예제 #1
    def create(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        Overrides the ``create`` method of ``mixins.CreateModelMixin`` in order
        to add the new job to the Redis queue.

        Side effects
            Via ``queue_eregs_job`` and ``PipelineJobSerializer.save``, alters
            the redis queue and the DB.

        :arg HttpRequest request: the incoming request.

        :rtype: Response
        :returns: JSON or HTML of the information about the job (status 201),
            or about why the job couldn't be added (status 400).
        serialized = self.get_serializer(data=request.data)

        eregs_args = self.build_eregs_args(serialized.validated_data)
        job = queue_eregs_job(eregs_args, timeout=60 * 30, result_ttl=-1)

        # Paranoia--validate the values we provide:
        job_id = job.id
        for validator in serialized.get_fields()["job_id"].validators:
        statusurl = status_url(job_id, sub_path=self.sub_path)
        for validator in serialized.get_fields()["url"].validators:

        if serialized.validated_data.get("notification_email"):
                job, statusurl,
        serialized.save(job_id=job_id, url=statusurl,
        headers = self.get_success_headers(serialized.data)
        Adding the Refresh header here so that the browser does the
        user-friendly thing of redirecting the user to the page for the
        newly-created object, even though use of the Refresh header is
        frowned upon in some circles.

        Not using redirect via 302 or 303 so that non-browser users get the
        201 status code they expect upon a successful POST.

        I'm open to debate on this decision.
        headers["Refresh"] = "0;url=%s" % statusurl
        return Response(serialized.data, status=status.HTTP_201_CREATED,