예제 #1
    def _change_resource_record_sets(self, change_set, comment=None):
        Given a ChangeSet, POST it to the Route53 API.

        .. note:: You probably shouldn't be using this method directly,
            as there are convenience methods on the ResourceRecordSet

        :param change_set.ChangeSet change_set: The ChangeSet object to create
            the XML doc from.
        :keyword str comment: An optional comment to go along with the request.
        :rtype: dict
        :returns: A dict of change info, which contains some details about
            the request.

        body = xml_generators.change_resource_record_set_writer(

        root = self._send_request(
            path='hostedzone/%s/rrset' % change_set.hosted_zone_id,

        e_change_info = root.find('./{*}ChangeInfo')
        if e_change_info is None:
            error = root.find('./{*}Error').find('./{*}Message').text
            raise Route53Error(error)
        return parse_change_info(e_change_info)
def created_hosted_zone_parser(root, connection):
    Parses the API responses for the
    :py:meth:`route53.connection.Route53Connection.create_hosted_zone` method.

    :param lxml.etree._Element root: The root node of the etree parsed
        response from the API.
    :param Route53Connection connection: The connection instance used to
        query the API.
    :rtype: HostedZone
    :returns: The newly created HostedZone.

    zone = root.find('./{*}HostedZone')
    # This pops out a HostedZone instance.
    hosted_zone = parse_hosted_zone(zone, connection)

    # Now we'll fill in the nameservers.
    e_delegation_set = root.find('./{*}DelegationSet')
    # Modifies the HostedZone in place.
    parse_delegation_set(hosted_zone, e_delegation_set)

    # With each CreateHostedZone request, there's some details about the
    # request's ID, status, and submission time. We'll return this in a tuple
    # just for the sake of completeness.
    e_change_info = root.find('./{*}ChangeInfo')
    # Translate the ChangeInfo values to a dict.
    change_info = parse_change_info(e_change_info)

    return hosted_zone, change_info
def created_hosted_zone_parser(root, connection):
    Parses the API responses for the
    :py:meth:`route53.connection.Route53Connection.create_hosted_zone` method.

    :param lxml.etree._Element root: The root node of the etree parsed
        response from the API.
    :param Route53Connection connection: The connection instance used to
        query the API.
    :rtype: HostedZone
    :returns: The newly created HostedZone.

    zone = root.find('./{*}HostedZone')
    # This pops out a HostedZone instance.
    hosted_zone = parse_hosted_zone(zone, connection)

    # Now we'll fill in the nameservers.
    e_delegation_set = root.find('./{*}DelegationSet')
    # Modifies the HostedZone in place.
    parse_delegation_set(hosted_zone, e_delegation_set)

    # With each CreateHostedZone request, there's some details about the
    # request's ID, status, and submission time. We'll return this in a tuple
    # just for the sake of completeness.
    e_change_info = root.find('./{*}ChangeInfo')
    # Translate the ChangeInfo values to a dict.
    change_info = parse_change_info(e_change_info)

    return hosted_zone, change_info
예제 #4
    def _change_resource_record_sets(self, change_set, comment=None):
        Given a ChangeSet, POST it to the Route53 API.

        .. note:: You probably shouldn't be using this method directly,
            as there are convenience methods on the ResourceRecordSet

        :param change_set.ChangeSet change_set: The ChangeSet object to create
            the XML doc from.
        :keyword str comment: An optional comment to go along with the request.
        :rtype: dict
        :returns: A dict of change info, which contains some details about
            the request.

        body = xml_generators.change_resource_record_set_writer(
            connection=self, change_set=change_set, comment=comment)

        root = self._send_request(
            path='hostedzone/%s/rrset' % change_set.hosted_zone_id,


        e_change_info = root.find('./{*}ChangeInfo')
        if e_change_info is None:
            error = root.find('./{*}Error').find('./{*}Message').text
            raise Route53Error(error)
        return parse_change_info(e_change_info)
예제 #5
def delete_hosted_zone_by_id_parser(root, connection):
    Parses the API responses for the
    :py:meth:`route53.connection.Route53Connection.delete_hosted_zone_by_id` method.

    :param lxml.etree._Element root: The root node of the etree parsed
        response from the API.
    :param Route53Connection connection: The connection instance used to
        query the API.
    :rtype: dict
    :returns: Details about the deletion.

    e_change_info = root.find('./{*}ChangeInfo')

    return parse_change_info(e_change_info)
def delete_hosted_zone_by_id_parser(root, connection):
    Parses the API responses for the
    :py:meth:`route53.connection.Route53Connection.delete_hosted_zone_by_id` method.

    :param lxml.etree._Element root: The root node of the etree parsed
        response from the API.
    :param Route53Connection connection: The connection instance used to
        query the API.
    :rtype: dict
    :returns: Details about the deletion.

    e_change_info = root.find("./{*}ChangeInfo")

    return parse_change_info(e_change_info)