예제 #1
파일: tests.py 프로젝트: Dav3xor/gpr
 def test_normal_use(self):
     records = load_file('csv', ',', ['title','last','first','year'])
     self.assertEqual(records, [{'year': '2008', 
                                 'first': 'Robert', 
                                 'last': 'Martin', 
                                 'title': 'Clean Code'}, 
                                {'year': '2008', 
                                 'first': 'James', 
                                 'last': 'Shore', 
                                 'title': 'The Art of Agile Development'}] )
예제 #2
파일: tests.py 프로젝트: Dav3xor/gpr
 def test_too_many_columns(self):
     # too many columns specified for data
     # same as above, except it ignores the extra specified columns
     records = load_file('csv', ',', ['title','last','first', 'year', 'bogus'])
     self.assertEqual(records, [{'year': '2008', 
                                 'first': 'Robert', 
                                 'last': 'Martin', 
                                 'title': 'Clean Code'}, 
                                {'year': '2008', 
                                 'first': 'James', 
                                 'last': 'Shore', 
                                 'title': 'The Art of Agile Development'}] )
예제 #3
파일: tests.py 프로젝트: Dav3xor/gpr
    def test_filter(self):
        # a filter that matches one record, but not both
        records = load_file('csv', ',', ['title','last','first','year'], 'James')
        self.assertEqual(records, [ {'year': '2008', 
                                     'first': 'James', 
                                     'last': 'Shore', 
                                     'title': 'The Art of Agile Development'}] )

        # a filter that will match no records
        records = load_file('csv', ',', ['title','last','first','year'], 'Beeblebrox')
        self.assertEqual(records, [] )
        # a filter that will match all records 
        records = load_file('csv', ',', ['title','last','first','year'], '2008')
        self.assertEqual(records, [{'year': '2008', 
                                    'first': 'Robert', 
                                    'last': 'Martin', 
                                    'title': 'Clean Code'}, 
                                   {'year': '2008', 
                                    'first': 'James', 
                                    'last': 'Shore', 
                                    'title': 'The Art of Agile Development'}] )
예제 #4
파일: tests.py 프로젝트: Dav3xor/gpr
    def test_too_few_columns(self):
        # Too few columns specified for data.
        # currently, it silently loads the columns specified, and
        # ignores the extras.

        # this is likely a bad behavior, just keeping it simple.
        records = load_file('csv', ',', ['title','last','first'])
        self.assertEqual(records, [{'first': 'Robert', 
                                    'last': 'Martin', 
                                    'title': 'Clean Code'}, 
                                   {'first': 'James', 
                                    'last': 'Shore', 
                                    'title': 'The Art of Agile Development'}] )
예제 #5
파일: books.py 프로젝트: Dav3xor/gpr
                                    'looks for the argument as a ' + \
                                    'substring of any of the fields', 
                            'type': str },
             '--year':    { 'help': 'sort the books by year, ascending ' + \
                                    'instead of default sort',
                            'action': 'store_true' },
             '--reverse': { 'help': 'reverse sort', 
                            'action': 'store_true' } }

description = "Show a list of books, alphabetical ascending by author's " + \
              "last name"
parser      = argparse.ArgumentParser(description)

for argument, options in arguments.iteritems():
    parser.add_argument(argument, **options)

args = parser.parse_args()

sort_key     = 'pubdate'        if args.year    else 'last'
reverse_sort = True             if args.reverse else False

records = []
for file in files:
    records += load_file(*file, filter=args.filter) 

sort_records(records, sort_key, reverse_sort)