예제 #1
def example():
    print('---- SHrtoc example ----')
    # --- input data filename ---
    infile = '../../ExampleDataFiles/MarsTopo719.shape'
    coeffs1, lmax = shio.SHRead(infile, 719)
    coeffs1 = coeffs1[:, :lmax + 1, :lmax + 1]

    # --- convert to complex coefficients, fill negative order coefficients ---
    coeffs2 = np.empty((2, lmax + 1, lmax + 1), dtype=np.complex)
    coeffs2_buf = shio.SHrtoc(coeffs1, convention=1, switchcs=0)
    coeffs2[0, :, :].real = coeffs2_buf[0, :, :]
    coeffs2[0, :, :].imag = coeffs2_buf[1, :, :]
    coeffs2[1] = (coeffs2[0].conjugate() *
                  ((-1)**np.arange(lmax + 1))[np.newaxis, :])

    # --- compute and plot grid ---
    grid1 = expand.MakeGridDH(coeffs1, lmax, csphase=-1)
    grid2 = expand.MakeGridDHC(coeffs2, lmax, csphase=-1)

    gridmin = min(grid1.min(), grid2.real.min())
    gridmax = max(grid1.max(), grid2.real.max())
    norm = plt.Normalize(gridmin, gridmax)

    fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2)
    im1 = axes[0].imshow(grid1, norm=norm)
    axes[0].set_title('from real coefficients')

    im2 = axes[1].imshow(grid2.real, norm=norm)
    axes[1].set_title('from complex coefficients')

    print('mars topography plotted and saved to file')
예제 #2
def example():
    example that plots the power spectrum of Mars topography data
    # --- input data filename ---
    infile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
    coeffs, lmax = shio.shread(infile)

    # --- plot grid ---
    grid = expand.MakeGridDH(coeffs, csphase=-1)
    fig_map = plt.figure()

    # ---- compute spectrum ----
    ls = np.arange(lmax + 1)
    pspectrum = spectralanalysis.spectrum(coeffs, unit='per_l')
    pdensity = spectralanalysis.spectrum(coeffs, unit='per_lm')

    # ---- plot spectrum ----
    fig_spectrum, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
    ax.set_xlabel('degree l')
    ax.grid(True, which='both')

    ax.plot(ls[1:], pspectrum[1:], label='power per degree l')
    ax.plot(ls[1:], pdensity[1:], label='power per degree l and order m')


    print('mars topography and spectrum saved')
예제 #3
def TimingAccuracyDH(sampling=1):
    # ---- input parameters ----
    maxdeg = 2800
    ls = np.arange(maxdeg + 1)
    beta = 1.5
    print('Driscoll-Healy (real) sampling =', sampling)

    # ---- create mask to filter out m<=l ----
    mask = np.zeros((2, maxdeg + 1, maxdeg + 1), dtype=np.bool)
    mask[0, 0, 0] = True
    for l in ls:
        mask[:, l, :l + 1] = True
    mask[1, :, 0] = False

    # ---- create Gaussian powerlaw coefficients ----
    print('creating {:d} random coefficients'.format(2 * (maxdeg + 1) *
                                                     (maxdeg + 1)))
    cilm = np.random.normal(loc=0., scale=1., size=(2, maxdeg + 1, maxdeg + 1))
    old_power = spectralanalysis.spectrum(cilm)
    new_power = 1. / (1. + ls)**beta  # initialize degrees > 0 to power-law
    cilm[:, :, :] *= np.sqrt(new_power / old_power)[None, :, None]
    cilm[~mask] = 0.

    # ---- time spherical harmonics transform for lmax set to increasing
    # ---- powers of 2.
    lmax = 2
    print('lmax    maxerror    rms         tinverse    tforward')
    while lmax <= maxdeg:
        # trim coefficients to lmax
        cilm_trim = cilm[:, :lmax + 1, :lmax + 1]
        mask_trim = mask[:, :lmax + 1, :lmax + 1]

        # synthesis / inverse
        tstart = time.time()
        grid = expand.MakeGridDH(cilm_trim, sampling=sampling)
        tend = time.time()
        tinverse = tend - tstart

        # analysis / forward
        tstart = time.time()
        cilm2_trim = expand.SHExpandDH(grid, sampling=sampling)
        tend = time.time()
        tforward = tend - tstart

        # compute error
        err = np.abs(cilm_trim[mask_trim] - cilm2_trim[mask_trim]) / \
        maxerr = err.max()
        rmserr = np.mean(err**2)

        print('{:4d}    {:1.2e}    {:1.2e}    {:1.1e}s    {:1.1e}s'.format(
            lmax, maxerr, rmserr, tinverse, tforward))

        if maxerr > 100.:
            raise RuntimeError('Tests Failed. Maximum relative error = ',

        lmax = lmax * 2
예제 #4
파일: TestCT.py 프로젝트: simaqian/SHTOOLS
def TestCrustalThickness():
    Example routine that calculates the crustal thickness of Mars
    delta_max = 5.0
    nmax = 6
    degmax = 50
    lmax = 200
    rho_c = 2900.0
    rho_m = 3500.0
    filter_type = 0
    half = 0

    gravfile = '../../ExampleDataFiles/gmm3_120_sha.tab'
    pot, lmaxp, header = shio.shread(gravfile, lmax=degmax, header=True)
    gm = float(header[1]) * 1.e9
    mass = gm / constant.G.value
    r_grav = float(header[0]) * 1.e3
    print(r_grav, gm, mass, lmaxp)

    topofile = '../../ExampleDataFiles/MarsTopo719.shape'
    hlm, lmaxt = shio.shread(topofile)
    r0 = hlm[0, 0, 0]
    d = r0 - 45.217409924028445e3
    print(r0, lmaxt)

    for l in range(2, lmaxp + 1):
        pot[:, l, :l + 1] = pot[:, l, :l + 1] * (r_grav / r0)**l

    topo_grid = expand.MakeGridDH(hlm, lmax=lmax, sampling=2,
    print("Maximum radius (km) = ", topo_grid.max() / 1.e3)
    print("Minimum radius (km) = ", topo_grid.min() / 1.e3)

    bc, r0 = gravmag.CilmPlusDH(topo_grid, nmax, mass, rho_c, lmax=degmax)

    ba = pot - bc

    moho_c = np.zeros([2, degmax + 1, degmax + 1], dtype=float)
    moho_c[0, 0, 0] = d

    for l in range(1, degmax + 1):
        if filter_type == 0:
            moho_c[:, l, :l + 1] = ba[:, l, :l + 1] * mass * (2 * l + 1) * \
                                   ((r0 / d)**l) \
                                   / (4.0 * np.pi * (rho_m - rho_c) * d**2)
        elif filter_type == 1:
            moho_c[:, l, :l + 1] = gravmag.DownContFilterMA(l, half, r0, d) * \
                                   ba[:, l, :l + 1] * mass * (2 * l + 1) * \
                                   ((r0 / d)**l) / \
                                   (4.0 * np.pi * (rho_m - rho_c) * d**2)
            moho_c[:, l, :l + 1] = gravmag.DownContFilterMC(l, half, r0, d) * \
                                   ba[:, l, :l + 1] * mass * (2 * l + 1) *\
                                   ((r0 / d)**l) / \
                                   (4.0 * np.pi * (rho_m - rho_c) * d**2)

    moho_grid3 = expand.MakeGridDH(moho_c, lmax=lmax, sampling=2,
    print('Maximum Crustal thickness (km) = ',
          (topo_grid - moho_grid3).max() / 1.e3)
    print('Minimum Crustal thickness (km) = ',
          (topo_grid - moho_grid3).min() / 1.e3)

    moho_c = gravmag.BAtoHilmDH(ba, moho_grid3, nmax, mass, r0,
                                (rho_m - rho_c), lmax=lmax,
                                filter_type=filter_type, filter_deg=half,

    moho_grid2 = expand.MakeGridDH(moho_c, lmax=lmax, sampling=2,
    print('Delta (km) = ', abs(moho_grid3 - moho_grid2).max() / 1.e3)

    temp_grid = topo_grid - moho_grid2
    print('Maximum Crustal thickness (km) = ', temp_grid.max() / 1.e3)
    print('Minimum Crustal thickness (km) = ', temp_grid.min() / 1.e3)

    iter = 0
    delta = 1.0e9

    while delta > delta_max:
        iter += 1
        print('Iteration ', iter)

        moho_grid = (moho_grid2 + moho_grid3) / 2.0
        print("Delta (km) = ", abs(moho_grid - moho_grid2).max() / 1.e3)

        temp_grid = topo_grid - moho_grid
        print('Maximum Crustal thickness (km) = ', temp_grid.max() / 1.e3)
        print('Minimum Crustal thickness (km) = ', temp_grid.min() / 1.e3)

        moho_grid3 = moho_grid2
        moho_grid2 = moho_grid

        iter += 1
        print('Iteration ', iter)

        moho_c = gravmag.BAtoHilmDH(ba, moho_grid2, nmax, mass, r0,
                                    rho_m - rho_c, lmax=lmax,
                                    filter_type=filter_type, filter_deg=half,

        moho_grid = expand.MakeGridDH(moho_c, lmax=lmax, sampling=2,
        delta = abs(moho_grid - moho_grid2).max()
        print('Delta (km) = ', delta / 1.e3)

        temp_grid = topo_grid - moho_grid
        print('Maximum Crustal thickness (km) = ', temp_grid.max() / 1.e3)
        print('Minimum Crustal thickness (km) = ', temp_grid.min() / 1.e3)

        moho_grid3 = moho_grid2
        moho_grid2 = moho_grid

        if temp_grid.max() > 100.e3:
            print('Not converging')

    fig_map = plt.figure()
예제 #5
def TestCrustalThickness():
    calculates the crustal thickness of the Moon
    delta_max = 5.0  # Default = 5 [m] for convergence criteria
    nmax = 10
    degmax = 600
    lmax = 1200
    rho_c = 2550.0
    rho_m = 3220.0
    filter_type = 1
    half = 110
    Tc_mean = 35e3  # [m] assumed mean crustal thickness

    #   gravfile = '../../ExampleDataFiles/gmm3_120_sha.tab'
    gravfile = 'gggrx_1200a_sha.tab'
    pot, lmaxp, header = shio.shread(gravfile, lmax=degmax, header=True)
    gm = float(header[1]) * 1.e9
    mass = gm / constant.G.value
    r_grav = float(header[0]) * 1.e3
    print(r_grav, gm, mass, lmaxp)

    #   topofile = '../../ExampleDataFiles/MarsTopo719.shape'
    topofile = 'lro_ltm05_2050_sha.tab'
    hlm, lmaxt = shio.shread(topofile)
    r0 = hlm[0, 0, 0]
    d = r0 - Tc_mean
    print(r0, lmaxt)

    for l in range(2, lmaxp + 1):
        pot[:, l, :l + 1] = pot[:, l, :l + 1] * (r_grav / r0)**l

    topo_grid = expand.MakeGridDH(hlm, lmax=lmax, sampling=2, lmax_calc=degmax)

    print("Maximum radius (km) = ", topo_grid.max() / 1.e3)
    print("Minimum radius (km) = ", topo_grid.min() / 1.e3)

    bc, r0 = gravmag.CilmPlusDH(topo_grid, nmax, mass, rho_c, lmax=degmax)

    ## save BA coefficients before correcting for mare
    ba_tmp = pot - bc
    for l in range(2, lmaxp + 1):
        ba_tmp[:, l, :l + 1] = ba_tmp[:, l, :l + 1] * (r0 / r_grav)**l

    Cba_grid = expand.MakeGridDH(ba_tmp,
    np.savetxt('BAcoef_UniformDensity.out', Cba_grid)

    ba = pot - bc

    moho_c = np.zeros([2, degmax + 1, degmax + 1], dtype=float)
    moho_c[0, 0, 0] = d

    for l in range(1, degmax + 1):
        if filter_type == 0:
            moho_c[:, l, :l + 1] = ba[:, l, :l + 1] * mass * (2 * l + 1) * \
                                   ((r0 / d)**l) \
                                   / (4.0 * np.pi * (rho_m - rho_c) * d**2)
        elif filter_type == 1:
            moho_c[:, l, :l + 1] = gravmag.DownContFilterMA(l, half, r0, d) * \
                                   ba[:, l, :l + 1] * mass * (2 * l + 1) * \
                                   ((r0 / d)**l) / \
                                   (4.0 * np.pi * (rho_m - rho_c) * d**2)
            moho_c[:, l, :l + 1] = gravmag.DownContFilterMC(l, half, r0, d) * \
                                   ba[:, l, :l + 1] * mass * (2 * l + 1) *\
                                   ((r0 / d)**l) / \
                                   (4.0 * np.pi * (rho_m - rho_c) * d**2)

    moho_grid3 = expand.MakeGridDH(moho_c,
    print('Maximum Crustal thickness (km) = ',
          (topo_grid - moho_grid3).max() / 1.e3)
    print('Minimum Crustal thickness (km) = ',
          (topo_grid - moho_grid3).min() / 1.e3)

    moho_c = gravmag.BAtoHilmDH(ba,
                                r0, (rho_m - rho_c),

    moho_grid2 = expand.MakeGridDH(moho_c,
    print('Delta (km) = ', abs(moho_grid3 - moho_grid2).max() / 1.e3)

    temp_grid = topo_grid - moho_grid2
    print('Maximum Crustal thickness (km) = ', temp_grid.max() / 1.e3)
    print('Minimum Crustal thickness (km) = ', temp_grid.min() / 1.e3)

    iter = 0
    delta = 1.0e9

    while delta > delta_max:
        iter += 1
        print('Iteration ', iter)

        moho_grid = (moho_grid2 + moho_grid3) / 2.0
        print("Delta (km) = ", abs(moho_grid - moho_grid2).max() / 1.e3)

        temp_grid = topo_grid - moho_grid
        print('Maximum Crustal thickness (km) = ', temp_grid.max() / 1.e3)
        print('Minimum Crustal thickness (km) = ', temp_grid.min() / 1.e3)

        moho_grid3 = moho_grid2
        moho_grid2 = moho_grid

        iter += 1
        print('Iteration ', iter)

        moho_c = gravmag.BAtoHilmDH(ba,
                                    rho_m - rho_c,

        moho_grid = expand.MakeGridDH(moho_c,
        delta = abs(moho_grid - moho_grid2).max()
        print('Delta (km) = ', delta / 1.e3)

        temp_grid = topo_grid - moho_grid
        print('Maximum Crustal thickness (km) = ', temp_grid.max() / 1.e3)
        print('Minimum Crustal thickness (km) = ', temp_grid.min() / 1.e3)

        moho_grid3 = moho_grid2
        moho_grid2 = moho_grid

        if temp_grid.max() > 100.e3:
            print('Not converging')

    temp_grid = temp_grid * 1e-3
    #    fig_map = plt.figure()
    #    im = plt.imshow(temp_grid,cmap='jet')
    #    fig_map.colorbar(im, orientation='horizontal')
    #    fig_map.savefig('InvCrustalThickness.png')
    np.savetxt('CrustalThickness_UniformDensity.out', temp_grid)
예제 #6
def InvMoho():
    Invert for the Moho relief from FAA map
    delta_max = 5.0  # Default = 5 [m] for convergence criteria
    nmax = 10  #7
    degmax = 600  # [310]
    lmax = 1200  # [930]2*degmax ~ nmax*degmax
    #rho_c = 2550.0 # crustal density for use in the first iteration
    rho_m = 3220.0
    filter_type = 1
    half = 80  #80;  max=110
    #    Tc_mean = 44e3 # [m] assumed mean crustal thickness
    Tc_mean = 35e3  # [m] assumed mean crustal thickness

    # load gravity file
    #gravfile = '../../ExampleDataFiles/gmm3_120_sha.tab'
    #gravfile = 'JGGRAIL_1200C12A_SHA.TAB'
    gravfile = 'gggrx_1200a_sha.tab'
    pot, lmaxp, header = shio.shread(gravfile, lmax=degmax, header=True)
    gm = float(header[1]) * 1.e9
    mass = gm / constant.G.value
    r_grav = float(header[0]) * 1.e3
    print(r_grav, gm, mass, lmaxp)

    # load topography file
    #topofile = '../../ExampleDataFiles/MarsTopo719.shape'
    topofile = 'lro_ltm05_2050_sha.tab'
    hlm, lmaxt = shio.shread(topofile, lmax=degmax)
    r0 = hlm[0, 0, 0]  # degree-0 radius (reference)
    d = r0 - Tc_mean
    print(r0, lmaxt)

    # load crusatal denisty variation grid (from the current folder)
    rho_grid = np.loadtxt('rhoc.in')

    # first expand the density grid to spherical harmonics
    rho = expand.SHExpandDH(rho_grid, sampling=2, lmax_calc=degmax)
    #    # consider varible crustal density with resolution better than 5 degree (l = 36)
    #    lrhomax = 36
    #    rho[:,lrhomax+1:,:]=0
    #    # back to grid file
    #    rho_grid = expand.MakeGridDH(rho, lmax=lmax, sampling=2,lmax_calc=lrhomax)

    #    fig_map = plt.figure()
    #    im = plt.imshow(rho_grid,cmap='jet')
    #    fig_map.colorbar(im, orientation='horizontal')
    #    fig_map.savefig('rhoc_tmp.png')

    # change the reference of the gravity file from r_grav to r0
    for l in range(2, lmaxp + 1):
        pot[:, l, :l + 1] = pot[:, l, :l + 1] * (r_grav / r0)**l

    # expand the toopgraphy
    topo_grid = expand.MakeGridDH(hlm, lmax=lmax, sampling=2, lmax_calc=degmax)
    print("Maximum radius (km) = ", topo_grid.max() / 1.e3)
    print("Minimum radius (km) = ", topo_grid.min() / 1.e3)

    # calculate the Bouguer correction
    #bc, r0 = gravmag.CilmPlusDH(topo_grid, nmax, mass, rho_c, lmax=degmax)
    bc, r0 = gravmag.CilmPlusRhoHDH(topo_grid,

    # calculate the gravitational contribution from the lateral variations in density
    # of the shell between the two radii r0 and d, referenced to r0
    # calculate the gravity terms (from Wieczoerk 2003 SM Equation 19)
    shellc = np.zeros([2, degmax + 1, degmax + 1], dtype=float)
    for l in range(1, degmax + 1):
        shellc[:, l, :l + 1] = rho[:, l, :l + 1]* 4 * np.pi * r0**3 / mass / \
                                    (2 * l + 1) / (l + 3) * (1 - (d / r0)**(l + 3))

#    shellc_grid,_, _, _, _ = gravmag.MakeGravGridDH(shellc, gm, r0, lmax=degmax)
#    shellc_grid = -shellc_grid*1e5
#    shellc1 = np.load('Clm_rho.npy')
#    shellc = np.zeros([2, degmax + 1, degmax + 1], dtype=float)
#    shellc[:,0:311,0:311] = shellc1
#    shellc1_grid,_, _, _, _ = gravmag.MakeGravGridDH(shellc, gm, r0, lmax=degmax)
#    shellc1_grid = -shellc1_grid*1e5
#    fig, (ax1,ax2) = plt.subplots(2,1)
#    pos = ax1.imshow(shellc_grid,cmap='jet')
#    cbar = fig.colorbar(pos, ax=ax1,orientation='vertical')
#    pos = ax2.imshow(shellc1_grid,cmap='jet')
#    cbar = fig.colorbar(pos,ax=ax2,orientation='vertical')
#    fig.savefig('DensityShell.png')
#    print('Maximum misfit = ', abs(shellc_grid-shellc1_grid).max())

##    """
##    Forward modeling of gravity attraction due to mare loading
##    Pasted from ForwardMare_VariableDrhom.py
##    """
#    # load mare bottom topography from the current folder
#    marethick_grid = np.loadtxt('marethick.in')
#    # load crusatal for shallow part
#    rho_shallow_grid = np.loadtxt('rhoc_shallow.in')
#    # calculate the gravity attaction due to surface with variable density
#    gt, r1 = gravmag.CilmPlusRhoHDH(topo_grid, nmax, mass, 3150-rho_shallow_grid, lmax=degmax)
#    # calculate the gravity attaction due to mare bottom topography with variable density
#    gb, r2 = gravmag.CilmPlusRhoHDH(topo_grid-marethick_grid, nmax, mass, 3150-rho_shallow_grid, lmax=degmax)
#    # calculate the overall contribution
#    grav = gt - gb
#    grav_grid,_, _, _, _ = gravmag.MakeGravGridDH(grav, gm, r0, lmax=degmax)
#    grav_grid = -grav_grid*1e5 # convert unit from m/s^2 to mGal; convert upward positive to downward positive
##    fig_map = plt.figure()
##    im = plt.imshow(grav_grid,cmap='jet')
##    plt.clim(0, 100)
##    fig_map.colorbar(im, orientation='horizontal')
##    fig_map.savefig('grav_centralmare.png')
##    np.savetxt('grav_centralmare.out',grav_grid)

## save BA coefficients before correcting for mare
#    ba_tmp = pot - bc
#    for l in range(2, lmaxp + 1):
#        ba_tmp[:, l, :l + 1] = ba_tmp[:, l, :l + 1] * (r0 / r_grav)**l
#    Cba_grid = expand.MakeGridDH(ba_tmp, lmax=degmax, sampling=2,lmax_calc=degmax)
#    np.savetxt('BAcoef.out',Cba_grid)
## save BA coefficients after correcting for mare
#    ba_tmp = pot - bc - 0.3*grav
#    for l in range(2, lmaxp + 1):
#        ba_tmp[:, l, :l + 1] = ba_tmp[:, l, :l + 1] * (r0 / r_grav)**l
#    Cba_grid = expand.MakeGridDH(ba_tmp, lmax=degmax, sampling=2,lmax_calc=degmax)
#    np.savetxt('BAcoef_MareCorrected.out',Cba_grid)

#    # calculate the BA after subtracting bc & bs
#    ba = pot - bc - shellc - 0.3*grav
#    """
#    End of mare loading modeling
#    """
    ba = pot - bc - shellc

    ba_grid, _, _, _, _ = gravmag.MakeGravGridDH(ba, gm, r0, lmax=degmax)
    ba_grid = -ba_grid * 1e5
    #    np.savetxt('BA.out',ba_grid)

    #    """
    #    Plot the three gravity components
    #    """
    #    bc_grid,_, _, _, _ = gravmag.MakeGravGridDH(bc, gm, r0, lmax=degmax)
    #    bc_grid = -bc_grid*1e5
    #    shellc_grid,_, _, _, _ = gravmag.MakeGravGridDH(shellc, gm, r0, lmax=degmax)
    #    shellc_grid = -shellc_grid*1e5
    #    ba_grid,_, _, _, _ = gravmag.MakeGravGridDH(ba, gm, r0, lmax=degmax)
    #    ba_grid = -ba_grid*1e5
    #    pot_grid,_, _, _, _ = gravmag.MakeGravGridDH(pot, gm, r0, lmax=degmax)
    #    pot_grid = -pot_grid*1e5
    #    fig, (ax1,ax2,ax3,ax4) = plt.subplots(4,1)
    #    pos = ax1.imshow(bc_grid,cmap='jet',vmin=-500,vmax=500)
    #    cbar = fig.colorbar(pos, ax=ax1,orientation='vertical')
    #    pos = ax2.imshow(shellc_grid,cmap='jet',vmin=-500,vmax=500)
    #    cbar = fig.colorbar(pos,ax=ax2,orientation='vertical')
    #    pos = ax3.imshow(ba_grid,cmap='jet',vmin=-500,vmax=500)
    #    cbar = fig.colorbar(pos,ax=ax3,orientation='vertical')
    #    pos = ax4.imshow(pot_grid,cmap='jet',vmin=-500,vmax=500)
    #    cbar = fig.colorbar(pos,ax=ax4,orientation='vertical')
    #    fig.savefig('GravComponets.png')
    #    """
    #    end plot
    #    """

    moho_c = np.zeros([2, degmax + 1, degmax + 1], dtype=float)

    # initial h*drho, degree 1 to degmax (h is not moho, moho = d+h)
    for l in range(1, degmax + 1):
        if filter_type == 0:
            moho_c[:, l, :l + 1] = ba[:, l, :l + 1] * mass * (2 * l + 1) * \
                                   ((r0 / d)**l) \
                                   / (4.0 * np.pi * d**2)
        elif filter_type == 1:
            moho_c[:, l, :l + 1] = gravmag.DownContFilterMA(l, half, r0, d) * \
                                   ba[:, l, :l + 1] * mass * (2 * l + 1) * \
                                   ((r0 / d)**l) / \
                                   (4.0 * np.pi * d**2)
            moho_c[:, l, :l + 1] = gravmag.DownContFilterMC(l, half, r0, d) * \
                                   ba[:, l, :l + 1] * mass * (2 * l + 1) *\
                                   ((r0 / d)**l) / \
                                   (4.0 * np.pi * d**2)

    # expand to grid of h, divide by density map to derive initial moho relief
    moho_grid3 = expand.MakeGridDH(moho_c,
    moho_grid3 = np.divide(moho_grid3, rho_m - rho_grid)

    # add degree-0 term to h, which gives moho relief (radius)
    moho_c[0, 0, 0] = d
    moho_grid3 = moho_grid3 + d

    print('Maximum Crustal thickness (km) = ',
          (topo_grid - moho_grid3).max() / 1.e3)
    print('Minimum Crustal thickness (km) = ',
          (topo_grid - moho_grid3).min() / 1.e3)
    print('Average Crustal thickness (km) = ',
          (topo_grid - moho_grid3).mean() / 1.e3)

    #    moho_c = gravmag.BAtoHilmDH(ba, moho_grid3, nmax, mass, r0,
    #                                (rho_m - rho_c), lmax=lmax,
    #                                filter_type=filter_type, filter_deg=half,
    #                                lmax_calc=degmax)

    moho_c = gravmag.BAtoHilmRhoHDH(ba,
                                    rho_m - rho_grid,

    moho_grid2 = expand.MakeGridDH(moho_c,
    print('Delta (km) = ', abs(moho_grid3 - moho_grid2).max() / 1.e3)

    temp_grid = topo_grid - moho_grid2
    print('Maximum Crustal thickness (km) = ', temp_grid.max() / 1.e3)
    print('Minimum Crustal thickness (km) = ', temp_grid.min() / 1.e3)
    print('Average Crustal thickness (km) = ', temp_grid.mean() / 1.e3)

    iter = 0
    delta = 1.0e9

    while delta > delta_max:
        iter += 1
        print('Iteration ', iter)

        moho_grid = (moho_grid2 + moho_grid3) / 2.0
        print("Delta (km) = ", abs(moho_grid - moho_grid2).max() / 1.e3)

        temp_grid = topo_grid - moho_grid
        print('Maximum Crustal thickness (km) = ', temp_grid.max() / 1.e3)
        print('Minimum Crustal thickness (km) = ', temp_grid.min() / 1.e3)
        print('Average Crustal thickness (km) = ', temp_grid.mean() / 1.e3)

        moho_grid3 = moho_grid2
        moho_grid2 = moho_grid

        iter += 1
        print('Iteration ', iter)

        #        moho_c = gravmag.BAtoHilmDH(ba, moho_grid2, nmax, mass, r0,
        #                                    rho_m - rho_c, lmax=lmax,
        #                                    filter_type=filter_type, filter_deg=half,
        #                                    lmax_calc=degmax)
        moho_c = gravmag.BAtoHilmRhoHDH(ba,
                                        rho_m - rho_grid,

        moho_grid = expand.MakeGridDH(moho_c,

        delta = abs(moho_grid - moho_grid2).max()
        print('Delta (km) = ', delta / 1.e3)

        temp_grid = topo_grid - moho_grid
        print('Maximum Crustal thickness (km) = ', temp_grid.max() / 1.e3)
        print('Minimum Crustal thickness (km) = ', temp_grid.min() / 1.e3)
        print('Average Crustal thickness (km) = ', temp_grid.mean() / 1.e3)

        moho_grid3 = moho_grid2
        moho_grid2 = moho_grid

        if temp_grid.max() > 100.e3:
            print('Not converging')

    temp_grid = temp_grid * 1e-3
    #    fig_map = plt.figure()
    #    im = plt.imshow(temp_grid,cmap='jet')
    #    fig_map.colorbar(im, orientation='horizontal')
    #    fig_map.savefig('InvCrustalThickness_test.png')
    np.savetxt('CrustalThickness_Lambda80.out', temp_grid)