def set_cmd_vel(self, msg): rospy.loginfo("Calculating the points...") # Initialize the centroid coordinates point count x = y = z = n = 0 # Read in the x, y, z coordinates of all points in the cloud for point in point_cloud2.read_points(msg, skip_nans=True): pt_x = point[0] pt_y = point[1] pt_z = point[2] if pt_z < self.goal_z: x += pt_x y += pt_y z = min(pt_z, z) n += 1 # Stop the robot by default move_cmd = Twist() rospy.loginfo(n) # stop if number of points is large enough if n > self.point_cloud_threshold: self.stop = True move_cmd.linear.x = 0 move_cmd.angular.z = 0 # Publish the movement command self.cmd_vel_pub.publish(move_cmd) #allow up to 2 seconds for the action server to come up self.move_base.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(2))
def _cloud_cb(self, cloud): points = np.array(list(read_points(cloud, skip_nans=True))) if points.shape[0] == 0: return # Get 4x4 matrix which transforms point cloud co-ords to odometry frame try: points_to_map ='/odom', cloud.header) except tf.ExtrapolationException: return transformed_points =, np.ones((1, points.shape[0]))))) transformed_points = transformed_points[:3,:].T if self.fused is None: self.fused = transformed_points else: self.fused = np.vstack((self.fused, transformed_points)) self.seq += 1 header = Header() header.seq = self.seq header.stamp = header.frame_id = '/odom' output_cloud = create_cloud(header, cloud.fields, self.fused) rospy.loginfo('Publishing new cloud') self.cloud_pub.publish(output_cloud)
def set_cmd_vel(self, msg): # Initialize the centroid coordinates point count x = y = z = n = 0 # Read in the x, y, z coordinates of all points in the cloud for point in point_cloud2.read_points(msg, skip_nans=True): pt_x = point[0] pt_y = point[1] pt_z = point[2] # Keep only those points within our designated boundaries and sum them up if ( -pt_y > self.min_y and -pt_y < self.max_y and pt_x < self.max_x and pt_x > self.min_x and pt_z < self.max_z ): x += pt_x y += pt_y z += pt_z n += 1 # Stop the robot by default move_cmd = Twist() # If we have points, compute the centroid coordinates if n: x /= n y /= n z /= n # Check our movement thresholds if (abs(z - self.goal_z) > self.z_threshold) or (abs(x) > self.x_threshold): # Compute the linear and angular components of the movement linear_speed = (z - self.goal_z) * self.z_scale angular_speed = -x * self.x_scale # Make sure we meet our min/max specifications linear_speed = copysign( max( self.min_linear_speed, min(self.max_linear_speed, abs(linear_speed)), ), linear_speed, ) angular_speed = copysign( max( self.min_angular_speed, min(self.max_angular_speed, abs(angular_speed)), ), angular_speed, ) move_cmd.linear.x = linear_speed move_cmd.angular.z = angular_speed # Publish the movement command self.cmd_vel_pub.publish(move_cmd)
def getPointCloud(self): print('getting point cloud...') pc_message = rospy.wait_for_message("/multisense/camera/points2", PointCloud2) print('got point cloud.') self.point_cloud = pc2.read_points(pc_message, field_names=("x", "y", "z"), skip_nans=True) return self.point_cloud
def run(self): while True: ## Main loop # Finals task # /srcsim/finals/task # Joint state joint_state_msg = rospy.wait_for_message( "/ihmc_ros/valkyrie/output/joint_states", JointState) #joint_state_msg = rospy.wait_for_message("/ihmc_ros/valkyrie/output/joint_states", JointState) self.comms.transmit([ '/ihmc_ros/valkyrie/output/joint_states', { 'name':, 'position': joint_state_msg.position } ]) # Transforms #transforms_msg = rospy.wait_for_message("/tf",TFMessage) #comms.transmit( ['/tf',{'transforms':transforms_msg.transforms}] ) # Left camera image # TODO: use grey scale instead of color to save bits? # TODO: or send Canny edge detection (presumably binary) to save bits left_camera_msg = rospy.wait_for_message( '/multisense/camera/left/image_rect_color', Image) self.comms.transmit([ '/multisense/camera/left/image_rect_color', { 'height': left_camera_msg.height, 'width': left_camera_msg.width, 'encoding': left_camera_msg.encoding, 'is_bigendian': left_camera_msg.is_bigendian, 'step': left_camera_msg.step, 'data': } ]) # Point Cloud # We don't send full point cloud, but the reduced colorless 3d points pcl_msg = rospy.wait_for_message('/multisense/camera/points2', PointCloud2) #comms.transmit(['/multisense/camera/points2',{'height':pcl_msg.height, 'width':pcl_msg.width, 'is_bigendian':pcl_msg.is_bigendian, 'point_step':pcl_msg.point_step, 'row_step':pcl_msg.row_step, 'data', 'is_dense':pcl_msg.is_dense}]) pcl = pc2.read_points(pcl_msg, field_names=("x", "y", "z"), skip_nans=True) pcl_data = [] for point in pcl: pcl_data.append([point[2], point[0], point[1]]) self.comms.transmit(['/multisense/camera/points2', pcl_data]) rospy.sleep(0.5) self.comms.stop()
def get_min_depth(point, pcl_data): global min_depths if point[1] >= pcl_data.height or point[0] >= pcl_data.width : return -1 data_out = pc2.read_points(pcl_data, field_names=('x', 'y','z'), skip_nans=False, uvs=[point]) d= next(data_out) #print d if math.isnan(d[2])==False: if len(min_depths)==0: min_depths=d elif d[2]<min_depths[2]: min_depths=d
def onPointCloud(data): global isStitching if (isStitching): points = pc2.read_points(data) orientation = (lastIMU.orientation.x, lastIMU.orientation.y, lastIMU.orientation.z, lastIMU.orientation.w) angle = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion(orientation) for p in points: correctedPoint = rotateVector( p, 22.5, 0) # to correct clouds pointing up... rotatedPoint = rotateVector(correctedPoint, -angle[2], 2) pointCloud.append(rotatedPoint)
def update_obstacles(self, msg): # Initialize the centroid coordinates point count x = y = z = n = 0 # Read in the x, y, z coordinates of all points in the cloud for point in point_cloud2.read_points(msg, skip_nans=True): pt_x = point[0] pt_y = point[1] pt_z = point[2] # Keep only those points within our designated boundaries and sum them up if ( -pt_y > self.min_y and -pt_y < self.max_y and pt_x < self.max_x and pt_x > self.min_x and pt_z < self.max_z ): x += pt_x y += pt_y z += pt_z n += 1 # If we have points, compute the centroid coordinates if n: x /= n y /= n z /= n # Check our movement thresholds if (abs(z - self.goal_z) > self.z_threshold) or (abs(x) > self.x_threshold): # Compute the linear and angular components of the movement linear_speed = (z - self.goal_z) * self.z_scale angular_speed = -x * self.x_scale # Make sure we meet our min/max specifications linear_speed = copysign( max(self.min_linear_speed, min(self.max_linear_speed, abs(linear_speed))), linear_speed ) angular_speed = copysign( max(self.min_angular_speed, min(self.max_angular_speed, abs(angular_speed))), angular_speed ) move_cmd.linear.x = linear_speed move_cmd.angular.z = angular_speed # Publish the movement command self.cmd_vel_pub.publish(move_cmd)
def publish_object_markers(self): marker_array = visualization_msgs.msg.MarkerArray() for model in self.model_list: marker = visualization_msgs.msg.Marker() marker.pose = model.get_world_pose() marker.header.frame_id='/world' marker.type = marker.POINTS marker.scale.x = .01 marker.scale.y = .01 marker.scale.z = .01 marker.lifetime = rospy.Duration() point_generator = point_cloud2.read_points(model.point_cloud_data, None, True) marker.points = [geometry_msgs.msg.Point(point[0], point[1], point[2]) for point in point_generator] marker.colors = [std_msgs.msg.ColorRGBA(1,1,1,1) for point in marker.points] marker_array.markers.append(marker) pub = rospy.Publisher('/object_marker_array', visualization_msgs.msg.MarkerArray) pub.publish(marker_array)
def onPointCloud(data): global isStitching, probablityMap, pointCloud, useFilter if (isStitching): points = pc2.read_points(data) orientation = (lastIMU.orientation.x, lastIMU.orientation.y, lastIMU.orientation.z, lastIMU.orientation.w) angle = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion(orientation) for p in points: correctedPoint = rotateVector( p, 22.5, 0) # to correct clouds pointing up... rotatedPoint = rotateVector(correctedPoint, -angle[2], 2) if (useFilter): probablityMap.addPointHit(rotatedPoint[0], rotatedPoint[1], rotatedPoint[2]) else: pointCloud.append(rotatedPoint)
def set_cmd_vel(self, msg): # Initialize the centroid coordinates point count x = y = z = n = 0 # Read in the x, y, z coordinates of all points in the cloud for point in point_cloud2.read_points(msg, skip_nans=True): pt_x = point[0] pt_y = point[1] pt_z = point[2] x += pt_x y += pt_y z += pt_z n += 1 # Stop the robot by default move_cmd = Twist() rospy.loginfo(n) # If we have points, compute the centroid coordinates if n: x /= n y /= n z /= n #rospy.loginfo(z) # Check our movement thresholds if (abs(z - self.goal_z) > self.z_threshold) or (abs(x) > self.x_threshold): # Compute the linear and angular components of the movement linear_speed = (z - self.goal_z) * self.z_scale angular_speed = -x * self.x_scale # Make sure we meet our min/max specifications linear_speed = copysign(max(self.min_linear_speed, min(self.max_linear_speed, abs(linear_speed))), linear_speed) angular_speed = copysign(max(self.min_angular_speed, min(self.max_angular_speed, abs(angular_speed))), angular_speed) move_cmd.linear.x = linear_speed move_cmd.angular.z = angular_speed # Publish the movement command self.cmd_vel_pub.publish(move_cmd)
def onPointCloud(data): # convert pointcloud2 to an array and get rotation in radians points = pc2.read_points(data) orientation = (lastIMU.orientation.x, lastIMU.orientation.y, lastIMU.orientation.z, lastIMU.orientation.w) angle = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion(orientation) # initialize point cloud pointCloud = [] # rotate every point in point cloud for p in points: correctedPoint = rotateVector(p, 22.5, 0) # to correct clouds pointing up... rotatedPoint = rotateVector(correctedPoint, -angle[2], 2) pointCloud.append(rotatedPoint) # create pointcloud2 message and publish for BLAM header = Header() header.stamp = header.frame_id = "lidar_link" blamPublisher.publish(pc2.create_cloud_xyz32(header, pointCloud))
def send_pointlist_to_graspit(self, pointcloud_msg, downsample_factor = 1, num_points = -1 , tran = np.eye(4)): uvs = [] if not downsample_factor == 1: uvs = [(u,v) for u in range(0, pointcloud_msg.height, downsample_factor) for v in range(0, pointcloud_msg.width, downsample_factor)] point_generator = point_cloud2.read_points(pointcloud_msg,None, True, uvs) point_list = [point for point in point_generator] color_list = [struct.unpack('BBBx', struct.pack('f',point[3])) for point in point_list] total_str = "" point_list2 = point_list[:num_points] for point_ind, point in enumerate(point_list2): color = color_list[point_ind] point_vec = tran*np.mat([point[0],point[1],point[2], 1]).transpose() point_str_list = " %f %f %f %i %i %i"%(point_vec[0], point_vec[1], point_vec[2], color[2], color[1], color[0]) total_str += point_str_list command_str = "addPointCloud %i%s \n"%(len(point_list2), total_str) self.socket.sendall(command_str) #success = bool(self.socket.recv(100)) return command_str
def publish_object_markers(self): marker_array = visualization_msgs.msg.MarkerArray() for model in self.model_list: marker = visualization_msgs.msg.Marker() marker.pose = model.get_world_pose() marker.header.frame_id = '/world' marker.type = marker.POINTS marker.scale.x = .01 marker.scale.y = .01 marker.scale.z = .01 marker.lifetime = rospy.Duration() point_generator = point_cloud2.read_points(model.point_cloud_data, None, True) marker.points = [ geometry_msgs.msg.Point(point[0], point[1], point[2]) for point in point_generator ] marker.colors = [ std_msgs.msg.ColorRGBA(1, 1, 1, 1) for point in marker.points ] marker_array.markers.append(marker) pub = rospy.Publisher('/object_marker_array', visualization_msgs.msg.MarkerArray) pub.publish(marker_array)
def getPointCloudImage(self): # Not the typical data structure (generator) for a point cloud pc_message = rospy.wait_for_message("/multisense/camera/points2", PointCloud2) pc = pc2.read_points(pc_message, field_names=("x", "y", "z"), skip_nans=False) depth_image = np.zeros((544, 1024, 3), np.float32) row = 0 col = 0 for index in xrange(544 * 1024): point = if not isnan(point[2]): distance = sqrt(point[0]**2 + point[1]**2 + point[2]**2) depth_image[row, col][1] = 1 - min( 1.0, distance / 15.0) # Green only #depth_image[row,col][0] = point[0] #depth_image[row,col][1] = point[1] #depth_image[row,col][2] = point[2] col += 1 if col >= 1024: col = 0 row += 1 return cv2.flip(cv2.flip(depth_image, 0), 1)
def send_pointcloud_to_graspit(self, pointcloud_msg, downsample_factor = 1): uvs = [(u,v) for u in range(0, pointcloud_msg.height, downsample_factor) for v in range(0, pointcloud_msg.width, downsample_factor)] point_generator = point_cloud2.read_points(pointcloud_msg,None, True, uvs) point_list = [point for point in point_generator] return point_list
def onPointCloudStream(pointCloud): # not in use print("streaming point_cloud") points_list = [] for data in pc2.read_points(pointCloud, skip_nans=True): points_list.append([data[0], data[1], data[2]]) sio.emit('ON_POINT_CLOUD_STREAM', points_list)
def detect_cubes_cb(self, req): if req.color not in set(self.available_colors): err_msg = 'Unknown color: %s, available colors: %s. Make sure ..._min_max_hsv.yaml contains corresponding values for color %s' % \ (req.color, str(self.available_colors), req.color) rospy.logerr(err_msg) raise Exception(err_msg) if req.image_fname != '': self.img = cv2.imread(req.image_fname) if type(self.img) != type(np.array([])): err_msg = 'Cannot read file %s' % req.image_fname rospy.logerr(err_msg) raise Exception(err_msg) elif self.rgb_only_camera: vcap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) self.img = if not self.img[0]: rospy.logerr('Cannot capture RGB frame from VideoCapture') else: self.img = self.img[1] resp = DetectCubeResponse() rospy.loginfo('detect_cubes service called\n' + str(req)) if self.img == None: rospy.logerr('ERROR: no RGB data available') resp = self.err_resp() return resp if not self.known_histograms.has_key(req.color): rospy.logerr('ERROR: unknown color: %s' % req.color) resp = self.err_resp() return resp if DETECT_METHOD == DETECT_METHOD_CONTOUR: conts, conts_img, back, back_filt = self.get_contours(self.img, req) cube_rects = self.detect_cubes_contour(conts_img, conts, back_filt, req) elif DETECT_METHOD == DETECT_METHOD_TEMPLATE: hsv_planes = cv2.split(img_hsv) cube_rects = self.detect_cubes_template(hsv_planes, req) else: raise Exception('Unknown detection method requested: %s' % DETECT_METHOD) #Now fill all cubes info into ROS message array if len(cube_rects) > 0: for c in cube_rects: u = c[0] + c[2] / 2 v = c[1] + c[3] / 2 pose_wrt_camera = PoseStamped() if self.rgb_only_camera or req.image_fname != '': pose_wrt_camera.pose.position.x = u pose_wrt_camera.pose.position.y = v pose_wrt_camera.pose.position.z = 0 pose_final = pose_wrt_camera else: pp = [] try: #UMAX2 = min(5, abs(self.img.shape[1])) #VMAX2 = min(5, abs(self.img.shape[0])) #us = np.range(u - UMAX2, u + UMAX2) #vs = np.range(v - VMAX2, v + VMAX2) #uvs = np.transpose(np.tile(us, len(vs)), np.repeat(vs, len(us))) uvs = [[u, v]] print uvs for i in read_points(, uvs = uvs): pp.append(i) except Exception, e: print 'ERROR while iterating over read_points' p = [np.nan, np.nan, np.nan] for _p in pp: if not np.isnan(_p[0]): p = _p break if DETECT_USE_EUC_DIST_FILTERING: dist = np.linalg.norm(p) if dist > DETECT_DIST_MAX: continue pose_wrt_camera.pose.position.x = p[0] pose_wrt_camera.pose.position.y = p[1] pose_wrt_camera.pose.position.z = p[2] pose_wrt_camera.header.frame_id = CAMERA_FRAME if self.if_do_transform: pose_final = self.transform_to_base_frame(pose_wrt_camera) else: pose_final = pose_wrt_camera pose_final.pose.orientation.x = 0.0 pose_final.pose.orientation.y = 0.0 pose_final.pose.orientation.z = 0.0 if not np.isnan(pose_final.pose.position.x): resp.sizes.append(max(c[2], c[3])) resp.poses.append(pose_final) if DEBUG: pass