예제 #1
def state_wait_exit(win):
    win_rect = win.get_rect()
    text = "Get Ready!"

    # Get best font size according to window size
    font = fonts.get_pygame_font(text, fonts.CURRENT,
                                 win_rect.width//1.5, win_rect.height//1.5)

    # Build a surface to display at screen
    text_surface = font.render(text, True, win.text_color)

    # Clear screen
    if isinstance(win.bg_color, (tuple, list)):
        bg_surface = pictures.get_pygame_image(win.bg_color, win_rect.size, crop=True, color=None)
        win.surface.blit(bg_surface, (0, 0))

    # Draw the surface at screen
    win.surface.blit(text_surface, text_surface.get_rect(center=win_rect.center).topleft)

    # Force screen update and events process

    # Wait 1s
예제 #2
파일: __init__.py 프로젝트: sravel/pibooth
def get_pygame_layout_image(text_color, bg_color, layout_number, size):
    """Generate the layout image with the corresponding text.

    :param text_color: RGB color for texts
    :type text_color: tuple
    :param layout_number: number of captures on the layout
    :type layout_number: int
    :param size: maximum size of the layout surface
    :type size: tuple

    :return: surface
    :rtype: :py:class:`pygame.Surface`
    layout_image = get_pygame_image("layout{0}.png".format(layout_number),
                                    size, color=text_color, bg_color=bg_color)
    text = language.get_translated_text(str(layout_number))
    if text:
        rect = layout_image.get_rect()
        rect = pygame.Rect(rect.x + rect.width * 0.3 / 2,
                           rect.y + rect.height * 0.76,
                           rect.width * 0.7, rect.height * 0.20)
        text_font = fonts.get_pygame_font(text, fonts.CURRENT, rect.width, rect.height)
        surface = text_font.render(text, True, bg_color)
        layout_image.blit(surface, surface.get_rect(center=rect.center))
    return layout_image
예제 #3
 def write_text(self, pos=None):
     """Update text surfaces
     self._texts = []
     text = get_translated_text(self._name)
     if text:
         if not pos:
             pos = self._rect.center
         rect_x = 0.9 * min(2 * pos[0], 2 * (self._rect.width - pos[0]))
         rect_y = 0.9 * min(2 * pos[1], 2 * (self._rect.height - pos[1]))
         text_font = get_pygame_font(text, fonts.CURRENT, rect_x, rect_y)
         surface = text_font.render(text, True, self._text_color)
         self._texts.append((surface, surface.get_rect(center=pos)))
예제 #4
def multiline_text_to_surfaces(text, color, rect, align='center'):
    """Return a list of surfaces corresponding to each line of the text.
    The surfaces are next to each others in order to fit the given rect.

    The ``align`` parameter can be one of:
       * top-left
       * top-center
       * top-right
       * center-left
       * center
       * center-right
       * bottom-left
       * bottom-center
       * bottom-right
    surfaces = []
    lines = text.splitlines()

    font = fonts.get_pygame_font(max(lines, key=len), fonts.CURRENT,
                                 rect.width, rect.height / len(lines))
    for i, line in enumerate(lines):
        surface = font.render(line, True, color)

        if align.endswith('left'):
            x = rect.left
        elif align.endswith('center'):
            x = rect.centerx - surface.get_rect().width / 2
        elif align.endswith('right'):
            x = rect.right - surface.get_rect().width / 2
            raise ValueError("Invalid horizontal alignment '{}'".format(align))

        height = surface.get_rect().height
        if align.startswith('top'):
            y = rect.top + i * height
        elif align.startswith('center'):
            y = rect.centery - len(lines) * height / 2 + i * height
        elif align.startswith('bottom'):
            y = rect.bottom - (len(lines) - i) * height
            raise ValueError("Invalid vertical alignment '{}'".format(align))

        surfaces.append((surface, surface.get_rect(x=x, y=y)))
    return surfaces