예제 #1
 def addUser(self, email, password, join_date, verified):
     hashed = bcrypt.hashpw(password, bcrypt.gensalt(1))
     user = User(email = email,
                 password = hashed,
                 join_date = join_date,
                 verified = verified)
예제 #2
def main():
    # Make a little password hash
    username = '******'
    password = '******'
    salt = bcrypt.gensalt(6)
    hashed = bcrypt.hashpw(password, salt)

    # Get db Connection, Cursor
    (db,cursor) = OpenCursor()

    # db Query to set the pw for a particular user
    query = ''' update users
                set    pw_hash='{pw_hash}'
                where  user_name='{uname}'
    # Commit and close the DB Connection
예제 #3
    def __call__(self, form, field):
        # We run this validator last.  If there are already errors, we don't want
        # to run this validator; everything else needs to be checked first, THEN
        # we run the expensive DB calls
        if form.errors:
            raise StopValidation()
        # Get db Connection, Cursor
        (db,cursor) = OpenCursor()

        # db Query to get pw_hash for this user, if the user exists
        query = ''' select  pw_hash
                    from    users
                    where   user_name='{uname}'
        pw_hash_dict = cursor.fetchone()
        # Close the DB Connection

        #IF we found a user, get the pw_hash.  If not, validation has failed
        if pw_hash_dict:
            pw_hash = pw_hash_dict['pw_hash']
            raise ValidationError(self.message)

        # Compare the DB password hash to the one the user submitted.  If
        # they don't match, validation has failed.
        # This also catches the case where the DB password is blank
        if pw_hash and not pw_hash=='':
            if not bcrypt.hashpw(field.data, pw_hash) == pw_hash:
                raise ValidationError(self.message)
            raise ValidationError(self.message)
def _set_password(value):
    if not constants.PASSWORD_MIN <= len(value) <= constants.PASSWORD_MAX:
        raise ResponseException(constants.PASSWORD, status_int=409)
    return bcrypt.hashpw(value, bcrypt.gensalt())
예제 #5
def check_password(password, hashed):
    return bcrypt.hashpw(password, hashed)
예제 #6
def hash_password(password):
    return bcrypt.hashpw(password, bcrypt.gensalt(7))
    def post(self, user_id):

        lang_map = {
            'en': {
                'account': 'Account Not Found',
                'pass': '******',
                'approved': 'User has not been approved',
                'disabled': 'User has been disabled'
            'es-mx': {
                'account': 'Account Not Found',
                'pass': '******',
                'approved': 'User has not been approved',
                'disabled': 'User has been disabled'
            'pt-br': {
                'account': 'Account Not Found',
                'pass': '******',
                'approved': 'User has not been approved',
                'disabled': 'User has been disabled'

        locale = self.json.get('locale')

        map = lang_map[locale]

        user = User.query(User.email == self.json['email']).get()
        if not user:
            msg = map['account']
            raise ResponseException(msg, no_error=True)

        if user.profile_pending and user.role == Role.client:
            if not bcrypt.hashpw(self.json['password'], user.password) == user.password:

                msg = map['pass']
                raise ResponseException(msg, no_error=True)

            self.resp = {'redirect': '/app#/profile/create'}
            return self.format_resp()

        if not user.approved:
            msg = map['approved']
            raise ResponseException(msg, no_error=True)

        if not user.status:
            msg = map['disabled']
            raise ResponseException(msg, no_error=True)

        if not bcrypt.hashpw(self.json['password'], user.password) == user.password:
            msg = map['pass']
            raise ResponseException(msg, no_error=True)

        client_role_string = self.json.get('role', None)
        if client_role_string:
            client_role = Role.lookup_by_name(client_role_string)

        if not user.profile:
            user.profile = Profile()

        self.resp = user.to_json()