def query_entity(self):
        nmatcher = NodeMatcher(self.graph)
        rmatcher = RelationshipMatcher(self.graph)

        # 大通有哪些车
        a_node = nmatcher.match('品牌', name='上汽大通').first()
        b_node = nmatcher.match('车系').first()
        relation = rmatcher.match({a_node, b_node}).first()
        zz = self.graph.match((a_node, ), r_type=type(relation).__name__).all()
        result = []
        for z in zz:
        # nodes = rmatcher.match({a_node, b_node}).all()
        # print(nodes[0])
        # print(nodes[0].start_node)
        # print(nodes[0].end_node)
        # print(nodes[0].nodes)
        # print(type(nodes[0]).__name__)

        # A(实体)车的基本参数(实体)
        a_node = nmatcher.match('车型', name='2019款 2.0T柴油自动四驱精英型长厢高底盘').first()
        b_node = nmatcher.match('基本参数').first()
        relation = rmatcher.match({a_node, b_node}).first()
        print(dict(nmatcher.match(name='2019款 2.0T柴油自动四驱精英型长厢高底盘').first()))
        zz = self.graph.match(nodes=(relation.start_node, ),
예제 #2
def match():
    name是Liz age是34
    match("Person").where(age=34).first() 正常
    match("Person").where(name='Liz').first() 正常
    match("Person", name="Liz").first() 正常
    match("Person", age=34).first() 正常
    match("Person", age=34).where(name="Liz").first() None
    match("Person", name="Liz").where(age=34).first() None
    matcher_1 = NodeMatcher(graph)
    matcher_2 = RelationshipMatcher(graph)
    # TODO: 这里的 age 属性使用后返回结果为 None
    node = matcher_1.match("Person", name="Liz").where(age=34).first()
    relation = matcher_2.match(r_type='FRIENDS')
    return list(relation), node, type(relation)
예제 #3
class NLMGraph:
    The Memory Graph.

    graph: Graph
        The Neo4j Graph instance.

    graph: Graph

    def __post_init__(self):
        self.nmatcher = NodeMatcher(self.graph)
        self.rmatcher = RelationshipMatcher(self.graph)

    @raise_customized_error(Exception, DatabaseError)
    def push_graph(self, subgraph: Subgraph) -> bool:
        Push a subgraph (node, relationship, subgraph) to the Neo database.
        tx = self.graph.begin()
        return tx.finished()

    def add_node(self, label: str, name: str, props: dict) -> Node:
        Add a Node to database.

        label: Node label
        name: Node name
        props: Node property

        out: a Node.
        node = Node(label, name=name, **props)
        return node

    def check_update_node(self,
                          nlmgn: GraphNode,
                          update_props: bool = False) -> Node:
        Check whether the given node is already in the graph.

        nlmgn: GraphNode
            The defined Node data type.
            Includes name, labels and properties.
        out: Node
            Whether it is already in the graph.
            If is, update with the new properties, if necessary and return the updated node.
            If not, return the created Node (and need to commit to the graph).
        label, name, props = nlmgn.label,, nlmgn.props
        neogn = self.nmatcher.match(label, name=name).first()
        if neogn:
            if update_props:
                node = self.update_property(neogn, props)
                node = neogn
            node = self.add_node(label, name, props)
        return node

    @raise_customized_error(Exception, DatabaseError)
    def update_property(self, neog_oj, props: dict):
        Update a neo graph node or relationship.

        neog_oj: neo graph object, Node or Relationship

        out: updated  Node or Relationship
        neog_oj_props = dict(neog_oj)
        if props and props != neog_oj_props:
            # make sure new props is behind the exisited props.
            neog_oj.update({**neog_oj_props, **props})
            # only can be pushed when neog_oj is already in the graph
            # so we do not need push_graph function here
        return neog_oj

    def add_relationship(self, start: Node, end: Node, kind: str,
                         props: dict) -> Relationship:
        Add a Relationship to database.

        start: start Node
        end: end Node
        kind: Relationship kind
        props: Relationship property

        out: a Relationship.
        relation = Relationship(start, kind, end, **props)
        return relation

    def check_update_relationship(self,
                                  nlmgr: GraphRelation,
                                  update_props: bool = False) -> Relationship:
        nlmgr: GraphRelation
            The defined Relationship data type.
            Includes kind, start, end and properties.

        out: Relationship
        kind, props = nlmgr.kind, nlmgr.props
        start = self.check_update_node(nlmgr.start, update_props)
        end = self.check_update_node(nlmgr.end, update_props)
        neogr = self.rmatcher.match((start, end), r_type=kind).first()
        if neogr:
            if update_props:
                relation = self.update_property(neogr, props)
                relation = neogr
            relation = self.add_relationship(start, end, kind, props)
        return relation

    def add(self, gin: GraphRelation
            or GraphNode) -> Node or List[Node] or Relationship:
        Add a Node or Relationship to the database.

        gin: A GraphNode or GraphRelation (kind could be None)

        out: A Node or Relationship.
        if isinstance(gin, GraphNode):
            return self.add_node(gin.label,, gin.props)
        elif isinstance(gin, GraphRelation) and gin.kind:
            start = self.check_update_node(gin.start)
            end = self.check_update_node(gin.end)
            return self.add_relationship(start, end, gin.kind, gin.props)
        elif isinstance(gin, GraphRelation) and gin.kind == None:
            start = self.check_update_node(gin.start)
            end = self.check_update_node(gin.end)
            return (start, end)
            raise InputError

    def update(
            self, gin: GraphRelation
        or GraphNode) -> Node or List[Node] or Relationship:
        Update the property of a Node or Relationship to the database.

        gin: A GraphNode or GraphRelation (kind could be None)

        out: A Node or Relationship.
        if isinstance(gin, GraphNode):
            return self.check_update_node(gin, update_props=True)
        elif isinstance(gin, GraphRelation) and gin.kind:
            return self.check_update_relationship(gin, update_props=True)
        elif isinstance(gin, GraphRelation) and gin.kind == None:
            start = self.check_update_node(gin.start, update_props=True)
            end = self.check_update_node(gin.end, update_props=True)
            return (start, end)
            raise InputError

    def query(self, qin, topn=1, limit=10, fuzzy=False) -> list:
        Query by user given.
        qin: could be GraphNode, GraphRelation, or just Cypher.

        out: queried Nodes or Relationships.

        if isinstance(qin, GraphNode):
            ret = self._query_by_node(qin, topn, limit, fuzzy)
        elif isinstance(qin, GraphRelation):
            ret = self._query_by_relation(qin, topn, limit, fuzzy)
        elif isinstance(qin, str):
            ret = self._query_by_cypher(qin)
            raise InputError
        return ret

    def _sort_matched(self, matched_nodes: list, props: dict) -> list:
        Sort matched nodes by comparing their properties with the given props.
        ret = []
        for node in matched_nodes:
            nprops = dict(node)
            num = 0
            for k, v in props.items():
                if k in nprops and nprops[k] == v:
                    num += 1
            ret.append((node, num))
        sorted_ret = sorted(ret, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
        return [n for (n, _) in sorted_ret]

    @raise_customized_error(Exception, QueryError)
    def _query_by_node(self, gn: GraphNode, topn: int, limit: int,
                       fuzzy: bool) -> List[Node]:
        Query node by given label and name.
        If None, then by those nodes whose nodes contains the given name
        label, name, props = gn.label,, gn.props
        nmatch = self.nmatcher.match(label)
        nodes = nmatch.where(name=name).limit(limit)
        if fuzzy and nodes.first() == None:
            nodes = nmatch.where(name__contains=name).limit(limit)
        nmlst = list(nodes)
        return self.__from_match_to_return(nmlst, props, topn)

    @raise_customized_error(Exception, QueryError)
    def _query_by_relation(self, gr: GraphRelation, topn: int, limit: int,
                           fuzzy: bool) -> List[Relationship]:
        Query relations by given start, end and kind.
        If start and end are None, return [].
        If start or end is None, then by kind and start or end.

        If result is None, then by start or end, or by both.
        starts = self._query_by_node(gr.start, topn=1, limit=5, fuzzy=fuzzy)
        ends = self._query_by_node(gr.end, topn=1, limit=5, fuzzy=fuzzy)
        start = starts[0] if starts else None
        end = ends[0] if ends else None
        kind, props = gr.kind, gr.props
        # print("start: ", start)
        # print("end:", end)
        if not start and not end:
            return []
        # start, end could be None
        # r_type could be None
        relations = self.rmatcher.match((start, end), r_type=kind).limit(limit)
        if relations.first() == None and start and end:
            relations = self.rmatcher.match((start, end)).limit(limit)
        rmlst = list(relations)
        return self.__from_match_to_return(rmlst, props, topn)

    def _query_by_cypher(self, cypher: str) -> types.GeneratorType:
        Return a generator, the content depends on your query input.
        pattern_match = re.compile(r'^ ?MATCH')
        pattern_limit = re.compile(r'LIMIT \d')
        if not
            raise OverstepError
        searched_limit =
        topn = int([-1]) if searched_limit else 5
            cursor =
            res = []
            n = 0
            for item in cursor:
                n += 1
                if n == topn:
                    return res
        except Exception as e:
            raise QueryError

    def __from_match_to_return(self, matched_list: list, props: dict,
                               topn: int) -> list:
        if not matched_list:
            return []
        if len(matched_list) > 1 and props:
            ret = self._sort_matched(matched_list, props)[:topn]
            ret = matched_list[:topn]
        return ret

    def labels(self) -> frozenset:
        """all labels"""
        return self.graph.schema.node_labels

    def relationship_types(self) -> frozenset:
        """all relation types"""
        return self.graph.schema.relationship_types

    def nodes_num(self) -> int:
        """all nodes amounts"""
        return len(self.graph.nodes)

    def relationships_num(self) -> int:
        """all relations amounts"""
        return len(self.graph.relationships)

    def nodes(self) -> types.GeneratorType:
        """all nodes (a generator)"""
        return iter(self.graph.nodes.match())

    def relationships(self) -> types.GeneratorType:
        """all relations (a generator)"""
        return iter(self.graph.relationships.match())

    def excute(self, cypher) -> dict:
        Be careful to use this function.
        Especially when you're updating the database.
        This function will not check the duplicated nodes or relationships.
            run =
            return dict(run.stats())
        except Exception as e:
            raise InputError