예제 #1
 def dump_stack(self, label, err):
     if (err is None):
         return Exception(_.flatten_deep([label, 'unknown error']))
     if (_.get(err, 'args')):
         return Exception(_.flatten_deep([label, err.args]))
         return Exception(_.flatten_deep([label, err]))
    def evaluate_clusters(self, gold_clusters, auto_clusters):
        gold_m2c_map = self.create_mention2cluster_map(gold_clusters)
        auto_m2c_map = self.create_mention2cluster_map(auto_clusters)
        mentions = auto_m2c_map.keys()

        pc = rc = 0
        for mention in mentions:
            gcs = gold_m2c_map.get(mention)
            acs = auto_m2c_map.get(mention)

            # for each plural noun, use all clusters that contain said plural noun
            agg_gold_cluster = set(flatten_deep(gcs))
            agg_auto_cluster = set(flatten_deep(acs))

            correct = len(
            pc += float(correct) / len(
                agg_auto_cluster) if agg_auto_cluster else 0.0
            rc += float(correct) / len(
                agg_gold_cluster) if agg_gold_cluster else 0.0

        p = pc / len(mentions)
        r = rc / len(mentions)

        return p, r, self.f1_score(p, r)
예제 #3
def dump_stack(label, err):
    if (err is None):
        return _.flatten_deep([label, 'unknown error'])
    if (_.get(err, 'args')):
        return _.flatten_deep([label, str(err.args)])
        return _.flatten_deep([label, str(err)])
예제 #4
def omit(obj, callback=None, *properties):
    """Creates a shallow clone of object excluding the specified properties.
    Property names may be specified as individual arguments or as lists of
    property names. If a callback is provided it will be executed for each
    property of object omitting the properties the callback returns truthy for.
    The callback is invoked with three arguments: ``(value, key, object)``.

        obj (mixed): Object to process.
        properties (str): Property values to omit.
        callback (mixed, optional): Callback used to determine whic properties
            to omit.

        dict: Results of omitting properties.


        >>> omit({'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}, 'b', 'c') == {'a': 1}
        >>> omit([1, 2, 3, 4], 0, 3) == {1: 2, 2: 3}

    .. versionadded:: 1.0.0
    if not callable(callback):
        callback = callback if callback is not None else []
        properties = pyd.flatten_deep([callback, properties])

        # pylint: disable=missing-docstring,function-redefined
        def callback(value, key, item):
            return key in properties

    return dict((key, value) for key, value in iterator(obj)
                if not call_callback(callback, value, key, obj))
예제 #5
def pick(obj, callback=None, *properties):
    """Creates a shallow clone of object composed of the specified properties.
    Property names may be specified as individual arguments or as lists of
    property names. If a callback is provided it will be executed for each
    property of object picking the properties the callback returns truthy for.
    The callback is invoked with three arguments: ``(value, key, object)``.

        obj (list|dict): Object to pick from.
        properties (str): Property values to pick.
        callback (mixed, optional): Callback used to determine which properties
            to pick.

        dict: Dict containg picked properties.


        >>> pick({'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}, 'a', 'b') == {'a': 1, 'b': 2}

    .. versionadded:: 1.0.0
    if not callable(callback):
        callback = callback if callback is not None else []
        properties = pyd.flatten_deep([callback, properties])

        # pylint: disable=missing-docstring,function-redefined
        def callback(value, key, item):
            return key in properties

    return dict((key, value) for key, value in iterator(obj)
                if call_callback(callback, value, key, obj))
예제 #6
def delimitedpathjoin(delimiter, *paths):
    """Join delimited path using specified delimiter.

    >>> assert delimitedpathjoin('.', '') == ''
    >>> assert delimitedpathjoin('.', '.') == '.'
    >>> assert delimitedpathjoin('.', ['', '.a']) == '.a'
    >>> assert delimitedpathjoin('.', ['a', '.']) == 'a.'
    >>> assert delimitedpathjoin('.', ['', '.a', '', '', 'b']) == '.a.b'
    >>> ret = '.a.b.c.d.e.'
    >>> assert delimitedpathjoin('.', ['.a.', 'b.', '.c', 'd', 'e.']) == ret
    >>> assert delimitedpathjoin('.', ['a', 'b', 'c']) == 'a.b.c'
    >>> ret = 'a.b.c.d.e.f'
    >>> assert delimitedpathjoin('.', ['a.b', '.c.d.', '.e.f']) == ret
    >>> ret = '.a.b.c.1.'
    >>> assert delimitedpathjoin('.', '.', 'a', 'b', 'c', 1, '.') == ret
    >>> assert delimitedpathjoin('.', []) == ''
    paths = [pyd.to_string(path) for path in pyd.flatten_deep(paths) if path]

    if len(paths) == 1:
        # Special case where there's no need to join anything.
        # Doing this because if path==[delimiter], then an extra delimiter
        # would be added if the else clause ran instead.
        path = paths[0]
        leading = delimiter if paths and paths[0].startswith(delimiter) else ""
        trailing = delimiter if paths and paths[-1].endswith(delimiter) else ""
        middle = delimiter.join([path.strip(delimiter) for path in paths if path.strip(delimiter)])
        path = "".join([leading, middle, trailing])

    return path
예제 #7
파일: objects.py 프로젝트: eRajsh/pydash
def omit(obj, callback=None, *properties):
    """Creates a shallow clone of object excluding the specified properties.
    Property names may be specified as individual arguments or as lists of
    property names. If a callback is provided it will be executed for each
    property of object omitting the properties the callback returns truthy for.
    The callback is invoked with three arguments: ``(value, key, object)``.

        obj (mixed): Object to process.
        properties (str): Property values to omit.
        callback (mixed, optional): Callback used to determine whic properties
            to omit.

        dict: Results of omitting properties.


        >>> omit({'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}, 'b', 'c') == {'a': 1}
        >>> omit([1, 2, 3, 4], 0, 3) == {1: 2, 2: 3}

    .. versionadded:: 1.0.0
    if not callable(callback):
        callback = callback if callback is not None else []
        properties = pyd.flatten_deep([callback, properties])

        # pylint: disable=missing-docstring,function-redefined
        def callback(value, key, item):
            return key in properties

    return dict((key, value) for key, value in iterator(obj)
                if not call_callback(callback, value, key, obj))
예제 #8
def delimitedpathjoin(delimiter, *paths):
    """Join delimited path using specified delimiter.

    >>> assert delimitedpathjoin('.', '') == ''
    >>> assert delimitedpathjoin('.', '.') == '.'
    >>> assert delimitedpathjoin('.', ['', '.a']) == '.a'
    >>> assert delimitedpathjoin('.', ['a', '.']) == 'a.'
    >>> assert delimitedpathjoin('.', ['', '.a', '', '', 'b']) == '.a.b'
    >>> ret = '.a.b.c.d.e.'
    >>> assert delimitedpathjoin('.', ['.a.', 'b.', '.c', 'd', 'e.']) == ret
    >>> assert delimitedpathjoin('.', ['a', 'b', 'c']) == 'a.b.c'
    >>> ret = 'a.b.c.d.e.f'
    >>> assert delimitedpathjoin('.', ['a.b', '.c.d.', '.e.f']) == ret
    >>> ret = '.a.b.c.1.'
    >>> assert delimitedpathjoin('.', '.', 'a', 'b', 'c', 1, '.') == ret
    >>> assert delimitedpathjoin('.', []) == ''
    paths = [pyd.to_string(path) for path in pyd.flatten_deep(paths) if path]

    if len(paths) == 1:
        # Special case where there's no need to join anything.
        # Doing this because if path==[delimiter], then an extra delimiter
        # would be added if the else clause ran instead.
        path = paths[0]
        leading = delimiter if paths and paths[0].startswith(delimiter) else ''
        trailing = delimiter if paths and paths[-1].endswith(delimiter) else ''
        middle = delimiter.join(
            [path.strip(delimiter) for path in paths if path.strip(delimiter)])
        path = ''.join([leading, middle, trailing])

    return path
예제 #9
파일: objects.py 프로젝트: eRajsh/pydash
def pick(obj, callback=None, *properties):
    """Creates a shallow clone of object composed of the specified properties.
    Property names may be specified as individual arguments or as lists of
    property names. If a callback is provided it will be executed for each
    property of object picking the properties the callback returns truthy for.
    The callback is invoked with three arguments: ``(value, key, object)``.

        obj (list|dict): Object to pick from.
        properties (str): Property values to pick.
        callback (mixed, optional): Callback used to determine which properties
            to pick.

        dict: Dict containg picked properties.


        >>> pick({'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}, 'a', 'b') == {'a': 1, 'b': 2}

    .. versionadded:: 1.0.0
    if not callable(callback):
        callback = callback if callback is not None else []
        properties = pyd.flatten_deep([callback, properties])

        # pylint: disable=missing-docstring,function-redefined
        def callback(value, key, item):
            return key in properties

    return dict((key, value) for key, value in iterator(obj)
                if call_callback(callback, value, key, obj))
예제 #10
 def convert_imei(self, data):
     """Converts imei to supported formats."""
     if 'imeis' in data and 'file' not in data:
             data['imeis'] = ast.literal_eval(data.get('imeis'))
         except Exception as e:
             raise ValidationError('Invalid format for IMEIs Input', field_names=['imeis'])
         imeis = pydash.flatten_deep(data['imeis'])
         if len(imeis) == 0:
             raise ValidationError('Invalid format for IMEIs Input', field_names=['imeis'])
         elif not isinstance(data['imeis'][0], list):
             raise ValidationError('Invalid format for IMEIs Input', field_names=['imeis'])
         elif len(imeis) != len(list(set(imeis))):
             raise ValidationError(_('Duplicate IMEIs in request'), field_names=['imeis'])
         elif 'device_count' in data and data['device_count'].isdigit():
             if int(data['device_count']) > 10:
                 raise ValidationError('Only 10 device are allowed in case of webpage input',
             if int(data['device_count']) != len(data['imeis']):
                 raise ValidationError('Device count should be same as no of devices',
         if 'imei_per_device' in data and data['imei_per_device'].isdigit():
             if int(data['imei_per_device']) > 5:
                 raise ValidationError('Only 5 imeis are allowed per device in webpage',
             invalid = list(filter(lambda x: len(x) != int(data['imei_per_device']), data['imeis']))
             if len(invalid) > 0:
                 raise ValidationError('No of imei for each device should be same as imei per device',
예제 #11
def tb_status():
    patient_info  = request.get_json()["question"]
    patient_info_array = [patient_info]
    outcome = model.predict_proba(patient_info_array)
    outcome= np.ndarray.tolist(outcome)
    outcome = pydash.flatten_deep(outcome)
    return str(outcome[1])
예제 #12
def migrate():
	source_dirpath = "./res_mods/configs/tessu_mod"
	dest_dirpath   = "./mods/configs/tessumod"
	if not os.path.isdir(dest_dirpath):
	# migrate that stuff
	migrate_user_cache_0_6_to_0_7(source_dirpath, dest_dirpath)
	migrate_settings_0_6_to_0_7(source_dirpath, dest_dirpath)
	# get rid of old config dir, if it has no files anymore
	if os.path.isdir(source_dirpath) and not _.flatten_deep([files for root,dirs,files in os.walk(source_dirpath)]):
예제 #13
def main():
    logging.info('Iniciando processamento de JSON de dados para SQL')

    logging.info('Verificando primeiro se json de dados existe')

    if not os.path.exists(constants.JSON_OUTPUT_PATH):
        logging.info('Arquivo não existe')
        return None

    with open(constants.JSON_OUTPUT_PATH) as _json:
        elections = json.load(_json)

        elections_df = flatten(
            [get_election_data(election=election) for election in elections])

        states_df = flatten(
            [get_states_data(election=election) for election in elections])

        coligations_df = flatten_deep(
            [get_coligacoes_data(election=election) for election in elections])

        parties_df = flatten_deep(
            [get_parties_data(election=election) for election in elections])

        candidates_df = flatten_deep(
            [get_candidates_data(election=election) for election in elections])

        logging.info('Salvando dados das eleições')
        save_data(df=elections_df, table='tb_elections')

        logging.info('Salvando dados dos estados')
        save_data(df=states_df, table='tb_states')

        logging.info('Salvando dados das coligações')
        save_data(df=coligations_df, table='tb_coligations')

        logging.info('Salvando dados dos partidos')
        save_data(df=parties_df, table='tb_parties')

        logging.info('Salvando dados dos candidatos')
        save_data(df=candidates_df, table='tb_delegates')
예제 #14
    def bulk_compliant_status(cls, imeis):
        """Method to get IMEIs status from CORE in bulk."""
        non_compliant_list, compliant_list = [], []
        imei_list = pydash.flatten_deep(imeis)
        imei_chunks = pydash.chunk(imei_list, 1000)

        url = cls.core_api_v2 + '/imei-batch'
        for chunk in imei_chunks:
            response = requests.post(url, json={'imeis': chunk})
            compliant, non_compliant = Utilities.get_bulk_compliant_imeis(response)
            non_compliant_list = pydash.interleave(non_compliant_list, non_compliant)
            compliant_list = pydash.interleave(compliant_list, compliant)
        return compliant_list, non_compliant_list
예제 #15
    def notify_sender(self, payload, response, endpoint, status='success'):
        if (status != 'success'):
            response = _.flatten_deep(response)
        receiver = get_receiver(payload)

            wrap_data(None, {
                'status': status,
                'response': response
            }, self.name, self.version))

        return response
예제 #16
def flat_map_deep(collection, iteratee=None):
    """This method is like :func:`flat_map` except that it recursively flattens
    the mapped results.

        collection (list|dict): Collection to iterate over.
        iteratee (mixed, optional): Iteratee applied per iteration.

        list: Flattened mapped list.


        >>> duplicate = lambda n: [[n, n]]
        >>> flat_map_deep([1, 2], duplicate)
        [1, 1, 2, 2]

    .. versionadded:: 4.0.0
    return pyd.flatten_deep(itermap(collection, iteratee=iteratee))
예제 #17
def flat_map_deep(collection, iteratee=None):
    """This method is like :func:`flat_map` except that it recursively flattens
    the mapped results.

        collection (list|dict): Collection to iterate over.
        iteratee (mixed, optional): Iteratee applied per iteration.

        list: Flattened mapped list.


        >>> duplicate = lambda n: [[n, n]]
        >>> flat_map_deep([1, 2], duplicate)
        [1, 1, 2, 2]

    .. versionadded:: 4.0.0
    return pyd.flatten_deep(itermap(collection, iteratee=iteratee))
예제 #18
def at(collection, *indexes):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    """Creates a list of elements from the specified indexes, or keys, of the
    collection. Indexes may be specified as individual arguments or as arrays
    of indexes.

        collection (list|dict): Collection to iterate over.
        indexes (mixed): The indexes of `collection` to retrieve, specified as
            individual indexes or arrays of indexes.

        list: filtered list


        >>> at([1, 2, 3, 4], 0, 2)
        [1, 3]
        >>> at({'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3, 'd': 4}, 'a', 'c')
        [1, 3]

    .. versionadded:: 1.0.0
    indexes = pyd.flatten_deep(indexes)
    return [collection[i] for i in indexes]
예제 #19
def at(collection, *indexes):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    """Creates a list of elements from the specified indexes, or keys, of the
    collection. Indexes may be specified as individual arguments or as arrays
    of indexes.

        collection (list|dict): Collection to iterate over.
        indexes (mixed): The indexes of `collection` to retrieve, specified as
            individual indexes or arrays of indexes.

        list: filtered list


        >>> at([1, 2, 3, 4], 0, 2)
        [1, 3]
        >>> at({'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3, 'd': 4}, 'a', 'c')
        [1, 3]

    .. versionadded:: 1.0.0
    indexes = pyd.flatten_deep(indexes)
    return [collection[i] for i in indexes]
예제 #20
 def dump_stack(self, label, err):
     return Exception(_.flatten_deep([label, err.args]))
예제 #21
def main(argsdict):
  dryrun = argsdict.get('dryrun')
  debug = argsdict.get('debug')
  if debug:
  userId = USER_EMAIL
  logging.warning(f'Remove user: {userId}, Dryrun: {dryrun}')
  idToken = getToken(apiSecret=API_SECRET, apiKey=API_KEY)
  user = getResource(id=userId, idToken=idToken, url=USER_API)

  # TODO: check the team contains only this user
  #       also need to skip "groups"
  teamIds = user.get('teamIds', [])
  accessRoleIds = user.get('accessRoleIds')

  # NOTE: Fetch all apps and related policyId
  policyAppMapper = {}
  apps = getResources(idToken=idToken, url=APP_API)
  for app in apps:
    appId = app.get('id')
    policyId = app.get('policyId')
    # policy exists
    if bool(policyId):
      appIds = pydash.get(policyAppMapper, f'{policyId}.appId', [])
      pydash.set_(policyAppMapper, f'{policyId}.appId', appIds)

  # NOTE: Check each policy if it's deletable or not. It only handles ruleRoleLink except Role
  policyIds = list(policyAppMapper.keys())
  for policyId in policyIds:
    policyRoleIds = []
    policy = getResource(id=policyId, idToken=idToken, url=POLICY_API)
    rules = pydash.objects.get(policy, 'rules')
    for rule in rules:
      roleIds = pydash.objects.get(rule, 'accessRoleIds')
    policyRoleIds = pydash.flatten_deep(policyRoleIds)
    # NOTE: In case the policyRoleIds is totally equal with userRoleIds, we will delete it.
    if set(policyRoleIds) <= set(accessRoleIds):
      pydash.set_(policyAppMapper, f'{policyId}.deletable', True)
      pydash.set_(policyAppMapper, f'{policyId}.deletable', False)

  deletablePolicyMapper = pydash.pick_by(policyAppMapper, lambda item: pydash.get(item, 'deletable') == True)
  deletablePolicyIds = list(deletablePolicyMapper.keys())
  deletableAppIds = pydash.flatten_deep([pydash.get(deletablePolicyMapper, f'{i}.appId') for i in deletablePolicyMapper])

  # NOTE: delete app if its policy will be deleted.
  for appId in deletableAppIds:
    purgeResource(dryrun, id=appId, idToken=idToken, url=APP_API)

  # NOTE: delete policy something like policyEntry, policyRole relationship and ruleEntry
  for policyId in deletablePolicyIds:
    purgeResource(dryrun, id=policyId, idToken=idToken, url=POLICY_API)
  # NOTE: remove relationship something like userTeamLink, userRoleLink, teamRoleLink.
  for teamId in teamIds:
    purgeResource(dryrun, id=teamId, idToken=idToken, url=f'{TEAM_API}/{teamId}/users/', data=[userId])
  for roleId in accessRoleIds:
    purgeResource(dryrun, id=roleId, idToken=idToken, url=f'{ROLE_API}/{roleId}/users/', data=[userId])
    purgeResource(dryrun, id=roleId, idToken=idToken, url=f'{ROLE_API}/{roleId}/teams/', data=teamIds)

  # NOTE: remove teams
  deletableTeamIds = []
  for teamId in teamIds:
    team = getResource(id=teamId, idToken=idToken, url=TEAM_API)
    teamEmails = pydash.get(team, 'emails')
    teamRoleIds = pydash.get(team, 'accessRoleIds')
    # NOTE: check the role contains only this user and teams
    if len(set(teamEmails) - set([userId])) == 0 and len(set(teamRoleIds) - set(accessRoleIds)) == 0:

  # NOTE: remove roles
  deletableRoleIds = []
  for roleId in accessRoleIds:
    role = getResource(id=roleId, idToken=idToken, url=ROLE_API)
    roleEmails = pydash.get(role, 'emails')
    roleTeamIds = pydash.get(role, 'teamIds')
    # NOTE: check the role contains only this user and teams
    if len(set(roleEmails) - set([userId])) == 0 and len(set(roleTeamIds) - set(teamIds)) == 0:

  for teamId in deletableTeamIds:
    purgeResource(dryrun, id=teamId, idToken=idToken, url=TEAM_API)
  for roleId in deletableRoleIds:
    purgeResource(dryrun, id=roleId, idToken=idToken, url=ROLE_API)

  # NOTE: handle orphan policy once app was deleted before
  updatablePolicyDataSet = {}
  deletablePolicyIds = {}
  policies = getResources(idToken=idToken, url=POLICY_API)
  for policy in policies:
    policyId = policy.get('id')
    policyRoleIds = []
    rules = pydash.objects.get(policy, 'rules')
    for ruleIdx, rule in enumerate(rules):
      ruleRoleIds = rule.get('accessRoleIds')

      # NOTE: Handle the detail Configure policy
      remainingRuleRoleIds = set(ruleRoleIds) - set(accessRoleIds)
      remainingRuleRoleIds = list(remainingRuleRoleIds)
      if len(remainingRuleRoleIds) > 0 and len(ruleRoleIds) != len(remainingRuleRoleIds):
        newPolicy = pydash.get(updatablePolicyDataSet, policyId, pydash.clone_deep(policy))
        pydash.set_(newPolicy, f'rules.{ruleIdx}.accessRoleIds', remainingRuleRoleIds)
        pydash.set_(updatablePolicyDataSet, policyId, newPolicy)
      elif len(remainingRuleRoleIds) == 0:
        newPolicy = pydash.get(updatablePolicyDataSet, policyId, pydash.clone_deep(policy))
        pydash.set_(newPolicy, f'rules.{ruleIdx}.accessRoleIds', [])
        pydash.set_(updatablePolicyDataSet, policyId, newPolicy)

    policyRoleIds = pydash.flatten_deep(policyRoleIds)
    # NOTE: In case the policyRoleIds is totally equal with userRoleIds, we will delete it.
    if set(policyRoleIds) <= set(accessRoleIds):
      pydash.set_(deletablePolicyIds, policyId, policy)
    elif len(policyRoleIds) == 0:
      # NOTE: Relationship was removed previously
      pydash.set_(deletablePolicyIds, policyId, policy)

  # NOTE: Handle Configure policy
  for policyId in updatablePolicyDataSet:
    policy = pydash.get(updatablePolicyDataSet, policyId)
    if pydash.get(deletablePolicyIds, policyId, None) != None:
    rules = policy.get('rules', [])
    newRules = [rule for rule in rules if len(rule.get('accessRoleIds', [])) > 0]
    pydash.set_(policy, 'rules', newRules)
    updateResource(dryrun, id=policyId, idToken=idToken, url=POLICY_API, data = policy)

  for policyId in deletablePolicyIds:
    purgeResource(dryrun, id=policyId, idToken=idToken, url=POLICY_API)

  # NOTE: handle orphan team once app was deleted before
  orphanTeamIds = []
  teams = getResources(idToken=idToken, url=TEAM_API)
  for team in teams:
    teamId = team.get('id')
    teamEmails = pydash.get(team, 'emails')
    if teamEmails == [userId]:
      # NOTE: Other case will be hanlded by user deleting
  for teamId in orphanTeamIds:
    purgeResource(dryrun, id=teamId, idToken=idToken, url=f'{TEAM_API}/{teamId}/users/', data=[userId])

  # NOTE: handle orphan role once app was deleted before
  orphanRoleIds = []
  roles = getResources(idToken=idToken, url=ROLE_API)
  for role in roles:
    roleId = role.get('id')
    roleEmails = pydash.get(role, 'emails')
    roleTeamIds = pydash.get(role, 'teamIds')
    # NOTE: skip this team including others relationship
    if roleEmails == [userId] and len(set(roleTeamIds) - set(teamIds)) == 0:
  for roleId in orphanRoleIds:
    purgeResource(dryrun, id=roleId, idToken=idToken, url=ROLE_API)

  # NOTE: remove userEntry, and his relationship team, rule link, etc
  # TODO: check the team contains only this user
  #       also need to skip "groups"
  purgeResource(dryrun, id=userId, idToken=idToken,  url=USER_API)
예제 #22
def process_2_sents(f1,f2):

    ft0_0 = "\tTokens Intersection"
    tk1 ,tk2 = get_tokens_from_2_sents(f1,f2)

    ft0_1 = "\tTokens Jaccard"
    r0_1= jaccard_similarity(tk1,tk2)

    ft0_2 = "\tTokens Overlap"
    r0_2= overlap_similarity(tk1,tk2)

    ft0_3 = "\tTokens Cosine"
    r0_3= cos_similarity(tk1,tk2)

    wv1, tks_similar1 = get_wv_most_similar(f1)
    wv2, tks_similar2 = get_wv_most_similar(f2)
    ft0_4= "Tokens Gensim Cosine"
    r0_4= 0
    r0_4= get_gensim_cos_similarity(wv1,wv2)

    ft0_5 = "\tTokens Dice"
    r0_5= dice_similarity(tk1,tk2)

    ft0_6 = "\tTokens Len f1"
    r0_6= len(tk1)

    ft0_7 = "\tTokens Len f2"
    r0_7= len(tk2)

    ft0_8 = "\tTokens Len Proportion"
    r0_8= get_len_proportion_from_2_sents(tk1,tk2)


    ft1_0 = "\tWords Intersection"
    wd1 ,wd2 = get_words_from_2_sentS(f1,f2)

    ft1_1 = "\tWords Jaccard"
    r1_1= jaccard_similarity(wd1,wd2)

    ft1_2 = "\tWords Overlap"
    r1_2= overlap_similarity(wd1,wd2)

    ft1_3 = "\tWords Cosine"
    r1_3= cos_similarity(wd1,wd2)

    ft1_5 = "\tWords Dice"
    r1_5= dice_similarity(wd1,wd2)

    ft1_6 = "\tWords Len f1"
    r1_6= len(wd1)

    ft1_7 = "\tWords Len f2"
    r1_7= len(wd2)

    ft1_8 = "\tWords Len Proportion"
    r1_8= get_len_proportion_from_2_sents(wd1,wd2)


    ft2_0 = "\tNumbers Intersection"
    n1,n2 = get_numbers_from_2_sents(f1,f2)

    ft2_1 = "\tNumbers Jaccard"
    r2_1= jaccard_similarity(n1,n2)

    ft2_2 = "\tNumbers Overlap"
    r2_2= overlap_similarity(n1,n2)

    ft2_5 = "\tNumbers Dice"
    r2_5= dice_similarity(n1,n2)

    ft2_6 = "\tNumbers Len f1"
    r2_6= len(n1)

    ft2_7 = "\tNumbers Len f2"
    r2_7= len(n2)

    ft2_8 = "\tNumbers Len Proportion"
    r2_8= get_len_proportion_from_2_sents(n1,n2)


    ft3_0 = "\tWord Lemas Intersection"
    lm1,lm2 = get_lemmas_from_2_sents(f1,f2)

    ft3_1 = "\tWord Lemas Jaccard"

    ft3_2 = "\tWord Lemas Overlap"

    ft3_3 = "\tWord Lemas Cosine"
    r3_3= cos_similarity(lm1,lm2)

    lmv1, lm_similar1 = get_wv_most_similar(lm1)
    lmv2, lm_similar2 = get_wv_most_similar(lm2)
    ft3_4 = "\tWord Lemas Gensim Cosine"
    r3_4 = 0
    r3_4= get_gensim_cos_similarity(lmv1,lmv2)

    ft3_5 = "\tWord Lemas Dice"
    r3_5= dice_similarity(lm1,lm2)

    ft3_6 = "\tWord Lemas Len f1"
    r3_6= len(lm1)

    ft3_7 = "\tWord Lemas Len f2"
    r3_7= len(lm2)

    ft3_8 = "\tWord Lemas Len Proportion"
    r3_8= get_len_proportion_from_2_sents(lm1,lm2)


    ft5_0 = "\tWord Pos Intersection"
    ptg1,ptg2 = get_word_pos_from_2_sents(f1,f2)

    ft5_1 = "\tWord Pos Jaccard"

    ft5_2 = "\tWord Pos Overlap"

    ft5_3 = "\tWord Pos Cosine"
    r5_3= cos_similarity(ptg1,ptg2)

    ft5_5 = "\tWord Pos Dice"
    r5_5= dice_similarity(ptg1,ptg2)

    ft5_6 = "\tWord Pos Len f1"
    r5_6= len(ptg1)

    ft5_7 = "\tWord Pos Len f2"
    r5_7= len(ptg2)

    ft5_8 = "\tWord Pos Len Proportion"
    r5_8= get_len_proportion_from_2_sents(ptg1,ptg2)

    pos1 = get_obj_pos_from_sent(f1)
    pos2 = get_obj_pos_from_sent(f2)

    #---- ADJ

    ft5_9 = "\t-ADJ Len f1"
    r5_9 = len(l1)

    ft5_10 = "\t-ADJ Len f2"
    r5_10 = len(l2)

    ft5_11 = "\t-ADJ Abs Difference"
    r5_11 = abs(len(l1) - len(l2))

    ft5_12 = "\t-ADJ Jaccard"

    ft5_13 = "\t-ADJ Overlap"

    ft5_14 = "\t-ADJ Cosine"
    r5_14= float(cos_similarity(l1,l2))

    #---- ADP

    ft5_15 = "\t-ADP Len f1"
    r5_15 = len(l1)

    ft5_16 = "\t-ADP Len f2"
    r5_16 = len(l2)

    ft5_17 = "\t-ADP Abs Difference"
    r5_17 = abs(len(l1) - len(l2))

    ft5_18 = "\t-ADP Jaccard"

    ft5_19 = "\t-ADP Overlap"

    ft5_20 = "\t-ADP Cosine"
    r5_20= float(cos_similarity(l1,l2))

    #---- ADV

    ft5_21 = "\t-ADV Len f1"
    r5_21 = len(l1)

    ft5_22 = "\t-ADV Len f2"
    r5_22 = len(l2)

    ft5_23 = "\t-ADV Abs Difference"
    r5_23 = abs(len(l1) - len(l2))

    ft5_24 = "\t-ADV Jaccard"

    ft5_25 = "\t-ADV Overlap"

    ft5_26 = "\t-ADV Cosine"
    r5_26= float(cos_similarity(l1,l2))

    #---- AUX

    ft5_27 = "\t-AUX Len f1"
    r5_27 = len(l1)

    ft5_28 = "\t-AUX Len f2"
    r5_28 = len(l2)

    ft5_29 = "\t-AUX Abs Difference"
    r5_29 = abs(len(l1) - len(l2))

    ft5_30 = "\t-AUX Jaccard"

    ft5_31 = "\t-AUX Overlap"

    ft5_32 = "\t-AUX Cosine"
    r5_32= float(cos_similarity(l1,l2))

    #---- CONJ

    ft5_33 = "\t-CONJ Len f1"
    r5_33 = len(l1)

    ft5_34 = "\t-CONJ Len f2"
    r5_34 = len(l2)

    ft5_35 = "\t-CONJ Abs Difference"
    r5_35 = abs(len(l1) - len(l2))

    ft5_36 = "\t-CONJ Jaccard"

    ft5_37 = "\t-CONJ Overlap"

    ft5_38 = "\t-CONJ Cosine"
    r5_38= float(cos_similarity(l1,l2))

    #---- CCONJ

    ft5_39 = "\t-CCONJ Len f1"
    r5_39 = len(l1)

    ft5_40 = "\t-CCONJ Len f2"
    r5_40 = len(l2)

    ft5_41 = "\t-CCONJ Abs Difference"
    r5_41 = abs(len(l1) - len(l2))

    ft5_42 = "\t-CCONJ Jaccard"

    ft5_43 = "\t-CCONJ Overlap"

    ft5_44 = "\t-CCONJ Cosine"
    r5_44= float(cos_similarity(l1,l2))

    #---- DET

    ft5_45 = "\t-DET Len f1"
    r5_45 = len(l1)

    ft5_46 = "\t-DET Len f2"
    r5_46 = len(l2)

    ft5_47 = "\t-DET Abs Difference"
    r5_47 = abs(len(l1) - len(l2))

    ft5_48 = "\t-DET Jaccard"

    ft5_49 = "\t-DET Overlap"

    ft5_50 = "\t-DET Cosine"
    r5_50= float(cos_similarity(l1,l2))

    #---- INTJ

    ft5_51 = "\t-INTJ Len f1"
    r5_51 = len(l1)

    ft5_52 = "\t-INTJ Len f2"
    r5_52 = len(l2)

    ft5_53 = "\t-INTJ Abs Difference"
    r5_53 = abs(len(l1) - len(l2))

    ft5_54 = "\t-INTJ Jaccard"

    ft5_55 = "\t-INTJ Overlap"

    ft5_56 = "\t-INTJ Cosine"
    r5_56= float(cos_similarity(l1,l2))

    #---- NOUN

    ft5_57 = "\t-NOUN Len f1"
    r5_57 = len(l1)

    ft5_58 = "\t-NOUN Len f2"
    r5_58 = len(l2)

    ft5_59 = "\t-NOUN Abs Difference"
    r5_59 = abs(len(l1) - len(l2))

    ft5_60 = "\t-NOUN Jaccard"

    ft5_61 = "\t-NOUN Overlap"

    ft5_62 = "\t-NOUN Cosine"
    r5_62= float(cos_similarity(l1,l2))

    #---- NUM

    ft5_63 = "\t-NUM Len f1"
    r5_63 = len(l1)

    ft5_64 = "\t-NUM Len f2"
    r5_64 = len(l2)

    ft5_65 = "\t-NUM Abs Difference"
    r5_65 = abs(len(l1) - len(l2))

    ft5_66 = "\t-NUM Jaccard"

    ft5_67 = "\t-NUM Overlap"

    ft5_68 = "\t-NUM Cosine"
    r5_68= float(cos_similarity(l1,l2))

    #---- PART

    ft5_69 = "\t-PART Len f1"
    r5_69 = len(l1)

    ft5_70 = "\t-PART Len f2"
    r5_70 = len(l2)

    ft5_71 = "\t-PART Abs Difference"
    r5_71 = abs(len(l1) - len(l2))

    ft5_72 = "\t-PART Jaccard"

    ft5_73 = "\t-PART Overlap"

    ft5_74 = "\t-PART Cosine"
    r5_74= float(cos_similarity(l1,l2))

    #---- PRON

    ft5_75 = "\t-PRON Len f1"
    r5_75 = len(l1)

    ft5_76 = "\t-PRON Len f2"
    r5_76 = len(l2)

    ft5_77 = "\t-PRON Abs Difference"
    r5_77 = abs(len(l1) - len(l2))

    ft5_78 = "\t-PRON Jaccard"

    ft5_79 = "\t-PRON Overlap"

    ft5_80 = "\t-PRON Cosine"
    r5_80= float(cos_similarity(l1,l2))

    #---- PROPN

    ft5_81 = "\t-PROPN Len f1"
    r5_81 = len(l1)

    ft5_82 = "\t-PROPN Len f2"
    r5_82 = len(l2)

    ft5_83 = "\t-PROPN Abs Difference"
    r5_83 = abs(len(l1) - len(l2))

    ft5_84 = "\t-PROPN Jaccard"

    ft5_85 = "\t-PROPN Overlap"

    ft5_86 = "\t-PROPN Cosine"
    r5_86= float(cos_similarity(l1,l2))

    #---- PUNCT

    ft5_87 = "\t-PUNCT Len f1"
    r5_87 = len(l1)

    ft5_88 = "\t-PUNCT Len f2"
    r5_88 = len(l2)

    ft5_89 = "\t-PUNCT Abs Difference"
    r5_89 = abs(len(l1) - len(l2))

    ft5_90 = "\t-PUNCT Jaccard"

    ft5_91 = "\t-PUNCT Overlap"

    ft5_92 = "\t-PUNCT Cosine"
    r5_92= float(cos_similarity(l1,l2))

    #---- SCONJ

    ft5_93 = "\t-SCONJ Len f1"
    r5_93 = len(l1)

    ft5_94 = "\t-SCONJ Len f2"
    r5_94 = len(l2)

    ft5_95 = "\t-SCONJ Abs Difference"
    r5_95 = abs(len(l1) - len(l2))

    ft5_96 = "\t-SCONJ Jaccard"

    ft5_97 = "\t-SCONJ Overlap"

    ft5_98 = "\t-SCONJ Cosine"
    r5_98= float(cos_similarity(l1,l2))

    #---- SYM

    ft5_99 = "\t-SYM Len f1"
    r5_99 = len(l1)

    ft5_100 = "\t-SYM Len f2"
    r5_100 = len(l2)

    ft5_101 = "\t-SYM Abs Difference"
    r5_101 = abs(len(l1) - len(l2))

    ft5_102 = "\t-SYM Jaccard"

    ft5_103 = "\t-SYM Overlap"

    ft5_104 = "\t-SYM Cosine"
    r5_104= float(cos_similarity(l1,l2))

    #---- VERB

    ft5_105 = "\t-VERB Len f1"
    r5_105 = len(l1)

    ft5_106 = "\t-VERB Len f2"
    r5_106 = len(l2)

    ft5_107 = "\t-VERB Abs Difference"
    r5_107 = abs(len(l1) - len(l2))

    ft5_108 = "\t-VERB Jaccard"

    ft5_109 = "\t-VERB Overlap"

    ft5_110 = "\t-VERB Cosine"
    r5_110= float(cos_similarity(l1,l2))

    #---- X

    ft5_111 = "\t-X Len f1"
    r5_111 = len(l1)

    ft5_112 = "\t-X Len f2"
    r5_112 = len(l2)

    ft5_113 = "\t-X Abs Difference"
    r5_113 = abs(len(l1) - len(l2))

    ft5_114 = "\t-X Jaccard"

    ft5_115 = "\t-X Overlap"

    ft5_116 = "\t-X Cosine"
    r5_116= float(cos_similarity(l1,l2))


    st1,st2 = get_stems_from_2_sents(f1,f2)

    ft6_0 = "\tWord Stems Intersection"

    ft6_1 = "\tWord Stems Jaccard"

    ft6_2 = "\tWord Stems Overlap"

    ft6_3 = "\tWord Stems Cosine"
    r6_3= cos_similarity(st1,st2)

    ft6_5 = "\tWord Stems Dice"
    r6_5= dice_similarity(st1,st2)

    ft6_6 = "\tWord Stems Len f1"
    r6_6= len(st1)

    ft6_7 = "\tWord Stems Len f2"
    r6_7= len(st2)

    ft6_8 = "\tWord Stems Len Proportion"
    r6_8= get_len_proportion_from_2_sents(st1,st2)

    we1 = get_word_entitie_from_sent(f1)
    we2 = get_word_entitie_from_sent(f2)

    ft7_0 = "\tWord entities Intersection"
    ft7_1 = "\tWord entities Jaccard"
    ft7_2 = "\tWord entities Overlap"
    ft7_3 = "\tWord entities Cosine"
    r7_3= cos_similarity(we1,we2)

    ft7_5 = "\tWord entities Dice"
    r7_5= dice_similarity(we1,we2)

    ft7_6 = "\tWord entities Len f1"
    r7_6= len(we1)

    ft7_7 = "\tWord entities Len f2"
    r7_7= len(we2)

    ft7_8 = "\tWord entities Len Proportion"
    r7_8= get_len_proportion_from_2_sents(we1,we2)

    ent1 = get_entities_from_sent(f1)
    ent2 = get_entities_from_sent(f2)

    ft8_0 = "\tEntities Intersection"
    list_ent1 = flatten_deep(values(ent1))
    list_ent2 = flatten_deep(values(ent2))
    r8_0 = len_intersection(list_ent1, list_ent2)
    ft8_1 = "\tEntities Jaccard"
    r8_1 = jaccard_similarity(list_ent1, list_ent2)
    ft8_2 = "\tEntities Overlap"
    r8_2 = overlap_similarity(list_ent1, list_ent2)
    ft8_3 = "\tEntities Cosine"
    r8_3 = cos_similarity(list_ent1, list_ent2)

    ft8_5 = "\tEntities Dice"
    r8_5 = dice_similarity(list_ent1, list_ent2)

    ft8_6 = "\tEntities Len f1"
    r8_6 = len(list_ent1)

    ft8_7 = "\tEntities Len f2"
    r8_7 = len(list_ent2)

    ft8_8 = "\tEntities Len Proportion"
    r8_8 = get_len_proportion_from_2_sents(list_ent1, list_ent2)

    #---- PER
    l1=[] if (get(ent1,'PER') is None) else get(ent1,'PER')
    l2=[] if (get(ent2,'PER') is None) else get(ent2,'PER')

    ft8_9 = "\t-PER Len f1"
    r8_9 = len(list_ent1)

    ft8_10 = "\t-PER Len f2"
    r8_10 = len(list_ent2)

    ft8_11 = "\t-PER Abs Difference"
    r8_11 = abs(r8_9 - r8_10)

    #---- PER
    l1=[] if (get(ent1,'PER') is None) else get(ent1,'PER')
    l2=[] if (get(ent2,'PER') is None) else get(ent2,'PER')

    ft8_9 = "\t-PER Len f1"
    r8_9 = len(l1)

    ft8_10 = "\t-PER Len f2"
    r8_10 = len(l2)

    ft8_11 = "\t-PER Abs Difference"
    r8_11 = abs(len(l1) - len(l2))

    #---- LOC
    l1=[] if (get(ent1,'LOC') is None) else get(ent1,'LOC')
    l2=[] if (get(ent2,'LOC') is None) else get(ent2,'LOC')

    ft8_12 = "\t-LOC Len f1"
    r8_12 = len(l1)

    ft8_13 = "\t-LOC Len f2"
    r8_13 = len(l2)

    ft8_14 = "\t-LOC Abs Difference"
    r8_14 = abs(len(l1) - len(l2))

    #---- ORG
    l1=[] if (get(ent1,'ORG') is None) else get(ent1,'ORG')
    l2=[] if (get(ent2,'ORG') is None) else get(ent2,'ORG')

    ft8_15 = "\t-ORG Len f1"
    r8_15 = len(l1)

    ft8_16 = "\t-ORG Len f2"
    r8_16 = len(l2)

    ft8_17 = "\t-ORG Abs Difference"
    r8_17 = abs(len(l1) - len(l2))

    #---- MISC
    l1=[] if (get(ent1,'MISC') is None) else get(ent1,'MISC')
    l2=[] if (get(ent2,'MISC') is None) else get(ent2,'MISC')

    ft8_18 = "\t-MISC Len f1"
    r8_18 = len(l1)

    ft8_19 = "\t-MISC Len f2"
    r8_19 = len(l2)

    ft8_20 = "\t-MISC Abs Difference"
    r8_20 = abs(len(l1) - len(l2))

    #---- TIME
    l1=[] if (get(ent1,'TIME') is None) else get(ent1,'TIME')
    l2=[] if (get(ent2,'TIME') is None) else get(ent2,'TIME')

    ft8_21 = "\t-TIME Len f1"
    r8_21 = len(l1)

    ft8_22 = "\t-TIME Len f2"
    r8_22 = len(l2)

    ft8_23 = "\t-TIME Abs Difference"
    r8_23 = abs(len(l1) - len(l2))

    #---- ORDINAL
    l1=[] if (get(ent1,'ORDINAL') is None) else get(ent1,'ORDINAL')
    l2=[] if (get(ent2,'ORDINAL') is None) else get(ent2,'ORDINAL')

    ft8_24 = "\t-ORDINAL Len f1"
    r8_24 = len(l1)

    ft8_25 = "\t-ORDINAL Len f2"
    r8_25 = len(l2)

    ft8_26 = "\t-ORDINAL Abs Difference"
    r8_26 = abs(len(l1) - len(l2))

    #---- DATE
    l1=[] if (get(ent1,'DATE') is None) else get(ent1,'DATE')
    l2=[] if (get(ent2,'DATE') is None) else get(ent2,'DATE')

    ft8_27 = "\t-DATE Len f1"
    r8_27 = len(l1)

    ft8_28 = "\t-DATE Len f2"
    r8_28 = len(l2)

    ft8_29 = "\t-DATE Abs Difference"
    r8_29 = abs(len(l1) - len(l2))

    #---- CARDINAL
    l1=[] if (get(ent1,'CARDINAL') is None) else get(ent1,'CARDINAL')
    l2=[] if (get(ent2,'CARDINAL') is None) else get(ent2,'CARDINAL')

    ft8_30 = "\t-CARDINAL Len f1"
    r8_30 = len(l1)

    ft8_31 = "\t-CARDINAL Len f2"
    r8_31 = len(l2)

    ft8_32 = "\t-CARDINAL Abs Difference"
    r8_32 = abs(len(l1) - len(l2))

    #---- MONEY
    l1=[] if (get(ent1,'MONEY') is None) else get(ent1,'MONEY')
    l2=[] if (get(ent2,'MONEY') is None) else get(ent2,'MONEY')

    ft8_33 = "\t-MONEY Len f1"
    r8_33 = len(l1)

    ft8_34 = "\t-MONEY Len f2"
    r8_34 = len(l2)

    ft8_35 = "\t-MONEY Abs Difference"
    r8_35 = abs(len(l1) - len(l2))

    #---- QUANTITY
    l1=[] if (get(ent1,'QUANTITY') is None) else get(ent1,'QUANTITY')
    l2=[] if (get(ent2,'QUANTITY') is None) else get(ent2,'QUANTITY')

    ft8_36 = "\t-QUANTITY Len f1"
    r8_36 = len(l1)

    ft8_37 = "\t-QUANTITY Len f2"
    r8_37 = len(l2)

    ft8_38 = "\t-QUANTITY Abs Difference"
    r8_38 = abs(len(l1) - len(l2))


    dp1 = get_syntactic_dependency_from_sent(f1)
    dp2 = get_syntactic_dependency_from_sent(f2)

    ft9_0 = "\tDependency Intersection"

    ft9_1 = "\tDependency Jaccard"

    ft9_2 = "\tDependency Overlap"

    ft9_3 = "\tDependency Cosine"
    r9_3= cos_similarity(dp1,dp2)

    ft9_5 = "\tDependency Dice"
    r9_5= dice_similarity(dp1,dp2)

    ft9_6 = "\tDependency Len f1"
    r9_6= len(dp1)

    ft9_7 = "\tDependency Len f2"
    r9_7= len(dp2)

    ft9_8 = "\tDependency Len Proportion"
    r9_8= get_len_proportion_from_2_sents(dp1,dp2)

    wt1 = get_word_tag_from_sent(f1)
    wt2 = get_word_tag_from_sent(f2)

    ft10_0 = "\tWord Tag Intersection"

    ft10_1 = "\tWord Tag Jaccard"

    ft10_2 = "\tWord Tag Overlap"

    ft10_3 = "\tWord Tag Cosine"
    r10_3= cos_similarity(wt1,wt2)

    ft10_5 = "\tWord Tag Dice"
    r10_5= dice_similarity(wt1,wt2)

    ft10_6 = "\tWord Tag Len f1"
    r10_6= len(wt1)

    ft10_7 = "\tWord Tag Len f2"
    r10_7= len(wt2)

    ft10_8 = "\tWord Tag Len Proportion"
    r10_8= get_len_proportion_from_2_sents(wt1,wt2)

    for token in tk1:

    for token in tk2:

    ft11_0 = "\tSinonimos Intersection"

    ft11_1 = "\tSinonimos Jaccard"

    ft11_2 = "\tSinonimos Overlap"

    ft11_3 = "\tSinonimos Cosine"
    r11_3= cos_similarity(sin1,sin2)

    ft11_4 = "\tSinonimos Gensim Cosine"
    r11_4 = 0
    r11_4= get_gensim_cos_similarity(tks_similar1,tks_similar2)

    ft11_5 = "\tSinonimos Dice"
    r11_5= dice_similarity(sin1,sin2)

    ft11_6 = "\tSinonimos Len f1"
    r11_6= len(sin1)

    ft11_7 = "\tSinonimos Len f2"
    r11_7= len(sin2)

    ft11_8 = "\tSinonimos Len Proportion"
    r11_8= get_len_proportion_from_2_sents(sin1,sin2)

    for token in tk1:

    for token in tk2:

    ft12_0 = "\tAntonimos Intersection"

    ft12_1 = "\tAntonimos Jaccard"

    ft12_2 = "\tAntonimos Overlap"

    ft12_3 = "\tAntonimos Cosine"
    r12_3= cos_similarity(ant1,ant2)

    ft12_5 = "\tAntonimos Dice"
    r12_5= dice_similarity(ant1,ant2)

    ft12_6 = "\tAntonimos Len f1"
    r12_6= len(ant1)

    ft12_7 = "\tAntonimos Len f2"
    r12_7= len(ant2)

    ft12_8 = "\tAntonimos Len Proportion"
    r12_8= get_len_proportion_from_2_sents(ant1,ant2)

    set_(obj,"f1", f1)
    set_(obj,"f2", f2)

    #print(pad("",55,'-'))   # Tokens
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft0_0), float(r0_0))           # 0 -Intersection
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft0_1), float(r0_1))         # 1 -Jaccard
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft0_2), float(r0_2))         # 2 -Overlap
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft0_3), float(r0_3))  # 3 -Cosine
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft0_4), float(r0_4))  # 4 -Gensim Cosine
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft0_5), float(r0_5))         # 5 -Dice
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft0_6), float(r0_6))         # 6 -Len f1
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft0_7), float(r0_7))         # 7 -Len f2
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft0_8), float(r0_8))         # 8 -f1/f2 or f2/f1

    #print(pad("",55,'-'))   # Words
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft1_0), float(r1_0))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft1_1), float(r1_1))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft1_2), float(r1_2))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft1_3), float(r1_3))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft1_5), float(r1_5))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft1_6), float(r1_6))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft1_7), float(r1_7))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft1_8), float(r1_8))

    #print(pad("",55,'-'))   # Numbers
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft2_0), float(r2_0))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft2_1), float(r2_1))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft2_2), float(r2_2))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft2_5), float(r2_5))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft2_6), float(r2_6))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft2_7), float(r2_7))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft2_8), float(r2_8))

    #print(pad("",55,'-'))   # Lemas
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft3_0), float(r3_0))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft3_1), float(r3_1))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft3_2), float(r3_2))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft3_3), float(r3_3))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft3_4), float(r3_4))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft3_5), float(r3_5))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft3_6), float(r3_6))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft3_7), float(r3_7))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft3_8), float(r3_8))

    #print(pad("",55,'-'))   # Pos Tag
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_0), float(r5_0))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_1), float(r5_1))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_2), float(r5_2))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_3), float(r5_3))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_5), float(r5_5))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_6), float(r5_6))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_7), float(r5_7))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_8), float(r5_8))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_9), float(r5_9))     #ADJ
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_10), float(r5_10))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_11), float(r5_11))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_12), float(r5_12))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_13), float(r5_13))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_14), float(r5_14))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_15), float(r5_15))     #ADP
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_16), float(r5_16))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_17), float(r5_17))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_18), float(r5_18))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_19), float(r5_19))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_20), float(r5_20))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_21), float(r5_21))     #ADV
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_22), float(r5_22))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_23), float(r5_23))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_24), float(r5_24))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_25), float(r5_25))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_26), float(r5_26))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_27), float(r5_27))     #AUX
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_28), float(r5_28))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_29), float(r5_29))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_30), float(r5_30))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_31), float(r5_31))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_32), float(r5_32))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_33), float(r5_33))     #CONJ
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_34), float(r5_34))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_35), float(r5_35))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_36), float(r5_36))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_37), float(r5_37))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_38), float(r5_38))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_39), float(r5_39))     #CCONJ
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_40), float(r5_40))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_41), float(r5_41))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_42), float(r5_42))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_43), float(r5_43))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_44), float(r5_44))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_45), float(r5_45))     #DET
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_46), float(r5_46))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_47), float(r5_47))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_48), float(r5_48))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_49), float(r5_49))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_50), float(r5_50))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_51), float(r5_51))     #INTJ
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_52), float(r5_52))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_53), float(r5_53))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_54), float(r5_54))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_55), float(r5_55))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_56), float(r5_56))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_57), float(r5_57))     #NOUN
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_58), float(r5_58))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_59), float(r5_59))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_60), float(r5_60))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_61), float(r5_61))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_62), float(r5_62))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_63), float(r5_63))     #NUM
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_64), float(r5_64))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_65), float(r5_65))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_66), float(r5_66))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_67), float(r5_67))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_68), float(r5_68))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_69), float(r5_69))     #PART
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_70), float(r5_70))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_71), float(r5_71))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_72), float(r5_72))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_73), float(r5_73))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_74), float(r5_74))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_75), float(r5_75))     #PRON
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_76), float(r5_76))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_77), float(r5_77))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_78), float(r5_78))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_79), float(r5_79))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_80), float(r5_80))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_81), float(r5_81))     #PROPN
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_82), float(r5_82))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_83), float(r5_83))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_84), float(r5_84))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_85), float(r5_85))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_86), float(r5_86))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_87), float(r5_87))     #PUNCT
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_88), float(r5_88))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_89), float(r5_89))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_90), float(r5_90))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_91), float(r5_91))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_92), float(r5_92))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_93), float(r5_93))     #SCONJ
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_94), float(r5_94))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_95), float(r5_95))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_96), float(r5_96))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_97), float(r5_97))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_98), float(r5_98))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_99), float(r5_99))     #SYM
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_100), float(r5_100))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_101), float(r5_101))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_102), float(r5_102))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_103), float(r5_103))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_104), float(r5_104))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_105), float(r5_105))     #VERB
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_106), float(r5_106))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_107), float(r5_107))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_108), float(r5_108))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_109), float(r5_109))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_110), float(r5_110))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_111), float(r5_111))     #X
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_112), float(r5_112))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_113), float(r5_113))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_114), float(r5_114))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_115), float(r5_115))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft5_116), float(r5_116))

    #print(pad("",55,'-'))   # Stems
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft6_0), float(r6_0))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft6_1), float(r6_1))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft6_2), float(r6_2))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft6_3), float(r6_3))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft6_5), float(r6_5))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft6_6), float(r6_6))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft6_7), float(r6_7))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft6_8), float(r6_8))

    #print(pad("",55,'-'))   # Word Entities
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft7_0), float(r7_0))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft7_1), float(r7_1))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft7_2), float(r7_2))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft7_3), float(r7_3))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft7_5), float(r7_5))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft7_6), float(r7_6))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft7_7), float(r7_7))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft7_8), float(r7_8))

    #print(pad("",55,'-'))   # Dependency
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft9_0), float(r9_0))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft9_1), float(r9_1))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft9_2), float(r9_2))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft9_3), float(r9_3))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft9_5), float(r9_5))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft9_6), float(r9_6))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft9_7), float(r9_7))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft9_8), float(r9_8))

    #print(pad("",55,'-'))   # Word Tag
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft10_0), float(r10_0))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft10_1), float(r10_1))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft10_2), float(r10_2))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft10_3), float(r10_3))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft10_5), float(r10_5))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft10_6), float(r10_6))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft10_7), float(r10_7))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft10_8), float(r10_8))

    #print(pad("",55,'-'))   # Sinônimos
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft11_0), float(r11_0))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft11_1), float(r11_1))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft11_2), float(r11_2))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft11_3), float(r11_3))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft11_4), float(r11_4))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft11_5), float(r11_5))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft11_6), float(r11_6))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft11_7), float(r11_7))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft11_8), float(r11_8))

    #print(pad("",55,'-'))   # Antônimos
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft12_0), float(r12_0))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft12_1), float(r12_1))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft12_2), float(r12_2))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft12_3), float(r12_3))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft12_5), float(r12_5))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft12_6), float(r12_6))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft12_7), float(r12_7))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft12_8), float(r12_8))

    #print(pad("",55,'-'))   # Entities
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft8_0), float(r8_0))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft8_1), float(r8_1))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft8_2), float(r8_2))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft8_3), float(r8_3))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft8_5), float(r8_5))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft8_6), float(r8_6))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft8_7), float(r8_7))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft8_8), float(r8_8))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft8_9), float(r8_9))     #PER
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft8_10), float(r8_10))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft8_11), float(r8_11))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft8_12), float(r8_12))   #LOC
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft8_13), float(r8_13))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft8_14), float(r8_14))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft8_15), float(r8_15))   #ORG
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft8_16), float(r8_16))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft8_17), float(r8_17))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft8_18), float(r8_18))   #MISC
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft8_19), float(r8_19))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft8_20), float(r8_20))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft8_21), float(r8_21))   #TIME
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft8_22), float(r8_22))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft8_23), float(r8_23))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft8_24), float(r8_24))   #ORDINAL
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft8_25), float(r8_25))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft8_26), float(r8_26))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft8_27), float(r8_27))   #DATE
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft8_28), float(r8_28))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft8_29), float(r8_29))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft8_30), float(r8_30))   #CARDINAL
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft8_31), float(r8_31))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft8_32), float(r8_32))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft8_33), float(r8_33))   #MONEY
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft8_34), float(r8_34))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft8_35), float(r8_35))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft8_36), float(r8_36))   #QUANTITY
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft8_37), float(r8_37))
    set_(obj,snake_case(ft8_38), float(r8_38))

    #Imprime Adverbios
    adverbios = load_json("adverbios")
    for key, value in adverbios.items():
        feature = "\tADV-" + str(key) + " "
        if isinstance(value,(dict)):
            for k, v in value.items():
                ft = feature +"["+ k +"] "
                res = process_adverb(v,f1,f2)
                set_(obj, snake_case(ft + "Len(f1)"), res[0])
                set_(obj, snake_case(ft + "Len(f2)"), res[1])
                set_(obj, snake_case(ft + "Abs Diff"), res[2])
                set_(obj, snake_case(ft + "Len Inter"), res[3])
            res = process_adverb(value,f1,f2)
            ft = feature
            set_(obj, snake_case(ft + "Len(f1)"), res[0])
            set_(obj, snake_case(ft + "Len(f2)"), res[1])
            set_(obj, snake_case(ft + "Abs Diff"), res[2])
            set_(obj, snake_case(ft + "Len Inter"), res[3])

    return obj
예제 #23
def rot_row(screen, A, B):
    current_row = [screen[A][x] for x in xrange(len(screen[0]))]
    new_row = current_row[-B:] + current_row[:-B]
    for x in xrange(len(screen[0])):
        screen[A][x] = new_row[x]
    return screen

def rot_col(screen, A, B):
    current_col = [screen[y][A] for y in xrange(len(screen))]
    new_col = current_col[-B:] + current_col[:-B]
    for y in xrange(len(screen)):
        screen[y][A] = new_col[y]
    return screen

for line in data:
    if line.startswith('rect'):
        A, B = re.match(r'\w+\ (\d+)x(\d+)', line).groups()
        screen = rect(screen, int(A), int(B))

    elif line.startswith('rotate row'):
        A, B = re.match(r'\w+\ \w+\ y=(\d+)\ by\ (\d+)', line).groups()
        screen = rot_row(screen, int(A), int(B))

    elif line.startswith('rotate column'):
        A, B = re.match(r'\w+\ \w+\ x=(\d+)\ by\ (\d+)', line).groups()
        screen = rot_col(screen, int(A), int(B))

print pydash.flatten_deep(screen).count('#')
예제 #24
Quantifiers = oneOf("* + ?") | RangedQuantifiers
QuantifiedLeafWord = LeafWord + Quantifiers
# a sequence
ConcatenatedSequence = OneOrMore(QuantifiedLeafWord | LeafWord)
# syntax root
Rule = Forward()
# ( xxx )
GroupStatement = Forward()
QuantifiedGroup = GroupStatement + Quantifiers
# (?<label> xxx)
# TODO: We don't need quantified capture group, so no QuantifiedCaptureGroup. And it is not orAble, can only be in the top level of AST, so it is easier to process
CaptureGroupStatement = Forward()
# xxx | yyy
orAbleStatement = QuantifiedGroup | GroupStatement | ConcatenatedSequence
OrStatement = Group(orAbleStatement +
                    OneOrMore(Literal("|") + Group(orAbleStatement)))

GroupStatement << Group(Literal("(") + Rule + Literal(")"))
CaptureGroupStatement << Group(
    Literal("(") + Literal("?") + Literal("<") + Word(alphas) + Literal(">") +
    Rule + Literal(")"))
Rule << OneOrMore(OrStatement | orAbleStatement | CaptureGroupStatement)
ruleParser = lambda ruleString: flatten_deep(

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # ruleString = "$ * ( can' t | can't ) & * $? talk (&|$)*)"
    ruleString = "(($* name $? (a|one|two|three|four|five|six|seven|eight|nine|ten) $+)|(what $* ( played | play | run | study | studied | patent ) $*)|($ * ( which | what ) $* ( team | group | groups | teams ) $*)|($* ( which | (what (is|was|were|are | 's)|what's) ) $? (article|articles|animal|animals|book|books|card|cards|drug|drugs|drink|drinks|film|films|food|foods|game|games|instrument|instruments|language|languages|movie|movies|novel|novels|play|plays|product|products|plant|plants|ship|ships|system|systems|symbol|symbols|trial|trials|train|trains|weapon|weapons|sword|swords|word|words) $*)|($* ( which | what ) $? (article|articles|animal|animals|book|books|card|cards|drug|drugs|drink|drinks|film|films|food|foods|game|games|instrument|instruments|language|languages|movie|movies|novel|novels|play|plays|product|products|plant|plants|ship|ships|system|systems|symbol|symbols|trial|trials|train|trains|weapon|weapons|sword|swords|word|words) (is|was|were|are|do|did|does) $+)|(( which | what ) $? ( dog|cat|deer ) $*)|(( which | what ) $? part $+)|($ * what & * $ ? kind $*)|($ * ( composed | made ) & * $ ? ( from | through | using | by | of ) $*)|($ * what $* called $*)|($ * novel $*)|($ * ( thing | instance | object ) $*)|($ * ( which | what ) relative $+)|($ * ( which | (what (is|was|were|are | 's|does|did|do)|what's) ) $+ (to|in|on|at|of|for) $?)|($+ in (what|which) $+)|($ * ( which | what ) $* ( organization | trust | company ) $*)|($ * (what (was |is |are| 's)|what's) $* ( term | surname | address | name ) $*)|($ * (what|which) $* ( term | surname | address | name ) $* (do|did|does))|($ * (what (was |is |are| 's)|what's) $+ that $+)|(in what $+ was $+)|(what (is |are | was|were) the? first $+)|(what (is|was) the? alternate to $+)|(what (is |are | was|were) &? (a|an|the) fear of $+)|(( which | (what|what's) ) $? (was|is|are | 's|has|have|were|are) $* (first|largest|smallest|biggest|most|slowest|highest|last|longest|easiest) $*)|(how (do|does) (you|it) say `` $+ '' in $+)|(what does $+ collect $*)|(what is the name of $+)|($+ is known as what &?)|(what (did|does|do) $+ (call|calls|called) $*)|($+ (call|calls|called) $* what $*)|((what|how) (does|do) $+ call (an|a) $+)|((what (is|was|were|are | 's)|what's) $* color $+)|((what (is|was|were|are | 's)|what's) $? made of $*)|(what (color|product) (is |are | was|were|of|for) $+)|(what is the best way $+)|(what gaming devices $+)|(what $+ has the? extension $+)|(what is the? plural of $+)|(what $+ languages $+)|(what types of $+ (is |are | was) $+)|(what $+ can $+ but (can 't|can't) $+)|(what (keeps|keep|make) $+ (in|on|at) $+)|(on what $+)|((what|which) ${0,2} (do|does|did) $+ (eat|ride|study) $+)|(what does $+ when $+))"
    parseResult = ruleParser(ruleString)
예제 #25
ft7_6 = "\tWord entities Len f1"
r7_6 = len(we1)

ft7_7 = "\tWord entities Len f2"
r7_7 = len(we2)

ft7_8 = "\tWord entities Len Proportion"
r7_8 = get_len_proportion_from_2_sents(we1, we2)

ent1 = get_entities_from_sent(f1)
ent2 = get_entities_from_sent(f2)

ft8_0 = "\tEntities Intersection"
list_ent1 = flatten_deep(values(ent1))
list_ent2 = flatten_deep(values(ent2))
r8_0 = len_intersection(list_ent1, list_ent2)
ft8_1 = "\tEntities Jaccard"
r8_1 = jaccard_similarity(list_ent1, list_ent2)
ft8_2 = "\tEntities Overlap"
r8_2 = overlap_similarity(list_ent1, list_ent2)
ft8_3 = "\tEntities Cosine"
r8_3 = cos_similarity(list_ent1, list_ent2)

ft8_5 = "\tEntities Dice"
r8_5 = dice_similarity(list_ent1, list_ent2)
예제 #26
def test_flatten_deep(case, expected):
    assert _.flatten_deep(case) == expected