예제 #1
def google_chart_url(iteration_or_project):
    """Returns a URL for either a project or an iteration that corresponds to the burn up chart generated by google charts.
       The url will be to an image format. If no chart can be drawn, a 1x1 image is returned.  This should be used for quick
       summary charts, not detailed pretty ones.  We only use it in emails right now.  """
        total_points = []
        claimed_points = []
        max_val = 0
        claimed_dates = []
        claimed_values = []
        total_dates = []
        total_values = []        

        # Chart Size...
        if hasattr(iteration_or_project,"slug"):
            size = "550x120"
            # Project charts are bigger than iteration charts.
            size = "550x80"
        # Gather up all the points_log entries.
        for log in iteration_or_project.points_log.all():
            total_points.append( [log.timestamp(), log.points_total] )
            claimed_points.append( [log.timestamp(), log.points_claimed] )
            if log.points_total > max_val: 
                max_val = log.points_total
        # If we don't have enough points to draw a chart, bail.
        if len(total_points) <= 1:
            return "cht=lxy&chs=1x1"
        # Remove redundant data in chart data.
        total_points = reduce_burndown_data(total_points)
        claimed_points = reduce_burndown_data(claimed_points)

        # Some helper values.
        start_date = total_points[0][0]
        end_date = total_points[-1][0]
        start_date_s = date.fromtimestamp( start_date/1000 ).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
        end_date_s = date.fromtimestamp( end_date/1000 ).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
        date_range = end_date - start_date

        # Create the entries for the total points series.
        for piece in total_points:
            total_dates.append( _googleChartValue(piece[0], start_date, end_date) )
            total_values.append( _googleChartValue( piece[1] ,0, max_val) )
        # Create the entries for the claimed points series.
        for piece in claimed_points:
            claimed_dates.append( _googleChartValue(piece[0], start_date, end_date) )
            claimed_values.append( _googleChartValue( piece[1] ,0, max_val) )
        # Put it all together in google chart format.  (Docs: http://code.google.com/apis/chart/)
        data = "http://chart.googleapis.com/chart?chxr=0,0,%d&cht=lxy&chs=%s&chd=s:%s,%s,%s,%s&chxt=y,x&chxs=0,444444,8,0,lt&chxl=1:|%s|%s&chco=9ED147,197AFF&chm=B,7EAEE3,1,0,0|B,99CBB0,0,0,0" % ( max_val,size,"".join(claimed_dates), "".join(claimed_values), "".join(total_dates), "".join(total_values), start_date_s, end_date_s )
        return data
        return "cht=lxy&chs=1x1"
예제 #2
def _google_chart(iteration_or_project,
    """Returns a URL for either a project or an iteration that corresponds to the burn up chart generated by google charts.
       The url will be to an image format. If no chart can be drawn, a 1x1 image is returned.  This should be used for quick
       summary charts, not detailed pretty ones.  We only use it in emails right now.  """
        total_points = []
        claimed_points = []
        max_val = 0
        claimed_dates = []
        claimed_values = []
        total_dates = []
        total_values = []

        # Chart Size...
        if hasattr(iteration_or_project, "slug"):
            size = project_size
            # Project charts are bigger than iteration charts.
            size = iteration_size

        # Gather up all the points_log entries.
        for log in iteration_or_project.points_log.all():
            total_points.append([log.timestamp(), log.points_total])
            claimed_points.append([log.timestamp(), log.points_claimed])
            if log.points_total > max_val:
                max_val = log.points_total

        # If we don't have enough points to draw a chart, bail.
        if len(total_points) <= 1:
            return "https://chart.googleapis.com/chart?cht=lxy&chs=1x1"

        # Remove redundant data in chart data.
        total_points = reduce_burndown_data(total_points)
        claimed_points = reduce_burndown_data(claimed_points)

        # Some helper values.
        start_date = total_points[0][0]
        end_date = total_points[-1][0]

        start_date_s = date.fromtimestamp(start_date /

            end_date_s = iteration_or_project.end_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
            end_date = int(
                                 time()).strftime("%s")) * 1000
            # logger.debug("!!!!")
            # logger.debug(end_date)
            end_date_s = date.fromtimestamp(end_date /

        # logger.debug("END DATE" % end_date_s)
        date_range = end_date - start_date

        # Create the entries for the total points series.
        for piece in total_points:
                _googleChartValue(piece[0], start_date, end_date))
            total_values.append(_googleChartValue(piece[1], 0, max_val))

        # Create the entries for the claimed points series.
        for piece in claimed_points:
                _googleChartValue(piece[0], start_date, end_date))
            claimed_values.append(_googleChartValue(piece[1], 0, max_val))

        if title:
            title_snippet = "chtt=%s&chts=000000,8&" % urllib.quote(
            title_snippet = ""

        # Put it all together in google chart format.  (Docs: http://code.google.com/apis/chart/)
        data = "https://chart.googleapis.com/chart?%schf=bg,s,%s&chxr=0,0,%d&cht=lxy&chs=%s&chd=s:%s,%s,%s,%s&chxt=%s,x&chxs=0,%s,8,0,lt&chxl=1:|%s|%s&chco=9ED147,30B6EB&chm=B,eef5fb,1,0,0|B,99CBB0,0,0,0" % (
            title_snippet, bg_color, max_val, size, "".join(claimed_dates),
            "".join(claimed_values), "".join(total_dates),
            "".join(total_values), label_axis, axis_color, start_date_s,
        return data
        return "https://chart.googleapis.com/chart?cht=lxy&chs=1x1"
예제 #3
def _google_chart(iteration_or_project, project_size="550x120", iteration_size="550x80", label_axis="y", bg_color="ffffff", axis_color="444444", title=False):
    """Returns a URL for either a project or an iteration that corresponds to the burn up chart generated by google charts.
       The url will be to an image format. If no chart can be drawn, a 1x1 image is returned.  This should be used for quick
       summary charts, not detailed pretty ones.  We only use it in emails right now.  """
        total_points = []
        claimed_points = []
        max_val = 0
        claimed_dates = []
        claimed_values = []
        total_dates = []
        total_values = []

        # Chart Size...
        if hasattr(iteration_or_project,"slug"):
            size = project_size
            # Project charts are bigger than iteration charts.
            size = iteration_size

        # Gather up all the points_log entries.
        for log in iteration_or_project.points_log.all():
            total_points.append( [log.timestamp(), log.points_total] )
            claimed_points.append( [log.timestamp(), log.points_claimed] )
            if log.points_total > max_val:
                max_val = log.points_total

        # If we don't have enough points to draw a chart, bail.
        if len(total_points) <= 1:
            return "https://chart.googleapis.com/chart?cht=lxy&chs=1x1"

        # Remove redundant data in chart data.
        total_points = reduce_burndown_data(total_points)
        claimed_points = reduce_burndown_data(claimed_points)

        # Some helper values.
        start_date = total_points[0][0]        
        end_date = total_points[-1][0]
        start_date_s = date.fromtimestamp( start_date/1000 ).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
            end_date_s = iteration_or_project.end_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
            end_date = int(datetime.combine(iteration_or_project.end_date, time()).strftime("%s")) * 1000
            # logger.debug("!!!!")
            # logger.debug(end_date)
            end_date_s = date.fromtimestamp( end_date/1000 ).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')

        # logger.debug("END DATE" % end_date_s)            
        date_range = end_date - start_date

        # Create the entries for the total points series.
        for piece in total_points:
            total_dates.append( _googleChartValue(piece[0], start_date, end_date) )
            total_values.append( _googleChartValue( piece[1] ,0, max_val) )

        # Create the entries for the claimed points series.
        for piece in claimed_points:
            claimed_dates.append( _googleChartValue(piece[0], start_date, end_date) )
            claimed_values.append( _googleChartValue( piece[1] ,0, max_val) )

        if title:
            title_snippet = "chtt=%s&chts=000000,8&" %  urllib.quote(iteration_or_project.name)
            title_snippet = ""
        # Put it all together in google chart format.  (Docs: http://code.google.com/apis/chart/)
        data = "https://chart.googleapis.com/chart?%schf=bg,s,%s&chxr=0,0,%d&cht=lxy&chs=%s&chd=s:%s,%s,%s,%s&chxt=%s,x&chxs=0,%s,8,0,lt&chxl=1:|%s|%s&chco=9ED147,30B6EB&chm=B,eef5fb,1,0,0|B,99CBB0,0,0,0" % ( title_snippet, bg_color, max_val,size,"".join(claimed_dates), "".join(claimed_values), "".join(total_dates), "".join(total_values), label_axis, axis_color, start_date_s, end_date_s )
        return data
        return "https://chart.googleapis.com/chart?cht=lxy&chs=1x1"