예제 #1
def LoadOilGrammar(loader):
    # type: (_ResourceLoader) -> grammar.Grammar
    oil_grammar = grammar.Grammar()
    f = loader.open('_devbuild/gen/grammar.marshal')
    contents = f.read()
    return oil_grammar
예제 #2
def run_tests():
    # type: () -> None

    if mylib.CPP:
        # TODO: Initialize this
        gr = None  # type: Optional[Grammar]
        # And then cppgen_pass.py gets rid of all the "else" blocks

        from pgen2 import grammar

        # We're finding a bad os.pyi ?
        repo_root = os.environ['HOME'] + '/git/oilshell/oil'  # type: ignore
        gr = grammar.Grammar()
        f = open(repo_root + '/_devbuild/gen/arith.marshal')
        contents = f.read()

예제 #3
파일: meta.py 프로젝트: o11c/oil
def LoadOilGrammar(loader):
    # type: (_ResourceLoader) -> grammar.Grammar
    oil_grammar = grammar.Grammar()
    contents = loader.Get('_devbuild/gen/grammar.marshal')
    return oil_grammar
예제 #4
def OpyCommandMain(argv):
  """Dispatch to the right action."""

  # TODO: Use core/arg_def.
  #opts, argv = Options().parse_args(argv)

    action = argv[0]
  except IndexError:
    raise error.Usage('opy: Missing required subcommand.')

  argv = argv[1:]  # TODO: Should I do input.ReadRequiredArg()?
                   # That will shift the input.

  if action in (
      'parse', 'parse-with', 'compile', 'dis', 'ast', 'symbols', 'cfg',
      'compile-ovm', 'eval', 'repl', 'run', 'run-ovm'):
    loader = pyutil.GetResourceLoader()
    f = loader.open(GRAMMAR_REL_PATH)
    contents = f.read()
    gr = grammar.Grammar()

    # In Python 2 code, always use from __future__ import print_function.
      del gr.keywords["print"]
    except KeyError:

    symbols = Symbols(gr)
    pytree.Init(symbols)  # for type_repr() pretty printing
    transformer.Init(symbols)  # for _names and other dicts

    compiler = skeleton.Compiler(gr)
    # e.g. pgen2 doesn't use any of these.  Maybe we should make a different
    # tool.
    compiler = None

  # TODO: Also have a run_spec for 'opyc run'.
  compile_spec = arg_def.OilFlags('opy')
  compile_spec.Flag('-emit-docstring', args.Bool, default=True,
                    help='Whether to emit docstrings')
  compile_spec.Flag('-fast-ops', args.Bool, default=True,
                    help='Whether to emit LOAD_FAST, STORE_FAST, etc.')
  compile_spec.Flag('-oil-subset', args.Bool, default=False,
                    help='Only allow the constructs necessary to implement'
                    'Oil. Example: using multiple inheritance will abort '

  # Actions

  if action == 'pgen2':
    grammar_path = argv[0]
    marshal_path = argv[1]
    WriteGrammar(grammar_path, marshal_path)

  elif action == 'stdlib-parse':
    # This is what the compiler/ package was written against.
    import parser

    py_path = argv[1]
    with open(py_path) as f:
      st = parser.suite(f.read())

    tree = st.totuple()

    printer = TupleTreePrinter(HostStdlibNames())
    n = CountTupleTree(tree)
    log('COUNT %d', n)

  elif action == 'lex':
    py_path = argv[0]
    with open(py_path) as f:
      tokens = tokenize.generate_tokens(f.readline)
      for typ, val, start, end, unused_line in tokens:
        print('%10s %10s %-10s %r' % (start, end, token.tok_name[typ], val))

  elif action == 'lex-names':  # Print all the NAME tokens.
    for py_path in argv:
      log('Lexing %s', py_path)
      with open(py_path) as f:
        tokens = tokenize.generate_tokens(f.readline)
        for typ, val, start, end, unused_line in tokens:
          if typ == token.NAME:

  elif action == 'parse':
    py_path = argv[0]
    with open(py_path) as f:
      tokens = tokenize.generate_tokens(f.readline)
      p = parse.Parser(gr)
      pnode  = driver.PushTokens(p, tokens, gr, 'file_input')

    printer = ParseTreePrinter(transformer._names)  # print raw nodes

  # Parse with an arbitrary grammar, but the Python lexer.
  elif action == 'parse-with':
    grammar_path = argv[0]
    start_symbol = argv[1]
    code_str = argv[2]

    with open(grammar_path) as f:
      gr = pgen.MakeGrammar(f)

    f = cStringIO.StringIO(code_str)
    tokens = tokenize.generate_tokens(f.readline)
    p = parse.Parser(gr)  # no convert=
      pnode = driver.PushTokens(p, tokens, gr, start_symbol)
    except parse.ParseError as e:
      # Extract location information and show it.
      _, _, (lineno, offset) = e.opaque
      # extra line needed for '\n' ?
      lines = code_str.splitlines() + ['']

      line = lines[lineno-1]
      log('  %s', line)
      log('  %s^', ' '*offset)
      log('Parse Error: %s', e)
      return 1
    printer = ParseTreePrinter(transformer._names)  # print raw nodes

  elif action == 'ast':  # output AST
    opt, i = compile_spec.ParseArgv(argv)
    py_path = argv[i]
    with open(py_path) as f:
      graph = compiler.Compile(f, opt, 'exec', print_action='ast')

  elif action == 'symbols':  # output symbols
    opt, i = compile_spec.ParseArgv(argv)
    py_path = argv[i]
    with open(py_path) as f:
      graph = compiler.Compile(f, opt, 'exec', print_action='symbols')

  elif action == 'cfg':  # output Control Flow Graph
    opt, i = compile_spec.ParseArgv(argv)
    py_path = argv[i]
    with open(py_path) as f:
      graph = compiler.Compile(f, opt, 'exec', print_action='cfg')

  elif action == 'compile':  # 'opyc compile' is pgen2 + compiler2
    # spec.Arg('action', ['foo', 'bar'])
    # But that leads to some duplication.

    opt, i = compile_spec.ParseArgv(argv)

    py_path = argv[i]
    out_path = argv[i+1]

    with open(py_path) as f:
      co = compiler.Compile(f, opt, 'exec')

    log("Compiled to %d bytes of top-level bytecode", len(co.co_code))

    # Write the .pyc file
    with open(out_path, 'wb') as out_f:
      h = misc.getPycHeader(py_path)
      marshal.dump(co, out_f)

  elif action == 'compile-ovm':
    # NOTE: obsolete
    from ovm2 import oheap2
    opt, i = compile_spec.ParseArgv(argv)
    py_path = argv[i]
    out_path = argv[i+1]

    # Compile to Python bytecode (TODO: remove ovm_codegen.py)
    mode = 'exec'
    with open(py_path) as f:
      co = compiler.Compile(f, opt, mode)

    if 1:
      with open(out_path, 'wb') as out_f:
        oheap2.Write(co, out_f)
      return 0

    log("Compiled to %d bytes of top-level bytecode", len(co.co_code))
    # Write the .pyc file
    with open(out_path, 'wb') as out_f:
      if 1:
        h = misc.getPycHeader(py_path)
        marshal.dump(co, out_f)
    log('Wrote only the bytecode to %r', out_path)

  elif action == 'eval':  # Like compile, but parses to a code object and prints it
    opt, i = compile_spec.ParseArgv(argv)
    py_expr = argv[i]
    f = skeleton.StringInput(py_expr, '<eval input>')
    co = compiler.Compile(f, opt, 'eval')

    v = dis_tool.Visitor()

  elif action == 'repl':  # Like eval in a loop
    while True:
      py_expr = raw_input('opy> ')
      f = skeleton.StringInput(py_expr, '<REPL input>')

      # TODO: change this to 'single input'?  Why doesn't this work?
      co = compiler.Compile(f, opt, 'eval')

      v = dis_tool.Visitor()

  elif action == 'dis-tables':
    out_dir = argv[0]
    pyc_paths = argv[1:]

    out = TableOutput(out_dir)

    for pyc_path in pyc_paths:
      with open(pyc_path) as f:
        magic, unixtime, timestamp, code = dis_tool.unpack_pyc(f)
        WriteDisTables(pyc_path, code, out)


  elif action == 'dis':
    opt, i = compile_spec.ParseArgv(argv)
    path = argv[i]
    v = dis_tool.Visitor()

    if path.endswith('.py'):
      with open(path) as f:
        co = compiler.Compile(f, opt, 'exec')

      log("Compiled to %d bytes of top-level bytecode", len(co.co_code))

    else:  # assume pyc_path
      with open(path, 'rb') as f:

  elif action == 'dis-md5':
    pyc_paths = argv
    if not pyc_paths:
      raise error.Usage('dis-md5: At least one .pyc path is required.')

    for path in pyc_paths:
      h = hashlib.md5()
      with open(path) as f:
        magic = f.read(4)
        ignored_timestamp = f.read(4)
        while True:
          b = f.read(64 * 1024)
          if not b:
      print('%6d %s %s' % (os.path.getsize(path), h.hexdigest(), path))

  elif action == 'run':  # Compile and run, without writing pyc file
    # TODO: Add an option like -v in __main__

    #level = logging.DEBUG if args.verbose else logging.WARNING

    opt, i = compile_spec.ParseArgv(argv)

    py_path = argv[i]
    opy_argv = argv[i:]

    if py_path.endswith('.py'):
      with open(py_path) as f:
        co = compiler.Compile(f, opt, 'exec')
      num_ticks = execfile.run_code_object(co, opy_argv)

    elif py_path.endswith('.pyc') or py_path.endswith('.opyc'):
      with open(py_path) as f:
        f.seek(8)  # past header.  TODO: validate it!
        co = marshal.load(f)
      num_ticks = execfile.run_code_object(co, opy_argv)

      raise error.Usage('Invalid path %r' % py_path)

  elif action == 'run-ovm':  # Compile and run, without writing pyc file
    opt, i = compile_spec.ParseArgv(argv)
    py_path = argv[i]
    opy_argv = argv[i+1:]

    if py_path.endswith('.py'):
      #mode = 'exec'
      mode = 'ovm'  # OVM bytecode is different!
      with open(py_path) as f:
        co = compiler.Compile(f, opt, mode)
      log('Compiled to %d bytes of OVM code', len(co.co_code))
      num_ticks = ovm.run_code_object(co, opy_argv)

    elif py_path.endswith('.pyc') or py_path.endswith('.opyc'):
      with open(py_path) as f:
        f.seek(8)  # past header.  TODO: validate it!
        co = marshal.load(f)
      num_ticks = ovm.run_code_object(co, opy_argv)

      raise error.Usage('Invalid path %r' % py_path)

    raise error.Usage('Invalid action %r' % action)