예제 #1
    def test_distance(self):
        data = load_example('airfoil')
        cases = []
        cases.append((data['A'].tocsr(), data['vertices']))

        for (A, V) in cases:
            dim = V.shape[1]
            for theta in [1.5, 2.0, 2.5]:
                cost = [0]
                lower_bound = 3 * dim + float(A.shape[0]) / A.nnz
                upper_bound = 3 * dim + 3
                assert (cost[0] >= lower_bound)
                assert (cost[0] <= upper_bound)

        for (A, V) in cases:
            for theta in [0.5, 1.0, 1.5]:
                cost = [0]
                lower_bound = 3 * dim + float(A.shape[0]) / A.nnz
                upper_bound = 3 * dim + 3
                assert (cost[0] >= lower_bound)
                assert (cost[0] <= upper_bound)
예제 #2
def get_aggregate(A, strength, aggregate, diagonal_dominance, B, **kwargs):
    def unpack_arg(v):
        if isinstance(v, tuple):
            return v[0], v[1]
            return v, {}

    # Compute the strength-of-connection matrix C, where larger
    # C[i,j] denote stronger couplings between i and j.
    fn, kwargs = unpack_arg(strength)
    if fn == 'symmetric':
        C = symmetric_strength_of_connection(A, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'classical':
        C = classical_strength_of_connection(A, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'distance':
        C = distance_strength_of_connection(A, **kwargs)
    elif (fn == 'ode') or (fn == 'evolution'):
        if 'B' in kwargs:
            C = evolution_strength_of_connection(A, **kwargs)
            C = evolution_strength_of_connection(A, B, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'energy_based':
        C = energy_based_strength_of_connection(A, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'predefined':
        C = kwargs['C'].tocsr()
    elif fn == 'algebraic_distance':
        C = algebraic_distance(A, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'affinity':
        C = affinity_distance(A, **kwargs)
    elif fn is None:
        C = A.tocsr()
        raise ValueError('unrecognized strength of connection method: %s' %

    # Avoid coarsening diagonally dominant rows
    flag, kwargs = unpack_arg(diagonal_dominance)
    if flag:
        C = eliminate_diag_dom_nodes(A, C, **kwargs)

    # Compute the aggregation matrix AggOp (i.e., the nodal coarsening of A).
    # AggOp is a boolean matrix, where the sparsity pattern for the k-th column
    # denotes the fine-grid nodes agglomerated into k-th coarse-grid node.
    fn, kwargs = unpack_arg(aggregate)
    if fn == 'standard':
        AggOp = standard_aggregation(C, **kwargs)[0]
    elif fn == 'naive':
        AggOp = naive_aggregation(C, **kwargs)[0]
    elif fn == 'lloyd':
        AggOp = lloyd_aggregation(C, **kwargs)[0]
    elif fn == 'pairwise':
        AggOp = pairwise_aggregation(A, B, **kwargs)[0]
    elif fn == 'predefined':
        AggOp = kwargs['AggOp'].tocsr()
        raise ValueError('unrecognized aggregation method %s' % str(fn))

    return AggOp
예제 #3
    def test_distance(self):
        data = load_example('airfoil')
        cases = []
        cases.append((data['A'].tocsr(), data['vertices']))
        for (A, V) in cases:
            dim = V.shape[1]
            for theta in [1.5, 2.0, 2.5]:
                cost = [0]
                lower_bound = 3*dim + float(A.shape[0]) / A.nnz
                upper_bound = 3*dim + 3
                distance_strength_of_connection(A, V, theta=theta, relative_drop=True, cost=cost)
                assert(cost[0] >= lower_bound)
                assert(cost[0] <= upper_bound)

        for (A, V) in cases:
            for theta in [0.5, 1.0, 1.5]:
                cost = [0]
                lower_bound = 3*dim + float(A.shape[0]) / A.nnz
                upper_bound = 3*dim + 3
                distance_strength_of_connection(A, V, theta=theta, relative_drop=False, cost=cost)
                assert(cost[0] >= lower_bound)
                assert(cost[0] <= upper_bound)
예제 #4
def extend_hierarchy(levels, strength, CF, keep):
    """ helper function for local methods """
    def unpack_arg(v):
        if isinstance(v, tuple):
            return v[0], v[1]
            return v, {}

    A = levels[-1].A

    # Compute the strength-of-connection matrix C, where larger
    # C[i,j] denote stronger couplings between i and j.
    fn, kwargs = unpack_arg(strength)
    if fn == 'symmetric':
        C = symmetric_strength_of_connection(A, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'classical':
        C = classical_strength_of_connection(A, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'distance':
        C = distance_strength_of_connection(A, **kwargs)
    elif (fn == 'ode') or (fn == 'evolution'):
        C = evolution_strength_of_connection(A, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'energy_based':
        C = energy_based_strength_of_connection(A, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'algebraic_distance':
        C = algebraic_distance(A, **kwargs)
    elif fn is None:
        C = A
        raise ValueError('unrecognized strength of connection method: %s' %

    # Generate the C/F splitting
    fn, kwargs = unpack_arg(CF)
    if fn == 'RS':
        splitting = split.RS(C)
    elif fn == 'PMIS':
        splitting = split.PMIS(C)
    elif fn == 'PMISc':
        splitting = split.PMISc(C)
    elif fn == 'CLJP':
        splitting = split.CLJP(C)
    elif fn == 'CLJPc':
        splitting = split.CLJPc(C)
        raise ValueError('unknown C/F splitting method (%s)' % CF)

    # Generate the interpolation matrix that maps from the coarse-grid to the
    # fine-grid
    P = direct_interpolation(A, C, splitting)

    # Generate the restriction matrix that maps from the fine-grid to the
    # coarse-grid
    R = P.T.tocsr()

    # Store relevant information for this level
    if keep:
        levels[-1].C = C                  # strength of connection matrix
        levels[-1].splitting = splitting  # C/F splitting

    levels[-1].P = P                  # prolongation operator
    levels[-1].R = R                  # restriction operator


    # Form next level through Galerkin product
    A = R * A * P
    levels[-1].A = A
예제 #5
def extend_hierarchy(levels,
    """Extend the multigrid hierarchy.

    Service routine to implement the strength of connection, aggregation,
    tentative prolongation construction, and prolongation smoothing.  Called by

    def unpack_arg(v):
        if isinstance(v, tuple):
            return v[0], v[1]
            return v, {}

    A = levels[-1].A
    B = levels[-1].B
    if A.symmetry == "nonsymmetric":
        AH = A.H.asformat(A.format)
        BH = levels[-1].BH

    # Compute the strength-of-connection matrix C, where larger
    # C[i,j] denote stronger couplings between i and j.
    fn, kwargs = unpack_arg(strength[len(levels) - 1])
    if fn == 'symmetric':
        C = symmetric_strength_of_connection(A, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'classical':
        C = classical_strength_of_connection(A, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'distance':
        C = distance_strength_of_connection(A, **kwargs)
    elif (fn == 'ode') or (fn == 'evolution'):
        if 'B' in kwargs:
            C = evolution_strength_of_connection(A, **kwargs)
            C = evolution_strength_of_connection(A, B, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'energy_based':
        C = energy_based_strength_of_connection(A, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'predefined':
        C = kwargs['C'].tocsr()
    elif fn == 'algebraic_distance':
        C = algebraic_distance(A, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'affinity':
        C = affinity_distance(A, **kwargs)
    elif fn is None:
        C = A.tocsr()
        raise ValueError('unrecognized strength of connection method: %s' %

    # Avoid coarsening diagonally dominant rows
    flag, kwargs = unpack_arg(diagonal_dominance)
    if flag:
        C = eliminate_diag_dom_nodes(A, C, **kwargs)

    # Compute the aggregation matrix AggOp (i.e., the nodal coarsening of A).
    # AggOp is a boolean matrix, where the sparsity pattern for the k-th column
    # denotes the fine-grid nodes agglomerated into k-th coarse-grid node.
    fn, kwargs = unpack_arg(aggregate[len(levels) - 1])
    if fn == 'standard':
        AggOp = standard_aggregation(C, **kwargs)[0]
    elif fn == 'naive':
        AggOp = naive_aggregation(C, **kwargs)[0]
    elif fn == 'lloyd':
        AggOp = lloyd_aggregation(C, **kwargs)[0]
    elif fn == 'predefined':
        AggOp = kwargs['AggOp'].tocsr()
        raise ValueError('unrecognized aggregation method %s' % str(fn))

    # Improve near nullspace candidates by relaxing on A B = 0
    fn, kwargs = unpack_arg(improve_candidates[len(levels) - 1])
    if fn is not None:
        b = np.zeros((A.shape[0], 1), dtype=A.dtype)
        B = relaxation_as_linear_operator((fn, kwargs), A, b) * B
        levels[-1].B = B
        if A.symmetry == "nonsymmetric":
            BH = relaxation_as_linear_operator((fn, kwargs), AH, b) * BH
            levels[-1].BH = BH

    # Compute the tentative prolongator, T, which is a tentative interpolation
    # matrix from the coarse-grid to the fine-grid.  T exactly interpolates
    # B_fine = T B_coarse.
    T, B = fit_candidates(AggOp, B)
    if A.symmetry == "nonsymmetric":
        TH, BH = fit_candidates(AggOp, BH)

    # Smooth the tentative prolongator, so that it's accuracy is greatly
    # improved for algebraically smooth error.
    fn, kwargs = unpack_arg(smooth[len(levels) - 1])
    if fn == 'jacobi':
        P = jacobi_prolongation_smoother(A, T, C, B, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'richardson':
        P = richardson_prolongation_smoother(A, T, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'energy':
        P = energy_prolongation_smoother(A, T, C, B, None, (False, {}),
    elif fn is None:
        P = T
        raise ValueError('unrecognized prolongation smoother method %s' %

    # Compute the restriction matrix, R, which interpolates from the fine-grid
    # to the coarse-grid.  If A is nonsymmetric, then R must be constructed
    # based on A.H.  Otherwise R = P.H or P.T.
    symmetry = A.symmetry
    if symmetry == 'hermitian':
        R = P.H
    elif symmetry == 'symmetric':
        R = P.T
    elif symmetry == 'nonsymmetric':
        fn, kwargs = unpack_arg(smooth[len(levels) - 1])
        if fn == 'jacobi':
            R = jacobi_prolongation_smoother(AH, TH, C, BH, **kwargs).H
        elif fn == 'richardson':
            R = richardson_prolongation_smoother(AH, TH, **kwargs).H
        elif fn == 'energy':
            R = energy_prolongation_smoother(AH, TH, C, BH, None, (False, {}),
            R = R.H
        elif fn is None:
            R = T.H
            raise ValueError('unrecognized prolongation smoother method %s' %

    if keep:
        levels[-1].C = C  # strength of connection matrix
        levels[-1].AggOp = AggOp  # aggregation operator
        levels[-1].T = T  # tentative prolongator

    levels[-1].P = P  # smoothed prolongator
    levels[-1].R = R  # restriction operator

    A = R * A * P  # Galerkin operator
    A.symmetry = symmetry
    levels[-1].A = A
    levels[-1].B = B  # right near nullspace candidates

    if A.symmetry == "nonsymmetric":
        levels[-1].BH = BH  # left near nullspace candidates
예제 #6
def extend_hierarchy(levels, strength, aggregate, smooth, improve_candidates,
                     diagonal_dominance=False, keep=True):
    """Service routine to implement the strength of connection, aggregation,
    tentative prolongation construction, and prolongation smoothing.  Called by

    A = levels[-1].A
    B = levels[-1].B
    if A.symmetry == "nonsymmetric":
        AH = A.H.asformat(A.format)
        BH = levels[-1].BH

    # Compute the strength-of-connection matrix C, where larger
    # C[i,j] denote stronger couplings between i and j.
    fn, kwargs = unpack_arg(strength[len(levels)-1])
    if fn == 'symmetric':
        C = symmetric_strength_of_connection(A, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'classical':
        C = classical_strength_of_connection(A, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'distance':
        C = distance_strength_of_connection(A, **kwargs)
    elif (fn == 'ode') or (fn == 'evolution'):
        if 'B' in kwargs:
            C = evolution_strength_of_connection(A, **kwargs)
            C = evolution_strength_of_connection(A, B, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'energy_based':
        C = energy_based_strength_of_connection(A, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'predefined':
        C = kwargs['C'].tocsr()
    elif fn == 'algebraic_distance':
        C = algebraic_distance(A, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'affinity':
        C = affinity_distance(A, **kwargs)
    elif fn is None:
        C = A.tocsr()
        raise ValueError('unrecognized strength of connection method: %s' %

    levels[-1].complexity['strength'] = kwargs['cost'][0]
    # Avoid coarsening diagonally dominant rows
    flag, kwargs = unpack_arg(diagonal_dominance)
    if flag:
        C = eliminate_diag_dom_nodes(A, C, **kwargs)
        levels[-1].complexity['diag_dom'] = kwargs['cost'][0]

    # Compute the aggregation matrix AggOp (i.e., the nodal coarsening of A).
    # AggOp is a boolean matrix, where the sparsity pattern for the k-th column
    # denotes the fine-grid nodes agglomerated into k-th coarse-grid node.
    fn, kwargs = unpack_arg(aggregate[len(levels)-1])
    if fn == 'standard':
        AggOp = standard_aggregation(C, **kwargs)[0]
    elif fn == 'naive':
        AggOp = naive_aggregation(C, **kwargs)[0]
    elif fn == 'lloyd':
        AggOp = lloyd_aggregation(C, **kwargs)[0]
    elif fn == 'predefined':
        AggOp = kwargs['AggOp'].tocsr()
        raise ValueError('unrecognized aggregation method %s' % str(fn))

    levels[-1].complexity['aggregation'] = kwargs['cost'][0] * (float(C.nnz)/A.nnz)

    # Improve near nullspace candidates by relaxing on A B = 0
    temp_cost = [0.0]
    fn, kwargs = unpack_arg(improve_candidates[len(levels)-1], cost=False)
    if fn is not None:
        b = np.zeros((A.shape[0], 1), dtype=A.dtype)
        B = relaxation_as_linear_operator((fn, kwargs), A, b, temp_cost) * B
        levels[-1].B = B
        if A.symmetry == "nonsymmetric":
            BH = relaxation_as_linear_operator((fn, kwargs), AH, b, temp_cost) * BH
            levels[-1].BH = BH

    levels[-1].complexity['candidates'] = temp_cost[0] * B.shape[1]

    # Compute the tentative prolongator, T, which is a tentative interpolation
    # matrix from the coarse-grid to the fine-grid.  T exactly interpolates
    # B_fine = T B_coarse. Orthogonalization complexity ~ 2nk^2, k=B.shape[1].
    T, B = fit_candidates(AggOp, B, cost=temp_cost)
    if A.symmetry == "nonsymmetric":
        TH, BH = fit_candidates(AggOp, BH, cost=temp_cost)

    levels[-1].complexity['tentative'] = temp_cost[0]/A.nnz

    # Smooth the tentative prolongator, so that it's accuracy is greatly
    # improved for algebraically smooth error.
    fn, kwargs = unpack_arg(smooth[len(levels)-1])
    if fn == 'jacobi':
        P = jacobi_prolongation_smoother(A, T, C, B, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'richardson':
        P = richardson_prolongation_smoother(A, T, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'energy':
        P = energy_prolongation_smoother(A, T, C, B, None, (False, {}),
    elif fn is None:
        P = T
        raise ValueError('unrecognized prolongation smoother method %s' %

    levels[-1].complexity['smooth_P'] = kwargs['cost'][0]

    # Compute the restriction matrix, R, which interpolates from the fine-grid
    # to the coarse-grid.  If A is nonsymmetric, then R must be constructed
    # based on A.H.  Otherwise R = P.H or P.T.
    symmetry = A.symmetry
    if symmetry == 'hermitian':
        R = P.H
    elif symmetry == 'symmetric':
        R = P.T
    elif symmetry == 'nonsymmetric':
        fn, kwargs = unpack_arg(smooth[len(levels)-1])
        if fn == 'jacobi':
            R = jacobi_prolongation_smoother(AH, TH, C, BH, **kwargs).H
        elif fn == 'richardson':
            R = richardson_prolongation_smoother(AH, TH, **kwargs).H
        elif fn == 'energy':
            R = energy_prolongation_smoother(AH, TH, C, BH, None, (False, {}),
            R = R.H
        elif fn is None:
            R = T.H
            raise ValueError('unrecognized prolongation smoother method %s' %
        levels[-1].complexity['smooth_R'] = kwargs['cost'][0]

    if keep:
        levels[-1].C = C            # strength of connection matrix
        levels[-1].AggOp = AggOp    # aggregation operator
        levels[-1].T = T            # tentative prolongator

    levels[-1].P = P  # smoothed prolongator
    levels[-1].R = R  # restriction operator

    # Form coarse grid operator, get complexity
    levels[-1].complexity['RAP'] = mat_mat_complexity(R,A) / float(A.nnz)
    RA = R * A
    levels[-1].complexity['RAP'] += mat_mat_complexity(RA,P) / float(A.nnz)
    A = RA * P      # Galerkin operator, Ac = RAP
    A.symmetry = symmetry

    levels[-1].A = A
    levels[-1].B = B           # right near nullspace candidates

    if A.symmetry == "nonsymmetric":
        levels[-1].BH = BH     # left near nullspace candidates
예제 #7
def extend_hierarchy(levels, strength, CF, keep):
    """ helper function for local methods """
    def unpack_arg(v):
        if isinstance(v, tuple):
            return v[0], v[1]
            return v, {}

    A = levels[-1].A

    # Compute the strength-of-connection matrix C, where larger
    # C[i,j] denote stronger couplings between i and j.
    fn, kwargs = unpack_arg(strength)
    if fn == 'symmetric':
        C = symmetric_strength_of_connection(A, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'classical':
        C = classical_strength_of_connection(A, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'distance':
        C = distance_strength_of_connection(A, **kwargs)
    elif (fn == 'ode') or (fn == 'evolution'):
        C = evolution_strength_of_connection(A, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'energy_based':
        C = energy_based_strength_of_connection(A, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'algebraic_distance':
        C = algebraic_distance(A, **kwargs)
    elif fn is None:
        C = A
        raise ValueError('unrecognized strength of connection method: %s' %

    # Generate the C/F splitting
    fn, kwargs = unpack_arg(CF)
    if fn == 'RS':
        splitting = split.RS(C)
    elif fn == 'PMIS':
        splitting = split.PMIS(C)
    elif fn == 'PMISc':
        splitting = split.PMISc(C)
    elif fn == 'CLJP':
        splitting = split.CLJP(C)
    elif fn == 'CLJPc':
        splitting = split.CLJPc(C)
        raise ValueError('unknown C/F splitting method (%s)' % CF)

    # Generate the interpolation matrix that maps from the coarse-grid to the
    # fine-grid
    P = direct_interpolation(A, C, splitting)

    # Generate the restriction matrix that maps from the fine-grid to the
    # coarse-grid
    R = P.T.tocsr()

    # Store relevant information for this level
    if keep:
        levels[-1].C = C  # strength of connection matrix
        levels[-1].splitting = splitting  # C/F splitting

    levels[-1].P = P  # prolongation operator
    levels[-1].R = R  # restriction operator


    # Form next level through Galerkin product
    A = R * A * P
    levels[-1].A = A
예제 #8
파일: rootnode.py 프로젝트: ssirai/pyamg
def extend_hierarchy(levels, strength, aggregate, smooth, improve_candidates, diagonal_dominance=False, keep=True):
    """Service routine to implement the strength of connection, aggregation,
    tentative prolongation construction, and prolongation smoothing.  Called by

    def unpack_arg(v):
        if isinstance(v, tuple):
            return v[0], v[1]
            return v, {}

    A = levels[-1].A
    B = levels[-1].B
    if A.symmetry == "nonsymmetric":
        AH = A.H.asformat(A.format)
        BH = levels[-1].BH

    # Compute the strength-of-connection matrix C, where larger
    # C[i, j] denote stronger couplings between i and j.
    fn, kwargs = unpack_arg(strength[len(levels) - 1])
    if fn == "symmetric":
        C = symmetric_strength_of_connection(A, **kwargs)
    elif fn == "classical":
        C = classical_strength_of_connection(A, **kwargs)
    elif fn == "distance":
        C = distance_strength_of_connection(A, **kwargs)
    elif (fn == "ode") or (fn == "evolution"):
        if "B" in kwargs:
            C = evolution_strength_of_connection(A, **kwargs)
            C = evolution_strength_of_connection(A, B, **kwargs)
    elif fn == "energy_based":
        C = energy_based_strength_of_connection(A, **kwargs)
    elif fn == "predefined":
        C = kwargs["C"].tocsr()
    elif fn == "algebraic_distance":
        C = algebraic_distance(A, **kwargs)
    elif fn is None:
        C = A.tocsr()
        raise ValueError("unrecognized strength of connection method: %s" % str(fn))

    # Avoid coarsening diagonally dominant rows
    flag, kwargs = unpack_arg(diagonal_dominance)
    if flag:
        C = eliminate_diag_dom_nodes(A, C, **kwargs)

    # Compute the aggregation matrix AggOp (i.e., the nodal coarsening of A).
    # AggOp is a boolean matrix, where the sparsity pattern for the k-th column
    # denotes the fine-grid nodes agglomerated into k-th coarse-grid node.
    fn, kwargs = unpack_arg(aggregate[len(levels) - 1])
    if fn == "standard":
        AggOp, Cnodes = standard_aggregation(C, **kwargs)
    elif fn == "naive":
        AggOp, Cnodes = naive_aggregation(C, **kwargs)
    elif fn == "lloyd":
        AggOp, Cnodes = lloyd_aggregation(C, **kwargs)
    elif fn == "predefined":
        AggOp = kwargs["AggOp"].tocsr()
        Cnodes = kwargs["Cnodes"]
        raise ValueError("unrecognized aggregation method %s" % str(fn))

    # Improve near nullspace candidates by relaxing on A B = 0
    fn, kwargs = unpack_arg(improve_candidates[len(levels) - 1])
    if fn is not None:
        b = np.zeros((A.shape[0], 1), dtype=A.dtype)
        B = relaxation_as_linear_operator((fn, kwargs), A, b) * B
        levels[-1].B = B
        if A.symmetry == "nonsymmetric":
            BH = relaxation_as_linear_operator((fn, kwargs), AH, b) * BH
            levels[-1].BH = BH

    # Compute the tentative prolongator, T, which is a tentative interpolation
    # matrix from the coarse-grid to the fine-grid.  T exactly interpolates
    # B_fine[:, 0:blocksize(A)] = T B_coarse[:, 0:blocksize(A)].
    T, dummy = fit_candidates(AggOp, B[:, 0 : blocksize(A)])
    del dummy
    if A.symmetry == "nonsymmetric":
        TH, dummyH = fit_candidates(AggOp, BH[:, 0 : blocksize(A)])
        del dummyH

    # Create necessary root node matrices
    Cpt_params = (True, get_Cpt_params(A, Cnodes, AggOp, T))
    T = scale_T(T, Cpt_params[1]["P_I"], Cpt_params[1]["I_F"])
    if A.symmetry == "nonsymmetric":
        TH = scale_T(TH, Cpt_params[1]["P_I"], Cpt_params[1]["I_F"])

    # Set coarse grid near nullspace modes as injected fine grid near
    # null-space modes
    B = Cpt_params[1]["P_I"].T * levels[-1].B
    if A.symmetry == "nonsymmetric":
        BH = Cpt_params[1]["P_I"].T * levels[-1].BH

    # Smooth the tentative prolongator, so that it's accuracy is greatly
    # improved for algebraically smooth error.
    fn, kwargs = unpack_arg(smooth[len(levels) - 1])
    if fn == "energy":
        P = energy_prolongation_smoother(A, T, C, B, levels[-1].B, Cpt_params=Cpt_params, **kwargs)
    elif fn is None:
        P = T
        raise ValueError(
            "unrecognized prolongation smoother \
                          method %s"
            % str(fn)

    # Compute the restriction matrix R, which interpolates from the fine-grid
    # to the coarse-grid.  If A is nonsymmetric, then R must be constructed
    # based on A.H.  Otherwise R = P.H or P.T.
    symmetry = A.symmetry
    if symmetry == "hermitian":
        R = P.H
    elif symmetry == "symmetric":
        R = P.T
    elif symmetry == "nonsymmetric":
        fn, kwargs = unpack_arg(smooth[len(levels) - 1])
        if fn == "energy":
            R = energy_prolongation_smoother(AH, TH, C, BH, levels[-1].BH, Cpt_params=Cpt_params, **kwargs)
            R = R.H
        elif fn is None:
            R = T.H
            raise ValueError(
                "unrecognized prolongation smoother \
                              method %s"
                % str(fn)

    if keep:
        levels[-1].C = C  # strength of connection matrix
        levels[-1].AggOp = AggOp  # aggregation operator
        levels[-1].T = T  # tentative prolongator
        levels[-1].Fpts = Cpt_params[1]["Fpts"]  # Fpts
        levels[-1].P_I = Cpt_params[1]["P_I"]  # Injection operator
        levels[-1].I_F = Cpt_params[1]["I_F"]  # Identity on F-pts
        levels[-1].I_C = Cpt_params[1]["I_C"]  # Identity on C-pts

    levels[-1].P = P  # smoothed prolongator
    levels[-1].R = R  # restriction operator
    levels[-1].Cpts = Cpt_params[1]["Cpts"]  # Cpts (i.e., rootnodes)

    A = R * A * P  # Galerkin operator
    A.symmetry = symmetry
    levels[-1].A = A
    levels[-1].B = B  # right near nullspace candidates

    if A.symmetry == "nonsymmetric":
        levels[-1].BH = BH  # left near nullspace candidates
예제 #9
파일: rootnode.py 프로젝트: lacrymose/pyamg
def extend_hierarchy(levels, strength, aggregate, smooth, improve_candidates,
                     diagonal_dominance=False, keep=True):
    """Service routine to implement the strength of connection, aggregation,
    tentative prolongation construction, and prolongation smoothing.  Called by

    A = levels[-1].A
    B = levels[-1].B
    if A.symmetry == "nonsymmetric":
        AH = A.H.asformat(A.format)
        BH = levels[-1].BH

    # Compute the strength-of-connection matrix C, where larger
    # C[i, j] denote stronger couplings between i and j.
    fn, kwargs = unpack_arg(strength[len(levels)-1])
    if fn == 'symmetric':
        C = symmetric_strength_of_connection(A, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'classical':
        C = classical_strength_of_connection(A, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'distance':
        C = distance_strength_of_connection(A, **kwargs)
    elif (fn == 'ode') or (fn == 'evolution'):
        if 'B' in kwargs:
            C = evolution_strength_of_connection(A, **kwargs)
            C = evolution_strength_of_connection(A, B, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'energy_based':
        C = energy_based_strength_of_connection(A, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'predefined':
        C = kwargs['C'].tocsr()
    elif fn == 'algebraic_distance':
        C = algebraic_distance(A, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'affinity':
        C = affinity_distance(A, **kwargs)
    elif fn is None:
        C = A.tocsr()
        raise ValueError('unrecognized strength of connection method: %s' %
    levels[-1].complexity['strength'] = kwargs['cost'][0]

    # Avoid coarsening diagonally dominant rows
    flag, kwargs = unpack_arg(diagonal_dominance)
    if flag:
        C = eliminate_diag_dom_nodes(A, C, **kwargs)
        levels[-1].complexity['diag_dom'] = kwargs['cost'][0]

    # Compute the aggregation matrix AggOp (i.e., the nodal coarsening of A).
    # AggOp is a boolean matrix, where the sparsity pattern for the k-th column
    # denotes the fine-grid nodes agglomerated into k-th coarse-grid node.
    fn, kwargs = unpack_arg(aggregate[len(levels)-1])
    if fn == 'standard':
        AggOp, Cnodes = standard_aggregation(C, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'naive':
        AggOp, Cnodes = naive_aggregation(C, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'lloyd':
        AggOp, Cnodes = lloyd_aggregation(C, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'predefined':
        AggOp = kwargs['AggOp'].tocsr()
        Cnodes = kwargs['Cnodes']
        raise ValueError('unrecognized aggregation method %s' % str(fn))
    levels[-1].complexity['aggregation'] = kwargs['cost'][0] * (float(C.nnz)/A.nnz)

    # Improve near nullspace candidates by relaxing on A B = 0
    temp_cost = [0.0]
    fn, kwargs = unpack_arg(improve_candidates[len(levels)-1],cost=False)
    if fn is not None:
        b = np.zeros((A.shape[0], 1), dtype=A.dtype)
        B = relaxation_as_linear_operator((fn, kwargs), A, b, temp_cost) * B
        levels[-1].B = B
        if A.symmetry == "nonsymmetric":
            BH = relaxation_as_linear_operator((fn, kwargs), AH, b, temp_cost) * BH
            levels[-1].BH = BH

    levels[-1].complexity['candidates'] = temp_cost[0] * B.shape[1]

    # Compute the tentative prolongator, T, which is a tentative interpolation
    # matrix from the coarse-grid to the fine-grid.  T exactly interpolates
    # B_fine[:, 0:blocksize(A)] = T B_coarse[:, 0:blocksize(A)].
    # Orthogonalization complexity ~ 2nk^2, k = blocksize(A).
    T, dummy = fit_candidates(AggOp, B[:, 0:blocksize(A)], cost=temp_cost)
    del dummy
    if A.symmetry == "nonsymmetric":
        TH, dummyH = fit_candidates(AggOp, BH[:, 0:blocksize(A)], cost=temp_cost)
        del dummyH

    levels[-1].complexity['tentative'] = temp_cost[0]/A.nnz
    # Create necessary root node matrices
    Cpt_params = (True, get_Cpt_params(A, Cnodes, AggOp, T))
    T = scale_T(T, Cpt_params[1]['P_I'], Cpt_params[1]['I_F'])
    levels[-1].complexity['tentative'] += T.nnz / float(A.nnz)
    if A.symmetry == "nonsymmetric":
        TH = scale_T(TH, Cpt_params[1]['P_I'], Cpt_params[1]['I_F'])
        levels[-1].complexity['tentative'] += TH.nnz / float(A.nnz)

    # Set coarse grid near nullspace modes as injected fine grid near
    # null-space modes
    B = Cpt_params[1]['P_I'].T*levels[-1].B
    if A.symmetry == "nonsymmetric":
        BH = Cpt_params[1]['P_I'].T*levels[-1].BH

    # Smooth the tentative prolongator, so that it's accuracy is greatly
    # improved for algebraically smooth error.
    fn, kwargs = unpack_arg(smooth[len(levels)-1])
    if fn == 'energy':
        P = energy_prolongation_smoother(A, T, C, B, levels[-1].B,
                                         Cpt_params=Cpt_params, **kwargs)
    elif fn is None:
        P = T
        raise ValueError('unrecognized prolongation smoother \
                          method %s' % str(fn))

    levels[-1].complexity['smooth_P'] = kwargs['cost'][0]

    # Compute the restriction matrix R, which interpolates from the fine-grid
    # to the coarse-grid.  If A is nonsymmetric, then R must be constructed
    # based on A.H.  Otherwise R = P.H or P.T.
    symmetry = A.symmetry
    if symmetry == 'hermitian':
        R = P.H
    elif symmetry == 'symmetric':
        R = P.T
    elif symmetry == 'nonsymmetric':
        fn, kwargs = unpack_arg(smooth[len(levels)-1])
        if fn == 'energy':
            R = energy_prolongation_smoother(AH, TH, C, BH, levels[-1].BH,
                                             Cpt_params=Cpt_params, **kwargs)
            R = R.H
            levels[-1].complexity['smooth_R'] = kwargs['cost'][0]
        elif fn is None:
            R = T.H
            raise ValueError('unrecognized prolongation smoother \
                              method %s' % str(fn))

    if keep:
        levels[-1].C = C                        # strength of connection matrix
        levels[-1].AggOp = AggOp                # aggregation operator
        levels[-1].T = T                        # tentative prolongator
        levels[-1].Fpts = Cpt_params[1]['Fpts'] # Fpts
        levels[-1].P_I = Cpt_params[1]['P_I']   # Injection operator
        levels[-1].I_F = Cpt_params[1]['I_F']   # Identity on F-pts
        levels[-1].I_C = Cpt_params[1]['I_C']   # Identity on C-pts

    levels[-1].P = P                            # smoothed prolongator
    levels[-1].R = R                            # restriction operator
    levels[-1].Cpts = Cpt_params[1]['Cpts']     # Cpts (i.e., rootnodes)

    # Form coarse grid operator, get complexity
    levels[-1].complexity['RAP'] = mat_mat_complexity(R,A) / float(A.nnz)
    RA = R * A
    levels[-1].complexity['RAP'] += mat_mat_complexity(RA,P) / float(A.nnz)
    A = RA * P      # Galerkin operator, Ac = RAP
    A.symmetry = symmetry

    levels[-1].A = A
    levels[-1].B = B                          # right near nullspace candidates

    if A.symmetry == "nonsymmetric":
        levels[-1].BH = BH                   # left near nullspace candidates
예제 #10
def extend_hierarchy(levels, strength, CF, interp, restrict, filter_operator,
                     coarse_grid_P, coarse_grid_R, keep):
    """ helper function for local methods """

    # Filter operator. Need to keep original matrix on fineest level for
    # computing residuals
    if (filter_operator is not None) and (filter_operator[1] != 0): 
        if len(levels) == 1:
            A = deepcopy(levels[-1].A)
            A = levels[-1].A
        filter_matrix_rows(A, filter_operator[1], diagonal=True, lump=filter_operator[0])
        A = levels[-1].A

    # Check if matrix was filtered to be diagonal --> coarsest grid
    if A.nnz == A.shape[0]:
        return 1

    # Zero initial complexities for strength, splitting and interpolation
    levels[-1].complexity['CF'] = 0.0
    levels[-1].complexity['strength'] = 0.0
    levels[-1].complexity['interpolate'] = 0.0

    # Compute the strength-of-connection matrix C, where larger
    # C[i,j] denote stronger couplings between i and j.
    fn, kwargs = unpack_arg(strength)
    if fn == 'symmetric':
        C = symmetric_strength_of_connection(A, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'classical':
        C = classical_strength_of_connection(A, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'distance':
        C = distance_strength_of_connection(A, **kwargs)
    elif (fn == 'ode') or (fn == 'evolution'):
        C = evolution_strength_of_connection(A, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'energy_based':
        C = energy_based_strength_of_connection(A, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'algebraic_distance':
        C = algebraic_distance(A, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'affinity':
        C = affinity_distance(A, **kwargs)
    elif fn is None:
        C = A
        raise ValueError('unrecognized strength of connection method: %s' %
    levels[-1].complexity['strength'] += kwargs['cost'][0] * A.nnz / float(A.nnz)

    # Generate the C/F splitting
    fn, kwargs = unpack_arg(CF)
    if fn == 'RS':
        splitting = RS(C, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'PMIS':
        splitting = PMIS(C, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'PMISc':
        splitting = PMISc(C, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'CLJP':
        splitting = CLJP(C, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'CLJPc':
        splitting = CLJPc(C, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'CR':
        splitting = CR(C, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'weighted_matching':
        splitting, soc = weighted_matching(C, **kwargs)
        if soc is not None:
            C = soc
        raise ValueError('unknown C/F splitting method (%s)' % CF)
    levels[-1].complexity['CF'] += kwargs['cost'][0] * C.nnz / float(A.nnz)
    temp = np.sum(splitting)
    if (temp == len(splitting)) or (temp == 0):
        return 1

    # Generate the interpolation matrix that maps from the coarse-grid to the
    # fine-grid
    r_flag = False
    fn, kwargs = unpack_arg(interp)
    if fn == 'standard':
        P = standard_interpolation(A, C, splitting, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'distance_two':
        P = distance_two_interpolation(A, C, splitting, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'direct':
        P = direct_interpolation(A, C, splitting, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'one_point':
        P = one_point_interpolation(A, C, splitting, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'inject':
        P = injection_interpolation(A, splitting, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'neumann':
        P = neumann_ideal_interpolation(A, splitting, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'scaledAfc':
        P = scaled_Afc_interpolation(A, splitting, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'air':
        if isspmatrix_bsr(A):
            temp_A = bsr_matrix(A.T)
            P = local_AIR(temp_A, splitting, **kwargs)
            P = bsr_matrix(P.T)
            temp_A = csr_matrix(A.T)
            P = local_AIR(temp_A, splitting, **kwargs)
            P = csr_matrix(P.T)
    elif fn == 'restrict':
        r_flag = True
        raise ValueError('unknown interpolation method (%s)' % interp)
    levels[-1].complexity['interpolate'] += kwargs['cost'][0] * A.nnz / float(A.nnz)

    # Build restriction operator
    fn, kwargs = unpack_arg(restrict)
    if fn is None:
        R = P.T
    elif fn == 'air':
        R = local_AIR(A, splitting, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'neumann':
        R = neumann_AIR(A, splitting, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'one_point':         # Don't need A^T here
        temp_C = C.T.tocsr()
        R = one_point_interpolation(A, temp_C, splitting, **kwargs)
        if isspmatrix_bsr(A):
            R = R.T.tobsr()
            R = R.T.tocsr()
    elif fn == 'inject':            # Don't need A^T or C^T here
        R = injection_interpolation(A, splitting, **kwargs)
        if isspmatrix_bsr(A):
            R = R.T.tobsr()
            R = R.T.tocsr()
    elif fn == 'standard':
        if isspmatrix_bsr(A):
            temp_A = A.T.tobsr()
            temp_C = C.T.tobsr()
            R = standard_interpolation(temp_A, temp_C, splitting, **kwargs)
            R = R.T.tobsr()
            temp_A = A.T.tocsr()
            temp_C = C.T.tocsr()
            R = standard_interpolation(temp_A, temp_C, splitting, **kwargs)
            R = R.T.tocsr()
    elif fn == 'distance_two':
        if isspmatrix_bsr(A):
            temp_A = A.T.tobsr()
            temp_C = C.T.tobsr()
            R = distance_two_interpolation(temp_A, temp_C, splitting, **kwargs)
            R = R.T.tobsr()
            temp_A = A.T.tocsr()
            temp_C = C.T.tocsr()
            R = distance_two_interpolation(temp_A, temp_C, splitting, **kwargs)
            R = R.T.tocsr()
    elif fn == 'direct':
        if isspmatrix_bsr(A):
            temp_A = A.T.tobsr()
            temp_C = C.T.tobsr()
            R = direct_interpolation(temp_A, temp_C, splitting, **kwargs)
            R = R.T.tobsr()        
            temp_A = A.T.tocsr()
            temp_C = C.T.tocsr()
            R = direct_interpolation(temp_A, temp_C, splitting, **kwargs)
            R = R.T.tocsr()
        raise ValueError('unknown restriction method (%s)' % restrict)

    # If set P = R^T
    if r_flag:
        P = R.T

    # Optional different interpolation for RAP
    fn, kwargs = unpack_arg(coarse_grid_P)
    if fn == 'standard':
        P_temp = standard_interpolation(A, C, splitting, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'distance_two':
        P_temp = distance_two_interpolation(A, C, splitting, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'direct':
        P_temp = direct_interpolation(A, C, splitting, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'one_point':
        P_temp = one_point_interpolation(A, C, splitting, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'inject':
        P_temp = injection_interpolation(A, splitting, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'neumann':
        P_temp = neumann_ideal_interpolation(A, splitting, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'air':
        if isspmatrix_bsr(A): 
            temp_A = bsr_matrix(A.T)
            P_temp = local_AIR(temp_A, splitting, **kwargs)
            P_temp = bsr_matrix(P_temp.T)
            temp_A = csr_matrix(A.T)
            P_temp = local_AIR(temp_A, splitting, **kwargs)
            P_temp = csr_matrix(P_temp.T)
        P_temp = P

    # Optional different restriction for RAP
    fn, kwargs = unpack_arg(coarse_grid_R)
    if fn == 'air':
        R_temp = local_AIR(A, splitting, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'neumann':
        R_temp = neumann_AIR(A, splitting, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'one_point':         # Don't need A^T here
        temp_C = C.T.tocsr()
        R_temp = one_point_interpolation(A, temp_C, splitting, **kwargs)
        if isspmatrix_bsr(A):
            R_temp = R_temp.T.tobsr()
            R_temp = R_temp.T.tocsr()
    elif fn == 'inject':            # Don't need A^T or C^T here
        R_temp = injection_interpolation(A, splitting, **kwargs)
        if isspmatrix_bsr(A):
            R_temp = R_temp.T.tobsr()
            R_temp = R_temp.T.tocsr()
    elif fn == 'standard':
        if isspmatrix_bsr(A):
            temp_A = A.T.tobsr()
            temp_C = C.T.tobsr()
            R_temp = standard_interpolation(temp_A, temp_C, splitting, **kwargs)
            R_temp = R_temp.T.tobsr()
            temp_A = A.T.tocsr()
            temp_C = C.T.tocsr()
            R_temp = standard_interpolation(temp_A, temp_C, splitting, **kwargs)
            R_temp = R_temp.T.tocsr()
    elif fn == 'distance_two':
        if isspmatrix_bsr(A):
            temp_A = A.T.tobsr()
            temp_C = C.T.tobsr()
            R_temp = distance_two_interpolation(temp_A, temp_C, splitting, **kwargs)
            R_temp = R_temp.T.tobsr()
            temp_A = A.T.tocsr()
            temp_C = C.T.tocsr()
            R_temp = distance_two_interpolation(temp_A, temp_C, splitting, **kwargs)
            R_temp = R_temp.T.tocsr()
    elif fn == 'direct':
        if isspmatrix_bsr(A):
            temp_A = A.T.tobsr()
            temp_C = C.T.tobsr()
            R_temp = direct_interpolation(temp_A, temp_C, splitting, **kwargs)
            R_temp = R_temp.T.tobsr()        
            temp_A = A.T.tocsr()
            temp_C = C.T.tocsr()
            R_temp = direct_interpolation(temp_A, temp_C, splitting, **kwargs)
            R_temp = R_temp.T.tocsr()
        R_temp = R

    # Store relevant information for this level
    if keep:
        levels[-1].C = C              # strength of connection matrix

    levels[-1].P = P                  # prolongation operator
    levels[-1].R = R                  # restriction operator
    levels[-1].splitting = splitting  # C/F splitting

    # Form coarse grid operator, get complexity
    #levels[-1].complexity['RAP'] = mat_mat_complexity(R_temp,A) / float(A.nnz)
    #RA = R_temp * A
    #levels[-1].complexity['RAP'] += mat_mat_complexity(RA,P_temp) / float(A.nnz)
    #A = RA * P_temp
    # RL: RAP = R*(A*P)
    levels[-1].complexity['RAP'] = mat_mat_complexity(A, P_temp) / float(A.nnz)
    AP = A * P_temp
    levels[-1].complexity['RAP'] += mat_mat_complexity(R_temp, AP) / float(A.nnz)
    A = R_temp * AP

    # Make sure coarse-grid operator is in correct sparse format
    if (isspmatrix_csr(P) and (not isspmatrix_csr(A))):
        A = A.tocsr()
    elif (isspmatrix_bsr(P) and (not isspmatrix_bsr(A))):
        A = A.tobsr()

    levels[-1].A = A
    return 0
예제 #11
def extend_hierarchy(levels, strength, CF, interp, restrict, filter_operator,
                     coarse_grid_P, coarse_grid_R, keep):
    """ helper function for local methods """

    # Filter operator. Need to keep original matrix on fineest level for
    # computing residuals
    if (filter_operator is not None) and (filter_operator[1] != 0):
        if len(levels) == 1:
            A = deepcopy(levels[-1].A)
            A = levels[-1].A
        A = levels[-1].A

    # Check if matrix was filtered to be diagonal --> coarsest grid
    if A.nnz == A.shape[0]:
        return 1

    # Zero initial complexities for strength, splitting and interpolation
    levels[-1].complexity['CF'] = 0.0
    levels[-1].complexity['strength'] = 0.0
    levels[-1].complexity['interpolate'] = 0.0

    # Compute the strength-of-connection matrix C, where larger
    # C[i,j] denote stronger couplings between i and j.
    fn, kwargs = unpack_arg(strength)
    if fn == 'symmetric':
        C = symmetric_strength_of_connection(A, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'classical':
        C = classical_strength_of_connection(A, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'distance':
        C = distance_strength_of_connection(A, **kwargs)
    elif (fn == 'ode') or (fn == 'evolution'):
        C = evolution_strength_of_connection(A, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'energy_based':
        C = energy_based_strength_of_connection(A, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'algebraic_distance':
        C = algebraic_distance(A, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'affinity':
        C = affinity_distance(A, **kwargs)
    elif fn is None:
        C = A
        raise ValueError('unrecognized strength of connection method: %s' %
    levels[-1].complexity['strength'] += kwargs['cost'][0] * A.nnz / float(

    # Generate the C/F splitting
    fn, kwargs = unpack_arg(CF)
    if fn == 'RS':
        splitting = RS(C, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'PMIS':
        splitting = PMIS(C, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'PMISc':
        splitting = PMISc(C, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'CLJP':
        splitting = CLJP(C, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'CLJPc':
        splitting = CLJPc(C, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'CR':
        splitting = CR(C, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'weighted_matching':
        splitting, soc = weighted_matching(C, **kwargs)
        if soc is not None:
            C = soc
        raise ValueError('unknown C/F splitting method (%s)' % CF)
    levels[-1].complexity['CF'] += kwargs['cost'][0] * C.nnz / float(A.nnz)
    temp = np.sum(splitting)
    if (temp == len(splitting)) or (temp == 0):
        return 1

    # Generate the interpolation matrix that maps from the coarse-grid to the
    # fine-grid
    r_flag = False
    fn, kwargs = unpack_arg(interp)
    if fn == 'standard':
        P = standard_interpolation(A, C, splitting, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'distance_two':
        P = distance_two_interpolation(A, C, splitting, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'direct':
        P = direct_interpolation(A, C, splitting, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'one_point':
        P = one_point_interpolation(A, C, splitting, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'inject':
        P = injection_interpolation(A, splitting, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'neumann':
        P = neumann_ideal_interpolation(A, splitting, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'scaledAfc':
        P = scaled_Afc_interpolation(A, splitting, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'air':
        if isspmatrix_bsr(A):
            temp_A = bsr_matrix(A.T)
            P = local_AIR(temp_A, splitting, **kwargs)
            P = bsr_matrix(P.T)
            temp_A = csr_matrix(A.T)
            P = local_AIR(temp_A, splitting, **kwargs)
            P = csr_matrix(P.T)
    elif fn == 'restrict':
        r_flag = True
        raise ValueError('unknown interpolation method (%s)' % interp)
    levels[-1].complexity['interpolate'] += kwargs['cost'][0] * A.nnz / float(

    # Build restriction operator
    fn, kwargs = unpack_arg(restrict)
    if fn is None:
        R = P.T
    elif fn == 'air':
        R = local_AIR(A, splitting, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'neumann':
        R = neumann_AIR(A, splitting, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'one_point':  # Don't need A^T here
        temp_C = C.T.tocsr()
        R = one_point_interpolation(A, temp_C, splitting, **kwargs)
        if isspmatrix_bsr(A):
            R = R.T.tobsr()
            R = R.T.tocsr()
    elif fn == 'inject':  # Don't need A^T or C^T here
        R = injection_interpolation(A, splitting, **kwargs)
        if isspmatrix_bsr(A):
            R = R.T.tobsr()
            R = R.T.tocsr()
    elif fn == 'standard':
        if isspmatrix_bsr(A):
            temp_A = A.T.tobsr()
            temp_C = C.T.tobsr()
            R = standard_interpolation(temp_A, temp_C, splitting, **kwargs)
            R = R.T.tobsr()
            temp_A = A.T.tocsr()
            temp_C = C.T.tocsr()
            R = standard_interpolation(temp_A, temp_C, splitting, **kwargs)
            R = R.T.tocsr()
    elif fn == 'distance_two':
        if isspmatrix_bsr(A):
            temp_A = A.T.tobsr()
            temp_C = C.T.tobsr()
            R = distance_two_interpolation(temp_A, temp_C, splitting, **kwargs)
            R = R.T.tobsr()
            temp_A = A.T.tocsr()
            temp_C = C.T.tocsr()
            R = distance_two_interpolation(temp_A, temp_C, splitting, **kwargs)
            R = R.T.tocsr()
    elif fn == 'direct':
        if isspmatrix_bsr(A):
            temp_A = A.T.tobsr()
            temp_C = C.T.tobsr()
            R = direct_interpolation(temp_A, temp_C, splitting, **kwargs)
            R = R.T.tobsr()
            temp_A = A.T.tocsr()
            temp_C = C.T.tocsr()
            R = direct_interpolation(temp_A, temp_C, splitting, **kwargs)
            R = R.T.tocsr()
        raise ValueError('unknown restriction method (%s)' % restrict)

    # If set P = R^T
    if r_flag:
        P = R.T

    # Optional different interpolation for RAP
    fn, kwargs = unpack_arg(coarse_grid_P)
    if fn == 'standard':
        P_temp = standard_interpolation(A, C, splitting, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'distance_two':
        P_temp = distance_two_interpolation(A, C, splitting, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'direct':
        P_temp = direct_interpolation(A, C, splitting, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'one_point':
        P_temp = one_point_interpolation(A, C, splitting, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'inject':
        P_temp = injection_interpolation(A, splitting, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'neumann':
        P_temp = neumann_ideal_interpolation(A, splitting, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'air':
        if isspmatrix_bsr(A):
            temp_A = bsr_matrix(A.T)
            P_temp = local_AIR(temp_A, splitting, **kwargs)
            P_temp = bsr_matrix(P_temp.T)
            temp_A = csr_matrix(A.T)
            P_temp = local_AIR(temp_A, splitting, **kwargs)
            P_temp = csr_matrix(P_temp.T)
        P_temp = P

    # Optional different restriction for RAP
    fn, kwargs = unpack_arg(coarse_grid_R)
    if fn == 'air':
        R_temp = local_AIR(A, splitting, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'neumann':
        R_temp = neumann_AIR(A, splitting, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'one_point':  # Don't need A^T here
        temp_C = C.T.tocsr()
        R_temp = one_point_interpolation(A, temp_C, splitting, **kwargs)
        if isspmatrix_bsr(A):
            R_temp = R_temp.T.tobsr()
            R_temp = R_temp.T.tocsr()
    elif fn == 'inject':  # Don't need A^T or C^T here
        R_temp = injection_interpolation(A, splitting, **kwargs)
        if isspmatrix_bsr(A):
            R_temp = R_temp.T.tobsr()
            R_temp = R_temp.T.tocsr()
    elif fn == 'standard':
        if isspmatrix_bsr(A):
            temp_A = A.T.tobsr()
            temp_C = C.T.tobsr()
            R_temp = standard_interpolation(temp_A, temp_C, splitting,
            R_temp = R_temp.T.tobsr()
            temp_A = A.T.tocsr()
            temp_C = C.T.tocsr()
            R_temp = standard_interpolation(temp_A, temp_C, splitting,
            R_temp = R_temp.T.tocsr()
    elif fn == 'distance_two':
        if isspmatrix_bsr(A):
            temp_A = A.T.tobsr()
            temp_C = C.T.tobsr()
            R_temp = distance_two_interpolation(temp_A, temp_C, splitting,
            R_temp = R_temp.T.tobsr()
            temp_A = A.T.tocsr()
            temp_C = C.T.tocsr()
            R_temp = distance_two_interpolation(temp_A, temp_C, splitting,
            R_temp = R_temp.T.tocsr()
    elif fn == 'direct':
        if isspmatrix_bsr(A):
            temp_A = A.T.tobsr()
            temp_C = C.T.tobsr()
            R_temp = direct_interpolation(temp_A, temp_C, splitting, **kwargs)
            R_temp = R_temp.T.tobsr()
            temp_A = A.T.tocsr()
            temp_C = C.T.tocsr()
            R_temp = direct_interpolation(temp_A, temp_C, splitting, **kwargs)
            R_temp = R_temp.T.tocsr()
        R_temp = R

    # Store relevant information for this level
    if keep:
        levels[-1].C = C  # strength of connection matrix

    levels[-1].P = P  # prolongation operator
    levels[-1].R = R  # restriction operator
    levels[-1].splitting = splitting  # C/F splitting

    # Form coarse grid operator, get complexity
    #levels[-1].complexity['RAP'] = mat_mat_complexity(R_temp,A) / float(A.nnz)
    #RA = R_temp * A
    #levels[-1].complexity['RAP'] += mat_mat_complexity(RA,P_temp) / float(A.nnz)
    #A = RA * P_temp

    # RL: RAP = R*(A*P)
    levels[-1].complexity['RAP'] = mat_mat_complexity(A, P_temp) / float(A.nnz)
    AP = A * P_temp
    levels[-1].complexity['RAP'] += mat_mat_complexity(R_temp, AP) / float(
    A = R_temp * AP

    # Make sure coarse-grid operator is in correct sparse format
    if (isspmatrix_csr(P) and (not isspmatrix_csr(A))):
        A = A.tocsr()
    elif (isspmatrix_bsr(P) and (not isspmatrix_bsr(A))):
        A = A.tobsr()

    levels[-1].A = A
    return 0
예제 #12
def extend_hierarchy(levels, strength, CF, interpolation, restriction, keep):
    """ helper function for local methods """

    A = levels[-1].A

    # Compute the strength-of-connection matrix C, where larger
    # C[i,j] denote stronger couplings between i and j.
    fn, kwargs = unpack_arg(strength)
    if fn == 'symmetric':
        C = symmetric_strength_of_connection(A, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'classical':
        C = classical_strength_of_connection(A, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'distance':
        C = distance_strength_of_connection(A, **kwargs)
    elif (fn == 'ode') or (fn == 'evolution'):
        C = evolution_strength_of_connection(A, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'energy_based':
        C = energy_based_strength_of_connection(A, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'algebraic_distance':
        C = algebraic_distance(A, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'affinity':
        C = affinity_distance(A, **kwargs)
    elif fn is None:
        C = A
        raise ValueError('unrecognized strength of connection method: %s' %

    levels[-1].complexity['strength'] = kwargs['cost'][0]

    # Generate the C/F splitting
    fn, kwargs = unpack_arg(CF)
    if fn == 'RS':
        splitting = split.RS(C, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'PMIS':
        splitting = split.PMIS(C, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'PMISc':
        splitting = split.PMISc(C, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'CLJP':
        splitting = split.CLJP(C, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'CLJPc':
        splitting = split.CLJPc(C, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'CR':
        splitting = CR(C, **kwargs)
        raise ValueError('unknown C/F splitting method (%s)' % CF)

    levels[-1].complexity['CF'] = kwargs['cost'][0]

    # Generate the interpolation matrix that maps from the coarse-grid to the
    # fine-grid
    fn, kwargs = unpack_arg(interpolation)
    if fn == 'standard':
        P = standard_interpolation(A, C, splitting, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'distance_two':
        P = distance_two_interpolation(A, C, splitting, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'direct':
        P = direct_interpolation(A, C, splitting, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'one_point':
        P = one_point_interpolation(A, C, splitting, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'injection':
        P = injection_interpolation(A, splitting, **kwargs)
        raise ValueError('unknown interpolation method (%s)' % interpolation)
    levels[-1].complexity['interpolate'] = kwargs['cost'][0]

    # Generate the restriction matrix that maps from the fine-grid to the
    # coarse-grid. Must make sure transpose matrices remain in CSR or BSR
    fn, kwargs = unpack_arg(restriction)
    if isspmatrix_csr(A):
        if restriction == 'galerkin':
            R = P.T.tocsr()
        elif fn == 'standard':
            temp_A = A.T.tocsr()
            temp_C = C.T.tocsr()
            R = standard_interpolation(temp_A, temp_C, splitting, **kwargs)
            R = R.T.tocsr()
        elif fn == 'distance_two':
            temp_A = A.T.tocsr()
            temp_C = C.T.tocsr()
            R = distance_two_interpolation(temp_A, temp_C, splitting, **kwargs)
            R = R.T.tocsr()
        elif fn == 'direct':
            temp_A = A.T.tocsr()
            temp_C = C.T.tocsr()
            R = direct_interpolation(temp_A, temp_C, splitting, **kwargs)
            R = R.T.tocsr()
        elif fn == 'one_point':         # Don't need A^T here
            temp_C = C.T.tocsr()
            R = one_point_interpolation(A, temp_C, splitting, **kwargs)
            R = R.T.tocsr()
        elif fn == 'injection':         # Don't need A^T or C^T here
            R = injection_interpolation(A, splitting, **kwargs)
            R = R.T.tocsr()
            raise ValueError('unknown interpolation method (%s)' % interpolation)
        if restriction == 'galerkin':
            R = P.T.tobsr()
        elif fn == 'standard':
            temp_A = A.T.tobsr()
            temp_C = C.T.tocsr()
            R = standard_interpolation(temp_A, temp_C, splitting, **kwargs)
            R = R.T.tobsr()
        elif fn == 'distance_two':
            temp_A = A.T.tobsr()
            temp_C = C.T.tocsr()
            R = distance_two_interpolation(temp_A, temp_C, splitting, **kwargs)
            R = R.T.tobsr()
        elif fn == 'direct':
            temp_A = A.T.tobsr()
            temp_C = C.T.tocsr()
            R = direct_interpolation(temp_A, temp_C, splitting, **kwargs)
            R = R.T.tobsr()
        elif fn == 'one_point':         # Don't need A^T here
            temp_C = C.T.tocsr()
            R = one_point_interpolation(A, temp_C, splitting, **kwargs)
            R = R.T.tobsr()
        elif fn == 'injection':         # Don't need A^T or C^T here
            R = injection_interpolation(A, splitting, **kwargs)
            R = R.T.tobsr()
            raise ValueError('unknown interpolation method (%s)' % interpolation)
    levels[-1].complexity['restriction'] = kwargs['cost'][0]

    # Store relevant information for this level
    if keep:
        levels[-1].C = C                  # strength of connection matrix

    levels[-1].P = P                  # prolongation operator
    levels[-1].R = R                  # restriction operator
    levels[-1].splitting = splitting  # C/F splitting

    # Form coarse grid operator, get complexity
    levels[-1].complexity['RAP'] = mat_mat_complexity(R,A) / float(A.nnz)
    RA = R * A
    levels[-1].complexity['RAP'] += mat_mat_complexity(RA,P) / float(A.nnz)
    A = RA * P      # Galerkin operator, Ac = RAP

    # Make sure coarse-grid operator is in correct sparse format
    if (isspmatrix_csr(P) and (not isspmatrix_csr(A))):
        A = A.tocsr()
    elif (isspmatrix_bsr(P) and (not isspmatrix_bsr(A))):
        A = A.tobsr()

    # Form next level through Galerkin product
    levels[-1].A = A
예제 #13
def extend_hierarchy(levels, strength, CF, interpolation, restriction, keep):
    """ helper function for local methods """

    A = levels[-1].A

    # Compute the strength-of-connection matrix C, where larger
    # C[i,j] denote stronger couplings between i and j.
    fn, kwargs = unpack_arg(strength)
    if fn == 'symmetric':
        C = symmetric_strength_of_connection(A, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'classical':
        C = classical_strength_of_connection(A, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'distance':
        C = distance_strength_of_connection(A, **kwargs)
    elif (fn == 'ode') or (fn == 'evolution'):
        C = evolution_strength_of_connection(A, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'energy_based':
        C = energy_based_strength_of_connection(A, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'algebraic_distance':
        C = algebraic_distance(A, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'affinity':
        C = affinity_distance(A, **kwargs)
    elif fn is None:
        C = A
        raise ValueError('unrecognized strength of connection method: %s' %

    levels[-1].complexity['strength'] = kwargs['cost'][0]

    # Generate the C/F splitting
    fn, kwargs = unpack_arg(CF)
    if fn == 'RS':
        splitting = split.RS(C, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'PMIS':
        splitting = split.PMIS(C, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'PMISc':
        splitting = split.PMISc(C, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'CLJP':
        splitting = split.CLJP(C, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'CLJPc':
        splitting = split.CLJPc(C, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'CR':
        splitting = CR(C, **kwargs)
        raise ValueError('unknown C/F splitting method (%s)' % CF)

    levels[-1].complexity['CF'] = kwargs['cost'][0]

    # Generate the interpolation matrix that maps from the coarse-grid to the
    # fine-grid
    fn, kwargs = unpack_arg(interpolation)
    if fn == 'standard':
        P = standard_interpolation(A, C, splitting, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'distance_two':
        P = distance_two_interpolation(A, C, splitting, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'direct':
        P = direct_interpolation(A, C, splitting, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'one_point':
        P = one_point_interpolation(A, C, splitting, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'injection':
        P = injection_interpolation(A, splitting, **kwargs)
        raise ValueError('unknown interpolation method (%s)' % interpolation)
    levels[-1].complexity['interpolate'] = kwargs['cost'][0]

    # Generate the restriction matrix that maps from the fine-grid to the
    # coarse-grid. Must make sure transpose matrices remain in CSR or BSR
    fn, kwargs = unpack_arg(restriction)
    if isspmatrix_csr(A):
        if restriction == 'galerkin':
            R = P.T.tocsr()
        elif fn == 'standard':
            temp_A = A.T.tocsr()
            temp_C = C.T.tocsr()
            R = standard_interpolation(temp_A, temp_C, splitting, **kwargs)
            R = R.T.tocsr()
        elif fn == 'distance_two':
            temp_A = A.T.tocsr()
            temp_C = C.T.tocsr()
            R = distance_two_interpolation(temp_A, temp_C, splitting, **kwargs)
            R = R.T.tocsr()
        elif fn == 'direct':
            temp_A = A.T.tocsr()
            temp_C = C.T.tocsr()
            R = direct_interpolation(temp_A, temp_C, splitting, **kwargs)
            R = R.T.tocsr()
        elif fn == 'one_point':  # Don't need A^T here
            temp_C = C.T.tocsr()
            R = one_point_interpolation(A, temp_C, splitting, **kwargs)
            R = R.T.tocsr()
        elif fn == 'injection':  # Don't need A^T or C^T here
            R = injection_interpolation(A, splitting, **kwargs)
            R = R.T.tocsr()
            raise ValueError('unknown interpolation method (%s)' %
        if restriction == 'galerkin':
            R = P.T.tobsr()
        elif fn == 'standard':
            temp_A = A.T.tobsr()
            temp_C = C.T.tocsr()
            R = standard_interpolation(temp_A, temp_C, splitting, **kwargs)
            R = R.T.tobsr()
        elif fn == 'distance_two':
            temp_A = A.T.tobsr()
            temp_C = C.T.tocsr()
            R = distance_two_interpolation(temp_A, temp_C, splitting, **kwargs)
            R = R.T.tobsr()
        elif fn == 'direct':
            temp_A = A.T.tobsr()
            temp_C = C.T.tocsr()
            R = direct_interpolation(temp_A, temp_C, splitting, **kwargs)
            R = R.T.tobsr()
        elif fn == 'one_point':  # Don't need A^T here
            temp_C = C.T.tocsr()
            R = one_point_interpolation(A, temp_C, splitting, **kwargs)
            R = R.T.tobsr()
        elif fn == 'injection':  # Don't need A^T or C^T here
            R = injection_interpolation(A, splitting, **kwargs)
            R = R.T.tobsr()
            raise ValueError('unknown interpolation method (%s)' %

    levels[-1].complexity['restriction'] = kwargs['cost'][0]

    # Store relevant information for this level
    if keep:
        levels[-1].C = C  # strength of connection matrix

    levels[-1].P = P  # prolongation operator
    levels[-1].R = R  # restriction operator
    levels[-1].splitting = splitting  # C/F splitting

    # Form coarse grid operator, get complexity
    levels[-1].complexity['RAP'] = mat_mat_complexity(R, A) / float(A.nnz)
    RA = R * A
    levels[-1].complexity['RAP'] += mat_mat_complexity(RA, P) / float(A.nnz)
    A = RA * P  # Galerkin operator, Ac = RAP

    # Make sure coarse-grid operator is in correct sparse format
    if (isspmatrix_csr(P) and (not isspmatrix_csr(A))):
        A = A.tocsr()
    elif (isspmatrix_bsr(P) and (not isspmatrix_bsr(A))):
        A = A.tobsr()

    # Form next level through Galerkin product
    levels[-1].A = A
예제 #14
def extend_hierarchy(levels, strength, CF, interp, keep):
    """ helper function for local methods """
    def unpack_arg(v):
        if isinstance(v, tuple):
            return v[0], v[1]
            return v, {}

    A = levels[-1].A
    block_starts = levels[-1].block_starts
    verts = levels[-1].verts

    # If this is a system, apply the unknown approach by coarsening and generating interpolation based on each diagonal block of A
    if (block_starts):
        A_diag = extract_diagonal_blocks(A, block_starts)
        A_diag = [A]

    # Compute the strength-of-connection matrix C, where larger
    # C[i,j] denote stronger couplings between i and j.
    C_diag = []
    P_diag = []
    splitting = []
    next_lvl_block_starts = [0]
    block_cnt = 0
    for mat in A_diag:
        fn, kwargs = unpack_arg(strength)
        if fn == 'symmetric':
            C_diag.append( symmetric_strength_of_connection(mat, **kwargs) )
        elif fn == 'classical':
            C_diag.append( classical_strength_of_connection(mat, **kwargs) )
        elif fn == 'distance':
            C_diag.append( distance_strength_of_connection(mat, **kwargs) )
        elif (fn == 'ode') or (fn == 'evolution'):
            C_diag.append( evolution_strength_of_connection(mat, **kwargs) )
        elif fn == 'energy_based':
            C_diag.append( energy_based_strength_of_connection(mat, **kwargs) )
        elif fn == 'algebraic_distance':
            C_diag.append( algebraic_distance(mat, **kwargs) )
        elif fn == 'affinity':
            C_diag.append( affinity_distance(mat, **kwargs) )
        elif fn is None:
            C_diag.append( mat )
            raise ValueError('unrecognized strength of connection method: %s' %

        # Generate the C/F splitting
        fn, kwargs = unpack_arg(CF)
        if fn == 'RS':
            splitting.append( split.RS(C_diag[-1]) )
        elif fn == 'PMIS':
            splitting.append( split.PMIS(C_diag[-1]) )
        elif fn == 'PMISc':
            splitting.append( split.PMISc(C_diag[-1]) )
        elif fn == 'CLJP':
            splitting.append( split.CLJP(C_diag[-1]) )
        elif fn == 'CLJPc':
            splitting.append( split.CLJPc(C_diag[-1]) )
        elif fn == 'Shifted2DCoarsening':
            splitting.append( split.Shifted2DCoarsening(C_diag[-1]) )
            raise ValueError('unknown C/F splitting method (%s)' % CF)

        # Generate the interpolation matrix that maps from the coarse-grid to the
        # fine-grid
        fn, kwargs = unpack_arg(interp)
        if fn == 'standard':
            P_diag.append( standard_interpolation(mat, C_diag[-1], splitting[-1]) )
        elif fn == 'direct':
            P_diag.append( direct_interpolation(mat, C_diag[-1], splitting[-1]) )
            raise ValueError('unknown interpolation method (%s)' % interp)

        next_lvl_block_starts.append( next_lvl_block_starts[-1] + P_diag[-1].shape[1])

        block_cnt = block_cnt + 1

    P = block_diag(P_diag)

    # Generate the restriction matrix that maps from the fine-grid to the
    # coarse-grid
    R = P.T.tocsr()

    # Store relevant information for this level
    splitting = numpy.concatenate(splitting)
    if keep:
        C = block_diag(C_diag)
        levels[-1].C = C                  # strength of connection matrix
        levels[-1].splitting = splitting  # C/F splitting

    levels[-1].P = P                  # prolongation operator
    levels[-1].R = R                  # restriction operator


    # Form next level through Galerkin product
    # !!! For systems, how do I propogate the block structure information down to the next grid? Especially if the blocks are different sizes? !!!
    A = R * A * P
    levels[-1].A = A

    if (block_starts):
        levels[-1].block_starts = next_lvl_block_starts
        levels[-1].block_starts = None

    # If called for, output a visualization of the C/F splitting
    if (verts.any()):
        new_verts = numpy.empty([P.shape[1], 2])
        cnt = 0
        for i in range(len(splitting)):
            if (splitting[i]):
                new_verts[cnt] = verts[i]
                cnt = cnt + 1
        levels[-1].verts = new_verts
        levels[-1].verts = numpy.zeros(1)
예제 #15
def extend_hierarchy(levels, strength, aggregate, smooth, improve_candidates,
                     diagonal_dominance=False, keep=True, test_ind=0):
    """Service routine to implement the strength of connection, aggregation,
    tentative prolongation construction, and prolongation smoothing.  Called by

    def unpack_arg(v):
        if isinstance(v, tuple):
            return v[0], v[1]
            return v, {}

    A = levels[-1].A
    B = levels[-1].B
    if A.symmetry == "nonsymmetric":
        AH = A.H.asformat(A.format)
        BH = levels[-1].BH

    # Improve near nullspace candidates by relaxing on A B = 0
    fn, kwargs = unpack_arg(improve_candidates[len(levels)-1])
    if fn is not None:
        b = np.zeros((A.shape[0], 1), dtype=A.dtype)
        B = relaxation_as_linear_operator((fn, kwargs), A, b) * B
        levels[-1].B = B
        if A.symmetry == "nonsymmetric":
            BH = relaxation_as_linear_operator((fn, kwargs), AH, b) * BH
            levels[-1].BH = BH

    # Compute the strength-of-connection matrix C, where larger
    # C[i, j] denote stronger couplings between i and j.
    fn, kwargs = unpack_arg(strength[len(levels)-1])
    if fn == 'symmetric':
        C = symmetric_strength_of_connection(A, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'classical':
        C = classical_strength_of_connection(A, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'distance':
        C = distance_strength_of_connection(A, **kwargs)
    elif (fn == 'ode') or (fn == 'evolution'):
        if 'B' in kwargs:
            C = evolution_strength_of_connection(A, **kwargs)
            C = evolution_strength_of_connection(A, B, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'energy_based':
        C = energy_based_strength_of_connection(A, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'predefined':
        C = kwargs['C'].tocsr()
    elif fn == 'algebraic_distance':
        C = algebraic_distance(A, **kwargs)
    elif fn is None:
        C = A.tocsr()
        raise ValueError('unrecognized strength of connection method: %s' %

    # Avoid coarsening diagonally dominant rows
    flag, kwargs = unpack_arg(diagonal_dominance)
    if flag:
        C = eliminate_diag_dom_nodes(A, C, **kwargs)

    # Compute the aggregation matrix AggOp (i.e., the nodal coarsening of A).
    # AggOp is a boolean matrix, where the sparsity pattern for the k-th column
    # denotes the fine-grid nodes agglomerated into k-th coarse-grid node.
    fn, kwargs = unpack_arg(aggregate[len(levels)-1])
    if fn == 'standard':
        AggOp, Cnodes = standard_aggregation(C, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'naive':
        AggOp, Cnodes = naive_aggregation(C, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'lloyd':
        AggOp, Cnodes = lloyd_aggregation(C, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'pairwise':
        AggOp, Cnodes = pairwise_aggregation(A, B, **kwargs)
    elif fn == 'predefined':
        AggOp = kwargs['AggOp'].tocsr()
        Cnodes = kwargs['Cnodes']
        raise ValueError('unrecognized aggregation method %s' % str(fn))

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# ------------------- New ideal interpolation constructed --------------------  #
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

    # pdb.set_trace()

    # splitting = CR(A)
    # Cpts = [i for i in range(0,AggOp.shape[0]) if splitting[i]==1]

    # Compute prolongation operator.
    if test_ind==0:
        T = new_ideal_interpolation(A=A, AggOp=AggOp, Cnodes=Cnodes, B=B[:, 0:blocksize(A)], SOC=C)
        T = py_ideal_interpolation(A=A, AggOp=AggOp, Cnodes=Cnodes, B=B[:, 0:blocksize(A)], SOC=C)

    print "\nSize of sparsity pattern - ", T.nnz

    # Smooth the tentative prolongator, so that it's accuracy is greatly
    # improved for algebraically smooth error.
    # fn, kwargs = unpack_arg(smooth[len(levels)-1])
    # if fn == 'jacobi':
    #     P = jacobi_prolongation_smoother(A, T, C, B, **kwargs)
    # elif fn == 'richardson':
    #     P = richardson_prolongation_smoother(A, T, **kwargs)
    # elif fn == 'energy':
    #     P = energy_prolongation_smoother(A, T, C, B, None, (False, {}),
    #                                      **kwargs)
    # elif fn is None:
    #     P = T
    # else:
    #     raise ValueError('unrecognized prolongation smoother method %s' %
    #                      str(fn))
    P = T
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

    # Compute the restriction matrix R, which interpolates from the fine-grid
    # to the coarse-grid.  If A is nonsymmetric, then R must be constructed
    # based on A.H.  Otherwise R = P.H or P.T.
    symmetry = A.symmetry
    if symmetry == 'hermitian':
        # symmetrically scale out the diagonal, include scaling in P, R
        A = P.H * A * P
        [dum, Dinv, dum] = symmetric_rescaling(A,copy=False)
        P = bsr_matrix(P * diags(Dinv,offsets=0,format='csr'), blocksize=A.blocksize)
        del dum
        R = P.H
    elif symmetry == 'symmetric':
        # symmetrically scale out the diagonal, include scaling in P, R
        A = P.T * A * P
        [dum, Dinv, dum] = symmetric_rescaling(A,copy=False)
        P = bsr_matrix(P * diags(Dinv,offsets=0,format='csr'), blocksize=A.blocksize)
        del dum
        R = P.T
    elif symmetry == 'nonsymmetric':
        raise TypeError('New ideal interpolation not implemented for non-symmetric matrix.')

    if keep:
        levels[-1].C = C                        # strength of connection matrix
        levels[-1].AggOp = AggOp                # aggregation operator
        levels[-1].Fpts = [i for i in range(0,AggOp.shape[0]) if i not in Cnodes]

    levels[-1].P = P                            # smoothed prolongator
    levels[-1].R = R                            # restriction operator
    levels[-1].Cpts = Cnodes                    # Cpts (i.e., rootnodes)


    A.symmetry = symmetry
    levels[-1].A = A
    levels[-1].B = R*B                     # right near nullspace candidates

    test = A.tocsr()
    print "\nSize of coarse operator - ", test.nnz

    if A.symmetry == "nonsymmetric":
        levels[-1].BH = BH                      # left near nullspace candidates