예제 #1
def conjugate_gradient(function, y, x0, accuracy=1e-5, max_iterations=1000, back_prop=False):
    Solve the linear system of equations `A·x=y`  using the conjugate gradient (CG) algorithm.
    A, x and y can have arbitrary matching shapes, i.e. this method can be used to solve vector and matrix equations.

    Since representing the matrix A in memory might not be feasible, a linear function of x can be specified that computes `function(x) = Ax`.

    The implementation is based on https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/jres/049/jresv49n6p409_A1b.pdf

    :param y: Desired output of `f(x)`
    :param function: linear function of x that returns A·x
    :param x0: initial guess for the value of x
    :param accuracy: (optional) the algorithm terminates once |f(x)-y| ≤ accuracy for every entry. If None, the algorithm runs until `max_iterations` is reached.
    :param max_iterations: (optional) maximum number of CG iterations to perform
    :param back_prop: Whether to enable auto-differentiation. This induces a memory cost scaling with the number of iterations. Otherwise, the memory cost is constant.
    :return: Pair containing the result for x and the number of iterations performed
    y = math.to_float(y)
    x0 = math.to_float(x0)
    dx0 = residual0 = y - function(x0)
    dy0 = function(dx0)
    non_batch_dims = tuple(range(1, len(y.shape)))

    def cg_loop(x, dx, dy, residual, iterations):
        dx_dy = math.sum(dx * dy, axis=non_batch_dims, keepdims=True)
        step_size = math.divide_no_nan(math.sum(dx * residual, axis=non_batch_dims, keepdims=True), dx_dy)
        x += step_size * dx
        residual -= step_size * dy
        dx = residual - math.divide_no_nan(math.sum(residual * dy, axis=non_batch_dims, keepdims=True) * dx, dx_dy)
        dy = function(dx)
        return [x, dx, dy, residual, iterations + 1]

    x_, _, _, residual_, iterations_ = math.while_loop(_max_residual_condition(3, accuracy), cg_loop, [x0, dx0, dy0, residual0, 0], back_prop=back_prop, name="ConjGrad", maximum_iterations=max_iterations)
    return SolveResult(iterations_, x_, residual_)
예제 #2
def broyden(function, x0, inv_J0, accuracy=1e-5, max_iterations=1000, back_prop=False):
    Broyden's method for finding a root of the given function.
    Given a function `f: R^n -> R^n`, it finds an x such that `f(x)=0` within the specified `accuracy`.

    Boryden's method does not require explicit computations of the Jacobian except for the initial inverse `inv_J0`.

    :param function: Differentiable black-box function mapping from tensors like x0 to tensors like y
    :param x0: initial guess for x
    :param inv_J0: Approximation of the inverse Jacobian matrix of f at x0. The closer this is to the true matrix, the fewer iterations will be required.
    :param max_iterations: (optional) maximum number of CG iterations to perform
    :param back_prop: Whether to enable auto-differentiation. This induces a memory cost scaling with the number of iterations. Otherwise, the memory cost is constant.
    :param accuracy: (optional) the algorithm terminates once |f(x)| ≤ accuracy for every entry. If None, the algorithm runs until `max_iterations` is reached.
    :return: list of SolveResults with [0] being the forward solve result, [1] backward solve result (will be added once backward pass is computed)
    :rtype: SolveResult
    x0 = math.to_float(x0)
    y0 = function(x0)
    inv_J0 = math.to_float(inv_J0)

    def broyden_loop(x, y, inv_J, iterations):
        # --- Adjust our guess for x ---
        dx = - math.einsum('bij,bj->bi', inv_J, y)  # - J^-1 * y
        next_x = x + dx
        next_y = function(next_x)
        df = next_y - y
        dy_back_projected = math.einsum('bij,bj->bi', inv_J, df)
        # --- Approximate next inverted Jacobian ---
        numerator = math.einsum('bi,bj,bjk->bik', dx - dy_back_projected, dx, inv_J)  # (dx - J^-1 * df) * dx^T * J^-1
        denominator = math.einsum('bi,bi->b', dx, dy_back_projected)  # dx^T * J^-1 * df
        next_inv_J = inv_J + numerator / denominator
        return [next_x, next_y, next_inv_J, iterations + 1]

    x_, y_, _, iterations = math.while_loop(_max_residual_condition(1, accuracy), broyden_loop, [x0, y0, inv_J0, 0], back_prop=back_prop, name='Broyden', maximum_iterations=max_iterations)
    return SolveResult(iterations, x_, y_)
예제 #3
def conjugate_gradient(k,
    Solve the linear system of equations Ax=k using the conjugate gradient (CG) algorithm.
    The implementation is based on https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/jres/049/jresv49n6p409_A1b.pdf

    :param k: Right-hand-side vector
    :param apply_A: function that takes x and calculates Ax
    :param initial_x: initial guess for the value of x
    :param accuracy: the algorithm terminates once |Ax-k| ≤ accuracy for every element. If None, the algorithm runs until max_iterations is reached.
    :param max_iterations: maximum number of CG iterations to perform
    :return: Pair containing the result for x and the number of iterations performed
    # Get momentum = k - Ax
    if initial_x is None:
        x = math.zeros_like(k)
        momentum = k
        x = initial_x
        momentum = k - apply_A(x)
    # Further Variables
    residual = momentum  # residual is previous momentum
    laplace_momentum = apply_A(momentum)  # = A*momentum
    loop_index = 0  # initial
    # Pack Variables for loop
    variables = [x, momentum, laplace_momentum, residual, loop_index]
    # Ensure to run until desired accuracy is achieved
    if accuracy is not None:

        def loop_condition(_1, _2, _3, residual, _i):
            '''continue if the maximum deviation from zero is bigger than desired accuracy'''
            return math.max(math.abs(residual)) >= accuracy

        def loop_condition(*_args):
            return True

    non_batch_dims = tuple(range(1, len(k.shape)))

    def loop_body(pressure, momentum, A_times_momentum, residual, loop_index):
        iteratively solve for:
        x : pressure
        momentum : momentum
        laplace_momentum : A_times_momentum
        residual : residual
        tmp = math.sum(momentum * A_times_momentum,
                       keepdims=True)  # t = sum(mAm)
        a = math.divide_no_nan(
            math.sum(momentum * residual, axis=non_batch_dims, keepdims=True),
            tmp)  # a = sum(mr)/sum(mAm)
        pressure += a * momentum  # p += am
        residual -= a * A_times_momentum  # r -= aAm
        momentum = residual - math.divide_no_nan(
            math.sum(residual * A_times_momentum,
                     keepdims=True) * momentum,
            tmp)  # m = r-sum(rAm)*m/t = r-sum(rAm)*m/sum(mAm)
        A_times_momentum = apply_A(momentum)  # Am = A*m
        return [pressure, momentum, A_times_momentum, residual, loop_index + 1]

    x, momentum, laplace_momentum, residual, loop_index = math.while_loop(

    return x, loop_index