예제 #1
def test_discretize():
    from os.path import isfile
        import urllib.request as urllib
    except ImportError:
        import urllib

                        "Ni59.txt", "")

    endfds = ENDFDataSource("Ni59.txt")
    nonelastic_rx = endfds.reaction("Ni59", "nonelastic")
    nonelastic_rx['dst_group_struct'] = np.logspace(7, -5, 33)
    nonelastic_c = endfds.discretize("Ni59", "nonelastic")
    exp = [0.54334609294912528, 0.21206255570566626,
           0.079089998725708668, 0.039061531003500925, 0.056193960028285306,
           0.062581135526972767, 0.086088778452663009, 0.1519375415918513,
           0.015156525895127398, 0.18503957567677801, 0.0039443417078627837,
           0.082573739674287688, 17.523219940338304, 0.97176481236488554,
           0.60307330340022303, 0.71684581122716162, 0.99386518962022252,
           1.4726882603418707, 2.2391970686479672, 3.405589441800994,
           5.2453926977834398, 8.0731410528834182, 12.384026334168054,
           19.175694435799141, 29.334824378652982, 45.254982026071197,
           74.217617672501689, 162.26091389706099, 218.90153743636509,
           312.62178192130619, 590.40136068709603, 724.64216445611373]
    assert_array_almost_equal(nonelastic_c, exp)
예제 #2
def convert(endfFile):
    if not isfile(endfFile):
        return 1
    ext = '.endf'
    if not endfFile.endswith(ext):
        return 1
    en = ENDFDataSource(endfFile)
    isotope = (endfFile.split('/'))[-1].replace(ext, '')
    dict_list = []
    for i in range(2000):  #arbitrarily chosen
            react = en.reaction(isotope, i)
            for key, value in react.items():
                if type(value) is np.ndarray:
                    react.update({key: value.tolist()})
            # Finally make sure the reaction knows which reaction
            # it actually is!!
            react.update({'reaction': i})
        except (RuntimeError, KeyError) as er:

    new_ext = '.json'
    with open(endfFile.replace(ext, new_ext), 'w') as fname:
        json.dump(dict_list, fname, indent=2)
        print('Wrote to:', fname.name)
예제 #3
def convert(endfFile):
    if not isfile(endfFile):
        return 1
    ext = '.endf'
    if not endfFile.endswith(ext):
        return 1
    en = ENDFDataSource(endfFile)
    isotope = (endfFile.split('/'))[-1].replace(ext, '')
    dict_list = []
    for i in range(2000):                 #arbitrarily chosen
            react = en.reaction(isotope, i)
            for key, value in react.items():
                if type(value) is np.ndarray:
                    react.update({key: value.tolist()})
            # Finally make sure the reaction knows which reaction
            # it actually is!!
            react.update({'reaction': i})
        except (RuntimeError, KeyError) as er:

    new_ext = '.json'
    with open(endfFile.replace(ext, new_ext), 'w') as fname:
        json.dump(dict_list, fname, indent=2)
        print('Wrote to:', fname.name)
예제 #4
def test_int_linlin_interpolation_2():
    endfds = ENDFDataSource(tape1path)
    obs = endfds.integrate_dst_group((1, 5), np.array([3, 5, 8]),
                                     {3: 2, 5: 2, 8:1},
                                     np.array([0., 2, 4, 6, 8]),
                                     np.array([0., 1, 0, 0, 0]))
    exp = (0.75 + 1) / 4
    assert_equal(exp, obs)
예제 #5
def test_int_hist_only_interpolate_one_endpoint():
    endfds = ENDFDataSource(tape1path)
    obs = endfds.integrate_dst_group((1, 5), np.array([2, 5, 8]),
                                     {2: 1, 5: 1, 8:1},
                                     np.array([0., 2, 4, 6, 8]),
                                     np.array([0., 1, 0, 0, 0]))
    exp = 0.5
    assert_equal(exp, obs)
예제 #6
    def readendf(self, datafile):
        endfds = ENDFDataSource(os.path.join(self.csdir, datafile))

        #    print endfds.library.intdict
        print "++++ The File contains data for the following nuclides:"
        self.lines = {}
        for nuc, value in endfds.library.mat_dict.iteritems() :
            cname = nucname.name(nuc)
            print "+++ Data for nuclide " + cname
            elname = elements[nucname.znum(nuc)].name
            elname = elname.capitalize()
            nuclidefilename = str(nucname.znum(nuc)) + "_" + str(nucname.anum(nuc)) + "_" + elname
            if (nucname.snum(nuc) != 0):
                print "Found nuclide in exited state, will add _<state> to filename"
                nuclidefilename = nuclidefilename + "_" + str(nucname.snum(nuc))
            for keyb, valueb in value['mfs'].iteritems() :
                print "+++ The nuclide has data for MF=", keyb[0], " and MT=", keyb[1]
                # MF=3 (cs)            
                if(keyb[0] == 3) :
                    print "Convert to geant compatible lines for MF=3"
                    reactiondata = endfds.reaction(nuc, keyb[1])
                    if (len(reactiondata['intschemes']) == 1):
                        if (reactiondata['intschemes'] == 2) :
                            writeline = ""
                            writeline += "  {:12d}".format(len(reactiondata['xs']))
                            writeline += "\n"
                            zippedxs = zip(reactiondata['xs'], reactiondata['e_int'])
                            count = 0
                            for sxs, se in zippedxs:
                                count += 1
                                writeline += "  {:8.6e}  {:8.6e}".format(se, sxs)
                                if (count == 3):
                                    writeline += "\n"
                                    count = 0
                            if(count != 0):
                                writeline += "\n"
                            if(not keyb[1] in self.lines):
                                self.lines.update({keyb[1]: {}})
                            self.lines[keyb[1]].update({keyb[0]: writeline})

                            print "Non-linear interpolation scheme (Type {}) is currently not supported.".format(reactiondata['intschemes'])
                        print "Multiple interpolation schemes are currently not supprted."
                        #print reactiondata
                if(keyb[0] == 1) :
                    #                xsdata =  endfds.library.get_rx(key, 1, keyb[1]).reshape(-1,6)
                    #                print xsdata
                    print "Conversion for MF=1 not yet possible"
                if(keyb[0] == 6) :
                    print "Convert to geant compatible lines for MF=6"
                    mf6data = newmf.mf6()
                    mf6data.loadmtenangdata(nuc, keyb[1])
                    enangdist = mf6data.getdata()

                    gdata = geantdata.geantdata()
                    gdata.writesection(6, keyb[1])

                    if(not gdata.producterror):
                        if(not keyb[1] in self.lines):
                            self.lines.update({keyb[1]: {}})
                        self.lines[keyb[1]].update({keyb[0]: gdata.getline()})
                        print("No output for MT/MF combination because of errors")
        return nuclidefilename
예제 #7
파일: newmf.py 프로젝트: vegaonline/onms
 def loadfile(self, filename):
     self.endfds = ENDFDataSource(filename)
예제 #8
파일: newmf.py 프로젝트: vegaonline/onms
class mf6:
    verbose = 0
    totallines = 0

    def loadfile(self, filename):
        self.endfds = ENDFDataSource(filename)

    def setdatasource(self, datasource):
        self.endfds = datasource

    def loadmtenangdata(self, nuc, mt):
        self.totallines = 0
        self.enangdist = {}
        self.angrawdata = self.endfds.library.get_rx(nuc, 6, mt).reshape(-1, 6)
        # catch exeptions

        head_flags = self.endfds.library._get_head(
            ('ZA', 'AWR', 0, 'LCT', 'NK', 0), self.angrawdata[self.totallines])
        self.totallines += 1
        head_flags['QM'] = self.getqm(nuc, mt)
        head_flags['QI'] = self.getqi(nuc, mt)
        self.enangdist['head_flags'] = head_flags

        self.enangdist['product_data'] = []
        self.enangdist['zap_index'] = {}

        # cycle through reaction products
        for subsec in range(0, int(head_flags['NK'])):

    def getdata(self):
        return self.enangdist

    def getqm(self, nuc, mt):
        reactiondata = self.endfds.library.get_xs(nuc, mt, nuc)
        return reactiondata[1]['QM']

    def getqi(self, nuc, mt):
        reactiondata = self.endfds.library.get_xs(nuc, mt, nuc)
        return reactiondata[1]['QI']

    def readproduct(self, subsec):
        int_flags, int_data, int_size = self.endfds.library._get_tab1(
            ('ZAP', 'AWP', 'LIP', 'LAW', 'NR', 'NP'), ('x', 'y'),
        self.totallines += int_size
        zap = int(int_flags['ZAP'])
        if zap in self.enangdist['zap_index']:
            print "There is already an entry for zap = " + str(zap)
            # handle this!
            singlezap = {}
            singlezap['tab1_flags'] = int_flags  #
            singlezap['tab1_data'] = int_data
            insertedidx = self.enangdist['product_data'].index(singlezap)
            self.enangdist['zap_index'].update({int_flags['ZAP']: insertedidx})

        if int_flags['LAW'] == 0:  # Unknown Distribution (p. 125)
        elif int_flags[
                'LAW'] == 1:  # Continuum Energy-Angle Distributions (p. 126)
        elif int_flags['LAW'] == 2:  # Discrete Two-Body Scattering (p. 131)
        elif int_flags['LAW'] == 3:  # Isotropic Discrete Emission (p. 132)
            print("LAW={0} is not implemented yet".format(int_flags['LAW']))
        elif int_flags['LAW'] == 4:  # Discrete Two-Body Recoils (p. 132)
            if (int_flags['NP']) > 3:
                print "found one"
            # law=4 has no substructure.
            # there is nothing to do - option just kept for completeness
        elif int_flags[
                'LAW'] == 5:  # Charged-Particle Elastic Scattering (p. 132)
            print("LAW={0} is not implemented yet".format(int_flags['LAW']))
        elif int_flags[
                'LAW'] == 6:  # N-Body Phase-Space Distributions (p. 136)
            print("LAW={0} is not implemented yet".format(int_flags['LAW']))
        elif int_flags['LAW'] == 7:  # Laboratory Angle-Energy Law (p. 137)
            print("LAW={0} is not implemented yet".format(int_flags['LAW']))
            print("Unknown Product Energy-Angle Distribution")

    #END readoutproduct

    def readunknowndis(self, idx):
        errormessage = "LAW={0} is not implemented yet".format(
        self.enangdist['product_data'][idx] = {}
        self.enangdist['product_data'][idx]['error'] = errormessage

    def readcontinuumenergyangledis(self, idx):
        # read [MAT, 6, MT/ 0.0, 0.0, LANG, LEP, NR, NE/ E int]TAB2
        tab2_head, tab2_meta, tab2_size = _get_tab2(
            (0, 0, 'LANG', 'LEP', 'NR', 'NE'),
        self.enangdist['product_data'][idx]['tab2_flags'] = tab2_head
        self.enangdist['product_data'][idx]['tab2_intdata'] = tab2_meta
        self.totallines += tab2_size

        self.enangdist['product_data'][idx]['list_data'] = {}
        for energyidx in range(int(tab2_head['NE'])):
            # read the following structure
            # [MAT, 6, MT/ 0.0,  E1,  ND,  NA,  NW, NEP/
            # E1', b0(E1, E1'), b1(E1, E1'), -------- bNA(E1, E1'),
            # E2', b0(E1, E2'), b1(E1, E2'), -------- bNA(E1, E2'),
            # --------------------------------------------
            # Enep', b0(E1 , Enep'), b1(E1, E'nep), ---- bNA(E1, Enep')]LIST
            list_head, list_data, list_size = self.endfds.library._get_list(
                (0, 'E1', 'ND', 'NA', 'NW', 'NEP'), ('b'),
            self.totallines += list_size

            # required to flatten data
            list_data = list_data['b']

            eprimes = []
            coefficientlists = []
            for energypidx in range(int(list_head['NEP'])):
                eidx = energypidx * (int(list_head['NA']) + 2)
                start = eidx + 1
                stop = start + int(list_head['NA']) + 1

            listentry = list_head
            listentry.update({'eprimes': eprimes})
            listentry.update({'coefficientlists': coefficientlists})

                {list_head['E1']: listentry})

    #END readoutcontinuusenergyangledis

    def readdiscretetwobodyscattering(self, idx):
        # read [MAT, 6, MT/ 0.0, 0.0,0, 0, NR, NE/ E int ]TAB2
        tab2_head, tab2_meta, tab2_size = _get_tab2(
            (0, 0, 0, 0, 'NR', 'NE'), self.angrawdata[self.totallines:])
        self.enangdist['product_data'][idx]['tab2_flags'] = tab2_head
        self.enangdist['product_data'][idx]['tab2_intdata'] = tab2_meta
        self.totallines += tab2_size

        self.enangdist['product_data'][idx]['list_data'] = {}
        for energyidx in range(int(tab2_head['NE'])):
            # read the following structure
            # [MAT, 6, MT/ 0.0, E1, LANG, 0, NW, NL/ A l (E)]LIST
            list_head, list_data, list_size = self.endfds.library._get_list(
                (0, 'E1', 'LANG', 0, 'NW', 'NL'), ('b'),
            self.totallines += list_size

            # required to flatten data
            list_data = list_data['b']

            listentry = list_head

            al = []
            for listidx in range(int(list_head['NL'])):
                if (list_head['LANG'] == 0):  # Legendre coefficients
                else:  # tabulated cosine
                    start = listidx * 2
                    stop = (start + 1) + 1  # upper bound is non-inclusive!
            listentry.update({'al': al})

                {list_head['E1']: listentry})

        #END readdiscretetwobodyscattering

    def getisotropicdistribution(self, Ei, prodzaid=0, grid='auto'):
        #isotropic in this case: integrated over all possible mu (cosine theta)
        prod = -1
        for zaid in self.enangdist['zap_index']:
            if (prodzaid == int(zaid)):
                prod = self.enangdist['zap_index'][zaid]
        if (prod < 0):
            print("Error: Unknown product index!")
            return {}
        law = self.enangdist['product_data'][prod]['tab1_flags']['LAW']
        # print(law)
        if (law == 0):
            # Unknown Distribution - empty list.
            return {}
        elif (law == 1):
            lang = int(
            if (lang == 1):
                return {}
            elif (lang == 2):
                fulldata = self.interpolateTab2(
                # only first parameter for isotopric / integral
                fdata = [row[0] for row in fulldata['coefficientlists']]
                if (grid != 'auto' and grid != []):
                    fdatai = np.zeros(len(grid))
                    for eidx in range(len(grid)):
                        fdatai[eidx] = self.general1Dinterpol(
                            grid[eidx], fulldata['eprimes'], fdata, 2)
                    return {'e': np.array(grid), 'f': np.array(fdatai)}
                    return {
                        'e': np.array(fulldata['eprimes']),
                        'f': np.array(fdata)
            elif (lang >= 11 and lang <= 15):
                return {}
        elif (law == 2):
            # Discrete Two Body Scattering (has a list)
            return sorted(

        elif (law == 3):
            # Isotropic Discrete Emission - empty list
            return {}
        elif (law == 4):
            # Discrete Two-Body Recoils - empty list
            return {}
        elif (law == 5):
            # Charged-Particle Elastic Scattering
            return sorted(
        elif (law == 6):
            # N-body phase space
            return {}
        elif (law == 7):
            return sorted(

    def getElist(self, prodzaid=0):
        prod = -1
        for zaid in self.enangdist['zap_index']:
            if (prodzaid == int(zaid)):
                prod = self.enangdist['zap_index'][zaid]
        if (prod < 0):
            print("Error: Unknown product index!")
            return {}
        law = int(self.enangdist['product_data'][prod]['tab1_flags']['LAW'])
        if (law == 0):
            # Unknown Distribution - empty list.
            return []
        elif (law == 1):
            return sorted(
        elif (law == 2):
            # Discrete Two Body Scattering (has a list)
            return sorted(
        elif (law == 3):
            # Isotropic Discrete Emission - empty list
            return []
        elif (law == 4):
            # Discrete Two-Body Recoils - empty list
            return []
        elif (law == 5):
            # Charged-Particle Elastic Scattering
            return sorted(
        elif (law == 6):
            # N-body phase space
            return []
        elif (law == 7):
            return sorted(

    def interpolateTab1(self, E, tab1data, x='x', y='y'):
        # get interpolation scheme
        lowint = 0
        for i in range(len(tab1data['intpoints'])):
            highint = tab1data['intpoints'][i] - 1
            if (E <= tab1data[x][highint]):
            lowint = highint
        intscheme = tab1data['intschemes']
        # get low / high E
        index = lowint
        if (E < tab1data[x][index]):
            return tab1data[y][0]
        while (index < highint and E >= tab1data[x][index]):
            if (E == tab1data[x][index]):
                return tab1data[y][index]
            index += 1
        if (index == highint):  # E is bigger than last point
            return tab1data[y][-1]
            return self.simple1Dinterpol(E, tab1data[x][index - 1],
                                         tab1data[y][index - 1],
                                         tab1data[y][index], intscheme)

    def general1Dinterpol(self, E, xlist, ylist, scheme=2):
        index = 0
        if (E < xlist[index]):
            return ylist[0]
        while (index < len(ylist) and E >= xlist[index]):
            if (E == xlist[index]):
                return ylist[index]
            index += 1
        if (E > xlist[-1]):  # E is bigger than last point
            return ylist[-1]
            return self.simple1Dinterpol(E, xlist[index - 1], xlist[index],
                                         ylist[index - 1], ylist[index],

    def simple1Dinterpol(self, E, x1, x2, y1, y2, scheme=2):
        if (scheme == 1):
            return y1
        elif (scheme == 2):
            return y1 + (E - x1) * (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)
        elif (scheme == 3):
            return 0
        elif (scheme == 4):
            return 0
        elif (scheme == 5):
            return 0
        elif (scheme == 6):
            return 0

    def interpolateTab2(self,
        #outside area
        if (E < xdata[0]):
            tmp = [0] * len(listdata[xdata[0]][z])
            return {y: [0], z: [tmp]}
        # get interpolation scheme
        lowint = 0
        for i in range(len(intdata['intpoints'])):
            highint = int(intdata['intpoints'][i]) - 1
            if (E <= xdata[highint]):
            lowint = highint
        intscheme = intdata['intschemes']
        index = lowint
        while (index < highint and E >= xdata[index]):
            if (E == xdata[index]):
                return {
                    y: listdata[xdata[index]][y],
                    z: listdata[xdata[index]][z]
            index += 1
        if (index == highint):  # E bigger than last point
            return {y: listdata[xdata[-1]][y], z: listdata[xdata[-1]][z]}
            tmp = self.simple2Dinterpol(E, xdata[index - 1], xdata[index],
                                        listdata[xdata[index - 1]][y],
                                        listdata[xdata[index - 1]][z],
                                        listdata[xdata[index]][z], intscheme)
            return {y: tmp['y'], z: tmp['z']}

    def simple2Dinterpol(self, E, x1, x2, y1, y2, z1, z2, scheme=22):
        if (scheme < 10):
            # cartesian
            return 0
        elif (scheme < 20):
            # mce
            return 0
            # unit based
            ylowmin = y1[0]
            ylowmax = y1[-1]
            yhighmin = y2[0]
            yhighmax = y2[-1]
            yplow = ylowmin + (E - x1) / (x2 - x1) * (yhighmin - ylowmin)
            yphigh = ylowmax + (E - x1) / (x2 - x1) * (yhighmax - ylowmax)
            # print(ylowmin, ylowmax, yhighmin, yhighmax, yplow, yphigh)

            if (scheme == 21):
                return {'y': y1, 'z': z1}
            elif (scheme == 22):
                ylist = [((y - ylowmin) / (ylowmax - ylowmin))
                         for y in y1] + [((y - yhighmin) /
                                          (yhighmax - yhighmin)) for y in y2]
                ylist = sorted(set(ylist))
                zlist = [0] * len(ylist)
                for yidx, yT in enumerate(ylist):
                    yTlow = ylowmin + (ylowmax - ylowmin) * yT
                    yThigh = yhighmin + (yhighmax - yhighmin) * yT
                    parl = [0] * len(
                    )  # what if z1 / z2 have different parameter length
                    for par in range(len(z1[0])):
                        parlist = [row[par] for row in z1]
                        plow = self.general1Dinterpol(yTlow, y1, parlist, 2)
                        parlist = [row[par] for row in z2]
                        phigh = self.general1Dinterpol(yThigh, y2, parlist, 2)
                        plow = plow * (ylowmax - ylowmin)
                        phigh = phigh * (yhighmax - yhighmin)
                        # ptot = self.simple1Dinterpol((yplow + yT * (yphigh - yplow)),
                        #                              x1, x2, plow, phigh)
                        ptot = self.simple1Dinterpol(E, x1, x2, plow, phigh)
                        #print(yT, (yplow + yT * (yphigh - yplow)), plow, phigh, ptot)
                        ptot = ptot / (yphigh - yplow)
                        parl[par] = ptot
                    zlist[yidx] = parl
                ylist = [(yplow + y * (yphigh - yplow)) for y in ylist]
                return {'y': ylist, 'z': zlist}
            elif (scheme == 23):
                return {'y': 0, 'z': 0}
            elif (scheme == 24):
                return {'y': 0, 'z': 0}
            elif (scheme == 25):
                return {'y': 0, 'z': 0}
예제 #9
 def loadfile(self, filename):
     self.endfds = ENDFDataSource(filename)
예제 #10
class mf6:
    verbose = 0
    totallines = 0
    def loadfile(self, filename):
        self.endfds = ENDFDataSource(filename)

    def setdatasource(self, datasource):
        self.endfds = datasource
    def loadmtenangdata(self, nuc, mt):
        self.totallines = 0
        self.enangdist = {}
        self.angrawdata = self.endfds.library.get_rx(nuc, 6, mt).reshape(-1,6)
        # catch exeptions

        head_flags = self.endfds.library._get_head(('ZA', 'AWR', 0, 'LCT', 'NK', 0),
        self.totallines += 1
        head_flags['QM'] = self.getqm(nuc, mt)
        head_flags['QI'] = self.getqi(nuc, mt)
        self.enangdist['head_flags'] = head_flags

        self.enangdist['product_data'] = []
        self.enangdist['zap_index'] = {}

        # cycle through reaction products
        for subsec in range(0, int(head_flags['NK'])):
    def getdata(self):
        return self.enangdist

    def getqm(self, nuc, mt):
        reactiondata = self.endfds.library.get_xs(nuc, mt, nuc)
        return reactiondata[1]['QM']

    def getqi(self, nuc, mt):
        reactiondata = self.endfds.library.get_xs(nuc, mt, nuc)
        return reactiondata[1]['QI']

    def readproduct(self, subsec):
        int_flags, int_data, int_size = self.endfds.library._get_tab1(
            ('ZAP', 'AWP', 'LIP', 'LAW', 'NR', 'NP'),
            ('x', 'y'),
        self.totallines += int_size
        zap = int(int_flags['ZAP'])
        if zap in self.enangdist['zap_index']:
            print "There is already an entry for zap = " + str(zap)
            # handle this!
            singlezap = {}
            singlezap['tab1_flags'] = int_flags # 
            singlezap['tab1_data'] = int_data
            insertedidx =  self.enangdist['product_data'].index(singlezap)
            self.enangdist['zap_index'].update({int_flags['ZAP']: insertedidx})

        if int_flags['LAW'] == 0:  # Unknown Distribution (p. 125)
        elif int_flags['LAW'] == 1:  # Continuum Energy-Angle Distributions (p. 126)
        elif int_flags['LAW'] == 2:  # Discrete Two-Body Scattering (p. 131)
        elif int_flags['LAW'] == 3:  # Isotropic Discrete Emission (p. 132)
            print("LAW={0} is not implemented yet".format(int_flags['LAW']))
        elif int_flags['LAW'] == 4:  # Discrete Two-Body Recoils (p. 132)
            if(int_flags['NP']) > 3:
                print "found one"
            # law=4 has no substructure.
            # there is nothing to do - option just kept for completeness
        elif int_flags['LAW'] == 5:  # Charged-Particle Elastic Scattering (p. 132)
            print("LAW={0} is not implemented yet".format(int_flags['LAW']))
        elif int_flags['LAW'] == 6:  # N-Body Phase-Space Distributions (p. 136)
            print("LAW={0} is not implemented yet".format(int_flags['LAW']))
        elif int_flags['LAW'] == 7:  # Laboratory Angle-Energy Law (p. 137)
            print("LAW={0} is not implemented yet".format(int_flags['LAW']))
            print("Unknown Product Energy-Angle Distribution")
    #END readoutproduct

    def readunknowndis(self, idx):
        errormessage = "LAW={0} is not implemented yet".format(self.enangdist['product_data'][idx]['tab1_flags']['LAW'])
        self.enangdist['product_data'][idx] = {}
        self.enangdist['product_data'][idx]['error'] = errormessage

    def readcontinuumenergyangledis(self, idx):
        # read [MAT, 6, MT/ 0.0, 0.0, LANG, LEP, NR, NE/ E int]TAB2
        tab2_head, tab2_meta, tab2_size = _get_tab2(
            (0, 0, 'LANG', 'LEP', 'NR', 'NE'),
        self.enangdist['product_data'][idx]['tab2_flags'] = tab2_head
        self.enangdist['product_data'][idx]['tab2_intdata'] = tab2_meta
        self.totallines += tab2_size

        self.enangdist['product_data'][idx]['list_data'] = {}
        for energyidx in range(int(tab2_head['NE'])):
            # read the following structure
            # [MAT, 6, MT/ 0.0,  E1,  ND,  NA,  NW, NEP/
            # E1', b0(E1, E1'), b1(E1, E1'), -------- bNA(E1, E1'),
            # E2', b0(E1, E2'), b1(E1, E2'), -------- bNA(E1, E2'),
            # --------------------------------------------
                            # Enep', b0(E1 , Enep'), b1(E1, E'nep), ---- bNA(E1, Enep')]LIST
            list_head, list_data, list_size = self.endfds.library._get_list(
                (0, 'E1', 'ND', 'NA', 'NW', 'NEP'), ('b'), self.angrawdata[self.totallines:])
            self.totallines += list_size

            # required to flatten data
            list_data = list_data['b']
            eprimes = []
            coefficientlists = []
            for energypidx in range(int(list_head['NEP'])):
                eidx = energypidx * (int(list_head['NA']) + 2)
                start = eidx + 1
                stop = start + int(list_head['NA']) + 1

            listentry = list_head
            listentry.update({'eprimes': eprimes})
            listentry.update({'coefficientlists': coefficientlists})

            self.enangdist['product_data'][idx]['list_data'].update({list_head['E1']: listentry})
    #END readoutcontinuusenergyangledis
    def readdiscretetwobodyscattering(self, idx):
        # read [MAT, 6, MT/ 0.0, 0.0,0, 0, NR, NE/ E int ]TAB2
        tab2_head, tab2_meta, tab2_size = _get_tab2(
            (0, 0, 0, 0, 'NR', 'NE'),
        self.enangdist['product_data'][idx]['tab2_flags'] = tab2_head
        self.enangdist['product_data'][idx]['tab2_intdata'] = tab2_meta
        self.totallines += tab2_size
        self.enangdist['product_data'][idx]['list_data'] = {}
        for energyidx in range(int(tab2_head['NE'])):
            # read the following structure
            # [MAT, 6, MT/ 0.0, E1, LANG, 0, NW, NL/ A l (E)]LIST
            list_head, list_data, list_size = self.endfds.library._get_list(
                (0, 'E1', 'LANG', 0, 'NW', 'NL'), ('b'), self.angrawdata[self.totallines:])
            self.totallines += list_size

            # required to flatten data
            list_data = list_data['b']

            listentry = list_head

            al = []
            for listidx in range(int(list_head['NL'])):
                if(list_head['LANG'] == 0): # Legendre coefficients
                else: # tabulated cosine
                    start = listidx * 2
                    stop = (start + 1) + 1 # upper bound is non-inclusive!
            listentry.update({'al': al})

            self.enangdist['product_data'][idx]['list_data'].update({list_head['E1']: listentry})

        #END readdiscretetwobodyscattering

    def getisotropicdistribution(self, Ei, prodzaid = 0, grid = 'auto'):
        #isotropic in this case: integrated over all possible mu (cosine theta)
        prod = -1
        for zaid in self.enangdist['zap_index']:
            if(prodzaid == int(zaid)):
                prod = self.enangdist['zap_index'][zaid]
        if(prod < 0):
            print("Error: Unknown product index!")
            return {}
        law = self.enangdist['product_data'][prod]['tab1_flags']['LAW']
        # print(law)
        if(law == 0):
            # Unknown Distribution - empty list.
            return {}
        elif(law == 1):
            lang = int(self.enangdist['product_data'][prod]['tab2_flags']['LANG'])
            if(lang == 1):
                return {}
            elif(lang == 2):
                fulldata = self.interpolateTab2(Ei,
                                           y = 'eprimes',
                                           z = 'coefficientlists')
                # only first parameter for isotopric / integral
                fdata = [row[0] for row in fulldata['coefficientlists']]
                if(grid != 'auto' and grid != []):
                    fdatai = np.zeros(len(grid))
                    for eidx in range(len(grid)):
                        fdatai[eidx] = self.general1Dinterpol(grid[eidx], fulldata['eprimes'], fdata, 2)
                    return {'e': np.array(grid), 'f': np.array(fdatai)}
                    return {'e': np.array(fulldata['eprimes']), 'f': np.array(fdata)}
            elif(lang >= 11 and lang <= 15):
                return {}
        elif(law == 2):
            # Discrete Two Body Scattering (has a list)
            return sorted(self.enangdist['product_data'][prod]['list_data'].keys())

        elif(law == 3):
            # Isotropic Discrete Emission - empty list
            return {}
        elif(law == 4):
            # Discrete Two-Body Recoils - empty list
            return {}
        elif(law == 5):
            # Charged-Particle Elastic Scattering
            return sorted(self.enangdist['product_data'][prod]['list_data'].keys())
        elif(law == 6):
            # N-body phase space
            return {}
        elif(law == 7):
            return sorted(self.enangdist['product_data'][prod]['list_data'].keys())

    def getElist(self, prodzaid = 0):
        prod = -1
        for zaid in self.enangdist['zap_index']:
            if(prodzaid == int(zaid)):
                prod = self.enangdist['zap_index'][zaid]
        if(prod < 0):
            print("Error: Unknown product index!")
            return {}
        law = int(self.enangdist['product_data'][prod]['tab1_flags']['LAW'])
        if(law == 0):
            # Unknown Distribution - empty list.
            return []
        elif(law == 1):
            return sorted(self.enangdist['product_data'][prod]['list_data'].keys())
        elif(law == 2):
            # Discrete Two Body Scattering (has a list)
            return sorted(self.enangdist['product_data'][prod]['list_data'].keys())
        elif(law == 3):
            # Isotropic Discrete Emission - empty list
            return []
        elif(law == 4):
            # Discrete Two-Body Recoils - empty list
            return []
        elif(law == 5):
            # Charged-Particle Elastic Scattering
            return sorted(self.enangdist['product_data'][prod]['list_data'].keys())
        elif(law == 6):
            # N-body phase space
            return []
        elif(law == 7):
            return sorted(self.enangdist['product_data'][prod]['list_data'].keys())

    def interpolateTab1(self, E, tab1data, x = 'x', y = 'y'):
        # get interpolation scheme
        lowint = 0
        for i in range(len(tab1data['intpoints'])):
            highint = tab1data['intpoints'][i] - 1
            if(E <= tab1data[x][highint]):
            lowint = highint
        intscheme = tab1data['intschemes']
        # get low / high E
        index = lowint
        if(E < tab1data[x][index]):
            return tab1data[y][0]
        while(index < highint and E >= tab1data[x][index]):
            if(E == tab1data[x][index]):
                return tab1data[y][index]
            index += 1
        if(index == highint): # E is bigger than last point
            return tab1data[y][-1]
            return self.simple1Dinterpol(E, tab1data[x][index - 1], tab1data[x][index], tab1data[y][index - 1], tab1data[y][index], intscheme)

    def general1Dinterpol(self, E, xlist, ylist, scheme = 2):
        index = 0
        if(E < xlist[index]):
            return ylist[0]
        while(index < len(ylist) and E >= xlist[index]):
            if(E == xlist[index]):
                return ylist[index]
            index += 1
        if(E > xlist[-1]): # E is bigger than last point
            return ylist[-1]
            return self.simple1Dinterpol(E, xlist[index - 1], xlist[index],
                                    ylist[index - 1], ylist[index],
    def simple1Dinterpol(self, E, x1, x2, y1, y2, scheme = 2):
        if(scheme == 1):
            return y1
        elif(scheme == 2):
            return y1 + (E - x1) * ( y2 - y1 ) / (x2 - x1)
        elif(scheme == 3):
            return 0
        elif(scheme == 4):
            return 0
        elif(scheme == 5):
            return 0
        elif(scheme == 6):
            return 0

    def interpolateTab2(self, E, intdata, xdata, listdata, y = 'eprimes', z = 'coefficientlists'):
        #outside area
        if(E < xdata[0]):
            tmp = [0] * len(listdata[xdata[0]][z])
            return {y: [0], z: [tmp]}
        # get interpolation scheme
        lowint = 0
        for i in range(len(intdata['intpoints'])):
            highint = int(intdata['intpoints'][i]) - 1
            if(E <= xdata[highint]):
            lowint = highint
        intscheme = intdata['intschemes']
        index = lowint
        while(index < highint and E >= xdata[index]):
            if(E == xdata[index]):
                return {y: listdata[xdata[index]][y], z: listdata[xdata[index]][z]}
            index += 1
        if(index == highint): # E bigger than last point
            return {y: listdata[xdata[-1]][y], z: listdata[xdata[-1]][z]}
            tmp = self.simple2Dinterpol(E, xdata[index - 1], xdata[index],
                                        listdata[xdata[index - 1]][y], listdata[xdata[index]][y],
                                        listdata[xdata[index - 1]][z], listdata[xdata[index]][z],
            return {y: tmp['y'], z: tmp['z']}

    def simple2Dinterpol(self, E, x1, x2, y1, y2, z1, z2, scheme = 22):
        if(scheme < 10):
            # cartesian
            return 0
        elif(scheme < 20):
            # mce
            return 0
            # unit based
            ylowmin = y1[0]
            ylowmax = y1[-1]
            yhighmin = y2[0]
            yhighmax = y2[-1]
            yplow = ylowmin + (E - x1) / (x2 - x1) * (yhighmin - ylowmin)
            yphigh = ylowmax + (E - x1) / (x2 - x1) * (yhighmax - ylowmax)
            # print(ylowmin, ylowmax, yhighmin, yhighmax, yplow, yphigh)

            if(scheme == 21):
                return {'y': y1, 'z': z1}
            elif(scheme == 22):
                ylist = [ (( y - ylowmin)/(ylowmax - ylowmin)) for y in y1 ] + [ (( y - yhighmin)/(yhighmax - yhighmin)) for y in y2 ]
                ylist = sorted(set(ylist))
                zlist = [0] * len(ylist)
                for yidx, yT in enumerate(ylist):
                    yTlow = ylowmin + (ylowmax - ylowmin) * yT
                    yThigh = yhighmin + (yhighmax - yhighmin) * yT
                    parl = [0] * len(z1[0]) # what if z1 / z2 have different parameter length
                    for par in range(len(z1[0])):
                        parlist = [row[par] for row in z1]
                        plow = self.general1Dinterpol(yTlow, y1, parlist, 2)
                        parlist = [row[par] for row in z2]
                        phigh = self.general1Dinterpol(yThigh, y2, parlist, 2)
                        plow = plow * (ylowmax - ylowmin)
                        phigh = phigh * (yhighmax - yhighmin)
                        # ptot = self.simple1Dinterpol((yplow + yT * (yphigh - yplow)),
                        #                              x1, x2, plow, phigh)
                        ptot = self.simple1Dinterpol(E,
                                                     x1, x2, plow, phigh)
                        #print(yT, (yplow + yT * (yphigh - yplow)), plow, phigh, ptot)
                        ptot = ptot / (yphigh - yplow)
                        parl[par] = ptot
                    zlist[yidx] = parl
                ylist = [ (yplow + y * (yphigh - yplow)) for y in ylist ]
                return {'y': ylist, 'z': zlist}
            elif(scheme == 23):
                return {'y': 0, 'z': 0}
            elif(scheme == 24):
                return {'y': 0, 'z': 0}
            elif(scheme == 25):
                return {'y': 0, 'z': 0}