예제 #1
    def test_linear_quadratic_regulator(self):
        A = np.array([[0, 1], [0, 0]])
        B = np.array([[0], [1]])
        C = np.identity(2)
        D = np.array([[0], [0]])
        double_integrator = LinearSystem(A, B, C, D)

        Q = np.identity(2)
        R = np.identity(1)
        K_expected = np.array([[1, math.sqrt(3.)]])
        S_expected = np.array([[math.sqrt(3), 1.], [1., math.sqrt(3)]])

        (K, S) = LinearQuadraticRegulator(A, B, Q, R)
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(K, K_expected)
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(S, S_expected)

        controller = LinearQuadraticRegulator(double_integrator, Q, R)
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(controller.D(), -K_expected)

        context = double_integrator.CreateDefaultContext()
        double_integrator.get_input_port(0).FixValue(context, [0])
        controller = LinearQuadraticRegulator(
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(controller.D(), -K_expected)
예제 #2
    def __init__(self):
        # k_p and k_d gains for swing up controller

        # TODO: choose appropriate k_p and k_d gains
        self.kp = 0
        self.kd = 0
        self.g = 9.81

        # mass of the pole and mass of the part
        self.mc = 1
        self.mp = 1
        self.L = 1

        # Computes the lqr gains for the final stabilizing controller
        A = np.array(
            [[0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1],
             [0, self.g * (self.mc / self.mp), 1, 0],
             [0, self.g * (self.mc + self.mp) / (self.L * self.mc), 0, 0]])
        B = np.array([0, 0, 1 / self.mc, 1 / (self.L * self.mc)]).T
        Q = np.eye((4))
        Q[3, 3] = 10
        R = np.array([1])
        N = np.zeros(4)

        self.K, self.s = LinearQuadraticRegulator(A, B, Q, R, N)
        self.x_des = np.array([0, pi, 0, 0])
예제 #3
def QuadrotorLQR(plant):
    context = plant.CreateDefaultContext()
    context.SetContinuousState(np.zeros([6, 1]))
    context.FixInputPort(0, plant.mass * plant.gravity / 2. * np.array([1, 1]))

    Q = np.diag([10, 10, 10, 1, 1, (plant.length / 2. / np.pi)])
    R = np.array([[0.1, 0.05], [0.05, 0.1]])

    return LinearQuadraticRegulator(plant, context, Q, R)
예제 #4
def time_varying_lqr(
    trajectory_optimization, Q = None, R = None) -> np.ndarray:
    Policy for implementing TVLQR on an existing trajectory

        trajectory_optimization: Trajectory with trajectory dtype
        Q: Q matrix in LQR (must match dimension of system state)
        R: R matrix in LQR (must match dimension of system input)

        States and inputs followed over time
    # Extract desired trajectory information
    trajectory = trajectory_optimization.solution
    system = trajectory_optimization.system

    traj_state = trajectory['state']
    traj_input = trajectory['input']
    traj_t = trajectory['t']
    n_steps = len(traj_t)

    # Initialize data structure to hold output data
    path = np.zeros(n_steps, dtype = trajectory_dtype(
        system.n_state, system.n_u))
    path['t'] = traj_t
    path['state'][0] = x_initial

    if Q is None:
        Q = np.eye((system.n_state, system.n_state))
    if R is None:
        R = np.eye((system.n_u, system.n_u))

    # Simulate system with policy
    for i in range(0, n_steps - 1):
        current_time = traj_t[i]
        xbar = path[i,:] - x_traj[i]; 
        (A_lin, B_lin) = system.linearized_dynamics(
            current_time, traj_state[i,:], traj_input[i])
        K, S = LinearQuadraticRegulator(Alin, Blin, Q, R)
        ubar = -np.dot(K, xbar)
        u = ubar + u_traj[ii]
        path['input'][i] = u
        path['state'][i+1,:] = step(path[i], u, traj_t[i+1] - current_time)

    return path
def control(ref, meas, x):
    global z_est
    global u_est
    global L

    # observer gain (only for 1 measurement, if you have more, compute in matlab).
    #wn = 2.*np.pi*1. # 1Hz observer
    #xi = 0.7 # damping factor
    #LL = np.array([[-2.*xi*wn], [-wn*wn]]) # pole-placement

    # create the range estimation for each sensor
    N_sensors = meas.shape[0]
    meas_est = np.zeros([N_sensors, 1])
    for i, sensor in enumerate(sensor_array):
        north_wall = 1.0
        if sensor < 0.:
            north_wall = -1.0
        y_est = wall_y_location(x, y_dir=north_wall) - z_est[0][0]
        if (np.abs(sensor) < 0.001):
            meas_est[i][0] = np.inf
            meas_est[i][0] = y_est / np.sin(np.deg2rad(sensor))

    #  Luenberger Observer
    f = np.array([[z_est[1][0]], \
         [1./m * u_est] ])
    # Estimator equations
    zdot_est = f + L.dot(meas - meas_est)
    # Euler integration
    z_est = z_est + dt * zdot_est

    # now we can do state feedback control (x-axis doesn't really play here)
    Af = np.array([[0., 1.], [0., 0.]])
    Bf = np.array([[0.], [1. / m]])
    Q = np.eye(2)
    R = np.eye(1)
    Kf, Qf = LinearQuadraticRegulator(Af, Bf, Q, R)

    u_est = ref - Kf.dot(z_est)[0][0]
    # do nothing (for debug)
    #u_est = 0.

    return u_est
    def calcTvlqrStabilization(self):
        Compute time-varying LQR stabilization around trajectory. Linearize with nominal state, input at each
        knot point and compute LQR based on that linearization.
        if self.mp_result != SolutionResult.kSolutionFound:
            print "Optimal traj not yet computed, can't stablize"
            return None

        xd = self.xdtraj
        ud = self.udtraj

        # # V1 (used here)
        # define Q, R for LQR cost
        # calc df/dx, df/du with pydrake autodiff
        # calculate A(t), B(t) at knot points
        # calculate K(t) using A, B, Q, R

        # # V2 (to implement if needed)
        # define Q, R for LQR cost
        # calc df/dx, df/du with pydrake autodiff
        # calculate A(t), B(t)
        # calculate S(t) by solving ODE backwards in time, potentially w/sqrt method
        # calculate K(t)

        n = self.num_states
        m = self.num_inputs
        k = ud.shape[0]  # time steps

        Q = np.eye(n)  # quadratic state cost
        R = 0.1 * np.eye(m)  # quadratic input cost
        K = np.zeros((k, m, n))
        S = np.zeros((k, n, n))

        for i in range(k):
            A = self.A(xd[i, :], ud[i, :])
            B = self.B(xd[i, :], ud[i, :])
            K[i], S[i] = LinearQuadraticRegulator(A, B, Q, R)

        self.K = K
        self.S_lqr = S
        return K
예제 #7
def BalancingLQR(diagram):
    # Design an LQR controller for stabilizing the CartPole around the upright.
    # Returns a (static) AffineSystem that implements the controller (in
    # the original CartPole coordinates).

    context = diagram.CreateDefaultContext()
    diagram.get_input_port().FixValue(context, [0])


    Q = np.diag((10., 10., 1., 1.))
    R = [1]

    # MultibodyPlant has many (optional) input ports, so we must pass the
    # input_port_index to LQR.
    return LinearQuadraticRegulator(
예제 #8
    def __init__(self, plant, contacts_per_frame, is_wbc=False):
        self.plant = plant
        self.contacts_per_frame = contacts_per_frame
        self.is_wbc = is_wbc
        self.upright_context = self.plant.CreateDefaultContext()
        self.q_nom = self.plant.GetPositions(
            self.upright_context)  # Nominal upright pose
        self.input_q_v_idx = self.DeclareVectorInputPort(
            BasicVector(self.plant.num_positions() +
        self.output_tau_idx = self.DeclareVectorOutputPort(
            "tau", BasicVector(Atlas.NUM_ACTUATED_DOF),

        if self.is_wbc:
            com_dim = 3
            self.x_size = 2 * com_dim
            self.u_size = com_dim
            self.input_r_des_idx = self.DeclareVectorInputPort(
                "r_des", BasicVector(com_dim)).get_index()
            self.input_rd_des_idx = self.DeclareVectorInputPort(
                "rd_des", BasicVector(com_dim)).get_index()
            self.input_rdd_des_idx = self.DeclareVectorInputPort(
                "rdd_des", BasicVector(com_dim)).get_index()
            self.input_q_des_idx = self.DeclareVectorInputPort(
                "q_des", BasicVector(self.plant.num_positions())).get_index()
            self.input_v_des_idx = self.DeclareVectorInputPort(
                "v_des", BasicVector(self.plant.num_velocities())).get_index()
            self.input_vd_des_idx = self.DeclareVectorInputPort(
            Q = 1.0 * np.identity(self.x_size)
            R = 0.1 * np.identity(self.u_size)
            A = np.vstack([
                np.hstack([0 * np.identity(com_dim),
                           1 * np.identity(com_dim)]),
                np.hstack([0 * np.identity(com_dim), 0 * np.identity(com_dim)])
            B_1 = np.vstack(
                [0 * np.identity(com_dim), 1 * np.identity(com_dim)])
            K, S = LinearQuadraticRegulator(A, B_1, Q, R)

            def V_full(x, u, r, rd, rdd):
                x_bar = x - np.concatenate([r, rd])
                u_bar = u - rdd
                xd_bar = d(x - [r, rd].T)/dt
                        = xd - [rd, rdd].T
                        = Ax + Bu - [rd, rdd].T
                xd_bar = A.dot(x) + B_1.dot(u) - np.concatenate([rd, rdd])
                return x_bar.T.dot(Q).dot(x_bar) + u_bar.T.dot(R).dot(
                    u_bar) + 2 * x_bar.T.dot(S).dot(xd_bar)

            self.V_full = V_full

            # Only x, y coordinates of COM is considered
            com_dim = 2
            self.x_size = 2 * com_dim
            self.u_size = com_dim
            self.input_y_des_idx = self.DeclareVectorInputPort(
                "y_des", BasicVector(zmp_state_size)).get_index()
            ''' Eq(1) '''
            A = np.vstack([
                np.hstack([0 * np.identity(com_dim),
                           1 * np.identity(com_dim)]),
                np.hstack([0 * np.identity(com_dim), 0 * np.identity(com_dim)])
            B_1 = np.vstack(
                [0 * np.identity(com_dim), 1 * np.identity(com_dim)])
            ''' Eq(4) '''
            C_2 = np.hstack([np.identity(2), np.zeros((2, 2))])  # C in Eq(2)
            D = -z_com / Atlas.g * np.identity(zmp_state_size)
            Q = 1.0 * np.identity(zmp_state_size)
            ''' Eq(6) '''
            = (C*x+D*u)*Q*(C*x+D*u).T
            = x.T*C.T*Q*C*x + u.T*D.T*Q*D*u + x.T*C.T*Q*D*u + u.T*D.T*Q*C*X
            = ..                            + 2*x.T*C.T*Q*D*u
            K, S = LinearQuadraticRegulator(A, B_1,

            # Use original formulation
            def V_full(x, u,
                       y_des):  # Assume constant z_com, we don't need tvLQR
                y = C_2.dot(x) + D.dot(u)

                def dJ_dx(x):
                    return x.T.dot(
                        S.T + S
                    )  # https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/20694/vector-derivative-w-r-t-its-transpose-fracdaxdxt

                y_bar = y - y_des
                x_bar = x - np.concatenate(
                    [y_des, [0.0, 0.0]])  # FIXME: This doesn't seem right...
                # FIXME: xd_bar should depend on yd_des
                xd_bar = A.dot(x_bar) + B_1.dot(u)
                return y_bar.T.dot(Q).dot(y_bar) + dJ_dx(x_bar).dot(xd_bar)

            self.V_full = V_full

        # Calculate values that don't depend on context
        self.B_7 = self.plant.MakeActuationMatrix()
        # From np.sort(np.nonzero(B_7)[0]) we know that indices 0-5 are the unactuated 6 DOF floating base and 6-35 are the actuated 30 DOF robot joints
        self.v_idx_act = 6  # Start index of actuated joints in generalized velocities
        self.B_a = self.B_7[self.v_idx_act:, :]
        self.B_a_inv = np.linalg.inv(self.B_a)

        # Sort joint effort limits to be the same order as tau in Eq(13)
        self.sorted_max_efforts = np.array([
            for entry in getJointLimitsSortedByActuator(self.plant)
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
        help="Number of Monte Carlo samples to use to estimate performance.")
                        help="Torque limit of the pendulum.")
    args = parser.parse_args()
    if args.torque_limit < 0:
        raise InvalidArgumentError("Please supply a nonnegative torque limit.")

    # Assemble the Pendulum plant.
    builder = DiagramBuilder()
    pendulum = builder.AddSystem(MultibodyPlant(0.0))
    file_name = FindResourceOrThrow("drake/examples/pendulum/Pendulum.urdf")

    # Set the pendulum to start at uniformly random
    # positions (but always zero velocity).
    elbow = pendulum.GetMutableJointByName("theta")
    upright_theta = np.pi
    theta_expression = Variable(name="theta",
                                type=Variable.Type.RANDOM_UNIFORM) * 2. * np.pi

    # Set up LQR, with high position gains to try to ensure the
    # ROA is close to the theoretical torque-limited limit.
    Q = np.diag([100., 1.])
    R = np.identity(1) * 0.01
    linearize_context = pendulum.CreateDefaultContext()
    linearize_context.SetContinuousState(np.array([upright_theta, 0.]))
    actuation_port = pendulum.get_actuation_input_port()
    actuation_port.FixValue(linearize_context, 0)
    controller = builder.AddSystem(
        LinearQuadraticRegulator(pendulum, linearize_context, Q, R,
                                 np.zeros(0), actuation_port.get_index()))

    # Apply the torque limit.
    torque_limit = args.torque_limit
    torque_limiter = builder.AddSystem(

    diagram = builder.Build()

    # Perform the Monte Carlo simulation.
    def make_simulator(generator):
        ''' Create a simulator for the system
            using the given generator. '''
        simulator = Simulator(diagram)
        return simulator

    def calc_wrapped_error(system, context):
        ''' Given a context from the end of the simulation,
            calculate an error -- which for this stabilizing
            task is the distance from the
            fixed point. '''
        state = diagram.GetSubsystemContext(
            pendulum, context).get_continuous_state_vector()
        error = state.GetAtIndex(0) - upright_theta
        # Wrap error to [-pi, pi].
        return (error + np.pi) % (2 * np.pi) - np.pi

    num_samples = args.num_samples
    results = MonteCarloSimulation(make_simulator=make_simulator,

    # Compute results.
    # The "success" region is fairly large since some "stabilized" trials
    # may still be oscillating around the fixed point. Failed examples are
    # consistently much farther from the fixed point than this.
    binary_results = np.array([abs(res.output) < 0.1 for res in results])
    passing_ratio = float(sum(binary_results)) / len(results)
    # 95% confidence interval for the passing ratio.
    passing_ratio_var = 1.96 * np.sqrt(passing_ratio *
                                       (1. - passing_ratio) / len(results))

    print("Monte-Carlo estimated performance across %d samples: "
          "%.2f%% +/- %0.2f%%" %
          (num_samples, passing_ratio * 100, passing_ratio_var * 100))

    # Analytically compute the best possible ROA, for comparison, but
    # calculating where the torque needed to lift the pendulum exceeds
    # the torque limit.
    arm_radius = 0.5
    arm_mass = 1.0
    # torque = r x f = r * (m * 9.81 * sin(theta))
    # theta = asin(torque / (r * m))
    if torque_limit <= (arm_radius * arm_mass * 9.81):
        roa_half_width = np.arcsin(torque_limit /
                                   (arm_radius * arm_mass * 9.81))
        roa_half_width = np.pi

    roa_as_fraction_of_state_space = roa_half_width / np.pi
    print("Max possible ROA = %0.2f%% of state space, which should"
          " match with the above estimate." %
          (100 * roa_as_fraction_of_state_space))
예제 #10
import numpy as np
from pydrake.systems.controllers import LinearQuadraticRegulator

# Define the double integrator's state space matrices.
A = np.array([[0, 1], [0, 0]])
B = np.array([[0], [1]])
Q = np.eye(2)
R = np.eye(1)

(K, S) = LinearQuadraticRegulator(A, B, Q, R)
print("K = " + str(K))
print("S = " + str(S))