parser.add_option("","--hist-ranks", default=False, type="string", help="Provide the path for the hist-ranks pickle file")
parser.add_option("","--cum-hist-signif", default=False, type="string", help="Provide the path for the cum-hist-signif pickle file")

# use glob.glob('filename') to extract files from opts.pickle_files


try: os.mkdir(opts.output_path)
except: pass

################   PLOTS   #############################################################

# Initializing the html output
InspiralUtils.message(opts, "Initialisation...")
opts = InspiralUtils.initialise(opts, __prog__, __version__)
fnameList = []
tagList = []
fig_num = 0
comments = ""

if opts.verbose:
  print 'Generating Plots...'

colorDIC = {'ann':'b', 'mvsc':'g', 'svm':'r', 'ovl':'c', 'combined':'m'}
labelDIC = {'ann':'ANN', 'mvsc':'MVSC', 'svm':'SVM', 'ovl':'OVL', 'combined':'MVC$_{\mathrm{max}}$'}

matplotlib.rc('text', usetex=True)

faircoin = numpy.linspace(10**-6,10**0.5,100)
예제 #2
parser.add_option("-c", "--create-param-list",action="store_true",\
    default=False,help="create .txt files containing the list of parameters for each channel (for debugging only)")

command_line = sys.argv[1:]
(opts,args) = parser.parse_args()

####################### SANITY CHECKS #####################################

################# NOW START THE REAL WORK ##################################

# initialize some variables
figNumber = 0
currentDir = os.path.abspath('.')
opts = InspiralUtils.initialise(opts, __prog__, git_version.verbose_msg)
fnameList = []

# Get the list of qscan channels to be analyzed (should become optional later...). The script needs to be improved to follow this behavior: if the text file is not specified in the configuration file, then all the channels found in the summary files should be analyzed...

if opts.process_background_only:
  channelList = listFromFile(opts.channel_list)
  if len(channelList) == 0:
    print >> sys.stderr, "channel list not found"

# Check the summary length
if opts.check_length:

예제 #3
parser.add_option("-c", "--create-param-list",action="store_true",\
    default=False,help="create .txt files containing the list of parameters for each channel (for debugging only)")

command_line = sys.argv[1:]
(opts,args) = parser.parse_args()

####################### SANITY CHECKS #####################################

################# NOW START THE REAL WORK ##################################

# initialize some variables
figNumber = 0
currentDir = os.path.abspath('.')
opts = InspiralUtils.initialise(opts, __prog__, git_version.verbose_msg)
fnameList = []

# Get the list of qscan channels to be analyzed (should become optional later...). The script needs to be improved to follow this behavior: if the text file is not specified in the configuration file, then all the channels found in the summary files should be analyzed...

if opts.process_background_only:
  channelList = listFromFile(opts.channel_list)
  if len(channelList) == 0:
    print >> sys.stderr, "channel list not found"

# Check the summary length
if opts.check_length:

예제 #4
                  help="Provide the path for the cum-hist-signif pickle file")

# use glob.glob('filename') to extract files from opts.pickle_files

(opts, args) = parser.parse_args()


################   PLOTS   #############################################################

# Initializing the html output
InspiralUtils.message(opts, "Initialisation...")
opts = InspiralUtils.initialise(opts, __prog__, __version__)
fnameList = []
tagList = []
fig_num = 0
comments = ""

if opts.verbose:
    print 'Generating Plots...'

colorDIC = {'ann': 'b', 'mvsc': 'g', 'svm': 'r', 'ovl': 'c', 'combined': 'm'}
labelDIC = {
    'ann': 'ANN',
    'mvsc': 'MVSC',
    'svm': 'SVM',
    'ovl': 'OVL',