예제 #1
 def check_public_ip(self, env_vars, DB):
     thepublicip = AWSsgFuncs.get_ip_address()
     if thepublicip != DB['public_ip']:
         print('Your public_ip has changed from {0} to {1}'.format(
             DB['public_ip'], thepublicip))
         DB['public_ip'] = thepublicip
     save_database(DB, env_vars['db_path'])
예제 #2
def attach_volume(boxname, volume_type, volume_size, env_vars, DB):

    region = env_vars['aws_region']
    access_key = env_vars['access_key']
    secret_key = env_vars['secret_key']
    awsf = AWSvolFuncs(region, access_key, secret_key)

    params = {}
        nametuple = DB['running_instances'][boxname]['sdrive_names'].pop(0)
        params['name'] = nametuple[0]
        params['mnt'] = nametuple[1]
        raise Exception('Maximum number of volumes you can attach reached')

    params['az'] = DB['running_instances'][boxname]['az']
    params['instance_id'] = DB['running_instances'][boxname]['id']
    params['size'] = volume_size
    params['vtype'] = volume_type

    params['vol_id'] = awsf.create_volume(params)

    DB['running_instances'][boxname]['sdrive'][params['name']] = params
    save_database(DB, env_vars['db_path'])

    out = run_command(
        ['ssh', boxname, 'sudo', 'mkfs', '-t', 'xfs', params['mnt']])
    drive_name = 'Project/{0}'.format(
    out = run_command(['ssh', boxname, 'sudo', 'mkdir', '-p', drive_name])
    out = run_command([
        'ssh', boxname, "echo 'sudo mount {0} ~/{1}' >> ~/.bashrc".format(
            params['mnt'], drive_name)
예제 #3
def start_instance(boxname, env_vars, DB):

    if boxname not in DB['stopped_instances']:
        print('the box is not available check again:')

    print('Waiting for confirmation from AWS')
    region = env_vars['aws_region']
    home_folder = env_vars['HOME']
    access_key = env_vars['access_key']
    secret_key = env_vars['secret_key']
    awsf = AWSec2Funcs(region, access_key, secret_key)

    my_ssh_key_path = env_vars['key_pair_path']
    ssh_key_name = env_vars['key_pair_name']

    id = DB['stopped_instances'][boxname]['id']
    DB['running_instances'][boxname] = awsf.start_ec2_instance(id)
    DB['running_instances'][boxname]['sdrive'] = DB['stopped_instances'][
    del (DB['stopped_instances'][boxname])
    # DB['available_names'].append(boxname)
    save_database(DB, env_vars['db_path'])
        boxname, '''
Host {0}
    HostName {1}
    User ubuntu
    IdentityFile {2}
    ForwardAgent yes
    StrictHostKeyChecking no
'''.format(boxname, DB['running_instances'][boxname]['public_ip'],
           my_ssh_key_path), os.path.join(home_folder, '.ssh/config'))

    print('ec2 instance {0} started successfully'.format(boxname))
예제 #4
def terminate_instance(boxname, env_vars, DB):

    if boxname in DB['stopped_instances']:
        raise ValueError(
              Instance {name} is in stopped state and can not be terminated
                          To terminate the instance you need to first start it:
                          propad start {name}; then you can stop it

    region = env_vars['aws_region']
    home_folder = env_vars['HOME']
    access_key = env_vars['access_key']
    secret_key = env_vars['secret_key']
    awsf = AWSec2Funcs(region, access_key, secret_key)
    awsvolf = AWSvolFuncs(region, access_key, secret_key)
    for _, val in DB['running_instances'][boxname]['sdrive'].items():
        id = val['vol_id']
        print(val['vol_id'], val['name'])
        out = run_command(['ssh', boxname, 'umount', val['mnt']])

    id = DB['running_instances'][boxname]['id']
    del (DB['running_instances'][boxname])
    if boxname[0:3] == 'box':
    save_database(DB, env_vars['db_path'])
    delete_text_from_file(boxname, os.path.join(home_folder, '.ssh/config'))

    print('ec2 instance {0} terminated successfully'.format(boxname))
예제 #5
def stop_instance(boxname, env_vars, DB):

    region = env_vars['aws_region']
    home_folder = env_vars['HOME']
    access_key = env_vars['access_key']
    secret_key = env_vars['secret_key']
    awsf = AWSec2Funcs(region, access_key, secret_key)

    id = DB['running_instances'][boxname]['id']
    DB['stopped_instances'][boxname] = DB['running_instances'][boxname]
    del (DB['running_instances'][boxname])
    save_database(DB, env_vars['db_path'])
    delete_text_from_file(boxname, os.path.join(home_folder, '.ssh/config'))

    print('ec2 instance {0} stopped successfully'.format(boxname))
예제 #6
def get_box_name(DB, dbpath):
    gets redis variables names and returns the best name for the
    newly created instance
    if len(DB['available_names']) > 0:
        dname = DB['available_names'].popleft()
        if dname in DB['running_instances'] or\
                dname in DB['stopped_instances'] :
            raise Exception(
                'Was not able to find a proper name. Please report the bug')
        boxn = dname
        boxi = DB['created_instances'] + 1
        boxn = 'box{0}'.format(boxi)
        DB['created_instances'] += 1
        save_database(DB, dbpath)
    return boxn
예제 #7
def terminate_instance(boxname, env_vars, DB):

    if boxname in DB['stopped_instances']:
        raise ValueError(
              Instance {name} is in stopped state and can not be terminated
                          To terminate the instance you need to first start it:
                          propad start {name}; then you can stop it

    region = env_vars['aws_region']
    home_folder = env_vars['HOME']
    access_key = env_vars['access_key']
    secret_key = env_vars['secret_key']
    awsf = AWSec2Funcs(region, access_key, secret_key)

    id = DB['running_instances'][boxname]['id']
    del (DB['running_instances'][boxname])
    if boxname[0:3] == 'box':
    save_database(DB, env_vars['db_path'])
    delete_text_from_file(boxname, os.path.join(home_folder, '.ssh/config'))

    print('ec2 instance {0} terminated successfully'.format(boxname))

# if __name__ == "__main__":

#     import argparse
#     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='A function to create instance',
#                                      usage='%(prog)s [OPTIONS]')
#     parser.add_argument("-n", "--name", dest="boxname", default="",
#                         help="Enter the name of the sandbox:")
#     args = parser.parse_args()

#     boxname = args.boxname

#     if not boxname:
#         print('Please enter the name of the box you want to remove')
#         sys.exit()

#     DB = load_database()
#     terminate_instance(boxname, DB)
예제 #8
def create_vpc(env_vars, DB):
    region = env_vars['aws_region']
    access_key = env_vars['access_key']
    secret_key = env_vars['secret_key']
    awsf = AWSec2Funcs(region, access_key, secret_key)
    thename = env_vars['vpc_name']
    filters = [{'Name':'tag:Name', 'Values':[thename]}]
    vpcs = list(awsf.ec2.vpcs.filter(Filters=filters))

    if len(vpcs)==0:
    elif len(vpcs)==1 and thename in DB:
        print ('The VPC with the name: {0} exists.'.format(thename))
        print ('will continue to use it')
    elif thename not in DB:
    elif len(vpcs)>1:
        raise Exception('There are more than one VPCs with the name. Contact ...')
        raise Exception('Either VPC does not exists or DB has changed')

    cidrblock1 = ''
    cidrblock2 = ''

    vpc_params = awsf.create_vpc(thename, cidrblock1, cidrblock2)
    vpcid = vpc_params.vpc_id
    if type(vpc_params.vpc_id)==type(-1):
        raise Exception('Was not able to create VPC. Check your permissions')
    elif type(vpc_params.sg_id)==type('s') and type(vpc_params.vpc_id)==type(-1):
        raise Exception('Was able to create basic VPC but fails further down with VPC dependencies')

    print (vpc_params.sg_id, vpc_params.subnet_id, vpc_params.vpc_id)
    DB[thename] = {}
    DB[thename]['vpc_id']    = vpc_params.vpc_id
    DB[thename]['sg_id']     = vpc_params.sg_id
    DB[thename]['subnet_id'] = vpc_params.subnet_id
    save_database(DB, env_vars['db_path'])
예제 #9
def create_instance(boxname, boxtype, shut_down_time, env_vars, DB):

    update_status(env_vars, DB)

    region = env_vars['aws_region']
    home_folder = env_vars['HOME']
    access_key = env_vars['access_key']
    secret_key = env_vars['secret_key']
    awsf = AWSec2Funcs(region, access_key, secret_key)

    my_ssh_key_path = env_vars['key_pair_path']
    ssh_key_name = env_vars['key_pair_name']

    if not boxname:
        boxname = get_box_name(DB, env_vars['db_path'])
        if boxname[:3] == 'box' or \
                boxname in DB['running_instances'] or \
                boxname in DB['stopped_instances']:
            print("enter a better name. either exists or starts with box")

    params = {}
    params['ssh_key_name'] = ssh_key_name
    params['aws_ami'] = env_vars['aws_ami']
    params['aws_iam_role'] = env_vars['role_name']
    params['vpc'] = DB[env_vars['vpc_name']]
    params['box_type'] = boxtype
    params['name'] = env_vars['your_name'] + boxname

    print('wainting for confirmation from AWS')

    DB['running_instances'][boxname] = awsf.create_ec2_instance(params)
        boxname, '''
Host {0}
    HostName {1}
    User ubuntu
    IdentityFile {2}
    ForwardAgent yes
    StrictHostKeyChecking no
'''.format(boxname, DB['running_instances'][boxname]['public_ip'],
           my_ssh_key_path), os.path.join(home_folder, '.ssh/config'))
    save_database(DB, env_vars['db_path'])

    tmp_dir = os.path.join(env_vars['env_dir'], 'tmp')
    tmp_tclock = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'tclock.py')
    tmp_cron = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'cron')

    if not os.path.isdir(tmp_dir):

    dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
    tmp_tclock = os.path.join(dir_path, 'scripts', 'tclock.py')

    with open(tmp_cron, 'wb') as f:
        towrite = '*/{0} * * * * python /home/ubuntu/.provisionpad/tclock.py\n'.format(

    print('Setting up ec2 instance')

    out = run_command(['ssh', boxname, 'pip', 'install', 'psutil'])
    if out != 0:
        raise Exception('Failed to install psutil on server')
    out = run_command(['ssh', boxname, 'mkdir', '-p', '.provisionpad/data'])
    if out != 0:
        raise Exception('Failed to create .provisionpad/data')
    out = run_command(
        ['ssh', boxname, 'touch', '.provisionpad/data/total_idle.out'])
    if out != 0:
        raise Exception('Failed to create .provisionpad/data/total_idle.out')
    out = run_command(
        ['scp', tmp_cron, '{0}:~/.provisionpad/'.format(boxname)])
    if out != 0:
        raise Exception('Failed to copy the crontab file')
    out = run_command(
        ['scp', tmp_tclock, '{0}:~/.provisionpad/'.format(boxname)])
    if out != 0:
        raise Exception('Failed to copy the tmp_tclock')
    out = run_command(
        ['ssh', boxname, 'crontab', '/home/ubuntu/.provisionpad/cron'])
    if out != 0:
        raise Exception('schedule a cron job')

    print('ec2 instance {} created successfully'.format(boxname))
    show_status(env_vars, DB)
예제 #10
def initiate():

    home = os.path.expanduser("~")
    env_dir = os.path.join(home, '.provisionpad')
    if not os.path.isdir(env_dir):
    dbpath = os.path.join(env_dir, 'database.p')
    DB = load_database(dbpath)

    home = os.path.expanduser("~")
    env_dir = os.path.join(home, '.provisionpad')
    if not os.path.isdir(env_dir):

    env_var_path = os.path.join(env_dir, 'env_variable.json')
    input_var_path = os.path.join(env_dir, 'input_variable.json')

    if not os.path.isfile(input_var_path):
        env_vars = {}
        ask_for_credentials = True
        print ('Initiating a new propad environment')
        print ('Searching for default AWS credentials...')
        session = boto3.Session()
        credentials = session.get_credentials()
        if credentials:
            use_default_cred = input(textwrap.dedent('''\
                                        Default AWS credentials found.
                                        Do you want to use them?(y/n)
            if str(use_default_cred).strip()[0] == 'y':
                env_vars['access_key'] = credentials.access_key
                env_vars['secret_key'] = credentials.secret_key
                ask_for_credentials = False
        if ask_for_credentials:
            print ('  You can find aws access keys under user tab (top third from right)')
            print ('  My security credentials for the root info or under IAM users section')
            print ('  For more information please visit: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/aws-sec-cred-types.html')
            access_key = input('Enter AWS access key ID: ')
            env_vars['access_key'] = str(access_key).strip()
            if not env_vars['access_key']:
                print ('Invalid input')
            secret_key = input('Enter AWS secret access key: ')
            env_vars['secret_key'] = str(secret_key).strip()
            if not env_vars['secret_key']:
                print ('Invalid input')
        your_name  = input('Enter your name (optional, will be added as a tag to the instance): ')
        env_vars['your_name'] = re.sub('[^a-zA-Z0-9]', '', your_name).upper()
        if not env_vars['your_name']:
            print ('Invalid input')
        # env_vars['your_email'] = input('Enter your email (): ')
        print ('\n')
        print ('Note: AMI (Image) should be in the same defined AWS region.')
        env_vars['aws_region'] = input ('Enter AWS region (us-east-2): ')
        if not env_vars['aws_region']:
            env_vars['aws_region'] = 'us-east-2'
        env_vars['aws_ami'] = input ('Enter your AWS AMI. (Ubuntu 18): ')
        if not env_vars['aws_ami']:
            env_vars['aws_ami'] = 'ami-029f8374ffdc9a057'  #'ami-00df714b389c23925'

        with open(input_var_path, 'w') as f:
            json.dump(env_vars, f, indent=4)


        with open(input_var_path, 'r') as f:
            env_vars = json.load(f)

    env_vars['db_path'] = dbpath
    env_vars['env_path'] = env_var_path
    env_vars['env_dir'] = env_dir

    key_pair_name = 'ec2_keypair_{0}_{1}.pem'.format(env_vars['your_name'], env_vars['aws_region'])
    key_pair_path = os.path.join(env_dir, key_pair_name)

    env_vars['key_pair_name'] = key_pair_name
    env_vars['key_pair_path'] = key_pair_path

    env_vars['vpc_name'] = '{0}_VPC'.format(env_vars['your_name'])

    role_name   = [env_vars['your_name'] ]
    policies = ['S3FULL']
    role_names = ''.join(role_name)

    env_vars['policy'] = policies
    env_vars['role_name'] = role_names

    env_vars['HOME'] = home

    # get the public ip address of local machine
    DB['public_ip'] = AWSsgFuncs.get_ip_address()
    save_database(DB, env_vars['db_path'])

    create_vpc(env_vars, DB)

    awsec2f = AWSec2Funcs(env_vars['aws_region'], env_vars['access_key'], env_vars['secret_key'])
    awsstsf = AWSstsFuncs(env_vars['aws_region'], env_vars['access_key'], env_vars['secret_key'])
    awsiamf = AWSiamFuncs(env_vars['aws_region'], env_vars['access_key'], env_vars['secret_key'])

    if not os.path.isfile(env_vars['key_pair_path']):
        if not awsec2f.check_key_pair(env_vars['key_pair_name']):
                print ('creating key pair')
                with open(env_vars['key_pair_path'], 'w') as f:
                    key_pair = str(awsec2f.create_key_pair(key_pair_name))
                    print (key_pair)
                os.chmod(env_vars['key_pair_path'], 0o600)
                raise Exception('You do not have access to create key-pair check your permissions')
            raise Exception('we can find the public key but pem is not available')
        print ('the key pair exists')

    account_id = awsstsf.get_account_id()
    policy_attach = []
    for policy in env_vars['policy']:
        policy_arn = 'arn:aws:iam::{0}:policy/{1}'.format(account_id, policy )
        if not awsiamf.check_policy_exists(policy_arn):
            if policy == 'S3FULL':
                print ('the policy {0} not implemented yet'.format(policy))
            print ('the policy {0} exists'.format(policy))

    if not awsiamf.check_role_exists(env_vars['role_name']):
        print (awsiamf.create_role_for_ec2(env_vars['role_name']) )

    if awsiamf.check_role_exists(env_vars['role_name'], 1, 5):
        for policy in policy_attach:
            print ('attaching policy arn: {0}'.format(policy))
            awsiamf.attach_policy_to_role(env_vars['role_name'], policy)
            print ('policy attached')
        raise Exception(' was not able to find the role')

    with open(env_var_path, 'w') as f:
        json.dump(env_vars, f, indent=4)
예제 #11
def update_status(env_vars, DB):

    region = env_vars['aws_region']
    home_folder = env_vars['HOME']
    access_key = env_vars['access_key']
    secret_key = env_vars['secret_key']
    awsec2f = AWSec2Funcs(region, access_key, secret_key)
    aws_inst_info = awsec2f.instance_state(env_vars['your_name'])
    aws_inst_info_d = deepcopy(aws_inst_info)

    clean_propad_from_file(os.path.join(home_folder, '.ssh/config'))

    for ins in aws_inst_info:
        if aws_inst_info[ins][0] == 'terminated':
        if not (aws_inst_info[ins][0] == 'stopped' or aws_inst_info[ins][0]
                == 'running' or aws_inst_info[ins][0] == 'terminated'):
            print('Waiting to complete the transition. Try again a bit later.')

    aws_inst_info = aws_inst_info_d

    DBD = deepcopy(DB)
    for ins, ins_info in DBD['running_instances'].items():
        if ins_info['id'] not in aws_inst_info:
            print('seems like the instance you have created ')
            print('has been removed from the aws manually most likely')
            print('removing it from the database')
            del (DB['running_instances'][ins])
            if ins[0:3] == 'box':
            save_database(DB, env_vars['db_path'])
            delete_text_from_file(ins, os.path.join(home_folder,
        elif ins_info['id'] in aws_inst_info and aws_inst_info[
                ins_info['id']][0] == 'stopped':
            print('seems like the instance has been stopped')
            print('removing it from the running instances')
            DB['stopped_instances'][ins] = DB['running_instances'][ins]
            del (DB['running_instances'][ins])
            save_database(DB, env_vars['db_path'])
            delete_text_from_file(ins, os.path.join(home_folder,
                ins, '''
Host {0}
    HostName {1}
    User ubuntu
    IdentityFile {2}
    ForwardAgent yes
    StrictHostKeyChecking no
'''.format(ins, DB['running_instances'][ins]['public_ip'],
            env_vars['key_pair_path']), os.path.join(home_folder,
            print('{0} is fine as expected'.format(ins))

    DBD = deepcopy(DB)
    for ins, ins_info in DBD['stopped_instances'].items():
        if ins_info['id'] not in aws_inst_info:
            print('seems like the instance you have created ')
            print('has been removed from the aws manually most likely')
            print('removing it from the database')
            del (DB['stopped_instances'][ins])
            if ins[0:3] == 'box':
            save_database(DB, env_vars['db_path'])
            delete_text_from_file(ins, os.path.join(home_folder,
        elif ins_info['id'] in aws_inst_info and aws_inst_info[
                ins_info['id']][0] == 'running':
            print('seems like the instance has started manually')
            print('moving from stopped to running')
            DB['running_instances'][ins] = DB['stopped_instances'][ins]
            DB['running_instances'][ins]['public_ip'] = aws_inst_info[
            del (DB['stopped_instances'][ins])
            save_database(DB, env_vars['db_path'])
                ins, '''
Host {0}
    HostName {1}
    User ubuntu
    IdentityFile {2}
    ForwardAgent yes
    StrictHostKeyChecking no
'''.format(ins, DB['running_instances'][ins]['public_ip'],
            env_vars['key_pair_path']), os.path.join(home_folder,
            print('{0} is fine as expected'.format(ins))

    ids_db = set([])
    for x in DB['running_instances']:
    for x in DB['stopped_instances']:

    to_create = set(aws_inst_info) - ids_db
    for x in to_create:
        ins = get_box_name(DB, env_vars['db_path'])
        thekeyname = 'stopped_instances'
        if aws_inst_info[x][0] == 'running':
            thekeyname = 'running_instances'
        boxname = get_box_name(DB, env_vars['db_path'])
        DB[thekeyname][boxname] = awsec2f.get_instance_info(x)
            ins, '''
Host {0}
    HostName {1}
    User ubuntu
    IdentityFile {2}
    ForwardAgent yes
    StrictHostKeyChecking no
           DB[thekeyname][boxname]['public_ip'], env_vars['key_pair_path']),
            os.path.join(home_folder, '.ssh/config'))

    if len(ids_db - set(aws_inst_info)) > 0:
        raise Exception('this should not happen in status')

    save_database(DB, env_vars['db_path'])
예제 #12
def create_instance(boxname, boxtype, shut_down_time, env_vars, DB):

    update_status(env_vars, DB)

    region = env_vars['aws_region']
    home_folder = env_vars['HOME']
    access_key = env_vars['access_key']
    secret_key = env_vars['secret_key']
    awsf = AWSec2Funcs(region, access_key, secret_key)

    my_ssh_key_path = env_vars['key_pair_path']
    ssh_key_name = env_vars['key_pair_name']

    if not boxname:
        boxname = get_box_name(DB, env_vars['db_path'])
        if boxname[:3] == 'box' or \
                boxname in DB['running_instances'] or \
                boxname in DB['stopped_instances']:
            print("enter a better name. either exists or starts with box")

    params = {}
    params['ssh_key_name'] = ssh_key_name
    params['aws_ami'] = env_vars['aws_ami']
    params['aws_iam_role'] = env_vars['role_name']
    params['vpc'] = DB[env_vars['vpc_name']]
    params['box_type'] = boxtype
    params['name'] = env_vars['your_name'] + boxname

    print('Waiting for confirmation from AWS')

    DB['running_instances'][boxname] = awsf.create_ec2_instance(params)
        boxname, '''
Host {0}
    HostName {1}
    User ubuntu
    IdentityFile {2}
    ForwardAgent yes
    StrictHostKeyChecking no
'''.format(boxname, DB['running_instances'][boxname]['public_ip'],
           my_ssh_key_path), os.path.join(home_folder, '.ssh/config'))

    drivel = 'fgh'
    DB['running_instances'][boxname]['sdrive_names'] = [
        (params['name'] + 'VOL{0}'.format(i), '/dev/xvd{0}'.format(drivel[i]))
        for i in range(len(drivel))
    DB['running_instances'][boxname]['sdrive'] = {}
    save_database(DB, env_vars['db_path'])

    tmp_dir = os.path.join(env_vars['env_dir'], 'tmp')
    tmp_tclock = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'tclock.py')
    tmp_cron = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'cron')

    if not os.path.isdir(tmp_dir):

    dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
    tmp_tclock = os.path.join(dir_path, 'scripts', 'tclock.py')

    # The following line is OS dependent if it changes from ubuntu to something else then
    # It will cause trouble for auto shutdown -- Amir
    with open(tmp_cron, 'wb') as f:
        towrite = '*/{0} * * * * python /home/ubuntu/.provisionpad/tclock.py\n'.format(

    print('Setting up EC2 instance')

    awssgf = AWSsgFuncs(region, access_key, secret_key)
    awssgf.check_public_ip(env_vars, DB)
    vpcparams = DB[env_vars['vpc_name']]
    awssgf.set_sg_sshonly_local_ip(vpcparams['sg_id'], DB['public_ip'])

    # some times it has problem ssh ing into instance
    # I have added this 30 seconds sleep to be safe
    # Is there a better way? -- Amir

    out = run_command(['ssh', boxname, 'pip', 'install', 'psutil'])
    if out != 0:
        raise Exception('Failed to install psutil on server')
    out = run_command(['ssh', boxname, 'mkdir', '-p', '.provisionpad/data'])
    if out != 0:
        raise Exception('Failed to create .provisionpad/data')
    out = run_command(
        ['ssh', boxname, 'touch', '.provisionpad/data/total_idle.out'])
    if out != 0:
        raise Exception('Failed to create .provisionpad/data/total_idle.out')
    out = run_command(
        ['scp', tmp_cron, '{0}:~/.provisionpad/'.format(boxname)])
    if out != 0:
        raise Exception('Failed to copy the crontab file')
    out = run_command(
        ['scp', tmp_tclock, '{0}:~/.provisionpad/'.format(boxname)])
    if out != 0:
        raise Exception('Failed to copy the tmp_tclock')
    out = run_command(
        ['ssh', boxname, 'crontab', '/home/ubuntu/.provisionpad/cron'])
    if out != 0:
        raise Exception('schedule a cron job')

    awssgf.set_sg_sshonly_local_ip(vpcparams['sg_id'], DB['public_ip'])

    print('ec2 instance {} created successfully'.format(boxname))
    show_status(env_vars, DB)