as e: return e.value # ============================================================ # # Key Handling # ============================================================ # keymap = { "C-i" : lambda percol: percol.switch_model(), # text "C-h" : lambda percol: percol.command.delete_backward_char(), "<backspace>" : lambda percol: percol.command.delete_backward_char(), "C-w" : lambda percol: percol.command.delete_backward_word(), "C-u" : lambda percol: percol.command.clear_query(), "<dc>" : lambda percol: percol.command.delete_forward_char(), # caret "<left>" : lambda percol: percol.command.backward_char(), "<right>" : lambda percol: percol.command.forward_char(), # line "<down>" : lambda percol: percol.command.select_next(), "<up>" : lambda percol: percol.command.select_previous(), # page "<npage>" : lambda percol: percol.command.select_next_page(), "<ppage>" : lambda percol: percol.command.select_previous_page(), # top / bottom "<home>" : lambda percol: percol.command.select_top(), "<end>" : lambda percol: percol.command.select_bottom(), # mark "C-SPC" : lambda percol: percol.command.toggle_mark_and_next(), # finish "RET" : lambda percol: percol.finish(), # Is RET never sent? "C-m" : lambda percol: percol.finish(), "C-j" : lambda percol: percol.finish(), "C-c" : lambda percol: percol.cancel() } def import_keymap(self, keymap, reset = False): if reset: self.keymap = {} else: self.keymap = dict(self.keymap) for key, cmd in six.iteritems(keymap): self.keymap[key] = cmd # default last_key = None def handle_key(self, ch): if ch == curses.KEY_RESIZE: self.last_key = self.handle_resize(ch) elif ch != -1 and self.keyhandler.is_utf8_multibyte_key(ch): self.last_key = self.handle_utf8(ch) else: self.last_key = self.handle_normal_key(ch) def handle_resize(self, ch): self.display.update_screen_size() # XXX: trash -1 (it seems that resize key sends -1) self.keyhandler.get_key_for(self.screen.getch()) return key.SPECIAL_KEYS[ch] def handle_utf8(self, ch): ukey = self.keyhandler.get_utf8_key_for(ch) self.model.insert_string(ukey) return ukey.encode(self.encoding) def handle_normal_key(self, ch): k = self.keyhandler.get_key_for(ch) if k in self.keymap: self.keymap[k](self) elif self.keyhandler.is_displayable_key(ch): self.model.insert_char(ch) return k # ------------------------------------------------------------ # # Finish / Cancel # ------------------------------------------------------------ # def finish(self): # save selected candidates and use them later (in execute_action) raise TerminateLoop(self.finish_with_exit_code()) # success def cancel(self): raise TerminateLoop(self.cancel_with_exit_code()) # failure def finish_with_exit_code(self): self.args_for_action = self.model_candidate.get_selected_results_with_index() return 0 def cancel_with_exit_code(self): return 1