예제 #1
파일: tube.py 프로젝트: snozawa/3d-mpc
    def compute_dual_vrep(self):
        """Compute vertices of the dual cones."""
        gravity = pymanoid.get_gravity()

        def compute_stance_v2d(stance_id, primal_vertices):
            stance = self.start_stance if stance_id == 0 else self.next_stance
            A_O = stance.cwc
            B_list, c_list = [], []
            for (i, v) in enumerate(primal_vertices):
                B = A_O[:, :3] + cross(A_O[:, 3:], v)
                c = dot(B, gravity)
            B = vstack(B_list)
            c = hstack(c_list)
                return compute_dual_vertices_2d(B, c)
            except QhullError:
                raise TubeError("Cannot reduce polar of stance %d" % stance_id)

        if len(self.primal_vrep) == 1:
            vertices_2d = compute_stance_v2d(0, self.primal_vrep[0])
            self.dual_vrep = [get_dual_vertices_3d(vertices_2d)]
        else:  # len(self.primal_vrep) == 2
            ss_id, ds_id = (1, 0) if len(self.primal_vrep[0]) > 1 else (0, 1)
            ds_vertices_2d = compute_stance_v2d(ds_id, self.full_vrep)
            ss_vertices_2d = compute_stance_v2d(ss_id, self.primal_vrep[ss_id])
            ss_vertices_2d = intersect_polygons(ds_vertices_2d, ss_vertices_2d)
            ds_vertices = get_dual_vertices_3d(ds_vertices_2d)
            ss_vertices = get_dual_vertices_3d(ss_vertices_2d)
            if ss_id == 0:
                self.dual_vrep = [ss_vertices, ds_vertices]
            else:  # ss_id == 1
                self.dual_vrep = [ds_vertices, ss_vertices]
예제 #2
파일: tube.py 프로젝트: snozawa/3d-mpc
    def compute_dual_vrep(self):
        Compute vertices of the dual cone for each primal tube.

        NB: the two tubes can have shared vertices at which dual-cone
        computations can be factored. We don't implement this optimization here.
        gravity = pymanoid.get_gravity()
        for (stance_id, vertices) in enumerate(self.primal_vrep):
            if stance_id == 0:
                A_O = self.start_stance.cwc
            else:  # stance_id == 1
                A_O = self.next_stance.cwc
            B_list, c_list = [], []
            for (i, v) in enumerate(vertices):
                B = A_O[:, :3] + cross(A_O[:, 3:], v)
                c = dot(B, gravity)
            B = vstack(B_list)
            c = hstack(c_list)
                cone_vertices = compute_dual_vertices(B, c)
            except QhullError:
                raise TubeError("Cannot reduce polar of stance %d" % stance_id)
예제 #3
def compute_acceleration_set(contact_set, p_com, display_scale=0.05):
    gravity = pymanoid.get_gravity()
    # A_O = contacts.compute_wrench_cone([0, 0, 0])
    A_O = compute_cwc_pyparma(contact_set, [0, 0, 0])
    B = A_O[:, :3] + cross(A_O[:, 3:], p_com)
    c = dot(B, gravity)
    g = -gravity[2]
    assert g > 0
    # assert all(c > 0), "c > 0 assertion failed"
    # assert all(B[:, 2] < 0)
    if any(abs(c) < 1e-10):
        I = [i for i in xrange(len(c)) if abs(c[i]) > 1e-10]
        B, c = B[I], c[I]
    check = c / B[:, 2]
    assert max(check) - min(check) < 1e-10, "max - min failed"
    assert abs(check[0] - (-g)) < 1e-10, "check is not -g?"
    sigma = c / g
    B2 = hstack([
        (B[:, column] / sigma).reshape((B.shape[0], 1))
        for column in [0, 1]])
    vertices2d = compute_polygon_hull(B2, ones(len(c)))

    def vertices_at(z):
        v = [array([a * (g + z), b * (g + z)]) for (a, b) in vertices2d]
        return [array([x, y, z]) for (x, y) in v]

    return [array([0, 0, -g])] + vertices_at(z=+g)
예제 #4
파일: tube.py 프로젝트: snozawa/3d-mpc
def compute_dual_vertices_2d(B, c):
    g = -pymanoid.get_gravity()[2]
    check = c / B[:, 2]
    assert max(check) - min(check) < 1e-10, "max - min failed (%.1e)" % (
        (max(check) - min(check)))
    assert abs(check[0] - (-g)) < 1e-10, "check is not -g?"
    B_2d = hstack([B[:, column].reshape((B.shape[0], 1)) for column in [0, 1]])
    sigma = c / g  # algebraic distances to SEP (see paper for details)
    return compute_polygon_hull(B_2d, sigma)
def check_contact_forces(com, comdd, camd):
    if camd is None:  # not set yet
        camd = numpy.zeros(3)
        gravity = pymanoid.get_gravity()
        wrench = numpy.hstack([robot.mass * (comdd - gravity), camd])
        contacts = motion_plan.cur_stance.contacts
        return contacts.find_supporting_forces(wrench, com)
    except OptimalNotFound:
        print "No contact forces here (t=%.2f)." % step_t
예제 #6
def run_forces_thread():
    handles = []
    while True:
            m = robot_mass
            g = pymanoid.get_gravity()
            wrench = hstack(
                [m * 9.81 / Delta_zrp * (com.p - vrp.p) - m * g,
            support = contacts.find_supporting_forces(wrench, com.p)
            handles = [pymanoid.draw_force(c, fc) for (c, fc) in support]
            viewer.SetBkgndColor([1., 1., 1.])
        except Exception:
            viewer.SetBkgndColor([1., 0.3, 0.3])
    return handles
예제 #7
 def on_tick(self, sim):
     """Find supporting contact forces at each COM acceleration update."""
     comdd = preview_buffer.comdd
     gravity = pymanoid.get_gravity()
     wrench = hstack([robot_mass * (comdd - gravity), zeros(3)])
     support = fsm.cur_stance.find_supporting_forces(
         wrench, preview_buffer.com.p, robot_mass, 10.)
     if not support:
         self.handles = []
         viewer.SetBkgndColor([.8, .4, .4])
         self.last_bkgnd_switch = time.time()
         self.handles = [draw_force(c, fc, self.force_scale)
                         for (c, fc) in support]
     if self.last_bkgnd_switch is not None \
             and time.time() - self.last_bkgnd_switch > 0.2:
         # let's keep epilepsy at bay
         viewer.SetBkgndColor([.6, .6, .8])
         self.last_bkgnd_switch = None
예제 #8
def __compute_topp_polygon_bretl(cwc, p, ps, pss, sdd_max=None, sd_max=None):
    """Compute the polygon in the (sddot,sdot^2) plane using Hauser method."""
    g = get_gravity()
    b1 = dot(cwc, hstack([ps, cross(p, ps)]))
    b2 = dot(cwc, hstack([pss, cross(p, pss)]))
    b3 = dot(cwc, hstack([g, cross(p, g)]))
    n = len(b1)
    G = zeros((n+1, 2))
    G[0, :] = [0, -1]
    G[1:, 0] = b1
    G[1:, 1] = b2
    h = zeros(n+1)
    h[1:] = b3

    if sdd_max is not None:
        G = vstack([array([[1, 0], [-1, 0]]),  G])
        h = hstack([array([sdd_max, sdd_max]), h])
    if sd_max is not None:
        sd_max_2 = sd_max ** 2
        G = vstack([array([[0, 1], [0, -1]]),  G])
        h = hstack([array([sd_max_2, sd_max_2]), h])

    lp = cvxopt_matrix(G), cvxopt_matrix(h)
    res, z1 = OptimizeDirection(array([1., 0.]), lp)
    if not res:
        return None
    res, z2 = OptimizeDirection(array([cos(2*pi/3), sin(2*pi/3)]), lp)
    if not res:
        return None
    res, z3 = OptimizeDirection(array([cos(4*pi/3), sin(4*pi/3)]), lp)
    if not res:
        return None
    v1 = Vertex(z1)
    v2 = Vertex(z2)
    v3 = Vertex(z3)
    P = Polygon()
    P.fromVertices(v1, v2, v3)
    P.iter_expand(lp, 100)
    return P
예제 #9
def compute_inequalities(cwc, p, ps, pss):
    Compute the constraints (B, c) such that B * [sdd sd^2] <= c.


    - ``cwc`` -- (K x 6) matrix
    - ``p`` -- vector of length 6
    - ``ps`` -- vector of length 6
    - ``pss`` -- vector of length 6


    - ``B`` -- ((K+1) x 6) matrix
    - ``c`` -- vector of length K+1
    g = get_gravity()
    b1 = dot(cwc, hstack([ps, cross(p, ps)]))
    b2 = dot(cwc, hstack([pss, cross(p, pss)]))
    c = dot(cwc, hstack([g, cross(p, g)]))
    B = transpose(vstack([b1, b2]))
    return \
        vstack([array([0., -1.]), B]), \
        hstack([array(0.), c])
예제 #10
파일: tube.py 프로젝트: snozawa/3d-mpc
def get_dual_vertices_3d(vertices_2d, z=None):
    g = -pymanoid.get_gravity()[2]
    z = +g if z is None else z
    v = [array([a * (g + z), b * (g + z)]) for (a, b) in vertices_2d]
    vertices_at_z = [array([x, y, z]) for (x, y) in v]
    return [array([0, 0, -g])] + vertices_at_z