예제 #1
  def checkStats(self, metricName, mn, mx):
    """Check that stats are computed correctly from the database"""
    engine = repository.engineFactory()
    with engine.begin() as conn:
      metricObj = (
      stats = repository.getMetricStats(conn, metricObj.uid)

    self.assertSetEqual(set(stats.keys()), set(("min", "max")))
    self.assertAlmostEqual(stats["min"], mn)
    self.assertAlmostEqual(stats["max"], mx)
예제 #2
def getStatistics(metric):
  """Get aggregate statistics for an Autostack metric.

  The metric must belong to an Autostack or a ValueError will be raised. If AWS
  returns no stats and there is no data in the database then an
  ObjectNotFoundError will be raised.

  :param metric: the Autostack metric to get statistics for
  :type metric: TODO

  :returns: metric statistics
  :rtype: dict {"min": minVal, "max": maxVal}

  :raises: ValueError if the metric doesn't not belong to an Autostack

  :raises: htm-it.app.exceptions.ObjectNotFoundError if the metric or the
      corresponding autostack doesn't exist; this may happen if it got deleted
      by another process in the meantime.

  :raises: htm-it.app.exceptions.MetricStatisticsNotReadyError if there are no or
      insufficent samples at this time; this may also happen if the metric and
      its data were deleted by another process in the meantime
  engine = repository.engineFactory()

  if metric.datasource != "autostack":
    raise ValueError(
      "Metric must belong to an Autostack but has datasource=%r"
      % metric.datasource)
  metricGetter = EC2InstanceMetricGetter()
    with engine.connect() as conn:
      autostack = repository.getAutostackFromMetric(conn, metric.uid)
    instanceMetricList = metricGetter.collectMetricStatistics(autostack, metric)

  n = 0
  mins = 0.0
  maxs = 0.0
  for instanceMetric in instanceMetricList:
    assert len(instanceMetric.records) == 1
    metricRecord = instanceMetric.records[0]
    stats = metricRecord.value

    if (not isinstance(stats["min"], numbers.Number) or
        math.isnan(stats["min"]) or
        not isinstance(stats["max"], numbers.Number) or
      # Cloudwatch gave us bogus data for this metric so we will exclude it

    mins += stats["min"]
    maxs += stats["max"]
    n += 1

  if n == 0:
    # Fall back to metric_data when we don't get anything from AWS. This may
    # raise an MetricStatisticsNotReadyError if there is no or not enough data.
    with engine.connect() as conn:
      dbStats = repository.getMetricStats(conn, metric.uid)
    minVal = dbStats["min"]
    maxVal = dbStats["max"]
    minVal = mins / n
    maxVal = maxs / n

  # Now add the 20% buffer on the range
  buff = (maxVal - minVal) * 0.2
  minVal -= buff
  maxVal += buff

  return {"min": minVal,
          "max": maxVal}