예제 #1
from html_telegraph_poster import TelegraphPoster
import yaml
from telegram_util import matchKey, log_on_fail, log, tryDelete, autoDestroy, getBasicLog
import plain_db
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import album_sender

with open('token') as f:
    tele = Updater(f.read().strip(), use_context=True)

debug_group = tele.bot.get_chat(420074357)
info_log = tele.bot.get_chat(-1001436325054)

no_auth_link_users = [-1001399998441]  # prevent token leak through @web_record

no_source_link = plain_db.loadKeyOnlyDB('no_source_link')
remove_origin = plain_db.loadKeyOnlyDB('remove_origin')

with open('telegraph_tokens') as f:
    telegraph_tokens = {}
    for k, v in yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader).items():
        telegraph_tokens[int(k)] = v

def saveTelegraphTokens():
    with open('telegraph_tokens', 'w') as f:
        f.write(yaml.dump(telegraph_tokens, sort_keys=True, indent=2))

def getSource(msg):
    if msg.from_user:
예제 #2
import plain_db
import webgram
from telegram_util import matchKey, log_on_fail
from common import isSimplified, log_call, debug_group, sendDebugMessage
import time

blocklist = plain_db.loadKeyOnlyDB('blocklist')
channels = plain_db.loadLargeDB('channels', isIntValue = True, default = 100)
index = plain_db.loadLargeDB('index')
maintext = plain_db.loadLargeDB('maintext')
timestamp = plain_db.loadLargeDB('timestamp', isIntValue = True)
channelrefer = plain_db.loadKeyOnlyDB('channelrefer')
suspect = plain_db.loadKeyOnlyDB('suspect')

status = {}

def setBadWord(text):

def setChannelScore(text):
	score = int(text.split()[-1])
	text = text.split()[0].strip('/').split('/')[-1]
	channels.update(text, score)

def updateChannel(name, referer):
	referer_score = channels.get(referer)
	if (referer_score < 0 or 
		channels.get(name) < referer_score + 1):
	channels.update(name, referer_score + 1)
	channelrefer.add(name + ':' + referer)
예제 #3
파일: db.py 프로젝트: gaoyunzhi/twitter_bot
        for key in list(result):
            if isinstance(key, str) and matchKey(key, ['filter']):
        final_result = []
        for key in result:
            if isinstance(key, int):
                final_result = [key] + final_result
        return final_result

    def hasMasterFilter(self, chat_id):
        return 'hasMasterFilter' in self._db[chat_id]

    def hasUserFilter(self, chat_id):
        return 'hasUserFilter' in self._db[chat_id]

    def save(self):
        with open('db/subscription', 'w') as f:

blocklist = plain_db.loadKeyOnlyDB('blocklist')
existing = plain_db.loadKeyOnlyDB('existing')
log_existing = plain_db.loadKeyOnlyDB('log_existing')
subscription = Subscription()
예제 #4
파일: test.py 프로젝트: gaoyunzhi/plain_db
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import plain_db
# counter = plain_db.load('counter')
# counter.update('abc', 2)
# counter.inc('abc', 1)
# print(counter.get('abc')) # 3
# print(counter.get('ab')) # None

existing = plain_db.loadKeyOnlyDB('existing')
# print(existing.items())
# print(existing.add(1))
# print(existing.add(1))
# print(existing.add(2))
# existing.remove(2)

# f = plain_db.loadLargeDB('index1', isIntValue=True, default=5)
# print(f.items())
# f.update('1', 5)
# f.update('4', 1)
# f.update('3', 9)
# print(f.items())
# print(f.get('6'))
# plain_db.cleanupLargeDB('index1')
# f.save_dont_call_in_prod()

# rating = plain_db.loadLargeDB('rating', isIntValue = True, default = 0)
# rating.update('1', 0)
# rating.update('2', 1)
예제 #5
from telegram_util import matchKey, getDisplayUser, cnWordCount, isCN
import plain_db

allowlist = plain_db.loadKeyOnlyDB('allowlist')
kicklist = plain_db.loadKeyOnlyDB('kicklist')
mutelist = plain_db.loadKeyOnlyDB('mutelist')
all_chat_ids = plain_db.loadKeyOnlyDB('all_chat_ids')
blocklist = plain_db.LargeDB('blocklist', isIntValue=True)

def addBlocklist(text):
    text = text.strip()
    if not text or len(text) < 2:
        return 'no action'
    text = text.lower()
    blocklist.update(text, 6)
    return 'success'

def badTextScore(text):
    if not text:
        return 0, []
    result = {}
    for key, score in blocklist.items() + [(item, 10)
                                           for item in kicklist.items()]:
        if key.lower() in text.lower():
            result[key] = score
    return sum(result.values()), result

def badText(text):
예제 #6
import export_to_telegraph
from html_telegraph_poster import TelegraphPoster
import yaml
from telegram_util import matchKey, log_on_fail, log, tryDelete
import plain_db

with open('CREDENTIALS') as f:
    CREDENTIALS = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
tele = Updater(CREDENTIALS['bot_token'], use_context=True)

debug_group = tele.bot.get_chat(420074357)

no_auth_link_users = [-1001399998441]

no_source_link = plain_db.loadKeyOnlyDB('no_source_link')

with open('TELEGRAPH_TOKENS') as f:
	for k, v in yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader).items():
		TELEGRAPH_TOKENS[int(k)] = v

def saveTelegraphTokens():
	with open('TELEGRAPH_TOKENS', 'w') as f:
		f.write(yaml.dump(TELEGRAPH_TOKENS, sort_keys=True, indent=2))

def getSource(msg):
	if msg.from_user:
		return msg.from_user.id, msg.from_user.first_name, msg.from_user.username
	return msg.chat_id, msg.chat.title, msg.chat.username
예제 #7
import plain_db
from telegram_util import isInt
import yaml
import weiboo

existing = plain_db.loadKeyOnlyDB('existing')
blocklist = plain_db.loadKeyOnlyDB('blocklist')
popularlist = plain_db.loadKeyOnlyDB('popularlist')
weibo_name = plain_db.load('weibo_name', isIntValue=False)

def searchUser(text):
	for key, value in weibo_name.items.items():
		if text in [key, value]:
			return key, value
	result = weiboo.searchUser(text)
	if result:
		weibo_name.update(result[0], result[1])
	return result

def clearText(text):
	text = text.split('?')[0]
	return text.strip('/').split('/')[-1]

def getMatches(text):
	if not text:
		return []
	text = clearText(text)
	user = searchUser(text)
	if user:
		return user
	return [text]
예제 #8
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from telegram_util import log_on_fail, matchKey, getMatchedKey
import twitter_2_album
import album_sender
from db import existing, blocklist
from common import debug_group, twitterApi, bot
from util import getHash, getCount
import plain_db

channel = bot.getChat(-1001401112463)
keywords = plain_db.loadKeyOnlyDB('keywords')
queue = [('hometimeline', 200)]
existed_keys = set([None])

def getSearchResult(key, count):
    if key == 'hometimeline':
        return twitterApi.home_timeline(count=count)
    return twitterApi.user_timeline(user_id=key, count=count)

def shouldSendAlbum(channel, album):
    thash = str(''.join(album.cap[:20].split())) + str(channel.id)
    if not existing.add(thash):
        return False
    if album.video or album.imgs:
        return True
    return len(album.cap) > 20
예제 #9
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from telegram.ext import Updater, MessageHandler, Filters
from telegram_util import log_on_fail, splitCommand, matchKey
import random
import threading
import plain_db

with open('credential') as f:
    token = f.read().strip()

tele = Updater(token, use_context=True)  # @channel_push_bot
debug_group = tele.bot.get_chat(420074357)
channel_push = tele.bot.get_chat('@channel_push')
channels = plain_db.loadKeyOnlyDB('existing')
recent = plain_db.loadKeyOnlyDB('recent')

def handlePrivate(update, context):
    msg = update.effective_message
    if msg.chat.id != debug_group.id:
    command, text = splitCommand(msg.text)
    if matchKey(command, ['remove']):
        result = channels.remove(text)
        msg.reply_text('Removed ' + str(result))
    count = 0
    for piece in msg.text.split():
import telepost
from telegram_util import getWid, matchKey
import time
import cached_url
import yaml
import random
import plain_db
import os

blocklist = plain_db.loadKeyOnlyDB('blocklist')

DAYS = 365
channels = [
    'daily_feminist', 'freedom_watch', 'queer_liberation',
    'life_with_disabilities', 'labor_one'

freq_count = {}
name = {}
description = {}

def process(status):
    user = status.get('user')
    if not user:
    user_id = user.get('id')
    if not user_id:
    name[user_id] = user.get('screen_name')
    description[user_id] = user.get('description').encode(
예제 #11
import web_2_album
import weibo_2_album
import twitter_2_album
import album_sender
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import plain_db
import threading

with open('CREDENTIALS') as f:
	CREDENTIALS = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
tele = Updater(CREDENTIALS['bot_token'], use_context=True)

debug_group = tele.bot.get_chat(420074357)
info_log = tele.bot.get_chat(-1001439828294)
waitlist_log = tele.bot.get_chat(-1001345995889)
remove_origin = plain_db.loadKeyOnlyDB('remove_origin')

def getUrl(msg):
	if matchKey(msg.text_html_urled, ['source</a>']):
	if (matchKey(msg.text_html_urled, 
			['mp.weixin.qq.com', 'telegra.ph']) 
			and msg.chat.username == 'web_record'):
	soup = BeautifulSoup(msg.text_html_urled, 'html.parser')
	for item in soup.find_all('a'):
		if 'http' in item.get('href'):
			return item.get('href')

def getResult(url, text, origin):
	ranks = [web_2_album]