예제 #1
    def __init__(self, origin, params, trans_in=None):
        self.params = params
        self.a = params[0]
        self.b = params[1]
        self.jos1_b = params[2]
        self.jos1_a = params[3]
        self.f1 = params[4]
        self.d1 = params[5]
        self.jos2_b = params[6]
        self.jos2_a = params[7]
        self.f2 = params[8]
        self.d2 = params[9]
        self.w = params[10]
        self.dCap = params[11]
        self.gap = params[12]
        self.square_a = params[13]
        self.dSquares = params[14]
        self.alum_over = params[15]
        self.B1_width = params[16]

        # calculated parameters
        self.B2_width = self.a + self.jos1_a / 2 - self.jos2_a / 2 - self.w
        self.qbit_width = 2 * self.w + self.B2_width
        self.B3_width = self.b - self.jos2_a / 2 - self.jos1_a / 2 - 2 * self.w
        self.B1_height = (self.dSquares - 2 * self.w - self.b) / 2
        self._alpha_1 = 0.5
        self._length1 = (self.b + 2 * self.w + self.jos1_b)
        self._alpha_2 = 0.5
        self._length2 = (self.b + 2 * self.w - 2 * self.f2 - self.jos2_b
                         )  #length

        self._length_right = (self.b + 2 * self.w - 2 * self.jos2_b) / 3
        self.p0 = DPoint(0, 0)
        self.p1 = self.p0 - DPoint(0, self.dCap + self.square_a)
        self.p2 = self.p1 + DPoint(self.square_a / 2 - self.qbit_width / 2,
                                   -(self.dCap + self.B1_height))
        self.p3 = self.p2 + DPoint(self.qbit_width - self.w, 0)
        self.p4 = self.p2 + DPoint(self.w, -self.w)
        self.p5 = self.p3 + DPoint(2 * self.w + self.jos2_a,
                                   -(2 * self._length_right + 2 * self.jos2_b))
        self.p6 = self.p3 - DPoint(0, self.b + 2 * self.w)
        self.p7 = self.p6 - DPoint(self.B3_width, 0)
        self.p8 = self.p7 - DPoint(self.w, self.B1_height)
        self.p9 = self.p1 - DPoint(
            0, self.square_a + self.b + 2 * self.B1_height + 2 * self.w)

        self.SQ1 = pya.DBox(self.p1,
                            self.p1 + DPoint(self.square_a, self.square_a))
        self._B1p1 = self.p2 + DPoint(
            (self.B2_width + 2 * self.w) / 2 - self.B1_width / 2, 0)
        self.B1 = pya.DBox(
            self._B1p1, self._B1p1 +
            DPoint(self.B1_width, self.B1_height + self.alum_over))
        self.B2 = pya.DBox(self.p4, self.p3)
        self.B3 = pya.DBox(self.p7, self.p7 + DPoint(self.B3_width, self.w))
        self._B4p1 = self.p8 + DPoint(
            (self.B3_width + 2 * self.w) / 2 - self.B1_width / 2,
        self.B4 = pya.DBox(
            self._B4p1, self._B4p1 +
            DPoint(self.B1_width, self.B1_height + self.alum_over))
        self.SQ2 = pya.DBox(self.p9,
                            self.p9 + DPoint(self.square_a, self.square_a))

        self.poly_1 = self._make_polygon(self._length1 * self._alpha_1, self.w,
                                         self.d1, self.f1, self.jos1_b)
        self.poly_1.transform(DCplxTrans(1.0, 270, False, self.p2))
        self.poly_2 = self._make_polygon(self._length1 * (1 - self._alpha_1),
                                         self.w, self.d1, self.f1, self.jos1_b)
        self.poly_2.transform(DCplxTrans(1.0, 90, False, self.p7))
        self.poly_3 = self._make_polygon(self._length_right + self.jos2_b,
                                         self.w, self.d2, self.f2, self.jos2_b)
        self.poly_3.transform(DCplxTrans(1.0, 270, False, self.p3))

        self.poly_4 = self._make_polygon(
            self._length_right + self.jos2_b - self.f2, self.w, self.d2,
            self.f2, self.jos2_b)
                1.0, 270, True, self.p5 +
                DPoint(0, self._length_right + self.jos2_b - self.f2)))
        _poly_tmp = self._make_polygon(
            self._length_right + self.jos2_b - self.f2, self.w, self.d2,
            self.f2, self.jos2_b)
            DCplxTrans(1.0, 90, False,
                       self.p5 + DPoint(0, self.jos2_b + self.f2)))
        _reg_tmp4 = Region()
        _reg_tmp = Region()
        self._reg_tmp_to_metal = (_reg_tmp + _reg_tmp4).merged()

        self.poly_5 = self._make_polygon(self._length_right + self.jos2_b,
                                         self.w, self.d2, self.f2, self.jos2_b)
        self.poly_5.transform(DCplxTrans(1.0, 90, True, self.p6))
        super().__init__(origin, trans_in)
예제 #2
    def init_regions(self):
        self.metal_regions["bridges_1"] = Region(
        )  # region with ground contacts
        self.empty_regions["bridges_1"] = Region()  # remains empty

        self.metal_regions["bridges_2"] = Region()  # remains empty
        self.empty_regions["bridges_2"] = Region(
        )  # region with erased bridge area

        center = DPoint(0, 0)
        self.connections = [center]
        self.angle_connections = [0]

        # init metal region of ground touching layer
        top_gnd_center = center + DPoint(
            0, self.gnd2gnd_dy / 2 + self.gnd_touch_dy / 2)
        p1 = top_gnd_center + DPoint(-self.gnd_touch_dx / 2,
                                     -self.gnd_touch_dy / 2)
        p2 = p1 + DVector(self.gnd_touch_dx, self.gnd_touch_dy)
        top_gnd_touch_box = pya.DBox(p1, p2)

        bot_gnd_center = center + DPoint(
            0, -(self.gnd2gnd_dy / 2 + self.gnd_touch_dy / 2))
        p1 = bot_gnd_center + DPoint(-self.gnd_touch_dx / 2,
                                     -self.gnd_touch_dy / 2)
        p2 = p1 + DVector(self.gnd_touch_dx, self.gnd_touch_dy)
        bot_gnd_touch_box = pya.DBox(p1, p2)

        # init empty region for second layout layer
        # points start from left-bottom corner and goes in clockwise direction
        p1 = bot_gnd_touch_box.p1 + DPoint(-self.surround_gap,
        p2 = p1 + DPoint(
            0, self.surround_gap + self.gnd_touch_dy + self.transition_len -
        # top left corner + `surrounding_gap` + `transition_length`
        p3 = bot_gnd_touch_box.p1 + DPoint(0, bot_gnd_touch_box.height()) + \
             DPoint(0, self.transition_len)
        bl_pts_list = [p1, p2, p3]  # bl stands for bottom-left
        ''' exploiting symmetry of reflection at x and y axes. '''
        # reflecting at x-axis
        tl_pts_list = list(map(lambda x: DTrans.M0 * x,
                               bl_pts_list))  # tl stands for top-left
        # preserving order
        tl_pts_list = reversed(
            list(tl_pts_list))  # preserving clockwise points order
        # converting iterator to list
        l_pts_list = list(itertools.chain(bl_pts_list,
                                          tl_pts_list))  # l stands for left

        # reflecting all points at y-axis
        r_pts_list = list(map(lambda x: DTrans.M90 * x, l_pts_list))
        r_pts_list = list(
            reversed(r_pts_list))  # preserving clockwise points order

        # gathering points
        pts_list = l_pts_list + r_pts_list  # concatenating proper ordered lists

        empty_polygon = DSimplePolygon(pts_list)
예제 #3
 def init_regions(self):