def namecoin_to_bitcoin_address( nmc_address ):
    Convert a namecoin address to a bitcoin address.
    The only difference is the version number.
    return pybitcoin.b58check_encode( pybitcoin.b58check_decode( nmc_address ), version_byte=0 )
def address_reencode(address):
    Depending on whether or not we're in testnet
    or mainnet, re-encode an address accordingly.
    vb = pybitcoin.b58check_version_byte(address)

    if os.environ.get("ZONEFILEMANAGE_TESTNET") == "1":
        if vb == 0 or vb == 111:
            # convert to testnet p2pkh
            vb = 111

        elif vb == 5 or vb == 196:
            # convert to testnet p2sh
            vb = 196

            raise ValueError("unrecognized address %s" % address)

        if vb == 0 or vb == 111:
            # convert to mainnet p2pkh
            vb = 0

        elif vb == 5 or vb == 196:
            # convert to mainnet p2sh
            vb = 5

            raise ValueError("unrecognized address %s" % address)

    return pybitcoin.b58check_encode(pybitcoin.b58check_decode(address), vb)
예제 #3
def namecoin_to_bitcoin_address( nmc_address ):
    Convert a namecoin address to a bitcoin address.
    The only difference is the version number.
    return pybitcoin.b58check_encode( pybitcoin.b58check_decode( nmc_address ), version_byte=0 )
예제 #4
def bip38_encrypt(private_key, passphrase, n=16384, r=8, p=8, compressed=False):
    # determine the flagbyte
    if compressed:
        flagbyte = '\xe0'
        flagbyte = '\xc0'
    # get the private key's address and equivalent in hex format and wif format
    k = BitcoinKeypair(private_key)
    address = k.address()
    hex_private_key = k.private_key()
    wif_private_key = k.wif_pk()
    # calculate the address's checksum
    address_checksum = sha256(sha256(address).digest()).digest()[0:4]
    # calculate the scrypt hash and split it in half
    scrypt_derived_key = scrypt.hash(passphrase, address_checksum, n, r, p)
    derived_half_1 = scrypt_derived_key[0:32]
    derived_half_2 = scrypt_derived_key[32:64]
    # combine parts of the private key and scrypt hash and AES encrypt them
    aes =
    encrypted_half_1 = aes.encrypt(
            '%0.32x' % (long(hex_private_key[0:32], 16) ^ long(binascii.hexlify(derived_half_1[0:16]), 16))
    encrypted_half_2 = aes.encrypt(
            '%0.32x' % (long(hex_private_key[32:64], 16) ^ long(binascii.hexlify(derived_half_1[16:32]), 16))
    # build the encrypted private key from the checksum and encrypted parts
    encrypted_private_key = ('\x42' + flagbyte + address_checksum + encrypted_half_1 + encrypted_half_2)
    # base 58 encode the encrypted private key
    b58check_encrypted_private_key = b58check_encode(encrypted_private_key, version_byte=1)
    # return the encrypted private key
    return b58check_encrypted_private_key
def broadcast(name, recipient_address, update_hash, private_key, blockchain_client, blockchain_broadcaster=None, tx_only=False, testset=False):
    if blockchain_broadcaster is None:
        blockchain_broadcaster = blockchain_client 
    nulldata = build(name, testset=testset)
    # convert update_hash from a hex string so it looks like an address
    update_hash_b58 = b58check_encode( unhexlify(update_hash) )
    # get inputs and from address
    private_key_obj, from_address, inputs = analyze_private_key(private_key, blockchain_client)
    # NAME_IMPORT outputs
    outputs = make_outputs(nulldata, inputs, recipient_address, from_address, update_hash_b58, format='hex')
    if tx_only:
        unsigned_tx = serialize_transaction( inputs, outputs )
        return {"unsigned_tx": unsigned_tx}
        # serialize, sign, and broadcast the tx
        response = serialize_sign_and_broadcast(inputs, outputs, private_key_obj, blockchain_broadcaster)
        # response = {'success': True }
        response.update({'data': nulldata})
        # return the response
        return response
예제 #6
def bip38_encrypt(private_key, passphrase, n=16384, r=8, p=8, compressed=False):
    # determine the flagbyte
    if compressed:
        flagbyte = '\xe0'
        flagbyte = '\xc0'
    # get the private key's address and equivalent in hex format and wif format
    k = BitcoinKeypair(private_key)
    address = k.address()
    hex_private_key = k.private_key()
    wif_private_key = k.wif_pk()
    # calculate the address's checksum
    address_checksum = sha256(sha256(address).digest()).digest()[0:4]
    # calculate the scrypt hash and split it in half
    scrypt_derived_key = scrypt.hash(passphrase, address_checksum, n, r, p)
    derived_half_1 = scrypt_derived_key[0:32]
    derived_half_2 = scrypt_derived_key[32:64]
    # combine parts of the private key and scrypt hash and AES encrypt them
    aes =
    encrypted_half_1 = aes.encrypt(
            '%0.32x' % (long(hex_private_key[0:32], 16) ^ long(binascii.hexlify(derived_half_1[0:16]), 16))
    encrypted_half_2 = aes.encrypt(
            '%0.32x' % (long(hex_private_key[32:64], 16) ^ long(binascii.hexlify(derived_half_1[16:32]), 16))
    # build the encrypted private key from the checksum and encrypted parts
    encrypted_private_key = ('\x42' + flagbyte + address_checksum + encrypted_half_1 + encrypted_half_2)
    # base 58 encode the encrypted private key
    b58check_encrypted_private_key = b58check_encode(encrypted_private_key, version_byte=1)
    # return the encrypted private key
    return b58check_encrypted_private_key
예제 #7
def broadcast(name, recipient_address, update_hash, private_key, blockchain_client, blockchain_broadcaster=None, tx_only=False, testset=False):
    if blockchain_broadcaster is None:
        blockchain_broadcaster = blockchain_client 
    nulldata = build(name, testset=testset)
    # convert update_hash from a hex string so it looks like an address
    update_hash_b58 = b58check_encode( unhexlify(update_hash) )
    # get inputs and from address
    private_key_obj, from_address, inputs = analyze_private_key(private_key, blockchain_client)
    # NAME_IMPORT outputs
    outputs = make_outputs(nulldata, inputs, recipient_address, from_address, update_hash_b58, format='hex')
    if tx_only:
        unsigned_tx = serialize_transaction( inputs, outputs )
        return {"unsigned_tx": unsigned_tx}
        # serialize, sign, and broadcast the tx
        response = serialize_sign_and_broadcast(inputs, outputs, private_key_obj, blockchain_broadcaster)
        # response = {'success': True }
        response.update({'data': nulldata})
        # return the response
        return response
예제 #8
def address_reencode( address ):
    Depending on whether or not we're in testnet 
    or mainnet, re-encode an address accordingly.
    vb = pybitcoin.b58check_version_byte( address )

    if os.environ.get("BLOCKSTACK_TESTNET") == "1":
        if vb == 0 or vb == 111:
            # convert to testnet p2pkh
            vb = 111

        elif vb == 5 or vb == 196:
            # convert to testnet p2sh
            vb = 196

            raise ValueError("unrecognized address %s" % address)

        if vb == 0 or vb == 111:
            # convert to mainnet p2pkh
            vb = 0

        elif vb == 5 or vb == 196:
            # convert to mainnet p2sh
            vb = 5

            raise ValueError("unrecognized address %s" % address)

    return pybitcoin.b58check_encode( pybitcoin.b58check_decode(address), vb )
예제 #9
def broadcast(name,

    nulldata = build(name, testset=testset)

    # get inputs and from address
    private_key_obj, from_address, inputs = analyze_private_key(
        private_key, blockchain_client)

    # convert update_hash from a hex string so it looks like an address
    update_hash_b58 = b58check_encode(unhexlify(update_hash))

    # build custom outputs here
    outputs = make_outputs(nulldata,

    # serialize, sign, and broadcast the tx
    response = serialize_sign_and_broadcast(inputs, outputs, private_key_obj,

    # response = {'success': True }
    response.update({'data': nulldata})

    # return the response
    return response
예제 #10
def make_transaction(name,

    name = str(name)
    recipient_address = str(recipient_address)
    update_hash = str(update_hash)
    payment_addr = str(payment_addr)
    tx_fee = int(tx_fee)

    assert is_name_valid(name)
    assert len(update_hash) == LENGTH_VALUE_HASH * 2

    nulldata = build(name)

    # convert update_hash from a hex string so it looks like an address
    update_hash_b58 = pybitcoin.b58check_encode(
        unhexlify(update_hash), version_byte=virtualchain.version_byte)
    inputs = tx_get_unspents(payment_addr, blockchain_client)
    outputs = make_outputs(nulldata, inputs, recipient_address, payment_addr,
                           update_hash_b58, tx_fee)

    return (inputs, outputs)
예제 #11
def make_transaction(name, recipient_address, update_hash, payment_addr, blockchain_client, tx_fee=0):
    name = str(name)
    recipient_address = str(recipient_address)
    update_hash = str(update_hash)
    payment_addr = str(payment_addr)
    tx_fee = int(tx_fee)

    assert is_name_valid(name)
    assert len(update_hash) == LENGTHS['update_hash'] * 2

    nulldata = build(name)
    # convert update_hash from a hex string so it looks like an address
    update_hash_b58 = b58check_encode( unhexlify(update_hash) )
    inputs = get_unspents( payment_addr, blockchain_client )
    outputs = make_outputs(nulldata, inputs, recipient_address, payment_addr, update_hash_b58, tx_fee)

    return (inputs, outputs)
예제 #12
def broadcast(name, recipient_address, update_hash, private_key, blockchain_client, testset=False):
    nulldata = build(name, testset=testset)
    # get inputs and from address
    private_key_obj, from_address, inputs = analyze_private_key(private_key, blockchain_client)
    # convert update_hash from a hex string so it looks like an address
    update_hash_b58 = b58check_encode( unhexlify(update_hash) )
    # build custom outputs here
    outputs = make_outputs(nulldata, inputs, recipient_address, from_address, update_hash_b58, format='hex')
    # serialize, sign, and broadcast the tx
    response = serialize_sign_and_broadcast(inputs, outputs, private_key_obj, blockchain_client)
    # response = {'success': True }
    response.update({'data': nulldata})
    # return the response
    return response
예제 #13
def btc_decoderawtransaction_compat( tx_hex ):
    Implementation of bitcoind's decoderawtransaction
    JSONRPC method.  Tries to be faithful enough to
    bitcoind for virtualchain's sake.

    Does NOT handle coinbase transactions

    inputs, outputs, locktime, version = tx_deserialize( tx_hex )
    txid = make_txid( tx_hex )

    vin = []
    vout = []

    for inp in inputs:
        vin_inp = {
            "txid": inp['transaction_hash'],
            "vout": inp['output_index'],

        if inp.has_key("script_sig"):
            scriptsig_hex = inp['script_sig']
            scriptsig_asm = btc_decoderawtransaction_script_hex_to_asm( scriptsig_hex )

            vin_inp['scriptSig'] = {
                'asm': scriptsig_asm,
                'hex': scriptsig_hex

        if inp.has_key("sequence"):

            vin_inp['sequence'] = inp['sequence']

        vin.append( vin_inp )

    for i in xrange( 0, len(outputs) ):

        out = outputs[i]
        script_type = btc_decoderawtransaction_get_script_type( out['script_hex'] )
        addresses = []

        if script_type == "pubkeyhash":
            addresses.append( pybitcoin.script_hex_to_address( out['script_hex'] ) )

        elif script_type == "pubkey":
            pubkey = btc_decoderawtransaction_get_pubkey_from_script( out['script_hex'] )
            addr = pybitcoin.BitcoinPublicKey( pubkey ).address()
            addresses.append( addr )

        elif script_type == "scripthash":
            script_hash = btc_decoderawtransaction_get_script_hash_from_script( out['script_hex'] ) 
            addr = pybitcoin.b58check_encode( binascii.unhexlify( script_hash ), version_byte=5 )
            addresses.append( addr )

        vout_out = {
            "value": float(out['value']) / 10e7,
            "mock_bitcoind_value_satoshi": out['value'],  # NOTE: extra
            "n": i,
            "scriptPubKey": {
                'asm': btc_decoderawtransaction_script_hex_to_asm( out['script_hex'] ),
                'hex': out['script_hex'],
                "type": script_type

        if script_type in ["pubkeyhash", "pubkey", "scripthash"]:
            vout_out['scriptPubKey']['reqSigs'] = 1

        if len(addresses) > 0:
            vout_out['scriptPubKey']['addresses'] = addresses

        vout.append( vout_out )

    tx_decoded = {
        "txid": txid,
        "version": version,
        "locktime": locktime,
        "vin": vin,
        "vout": vout

    return tx_decoded
def addr_reencode( addr ):
    Encode addr to testnet
    return pybitcoin.b58check_encode( pybitcoin.b58check_decode( addr ), version_byte=111 )
예제 #15
def addr_reencode( addr ):
    Encode addr to testnet
    return pybitcoin.b58check_encode( pybitcoin.b58check_decode( addr ), version_byte=111 )
예제 #16
def btc_decoderawtransaction_compat( tx_hex ):
    Implementation of bitcoind's decoderawtransaction
    JSONRPC method.  Tries to be faithful enough to
    bitcoind for virtualchain's sake.

    Does NOT handle coinbase transactions

    inputs, outputs, locktime, version = tx_deserialize( tx_hex )
    txid = make_txid( tx_hex )

    vin = []
    vout = []

    for inp in inputs:
        vin_inp = {
            "txid": inp['transaction_hash'],
            "vout": inp['output_index'],

        if inp.has_key("script_sig"):
            scriptsig_hex = inp['script_sig']
            scriptsig_asm = btc_decoderawtransaction_script_hex_to_asm( scriptsig_hex )

            vin_inp['scriptSig'] = {
                'asm': scriptsig_asm,
                'hex': scriptsig_hex

        if inp.has_key("sequence"):

            vin_inp['sequence'] = inp['sequence']

        vin.append( vin_inp )

    for i in xrange( 0, len(outputs) ):

        out = outputs[i]
        script_type = btc_decoderawtransaction_get_script_type( out['script_hex'] )
        addresses = []

        if script_type == "pubkeyhash":
            addresses.append( pybitcoin.script_hex_to_address( out['script_hex'] ) )

        elif script_type == "pubkey":
            pubkey = btc_decoderawtransaction_get_pubkey_from_script( out['script_hex'] )
            addr = pybitcoin.BitcoinPublicKey( pubkey ).address()
            addresses.append( addr )

        elif script_type == "scripthash":
            script_hash = btc_decoderawtransaction_get_script_hash_from_script( out['script_hex'] ) 
            addr = pybitcoin.b58check_encode( binascii.unhexlify( script_hash ), version_byte=5 )
            addresses.append( addr )

        vout_out = {
            "value": float(out['value']) / 10e7,
            "mock_bitcoind_value_satoshi": out['value'],  # NOTE: extra
            "n": i,
            "scriptPubKey": {
                'asm': btc_decoderawtransaction_script_hex_to_asm( out['script_hex'] ),
                'hex': out['script_hex'],
                "type": script_type

        if script_type in ["pubkeyhash", "pubkey", "scripthash"]:
            vout_out['scriptPubKey']['reqSigs'] = 1

        if len(addresses) > 0:
            vout_out['scriptPubKey']['addresses'] = addresses

        vout.append( vout_out )

    tx_decoded = {
        "txid": txid,
        "version": version,
        "locktime": locktime,
        "vin": vin,
        "vout": vout

    return tx_decoded