예제 #1
def test_special_attribute_func4():
    class P(PackedTable):
        def __init__(self, shape, ordering, val):
            PackedTable.__init__(self, shape, ordering=ordering, val=val,
                                 key1=None, key2=None, key3=None)

        myscalar1 = 2
        _myscalar2 = 3

        def key1(self):
            return self.val * self.myscalar1 * self._myscalar2

        def key2(self):
            return self.val * self.myscalar1 * self._myscalar2

        def key3(self, x):
            return x * self.val * self.myscalar1 * self._myscalar2

    shape = (6, 6)
    ordering = np.arange(product(shape))[::-1].reshape(shape)
    val = np.arange(product(shape)).reshape(shape)
    layout = P(shape, ordering, val)
    assert_same(layout.key1, val.ravel()[::-1] * 6)
    assert_same(layout.all.key1, val * 6)
    assert_same(layout.key2, val.ravel()[::-1] * 6)
    assert_same(layout.all.key2, val * 6)
    assert_same(layout.key3(2), val.ravel()[::-1] * 12)
    assert_same(layout.all.key3(2), val * 12)
예제 #2
    def get_pointing_matrix(self, header, npixels_per_sample=0, method=None,
                            downsampling=False, section=None,

        # let's get the pointing matrix associated to the section
        if npixels_per_sample not in (0, self.info.npixels_per_sample):
            raise ValueError('The npixels_per_sample value is incompatible wi' \
                             'th the MADMAP1 file.')
        npixels_per_sample = self.info.npixels_per_sample

        # if no slice is provided, return a pointing matrix for each of them
        if section is None:
            return super(MadMap1Observation, self).get_pointing_matrix(header,
                         npixels_per_sample, method)

        if method is None:
            method = 'default'
        method = method.lower()
        if method != 'default':
            raise ValueError("Invalid pointing matrix method '" + method + "'.")

        header = gather_fitsheader_if_needed(header, comm=comm)
        shape_input = tuple(header['NAXIS' + str(i+1)]
                            for i in range(header['NAXIS']))[::-1]
        if product(shape_input) > np.iinfo(np.int32).max:
            raise RuntimeError('The map is too large: pixel indices cannot be s'
                'stored using 32 bits: {0}>{1}'.format(product(shape_input),

        pointing = self.pointing[section.start:section.stop]
        ndetectors = self.get_ndetectors()
        nsamples = int(np.sum(~pointing.removed))
        tod = np.empty((ndetectors, nsamples))
            islice = list(self.slice.start).index(section.start)
            if self.slice[islice].stop != section.stop:
                raise ValueError()
        except ValueError:
            raise RuntimeError('Only observation slice can be specified through'
                               ' the section keyword.')

        shape = (ndetectors, nsamples, npixels_per_sample)
        info = {'header' : header,
                'method' : method,
                'outside': False,
                'npixels_per_sample_min': npixels_per_sample}
            pmatrix = PointingMatrix.empty(shape, shape_input, info=info,
        except MemoryError:
            pmatrix = PointingMatrix.empty(shape, shape_input, info=info,

        status = tmf.madmap1_read_tod(self.info.todfile, self.info.invnttfile,
            self.info.convert, npixels_per_sample, islice + 1, tod.T,
        if status != 0: raise RuntimeError()
        return pmatrix
예제 #3
def test_special_attribute_func3():
    shape = (6, 6)
    ordering = np.arange(product(shape))[::-1].reshape(shape)
    val = np.arange(product(shape)).reshape(shape)
    func = lambda s, x: x * s.val * s.myscalar1 * s._myscalar2
    layout = PackedTable(shape, ordering=ordering, val=val, key=func)
    layout.myscalar1 = 2
    layout._myscalar2 = 3
    assert_same(layout.key(2), val.ravel()[::-1] * 12)
    assert_same(layout.all.key(2), val * 12)
예제 #4
 def func(s1, s2, sm1, sm2):
     shapein = broadcast_shapes(s1 + sm2[1:], s2 + sm2[1:])
     data1 = np.arange(product(s1 + sm1)).reshape(s1 + sm1)
     data2 = np.arange(product(s2 + sm2)).reshape(s2 + sm2)
     op1 = DenseBlockDiagonalOperator(data1)
     op2 = DenseBlockDiagonalOperator(data2)
     comp1 = op1 * op2
     assert_is_instance(comp1, DenseBlockDiagonalOperator)
     with rule_manager(none=True):
         comp2 = op1 * op2
     assert_equal(comp1.todense(shapein), comp2.todense(shapein))
예제 #5
 def func(shapein, shapeout, extrainput):
     datashape = shapeout + shapein
     inputshape = extrainput + shapein
     d = np.arange(product(datashape)).reshape(datashape)
     b = DenseOperator(d,
     bdense = b.todense()
     n = product(extrainput)
     d_ = d.reshape((product(shapeout), product(shapein)))
     expected = BlockDiagonalOperator(n * [d_], axisin=0).todense()
     assert_equal(bdense, expected)
예제 #6
def plot_tod(tod, mask=None, **kw):
    """Plot the signal timelines in a Tod and show masked samples.

    Plotting every detector timelines may be time consuming, so it is
    recommended to use this method on one or few detectors like this:
    >>> plot_tod(tod[idetector])

    import matplotlib.pyplot as mp
    if mask is None:
        mask = getattr(tod, 'mask', None)

    ndetectors = product(tod.shape[0:-1])
    tod = tod.view().reshape((ndetectors, -1))
    if mask is not None:
        mask = mask.view().reshape((ndetectors, -1))
        if np.all(mask):
            print('There is no valid sample.')

    for idetector in range(ndetectors):
        mp.plot(tod[idetector], **kw)
        if mask is not None:
            index = np.where(mask[idetector])
            mp.plot(index, tod[idetector, index], 'ro')

    unit = getattr(tod, 'unit', '')
    if unit:
        mp.ylabel('Signal [' + unit + ']')
    mp.xlabel('Time sample')
예제 #7
 def __init__(self, flib_id, shape, block_shape, nmax, sparse_axis,
              dtype=None, dtype_index=None, data=None, verbose=False):
     self._flib_id = flib_id
     if not isinstance(shape, (list, tuple)):
         raise TypeError("Invalid shape '{0}'.".format(shape))
     if len(shape) != 2:
         raise ValueError("The number of dimensions is not 2.")
     if len(block_shape) != 2:
         raise ValueError(
             "The number of dimensions of the blocks is not 2.")
     straxes = ('row', 'column')
     if sparse_axis == 1:
         straxes = straxes[::-1]
     if any(s % b != 0 for s, b in zip(shape, block_shape)):
         raise ValueError(
             "The shape of the matrix '{0}' is incompatible with blocks of "
             "shape '{1}'.".format(shape, block_shape))
     if data is None:
         if nmax is None:
             raise ValueError('The maximum number of non-zero {0}s per {1} '
                              'is not specified.'.format(*straxes))
         shape_data = (shape[1-sparse_axis] // block_shape[0], nmax)
         if dtype is None:
             dtype = float
         if dtype_index is None:
             dtype_index = int
         dtype_data = self._get_dtype_data(dtype, dtype_index, block_shape)
         data = empty(shape_data, dtype_data, verbose=verbose)
     elif 'index' not in data.dtype.names:
         raise TypeError('The structured array has no field index.')
     elif len(data.dtype.names) == 1:
         raise TypeError('The structured array has no data field.')
     elif product(data.shape[:-1]) * block_shape[1-sparse_axis] != \
         raise ValueError(
             "The shape of the matrix '{0}' is incompatible with that of th"
             "e structured array '{1}'.".format(shape, data.shape))
     elif nmax not in (None, data.shape[-1]):
         raise ValueError(
             "The n{0}max keyword value '{1}' is incompatible with the shap"
             "e of the structured array '{2}'.".format(
                 straxes[0][:3], nmax, data.shape))
         dtype_index = data.dtype['index']
         dtype = data.dtype[1]
         if dtype.type == np.void:
             dtype = dtype.subdtype[0].type
         expected = self._get_dtype_data(dtype, dtype_index, block_shape)
         if data.dtype != expected:
             raise TypeError(
                 'The input dtype {0} is invalid. Expected dtype is {1}.'.
                 format(data.dtype, expected))
         if nmax is None:
             nmax = data.shape[-1]
     self.dtype = np.dtype(dtype)
     self.data = data.view(np.recarray)
     self.ndim = 2
     self.shape = tuple(shape)
     self.block_shape = tuple(block_shape)
     setattr(self, 'n' + straxes[0][:3] + 'max', int(nmax))
예제 #8
 def func(shapein, shapeout, extradata, extrainput):
     datashape = extradata + shapeout + shapein
     d = np.arange(product(datashape)).reshape(datashape)
     b = DenseBlockDiagonalOperator(d,
     new_shape = broadcast_shapes(extradata, extrainput)
     bdense = b.todense(shapein=new_shape + shapein)
     d_ = reshape_broadcast(d, new_shape + shapeout + shapein)
     d_ = d_.reshape(-1, product(shapeout), product(shapein))
     expected = BlockDiagonalOperator(
         [_ for _ in d_],
         axisin=0).todense(shapein=product(new_shape + shapein))
     assert_same(bdense, expected)
     bTdense = b.T.todense(shapein=new_shape + shapeout)
     assert_same(bTdense, expected.T)
예제 #9
def plot_tod(tod, mask=None, **kw):
    """Plot the signal timelines in a Tod and show masked samples.

    Plotting every detector timelines may be time consuming, so it is
    recommended to use this method on one or few detectors like this:
    >>> plot_tod(tod[idetector])

    import matplotlib.pyplot as mp
    if mask is None:
        mask = getattr(tod, 'mask', None)

    ndetectors = product(tod.shape[0:-1])
    tod = tod.view().reshape((ndetectors, -1))
    if mask is not None:
        mask = mask.view().reshape((ndetectors, -1))
        if np.all(mask):
            print('There is no valid sample.')

    for idetector in range(ndetectors):
        mp.plot(tod[idetector], **kw)
        if mask is not None:
            index = np.where(mask[idetector])
            mp.plot(index, tod[idetector, index], 'ro')

    unit = getattr(tod, 'unit', '')
    if unit:
        mp.ylabel('Signal [' + unit + ']')
    mp.xlabel('Time sample')
예제 #10
 def validateout(self, shape):
     size = product(shape)
     if isinstance(self.matrix, (FSCMatrix, FSRMatrix)):
         if size % self.matrix.shape[0] != 0:
             raise ValueError(
                 "The output shape '{0}' is incompatible with the expected "
                 "number of rows '{1}'.".format(shape, self.matrix.shape[0]))
예제 #11
    def func(shape, axis):
        dX = DifferenceOperator(axis=axis, shapein=shape)
        a = np.arange(product(shape)).reshape(shape)
        assert_eq(dX(a), np.diff(a, axis=axis))
        dX_dense = dX.todense()

        dXT_dense = dX.T.todense()
        assert_eq(dX_dense.T, dXT_dense)
예제 #12
    def func(shape, axis):
        dX = DifferenceOperator(axis=axis, shapein=shape)
        a = np.arange(product(shape)).reshape(shape)
        assert_eq(dX(a), np.diff(a, axis=axis))
        dX_dense = dX.todense()

        dXT_dense = dX.T.todense()
        assert_eq(dX_dense.T, dXT_dense)
예제 #13
 def validatein(self, shape):
     size = product(shape)
     if isinstance(self.matrix, (FSCMatrix, FSRMatrix)):
         if size % self.matrix.shape[1] != 0:
             raise ValueError(
                 "The input shape '{0}' is incompatible with the expected n"
                 "umber of column '{1}'.".format(shape,
예제 #14
def test_special_attribute_func2():
    shape = (6, 6)
    ordering = np.arange(product(shape))[::-1].reshape(shape)
    val = np.arange(product(shape)).reshape(shape)
    layout = PackedTable(shape, ordering=ordering, val=val, key=None)
    layout.myscalar1 = 2
    layout._myscalar2 = 3
    layout_funcs = (lambda: val.ravel()[::-1] * 6,
                    lambda s: s.val * s.myscalar1 * s._myscalar2)

    def func(v):
        setattr(layout, 'key', v)
        assert_equal(layout.all.key, val * 6)
        assert_equal(layout.key, val.ravel()[::-1] * 6)
        assert_same(layout.all.key.shape, layout.shape)
        assert_same(layout.key.shape, (len(layout),))
    for v in layout_funcs:
        yield func, v
예제 #15
 def validatein(self, shape):
     size = product(shape)
     if isinstance(self.matrix, (FSCMatrix, FSRMatrix)):
         if size % self.matrix.shape[1] != 0:
             raise ValueError(
                 "The input shape '{0}' is incompatible with the expected n"
                 "umber of column '{1}'.".format(shape,
예제 #16
 def validateout(self, shape):
     size = product(shape)
     if isinstance(self.matrix, (FSCMatrix, FSRMatrix)):
         if size % self.matrix.shape[0] != 0:
             raise ValueError(
                 "The output shape '{0}' is incompatible with the expected "
                 "number of rows '{1}'.".format(shape,
예제 #17
 def func(op, shape):
     vec = np.arange(product(shape)).reshape(shape)
     vec_ = vec.reshape((-1, 3))
     expected = np.empty(shape)
     expected_ = expected.reshape((-1, 3))
     for i in range(expected.size // 3):
         expected_[i] = op(vec_[i])
     actual = op(vec)
     assert_same(actual, expected)
예제 #18
 def func(x):
     x = np.asarray(x)
     out = np.empty((ntot, ) + x.shape[1:], x.dtype)
     nbytes = product(x.shape[1:]) * x.itemsize
     self.comm.Allgatherv(x.view(np.byte), [
         ([_ * nbytes for _ in counts], [_ * nbytes for _ in offsets])
     return out
예제 #19
 def func(op, shape):
     vec = np.arange(product(shape)).reshape(shape)
     vec_ = vec.reshape((-1, 3))
     expected = np.empty(shape)
     expected_ = expected.reshape((-1, 3))
     for i in range(expected.size // 3):
         expected_[i] = op(vec_[i])
     actual = op(vec)
     assert_same(actual, expected)
예제 #20
def test_dense_error():
    shapes = ((2, ), (3, 2))
    data = (np.arange(product(s)).reshape(s) for s in shapes)

    def func(d):
        b = DenseOperator(d)
        assert_raises(ValueError, b, np.ones(3))

    for d in data:
        yield func, d
예제 #21
 def _validateout(self, shape):
     size = product(shape)
     if not isinstance(self, (FSCMatrix, FSRMatrix)):
         if size == self.shape[0]:
     elif size % self.shape[0] == 0:
     raise ValueError(
         "The shape '{0}' is incompatible with the number of rows of the sp"
         "arse matrix '{1}'.".format(shape, self.shape[0]))
예제 #22
 def func(x):
     x = np.asarray(x)
     out = np.empty((ntot,) + x.shape[1:], x.dtype)
     nbytes = product(x.shape[1:]) * x.itemsize
          ([_ * nbytes for _ in counts],
           [_ * nbytes for _ in offsets])])
     return out
예제 #23
 def _validateout(self, shape):
     size = product(shape)
     if not isinstance(self, (FSCMatrix, FSRMatrix)):
         if size == self.shape[0]:
     elif size % self.shape[0] == 0:
     raise ValueError(
         "The shape '{0}' is incompatible with the number of rows of the sp"
         "arse matrix '{1}'.".format(shape, self.shape[0]))
예제 #24
 def __init__(self, mask, operator=MPI.SUM, commin=MPI.COMM_WORLD,
     commout = commin
     shapeout = mask.size - int(np.sum(mask))
     shapein = distribute_shape(mask.shape, comm=commin)
     Operator.__init__(self, shapein=shapein, shapeout=shapeout,
                       commin=commin, commout=commout, **keywords)
     self.mask = mask
     self.chunk_size = product(mask.shape[1:])
     self.operator = operator
예제 #25
 def func(shape, degrees):
     angle = np.arange(product(shape)).reshape(shape)
     if degrees:
         angle_ = np.radians(angle)
         angle_ = angle
     angle_ = angle_.reshape(angle.size)
     r = Rotation2dOperator(angle, degrees=degrees)
     actual = r([1, 0]).reshape((angle.size, 2))
     expected = np.array([np.cos(angle_), np.sin(angle_)]).T
     assert_same(actual, expected)
예제 #26
 def func(shape, degrees):
     angle = np.arange(product(shape)).reshape(shape)
     if degrees:
         angle_ = np.radians(angle)
         angle_ = angle
     angle_ = angle_.reshape(angle.size)
     r = Rotation2dOperator(angle, degrees=degrees)
     actual = r([1, 0]).reshape((angle.size, 2))
     expected = np.array([np.cos(angle_), np.sin(angle_)]).T
     assert_same(actual, expected)
예제 #27
def _median(x, mask=None, axis=None):
    x = np.asarray(x)
    if mask is not None:
        mask = np.asarray(mask, dtype=bool)
        x = x.copy()
        x[mask] = np.nan
    if axis is None:
        return np.median(x[np.isfinite(x)])
    if np.all(np.isfinite(x)):
        return np.median(x, axis=axis)
    slow = product(x.shape[:axis])
    fast = product(x.shape[axis + 1:])
    out = np.empty(x.shape[:axis] + x.shape[axis + 1:])
    out_ = out.reshape((slow, fast))
    x_ = x.reshape((slow, -1, fast))
    for i in range(slow):
        for j in range(fast):
            b = x_[i, :, j]
            out_[i, j] = np.median(b[np.isfinite(b)])
    return out
예제 #28
def _median(x, mask=None, axis=None):
    x = np.asarray(x)
    if mask is not None:
        mask = np.asarray(mask, dtype=bool)
        x = x.copy()
        x[mask] = np.nan
    if axis is None:
        return np.median(x[np.isfinite(x)])
    if np.all(np.isfinite(x)):
        return np.median(x, axis=axis)
    slow = product(x.shape[:axis])
    fast = product(x.shape[axis+1:])
    out = np.empty(x.shape[:axis] + x.shape[axis+1:])
    out_ = out.reshape((slow,fast))
    x_ = x.reshape((slow,-1,fast))
    for i in range(slow):
        for j in range(fast):
            b = x_[i,:,j]
            out_[i,j] = np.median(b[np.isfinite(b)])
    return out
예제 #29
def gaussian(shape, sigma=None, fwhm=None, center=None, dtype=float):
    Returns an array whose values are the distances to a given center.

    shape : tuple of integer
        dimensions of the output array. For a 2d array, the first integer
        is for the Y-axis and the second one for the X-axis.
    fwhm : array-like
        The Full Width Half Maximum of the gaussian (fwhm_x, fwhm_y, ...).
    sigma : array-like
        The sigma parameter (sigma_x, sigma_y, ...) in pixel units.
    center : array-like, optional
        Center (x0, y0, ...) of the gaussian, in pixel units. By
        convention, the coordinates of the center of the pixel [0, 0]
        are (0, 0). Default is the image center.
    dtype : np.dtype, optional
        The output data type.

    if sigma is None and fwhm is None:
        raise ValueError('The shape of the gaussian is not specified.')
    shape = tointtuple(shape)
    n = len(shape)
    if sigma is None:
        sigma = fwhm / np.sqrt(8 * np.log(2))
    if center is None:
        center = (np.array(shape[::-1], dtype) - 1) / 2
        center = np.ascontiguousarray(center, dtype)
    if isscalarlike(sigma):
        sigma = np.resize(sigma, n).astype(dtype)
        sigma = np.ascontiguousarray(sigma, dtype)
    dtype = np.dtype(dtype)
    if n == 2 and dtype in (np.float32, np.float64):
        out = np.empty(shape, dtype)
        func = getattr(flib.datautils,
        func(out.T, center, sigma)
        scale = 1 / (np.sqrt(2) * sigma[::-1])
        axes = np.ogrid[[
            slice(-o * sc, (sh - 1 - o) * sc, complex(sh))
            for o, sh, sc in zip(center[::-1], shape, scale)
        out = 1 / ((2 * np.pi)**(n / 2) * product(sigma))
        for a in axes:
            out = out * np.exp(-a**2)
    return out
예제 #30
 def func(dtype, shape):
     n = max(product(shape), 1)
     size = np.arange(1, n + 1, dtype=dtype).reshape(shape)
     actual = create_square(size, center=origin, dtype=dtype)
     expected = np.empty(shape + (4, 2))
     expected[..., 0, 0] = origin[0] + size / 2
     expected[..., 0, 1] = origin[1] + size / 2
     expected[..., 1, 0] = origin[0] - size / 2
     expected[..., 1, 1] = origin[1] + size / 2
     expected[..., 2, 0] = origin[0] - size / 2
     expected[..., 2, 1] = origin[1] - size / 2
     expected[..., 3, 0] = origin[0] + size / 2
     expected[..., 3, 1] = origin[1] - size / 2
     assert_same(actual, expected)
예제 #31
 def func(dtype, shape):
     n = max(product(shape), 1)
     size = np.arange(1, n + 1, dtype=dtype).reshape(shape)
     actual = create_square(size, center=origin, dtype=dtype)
     expected = np.empty(shape + (4, 2))
     expected[..., 0, 0] = origin[0] + size / 2
     expected[..., 0, 1] = origin[1] + size / 2
     expected[..., 1, 0] = origin[0] - size / 2
     expected[..., 1, 1] = origin[1] + size / 2
     expected[..., 2, 0] = origin[0] - size / 2
     expected[..., 2, 1] = origin[1] - size / 2
     expected[..., 3, 0] = origin[0] + size / 2
     expected[..., 3, 1] = origin[1] - size / 2
     assert_same(actual, expected)
예제 #32
def gaussian(shape, sigma=None, fwhm=None, center=None, dtype=float):
    Returns an array whose values are the distances to a given center.

    shape : tuple of integer
        dimensions of the output array. For a 2d array, the first integer
        is for the Y-axis and the second one for the X-axis.
    fwhm : array-like
        The Full Width Half Maximum of the gaussian (fwhm_x, fwhm_y, ...).
    sigma : array-like
        The sigma parameter (sigma_x, sigma_y, ...) in pixel units.
    center : array-like, optional
        Center (x0, y0, ...) of the gaussian, in pixel units. By
        convention, the coordinates of the center of the pixel [0, 0]
        are (0, 0). Default is the image center.
    dtype : np.dtype, optional
        The output data type.

    if sigma is None and fwhm is None:
        raise ValueError('The shape of the gaussian is not specified.')
    shape = tointtuple(shape)
    n = len(shape)
    if sigma is None:
        sigma = fwhm / np.sqrt(8 * np.log(2))
    if center is None:
        center = (np.array(shape[::-1], dtype) - 1) / 2
        center = np.ascontiguousarray(center, dtype)
    if isscalarlike(sigma):
        sigma = np.resize(sigma, n).astype(dtype)
        sigma = np.ascontiguousarray(sigma, dtype)
    dtype = np.dtype(dtype)
    if n == 2 and dtype in (np.float32, np.float64):
        out = np.empty(shape, dtype)
        func = getattr(flib.datautils,
        func(out.T, center, sigma)
        scale = 1 / (np.sqrt(2) * sigma[::-1])
        axes = np.ogrid[[slice(-o * sc, (sh - 1 - o) * sc, complex(sh))
                         for o, sh, sc in zip(center[::-1], shape, scale)]]
        out = 1 / ((2*np.pi)**(n / 2) * product(sigma))
        for a in axes:
            out = out * np.exp(-a**2)
    return out
예제 #33
 def todense(self, shapein=None, shapeout=None, inplace=False):
     shapein, shapeout = self._validate_shapes(shapein, shapeout)
     if shapein is None:
         raise ValueError("The operator's input shape is not explicit. Spec"
                          "ify it with the 'shapein' keyword.")
     extra_size = product(shapein) // self.matrix.shape[1]
     if self.shapein is None and extra_size > 1:
         shapein = shapein[:-1]
         broadcasting = True
         broadcasting = False
     out = SparseBase.todense(self, shapein=shapein, inplace=inplace)
     if broadcasting:
         out = np.kron(out, np.eye(extra_size))
     return out
예제 #34
 def todense(self, shapein=None, shapeout=None, inplace=False):
     shapein, shapeout = self._validate_shapes(shapein, shapeout)
     if shapein is None:
         raise ValueError("The operator's input shape is not explicit. Spec"
                          "ify it with the 'shapein' keyword.")
     extra_size = product(shapein) // self.matrix.shape[1]
     if self.shapein is None and extra_size > 1:
         shapein = shapein[:-1]
         broadcasting = True
         broadcasting = False
     out = SparseBase.todense(self, shapein=shapein, inplace=inplace)
     if broadcasting:
         out = np.kron(out, np.eye(extra_size))
     return out
예제 #35
 def func(dtype, shape):
     n = max(product(shape), 1)
     size_x = np.arange(1, n + 1, dtype=dtype).reshape(shape)
     size_y = size_x / 2
     actual = create_rectangle(np.asarray([size_x.T, size_y.T]).T,
                               center=origin, dtype=dtype)
     expected = np.empty(shape + (4, 2))
     expected[..., 0, 0] = origin[0] + size_x / 2
     expected[..., 0, 1] = origin[1] + size_y / 2
     expected[..., 1, 0] = origin[0] - size_x / 2
     expected[..., 1, 1] = origin[1] + size_y / 2
     expected[..., 2, 0] = origin[0] - size_x / 2
     expected[..., 2, 1] = origin[1] - size_y / 2
     expected[..., 3, 0] = origin[0] + size_x / 2
     expected[..., 3, 1] = origin[1] - size_y / 2
     assert_same(actual, expected)
예제 #36
 def __init__(self,
     commout = commin
     shapeout = mask.size - int(np.sum(mask))
     shapein = distribute_shape(mask.shape, comm=commin)
     self.mask = mask
     self.chunk_size = product(mask.shape[1:])
     self.operator = operator
예제 #37
 def func(dtype, shape):
     n = max(product(shape), 1)
     size_x = np.arange(1, n + 1, dtype=dtype).reshape(shape)
     size_y = size_x / 2
     actual = create_rectangle(np.asarray([size_x.T, size_y.T]).T,
     expected = np.empty(shape + (4, 2))
     expected[..., 0, 0] = origin[0] + size_x / 2
     expected[..., 0, 1] = origin[1] + size_y / 2
     expected[..., 1, 0] = origin[0] - size_x / 2
     expected[..., 1, 1] = origin[1] + size_y / 2
     expected[..., 2, 0] = origin[0] - size_x / 2
     expected[..., 2, 1] = origin[1] - size_y / 2
     expected[..., 3, 0] = origin[0] + size_x / 2
     expected[..., 3, 1] = origin[1] - size_y / 2
     assert_same(actual, expected)
예제 #38
def diffTdiff(input, output, axis=0, scalar=1., comm=None):
    Inplace discrete difference transpose times discrete difference

    if not isinstance(input, np.ndarray):
        raise TypeError('Input array is not an ndarray.')

    if input.dtype != var.FLOAT_DTYPE:
        raise TypeError('The data type of the input array is not ' + \
                        str(var.FLOAT_DTYPE.type) + '.')

    if axis < 0:
        raise ValueError("Invalid negative axis '" + str(axis) + "'.")

    if comm is None:
        comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD

    scalar = np.asarray(scalar, var.FLOAT_DTYPE)
    ndim = input.ndim
    if ndim == 0:
        output.flat = 0
    if axis >= ndim:
        raise ValueError("Invalid axis '" + str(axis) + "'. Expected value is" \
                         ' less than ' + str(ndim) + '.')

    inplace = input.__array_interface__['data'][0] == \

    if axis != 0 or comm.size == 1:
        if input.size == 0:
        tmf.operators.difftdiff(input.ravel(), output.ravel(), ndim-axis,
                                np.asarray(input.T.shape), scalar, inplace)

    if product(input.shape[1:]) == 0:
    with filter_comm(input.shape[0] > 0, comm) as fcomm:
        if fcomm is not None:
            status = tmf.operators_mpi.difftdiff(input.ravel(), output.ravel(),
                ndim-axis, np.asarray(input.T.shape), scalar, inplace,
            if status != 0: raise RuntimeError()
예제 #39
 def func(c, s, b, sameshapein, sameshapeout):
     x = np.arange(product(s)).reshape(s)
     op = get_operator(c, x, broadcast=b)
     if len(s) == 0 or c in (HomothetyOperator, IdentityOperator,
         assert_equal(op.broadcast, 'scalar')
     elif b in ('leftward', 'rightward'):
         assert_equal(op.broadcast, b)
         assert_equal(op.broadcast, 'disabled')
         if sameshapein:
             assert_equal(op.shapein, s)
         if sameshapeout:
             assert_equal(op.shapeout, s)
예제 #40
    def _get_index(self, selection, ordering):
        selection = self._normalize_selection(selection, self._shape_actual)

        if ordering is not None:
            ordering = np.asarray(ordering)
            if ordering.shape != self._shape_actual:
                raise ValueError('Invalid ordering dimensions.')

        if ordering is None:
            # assuming row major storage for the ordering
            if selection is Ellipsis or isinstance(selection, slice):
                return selection
            if isinstance(selection, np.ndarray) and selection.dtype == int:
                out = np.asarray(selection, self._dtype_index)
                return self._normalize_int_selection(out, self._size_actual)
            if isinstance(selection, tuple):
                s = selection[0]
                if isinstance(s, slice) and \
                   (self.ndim == 1 or len(selection) == 1 and s.step == 1):
                    n = product(self._shape_actual[1:])
                    return slice(s.start * n, s.stop * n, s.step)
                selection = self._selection2bool(selection)

            return self._normalize_int_selection(
                           dtype=self._dtype_index), self._size_actual)

        if selection is not Ellipsis and \
           (not isinstance(selection, np.ndarray) or selection.dtype == int):
            selection = self._selection2bool(selection)

        if selection is not Ellipsis:
            ordering = ordering.copy()
            ordering[~selection] = -1

        npacked = np.sum(ordering >= 0)
        if npacked == 0:
            return np.array([], self._dtype_index)
        out = np.asarray(
            np.argsort(ordering.ravel(), kind='mergesort')[-npacked:],
        return self._normalize_int_selection(out, self._size_actual)
예제 #41
    def _get_index(self, selection, ordering):
        selection = self._normalize_selection(selection, self._shape_actual)

        if ordering is not None:
            ordering = np.asarray(ordering)
            if ordering.shape != self._shape_actual:
                raise ValueError('Invalid ordering dimensions.')

        if ordering is None:
            # assuming row major storage for the ordering
            if selection is Ellipsis or isinstance(selection, slice):
                return selection
            if isinstance(selection, np.ndarray) and selection.dtype == int:
                out = np.asarray(selection, self._dtype_index)
                return self._normalize_int_selection(out, self._size_actual)
            if isinstance(selection, tuple):
                s = selection[0]
                if isinstance(s, slice) and \
                   (self.ndim == 1 or len(selection) == 1 and s.step == 1):
                    n = product(self._shape_actual[1:])
                    return slice(s.start * n, s.stop * n, s.step)
                selection = self._selection2bool(selection)

            return self._normalize_int_selection(
                           dtype=self._dtype_index), self._size_actual)

        if selection is not Ellipsis and \
           (not isinstance(selection, np.ndarray) or selection.dtype == int):
            selection = self._selection2bool(selection)

        if selection is not Ellipsis:
            ordering = ordering.copy()
            ordering[~selection] = -1

        npacked = np.sum(ordering >= 0)
        if npacked == 0:
            return np.array([], self._dtype_index)
        out = np.asarray(np.argsort(
            ordering.ravel(), kind='mergesort')[-npacked:], self._dtype_index)
        return self._normalize_int_selection(out, self._size_actual)
예제 #42
def test_gather():
    n = 4
    shapes = (n,), (n, n), (n, n, 2)
    ndims = 1, 2, 2

    def func(shape, ndim, ordering, value):
        table = PackedTable(shape, ndim=ndim, ordering=ordering,
        table_local = table.scatter()
        table_global = table_local.gather()
        assert_equal(table_global.shape, table.shape)
        assert_equal(table_global.ndim, table.ndim)
        assert_equal(table_global._index, table._index)
        assert_equal(table_global.removed, table.removed)
        assert_equal(table_global.value, table.value)
    for shape, ndim in zip(shapes, ndims):
        bshape = shape[:ndim]
        ntot = product(bshape)
        o = np.arange(ntot).reshape(bshape)
        os = o, o.copy(), o.copy(), o.copy(), o.copy()
        os[1].ravel()[...] = os[1].ravel()[::-1]
        os[2].ravel()[-2:] = -1
        os[3].ravel()[::2] = -1
        os[4].ravel()[[0, 2, 3]] = -1
        value1 = None
        value2 = 2.3
        value3 = np.array(2.4)
        value4 = np.arange(product(bshape), dtype=np.int8).reshape(bshape)
        value5 = np.arange(product(bshape), dtype=complex).reshape(bshape)
        value6 = np.arange(product(bshape), dtype=complex).reshape(bshape) \
                   .view([('re', float), ('im', float)])
        value7 = np.arange(product(bshape) * 3, dtype=np.int8) \
                   .reshape(bshape + (3,))
        value8 = np.arange(product(bshape) * 3, dtype=complex) \
                   .reshape(bshape + (3,))
        value9 = np.arange(product(bshape) * 3, dtype=complex) \
                   .reshape(bshape + (3,)).view([('re', float), ('im', float)])
        for ordering in os:
            for value in (value1, value2, value3, value4, value5, value6,
                          value7, value8, value9):
                yield func, shape, ndim, ordering, value
예제 #43
def test_gather():
    n = 4
    shapes = (n, ), (n, n), (n, n, 2)
    ndims = 1, 2, 2

    def func(shape, ndim, ordering, value):
        table = PackedTable(shape, ndim=ndim, ordering=ordering, value=value)
        table_local = table.scatter()
        table_global = table_local.gather()
        assert_equal(table_global.shape, table.shape)
        assert_equal(table_global.ndim, table.ndim)
        assert_equal(table_global._index, table._index)
        assert_equal(table_global.removed, table.removed)
        assert_equal(table_global.value, table.value)

    for shape, ndim in zip(shapes, ndims):
        bshape = shape[:ndim]
        ntot = product(bshape)
        o = np.arange(ntot).reshape(bshape)
        os = o, o.copy(), o.copy(), o.copy(), o.copy()
        os[1].ravel()[...] = os[1].ravel()[::-1]
        os[2].ravel()[-2:] = -1
        os[3].ravel()[::2] = -1
        os[4].ravel()[[0, 2, 3]] = -1
        value1 = None
        value2 = 2.3
        value3 = np.array(2.4)
        value4 = np.arange(product(bshape), dtype=np.int8).reshape(bshape)
        value5 = np.arange(product(bshape), dtype=complex).reshape(bshape)
        value6 = np.arange(product(bshape), dtype=complex).reshape(bshape) \
                   .view([('re', float), ('im', float)])
        value7 = np.arange(product(bshape) * 3, dtype=np.int8) \
                   .reshape(bshape + (3,))
        value8 = np.arange(product(bshape) * 3, dtype=complex) \
                   .reshape(bshape + (3,))
        value9 = np.arange(product(bshape) * 3, dtype=complex) \
                   .reshape(bshape + (3,)).view([('re', float), ('im', float)])
        for ordering in os:
            for value in (value1, value2, value3, value4, value5, value6,
                          value7, value8, value9):
                yield func, shape, ndim, ordering, value
예제 #44
    def _normalize_selection(self, selection, shape):
        # return the selection as an array of int or bool, a slice, an Ellipsis
        # or a tuple.
        if isinstance(selection, list) and len(selection) == 0:
            return np.array([], self._dtype_index)
        if selection is None or selection is Ellipsis or \
           isinstance(selection, tuple) and len(selection) == 0:
            return Ellipsis
        if isscalarlike(selection):
            return np.asarray([selection], self._dtype_index)
        if isinstance(selection, slice):
            return self._normalize_slice(selection, product(shape))
        if isinstance(selection, (list, tuple)):
            selection_ = np.asarray(selection)
            if selection_.dtype == object:
                if len(selection) > len(shape):
                    raise ValueError('Invalid selection dimensions.')
                selection = tuple(
                    self._normalize_slice(_, s) if isinstance(_, slice) else _
                    for _, s in zip(selection, shape))
                    return selection[:ilast_is_not(selection, Ellipsis) + 1]
                except ValueError:
                    return Ellipsis
                selection = selection_
        elif not isinstance(selection, np.ndarray):
            raise TypeError('Invalid selection.')

        if selection.dtype not in (bool, int):
            raise TypeError('Invalid selection.')
        if selection.dtype == int:
            if selection.ndim != 1:
                raise ValueError('Index selection is not 1-dimensional.')
        elif selection.shape != shape:
            raise ValueError('Invalid boolean selection dimensions.')

        return selection
예제 #45
    def _normalize_selection(self, selection, shape):
        # return the selection as an array of int or bool, a slice, an Ellipsis
        # or a tuple.
        if isinstance(selection, list) and len(selection) == 0:
            return np.array([], self._dtype_index)
        if selection is None or selection is Ellipsis or \
           isinstance(selection, tuple) and len(selection) == 0:
            return Ellipsis
        if isscalarlike(selection):
            return np.asarray([selection], self._dtype_index)
        if isinstance(selection, slice):
            return self._normalize_slice(selection, product(shape))
        if isinstance(selection, (list, tuple)):
            selection_ = np.asarray(selection)
            if selection_.dtype == object:
                if len(selection) > len(shape):
                    raise ValueError('Invalid selection dimensions.')
                selection = tuple(self._normalize_slice(_, s)
                                  if isinstance(_, slice) else _
                                  for _, s in zip(selection, shape))
                    return selection[:ilast_is_not(selection, Ellipsis)+1]
                except ValueError:
                    return Ellipsis
                selection = selection_
        elif not isinstance(selection, np.ndarray):
            raise TypeError('Invalid selection.')

        if selection.dtype not in (bool, int):
            raise TypeError('Invalid selection.')
        if selection.dtype == int:
            if selection.ndim != 1:
                raise ValueError('Index selection is not 1-dimensional.')
        elif selection.shape != shape:
            raise ValueError('Invalid boolean selection dimensions.')

        return selection
예제 #46
    def _get_projection_operator(rotation,
        ndetectors = position.shape[0]
        ntimes = rotation.data.shape[0]
        nside = scene.nside

        thetas, phis, vals = QubicInstrument._peak_angles(
            scene, nu, position, synthbeam, horn, primary_beam)
        ncolmax = thetas.shape[-1]
        thetaphi = _pack_vector(thetas, phis)  # (ndetectors, ncolmax, 2)
        direction = Spherical2CartesianOperator('zenith,azimuth')(thetaphi)
        e_nf = direction[:, None, :, :]
        if nside > 8192:
            dtype_index = np.dtype(np.int64)
            dtype_index = np.dtype(np.int32)

        cls = {
            'I': FSRMatrix,
            'QU': FSRRotation2dMatrix,
            'IQU': FSRRotation3dMatrix
        ndims = len(scene.kind)
        nscene = len(scene)
        nscenetot = product(scene.shape[:scene.ndim])
        s = cls((ndetectors * ntimes * ndims, nscene * ndims),

        index = s.data.index.reshape((ndetectors, ntimes, ncolmax))
        c2h = Cartesian2HealpixOperator(nside)
        if nscene != nscenetot:
            table = np.full(nscenetot, -1, dtype_index)
            table[scene.index] = np.arange(len(scene), dtype=dtype_index)

        def func_thread(i):
            # e_nf[i] shape: (1, ncolmax, 3)
            # e_ni shape: (ntimes, ncolmax, 3)
            e_ni = rotation.T(e_nf[i].swapaxes(0, 1)).swapaxes(0, 1)
            if nscene != nscenetot:
                np.take(table, c2h(e_ni).astype(int), out=index[i])
                index[i] = c2h(e_ni)

        with pool_threading() as pool:
            pool.map(func_thread, xrange(ndetectors))

        if scene.kind == 'I':
            value = s.data.value.reshape(ndetectors, ntimes, ncolmax)
            value[...] = vals[:, None, :]
            shapeout = (ndetectors, ntimes)
            if str(dtype_index) not in ('int32', 'int64') or \
               str(synthbeam.dtype) not in ('float32', 'float64'):
                raise TypeError(
                    'The projection matrix cannot be created with types: {0} a'
                    'nd {1}.'.format(dtype_index, synthbeam.dtype))
            func = 'matrix_rot{0}d_i{1}_r{2}'.format(ndims,
            getattr(flib.polarization, func)(rotation.data.T, direction.T,

            if scene.kind == 'QU':
                shapeout = (ndetectors, ntimes, 2)
                shapeout = (ndetectors, ntimes, 3)
        return ProjectionOperator(s, shapeout=shapeout)
예제 #47
def median(x, mask=None, axis=None, out=None):
    Return median of array.

    x : sequence or ndarray
        The input array. NaN values are discarded. Complex and floats of
        precision greater than 64 are not handled
    mask : ndarray, optional
        Boolean array mask whose True values indicate an element to be
    axis : {None, int}, optional
        Axis along which the medians are computed. The default (axis=None)
        is to compute the median along a flattened version of the array.
    out : ndarray, optional
        Alternative output array in which to place the result. It must
        have the same shape and buffer length as the expected output,
        but the type (of the output) will be cast if necessary.

    median : ndarray
        A new array holding the result (unless `out` is specified, in
        which case that array is returned instead).

    >>> a = np.array([[10, 7, 4], [3, 2, 1]])
    >>> a
    array([[10,  7,  4],
           [ 3,  2,  1]])
    >>> median(a)
    >>> median(a, axis=1)
    array([[ 7.],
           [ 2.]])

    x = np.array(x, copy=False, order='c', subok=True)
    shape = x.shape
    dtype = np.find_common_type([np.float64, x.dtype], [])
    if dtype != np.float64:
        raise TypeError("Invalid input type '{0}'.".format(dtype))
    x = np.asanyarray(x, dtype)

    if mask is None and hasattr(x, 'mask'):
        mask = x.mask
        if mask is not None and mask.shape != x.shape:
            raise ValueError('Incompatible mask shape.')
    if mask is not None:
        mask = np.array(mask, dtype=bool, order='c', copy=False).view(np.int8)

    if axis is not None:
        slow = product(shape[:axis])
        fast = product(shape[axis+1:])
        x = x.reshape((slow,-1,fast))
        if mask is not None:
            mask = mask.reshape((slow,-1,fast)).view(np.int8)
        if out is not None:
            if out.nbytes != slow * fast * dtype.itemsize:
                raise ValueError('Incompatible output buffer length.')
            if out.shape != shape[:axis] + shape[axis+1:]:
                raise ValueError('Incompatible output shape.')
            out.dtype = dtype
            out = np.empty(shape[:axis] + shape[axis+1:], dtype)
        out_ = out.reshape((slow,fast))
        out = np.empty((), dtype)
        out_ = out

    if mask is axis is None:
        tmf.math.median(x.ravel(), out)
    elif axis is None:
        tmf.math.median_mask(x.ravel(), mask.ravel(), out)
    elif mask is None:
        tmf.math.median_axis(x.T, out_.T)
        tmf.math.median_mask_axis(x.T, mask.T, out_.T)

    if out.ndim == 0:
        out = out.flat[0]

    return out
예제 #48
    def get_pointing_matrix(self,

        # let's get the pointing matrix associated to the section
        if npixels_per_sample not in (0, self.info.npixels_per_sample):
            raise ValueError('The npixels_per_sample value is incompatible wi' \
                             'th the MADMAP1 file.')
        npixels_per_sample = self.info.npixels_per_sample

        # if no slice is provided, return a pointing matrix for each of them
        if section is None:
            return super(MadMap1Observation,
                         self).get_pointing_matrix(header, npixels_per_sample,

        if method is None:
            method = 'default'
        method = method.lower()
        if method != 'default':
            raise ValueError("Invalid pointing matrix method '" + method +

        header = gather_fitsheader_if_needed(header, comm=comm)
        shape_input = tuple(header['NAXIS' + str(i + 1)]
                            for i in range(header['NAXIS']))[::-1]
        if product(shape_input) > np.iinfo(np.int32).max:
            raise RuntimeError(
                'The map is too large: pixel indices cannot be s'
                'stored using 32 bits: {0}>{1}'.format(product(shape_input),

        pointing = self.pointing[section.start:section.stop]
        ndetectors = self.get_ndetectors()
        nsamples = int(np.sum(~pointing.removed))
        tod = np.empty((ndetectors, nsamples))
            islice = list(self.slice.start).index(section.start)
            if self.slice[islice].stop != section.stop:
                raise ValueError()
        except ValueError:
            raise RuntimeError(
                'Only observation slice can be specified through'
                ' the section keyword.')

        shape = (ndetectors, nsamples, npixels_per_sample)
        info = {
            'header': header,
            'method': method,
            'outside': False,
            'npixels_per_sample_min': npixels_per_sample
            pmatrix = PointingMatrix.empty(shape,
        except MemoryError:
            pmatrix = PointingMatrix.empty(shape,

        status = tmf.madmap1_read_tod(self.info.todfile, self.info.invnttfile,
                                      self.info.convert, npixels_per_sample,
                                      islice + 1, tod.T,
        if status != 0: raise RuntimeError()
        return pmatrix
예제 #49
 def _reshapeout(self, shape):
     extra_size = product(shape) // self.shape[0]
     if extra_size > 1 or shape[-1] == 1:
         return self.shape[1], extra_size
     return self.shape[1]
예제 #50
 def func(dtype, shape):
     n = max(product(shape), 1)
     radius = np.arange(1, n + 1, dtype=dtype).reshape(shape)
     circle = create_circle(radius, center=origin, dtype=dtype)
     actual = np.sqrt(np.sum((circle - origin)**2, axis=-1))
     assert_same(actual, radius[..., None], broadcasting=True)
예제 #51
def write_fits(filename, data, header, extension, extname, comm):
    Collectively write local arrays into a single FITS file.

    filename : str
        The FITS file name.
    data : ndarray
        The array to be written.
    header : pyfits.Header
        The data FITS header. None can be set, in which case a minimal FITS
        header will be inferred from the data.
    extension : boolean
        If True, the data will be written as an extension to an already
        existing FITS file.
    extname : str
        The FITS extension name. Use None to write the primary HDU.
    comm : mpi4py.Comm
        The MPI communicator of the local arrays. Use MPI.COMM_SELF if the data
        are not meant to be combined into a global array. Make sure that the MPI
        processes are not executing this routine with the same file name.

    # check if the file name is the same for all MPI jobs
    files = comm.allgather(filename+str(extname))
    all_equal = all(f == files[0] for f in files)
    if comm.size > 1 and not all_equal:
        raise ValueError('The file name is not the same for all MPI jobs.')
    ndims = comm.allgather(data.ndim)
    if any(n != ndims[0] for n in ndims):
        raise ValueError("The arrays have an incompatible number of dimensions:"
                         " '{0}'.".format(', '.join(str(n) for n in ndims)))
    ndim = ndims[0]
    shapes = comm.allgather(data.shape)
    if any(s[1:] != shapes[0][1:] for s in shapes):
        raise ValueError("The arrays have incompatible shapes: '{0}'.".format(

    # get header
    if header is None:
        header = create_fitsheader(fromdata=data, extname=extname)
        header = header.copy()
    if extname is not None:
        header.update('extname', extname)

    # we remove the file first to avoid an annoying pyfits informative message
    if not extension:
        if comm.rank == 0:
            except OSError:

    # case without MPI communication
    if comm.size == 1:
        if not extension:
            hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(data, header)
            hdu.writeto(filename, clobber=True)
            pyfits.append(filename, data, header)

    # get global/local parameters
    nglobal = sum(s[0] for s in shapes)
    s = distribute_slice(nglobal)
    nlocal = s.stop - s.start
    if data.shape[0] != nlocal:
        raise ValueError("On rank {}, the local array shape '{}' is invalid. Th"
            "e first dimension does not match the expected local number '{}' gi"
            "ven the global number '{}'.{}".format(comm.rank, data.shape,
            nlocal, nglobal, '' if comm.rank > 0 else ' Shapes are: {}.'.format(

    # write FITS header
    if comm.rank == 0:
        header['NAXIS' + str(ndim)] = nglobal
        shdu = pyfits.StreamingHDU(filename, header)
        data_loc = shdu._datLoc
        data_loc = None
    data_loc = comm.bcast(data_loc)

    # get a communicator excluding the processes which have no work to do
    # (Create_subarray does not allow 0-sized subarrays)
    chunk = product(data.shape[1:])
    rank_nowork = min(comm.size, nglobal)
    group = comm.Get_group()
    newcomm = comm.Create(group)

    # collectively write data
    if comm.rank < rank_nowork:
        # mpi4py 1.2.2: pb with viewing data as big endian KeyError '>d'
        if sys.byteorder == 'little' and data.dtype.byteorder == '=' or \
           data.dtype.byteorder == '<':
            data = data.byteswap()
        data = data.newbyteorder('=')
        mtype = DTYPE_MAP[data.dtype]
        ftype = mtype.Create_subarray([nglobal*chunk], [nlocal*chunk],
        f = MPI.File.Open(newcomm, filename, amode=MPI.MODE_APPEND |
                          MPI.MODE_WRONLY | MPI.MODE_CREATE)
        f.Set_view(data_loc, mtype, ftype, 'native', MPI.INFO_NULL)

    # pad FITS file with zeros
    if comm.rank == 0:
        datasize = nglobal * chunk * data.dtype.itemsize
        BLOCK_SIZE = 2880
        padding = BLOCK_SIZE - (datasize % BLOCK_SIZE)
        with open(filename, 'a') as f:
            if f.tell() - data_loc != datasize:
                raise RuntimeError('Unexpected file size.')
            f.write(padding * '\0')

예제 #52
 def __init__(self,
     self._flib_id = flib_id
     if not isinstance(shape, (list, tuple)):
         raise TypeError("Invalid shape '{0}'.".format(shape))
     if len(shape) != 2:
         raise ValueError("The number of dimensions is not 2.")
     if len(block_shape) != 2:
         raise ValueError(
             "The number of dimensions of the blocks is not 2.")
     straxes = ('row', 'column')
     if sparse_axis == 1:
         straxes = straxes[::-1]
     if any(s % b != 0 for s, b in zip(shape, block_shape)):
         raise ValueError(
             "The shape of the matrix '{0}' is incompatible with blocks of "
             "shape '{1}'.".format(shape, block_shape))
     if data is None:
         if nmax is None:
             raise ValueError('The maximum number of non-zero {0}s per {1} '
                              'is not specified.'.format(*straxes))
         shape_data = (shape[1 - sparse_axis] // block_shape[0], nmax)
         if dtype is None:
             dtype = float
         if dtype_index is None:
             dtype_index = int
         dtype_data = self._get_dtype_data(dtype, dtype_index, block_shape)
         data = empty(shape_data, dtype_data, verbose=verbose)
     elif 'index' not in data.dtype.names:
         raise TypeError('The structured array has no field index.')
     elif len(data.dtype.names) == 1:
         raise TypeError('The structured array has no data field.')
     elif product(data.shape[:-1]) * block_shape[1-sparse_axis] != \
         raise ValueError(
             "The shape of the matrix '{0}' is incompatible with that of th"
             "e structured array '{1}'.".format(shape, data.shape))
     elif nmax not in (None, data.shape[-1]):
         raise ValueError(
             "The n{0}max keyword value '{1}' is incompatible with the shap"
             "e of the structured array '{2}'.".format(
                 straxes[0][:3], nmax, data.shape))
         dtype_index = data.dtype['index']
         dtype = data.dtype[1]
         if dtype.type == np.void:
             dtype = dtype.subdtype[0].type
         expected = self._get_dtype_data(dtype, dtype_index, block_shape)
         if data.dtype != expected:
             raise TypeError(
                 'The input dtype {0} is invalid. Expected dtype is {1}.'.
                 format(data.dtype, expected))
         if nmax is None:
             nmax = data.shape[-1]
     self.dtype = np.dtype(dtype)
     self.data = data.view(np.recarray)
     self.ndim = 2
     self.shape = tuple(shape)
     self.block_shape = tuple(block_shape)
     setattr(self, 'n' + straxes[0][:3] + 'max', int(nmax))
    def _get_projection_operator(
            rotation, scene, nu, position, synthbeam, horn, primary_beam, 
        if len(position.shape) == 2:
            position = position[None, ...]
        ndetectors = position.shape[0]
        npoints = position.shape[1]
        ntimes = rotation.data.shape[0]
        nside = scene.nside

        thetas, phis, vals = MultiQubicInstrument._peak_angles(
            scene, nu, position, synthbeam, horn, primary_beam)
        ncolmax = thetas.shape[-1]
        thetaphi = _pack_vector(thetas, phis)  
                                          # (ndetectors, npoints, ncolmax, 2)
        direction = Spherical2CartesianOperator('zenith,azimuth')(thetaphi)
        e_nf = direction[..., None, :, :]
        if nside > 8192:
            dtype_index = np.dtype(np.int64)
            dtype_index = np.dtype(np.int32)

        cls = {'I': FSRMatrix,
               'QU': FSRRotation2dMatrix,
               'IQU': FSRRotation3dMatrix}[scene.kind]
        ndims = len(scene.kind)
        nscene = len(scene)
        nscenetot = product(scene.shape[:scene.ndim])
        s = cls((ndetectors * npoints * ntimes * ndims, nscene * ndims), 
                ncolmax=ncolmax, dtype=synthbeam.dtype, 
                dtype_index=dtype_index, verbose=verbose)

        index = s.data.index.reshape((ndetectors, npoints, ntimes, ncolmax))
        c2h = Cartesian2HealpixOperator(nside)
        if nscene != nscenetot:
            table = np.full(nscenetot, -1, dtype_index)
            table[scene.index] = np.arange(len(scene), dtype=dtype_index)

        e_nf = e_nf.reshape(-1, 1, ncolmax, 3)
        index = index.reshape(-1, ntimes, ncolmax)
        def func_thread(i):
            # e_nf[i] shape: (1, ncolmax, 3)
            # e_ni shape: (ntimes, ncolmax, 3)
            e_ni = rotation.T(e_nf[i].swapaxes(0, 1)).swapaxes(0, 1)
            if nscene != nscenetot:
                np.take(table, c2h(e_ni).astype(int), out=index[i])
                index[i] = c2h(e_ni)

        with pool_threading() as pool:
            pool.map(func_thread, xrange(ndetectors * npoints))
        e_nf = e_nf.reshape(ndetectors, npoints, 1, ncolmax, 3)
        index = index.reshape(ndetectors, npoints, ntimes, ncolmax)
        if scene.kind == 'I':
            value = s.data.value.reshape(
                ndetectors, npoints, ntimes, ncolmax)
            value[...] = vals[..., None, :]
            shapeout = (ndetectors, npoints, ntimes)
            if str(dtype_index) not in ('int32', 'int64') or \
               str(synthbeam.dtype) not in ('float32', 'float64'):
                raise TypeError(
                    'The projection matrix cannot be created with types:'
                    '{0} and {1}.'.format(dtype_index, synthbeam.dtype))
            direction_ = direction.reshape(
                ndetectors * npoints, ncolmax, 3)
            vals_ = vals.reshape(ndetectors * npoints, ncolmax)
            func = 'matrix_rot{0}d_i{1}_r{2}'.format(
                ndims, dtype_index.itemsize, synthbeam.dtype.itemsize)
            getattr(flib.polarization, func)(
                rotation.data.T, direction_.T, s.data.ravel().view(np.int8),

            if scene.kind == 'QU':
                shapeout = (ndetectors, npoints, ntimes, 2)
                shapeout = (ndetectors, npoints, ntimes, 3)
        return ProjectionOperator(s, shapeout=shapeout)
예제 #54
def test_product():
    def func(o):
        assert o == 1

    for o in ([], (), (1,), [1], [2, 0.5], (2, 0.5), np.array(1), np.array([2, 0.5])):
        yield func, product(o)
예제 #55
 def _reshapeout(self, shape):
     extra_size = product(shape) // self.shape[0]
     if extra_size > 1 or shape[-1] == 1:
         return self.shape[1], extra_size
     return self.shape[1]
예제 #56
 def func(shape):
     vec = np.arange(product(shape)).reshape(shape)
     exp = vec / np.sqrt(np.sum(vec ** 2, axis=-1))[..., None]
     assert_same(n(vec), exp)
예제 #57
def test_product():
    def func(o):
        assert o == 1
    for o in ([], (), (1,), [1], [2, 0.5], (2, 0.5), np.array(1),
              np.array([2, 0.5])):
        yield func, product(o)