예제 #1
class busy_loop:
    def __init__(self):
        self.i = Queue(int, 'in')

    def w(self):
        while is_worker_running():
            while True:
                d = self.i.rd()
                assert d == 0
                d = self.i.rd()
                assert d == 1
                d = self.i.rd()
                assert d == 2
            while True:
                d = self.i.rd()
예제 #2
class queue04:
    def __init__(self):
        self.in_q = Queue(int8, 'in', maxsize=2)
        self.out_q = Queue(int8, 'out', maxsize=2)
        self.tmp_q = Queue(int8, 'any', maxsize=2)

    def worker1(self):
        while is_worker_running():
            d = self.in_q.rd()

    def worker2(self):
        while is_worker_running():
            d = self.tmp_q.rd()
예제 #3
class io_conflict02:
    def __init__(self):
        self.p = Queue(int, 'in')

    def w(self):
        data = self.p.rd()
예제 #4
class Port03:
    def __init__(self):
        self.in_q = Queue(int8, 'in', maxsize=2)
        self.out_q = Queue(int8, 'out', maxsize=2)

    def main(self):
        while is_worker_running():
            d = self.in_q.rd()
예제 #5
class queue05:
    def __init__(self):
        self.in_q = Queue(int8, 'in', maxsize=2)
        self.out_q = Queue(int8, 'out', maxsize=2)

    def main(self):
        while is_worker_running():
            if not self.in_q.empty():
                d = self.in_q.rd()
                if not self.out_q.full():
class worker_with_tuple:
    def __init__(self):
        self.i = Queue(bit8, 'in')
        self.o = Queue(bit8, 'out')

    def func(self, a, b):
        return (a, b)

    def worker(self):
        while is_worker_running():
            d0 = self.i.rd()
            d1 = self.i.rd()
            a, b = self.func(d0, d1)
            self.o.wr(a + b)
예제 #7
class Filter:
    def __init__(self):
        #self.uart = uart.Transmitter()
        #self.spi_in = AD7091R_SPIC()
        self.q = Queue(uint16, 'out', maxsize=10)
        self.din = Queue(uint16, 'in', maxsize=10)

    def proc(self):
        a0: uint18 = 0
        a1: uint18 = 0
        a2: uint18 = 0
        a3: uint18 = 0

        while is_worker_running():
            self.q.wr(a0 >> 2)
            data: uint16 = self.din.rd()
            a0 = a1 + data
            a1 = a2 + data
            a2 = a3 + data
            a3 = data
예제 #8
class queue06:
    def __init__(self):
        self.in_cmd = Queue(int8, 'in', maxsize=2)
        self.din0 = Port(int, 'in')
        self.din1 = Port(int, 'in')
        self.out_q = Queue(int8, 'out', maxsize=2)

    def calc(self, cmd):
        if cmd == 0:
            return self.din0.rd() + self.din1.rd()
        elif cmd == 1:
            return self.din0.rd() - self.din1.rd()
        elif cmd == 2:
            return self.din0.rd() * self.din1.rd()
        return 0

    def main(self):
        while is_worker_running():
            if not self.in_cmd.empty():
                cmd = self.in_cmd.rd()
                ret = self.calc(cmd)
                if not self.out_q.full():
예제 #9
class PipelinedStreamFilter:
    def __init__(self, width, height, blank_size):
        self.inq = Queue(int12, 'in', maxsize=4)
        #self.outhq = Queue(int12, 'out', maxsize=4)
        #self.outvq = Queue(int12, 'out', maxsize=4)
        self.outq = Queue(int12, 'out', maxsize=4)
        self.append_worker(self.worker, width, height, blank_size)

    def worker(self, width, height, blank_size):
        buf0: List[int12] = [255] * (width + blank_size)
        buf1: List[int12] = [255] * (width + blank_size)
        buf2: List[int12] = [255] * (width + blank_size)
        line0 = buf0
        line1 = buf1
        line2 = buf2
        phase = 0
        y = blank_size
        r0: int12 = 255
        r1: int12 = 255
        r2: int12 = 255
        r3: int12 = 255
        r4: int12 = 255
        r5: int12 = 255
        r6: int12 = 255
        r7: int12 = 255
        r8: int12 = 255
        while is_worker_running():
            for x in pipelined(range(blank_size, width + blank_size)):
                #for x in range(blank_size, width + blank_size):
                d2 = self.inq.rd()
                line2[x] = d2
                d1 = line1[x]
                d0 = line0[x]
                r0, r1, r2 = r1, r2, d0
                r3, r4, r5 = r4, r5, d1
                r6, r7, r8 = r7, r8, d2
                out_h = filter3x3(r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, K_H)
                out_v = filter3x3(r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, K_V)
                #out_h_c = clip(128 + out_h)
                #out_v_c = clip(128 + out_v)
                out_c = clip(abs(out_h) + abs(out_v) >> 1)
            phase = (phase + 1) % 3
            if phase == 0:
                line0 = buf0
                line1 = buf1
                line2 = buf2
            elif phase == 1:
                line0 = buf1
                line1 = buf2
                line2 = buf0
                line0 = buf2
                line1 = buf0
                line2 = buf1
            r0 = r1 = r2 = 255
            r3 = r4 = r5 = 255
            r6 = r7 = r8 = 255
            y += 1
            if y == height + blank_size:
                # TODO:
예제 #10
class sha256:
    def __init__(self):
        self.data_in = Queue(bit512, 'in')
        self.data_out = Queue(bit256, 'out')

    def process_sha256(self):
        work = [0] * 64  # type: List[bit32]
        _h = [0] * 8  # type: List[bit32]
        __h = [0] * 8  # type: List[bit32]

        while is_worker_running():
            update = True

            for i in range(8):
                _h[i] = h[i]

            block_len512: bit512 = self.data_in.rd()
            block_len32 = block_len512
            count = 0

            while count < block_len32:
                #print(count, block_len32)
                count += 1
                d512 = self.data_in.rd()
                #print("start d512 %5t", d512, "$time")
                shift_n = 480

                for i in unroll(range(16)):
                    work[i] = (d512 >> shift_n) & 0xFFFFFFFF
                    shift_n -= 32

                for i in range(16, 64):
                    wi_15 = work[i - 15]
                    s0 = rotr(wi_15, 7) ^ rotr(wi_15, 18) ^ (wi_15 >> 3)
                    wi_2 = work[i - 2]
                    s1 = rotr(wi_2, 17) ^ rotr(wi_2, 19) ^ (wi_2 >> 10)
                    wi_16 = work[i - 16]
                    wi_7 = work[i - 7]
                    work[i] = (wi_16 + s0 + wi_7 + s1) & 0xFFFFFFFF

                with rule(unroll='full'):
                    for i in range(8):
                        __h[i] = _h[i]

                for i in range(64):
                    s0 = rotr(__h[0], 2) ^ rotr(__h[0], 13) ^ rotr(__h[0], 22)
                    maj = (__h[0] & __h[1]) ^ (__h[0] & __h[2]) ^ (__h[1]
                                                                   & __h[2])
                    t2 = s0 + maj
                    s1 = rotr(__h[4], 6) ^ rotr(__h[4], 11) ^ rotr(__h[4], 25)
                    ch = (__h[4] & __h[5]) ^ ((~__h[4]) & __h[6])
                    t1 = __h[7] + s1 + ch + k[i] + work[i]

                    __h[7] = __h[6]
                    __h[6] = __h[5]
                    __h[5] = __h[4]
                    __h[4] = (__h[3] + t1) & 0xFFFFFFFF
                    __h[3] = __h[2]
                    __h[2] = __h[1]
                    __h[1] = __h[0]
                    __h[0] = (t1 + t2) & 0xFFFFFFFF

                with rule(unroll='full'):
                    for i in range(8):
                        _h[i] = (_h[i] + __h[i]) & 0xFFFFFFFF

            #    print("turn %5t", count, "$time")

            rv256: bit256 = 0
            with rule(unroll='full'):
                for i in range(8):
                    rv256 <<= 32
                    rv256 |= _h[i]
            #print("rv256 %5t", rv256, "$time")