예제 #1
    def sparkle_state_update(self, incarnation, changes, seq):
        """Handler for desired state replication from Sparkle."""

        if self.sparkle_incarnation != incarnation or self.inseq != seq:
            if seq > 0:
                print 'requesting resync with sparkle'
                self.sparkle.send({'event': 'twilight-resync',
                                   'uuid': self.uuid})
                self.sparkle_incarnation = incarnation
                self.inseq = 0

        if seq == 0:
            print 'loading completely new desired state'
            new_model = Model()
            self.model = new_model

        self.inseq += 1
예제 #2
    def __init__(self, sparkle):
        # Thingies to help us stay in touch with Sparkle.
        self.sparkle = sparkle
        self.incarnation = uuidgen()
        self.sparkle_incarnation = None
        self.outseq = 1
        self.inseq = 0

        # Our primary configuration store. Seed with our identity.
        # Identity will be sent with initial resync.
        self.model = Model()
        self.model.load([('host', self.uuid, 'current', {'uuid': self.uuid})])

        # Start watching the model for changes.
예제 #3
class ModelManager(object):
    """Manager mixin that takes care of model replication."""

    def __init__(self, sparkle):
        # Thingies to help us stay in touch with Sparkle.
        self.sparkle = sparkle
        self.incarnation = uuidgen()
        self.sparkle_incarnation = None
        self.outseq = 1
        self.inseq = 0

        # Our primary configuration store. Seed with our identity.
        # Identity will be sent with initial resync.
        self.model = Model()
        self.model.load([('host', self.uuid, 'current', {'uuid': self.uuid})])

        # Start watching the model for changes.

    def start_model_tasks(self):
        """Starts model-related periodic tasks."""

        # Send empty changes every 15 seconds to make sure Sparkle
        # knows about us.  If we do not do this, we risk being fenced.
        task.LoopingCall(self.apply_changes, []).start(15.0)

    def sparkle_state_update(self, incarnation, changes, seq):
        """Handler for desired state replication from Sparkle."""

        if self.sparkle_incarnation != incarnation or self.inseq != seq:
            if seq > 0:
                print 'requesting resync with sparkle'
                self.sparkle.send({'event': 'twilight-resync',
                                   'uuid': self.uuid})
                self.sparkle_incarnation = incarnation
                self.inseq = 0

        if seq == 0:
            print 'loading completely new desired state'
            new_model = Model()
            self.model = new_model

        self.inseq += 1

    def sparkle_resync(self):
        """Sends complete current state to Sparkle."""
        print 'sending full current state to sparkle'
            'uuid': self.uuid,
            'incarnation': self.incarnation,
            'seq': 0,
            'event': 'twilight-state-update',
            'changes': self.model.dump(['current']),
        self.outseq = 1

    def apply_changes(self, changes):
        Applies changes to the model and forwards them to Sparkle.

        Twilights are not supposed to send desired state,
        so make sure you only update current state through here.
            'uuid': self.uuid,
            'incarnation': self.incarnation,
            'seq': self.outseq,
            'event': 'twilight-state-update',
            'changes': changes,
        self.outseq += 1

    def apply_change(self, table, pkey, state, part):
        """Applies just one change."""
        return self.apply_changes([(table, pkey, state, part)])

    def watch_model(self):
        """Register model watches to be able to react to state changes."""

        def action_handler(action):
            def state_handler(table, row):
                self.raise_event((action, table.name), row)
                self.raise_event((action, table.name, row.pkey), row)
            return state_handler

        for t in ('nic', 'bond', 'nic_role'):
            self.model[t].on_create_state(action_handler('create'), ['desired'])
            self.model[t].on_update_state(action_handler('update'), ['desired'])
            self.model[t].on_delete_state(action_handler('delete'), ['desired'])