예제 #1
 def leaf_example_rtp(self):
     """ an example used in the tests below, a main leaf with laterals """
     self.plant = pb.Organism(
     )  # store organism (not owned by Organ, or OrganRandomParameter)
     p0 = pb.LeafRandomParameter(self.plant)
     p0.name, p0.subType, p0.la, p0.lb, p0.lmax, p0.ln, p0.r, p0.dx = "main", 1, 1, 10, 100, (
         89. / 19.), 1, 0.5
     p0.successor = [3]
     p0.successorP = [1.]
     p1 = pb.LeafRandomParameter(self.plant)
     p1.name, p1.subType, p1.la, p1.ln, p1.r, p1.dx = "lateral", 3, 25, 0, 2, 0.1
     self.p0, self.p1 = p0, p1  # needed at later point
         p0)  # the organism manages the type parameters and takes ownership
     # TODO (first node is not set, if seed is used)
     self.seed = pb.Seed(
         self.plant)  # store parent (not owned by child Organ)
     param0 = p0.realize()  # set up leaf by hand (without a leaf syleaf)
     param0.la, param0.lb = 0, 0  # its important parent has zero length, otherwise creation times are messed up
     parentleaf = pb.Leaf(1, param0, True, True, 0., 0.,
                          pb.Vector3d(0, 0, -1), 0, 0, False,
                          0)  # takes ownership of param0
     parentleaf.addNode(pb.Vector3d(0, 0, -3),
                        0)  # there is no nullptr in Python
     self.parentleaf = parentleaf  # store parent (not owned by child Organ)
     self.leaf = pb.Leaf(self.plant, p0.subType, pb.Vector3d(0, 0, -1), 0,
                         self.parentleaf, 0, 0)
예제 #2
 def test_toString(self):
     """ tests toString() """
     self.lrp = pb.LeafRandomParameter(pb.Organism())
     lrp = self.lrp  # rename
     lrp.name = "the leaf"
     self.assertEqual(lrp.__str__(False), "name: the leaf, organType: 4, subType: -1.", "toString: value unexpected")
예제 #3
 def test_leaf_geometry(self):
     """ tests if a leaf geometry can be set"""
     self.plant = pb.Organism()
     lrp = pb.LeafRandomParameter(self.plant)
     lrp.la = 3.5
     lrp.lb = 1.
     lrp.ln = 3.
     lrp.lmax = lrp.la + lrp.lb + lrp.ln
     lrp.areaMax = 10  
     """ radial geometry """
     y = np.array([-3, -3 * 0.7, 0., 3.5 * 0.7, 3.5])
     l = np.array([0., 2.2 * 0.7, 1.7, 1.8 * 0.7, 0.])
     N = 105  # N is rather high for testing
     lrp.createLeafGeometry(y, l, N)  
     self.assertEqual(lrp.leafMid(), 3., "unexpected leaf mid")
     self.assertEqual(lrp.leafLength(), 6.5, "unexpected leaf length")        
     y_ = np.linspace(0, lrp.leafLength(), N)
     geom = lrp.leafGeometry
     x_ = np.array([ x[-1] for x in geom])
     self.assertEqual(x_.shape[0], y_.shape[0], "leaf geometry has wrong size");
     a = lrp.areaMax / lrp.leafLength()  
     self.assertAlmostEqual(2 * np.sum(x_) / N * a * lrp.leafLength(), lrp.areaMax , 2, "xml: value unexpected")     
     plt.plot(x_ * a, y_, "g-*")
     plt.plot(-x_ * a, y_, "g-*")
     plt.ylim([0, 7])
     plt.xlim([-2, 2])
예제 #4
    def test_leaf(self):
        """ leaf without lateral leafs """
        ons = pb.Matrix3d(pb.Vector3d(0., 0., 1.), pb.Vector3d(0., 1., 0.), pb.Vector3d(1., 0., 0.))
        plant = pb.Plant()  # store organism (not owned by Organ, or OrganRandomParameter)
        p0 = pb.LeafRandomParameter(plant)
        p0.name, p0.subType, p0.la, p0.lb, p0.lmax, p0.ln, p0.r, p0.dx = "leaf", 1, 3.5, 1., 7.5, 3, 1, 0.1   
        phi = np.array([-90, -45, 0., 45, 90]) / 180. * np.pi
        l = np.array([3, 2.2, 1.7, 2, 3.5])
        N = 100  # N is rather high for testing
        p0.createLeafRadialGeometry(phi, l, N)            
#         y = np.array([-3, -3 * 0.7, 0., 3.5 * 0.7, 3.5])
#         l = np.array([0., 2.2 * 0.7, 1.7, 1.8 * 0.7, 0.])
#         N = 105  # N is rather high for testing
#         p0.createLeafGeometry(y, l, N)   
        plant.setOrganRandomParameter(p0)  # the organism manages the type parameters and takes ownership        
        # because we cannot pass a nullptr to pb.Leaf(...) L48
        param0 = p0.realize()  # set up leaf by hand (without a leaf syleaf)
        param0.la, param0.lb = 0, 0  # its important parent has zero length, otherwise creation times are messed up
        parentleaf = pb.Leaf(1, param0, True, True, 0., 0., ons, 0, False, 0)  # takes ownership of param0
        parentleaf.addNode(pb.Vector3d(0, 0, -3), 0)  # there is no nullptr in Python   

        leaf = pb.Leaf(plant, p0.subType, ons, 0, parentleaf , 0)
예제 #5
 def leaf_example(self):
     self.plant = pb.Organism()
     self.lrp = pb.LeafRandomParameter(self.plant)
     self.lrp.la = 1.5
     self.lrp.lb = 5.5
     self.lrp.ln = 1.25
     self.lrp.lns = 0.12
     self.lrp.lmax = 7 * self.lrp.ln + self.lrp.la + self.lrp.lb
     self.lrp.subType = 1
예제 #6
 def test_constructors(self):
     """ tests constructor and copy """
     plant = pb.Organism()
     otp = pb.LeafRandomParameter(plant)
     otp.theta = 123
     otp.thetas = 456
     otp.gf = 789
     otp2 = otp.copy(plant)
     self.assertIsNot(otp, otp2, "copy: organ type parameter set is not copied")
     self.assertEqual(otp2.name, otp.name, "copy: value unexpected")
     self.assertEqual(otp2.organType, otp.organType, "copy: value unexpected")
     self.assertEqual(otp2.subType, otp.subType, "copy: value unexpected")
     self.assertEqual(otp2.a, otp.a, "copy: value unexpected")
     self.assertEqual(otp2.theta, otp.theta, "copy: value unexpected")
     self.assertEqual(otp2.thetas, otp.thetas, "copy: value unexpected")
     self.assertEqual(otp2.gf, otp.gf, "copy: value unexpected")
예제 #7
    def test_radial_leaf_geometry(self):
        """ tests if a radial leaf geometry can be set"""
        self.plant = pb.Organism()
        lrp = pb.LeafRandomParameter(self.plant)
        lrp.la = 3.5
        lrp.lb = 1.
        lrp.ln = 3.
        lrp.lmax = lrp.la + lrp.lb + lrp.ln  
        lrp.areaMax = 50  
#         """ radial geometry """
#         phi = np.array([-90, -45, 0., 45, 90]) / 180. * np.pi
#         l = np.array([3, 2.2, 1.7, 2, 3.5])
#         N = 105  # N is rather high for testing                
#         lrp.createLeafRadialGeometry(phi, l, N)
        lrp.la, lrp.lb, lrp.lmax, lrp.ln, lrp.r, lrp.dx = 5, 1, 11, 5, 1, 0.5
        phi = np.array([-90., -67.5, -45, -22.5, 0, 22.5, 45, 67.5, 90]) / 180. * np.pi
        l = np.array([5., 1, 5, 1, 5, 1, 5, 1, 5])
        assert(l.shape == phi.shape)
        N = 500  # N is rather high for testing
        lrp.createLeafRadialGeometry(phi, l, N)          
        # self.assertEqual(lrp.leafMid(), 3., "unexpected leaf mid")
        # self.assertEqual(lrp.leafLength(), 6.5, "unexpected leaf length")        
        yy = np.linspace(0, lrp.leafLength(), N)
        geom = lrp.leafGeometry

        x_, y_ = [], []
        for i, x in enumerate(geom):
#             if len(x) > 1:
#                 print(len(x), x, [yy[i]] * len(x))
#             if len(x) == 1:
#                 print(len(x), x, [yy[i]] * len(x))
            y_.extend([yy[i]] * len(x))        
        x_ = np.array(x_)
        y_ = np.array(y_)
        # self.assertEqual(x_.shape[0], y_.shape[0], "leaf geometry has wrong size");
        a = lrp.areaMax / lrp.leafLength()  
        # self.assertAlmostEqual(2 * np.sum(x_) / N * a * lrp.leafLength(), lrp.areaMax , 2, "xml: value unexpected")     
        plt.plot(x_ * a, y_, "g*")
        plt.plot(-x_ * a, y_, "g*")
        plt.ylim([0, 10])
        plt.xlim([-7.5, 7.5])      
예제 #8
 def test_xml(self):
     """ write the organ as xml, and rereads it """
     otp = self.lrp  # rename
     otp.name = "lateral"
     otp.subType = 1
     otp.lmax = 17;
     otp2 = pb.LeafRandomParameter(self.plant)
     self.assertEqual(otp2.name, otp.name, "xml: value unexpected")
     self.assertEqual(otp2.organType, otp.organType, "xml: value unexpected")
     self.assertEqual(otp2.subType, otp.subType, "xml: value unexpected")
     self.assertEqual(otp2.lmax, otp.lmax, "xml: value unexpected")  # value
     self.assertEqual(otp2.lns, otp.lns, "xml: value unexpected")  # dev
     for i in range(0, 3):
         self.assertEqual(otp2.successor[i], otp.successor[i], "xml: value unexpected")
     for i in range(0, 3):
         self.assertAlmostEqual(otp2.successorP[i], otp.successorP[i], 7, "xml: value unexpected")
예제 #9
 def test_parameter(self):
     """ tests getParameter() """
     lrp = pb.LeafRandomParameter(pb.Organism())
     lrp.lns = 0.123
     lrp.la = 12
     ot = lrp.getParameter("organType")  # test defaults
     st = lrp.getParameter("subType")
     gf = lrp.getParameter("gf")
     ln = lrp.getParameter("ln")
     lns = lrp.getParameter("ln_dev")
     la = lrp.getParameter("la_mean")  # we can always add "_mean" to avoid naming conflicts
     self.assertEqual(ot, 4., "getParameter: value unexpected")
     self.assertEqual(st, -1., "getParameter: value unexpected")
     self.assertEqual(gf, 1., "getParameter: value unexpected")
     self.assertEqual(ln, 1., "getParameter: value unexpected")
     self.assertEqual(lns, 0.123, "getParameter: value unexpected")
     self.assertEqual(la, 12, "getParameter: value unexpected")
     lrp.theta = 123  # change values
     lrp.thetas = 456
     theta = lrp.getParameter("theta")
     thetas = lrp.getParameter("theta_dev")
     self.assertEqual(theta, 123, "getParameter: value unexpected")
     self.assertEqual(thetas, 456, "getParameter: value unexpected")
def create_basil():
	plant = pb.Plant()
	p0 = pb.RootRandomParameter(plant)  # with default values,
	p1 = pb.RootRandomParameter(plant)  # all standard deviations are 0
	s2 = pb.StemRandomParameter(plant)
	s3 = pb.StemRandomParameter(plant)
	l1 = pb.LeafRandomParameter(plant)

	p0.name = "taproot"
	p0.a = 0.2  # [cm] radius
	p0.subType = 1  # [-] index starts at 1
	p0.lb = 5  # [cm] basal zone
	p0.la = 10  # [cm] apical zone
	p0.lmax = 30  # [cm] maximal root length, number of lateral branching nodes = round((lmax-lb-la)/ln) + 1
	p0.ln = 1.  # [cm] inter-lateral distance (16 branching nodes)
	p0.theta = 0.  # [rad]
	p0.r = 1  # [cm/day] initial growth rate
	p0.dx = 10  # [cm] axial resolution
	p0.successor = [2]  # add successors
	p0.successorP = [1]  # probability that successor emerges
	p0.tropismT = pb.TropismType.gravi  #
	p0.tropismN = 1.8  # [-] strength of tropism
	p0.tropismS = 0.2  # [rad/cm] maximal bending

	p1.name = "lateral"
	p1.a = 0.1  # [cm] radius
	p1.subType = 2  # [1] index starts at 1
	p1.lmax = 15  # # [cm] apical zone
	p1.lmaxs = 0.15  # [cm] standard deviation of the apical zone
	p1.theta = 90. / 180. * np.pi  # [rad]
	p1.r = 2  # initial growth rate
	p1.dx = 1  # [cm] axial resolution
	p1.tropismT = pb.TropismType.gravi  # exo
	p1.tropismN = 2  # [-] strength of tropism
	p1.tropismS = 0.1  # [rad/cm] maximal bending

	s2.name = "mainstem"
	s2.subType = 1
	s2.lmax = 25
	# s2.lmaxs = 1
	s2.lb = 3
	s2.la = 0
	s2.ln = 3  # This value is normally the Inter-lateral distance [cm], but with decussate plant, this value is
	# multiplied by 2
	s2.lnf = 5  # This value means "successors in a decussate position"
	s2.RotBeta = 1
	s2.BetaDev = 0
	s2.InitBeta = 0
	s2.gf = 1
	s2.successor = [2]
	s2.successorP = [1]
	s2.tropismT = 4
	# s2.theta = 1/6
	s2.theta = 0
	s2.tropismN = 18
	s2.tropismS = 0.01

	s3.name = "invisible"  # The invisible stem representing the bud of the leaf
	s3.subType = 2
	s3.la = 0
	s3.ln = 0
	s3.lmax = 5
	s3.RotBeta = 1
	s3.BetaDev = 0
	s3.InitBeta = 0.5
	s3.tropismS = 0
	s3.lnf = 5

	l1.name = 'basil'
	l1.subType = 2
	l1.lb = 2
	l1.la = 0.2
	l1.lmax = 5
	l1.r = 0.5
	l1.RotBeta = 0.5
	l1.BetaDev = 0
	l1.InitBeta = 0.5
	l1.tropismT = 1
	l1.tropismN = 5
	l1.tropismS = 0.1
	l1.theta = 0.35
	l1.thetas = 0.05
	l1.gf = 1
	l1.lnf = 5  # If not precised, it will not be possible to do the opposite decussate arrangement


	srp = pb.SeedRandomParameter(plant)  # with default values
	# srp.seedPos = pb.Vector3d(10, 10, -3.)  # [cm] seed position
	srp.seedPos = pb.Vector3d(0, 0, -3.)  # [cm] seed position
	srp.maxB = 0  # [-] number of basal roots (neglecting basal roots and shoot borne)
	srp.firstB = 10.  # [day] first emergence of a basal root
	srp.delayB = 3.  # [day] delay between the emergence of basal roots

	return plant
def create_arabidopsis():
	plant = pb.Plant()
	p0 = pb.RootRandomParameter(plant)  # with default values,
	p1 = pb.RootRandomParameter(plant)  # all standard deviations are 0
	s1 = pb.StemRandomParameter(plant)
	s2 = pb.StemRandomParameter(plant)
	s3 = pb.StemRandomParameter(plant)
	s4 = pb.StemRandomParameter(plant)
	l1 = pb.LeafRandomParameter(plant)

	p0.name = "taproot"
	p0.a = 0.2  # [cm] radius
	p0.subType = 1  # [-] index starts at 1
	p0.lb = 5  # [cm] basal zone
	p0.la = 10  # [cm] apical zone
	p0.lmax = 30  # [cm] maximal root length, number of lateral branching nodes = round((lmax-lb-la)/ln) + 1
	p0.ln = 1.  # [cm] inter-lateral distance (16 branching nodes)
	p0.theta = 0.  # [rad]
	p0.r = 1  # [cm/day] initial growth rate
	p0.dx = 10  # [cm] axial resolution
	p0.successor = [2]  # add successors
	p0.successorP = [1]  # probability that successor emerges
	p0.tropismT = pb.TropismType.gravi  #
	p0.tropismN = 1.8  # [-] strength of tropism
	p0.tropismS = 0.2  # [rad/cm] maximal bending

	p1.name = "lateral"
	p1.a = 0.1  # [cm] radius
	p1.subType = 2  # [1] index starts at 1
	p1.lmax = 15  # # [cm] apical zone
	p1.lmaxs = 0.15  # [cm] standard deviation of the apical zone
	p1.theta = 90. / 180. * np.pi  # [rad]
	p1.r = 2  # initial growth rate
	p1.dx = 1  # [cm] axial resolution
	p1.tropismT = pb.TropismType.gravi  # exo
	p1.tropismN = 2  # [-] strength of tropism
	p1.tropismS = 0.1  # [rad/cm] maximal bending

	s1.name = "mainstem"
	s1.subType = 1
	s1.lmax = 25
	s1.lmaxs = 1
	s1.lb = 0
	s1.lbs = 0.1
	s1.la = 3
	s1.las = 0.1
	s1.ln = 3
	s1.lns = 0.2
	s1.lnf = 0  # 1 peut être cool
	s1.RotBeta = 0
	s1.BetaDev = 0
	s1.InitBeta = 0
	s1.gf = 1
	s1.successor = [3, 2]
	s1.successorP = [0.3, 0.7]
	# s1.successor = [3]
	# s1.successorP = [1]
	s1.tropismT = 1
	s1.theta = 0.
	s1.thetas = 0.05
	s1.tropismN = 2
	s1.tropismS = 0.005
	s1.r = 1
	s1.rs = 0.05

	s2.name = "secondary_stem"
	s2.subType = 3
	s2.lmax = 7
	s2.lmaxs = 0.2
	s2.lb = 0
	s2.la = 2
	s2.ln = 2
	s2.lns = 0.1
	s2.lnf = 0
	s2.RotBeta = 2 / 3
	s2.BetaDev = 0.1
	s2.InitBeta = 0
	s2.gf = 1
	s2.successor = [2]
	s2.successorP = [1]
	s2.tropismT = 4
	s2.theta = 0.3
	s2.thetas = 0.02
	s2.tropismN = 18
	s2.tropismS = 0.01
	s2.r = 0.5
	s2.rs = 0.02

	s3.name = "invisible stem"
	s3.subType = 2
	s3.lmax = 5
	s3.la = 0
	s3.ln = 0
	s3.RotBeta = 2/3
	s3.BetaDev = 0
	s3.InitBeta = 0.
	s3.lb = 0
	s3.la = 0
	s3.ln = 0
	s3.lnf = 0
	s3.RotBeta = 2 / 3
	s3.BetaDev = 0
	s3.InitBeta = 0
	s3.gf = 1
	s3.tropismT = 1
	s3.theta = 0.3
	s3.tropismN = 18
	s3.tropismS = 0.01
	s3.r = 1

	l1.name = 'leaf_under_second_stem'
	l1.subType = 2
	l1.lb = 2
	l1.la = 0.2
	l1.lmax = 5
	l1.lmaxs = 0.1
	l1.r = 0.5
	l1.rs = 0.02
	l1.RotBeta = 0.5
	l1.BetaDev = 0
	l1.InitBeta = 0.
	l1.tropismT = 1
	l1.tropismN = 5
	l1.tropismS = 0.15
	l1.theta = 0.35
	l1.gf = 1

	s4.name = "rosette"  # Cannot be a leaf organ because we can only create 1 leaf organ subType
	s4.subType = 4
	s4.lmax = 10
	s4.lmaxs = 0.2
	s4.lb = 1
	s4.la = 0
	s4.ln = 2
	s4.lnf = 0
	s4.RotBeta = 3 / 5
	s4.BetaDev = 0.02
	s4.InitBeta = 0
	s4.gf = 1
	s4.tropismT = 1
	s4.theta = 0.3
	s4.thetas = 0.02
	s4.tropismN = 18
	s4.tropismS = 0.01
	s4.r = 0.5
	s4.rs = 0.02


	srp = pb.SeedRandomParameter(plant)  # with default values
	srp.seedPos = pb.Vector3d(0., 0., -3.)  # [cm] seed position
	srp.maxB = 0  # [-] number of basal roots (neglecting basal roots and shoot borne)
	srp.firstB = 10.  # [day] first emergence of a basal root
	srp.delayB = 3.  # [day] delay between the emergence of basal roots
	srp.maxTil = 10

	return plant
예제 #12
stem_rp.lmax = 7.5
stem_rp.ln = 1
stem_rp.theta = 0
stem_rp.successor = [2]
stem_rp.successorP = [1]

stem_rp = pb.StemRandomParameter(plant)
stem_rp.subType = 2  # dummy 
stem_rp.la = 0
stem_rp.lb = 0
stem_rp.lmax = 0
stem_rp.ln = 0

leaf_rp = pb.LeafRandomParameter(plant)
leaf_rp.subType = 2
leaf_rp.lmax = 10

leaf_rp.tropismS = 0.
leaf_rp.theta = 20. / np.pi

# Mint
# leaf_rp.la, leaf_rp.lb, leaf_rp.lmax, leaf_rp.ln, leaf_rp.r, leaf_rp.dx = 3.5, 1., 7.5, 3, 1, 0.5  
# phi = np.array([-90, -45, 0., 45, 90]) / 180. * np.pi
# l = np.array([3, 2.2, 1.7, 2, 3.5])
# N = 30  # N is rather high for testing
# leaf_rp.createLeafRadialGeometry(phi, l, N)    

# Pasley (non convex - TODO)