예제 #1
 def test_cf_safe_name(self):
     from pyaxiom.netcdf.utils import cf_safe_name
     self.assertEquals('foo', cf_safe_name('foo'))
     self.assertEquals('v_1foo', cf_safe_name('1foo'))
     self.assertEquals('v_1foo_99', cf_safe_name('1foo-99'))
     self.assertEquals('foo_99', cf_safe_name('foo-99'))
     self.assertEquals('foo_99_', cf_safe_name('foo(99)'))
     self.assertEquals('v__foo_99_', cf_safe_name('_foo(99)'))
예제 #2
 def test_cf_safe_name(self):
     from pyaxiom.netcdf.utils import cf_safe_name
     self.assertEqual('foo', cf_safe_name('foo'))
     self.assertEqual('v_1foo', cf_safe_name('1foo'))
     self.assertEqual('v_1foo_99', cf_safe_name('1foo-99'))
     self.assertEqual('foo_99', cf_safe_name('foo-99'))
     self.assertEqual('foo_99_', cf_safe_name('foo(99)'))
     self.assertEqual('v__foo_99_', cf_safe_name('_foo(99)'))
예제 #3
파일: im.py 프로젝트: joefutrelle/pyaxiom
    def from_dataframe(cls, df, output, **kwargs):
        reserved_columns = ['trajectory', 't', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'distance']
        data_columns = [ d for d in df.columns if d not in reserved_columns ]

        with IncompleteMultidimensionalTrajectory(output, 'w') as nc:

            trajectory_group = df.groupby('trajectory')
            max_obs = trajectory_group.size().max()

            unique_trajectories = df.trajectory.unique()
            nc.createDimension('trajectory', unique_trajectories.size)
            nc.createDimension('obs', max_obs)

            # Metadata variables
            nc.createVariable('crs', 'i4')

            trajectory = nc.createVariable('trajectory', get_dtype(df.trajectory), ('trajectory',))

            # Create all of the variables
            time = nc.createVariable('time', 'i4', ('trajectory', 'obs'), fill_value=int(cls.default_fill_value))
            z = nc.createVariable('z', get_dtype(df.z), ('trajectory', 'obs'), fill_value=df.z.dtype.type(cls.default_fill_value))
            latitude = nc.createVariable('latitude', get_dtype(df.y), ('trajectory', 'obs'), fill_value=df.y.dtype.type(cls.default_fill_value))
            longitude = nc.createVariable('longitude', get_dtype(df.x), ('trajectory', 'obs'), fill_value=df.x.dtype.type(cls.default_fill_value))
            if 'distance' in df:
                distance = nc.createVariable('distance', get_dtype(df.distance), ('trajectory', 'obs'), fill_value=df.distance.dtype.type(cls.default_fill_value))

            attributes = dict_update(nc.nc_attributes(), kwargs.pop('attributes', {}))

            for i, (uid, gdf) in enumerate(trajectory_group):
                trajectory[i] = uid

                # tolist() converts to a python datetime object without timezone
                g = gdf.t.fillna(999999).tolist()   # 999999 is a dummy value
                NaTs = gdf.t.isnull()
                timenums = np.ma.MaskedArray(nc4.date2num(g, units=cls.default_time_unit))
                timenums.mask = NaTs
                time[i, :] = timenums

                latitude[i, :] = gdf.y.fillna(latitude._FillValue).values
                longitude[i, :] = gdf.x.fillna(longitude._FillValue).values
                z[i, :] = gdf.z.fillna(z._FillValue).values
                if 'distance' in gdf:
                    distance[i, :] = gdf.distance.fillna(distance._FillValue).values

                for c in data_columns:
                    # Create variable if it doesn't exist
                    var_name = cf_safe_name(c)
                    if var_name not in nc.variables:
                        if np.issubdtype(gdf[c].dtype, 'S') or gdf[c].dtype == object:
                            # AttributeError: cannot set _FillValue attribute for VLEN or compound variable
                            v = nc.createVariable(var_name, get_dtype(gdf[c]), ('trajectory', 'obs'))
                            v = nc.createVariable(var_name, get_dtype(gdf[c]), ('trajectory', 'obs'), fill_value=gdf[c].dtype.type(cls.default_fill_value))

                        if var_name not in attributes:
                            attributes[var_name] = {}
                        attributes[var_name] = dict_update(attributes[var_name], {
                            'coordinates' : 'time latitude longitude z',
                        v = nc.variables[var_name]

                    if hasattr(v, '_FillValue'):
                        vvalues = gdf[c].fillna(v._FillValue).values
                        # Use an empty string... better than nothing!
                        vvalues = gdf[c].fillna('').values

                    sl = slice(0, vvalues.size)
                    v[i, sl] = vvalues

            # Set global attributes

        return IncompleteMultidimensionalTrajectory(output, **kwargs)
예제 #4
    def from_dataframe(cls, df, output, **kwargs):
        reserved_columns = ['trajectory', 'profile', 't', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'distance']
        data_columns = [ d for d in df.columns if d not in reserved_columns ]

        with IncompleteMultidimensionalProfile(output, 'w') as nc:

            profile_group = df.groupby('profile')
            max_zs = profile_group.size().max()

            unique_profiles = df.profile.unique()
            nc.createDimension('profile', unique_profiles.size)
            nc.createDimension('z', max_zs)

            # Metadata variables
            nc.createVariable('crs', 'i4')

            profile = nc.createVariable('profile', get_dtype(df.profile), ('profile',))

            # Create all of the variables
            time = nc.createVariable('time', 'i4', ('profile',))
            latitude = nc.createVariable('latitude', get_dtype(df.y), ('profile',))
            longitude = nc.createVariable('longitude', get_dtype(df.x), ('profile',))
            if 'distance' in df:
                distance = nc.createVariable('distance', get_dtype(df.distance), ('profile',))
            z = nc.createVariable('z', get_dtype(df.z), ('profile', 'z'), fill_value=df.z.dtype.type(cls.default_fill_value))

            attributes = dict_update(nc.nc_attributes(), kwargs.pop('attributes', {}))

            for i, (uid, pdf) in enumerate(profile_group):
                profile[i] = uid

                time[i] = nc4.date2num(pdf.t.iloc[0], units=cls.default_time_unit)
                latitude[i] = pdf.y.iloc[0]
                longitude[i] = pdf.x.iloc[0]
                if 'distance' in pdf:
                    distance[i] = pdf.distance.iloc[0]

                zvalues = pdf.z.fillna(z._FillValue).values
                sl = slice(0, zvalues.size)
                z[i, sl] = zvalues
                for c in data_columns:
                    # Create variable if it doesn't exist
                    var_name = cf_safe_name(c)
                    if var_name not in nc.variables:
                        if np.issubdtype(pdf[c].dtype, 'S') or pdf[c].dtype == object:
                            # AttributeError: cannot set _FillValue attribute for VLEN or compound variable
                            v = nc.createVariable(var_name, get_dtype(pdf[c]), ('profile', 'z'))
                            v = nc.createVariable(var_name, get_dtype(pdf[c]), ('profile', 'z'), fill_value=pdf[c].dtype.type(cls.default_fill_value))
                        if var_name not in attributes:
                            attributes[var_name] = {}
                        attributes[var_name] = dict_update(attributes[var_name], {
                            'coordinates' : 'time latitude longitude z',
                        v = nc.variables[var_name]

                    if hasattr(v, '_FillValue'):
                        vvalues = pdf[c].fillna(v._FillValue).values
                        # Use an empty string... better than nothing!
                        vvalues = pdf[c].fillna('').values

                    sl = slice(0, vvalues.size)
                    v[i, sl] = vvalues

            # Set global attributes

        return IncompleteMultidimensionalProfile(output, **kwargs)