예제 #1
def test_passing_incorrect_custom_filter(test_pbf):
    from pyrosm import OSM

    osm = OSM(filepath=test_pbf)
    except ValueError as e:
        if "dictionary" in str(e):
    except Exception as e:
        raise e
예제 #2
def test_adding_extra_attribute(helsinki_pbf):
    from pyrosm import OSM
    from geopandas import GeoDataFrame

    osm = OSM(filepath=helsinki_pbf)
    gdf = osm.get_natural()
    extra_col = "wikidata"
    extra = osm.get_natural(extra_attributes=[extra_col])

    # The extra should have one additional column compared to the original one
    assert extra.shape[1] == gdf.shape[1] + 1
    # Should have same number of rows
    assert extra.shape[0] == gdf.shape[0]
    assert extra_col in extra.columns
    assert len(extra[extra_col].dropna().unique()) > 0
    assert isinstance(gdf, GeoDataFrame)
예제 #3
    def compute_geometry(self, bbox, filename=None):
        Parse OSM file (area in bbox) to retrieve information about geometry.

        :param Sequence[float] bbox: area to be parsed in format (min_lon, min_lat, max_lon, max_lat)
        :param Optional[str] filename: map file in .osm.pbf format or None (map will be downloaded)
        assert len(bbox) == 4
        self.bbox_size = (fabs(bbox[2] - bbox[0]), fabs(bbox[3] - bbox[1]))

        if filename is None:
            converter = OsmConverter(bbox)
            filename = converter.filename

        osm = OSM(filename, bounding_box=bbox)
        multipolygons = GeoDataFrame(columns=['tag', 'geometry'])

        natural = osm.get_natural()
        if natural is not None:
            natural = natural.loc[:, ['natural', 'geometry']].rename(
                columns={'natural': 'tag'})
            self.polygons = self.polygons.append(
                natural.loc[natural.geometry.type == 'Polygon'])
            multipolygons = multipolygons.append(
                natural.loc[natural.geometry.type == 'MultiPolygon'])
            natural.drop(natural.index, inplace=True)

        landuse = osm.get_landuse()
        if landuse is not None:
            landuse = landuse.loc[:, ['landuse', 'geometry']].rename(
                columns={'landuse': 'tag'})
            self.polygons = self.polygons.append(
                landuse.loc[landuse.geometry.type == 'Polygon'])
            multipolygons = multipolygons.append(
                landuse.loc[landuse.geometry.type == 'MultiPolygon'])
            landuse.drop(landuse.index, inplace=True)

        # splitting multipolygons to polygons
        for i in range(multipolygons.shape[0]):
            tag = multipolygons.tag.iloc[i]
            for polygon in multipolygons.geometry.iloc[i].geoms:
                self.polygons = self.polygons.append(
                        'tag': tag,
                        'geometry': polygon
                    }, ignore_index=True)

        roads = osm.get_network()
        if roads is not None:
            roads = self.__dissolve(roads[["highway", "geometry"]])
            self.multilinestrings = GeoDataFrame(
                roads.loc[roads.geometry.type == 'MultiLineString']).rename(
                    columns={'highway': 'tag'})

        self.tag_value.eval(self.polygons, self.multilinestrings, "tag")
예제 #4
def test_reading_natural_from_area_having_none(helsinki_pbf):
    from pyrosm import OSM
    from geopandas import GeoDataFrame

    # Bounding box for area that does not have any data
    bbox = [24.939753, 60.173388, 24.941269, 60.174829]

    osm = OSM(filepath=helsinki_pbf, bounding_box=bbox)

    # The tool should warn if no buildings were found
    with pytest.warns(UserWarning) as w:
        gdf = osm.get_natural()
        # Check the warning text
        if "could not find any buildings" in str(w):

    # Result should be None
    assert gdf is None
예제 #5
def test_natural(test_pbf):
    from pyrosm import OSM
    from geopandas import GeoDataFrame
    osm = OSM(test_pbf)
    gdf = osm.get_natural()
    assert isinstance(gdf, GeoDataFrame)