예제 #1
def load_standard_tableau(verbose=False):
    Returns the tableau form of the system stored in the container for
    double precision coefficients.
    from phcpy.phcpy2c2 import py2c_tabform_load_standard_tableau as load
    neq, nvr, nbterms, coefficients, exponents = load(int(verbose))
    nbt = eval(nbterms)
    cff = eval(coefficients)
    xps = eval(exponents)
    xpsidx = 0
    cffidx = 0
    tableau = []
    for i in range(neq):
        pol = []
        for j in range(nbt[i]):
            trm = []
            for k in range(nvr):
                xpsidx = xpsidx + 1
            cfftrm = complex(cff[cffidx], cff[cffidx + 1])
            cffidx = cffidx + 2
            pol.append((cfftrm, tuple(trm)))
    return (neq, nvr, tableau)
예제 #2
def retrieve_quaddobl_tropism(dim, idx):
    Returns the winding number, coordinates of the direction, and its error,
    stored in double precision, of dimension dim, and index idx.
    The index must be in the range 1..quaddobl_size().
    Observe that the index counter starts at one and not at zero.
    from ast import literal_eval
    from phcpy.phcpy2c2 import py2c_numbtrop_quaddobl_retrieve_tropism as load

    (fail, wnd, strdata) = load(dim, idx)
    data = literal_eval(strdata)
    dir = [data[k] for k in range(4 * dim)]
    err = [data[4 * dim], data[4 * dim + 1], data[4 * dim + 2], data[4 * dim + 3]]
    return (wnd, dir, err)
예제 #3
def retrieve_dobldobl_tropism(dim, idx):
    Returns the winding number, coordinates of the direction, and its error,
    stored in double precision, of dimension *dim*, and index *idx*.
    The index *idx* must be in the range 1..dobldobl_size().
    Observe that the index counter starts at one and not at zero.
    from ast import literal_eval
    from phcpy.phcpy2c2 \
    import py2c_numbtrop_dobldobl_retrieve_tropism as load
    (fail, wnd, strdata) = load(dim, idx)
    data = literal_eval(strdata)
    dir = [data[k] for k in range(2 * dim)]
    err = [data[2 * dim], data[2 * dim + 1]]
    return (wnd, dir, err)
예제 #4
def retrieve_standard_tropism(dim, idx):
    Returns the winding number, coordinates of the direction, and its error,
    stored in double precision, of dimension *dim*, and index *idx*.
    The index *idx* must be in the range 1..standard_size().
    Observe that the index counter starts at one and not at zero.
    from ast import literal_eval
    from phcpy.phcpy2c2 \
    import py2c_numbtrop_standard_retrieve_tropism as load
    (fail, wnd, strdata) = load(dim, idx)
    data = literal_eval(strdata)
    dir = [data[k] for k in range(dim)]
    err = data[dim]
    return (wnd, dir, err)
예제 #5
def quaddobl_retrieve(nbt, dim):
    Given on input the number of tropisms in *nbt* and the dimension in *dim*,
    returns a tuple of three lists: the winding numbers, coordinates of
    the direction vectors, and the errrors; in quad double precision.
    from ast import literal_eval
    from phcpy.phcpy2c2 import py2c_numbtrop_quaddobl_retrieve as load
    (fail, strdata) = load(nbt, dim)
    data = literal_eval(strdata)
    wnd = [int(data[k]) for k in range(nbt)]
    dirs = []
    for i in range(nbt):
        dirs.append([data[nbt + i * 4 * dim + j] for j in range(4 * dim)])
    err = [data[nbt * (4 * dim + 1) + k] for k in range(4 * nbt)]
    return (wnd, dirs, err)
예제 #6
def quaddobl_retrieve(nbt, dim):
    Given on input the number of tropisms in *nbt* and the dimension in *dim*,
    returns a tuple of three lists: the winding numbers, coordinates of
    the direction vectors, and the errrors; in quad double precision.
    from ast import literal_eval
    from phcpy.phcpy2c2 import py2c_numbtrop_quaddobl_retrieve as load
    (fail, strdata) = load(nbt, dim)
    data = literal_eval(strdata)
    wnd = [int(data[k]) for k in range(nbt)]
    dirs = []
    for i in range(nbt):
        dirs.append([data[nbt+i*4*dim+j] for j in range(4*dim)])
    err = [data[nbt*(4*dim+1)+k] for k in range(4*nbt)]
    return (wnd, dirs, err)