예제 #1
    def function_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        response = function(*args, **kwargs)
            # if the authorization is invalid, refresh the API access token
            if response.status_code == 401:
                from plantpredict.oauth2 import OAuth2

            # if there is a sever side error, return the error message
            elif not 200 <= response.status_code < 300:
                raise APIError(response.status_code, response.content)

            # if the HTTP request receives a successful response

                # if the response contains content, return it
                if response.content:
                    if "Queue" in response.url:
                        return json.loads(response.content)

                        # if it is a list, use convert_json method in list comprehension
                        if isinstance(json.loads(response.content), list):
                            return [convert_json(i, camel_to_snake) for i in json.loads(response.content)]
                            return convert_json(json.loads(response.content), camel_to_snake)

                # if the response does not contain content, return a generic success message
                    return {'is_successful': True}
        except AttributeError:
            return response
예제 #2
    def search(self, latitude, longitude, search_radius=1):
        GET /Weather/Search

        Searches for all existing Weather entities within a search radius of a specified latitude/longitude.

        :param latitude: North-South coordinate of the Weather location, in decimal degrees.
        :type latitude: float
        :param longitude: East-West coordinate of the Project location, in decimal degrees.
        :type longitude: float
        :param search_radius: search radius in miles
        :type search_radius: float
        :return: #TODO
        :rtype: list of dicts

        response = requests.get(
            url=self.api.base_url + "/Weather/Search",
            headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + self.api.access_token},
                    'latitude': latitude,
                    'longitude': longitude,
                    'search_radius': search_radius
                }, snake_to_camel))

        weather_list = json.loads(response.content)

        return [convert_json(w, camel_to_snake) for w in weather_list]
예제 #3
    def update(self):
        """Generic PUT request."""

        return requests.put(
            url=self.api.base_url + self.update_url_suffix,
            headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + self.api.access_token},
            json=convert_json(self.__dict__, snake_to_camel))
예제 #4
    def search(self, latitude, longitude, search_radius=1.0):
        """HTTP Request: GET /Project/Search

        Searches for all existing Project entities within a search radius of a specified latitude/longitude.

        :param latitude: North-South coordinate of the Project location, in decimal degrees.
        :type latitude: float
        :param longitude: East-West coordinate of the Project location, in decimal degrees.
        :type longitude: float
        :param search_radius: search radius in miles
        :type search_radius: float
        :return: TODO
        response = requests.get(
            url=self.api.base_url + "/Project/Search",
            headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + self.api.access_token},
                'latitude': latitude,
                'longitude': longitude,
                'searchRadius': search_radius

        project_list = json.loads(response.content)

        return [convert_json(p, camel_to_snake) for p in project_list]
    def test_convert_json_camel_to_snake(self):
        with open('test_data/test_convert_json_camel.json', 'rb') as json_file:
            snake_dict = utilities.convert_json(json.load(json_file),

        with open('test_data/test_convert_json_snake.json', 'rb') as json_file:
            self.assertEqual(snake_dict, json.load(json_file))
예제 #6
    def get_nodal_data(self, params=None):
        """GET /Project/{ProjectId}/Prediction/{Id}/NodalJson"""

        return requests.get(
            url=self.api.base_url +
                self.project_id, self.id),
            headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + self.api.access_token},
            params=convert_json(params, snake_to_camel) if params else {})
예제 #7
    def get(self):
        """Generic GET request."""
        response = requests.get(
            url=self.api.base_url + self.get_url_suffix,
            headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + self.api.access_token})
        attr = convert_json(json.loads(response.content), camel_to_snake)
        for key in attr:
            setattr(self, key, attr[key])

        return response
예제 #8
    def create(self, *args):
        """Generic POST request."""
        response = requests.post(
            url=self.api.base_url + self.create_url_suffix,
            headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + self.api.access_token},
            json=convert_json(self.__dict__, snake_to_camel)

        # power plant is the exception that doesn't have its own id. has a project and prediction id
            self.id = json.loads(response.content)['id'] if 200 <= response.status_code < 300 else None
        except ValueError:

        return response
예제 #9
    def get_time_zone(self):
        """GET /Geo/{Latitude}/{Longitude}/TimeZone

        :return: Example response -
                u'timeZone': -8.0
        response = requests.get(
            url=self.api.base_url +
            "/Geo/{}/{}/TimeZone".format(self.latitude, self.longitude),
            headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + self.api.access_token})
        attr = convert_json(json.loads(response.content), camel_to_snake)
        for key in attr:
            setattr(self, key, attr[key])

        return response
예제 #10
    def get_closest_station(self):
        Returns the ASHRAE station with the shortest distance from the specified latitude and longitude. Sets the
        returned information as attributes on the instance of this class.

        :return: # TODO once new http response is implemented
        response = requests.get(
            url=self.api.base_url + "/ASHRAE",
            headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + self.api.access_token},
                "latitude": self.latitude,
                "longitude": self.longitude
        attr = convert_json(json.loads(response.content), camel_to_snake)
        for key in attr:
            setattr(self, key, attr[key])

        return response
예제 #11
    def run(self, export_options=None):
        POST /Project/{ProjectId}/Prediction/{PredictionId}/Run

        Runs the Prediction and waits for simulation to complete. The input variable "export_options" should take the

        :param export_options: Contains options for exporting
        response = requests.post(
            url=self.api.base_url +
            "/Project/{}/Prediction/{}/Run".format(self.project_id, self.id),
            headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + self.api.access_token},
            json=convert_json(export_options, snake_to_camel)
            if export_options else None)
        # TODO why didn't this return an error? it only returned when I stopped the script

        # observes task queue to wait for prediction run to complete

        return response
예제 #12
    def get_station(self, station_name=None):
        Returns the ASHRAE station matching the specified name and shortest distance from the specified latitude and
        longitude. Sets the returned information as attributes on the instance of this class.

        :param str station_name: Valid name of ASHRAE weather station
        :return: # TODO once new http response is implemented
        self.station_name = station_name if station_name else self.station_name
        response = requests.get(
            url=self.api.base_url + "/ASHRAE/GetStation",
            headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + self.api.access_token},
                "latitude": self.latitude,
                "longitude": self.longitude,
                "stationName": self.station_name
        attr = convert_json(json.loads(response.content), camel_to_snake)
        for key in attr:
            setattr(self, key, attr[key])

        return response
예제 #13
    def get_location_info(self):
        """GET /Geo/{Latitude}/{Longitude}/Location

        :return: Example response -
                u'country': u'United States',
                u'country_code': u'US',
                u'locality': u'San Francisco',
                u'region': u'North America',
                u'state_province': u'California',
                u'state_province_code': u'CA'
        response = requests.get(
            url=self.api.base_url +
            "/Geo/{}/{}/Location".format(self.latitude, self.longitude),
            headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + self.api.access_token})
        attr = convert_json(json.loads(response.content), camel_to_snake)
        for key in attr:
            setattr(self, key, attr[key])

        return response
예제 #14
    def get_elevation(self):
        **GET** */Geo/* :py:attr:`latitude` */* :py:attr:`longitude` */Elevation*

        Retrieves the elevation in meters for a given latitude and longitude. In addition to returning a dictionary with
        this information, the method also automatically assigns the  contents of the dictionary to the instance of
        :py:mod:`Geo` as attributes.

        .. container:: toggle

            .. container:: header

                **Required Attributes**

            .. container:: required_attributes

                .. csv-table:: Minimum required attributes on object to call this method successfully.
                    :delim: ;
                    :header: Field, Type, Description
                    :stub-columns: 1

                    latitude; float; North-South GPS coordinate. Must be between :py:data:`-90` and :py:data:`90` - units :py:data:`[decimal degrees]`.
                    longitude; float; East-West GPS coordinate Must be between :py:data:`-180` and :py:data:`180` units :py:data:`[decimal degrees]`.

        .. container:: toggle

            .. container:: header

                **Example Code**

            .. container:: example_code

                Instantiate a local object instance of :py:mod:`Geo` with latitude and longitude as inputs (which
                automatically assigns them as attributes to the object). Then call the method on the object.

                .. code-block:: python

                    geo = api.geo(latitude=35.1, longitude=-106.7)

        .. container:: toggle

            .. container:: header

                **Example Response**

            .. container:: example_response

                The method returns a dictionary as shown in the example below, and assigns its contents as attributes
                to the local object instance of :py:mod:`Geo`.

                .. code-block:: python

                        "elevation": 1553.614

        :return: A dictionary with location information as shown in "Example Response".
        :rtype: dict
        response = requests.get(
            url=self.api.base_url +
            "/Geo/{}/{}/Elevation".format(self.latitude, self.longitude),
            headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + self.api.access_token})
        attr = convert_json(json.loads(response.content), camel_to_snake)
        for key in attr:
            setattr(self, key, attr[key])

        return response