예제 #1
 def emit_node(
     name: str,
     type_: NodeType,
     properties: Optional[NodeProperties] = None,
 ) -> None:
     """Create a new node. Nodes can be classes, packages, participants etc."""
     if properties is None:
         properties = NodeProperties(label=name)
     stereotype = " << interface >>" if type_ is NodeType.INTERFACE else ""
     nodetype = self.NODES[type_]
     if properties.color and properties.color != self.DEFAULT_COLOR:
         color = f" #{properties.color}"
         color = ""
     body = []
     if properties.attrs:
     if properties.methods:
         for func in properties.methods:
             args = self._get_method_arguments(func)
             line = f"{func.name}({', '.join(args)})"
             if func.returns:
                 line += " -> " + get_annotation_label(func.returns)
     label = properties.label if properties.label is not None else name
     if properties.fontcolor and properties.fontcolor != self.DEFAULT_COLOR:
         label = f"<color:{properties.fontcolor}>{label}</color>"
     self.emit(f'{nodetype} "{label}" as {name}{stereotype}{color} {{')
     for line in body:
예제 #2
    def emit_node(
        name: str,
        type_: NodeType,
        properties: Optional[NodeProperties] = None,
    ) -> None:
        """Create a new node.

        Nodes can be classes, packages, participants etc.
        if properties is None:
            properties = NodeProperties(label=name)
        stereotype = "~~Interface~~" if type_ is NodeType.INTERFACE else ""
        nodetype = self.NODES[type_]
        body = []
        if properties.attrs:
        if properties.methods:
            for func in properties.methods:
                args = self._get_method_arguments(func)
                line = f"{func.name}({', '.join(args)})"
                if func.returns:
                    line += " -> " + get_annotation_label(func.returns)
        name = name.split(".")[-1]
        self.emit(f"{nodetype} {name}{stereotype} {{")
        for line in body:
예제 #3
    def _build_label_for_node(self,
                              properties: NodeProperties,
                              is_interface: Optional[bool] = False) -> str:
        if not properties.label:
            return ""

        label: str = properties.label
        if is_interface:
            # add a stereotype
            label = "<<interface>>\\n" + label

        if properties.attrs is None and properties.methods is None:
            # return a "compact" form which only displays the class name in a box
            return label

        # Add class attributes
        attrs: List[str] = properties.attrs or []
        label = "{" + label + "|" + r"\l".join(attrs) + r"\l|"

        # Add class methods
        methods: List[nodes.FunctionDef] = properties.methods or []
        for func in methods:
            args = self._get_method_arguments(func)
            label += fr"{func.name}({', '.join(args)})"
            if func.returns:
                label += ": " + get_annotation_label(func.returns)
            label += r"\l"
        label += "}"
        return label
예제 #4
    def _get_method_arguments(method: nodes.FunctionDef) -> List[str]:
        if method.args.args is None:
            return []

        first_arg = 0 if method.type in {"function", "staticmethod"} else 1
        arguments: List[nodes.AssignName] = method.args.args[first_arg:]

        annotations = dict(zip(arguments, method.args.annotations[first_arg:]))
        for arg in arguments:
            annotation_label = ""
            ann = annotations.get(arg)
            if ann:
                annotation_label = get_annotation_label(ann)
            annotations[arg] = annotation_label

        return [
            f"{arg.name}: {ann}" if ann else f"{arg.name}"
            for arg, ann in annotations.items()
예제 #5
    def _get_method_arguments(method: nodes.FunctionDef) -> List[str]:
        if method.args.args:
            arguments: List[nodes.AssignName] = [
                arg for arg in method.args.args if arg.name != "self"
            arguments = []

        annotations = dict(zip(arguments, method.args.annotations[1:]))
        for arg in arguments:
            annotation_label = ""
            ann = annotations.get(arg)
            if ann:
                annotation_label = get_annotation_label(ann)
            annotations[arg] = annotation_label

        return [
            f"{arg.name}: {ann}" if ann else f"{arg.name}"
            for arg, ann in annotations.items()
예제 #6
    def get_values(self, obj):
        """get label and shape for classes.

        The label contains all attributes and methods
        label = obj.title
        if obj.shape == "interface":
            label = "«interface»\\n%s" % label
        if not self.config.only_classnames:
            label = r"{}|{}\l|".format(label, r"\l".join(obj.attrs))
            for func in obj.methods:
                return_type = (
                    f": {get_annotation_label(func.returns)}" if func.returns else ""

                if func.args.args:
                    args = [arg for arg in func.args.args if arg.name != "self"]
                    args = []

                annotations = dict(zip(args, func.args.annotations[1:]))
                for arg in args:
                    annotation_label = ""
                    ann = annotations.get(arg)
                    if ann:
                        annotation_label = get_annotation_label(ann)
                    annotations[arg] = annotation_label

                args = ", ".join(
                    f"{arg.name}: {ann}" if ann else f"{arg.name}"
                    for arg, ann in annotations.items()

                label = fr"{label}{func.name}({args}){return_type}\l"
            label = "{%s}" % label
        if is_exception(obj.node):
            return dict(fontcolor="red", label=label, shape="record")
        return dict(label=label, shape="record")
예제 #7
    def _build_label_for_node(self, properties: NodeProperties) -> str:
        if not properties.label:
            return ""

        label: str = properties.label
        if properties.attrs is None and properties.methods is None:
            # return a "compact" form which only displays the class name in a box
            return label

        # Add class attributes
        attrs: list[str] = properties.attrs or []
        attrs_string = r"\l".join(attr.replace("|", r"\|") for attr in attrs)
        label = rf"{{{label}|{attrs_string}\l|"

        # Add class methods
        methods: list[nodes.FunctionDef] = properties.methods or []
        for func in methods:
            args = self._get_method_arguments(func)
            label += rf"{func.name}({', '.join(args)})"
            if func.returns:
                label += ": " + get_annotation_label(func.returns)
            label += r"\l"
        label += "}"
        return label
예제 #8
def test_get_annotation_label_of_return_type(node_text: str,
                                             expected_label: str) -> None:
    func = astroid.extract_node(node_text)
    assert isinstance(func, nodes.FunctionDef)
    assert get_annotation_label(func.returns) == expected_label