예제 #1

Using all of the digits 1 through 9 and concatenating them freely to form decimal integers, different sets can be formed. Interestingly with the set {2,5,47,89,631}, all of the elements belonging to it are prime.
How many distinct sets containing each of the digits one through nine exactly once contain only prime elements?
import itertools as it
from math import log10, ceil
from problem007 import primes
from problem027 import is_prime

P = primes('lt', int(98765432 ** 0.5) + 1)
is_p = lambda x: is_prime(x, P)

'''Digits = set of remaining digits. n_min = maximum number in set so far.'''
# num_prime_sets = lambda digits, n_min: sum(num_prime_sets(digits - set(map(int, str(x))), x) for x in 
#                                            it.ifilter(is_p, xrange(n_min + 1, min(100000000, int(''.join(sorted(map(str, digits), reverse=True))) + 1)))) if digits else 1

def num_prime_sets(digits, n_min, n_max=None):
    if not digits: return 1    
    digits_str = map(str, digits)
    eligible = (lambda x: x > n_min and x <= n_max and is_p(x)) if n_max else (lambda x: x > n_min and is_p(x))
    max_digits = min(8, len(digits))
    if n_max: max_digits = min(max_digits, int(ceil(log10(n_max))))
    x_primes = it.ifilter(eligible, (int(''.join(x)) for r in xrange(1, max_digits + 1) for x in it.permutations(digits_str, r)))
    return sum(num_prime_sets(digits - set(map(int, str(x))), x) for x in x_primes)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print num_prime_sets(set(range(1, 10)), 0, 9876)
예제 #2
9    3    7    48073
For d = 0 to 9, the sum of all S(4, d) is 273700.

Find the sum of all S(10, d).
import itertools as it, numpy as np
from problem007 import primes
from problem027 import is_prime

def repeated_digit_nums(n, d, m):
    D = str(d)
    for stars in it.combinations(xrange(n), m):
        a = np.array(['*'] * n)
        a[np.array(stars)] = D
        free = np.array(list(set(range(n)) - set(stars)))
        for values in it.product('0123456789', repeat=n - m):
            a[free] = values
            if a[0] != '0':
                yield int(''.join(a))
S = lambda n, d, m, primes: sum(filter(lambda x: is_prime(x, primes), repeated_digit_nums(n, d, m)))

def sum_s(n):
    p = primes('lt', 10 ** (0.5 * n))
    return sum(it.dropwhile(lambda x: x[1] == 0, ((m, S(n, d, m, p)) for m in xrange(n - 1, 0, -1))).next()[1] for d in xrange(10))

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print sum_s(4)
    print sum_s(10)    
예제 #3
The smallest positive integer n for which the numbers n2+1, n2+3, n2+7, n2+9, n2+13, and n2+27 are consecutive primes is 10. The sum of all such integers n below one-million is 1242490.

What is the sum of all such integers n below 150 million?
from problem007 import primes
from problem027 import is_prime
from random import choice

'''Fermat probable primality test'''
N_LIST = 10 ** 6
SQRT_N_LIST = int(N_LIST ** 0.5)
P = primes('lt', SQRT_N_LIST + 1)
is_probable_prime = lambda n, tries = 20: all(pow(int(choice(P)), n - 1, n) == 1 for _ in xrange(tries)) 
isp = lambda x, tries = 20: is_prime(x, P) if x <= N_LIST else is_probable_prime(x, tries=tries)

def consecutive_n(N, offset, complement, mods_primes=50):
    '''Return n for which {n^2+x: x in offset} is prime and {n^2+x: x in complement} is not prime.''' 
    # Tabulate permissible remainders n mod p for the first mods_primes primes p
    p_list = primes('first', mods_primes)
    nc = int(p_list[-1] ** 0.5) + 1
    R = [[all((i2 + x) % p for x in offsets) for i2 in (i * i for i in xrange(p))] for p in p_list]
    # By the Chinese remainder theorem, n must be of the form 210q + [10|80|130|200]
    for s in [10, 80, 130, 200]:
        for n in xrange(s, N, 210):
            n2 = n * n
            # First check against remainder table; if passes, run the more expensive primality test
            if (n <= nc or all(R[i][n % p] for i, p in enumerate(p_list))) and \
            all(isp(n2 + x) for x in offsets) and all(not isp(n2 + x) for x in complement):
                yield n