예제 #1
    def test_alphadoc1(self):
        # to avoid static method warnings in tests,
        # that by construction of the unittest package have to be expressed in such way
        self.dummy_variable = "dummy_value"
        from pm4py.objects.log.importer.xes import factory as xes_importer
        log = xes_importer.import_log(
            os.path.join("input_data", "running-example.xes"))

        from pm4py.algo.discovery.alpha import factory as alpha_miner
        net, initial_marking, final_marking = alpha_miner.apply(log)
        from pm4py.visualization.petrinet.common import visualize as pn_viz
        gviz = pn_viz.graphviz_visualization(net,
        del gviz
예제 #2
 def test_alphaMinerVisualizationFromXES(self):
     # to avoid static method warnings in tests,
     # that by construction of the unittest package have to be expressed in such way
     self.dummy_variable = "dummy_value"
     log, net, marking, fmarking = self.obtainPetriNetThroughAlphaMiner(
         os.path.join(INPUT_DATA_DIR, "running-example.xes"))
     log = sorting.sort_timestamp(log)
     log = sampling.sample(log)
     log = index_attribute.insert_trace_index_as_event_attribute(log)
     petri_exporter.apply(net, marking, os.path.join(OUTPUT_DATA_DIR, "running-example.pnml"))
     os.remove(os.path.join(OUTPUT_DATA_DIR, "running-example.pnml"))
     gviz = pn_viz.graphviz_visualization(net)
     self.assertEqual(gviz, gviz)
     final_marking = petri.petrinet.Marking()
     for p in net.places:
         if not p.out_arcs:
             final_marking[p] = 1
     aligned_traces = token_replay.apply(log, net, marking, fmarking)
     self.assertEqual(aligned_traces, aligned_traces)
예제 #3
 def test_imdfVisualizationFromXES(self):
     # to avoid static method warnings in tests,
     # that by construction of the unittest package have to be expressed in such way
     self.dummy_variable = "dummy_value"
     log, net, marking, fmarking = self.obtainPetriNetThroughImdf(
         os.path.join(INPUT_DATA_DIR, "running-example.xes"))
     log = log.sample()
     petri_exporter.export_net(net, marking, os.path.join(OUTPUT_DATA_DIR, "running-example.pnml"))
     os.remove(os.path.join(OUTPUT_DATA_DIR, "running-example.pnml"))
     gviz = pn_viz.graphviz_visualization(net)
     final_marking = petri.petrinet.Marking()
     for p in net.places:
         if not p.out_arcs:
             final_marking[p] = 1
     aligned_traces = token_replay.apply_log(log, net, marking, final_marking)
     del gviz
     del aligned_traces