예제 #1
    def __draw_bar(self, camera, arg_rect, fraction, col_back, col_0, col_1):
        """ Draw a progress bar """

        # The background

        # The empty portion.
        rect = Rect(arg_rect)
        rect.inflate_ip(-4, -4)

        # The full portion.
        rect.width = int(fraction * rect.width)
예제 #2
    def hscrollbar_rect(self):
        # Get the distance between the scroll buttons (d)
        slr, slt = self.scroll_left_rect().topright
        d = self.scroll_right_rect().left - slr
        # The predefined step value
        _s = self.cell_size[1]
        # Get the total step number
        n = float(self.virtual_width) / _s
        # Get the visible step number
        v = float(self.width) / _s
        s = float(d) / n
        w = s * v
        if isinstance(w, float):
            if w - int(w) > 0:
                w += 1

        left = max(
            slr, slr + (d * (float(self.hscroll) / self.virtual_width)) +
        r = Rect(left, slt, w, self.scroll_button_size)
        r.right = min(r.right, d + slr)
        r.inflate_ip(-4, -4)
        if r.w < 1:
            r.w = int(w)
        return r
예제 #3
    def scrollbar_rect(self):
        # Get the distance between the scroll buttons (d)
        sub = self.scroll_up_rect().bottom
        t = self.scroll_down_rect().top
        d = t - sub
        # Get the total row number (n).
        n = self.num_items() / getattr(getattr(self, 'parent', None), 'num_cols', lambda: 1)()
        # Get the displayed row number (v)
        v = self.num_rows()
        if n:
            s = float(d) / n
            s = 0
        h = s * v
        if type(h) == float:
            if h - int(h) > 0:
                h += 1

        top = max(sub, sub + (s * self.scroll) + self.scroll_rel)
        r = Rect(0, top, self.scroll_button_size, h)
        m = self.margin
        r.right = self.width - m
        r.bottom = min(r.bottom, t)
        r.inflate_ip(-4, -4)
        if r.h < 1:
            r.h = int(h)
        return r
예제 #4
 def scroll_left_rect(self):
     d = self.scroll_button_size
     r = Rect(0, 0, d, d)
     m = self.margin
     r.bottom = self.height - m
     r.left = m
     r.inflate_ip(-4, -4)
     return r
예제 #5
 def scroll_down_rect(self):
     d = self.scroll_button_size
     r = Rect(0, 0, d, d)
     m = self.margin
     r.bottom = self.height - m
     r.right = self.width - m
     r.inflate_ip(-4, -4)
     return r
예제 #6
 def scroll_left_rect(self):
     d = self.scroll_button_size
     r = Rect(0, 0, d, d)
     m = self.margin
     r.bottom = self.height - m
     r.left = m
     r.inflate_ip(-4, -4)
     return r
예제 #7
 def scroll_up_rect(self):
     d = self.scroll_button_size
     r = Rect(0, 0, d, d)
     m = self.margin
     r.top = m
     r.right = self.width - m
     r.inflate_ip(-4, -4)
     return r
예제 #8
 def scroll_up_rect(self):
     d = self.scroll_button_size
     r = Rect(0, 0, d, d)
     m = self.margin
     r.top = m
     r.right = self.width - m
     r.inflate_ip(-4, -4)
     return r
예제 #9
 def scroll_down_rect(self):
     d = self.scroll_button_size
     r = Rect(0, 0, d, d)
     m = self.margin
     r.bottom = self.height - m
     r.right = self.width - m
     r.inflate_ip(-4, -4)
     return r
예제 #10
    def get_margin_rect(self) -> Rect:
        Returns a Rect in local coordinates representing the content area of the widget, as determined
        by its margin property.

        Returns: The rect of the content area

        r = Rect((0, 0), self.size)
        d = -2 * self.margin
        r.inflate_ip(d, d)
        return r
예제 #11
class ThrowedGrenade(Bullet):
    def __init__(self, creator, x, y, speedX, speedY, throwDistance):
        Bullet.__init__(self, creator, x, y, speedX, speedY,
                        "items-1small.png", None, Rect(110, 120, 9, 11))
        self.rect = Rect(x, y, 0, 0)
        self.speedX = speedX
        self.speedY = speedY

        # Important if you want pinpoint accuracy
        self.floatX = float(self.rect.x)
        self.floatY = float(self.rect.y)

        if throwDistance > MAX_THROW_DISTANCE:
            throwDistance = MAX_THROW_DISTANCE

        self.timeToStop = throwDistance / GRENADE_SPEED
        self.timeToBoom = TIME_TO_BOOM
        self.atk = 70

    def update(self, time, scene):
        self.floatX += self.speedX * time * GRENADE_SPEED
        self.floatY += self.speedY * time * GRENADE_SPEED
        self.rect.x = roundToInt(self.floatX)
        self.rect.y = roundToInt(self.floatY)

        self.timeToBoom -= time

        if self.timeToBoom <= 0:
            scene.bulletGroup.add(Explosion(self.rect.x, self.rect.y))

            # Kill people!
            originalRect = self.rect.copy()
            self.rect.inflate_ip(80, 80)  # 80x80 area damage

            enemies_hit = sprite.spritecollide(self, scene.enemyGroup, False)

            for enemy in enemies_hit:
                # Friendly fire
                if self.creator.__class__.__name__ == enemy.__class__.__name__:

            if sprite.collide_rect(self, scene.player):

            self.rect = originalRect  # Restore the real rect

        self.timeToStop -= time

        if self.timeToStop <= 0:
            self.speedX = 0
            self.speedY = 0
예제 #12
class ThrowedGrenade(Bullet):
	def __init__(self,creator, x, y, speedX, speedY, throwDistance):
		Bullet.__init__(self, creator, x, y, speedX, speedY, "items-1small.png", None, Rect(110, 120, 9, 11))
		self.rect = Rect(x, y, 0, 0)
		self.speedX = speedX
		self.speedY = speedY

		# Important if you want pinpoint accuracy
		self.floatX = float(self.rect.x)
		self.floatY = float(self.rect.y)

		if throwDistance > MAX_THROW_DISTANCE:
			throwDistance = MAX_THROW_DISTANCE

		self.timeToStop = throwDistance / GRENADE_SPEED
		self.timeToBoom = TIME_TO_BOOM
		self.atk = 70

	def update(self, time, scene):
		self.floatX += self.speedX * time * GRENADE_SPEED
		self.floatY += self.speedY * time * GRENADE_SPEED
		self.rect.x = roundToInt(self.floatX)
		self.rect.y = roundToInt(self.floatY)

		self.timeToBoom -= time

		if self.timeToBoom <= 0:
			scene.bulletGroup.add(Explosion(self.rect.x, self.rect.y))

			# Kill people!
			originalRect = self.rect.copy()
			self.rect.inflate_ip(80, 80)  # 80x80 area damage
			enemies_hit = sprite.spritecollide(self, scene.enemyGroup, False)

			for enemy in enemies_hit:
				# Friendly fire
				if self.creator.__class__.__name__ == enemy.__class__.__name__:

			if sprite.collide_rect(self, scene.player):

			self.rect = originalRect  # Restore the real rect

		self.timeToStop -= time

		if self.timeToStop <= 0:
			self.speedX = 0
			self.speedY = 0
예제 #13
 def test_inflate_ip__smaller( self ):
     "The inflate method inflates around the center of the rectangle"
     r = Rect( 2, 4, 6, 8 )
     r2 = Rect( r )
     r2.inflate_ip( -4, -6 )
     self.assertEqual( r.center, r2.center )        
     self.assertEqual( r.left+2, r2.left )
     self.assertEqual( r.top+3, r2.top )
     self.assertEqual( r.right-2, r2.right )
     self.assertEqual( r.bottom-3, r2.bottom )
     self.assertEqual( r.width-4, r2.width )
     self.assertEqual( r.height-6, r2.height )
예제 #14
    def test_inflate_ip__smaller(self):
        "The inflate method inflates around the center of the rectangle"
        r = Rect(2, 4, 6, 8)
        r2 = Rect(r)
        r2.inflate_ip(-4, -6)

        self.assertEqual(r.center, r2.center)
        self.assertEqual(r.left + 2, r2.left)
        self.assertEqual(r.top + 3, r2.top)
        self.assertEqual(r.right - 2, r2.right)
        self.assertEqual(r.bottom - 3, r2.bottom)
        self.assertEqual(r.width - 4, r2.width)
        self.assertEqual(r.height - 6, r2.height)
예제 #15
    def _DrawTextLines(self, lines):
        linepadding =1 
        textlines = []
        totalrect = Rect(0,0,0,0)
        for line in lines:
            text = self.font.render(line, 1, (255,255,255))
            rect = text.get_rect()
            totalrect.inflate_ip(0, rect.height + linepadding)
            if rect.width > totalrect.width:
                totalrect.width = rect.width


        textsurf = Surface(totalrect.size, pygame.SRCALPHA)
        topoffset = 0
        for linesurf in textlines:
            topoffset += linesurf.get_rect().height
        return textsurf
예제 #16
    def _DrawTextLines(self, lines):
        linepadding = 1
        textlines = []
        totalrect = Rect(0, 0, 0, 0)
        for line in lines:
            text = self.font.render(line, 1, (255, 255, 255))
            rect = text.get_rect()
            totalrect.inflate_ip(0, rect.height + linepadding)
            if rect.width > totalrect.width:
                totalrect.width = rect.width


        textsurf = Surface(totalrect.size, pygame.SRCALPHA)
        topoffset = 0
        for linesurf in textlines:
            textsurf.blit(linesurf, (0, topoffset))
            topoffset += linesurf.get_rect().height
        return textsurf
예제 #17
    def hscrollbar_rect(self):
        # Get the distance between the scroll buttons (d)
        slr, slt = self.scroll_left_rect().topright
        d = self.scroll_right_rect().left - slr
        # The predefined step value
        _s = self.cell_size[1]
        # Get the total step number
        n = float(self.virtual_width) / _s
        # Get the visible step number
        v = float(self.width) / _s
        s = float(d) / n
        w = s * v
        if type(w) == float:
            if w - int(w) > 0:
                w += 1

        left = max(slr, slr + (d * (float(self.hscroll) / self.virtual_width)) + self.hscroll_rel)
        r = Rect(left, slt, w, self.scroll_button_size)
        r.right = min(r.right, d + slr)
        r.inflate_ip(-4, -4)
        return r
예제 #18
 def get_bullet_rect(self, surf, lvl):
     r = Rect(0, 0, self.bullet_size, self.bullet_size)
     r.left = self.bullet_size * lvl
     r.inflate_ip(-4, -4)
     return r
예제 #19
 def inflate_ip(self, x, y):
     Rect.inflate_ip(self, x, y)
     self.ring = geo.Polygon([(self.left, self.top),
                              (self.left + self.w, self.top),
                              (self.left + self.w, self.top + self.h),
                              (self.left, self.top + self.h)])
예제 #20
class Entity(Paintable, Updateable):
    entityBehaviors = Personality()
    attributes = Genotype()

    def __init__(self, world, family = None, position = None):
        if position == None:
            offsets = (int(dimension/5.0) for dimension in RESOLUTION)

            position = tuple(randint(offset, dimension - offset) 
                             for offset, dimension 
                             in zip(offsets, RESOLUTION))
        Paintable.__init__(self, position)
        self.boundingBox = Rect(position, self.attributes.dimensions)
        self.age = 0
        self.health = self.attributes.health
        self.growthFactor = self.attributes.growthFactor
        self.carriedEntity = None
        self.beingCarried = False

        if family:
            self.family = family
            self.family = Family(world)
            self.family.boundingBox = self.boundingBox
#        self.family.addMember(self)

#        self.behavior = ComplexBehavior(self, world)

    def getSpecies(self):
        return self.__class__.__name__
    def getFamily(self):
        return self.family
    def getDimensions(self):
        return [self.boundingBox.w, self.boundingBox.h]

    def getPosition(self):
        return self.boundingBox.center
    def getStride(self):
        return round(self.getDimensions()[0] / 2.)
    def isCarryingEntity(self, type = None):
        if type:
            return self.carriedEntity.__class__ == type
            return self.carriedEntity != None
    def paint(self, screen):
        draw.rect(screen, self.attributes.color, self.boundingBox)
    def update(self, delay, world):
        if self.__class__.entityBehaviors:
            for behavior in self.__class__.entityBehaviors:
                behavior.do(self, world)
        self.age += 1
    def grow(self, growthArea):
        growthFactor = self.growthFactor
        self.boundingBox.inflate_ip(growthArea[0] * growthFactor, growthArea[1] * growthFactor)
        gain = growthArea[0]  * growthArea[1]
#        print 'Gained %s health' % gain
        self.health += gain

    def carryEntity(self, entity):
        entity.beingCarried = True
        self.carriedEntity = entity
    def dropEntity(self):
        if self.carriedEntity:
            self.carriedEntity.beingCarried = False
            self.carriedEntity = None

    def hasBehavior(self, behavior):
        return self.behavior in behavior
    def addBehavior(self, behavior):
#        self.behavior.add(behavior)
    def removeBehavior(self, behavior):
#        self.behavior.removeBehavior(behavior)
    def __str__(self):
        return '%s (%s, %s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.boundingBox.x, self.boundingBox.y)
예제 #21
파일: widget.py 프로젝트: 18986064/mcedit
 def get_margin_rect(self):
     r = Rect((0, 0), self.size)
     d = -2 * self.margin
     r.inflate_ip(d, d)
     return r
예제 #22
 def get_margin_rect(self):
     r = Rect((0, 0), self.size)
     d = -2 * self.margin
     r.inflate_ip(d, d)
     return r
예제 #23
    def get_tile_images_by_rect(
        self, rect: pygame.Rect
    ) -> Iterator[Tuple[int, int, int, pygame.surface.Surface]]:
        """ Speed up data access

        More efficient because data is accessed and cached locally

        x1, y1, x2, y2 = pyscroll.common.rect_to_bb(rect)
        images = self.tmx.images
        layers = self.tmx.layers
        at = self._animated_tile
        tracked_gids = self._tracked_gids
        anim_map = self._animation_map
        track = bool(self._animation_queue)

        for l in self.visible_tile_layers:
            if l not in self.base_tile_layers:
                l -= self.overlay_layer_offset

            if not isinstance(layers[l], pytmx.pytmx.TiledTileLayer):

            for y in range(y1, y2 + 1):
                row = layers[l].data[min(max(0, y - self.image_pad_tiles[1]),
                                         self.tmx.height - 1)]

                for x in range(x1, x2 + 1):
                    gid = row[min(max(0, x - self.image_pad_tiles[0]),
                                  self.tmx.width - 1)]
                    if not gid:

                    if self.object_group_to_bound_rendering is not None:
                        render_tile = False
                        for obj in self.tmx.layers[
                            rect = pygame.Rect(
                                obj.x / self.tmx.tilewidth,
                                obj.y / self.tmx.tileheight,
                                obj.width / self.tmx.tilewidth,
                                obj.height / self.tmx.tileheight)
                            rect.inflate_ip(2, 2)
                            if rect.collidepoint(x - self.image_pad_tiles[0],
                                                 y - self.image_pad_tiles[1]):
                                render_tile = True
                        if not render_tile:
                            yield x, y, l, images[-1]

                    if track and gid in tracked_gids:
                        anim_map[gid].positions.add((x, y, l))

                        # animated, so return the correct frame
                        yield x, y, l, at[(x, y, l)]

                    except KeyError:
                        # not animated, so return surface from data, if any
                        yield x, y, l, images[gid]