예제 #1
파일: rffi.py 프로젝트: Darriall/pypy
 def alloc_buffer(count):
     Returns a (raw_buffer, gc_buffer, case_num) triple,
     allocated with count bytes.
     The raw_buffer can be safely passed to a native function which expects
     it to not move. Call str_from_buffer with the returned values to get a
     safe high-level string. When the garbage collector cooperates, this
     allows for the process to be performed without an extra copy.
     Make sure to call keep_buffer_alive_until_here on the returned values.
     new_buf = mallocfn(count)
     pinned = 0
     if rgc.can_move(new_buf):
         if rgc.pin(new_buf):
             pinned = 1
             raw_buf = lltype.malloc(TYPEP.TO, count, flavor='raw')
             return raw_buf, new_buf, 2
     # following code is executed if:
     # - rgc.can_move(data) and rgc.pin(data) both returned true
     # - rgc.can_move(data) returned false
     data_start = cast_ptr_to_adr(new_buf) + \
         offsetof(STRTYPE, 'chars') + itemoffsetof(STRTYPE.chars, 0)
     return cast(TYPEP, data_start), new_buf, pinned
예제 #2
파일: rffi.py 프로젝트: sota/pypy-old
 def alloc_buffer(count):
     Returns a (raw_buffer, gc_buffer, case_num) triple,
     allocated with count bytes.
     The raw_buffer can be safely passed to a native function which expects
     it to not move. Call str_from_buffer with the returned values to get a
     safe high-level string. When the garbage collector cooperates, this
     allows for the process to be performed without an extra copy.
     Make sure to call keep_buffer_alive_until_here on the returned values.
     new_buf = mallocfn(count)
     pinned = 0
     if rgc.can_move(new_buf):
         if rgc.pin(new_buf):
             pinned = 1
             raw_buf = lltype.malloc(TYPEP.TO, count, flavor='raw')
             return raw_buf, new_buf, 2
     # following code is executed if:
     # - rgc.can_move(data) and rgc.pin(data) both returned true
     # - rgc.can_move(data) returned false
     data_start = cast_ptr_to_adr(new_buf) + \
         offsetof(STRTYPE, 'chars') + itemoffsetof(STRTYPE.chars, 0)
     return cast(TYPEP, data_start), new_buf, pinned
예제 #3
파일: rffi.py 프로젝트: Darriall/pypy
 def str_from_buffer(raw_buf, gc_buf, case_num, allocated_size, needed_size):
     Converts from a pair returned by alloc_buffer to a high-level string.
     The returned string will be truncated to needed_size.
     assert allocated_size >= needed_size
     if allocated_size != needed_size:
         from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem.lloperation import llop
         if llop.shrink_array(lltype.Bool, gc_buf, needed_size):
             pass     # now 'gc_buf' is smaller
             gc_buf = mallocfn(needed_size)
             case_num = 2
     if case_num == 2:
         copy_raw_to_string(raw_buf, gc_buf, 0, needed_size)
     return hlstrtype(gc_buf)
예제 #4
파일: rffi.py 프로젝트: sota/pypy-old
 def str_from_buffer(raw_buf, gc_buf, case_num, allocated_size, needed_size):
     Converts from a pair returned by alloc_buffer to a high-level string.
     The returned string will be truncated to needed_size.
     assert allocated_size >= needed_size
     if allocated_size != needed_size:
         from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem.lloperation import llop
         if llop.shrink_array(lltype.Bool, gc_buf, needed_size):
             pass     # now 'gc_buf' is smaller
             gc_buf = mallocfn(needed_size)
             case_num = 2
     if case_num == 2:
         copy_raw_to_string(raw_buf, gc_buf, 0, needed_size)
     return hlstrtype(gc_buf)
예제 #5
파일: rffi.py 프로젝트: Darriall/pypy
 def charpsize2str(cp, size):
     ll_str = mallocfn(size)
     copy_raw_to_string(cp, ll_str, 0, size)
     result = hlstrtype(ll_str)
     assert result is not None
     return result
예제 #6
파일: rffi.py 프로젝트: sota/pypy-old
 def charpsize2str(cp, size):
     ll_str = mallocfn(size)
     copy_raw_to_string(cp, ll_str, 0, size)
     result = hlstrtype(ll_str)
     assert result is not None
     return result