def convertListOfPointPathIntoGoal(self, inverse = False):
		converted_list = []
		if inverse:
			for i in reversed(self.list_of_points):
				converted_list.append(goal(pose = Pose2D(i.pose.position.x, i.pose.position.y, 0.0), speed = i.speed)) # For now speed constant
			for i in self.list_of_points:
				#print 'convertListOfPointPathIntoGoal: %.2lf, %.2lf'%(i.pose.position.x, i.pose.position.y)
				converted_list.append(goal(pose = Pose2D(i.pose.position.x, i.pose.position.y, 0.0), speed = i.speed)) # For now speed constant
		return converted_list
예제 #2
	def convertListOfPointPathIntoGoal(self, inverse = False):
		converted_list = []
		if inverse:
			for i in reversed(self.list_of_points):
				converted_list.append(goal(pose = Pose2D(i.pose.position.x, i.pose.position.y, 0.0), speed = i.speed)) # For now speed constant
			for i in self.list_of_points:
				#print 'convertListOfPointPathIntoGoal: %.2lf, %.2lf'%(i.pose.position.x, i.pose.position.y)
				converted_list.append(goal(pose = Pose2D(i.pose.position.x, i.pose.position.y, 0.0), speed = i.speed)) # For now speed constant
		return converted_list
예제 #3
def purepursuit_client():
    # Creates the SimpleActionClient, passing the type of the action
    # (GoTo) to the constructor.
    client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient('purepursuit_planner', GoToAction)

    # Waits until the action server has started up and started listening for goals.

    g = GoToGoal(target=[
        goal(pose=Pose2D(-2.0, 0.86, 0.0), speed=0.2),
        goal(pose=Pose2D(-1.0, 0.46, 0.0), speed=0.2),
        goal(pose=Pose2D(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), speed=0.2),
        goal(pose=Pose2D(1.0, 0.0, 0.0), speed=0.2),
        goal(pose=Pose2D(2.54, 1.0, 0.0), speed=0.2),
        goal(pose=Pose2D(4.96, 2.18, 0.0), speed=0.2),
        goal(pose=Pose2D(8.54, 2.22, 0.0), speed=0.2)

    rospy.loginfo('Sending goal')
    # Sends the goal to the action server.
    #print 'Sleeping'
    #print 'Canceling goal'
    # Waits for the server to finish performing the action.

    # Prints out the result of executing the action
    return client.get_result()
def purepursuit_client():
	# Creates the SimpleActionClient, passing the type of the action
	# (GoTo) to the constructor.
	client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient('purepursuit_planner', GoToAction)

	# Waits until the action server has started up and started listening for goals.
	g = GoToGoal(target = [goal(pose = Pose2D(-2.0, 0.86, 0.0), speed = 0.2), goal(pose = Pose2D(-1.0, 0.46, 0.0), speed = 0.2), 
	goal(pose = Pose2D(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), speed = 0.2), goal(pose = Pose2D(1.0, 0.0, 0.0), speed = 0.2), goal(pose = Pose2D(2.54, 1.0, 0.0), speed = 0.2),
	goal(pose = Pose2D(4.96, 2.18, 0.0), speed = 0.2), goal(pose = Pose2D(8.54, 2.22, 0.0), speed = 0.2)])
	rospy.loginfo('Sending goal')
	# Sends the goal to the action server.
	#print 'Sleeping'
	#print 'Canceling goal'
	# Waits for the server to finish performing the action.

	# Prints out the result of executing the action
	return client.get_result()