예제 #1
    def _build_trip_edge_index(self):
            "\nBuilding trip edge index for clarification algorithm... ")

        # storage for trip edge index
        trip_edge_index = Rtree()

        # iterate through all trip edges
        for trip_edge in self.trip_edges.values():

            # determine trip edge minx, miny, maxx, maxy values
            trip_edge_minx = min(trip_edge.in_node.longitude,
            trip_edge_miny = min(trip_edge.in_node.latitude,
            trip_edge_maxx = max(trip_edge.in_node.longitude,
            trip_edge_maxy = max(trip_edge.in_node.latitude,

            # insert trip edge into spatial index
                                   (trip_edge_minx, trip_edge_miny,
                                    trip_edge_maxx, trip_edge_maxy))

        print "done."

        # return the trip edge index
        return trip_edge_index
예제 #2
def polygons_enclosure_tree(polygons):
    Given a list of shapely polygons, which are the root (aka outermost)
    polygons, and which represent the holes which penetrate the root
    curve. We do this by creating an R-tree for rough collision detection,
    and then do polygon queries for a final result
    tree = Rtree()
    for i, polygon in enumerate(polygons):
        tree.insert(i, polygon.bounds)
    count = len(polygons)
    g = nx.DiGraph()
    for i in range(count):
        if polygons[i] is None:
        # we first query for bounding box intersections from the R-tree
        for j in tree.intersection(polygons[i].bounds):
            if (i == j):
            # we then do a more accurate polygon in polygon test to generate
            # the enclosure tree information
            if polygons[i].contains(polygons[j]):
                g.add_edge(i, j)
            elif polygons[j].contains(polygons[i]):
                g.add_edge(j, i)
    roots = [n for n, deg in dict(g.in_degree()).items() if deg == 0]
    return roots, g
예제 #3
파일: polygons.py 프로젝트: MiaoLi/trimesh
def polygons_enclosure_tree(polygons):
    Given a list of shapely polygons, which are the root (aka outermost)
    polygons, and which represent the holes which penetrate the root
    curve. We do this by creating an R-tree for rough collision detection,
    and then do polygon queries for a final result
    tree = Rtree()
    for i, polygon in enumerate(polygons):
        tree.insert(i, polygon.bounds)

    count = len(polygons)
    g     = nx.DiGraph()
    for i in range(count):
        if polygons[i] is None: continue
        #we first query for bounding box intersections from the R-tree
        for j in tree.intersection(polygons[i].bounds):
            if (i==j): continue
            #we then do a more accurate polygon in polygon test to generate
            #the enclosure tree information
            if   polygons[i].contains(polygons[j]): g.add_edge(i,j)
            elif polygons[j].contains(polygons[i]): g.add_edge(j,i)
    roots = [n for n, deg in list(g.in_degree().items()) if deg==0]
    return roots, g
예제 #4
    def get_rtree_index(self):
        Get an rtree index of the edges within this GeoGraph

            rtree:  rtree of edges indexed by bounding_box (4 coordinates)
                allowing lookup of the edge (node1, node2) and it's segment
        def edge_generator():
            edges_bounds = map(lambda tup: (tup, gm.make_bounding_box(
                    *map(lambda n: self.coords[n], tup))), self.edges())

            for edge, box in edges_bounds:
                # Object is in form of (u.label, v.label), (u.coord, v.coord)
                yield (hash(edge), box, (edge,
                                         map(lambda ep:
                                             np.array(self.coords[ep]), edge)))

        # something's not working right with latest version of rtree/spatialib
        # index where we need to insert the objects in a loop rather than
        # via a generator to their constructor
        # Init rtree and store grid edges
        rtree = Rtree()
        for e in edge_generator():
            # takes id, bbox, and segment/edge
            rtree.insert(e[0], e[1], e[2])

        return rtree
예제 #5
파일: geograph.py 프로젝트: carbz/networker
    def get_rtree_index(self):
        Get an rtree index of the edges within this GeoGraph

            rtree:  rtree of edges indexed by bounding_box (4 coordinates)
                allowing lookup of the edge (node1, node2) and it's segment
        def edge_generator():
            edges_bounds = map(lambda tup: (tup, gm.make_bounding_box(
                    *map(lambda n: self.coords[n], tup))), self.edges())

            for edge, box in edges_bounds:
                # Object is in form of (u.label, v.label), (u.coord, v.coord)
                yield (hash(edge), box, (edge,
                            map(lambda ep: np.array(self.coords[ep]), edge)))

        # something's not working right with latest version of rtree/spatial lib
        # index where we need to insert the objects in a loop rather than
        # via a generator to their constructor
        # Init rtree and store grid edges
        rtree = Rtree()
        for e in edge_generator():
            rtree.insert(e[0], e[1], e[2])    

        return rtree
예제 #6
def enclosure_tree(polygons):
    Given a list of shapely polygons with only exteriors,
    find which curves represent the exterior shell or root curve
    and which represent holes which penetrate the exterior.

    This is done with an R-tree for rough overlap detection,
    and then exact polygon queries for a final result.

    polygons : (n,) shapely.geometry.Polygon
       Polygons which only have exteriors and may overlap

    roots : (m,) int
        Index of polygons which are root
    contains : networkx.DiGraph
       Edges indicate a polygon is
       contained by another polygon
    tree = Rtree()
    # nodes are indexes in polygons
    contains = nx.DiGraph()
    for i, polygon in enumerate(polygons):
        # if a polygon is None it means creation
        # failed due to weird geometry so ignore it
        if polygon is None:
        # insert polygon bounds into rtree
        tree.insert(i, polygon.bounds)
        # make sure every valid polygon has a node

    # loop through every polygon
    for i, polygon in enumerate(polygons):
        # if polygon creation failed ignore it
        if polygon is None:
        # we first query for bounding box intersections from the R-tree
        for j in tree.intersection(polygon.bounds):
            # if we are checking a polygon against itself continue
            if (i == j):
            # do a more accurate polygon in polygon test
            # for the enclosure tree information
            if polygons[i].contains(polygons[j]):
                contains.add_edge(i, j)
            elif polygons[j].contains(polygons[i]):
                contains.add_edge(j, i)
    # a root or exterior curve has no parents
    # wrap in dict call to avoid networkx view
    in_degree = dict(contains.in_degree())
    roots = [n for n, deg in in_degree.items() if deg == 0]

    return roots, contains
예제 #7
    def __init__(self,
        # initialize spatial index
        self.previous_obs = None

        if priors == None:
            priors = dict([(state, 1.0 / len(hmm)) for state in hmm])

        state_spatial_index = Rtree()
        unlocated_states = []
        id_to_state = {}
        id = 0
        for state in hmm:
            geom = self.geometry_of_state(state)
            if not geom:
                ((lat1, lon1), (lat2, lon2)) = geom
                state_spatial_index.insert(id, (min(lon1, lon2), min(
                    lat1, lat2), max(lon1, lon2), max(lat1, lat2)))
                id_to_state[id] = state
                id = id + 1

        def candidate_states(obs):  #was (lat,lon) in place of obs
            geom = self.geometry_of_observation(obs)
            if geom == None:
                return hmm.keys()
                (lat, lon) = geom
                nearby_states = state_spatial_index.intersection(
                    (lon - MAX_DIST / METERS_PER_DEGREE_LONGITUDE,
                     lat - MAX_DIST / METERS_PER_DEGREE_LATITUDE,
                     lon + MAX_DIST / METERS_PER_DEGREE_LONGITUDE,
                     lat + MAX_DIST / METERS_PER_DEGREE_LATITUDE))

                candidates = [id_to_state[id]
                              for id in nearby_states] + unlocated_states
                return candidates

        self.viterbi = Viterbi(hmm,
예제 #8
def points_in_mesh(points, mesh):
    from rtree import Rtree
    points = np.array(points)
    tri_3D = mesh.vertices[mesh.faces]
    tri_2D = tri_3D[:,:,0:2]
    z_bounds = np.column_stack((np.min(tri_3D[:,:,2], axis=1),
                                np.max(tri_3D[:,:,2], axis=1)))
    bounds = np.column_stack((np.min(tri_2D, axis=1), 
                              np.max(tri_2D, axis=1)))
    tree = Rtree()
    for i, bound in enumerate(bounds):
        tree.insert(i, bound)

    result = np.zeros(len(points), dtype=np.bool)
    for point_index, point in enumerate(points):
        intersections = np.array(list(tree.intersection(point[0:2].tolist())))
        in_triangle   = [point_in_triangle_2D(point[0:2], tri_2D[i]) for i in intersections]
        result[point_index] = np.int(np.mod(np.sum(in_triangle), 2)) == 0
    return result
예제 #9
    def __init__(self, hmm, emission_probability, constraint_length=10, MAX_DIST=500, priors=None, smallV=0.00000000001):                
        # initialize spatial index
        self.previous_obs = None

        if priors == None:
            priors=dict([(state,1.0/len(hmm)) for state in hmm])

        state_spatial_index = Rtree()
        unlocated_states = []
        id_to_state = {}
        id = 0
        for state in hmm: 
            if not geom:
                                           (min(lon1, lon2), min(lat1, lat2), 
                                            max(lon1, lon2), max(lat1, lat2)))
        def candidate_states(obs): #was (lat,lon) in place of obs 
            geom = self.geometry_of_observation(obs)
            if geom == None:
                return hmm.keys()
                nearby_states = state_spatial_index.intersection((lon-MAX_DIST/METERS_PER_DEGREE_LONGITUDE,

                candidates = [id_to_state[id] for id in nearby_states]+unlocated_states
                return candidates

        self.viterbi = Viterbi(hmm,emission_probability,
예제 #10
def enclosure_tree(polygons):
    Given a list of shapely polygons, which are the root (aka outermost)
    polygons, and which represent the holes which penetrate the root
    curve. We do this by creating an R-tree for rough collision detection,
    and then do polygon queries for a final result

    polygons: (n,) list of shapely.geometry.Polygon objects

    roots: (m,) int, index of polygons which are root
    contains:  networkx.DiGraph, edges indicate a polygon
               contained by another polygon
    tree = Rtree()
    for i, polygon in enumerate(polygons):
        if polygon is not None:
            tree.insert(i, polygon.bounds)
    count = len(polygons)
    # nodes are indexes in polygons
    contains = nx.DiGraph()
    # make sure every polygon is included
    for i in range(count):
        if polygons[i] is None:
        # we first query for bounding box intersections from the R-tree
        for j in tree.intersection(polygons[i].bounds):
            if (i == j):
            # we then do a more accurate polygon in polygon test to generate
            # the enclosure tree information
            if polygons[i].contains(polygons[j]):
                contains.add_edge(i, j)
            elif polygons[j].contains(polygons[i]):
                contains.add_edge(j, i)
    roots = [n for n, deg in dict(contains.in_degree()).items() if deg == 0]
    return roots, contains
예제 #11
 def to_directed(self, as_view=False):
     Convert undirected road network to directed road network
     new edge will have new eid, and each original edge will have two edge with reversed coords
     assert as_view is False, "as_view is not supported"
     avail_eid = max([eid for u, v, eid in self.edges.data(data='eid')]) + 1
     g = nx.DiGraph()
     edge_spatial_idx = Rtree()
     edge_idx = {}
     # add nodes
     for n, data in self.nodes(data=True):
         # when data=True, it means will data=node's attributes
         new_data = copy.deepcopy(data)
         g.add_node(n, **new_data)
     # add edges
     for u, v, data in self.edges(data=True):
         mbr = MBR.cal_mbr(data['coords'])
         # add forward edge
         forward_data = copy.deepcopy(data)
         g.add_edge(u, v, **forward_data)
             (mbr.min_lng, mbr.min_lat, mbr.max_lng, mbr.max_lat))
         edge_idx[forward_data['eid']] = (u, v)
         # add backward edge
         backward_data = copy.deepcopy(data)
         backward_data['eid'] = avail_eid
         avail_eid += 1
         g.add_edge(v, u, **backward_data)
             (mbr.min_lng, mbr.min_lat, mbr.max_lng, mbr.max_lat))
         edge_idx[backward_data['eid']] = (v, u)
     print('# of nodes:{}'.format(g.number_of_nodes()))
     print('# of edges:{}'.format(g.number_of_edges()))
     return RoadNetwork(g, edge_spatial_idx, edge_idx)
예제 #12
    def _find_intersection_nodes(self):

        # storage for intersection nodes
        intersection_nodes = []

        # spatial index for intersection nodes
        intersection_nodes_index = Rtree()

        # iterate through all nodes in map
        for curr_node in self.nodes.values():

            # set storage for current node's unique neighbors
            neighbors = set()

            # iterate through all in_nodes
            for in_node in curr_node.in_nodes:

                # add in_node to neighbors set

            # iterate through all out_nodes
            for out_node in curr_node.out_nodes:

                # add out_node to neighbors set

            # if current node has more than 2 neighbors
            if (len(neighbors) > 2):

                # add current node to intersection nodes list

                # add current node to intersection nodes index
                    curr_node.id, (curr_node.longitude, curr_node.latitude))

        # return intersection nodes and index
        return (intersection_nodes, intersection_nodes_index)
예제 #13
 def _build_trip_edge_index(self):
     sys.stdout.write("\nBuilding trip edge index for clarification algorithm... ")
     # storage for trip edge index
     trip_edge_index = Rtree()
     # iterate through all trip edges
     for trip_edge in self.trip_edges.values():
         # determine trip edge minx, miny, maxx, maxy values
         trip_edge_minx = min(trip_edge.in_node.longitude, trip_edge.out_node.longitude)
         trip_edge_miny = min(trip_edge.in_node.latitude, trip_edge.out_node.latitude)
         trip_edge_maxx = max(trip_edge.in_node.longitude, trip_edge.out_node.longitude)
         trip_edge_maxy = max(trip_edge.in_node.latitude, trip_edge.out_node.latitude)
         # insert trip edge into spatial index
         trip_edge_index.insert(trip_edge.id, (trip_edge_minx, trip_edge_miny, trip_edge_maxx, trip_edge_maxy))
     print "done."
     # return the trip edge index
     return trip_edge_index
예제 #14
def load_rn_shp(path, is_directed=True):
    edge_spatial_idx = Rtree()
    edge_idx = {}
    # node uses coordinate as key
    # edge uses coordinate tuple as key
    g = nx.read_shp(path, simplify=True, strict=False)
    if not is_directed:
        g = g.to_undirected()
    # node attrs: nid, pt, ...
    for n, data in g.nodes(data=True):
        data['pt'] = SPoint(n[1], n[0])
        if 'ShpName' in data:
            del data['ShpName']
    # edge attrs: eid, length, coords, ...
    for u, v, data in g.edges(data=True):
        geom_line = ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkb(data['Wkb'])
        coords = []
        for i in range(geom_line.GetPointCount()):
            geom_pt = geom_line.GetPoint(i)
            coords.append(SPoint(geom_pt[1], geom_pt[0]))
        data['coords'] = coords
        data['length'] = sum([
            distance(coords[i], coords[i + 1]) for i in range(len(coords) - 1)
        env = geom_line.GetEnvelope()
        edge_spatial_idx.insert(data['eid'], (env[0], env[2], env[1], env[3]))
        edge_idx[data['eid']] = (u, v)
        del data['ShpName']
        del data['Json']
        del data['Wkt']
        del data['Wkb']
    print('# of nodes:{}'.format(g.number_of_nodes()))
    print('# of edges:{}'.format(g.number_of_edges()))
    if not is_directed:
        return UndirRoadNetwork(g, edge_spatial_idx, edge_idx)
        return RoadNetwork(g, edge_spatial_idx, edge_idx)
예제 #15
 def _find_intersection_nodes(self):
     # storage for intersection nodes
     intersection_nodes = []
     # spatial index for intersection nodes
     intersection_nodes_index = Rtree()
     # iterate through all nodes in map
     for curr_node in self.nodes.values():
         # set storage for current node's unique neighbors
         neighbors = set()
         # iterate through all in_nodes
         for in_node in curr_node.in_nodes:
             # add in_node to neighbors set
         # iterate through all out_nodes
         for out_node in curr_node.out_nodes:
             # add out_node to neighbors set
         # if current node has more than 2 neighbors
         if (len(neighbors) > 2):
             # add current node to intersection nodes list
             # add current node to intersection nodes index
             intersection_nodes_index.insert(curr_node.id, (curr_node.longitude, curr_node.latitude))
     # return intersection nodes and index
     return (intersection_nodes, intersection_nodes_index)
class Graph:
    def __init__(self, bus_trips):
        self.bus_trips = bus_trips
        self.graph_nodes = {} # indexed by "location_id"
        self.graph_edge_id = 0
        self.graph_edges = {} # indexed by "edge id"
        self.graph_edge_lookup = {} # indexed by "location1_id,location2_id"
        self.graph_edge_index = Rtree()
    def generate_graph(self):
        print "Running graph generation algorithm..."
        # initialize trip counter
        trip_count = 1
        for trip in self.bus_trips:
            # initialize location counter
            location_count = 1
            # storage for previous node
            prev_node = None
            for location in trip.locations:
                sys.stdout.write("\rAnalyzing location " + str(location_count) + "/" + str(len(trip.locations)) + " for trip " + str(trip_count) + "/" + str(len(self.bus_trips)) + "... ")
                # find closest edges in graph to location
                closest_edges = self._find_closest_edges_in_graph(location, 100)
                # flag variable for whether we merged location
                did_merge_location = False
                # iterate through candidate edge ids
                for candidate_edge_id in closest_edges:
                    # grab candidate edge from graph edge dictionary
                    candidate_edge = self.graph_edges[candidate_edge_id]
                    # determine whether we should merge with candidate edge
                    if (self._should_merge_location_with_edge(location, candidate_edge) is True):
                        # merge location with edge, update previous node
                        prev_node = self._merge_location_with_edge(location, candidate_edge, prev_node)
                        # update merge flag variable
                        did_merge_location = True
                        # no need to look at further edges, break out of candidate edges loop
                # if we did not merge the location with any edge
                if (did_merge_location is False):
                    # add location to graph
                    self._add_location_to_graph(location, prev_node)
                    # update previous node with current location
                    prev_node = location
                # increment location counter
                location_count += 1
            # done with current trip locations
            print "done."
            # increment trip counter
            trip_count += 1
        # write graph edges to file
        # create graph database
    def _merge_location_with_edge(self, location, edge, prev_node):
        # get the edge node closest to the location
        edge_node = self._get_closest_edge_node(location, edge)
        # if prev_node is None
        if (prev_node is None):
            # increase volume of just this edge
            edge.volume += 1
        # if prev_node is not None
            # find path from prev_node to edge_node
            path = self._find_path(prev_node, edge_node, max_path_length)
            # if there was a path from prev_node to edge_node
            if (path is not None):
                # iterate through nodes in path
                for i in range(1, len(path)):
                    # grab in_node
                    in_node = path[i - 1]
                    # grab out_node
                    out_node = path[i]
                    # find corresponding graph edge
                    graph_edge = self._find_graph_edge(in_node, out_node)
                    # increment volume on edge
                    graph_edge.volume += 1
            # if there is no path from prev_node to edge_node
                # create a new graph edge between prev_node and edge_node
                self._create_graph_edge(prev_node, edge_node)
        # return the edge_node
        return edge_node
    def _get_closest_edge_node(self, location, edge):
        # if in_node distance is less than out_node distance
        if (self._distance(location, edge.in_node) < self._distance(location, edge.out_node)):
            # return the edge in_node
            return edge.in_node
        # otherwise, return the edge out_node
        return edge.out_node
    def _find_path(self, source, destination, max_length):
        # reset all node visited flags
        # get a breath-first search path from source to destination
        path = self._bfs_path(source, destination)
        # if there is a path from source to destination
        if (path is not None):
            # and if the path length is less than or equal to the maximum length
            if (len(path) <= max_length):
                # return the path
                return path
        # otherwise, return None
        return None
    def _bfs_path(self, source, destination):
        # storage for breadth-first search parents
        bfs_parent = {} # key is current node, value is parent node
        # source node has no breadth-first search parent
        bfs_parent[source] = None
        # node queue for breadth-first search
        bfs_queue = []
        # enqueue source node
        # mark source node as visited
        source.visited = True
        # while the queue is not empty
        while (len(bfs_queue) > 0):
            # dequeue the first node in the queue
            curr_node = bfs_queue.pop(0)
            # if the current node is the destination
            if (curr_node is destination):
                # create storage for breadth-first search path
                bfs_path = []
                # add the current node to the breadth-first search path
                bfs_path.insert(0, curr_node)
                # grab the parent of the current node
                parent = bfs_parent[curr_node]
                # iterate through breadth-first search parents
                while (parent is not None):
                    # add the parent to the breadth-first search path
                    bfs_path.insert(0, parent)
                    # grab the next parent
                    parent = bfs_parent[parent]
                # return the breadth-first search path
                return bfs_path
            # if the current node is not the destination
                # iterate through the current node's out_nodes
                for out_node in curr_node.out_nodes:
                    # if the out_node has not been visited
                    if (out_node.visited is False):
                        # mark the out_node as visited
                        out_node.visited = True
                        # enqueue the out_node
                        # store curr_node as out_node's breadth-first search parent
                        bfs_parent[out_node] = curr_node
        # if we reached here, no path was found
        return None
    def _should_merge_location_with_edge(self, location, edge):
        # project location onto edge
        (location_projection, location_projection_fraction, location_projection_distance) = self._projection_onto_line(edge.in_node, edge.out_node, location)
        # if projection is not onto edge
        if (location_projection_fraction < 0.0 or location_projection_fraction > 1.0):
            # we cannot merge location with edge
            return False
        # determine bearing difference between edge and location
        bearing_difference = math.cos(math.radians(self._path_bearing(edge.in_node, edge.out_node) - self._location_bearing(location)))
        # if location projection distance is less than 20 meters
        if (location_projection_distance < location_projection_distance_limit):
            # if bearing difference is less than 45 degrees
            if (bearing_difference > location_bearing_difference_limit):
                # merge location with edge
                return True
        # otherwise, do not merge location with edge
        return False
    def _add_location_to_graph(self, location, prev_node):
        # add an out_nodes list to location
        location.out_nodes = []
        # add an in_nodes list to location
        location.in_nodes = []
        # add a visited flag to location
        location.visited = False
        # add location to graph nodes list
        self.graph_nodes[location.id] = location
        # if prev_node is not None
        if (prev_node is not None):
            # create a new graph edge between prev_node and location
            self._create_graph_edge(prev_node, location)
    def _create_graph_edge(self, in_node, out_node):
        # see if we can find an existing graph edge with the same nodes
        existing_graph_edge = self._find_graph_edge(in_node, out_node)
        # if there is no existing graph edge with the same nodes
        if (existing_graph_edge is None):
            # create new graph edge object
            new_graph_edge = Edge(self.graph_edge_id, in_node, out_node)
            # add new graph edge to graph edge dictionary
            self.graph_edges[new_graph_edge.id] = new_graph_edge
            # add new graph edge to graph edge lookup dictionary
            self.graph_edge_lookup[str(in_node.id) + "," + str(out_node.id)] = new_graph_edge
            # add new graph edge to graph edges spatial index
            # increment graph edge id
            self.graph_edge_id += 1
            # store out_node in in_nodes's out_nodes list
            # store in_node in out_node's in_nodes list
    def _find_graph_edge(self, node1, node2):
        # generate edge lookup key
        edge_lookup_key = str(node1.id) + "," + str(node2.id)
        # if edge is in lookup table
        if (edge_lookup_key in self.graph_edge_lookup.keys()):
            # return the matching edge
            return self.graph_edge_lookup[edge_lookup_key]
        # if the edge wasn't in the lookup table
        return None
    def _add_graph_edge_to_index(self, graph_edge):
        # determine graph edge minx, miny, maxx, maxy values
        graph_edge_minx = min(graph_edge.in_node.longitude, graph_edge.out_node.longitude)
        graph_edge_miny = min(graph_edge.in_node.latitude, graph_edge.out_node.latitude)
        graph_edge_maxx = max(graph_edge.in_node.longitude, graph_edge.out_node.longitude)
        graph_edge_maxy = max(graph_edge.in_node.latitude, graph_edge.out_node.latitude)
        # insert graph edge into spatial index
        self.graph_edge_index.insert(graph_edge.id, (graph_edge_minx, graph_edge_miny, graph_edge_maxx, graph_edge_maxy))
    def _location_bearing(self, location):
        # if location has a previous neighbor and a next neighbor
        if ((location.prev_location is not None) and (location.next_location is not None)):
            # determine bearing using previous and next neighbors
            return self._path_bearing(location.prev_location, location.next_location)
        # if location has no previous neighbor, but has a next neighbor
        elif ((location.prev_location is None) and (location.next_location is not None)):
            # determine bearing using current location and next neighbor
            return self._path_bearing(location, location.next_location)
        # if location has a previous neighbor, but not a next neighbor
        elif ((location.prev_location is not None) and (location.next_location is None)):
            # determine bearing using previous neighbor and current location
            return self._path_bearing(location.prev_location, location)
        # if we reach here, there is an error
        return None
    def _find_closest_edges_in_graph(self, location, number_of_edges):
        return self.graph_edge_index.nearest((location.longitude, location.latitude), number_of_edges)
    def _projection_onto_line(self, location1, location2, location3):
        return spatialfunclib.projection_onto_line(location1.latitude, location1.longitude, location2.latitude, location2.longitude, location3.latitude, location3.longitude)
    def _path_bearing(self, location1, location2):
        return spatialfunclib.path_bearing(location1.latitude, location1.longitude, location2.latitude, location2.longitude)
    def _distance(self, location1, location2):
        return spatialfunclib.distance(location1.latitude, location1.longitude, location2.latitude, location2.longitude)
    def _output_graph_to_db(self):
        # output that we are starting the database writing process...
        sys.stdout.write("\nOutputting graph to database... ")
        # connect to database
        conn = sqlite3.connect("cao_graph.db")
        # grab cursor
        cur = conn.cursor()
        # create nodes table
        cur.execute("CREATE TABLE nodes (id INTEGER, latitude FLOAT, longitude FLOAT)")
        # create edges table
        cur.execute("CREATE TABLE edges (id INTEGER, in_node INTEGER, out_node INTEGER)")
        # remove values from nodes table
        #cur.execute("DELETE FROM nodes")
        # remove values from edges table
        #cur.execute("DELETE FROM edges")
        # commit creates
        # iterate through all graph nodes
        for graph_node in self.graph_nodes.values():
            # insert graph node into nodes table
            cur.execute("INSERT INTO nodes VALUES (" + str(graph_node.id) + "," + str(graph_node.latitude) + "," + str(graph_node.longitude) + ")")
        # iterate through all graph edges
        for graph_edge in self.graph_edges.values():
            # if the graph edge has volume greater than or equal to 3
            if (graph_edge.volume >= min_graph_edge_volume):
                # insert graph edge into edges table
                cur.execute("INSERT INTO edges VALUES (" + str(graph_edge.id) + "," + str(graph_edge.in_node.id) + "," + str(graph_edge.out_node.id) + ")")
        # commit inserts
        # close database connection
        print "done."
    def _write_graph_edges_to_file(self):
        # output that we are starting the writing process
        sys.stdout.write("\nWriting graph edges to file... ")
        # open graph file
        graph_file = open('cao_edges.txt', 'w')
        # iterate through all graph_edges
        for graph_edge in self.graph_edges.values():
            # if the graph edge has volume greater than or equal to 3
            if (graph_edge.volume >= min_graph_edge_volume):
                # output edge to file
                graph_file.write(str(graph_edge.in_node.latitude) + "," + str(graph_edge.in_node.longitude) + "\n")
                graph_file.write(str(graph_edge.out_node.latitude) + "," + str(graph_edge.out_node.longitude) + "," + str(graph_edge.volume) + "\n\n")
        # close graph file
        print "done."
    def _reset_node_visited_flags(self):
        # iterate through all graph nodes
        for graph_node in self.graph_nodes.values():
            # set visited flag to False
            graph_node.visited = False
예제 #17
def mod_kruskal(G, subgraphs=None, rtree=None):

    algorithm to compute the euclidean minimum spanning forest of nodes in
    GeoGraph G with 'budget' based restrictions on edges

    Uses a modified version of Kruskal's algorithm

    NOTE:  subgraphs is modified as a side-effect...may remove in future
        (useful for testing right now)

        G:  GeoGraph of nodes to be connected if appropriate
            Nodes should have 'budget' attribute

        subgraphs:  UnionFind data structure representing existing network's
            connected components AND the 'fake' nodes projected onto it.  This
            is the basis for the agglomerative nearest neighbor approach in
            this algorithm.

            NOTE:  ONLY the existing networks components are represented in
            the subgraphs argument.  The nodes in G will be added within
            this function

        rtree:  RTree based index of existing network

        GeoGraph: representing minimum spanning forest of G subject to the
            budget based restrictions

    # special case (already MST)
    if G.number_of_nodes() < 2:
        return G

    def is_fake(node):
        Tests whether the node is a projection on the existing grid,
        using its MV
        return subgraphs.budget[node] == np.inf

    # handy to have coords array
    coords = np.row_stack(G.coords.values())

    if subgraphs is None:
        assert rtree is not None, \
            "subgraphs (disjoint set) required when rtree is passed"

        rtree = Rtree()

        # modified to handle queues, children, mv
        subgraphs = UnionFind()

    # add nodes and budgets from G to subgraphs as components
    for node in G.nodes():
        subgraphs.add_component(node, budget=G.node[node]['budget'])

    # get fully connected graph
    g = G.get_connected_weighted_graph()

    # edges in MSF
    Et = []
    # connect the shortest safe edge until all edges have been tested
    # at which point, we have made all possible connections
    for u, v, w in sorted(g.edges(data=True), key=lambda x: x[2]['weight']):
        # if doesn't create cycle
        # and subgraphs have enough MV
        # and we're not connecting 2 fake nodes
        # then allow the connection
        w = w['weight']
        if subgraphs[u] != subgraphs[v] and \
           (subgraphs.budget[subgraphs[u]] >= w or is_fake(u)) and \
           (subgraphs.budget[subgraphs[v]] >= w or is_fake(v)) and \
           not (is_fake(u) and is_fake(v)):

            # doesn't create cycles from line segment intersection
            invalid_edge, intersections = \
                line_subgraph_intersection(subgraphs, rtree,
                                           coords[u], coords[v])

            if not invalid_edge:
                # edges should not intersect a subgraph more than once
                assert(filter(lambda n: n > 1,
                       intersections.values()) == [])

                # merge the subgraphs
                subgraphs.union(u, v, w)

                # For all intersected subgraphs update the mv to that
                # created by the edge intersecting them
                map(lambda (n, _): subgraphs.union(u, n, 0),
                    filter(lambda (n, i): i == 1 and
                    subgraphs[n] != subgraphs[u],

                # index the newly added edge
                box = make_bounding_box(coords[u], coords[v])

                # Object is (u.label, v.label), (u.coord, v.coord)
                rtree.insert(hash((u, v)), box,
                             obj=((u, v), (coords[u], coords[v])))
                Et += [(u, v, {'weight': w})]

    # create new GeoGraph with results
    result = G.copy()
    result.coords = G.coords
    return result
    def detect_rn_component(self, status_matrix):
        node_pixels = np.where(status_matrix == GraphExtractor.NODE)
        nb_node_pixels = len(node_pixels[0])
        print('\n# of node pixels:{}'.format(nb_node_pixels))
        neighbor_deltas = [
            dxdy for dxdy in itertools.product([-1, 0, 1], [-1, 0, 1])
            if dxdy[0] != 0 or dxdy[1] != 0
        # node pixel -> center node
        nodes = {}
        node_pixel_spatial_index = Rtree()
        # [node pixel sequence (start and end must be node pixel)]
        connected_segments = []
        cnt = 1
        center_nodes = []
        node_pixel_id = 0
        for i, j in zip(node_pixels[0], node_pixels[1]):
            if (cnt % 100 == 0) or (cnt == nb_node_pixels):
                sys.stdout.write("\r" + str(cnt) + "/" + str(nb_node_pixels) +
                                 "... ")
            cnt += 1
            if status_matrix[i][j] == GraphExtractor.VISITED_NODE:
            # region merge neighbor node pixels
            status_matrix[i][j] = GraphExtractor.VISITED_NODE
            candidates = [(i, j)]
            node_pixels = []
            while len(candidates) > 0:
                node_pixel = candidates.pop()
                m, n = node_pixel
                for dm, dn in neighbor_deltas:
                    if status_matrix[m + dm][n + dn] == GraphExtractor.NODE:
                        status_matrix[m + dm][n +
                                              dn] = GraphExtractor.VISITED_NODE
                        candidates.append((m + dm, n + dn))
            center_node = CenterNodePixel(node_pixels)
            for node_pixel in node_pixels:
                nodes[node_pixel] = center_node
                node_pixel_id += 1
            # endregion

            # region find neighbor segments
            # mask current nodes, make sure the edge doesn't return to itself
            for m, n in node_pixels:
                status_matrix[m][n] = GraphExtractor.INVALID
            # find new road segment of the current node in each possible direction
            for node_pixel in node_pixels:
                connected_segment = self.detect_connected_segment(
                    status_matrix, node_pixel)
                if connected_segment is not None:
            # restore masked nodes
            for m, n in node_pixels:
                status_matrix[m][n] = GraphExtractor.VISITED_NODE
            # endregion
        print('\n# of directly connected segments:{}'.format(

        # there might be few edge pixels left, that should be fine
        nb_unprocessed_edge_pixels = np.sum(
            status_matrix[status_matrix == GraphExtractor.EDGE])
        print('unprocessed edge pixels:{}'.format(nb_unprocessed_edge_pixels))

        print('# of nodes:{}'.format(len(center_nodes)))
        print('# of segments:{}'.format(len(connected_segments)))
        return nodes, connected_segments
예제 #19
def p_mod_boruvka(G, subgraphs=None, rtree=None):

    V = set(T.nodes(data=False))
    coords = np.row_stack(nx.get_node_attributes(T, 'coords').values())
    projcoords = ang_to_vec_coords(coords)

    kdtree = KDTree(projcoords)

    if subgraphs is None:
        if rtree is not None: raise ValueError('RTree passed without UnionFind')

        rtree = Rtree()
        # modified to handle queues, children, mv
        subgraphs = UnionFind()

    # Tests whether the node is a projection on the existing grid, using its MV
    is_fake = lambda n: subgraphs.budget[n] == np.inf

    def find_nn(node_tuple):
        u, up = node_tuple
        v, _ = kdtree.query_subset(up, list(V - {u}))
        return u, v, spherical_distance([coords[u], coords[v]])

    # find the nearest neigbor of all nodes
    p = mp.Pool(processes=6)
    neighbors = p.map(find_nn, enumerate(projcoords))

    # push the results into their respective queues
    for u, v, d in neighbors:
        subgraphs.add_component(u, budget=T.node[u]['budget'])
        subgraphs.queues[u].push((u, v), d)

    # list to hold mst edges
    Et = []
    last_state = None

    while Et != last_state:

        # consolidates top candidate edges from each subgraph
        Ep = PriorityQueue()

        def update_queues(component):

            q_top = subgraphs.queues[component].top()
                (u, v) = q_top
                return (None, None, None), np.inf

            component_set = subgraphs.component_set(u)
            disjointVC = list(V - set(component_set))

            if not disjointVC:
                return (None, None, None), np.inf

            while v in component_set:
                vprime, _ = kdtree.query_subset(projcoords[u], disjointVC)
                dm = spherical_distance([coords[u], coords[vprime]])
                subgraphs.queues[component].push((u, vprime), dm)
                (u, v) = subgraphs.queues[component].top()
                dm = spherical_distance([coords[u], coords[v]])

            return (u, v, dm), dm

        p = mp.Pool(processes=6)
        foreign_neighbors = map(update_queues,

        for neighbor in foreign_neighbors:
            obj, priority = neighbor
            if priority != np.inf:

        last_state = deepcopy(Et)
        # add all the edges in E' to Et so long as no cycles are created
        while Ep._queue:
            (um, vm, dm) = Ep.pop()
            # if doesn't create cycle and subgraph has enough MV
            if subgraphs[um] != subgraphs[vm] and \
                (subgraphs.budget[subgraphs[um]] >= dm or is_fake(um)):
                # test that the connecting subgraph can receive the MV
                if subgraphs.budget[subgraphs[vm]] >= dm or is_fake(vm):

                    # doesn't create cycles from line segment intersection
                    invalid_edge, intersections =\
                        line_subgraph_intersection(subgraphs, rtree,
                            coords[um], coords[vm])

                    if not invalid_edge:
                        # edges should not intersect a subgraph more than once
                        assert(filter(lambda n: n > 1,
                            intersections.values()) == [])

                        # merge the subgraphs
                        subgraphs.union(um, vm, dm)

                        # Union all intersecting subgraphs
                        # and update budgets (happens within union)
                        map(lambda (n, _): subgraphs.union(um, n, 0),
                                filter(lambda (n, i): i == 1 and
                                        subgraphs[n] != subgraphs[um],

                        # index the newly added edge
                        box = make_bounding_box(coords[um], coords[vm])

                        # Object is (u.label, v.label), (u.coord, v.coord)
                        rtree.insert(hash((um, vm)), box,
                            obj=((um, vm), (coords[um], coords[vm])))
                        Et += [(um, vm)]

    return T
예제 #20
class Graph:
    def __init__(self, all_trips):
        # trips
        self.all_trips = all_trips

        # cluster seeds
        self.cluster_seeds = {}
        self.cluster_seed_id = 0
        self.cluster_seed_index = Rtree()

        # graph edges
        self.graph_edges = {}  # indexed by "edge id"
        self.graph_edge_id = 0
        self.graph_edge_lookup = {}  # indexed by "location1_id,location2_id"

    def cluster_traces(self):

    def _generate_graph_edges(self):

        sys.stdout.write("Generating graph edges... ")

        # iterate through all trips
        for trip in self.all_trips:

            # grab trip edges
            trip_edges = trip.edges.values()

            # put trip edges in order
            trip_edges.sort(key=lambda x: x.id)

            # storage for previous cluster
            prev_cluster = None

            # iterate through trip edges
            for trip_edge in trip_edges:

                # if the current trip edge is clustered
                if trip_edge.cluster is not None:

                    # create a graph edge between the previous cluster and the current cluster
                    self._create_graph_edge(prev_cluster, trip_edge.cluster)

                    # update previous cluster with current cluster
                    prev_cluster = trip_edge.cluster

        # output graph edges

        print "done."

    def _create_graph_edge(self, in_node, out_node):

        # if in_node or out_node is None
        if (in_node is None) or (out_node is None):

            # return without doing anything

        # see if we can find an existing graph edge with the same nodes
        existing_graph_edge = self._find_graph_edge(in_node, out_node)

        # if there is no existing graph edge with the same nodes
        if existing_graph_edge is None:

            # create new graph edge object
            new_graph_edge = Edge(self.graph_edge_id, in_node, out_node)

            # add new graph edge to graph edge dictionary
            self.graph_edges[new_graph_edge.id] = new_graph_edge

            # add new graph edge to graph edge lookup dictionary
            self.graph_edge_lookup[str(in_node.id) + "," + str(out_node.id)] = new_graph_edge

            # increment graph edge id
            self.graph_edge_id += 1

    def _find_graph_edge(self, node1, node2):

        # generate edge lookup key
        edge_lookup_key = str(node1.id) + "," + str(node2.id)

        # if edge is in lookup table
        if edge_lookup_key in self.graph_edge_lookup.keys():

            # return the matching edge
            return self.graph_edge_lookup[edge_lookup_key]

        # if the edge wasn't in the lookup table
        return None

    def _cluster_seeds_with_traces(self):

        # storage for total cluster distance moved
        total_cluster_distance_moved = float("infinity")

        # iterate until total cluster distance moved below threshold
        while total_cluster_distance_moved >= cluster_distance_moved_threshold:

            # find all points on traces and move clusters
            total_cluster_distance_moved = self._find_points_on_traces()

            # write cluster seeds to file

    def _find_points_on_traces(self):

        # counter for cluster seeds
        seed_counter = 1

        # storage for total cluster distance moved
        total_cluster_distance_moved = 0.0

        # iterate through all cluster seeds
        for cluster_seed in self.cluster_seeds.values():

            # clear current trace points from cluster

                "\rFinding intersecting points with cluster "
                + str(seed_counter)
                + "/"
                + str(len(self.cluster_seeds))
                + "... "

            # increment seed counter
            seed_counter += 1

            # determine leftward cluster bearing
            leftward_bearing = math.fmod((cluster_seed.bearing - 90.0) + 360.0, 360.0)

            # determine rightward cluster bearing
            rightward_bearing = math.fmod((cluster_seed.bearing + 90.0) + 360.0, 360.0)

            # storage for candidate trace points
            candidate_trace_points = []

            # iterate through all trips
            for trip in self.all_trips:

                # find leftward intersection points with trip
                candidate_trace_points.extend(self._find_intersection_points(trip, cluster_seed, leftward_bearing))

                # find rightward intersection points with trip
                candidate_trace_points.extend(self._find_intersection_points(trip, cluster_seed, rightward_bearing))

            # add candidate trace points to cluster

            # recompute cluster centroid
            total_cluster_distance_moved += cluster_seed.recompute_cluster_centroid()

            # clear current trace points from cluster

            # add candidate trace points to cluster, again

        # normalize total cluster distance moved by number of seeds
        total_cluster_distance_moved = total_cluster_distance_moved / len(self.cluster_seeds.values())

        # and we're done!
        print "done (clusters moved an average of " + str(total_cluster_distance_moved) + " meters)."

        # return total cluster distance moved
        return total_cluster_distance_moved

    def _find_intersection_points(self, trip, cluster, cluster_bearing):

        # find all nearby trip edge id's
        nearby_trip_edge_ids = self._find_nearby_trip_edge_ids(cluster, edge_bounding_box_size, trip.edge_index)

        # storage for intersection points
        intersection_points = []

        # iterate through all nearby edge id's
        for edge_id in nearby_trip_edge_ids:

            # grab current edge
            edge = trip.edges[edge_id]

            # determine intersection point between edge and cluster
            intersection_point = self._intersection_point(edge.in_node, edge.bearing, cluster, cluster_bearing)

            # if there is an intersection point
            if intersection_point is not None:

                # determine distance from edge in_node to intersection point
                intersection_distance = self._distance_coords(
                    edge.in_node.latitude, edge.in_node.longitude, intersection_point[0], intersection_point[1]

                # if intersection distance is less than edge length
                if intersection_distance <= edge.length:

                    # this edge has a valid intersection point
                        TracePoint(intersection_point[0], intersection_point[1], edge.bearing, edge)

        # return all intersection points for this trip
        return intersection_points

    def _generate_cluster_seeds(self):

        # iterate through all trips
        for i in range(0, len(self.all_trips)):

            sys.stdout.write("\rCluster seeding trip " + str(i + 1) + "/" + str(len(self.all_trips)) + "... ")

            # grab current trip
            trip = self.all_trips[i]

            # set last cluster seed distance to zero for first trip location
            trip.locations[0].last_cluster_seed_distance = 0.0

            # iterate through all trip locations
            for j in range(1, len(trip.locations)):

                # drop cluster seeds along current edge every 50 meters
                self._drop_cluster_seeds_along_edge(trip.locations[j - 1], trip.locations[j])

        print "done (generated " + str(len(self.cluster_seeds)) + " cluster seeds)."

        # write cluster seeds to file

    def _drop_cluster_seeds_along_edge(self, in_node, out_node):

        # determine edge length
        edge_length = self._distance(in_node, out_node)

        # determine distance along edge for first cluster seed
        first_cluster_seed_distance = cluster_seed_interval - in_node.last_cluster_seed_distance

        # storage for relative cluster seed intervals
        rel_cluster_seed_intervals = []

        # storage for current cluster seed distance along this edge
        curr_cluster_seed_distance = first_cluster_seed_distance

        # determine the relative cluster seed intervals needed for this edge
        while curr_cluster_seed_distance <= edge_length:

            # append current cluster seed distance to relative cluster seed interval list

            # increment current cluster seed distance
            curr_cluster_seed_distance += cluster_seed_interval

        # determine bearing of current edge
        edge_bearing = self._path_bearing(in_node, out_node)

        # create cluster seeds for edge
        for i in range(0, len(rel_cluster_seed_intervals)):

            # determine fraction along current edge to drop cluster seed
            fraction_along = rel_cluster_seed_intervals[i] / edge_length

            # determine point along line to drop cluster seed
            (new_cluster_seed_latitude, new_cluster_seed_longitude) = self._point_along_line(
                in_node, out_node, fraction_along

            # locate nearest existing cluster seeds
            closest_cluster_seeds = list(
                self.cluster_seed_index.nearest((new_cluster_seed_longitude, new_cluster_seed_latitude), 25)

            # if there does not exist a closest existing cluster seed
            if len(closest_cluster_seeds) == 0:

                # create a new cluster seed
                new_cluster_seed = self._create_new_cluster_seed(
                    new_cluster_seed_latitude, new_cluster_seed_longitude, edge_bearing

            # else, if there exists a closest existing cluster seed
            elif len(closest_cluster_seeds) > 0:

                # storage for matched cluster seed
                matched_cluster_seed = None

                # iterate through closest existing cluster seeds
                for curr_cluster_seed_id in closest_cluster_seeds:

                    # grab current cluster seed
                    curr_cluster_seed = self.cluster_seeds[curr_cluster_seed_id]

                    # compute distance to current cluster seed
                    distance = self._distance_coords(

                    # determine bearing difference between edge and current cluster seed
                    bearing_difference = math.cos(math.radians(edge_bearing - curr_cluster_seed.bearing))

                    # if current cluster is less than 50 meters away and bearing difference is less than or equal to 45 degrees
                    if (distance <= cluster_seed_interval) and (bearing_difference >= cluster_bearing_difference_limit):

                        # store current cluster seed as matched cluster seed
                        matched_cluster_seed = curr_cluster_seed

                        # stop searching

                # if there was not a matched cluster seed
                if matched_cluster_seed is None:

                    # create a new cluster seed
                    new_cluster_seed = self._create_new_cluster_seed(
                        new_cluster_seed_latitude, new_cluster_seed_longitude, edge_bearing

            # update last cluster seed distance
            out_node.last_cluster_seed_distance = self._distance_coords(
                new_cluster_seed_latitude, new_cluster_seed_longitude, out_node.latitude, out_node.longitude

        # if no cluster seeds were generated along this edge
        if len(rel_cluster_seed_intervals) == 0:

            # update last cluster seed distance
            out_node.last_cluster_seed_distance = in_node.last_cluster_seed_distance + edge_length

    def _create_new_cluster_seed(self, latitude, longitude, bearing):

        # create a new cluster seed
        new_cluster_seed = ClusterSeed(self.cluster_seed_id, latitude, longitude, bearing)

        # add new cluster seed to the cluster seeds dictionary
        self.cluster_seeds[new_cluster_seed.id] = new_cluster_seed

        # insert new cluster seed into spatial index
        self.cluster_seed_index.insert(new_cluster_seed.id, (new_cluster_seed.longitude, new_cluster_seed.latitude))

        # increment cluster seed id
        self.cluster_seed_id += 1

        # return new cluster seed
        return new_cluster_seed

    def _create_all_trip_edges(self):

        sys.stdout.write("Creating and indexing edges for all trips... ")

        # iterate through all trips
        for trip in self.all_trips:

            # add edge storage to trip
            trip.edges = {}

            # add edge index to trip
            trip.edge_index = Rtree()

            # storage for edge id
            trip_edge_id = 0

            # iterate through all trip locations
            for i in range(1, len(trip.locations)):

                # create new edge
                new_edge = Edge(trip_edge_id, trip.locations[i - 1], trip.locations[i])

                # insert edge into dictionary
                trip.edges[trip_edge_id] = new_edge

                # insert edge into index
                self._index_trip_edge(new_edge, trip.edge_index)

                # increment trip edge id
                trip_edge_id += 1

        # done
        print "done."

    def _index_trip_edge(self, edge, edge_index):

        # determine edge minx, miny, maxx, maxy values
        edge_minx = min(edge.in_node.longitude, edge.out_node.longitude)
        edge_miny = min(edge.in_node.latitude, edge.out_node.latitude)
        edge_maxx = max(edge.in_node.longitude, edge.out_node.longitude)
        edge_maxy = max(edge.in_node.latitude, edge.out_node.latitude)

        # insert edge into spatial index
        edge_index.insert(edge.id, (edge_minx, edge_miny, edge_maxx, edge_maxy))

    def _find_nearby_trip_edge_ids(self, location, distance, edge_index):

        # define longitude/latitude offset
        lon_offset = (distance / 2.0) / spatialfunclib.METERS_PER_DEGREE_LONGITUDE
        lat_offset = (distance / 2.0) / spatialfunclib.METERS_PER_DEGREE_LATITUDE

        # create bounding box
        bounding_box = (
            location.longitude - lon_offset,
            location.latitude - lat_offset,
            location.longitude + lon_offset,
            location.latitude + lat_offset,

        # return nearby edge id's inside bounding box
        return list(edge_index.intersection(bounding_box))

    def _intersection_point(self, location1, location1_bearing, location2, location2_bearing):
        return spatialfunclib.intersection_point(

    def _point_along_line(self, location1, location2, fraction_along):
        return spatialfunclib.point_along_line(
            location1.latitude, location1.longitude, location2.latitude, location2.longitude, fraction_along

    def _path_bearing(self, location1, location2):
        return spatialfunclib.path_bearing(
            location1.latitude, location1.longitude, location2.latitude, location2.longitude

    def _distance(self, location1, location2):
        return spatialfunclib.distance(location1.latitude, location1.longitude, location2.latitude, location2.longitude)

    def _distance_coords(self, location1_latitude, location1_longitude, location2_latitude, location2_longitude):
        return spatialfunclib.distance(location1_latitude, location1_longitude, location2_latitude, location2_longitude)

    def _write_cluster_seeds_to_file(self, filename="edelkamp_cluster_seeds.txt"):

        # open graph file
        graph_file = open(filename, "w")

        # iterate through all cluster_seeds
        for cluster_seed in self.cluster_seeds.values():

            # output cluster seed to file
                str(cluster_seed.latitude) + "," + str(cluster_seed.longitude) + "," + str(cluster_seed.bearing) + "\n"

        # close graph file

    def _write_graph_edges_to_file(self):

        # open graph file
        graph_file = open("edelkamp_cluster_edges.txt", "w")

        # iterate through all graph_edges
        for graph_edge in self.graph_edges.values():

            # output edge to file
            graph_file.write(str(graph_edge.in_node.latitude) + "," + str(graph_edge.in_node.longitude) + "\n")
            graph_file.write(str(graph_edge.out_node.latitude) + "," + str(graph_edge.out_node.longitude) + "\n\n")

        # close graph file

    def _output_graph_to_db(self):

        # output that we are starting the database writing process...
        sys.stdout.write("\nOutputting graph to database... ")

        # connect to database
        conn = sqlite3.connect("edelkamp_graph.db")

        # grab cursor
        cur = conn.cursor()

        # create nodes table
        cur.execute("CREATE TABLE nodes (id INTEGER, latitude FLOAT, longitude FLOAT)")

        # create edges table
        cur.execute("CREATE TABLE edges (id INTEGER, in_node INTEGER, out_node INTEGER)")

        # remove values from nodes table
        # cur.execute("DELETE FROM nodes")

        # remove values from edges table
        # cur.execute("DELETE FROM edges")

        # commit creates

        # iterate through all cluster seeds
        for cluster_seed in self.cluster_seeds.values():

            # insert cluster seed into nodes table
                "INSERT INTO nodes VALUES ("
                + str(cluster_seed.id)
                + ","
                + str(cluster_seed.latitude)
                + ","
                + str(cluster_seed.longitude)
                + ")"

        # iterate through all graph edges
        for graph_edge in self.graph_edges.values():

            # insert graph edge into edges table
                "INSERT INTO edges VALUES ("
                + str(graph_edge.id)
                + ","
                + str(graph_edge.in_node.id)
                + ","
                + str(graph_edge.out_node.id)
                + ")"

        # commit inserts

        # close database connection

        print "done."
예제 #21
def mod_boruvka(G, subgraphs=None, rtree=None):

    algorithm to calculate the minimum spanning forest of nodes in GeoGraph G
    with 'budget' based restrictions on edges.

    Uses a modified version of Boruvka's algorithm

    NOTE:  subgraphs is modified as a side-effect...may remove in future
        (useful for testing right now)

        G:  GeoGraph of nodes to be connected if appropriate
            Nodes should have 'budget' attribute
        subgraphs:  UnionFind data structure representing existing network's
            connected components AND the 'fake' nodes projected onto it.  This
            is the basis for the agglomerative nearest neighbor approach in
            this algorithm.
        rtree:  RTree based index of existing network

        GeoGraph: representing minimum spanning forest of G subject to the
            budget based restrictions

    # special case (already MST)
    if G.number_of_nodes() < 2:
        return G

    V = set(G.nodes())

    # GeoGraph coords may be ndarray or dict
    if isinstance(G.coords, np.ndarray):
        coords = G.coords
        coords = np.row_stack(G.coords.values())

    projcoords = ang_to_vec_coords(coords) if G.is_geographic() else coords
    kdtree = KDTree(projcoords)

    # Handle "dead" components
    D = set()

    if subgraphs is None:
        if rtree is not None:
            raise ValueError('RTree passed without UnionFind')

        rtree = Rtree()
        # modified to handle queues, children, mv
        subgraphs = UnionFind()

    # <helper_functions>
    def candidate_components(C):
        return the set of candidate nearest components for the connected
        component containing C.  Do not consider those in C's connected
        component or those that are 'dead'.
        component_set = subgraphs.component_set(C)
        return list((V - set(component_set)) - D)

    def update_nn_component(C, candidates):
        find the nearest neighbor pair for the connected component
        represented by c.  candidates represents the list of
        components from which to select.

        (v, vm) = subgraphs.queues[C].top()

        # vm ∈ C {not a foreign nearest neighbor}
        # go through the queue until an edge is found between this node
        # and the set of candidates, updating the neighbors in the connected
        # components queue in the process.
        while vm not in candidates:
            um, _ = kdtree.query_subset(projcoords[v], candidates)
            dm = square_distance(projcoords[v], projcoords[um])
            subgraphs.push(subgraphs.queues[C], (v, um), dm)
            # Note:  v will always be a vertex in this connected component
            #        vm *may* be external
            (v, vm) = subgraphs.queues[C].top()

        return (v, vm)

    def is_fake(node):
        Tests whether the node is a projection on the existing grid
        return subgraphs.budget[node] == np.inf

    # Test whether the component is dead
    # i.e. can never connect to another node
    def is_dead(c, nn_dist):
        return not is_fake(c) and subgraphs.budget[c] < nn_dist

    # "true" distance between components
    def component_dist(c1, c2):
        dist = 0
        if G.is_geographic():
            dist = spherical_distance([coords[c1], coords[c2]])
            dist = euclidean_distance([coords[c1], coords[c2]])
        return dist

    # </helper_functions>

    # Initialize the connected components holding a single node
    # and push the nearest neighbor into its queue
    for v in V:
        vm, _ = kdtree.query_subset(projcoords[v], list(V - {v}))
        dm = square_distance(projcoords[v], projcoords[vm])
        subgraphs.add_component(v, budget=G.node[v]['budget'])
        subgraphs.push(subgraphs.queues[v], (v, vm), dm)

        # Add to dead set if warranted
        nn_dist = component_dist(v, vm)

        if is_dead(v, nn_dist):
            # here components are single nodes
            # so no need to worry about adding children to dead set
            if v not in D:

    Et = []  # Initialize MST edges to empty list
    last_state = None

    # MST is complete when no progress was made in the prior iteration
    while Et != last_state:

        # This is a candidate list of edges that might be added to the MST
        Ep = PriorityQueue()

        # ∀ C of G; where c <- connected component
        for C in subgraphs.connected_components(component_subset=V):

            candidates = candidate_components(C)

            # Skip if no valid candidates
            if not candidates:

            (v, vm) = update_nn_component(C, candidates)

            # Add to dead set if warranted
            nn_dist = component_dist(v, vm)

            if is_dead(C, nn_dist):
                # add all dead components to the dead set D
                # (note that fake nodes can never be dead)
                for c in subgraphs.component_set(C):
                    if c not in D and not is_fake(c):

        # One more round to root out connections to dead components
        # found in above iteration.
        # Need to do this BEFORE pushing candidate edges into Ep.
        # Otherwise we might be testing only 'dead' candidates
        # and therefore mistakenly think we were done (since
        # no new edges would have been added)
        for C in subgraphs.connected_components(component_subset=V):

            candidates = candidate_components(C)

            # Skip if no valid candidates
            if not candidates:

            (v, vm) = update_nn_component(C, candidates)

            # Calculate nn_dist for comparison to mv later
            nn_dist = component_dist(v, vm)

            # Append the top priority edge from the subgraph to the candidate
            # edge set
            Ep.push((v, vm, nn_dist), nn_dist)

        last_state = deepcopy(Et)

        # Candidate Test
        # At this point we have all of our nearest neighbor component edge
        # candidates defined for this "round"
        # Now test all candidate edges in Ep for cycles and satisfaction of
        # custom criteria
        while Ep._queue:
            (um, vm, dm) = Ep.pop()

            # if doesn't create cycle
            # and subgraphs have enough MV
            # and we're not connecting 2 fake nodes
            # then allow the connection
            if subgraphs[um] != subgraphs[vm] and \
               (subgraphs.budget[subgraphs[um]] >= dm or is_fake(um)) and \
               (subgraphs.budget[subgraphs[vm]] >= dm or is_fake(vm)) and \
               not (is_fake(um) and is_fake(vm)):

                # doesn't create cycles from line segment intersection
                invalid_edge, intersections = \
                    line_subgraph_intersection(subgraphs, rtree,
                                               coords[um], coords[vm])

                if not invalid_edge:
                    # edges should not intersect a subgraph more than once
                    assert(filter(lambda n: n > 1,
                                  intersections.values()) == [])

                    # merge the subgraphs
                    subgraphs.union(um, vm, dm)

                    # For all intersected subgraphs update the mv to that
                    # created by the edge intersecting them,
                    # TODO: This should be updated in not such a naive method
                    map(lambda (n, _): subgraphs.union(um, n, 0),
                        filter(lambda (n, i): i == 1 and
                        subgraphs[n] != subgraphs[um],

                    # index the newly added edge
                    box = make_bounding_box(coords[um], coords[vm])

                    # Object is (u.label, v.label), (u.coord, v.coord)
                    rtree.insert(hash((um, vm)), box,
                                 obj=((um, vm), (coords[um], coords[vm])))
                    Et += [(um, vm, {'weight': dm})]

    # create new GeoGraph with results
    result = G.copy()
    result.coords = G.coords
    return result
예제 #22
class Graph:
    def __init__(self, all_trips):
        # trips
        self.all_trips = all_trips

        # cluster seeds
        self.cluster_seeds = {}
        self.cluster_seed_id = 0
        self.cluster_seed_index = Rtree()

        # graph edges
        self.graph_edges = {}  # indexed by "edge id"
        self.graph_edge_id = 0
        self.graph_edge_lookup = {}  # indexed by "location1_id,location2_id"

    def cluster_traces(self):

    def _generate_graph_edges(self):

        sys.stdout.write("Generating graph edges... ")

        # iterate through all trips
        for trip in self.all_trips:

            # grab trip edges
            trip_edges = trip.edges.values()

            # put trip edges in order
            trip_edges.sort(key=lambda x: x.id)

            # storage for previous cluster
            prev_cluster = None

            # iterate through trip edges
            for trip_edge in trip_edges:

                # if the current trip edge is clustered
                if (trip_edge.cluster is not None):

                    # create a graph edge between the previous cluster and the current cluster
                    self._create_graph_edge(prev_cluster, trip_edge.cluster)

                    # update previous cluster with current cluster
                    prev_cluster = trip_edge.cluster

        # output graph edges

        print "done."

    def _create_graph_edge(self, in_node, out_node):

        # if in_node or out_node is None
        if ((in_node is None) or (out_node is None)):

            # return without doing anything

        # see if we can find an existing graph edge with the same nodes
        existing_graph_edge = self._find_graph_edge(in_node, out_node)

        # if there is no existing graph edge with the same nodes
        if (existing_graph_edge is None):

            # create new graph edge object
            new_graph_edge = Edge(self.graph_edge_id, in_node, out_node)

            # add new graph edge to graph edge dictionary
            self.graph_edges[new_graph_edge.id] = new_graph_edge

            # add new graph edge to graph edge lookup dictionary
            self.graph_edge_lookup[str(in_node.id) + "," +
                                   str(out_node.id)] = new_graph_edge

            # increment graph edge id
            self.graph_edge_id += 1

    def _find_graph_edge(self, node1, node2):

        # generate edge lookup key
        edge_lookup_key = str(node1.id) + "," + str(node2.id)

        # if edge is in lookup table
        if (edge_lookup_key in self.graph_edge_lookup.keys()):

            # return the matching edge
            return self.graph_edge_lookup[edge_lookup_key]

        # if the edge wasn't in the lookup table
        return None

    def _cluster_seeds_with_traces(self):

        # storage for total cluster distance moved
        total_cluster_distance_moved = float('infinity')

        # iterate until total cluster distance moved below threshold
        while (total_cluster_distance_moved >=

            # find all points on traces and move clusters
            total_cluster_distance_moved = self._find_points_on_traces()

            # write cluster seeds to file

    def _find_points_on_traces(self):

        # counter for cluster seeds
        seed_counter = 1

        # storage for total cluster distance moved
        total_cluster_distance_moved = 0.0

        # iterate through all cluster seeds
        for cluster_seed in self.cluster_seeds.values():

            # clear current trace points from cluster

            sys.stdout.write("\rFinding intersecting points with cluster " +
                             str(seed_counter) + "/" +
                             str(len(self.cluster_seeds)) + "... ")

            # increment seed counter
            seed_counter += 1

            # determine leftward cluster bearing
            leftward_bearing = math.fmod((cluster_seed.bearing - 90.0) + 360.0,

            # determine rightward cluster bearing
            rightward_bearing = math.fmod(
                (cluster_seed.bearing + 90.0) + 360.0, 360.0)

            # storage for candidate trace points
            candidate_trace_points = []

            # iterate through all trips
            for trip in self.all_trips:

                # find leftward intersection points with trip
                    self._find_intersection_points(trip, cluster_seed,

                # find rightward intersection points with trip
                    self._find_intersection_points(trip, cluster_seed,

            # add candidate trace points to cluster

            # recompute cluster centroid
            total_cluster_distance_moved += cluster_seed.recompute_cluster_centroid(

            # clear current trace points from cluster

            # add candidate trace points to cluster, again

        # normalize total cluster distance moved by number of seeds
        total_cluster_distance_moved = (total_cluster_distance_moved /

        # and we're done!
        print "done (clusters moved an average of " + str(
            total_cluster_distance_moved) + " meters)."

        # return total cluster distance moved
        return total_cluster_distance_moved

    def _find_intersection_points(self, trip, cluster, cluster_bearing):

        # find all nearby trip edge id's
        nearby_trip_edge_ids = self._find_nearby_trip_edge_ids(
            cluster, edge_bounding_box_size, trip.edge_index)

        # storage for intersection points
        intersection_points = []

        # iterate through all nearby edge id's
        for edge_id in nearby_trip_edge_ids:

            # grab current edge
            edge = trip.edges[edge_id]

            # determine intersection point between edge and cluster
            intersection_point = self._intersection_point(
                edge.in_node, edge.bearing, cluster, cluster_bearing)

            # if there is an intersection point
            if (intersection_point is not None):

                # determine distance from edge in_node to intersection point
                intersection_distance = self._distance_coords(
                    edge.in_node.latitude, edge.in_node.longitude,
                    intersection_point[0], intersection_point[1])

                # if intersection distance is less than edge length
                if (intersection_distance <= edge.length):

                    # this edge has a valid intersection point
                                   intersection_point[1], edge.bearing, edge))

        # return all intersection points for this trip
        return intersection_points

    def _generate_cluster_seeds(self):

        # iterate through all trips
        for i in range(0, len(self.all_trips)):

            sys.stdout.write("\rCluster seeding trip " + str(i + 1) + "/" +
                             str(len(self.all_trips)) + "... ")

            # grab current trip
            trip = self.all_trips[i]

            # set last cluster seed distance to zero for first trip location
            trip.locations[0].last_cluster_seed_distance = 0.0

            # iterate through all trip locations
            for j in range(1, len(trip.locations)):

                # drop cluster seeds along current edge every 50 meters
                self._drop_cluster_seeds_along_edge(trip.locations[j - 1],

        print "done (generated " + str(len(
            self.cluster_seeds)) + " cluster seeds)."

        # write cluster seeds to file

    def _drop_cluster_seeds_along_edge(self, in_node, out_node):

        # determine edge length
        edge_length = self._distance(in_node, out_node)

        # determine distance along edge for first cluster seed
        first_cluster_seed_distance = (cluster_seed_interval -

        # storage for relative cluster seed intervals
        rel_cluster_seed_intervals = []

        # storage for current cluster seed distance along this edge
        curr_cluster_seed_distance = first_cluster_seed_distance

        # determine the relative cluster seed intervals needed for this edge
        while (curr_cluster_seed_distance <= edge_length):

            # append current cluster seed distance to relative cluster seed interval list

            # increment current cluster seed distance
            curr_cluster_seed_distance += cluster_seed_interval

        # determine bearing of current edge
        edge_bearing = self._path_bearing(in_node, out_node)

        # create cluster seeds for edge
        for i in range(0, len(rel_cluster_seed_intervals)):

            # determine fraction along current edge to drop cluster seed
            fraction_along = (rel_cluster_seed_intervals[i] / edge_length)

            # determine point along line to drop cluster seed
             new_cluster_seed_longitude) = self._point_along_line(
                 in_node, out_node, fraction_along)

            # locate nearest existing cluster seeds
            closest_cluster_seeds = list(
                    (new_cluster_seed_longitude, new_cluster_seed_latitude),

            # if there does not exist a closest existing cluster seed
            if (len(closest_cluster_seeds) == 0):

                # create a new cluster seed
                new_cluster_seed = self._create_new_cluster_seed(
                    new_cluster_seed_latitude, new_cluster_seed_longitude,

            # else, if there exists a closest existing cluster seed
            elif (len(closest_cluster_seeds) > 0):

                # storage for matched cluster seed
                matched_cluster_seed = None

                # iterate through closest existing cluster seeds
                for curr_cluster_seed_id in closest_cluster_seeds:

                    # grab current cluster seed
                    curr_cluster_seed = self.cluster_seeds[

                    # compute distance to current cluster seed
                    distance = self._distance_coords(
                        new_cluster_seed_latitude, new_cluster_seed_longitude,

                    # determine bearing difference between edge and current cluster seed
                    bearing_difference = math.cos(
                        math.radians(edge_bearing - curr_cluster_seed.bearing))

                    # if current cluster is less than 50 meters away and bearing difference is less than or equal to 45 degrees
                    if ((distance <= cluster_seed_interval)
                            and (bearing_difference >=

                        # store current cluster seed as matched cluster seed
                        matched_cluster_seed = curr_cluster_seed

                        # stop searching

                # if there was not a matched cluster seed
                if (matched_cluster_seed is None):

                    # create a new cluster seed
                    new_cluster_seed = self._create_new_cluster_seed(
                        new_cluster_seed_latitude, new_cluster_seed_longitude,

            # update last cluster seed distance
            out_node.last_cluster_seed_distance = self._distance_coords(
                new_cluster_seed_latitude, new_cluster_seed_longitude,
                out_node.latitude, out_node.longitude)

        # if no cluster seeds were generated along this edge
        if (len(rel_cluster_seed_intervals) == 0):

            # update last cluster seed distance
            out_node.last_cluster_seed_distance = (
                in_node.last_cluster_seed_distance + edge_length)

    def _create_new_cluster_seed(self, latitude, longitude, bearing):

        # create a new cluster seed
        new_cluster_seed = ClusterSeed(self.cluster_seed_id, latitude,
                                       longitude, bearing)

        # add new cluster seed to the cluster seeds dictionary
        self.cluster_seeds[new_cluster_seed.id] = new_cluster_seed

        # insert new cluster seed into spatial index
            (new_cluster_seed.longitude, new_cluster_seed.latitude))

        # increment cluster seed id
        self.cluster_seed_id += 1

        # return new cluster seed
        return new_cluster_seed

    def _create_all_trip_edges(self):

        sys.stdout.write("Creating and indexing edges for all trips... ")

        # iterate through all trips
        for trip in self.all_trips:

            # add edge storage to trip
            trip.edges = {}

            # add edge index to trip
            trip.edge_index = Rtree()

            # storage for edge id
            trip_edge_id = 0

            # iterate through all trip locations
            for i in range(1, len(trip.locations)):

                # create new edge
                new_edge = Edge(trip_edge_id, trip.locations[i - 1],

                # insert edge into dictionary
                trip.edges[trip_edge_id] = new_edge

                # insert edge into index
                self._index_trip_edge(new_edge, trip.edge_index)

                # increment trip edge id
                trip_edge_id += 1

        # done
        print "done."

    def _index_trip_edge(self, edge, edge_index):

        # determine edge minx, miny, maxx, maxy values
        edge_minx = min(edge.in_node.longitude, edge.out_node.longitude)
        edge_miny = min(edge.in_node.latitude, edge.out_node.latitude)
        edge_maxx = max(edge.in_node.longitude, edge.out_node.longitude)
        edge_maxy = max(edge.in_node.latitude, edge.out_node.latitude)

        # insert edge into spatial index
                          (edge_minx, edge_miny, edge_maxx, edge_maxy))

    def _find_nearby_trip_edge_ids(self, location, distance, edge_index):

        # define longitude/latitude offset
        lon_offset = ((distance / 2.0) /
        lat_offset = ((distance / 2.0) /

        # create bounding box
        bounding_box = (location.longitude - lon_offset,
                        location.latitude - lat_offset,
                        location.longitude + lon_offset,
                        location.latitude + lat_offset)

        # return nearby edge id's inside bounding box
        return list(edge_index.intersection(bounding_box))

    def _intersection_point(self, location1, location1_bearing, location2,
        return spatialfunclib.intersection_point(
            location1.latitude, location1.longitude, location1_bearing,
            location2.latitude, location2.longitude, location2_bearing)

    def _point_along_line(self, location1, location2, fraction_along):
        return spatialfunclib.point_along_line(location1.latitude,

    def _path_bearing(self, location1, location2):
        return spatialfunclib.path_bearing(location1.latitude,

    def _distance(self, location1, location2):
        return spatialfunclib.distance(location1.latitude, location1.longitude,
                                       location2.latitude, location2.longitude)

    def _distance_coords(self, location1_latitude, location1_longitude,
                         location2_latitude, location2_longitude):
        return spatialfunclib.distance(location1_latitude, location1_longitude,
                                       location2_latitude, location2_longitude)

    def _write_cluster_seeds_to_file(self,

        # open graph file
        graph_file = open(filename, 'w')

        # iterate through all cluster_seeds
        for cluster_seed in self.cluster_seeds.values():

            # output cluster seed to file
                str(cluster_seed.latitude) + "," +
                str(cluster_seed.longitude) + "," + str(cluster_seed.bearing) +

        # close graph file

    def _write_graph_edges_to_file(self):

        # open graph file
        graph_file = open('edelkamp_cluster_edges.txt', 'w')

        # iterate through all graph_edges
        for graph_edge in self.graph_edges.values():

            # output edge to file
                str(graph_edge.in_node.latitude) + "," +
                str(graph_edge.in_node.longitude) + "\n")
                str(graph_edge.out_node.latitude) + "," +
                str(graph_edge.out_node.longitude) + "\n\n")

        # close graph file

    def _output_graph_to_db(self):

        # output that we are starting the database writing process...
        sys.stdout.write("\nOutputting graph to database... ")

        # connect to database
        conn = sqlite3.connect("edelkamp_graph.db")

        # grab cursor
        cur = conn.cursor()

        # create nodes table
            "CREATE TABLE nodes (id INTEGER, latitude FLOAT, longitude FLOAT)")

        # create edges table
            "CREATE TABLE edges (id INTEGER, in_node INTEGER, out_node INTEGER)"

        # remove values from nodes table
        #cur.execute("DELETE FROM nodes")

        # remove values from edges table
        #cur.execute("DELETE FROM edges")

        # commit creates

        # iterate through all cluster seeds
        for cluster_seed in self.cluster_seeds.values():

            # insert cluster seed into nodes table
            cur.execute("INSERT INTO nodes VALUES (" + str(cluster_seed.id) +
                        "," + str(cluster_seed.latitude) + "," +
                        str(cluster_seed.longitude) + ")")

        # iterate through all graph edges
        for graph_edge in self.graph_edges.values():

            # insert graph edge into edges table
            cur.execute("INSERT INTO edges VALUES (" + str(graph_edge.id) +
                        "," + str(graph_edge.in_node.id) + "," +
                        str(graph_edge.out_node.id) + ")")

        # commit inserts

        # close database connection

        print "done."
class Graph:
    def __init__(self, bus_trips):
        self.bus_trips = bus_trips
        self.graph_nodes = {}  # indexed by "location_id"
        self.graph_edge_id = 0
        self.graph_edges = {}  # indexed by "edge id"
        self.graph_edge_lookup = {}  # indexed by "location1_id,location2_id"
        self.graph_edge_index = Rtree()

    def generate_graph(self):
        print "Running graph generation algorithm..."

        # initialize trip counter
        trip_count = 1

        for trip in self.bus_trips:

            # initialize location counter
            location_count = 1

            # storage for previous node
            prev_node = None

            for location in trip.locations:
                sys.stdout.write("\rAnalyzing location " +
                                 str(location_count) + "/" +
                                 str(len(trip.locations)) + " for trip " +
                                 str(trip_count) + "/" +
                                 str(len(self.bus_trips)) + "... ")

                # find closest edges in graph to location
                closest_edges = self._find_closest_edges_in_graph(
                    location, 100)

                # flag variable for whether we merged location
                did_merge_location = False

                # iterate through candidate edge ids
                for candidate_edge_id in closest_edges:

                    # grab candidate edge from graph edge dictionary
                    candidate_edge = self.graph_edges[candidate_edge_id]

                    # determine whether we should merge with candidate edge
                    if (self._should_merge_location_with_edge(
                            location, candidate_edge) is True):

                        # merge location with edge, update previous node
                        prev_node = self._merge_location_with_edge(
                            location, candidate_edge, prev_node)

                        # update merge flag variable
                        did_merge_location = True

                        # no need to look at further edges, break out of candidate edges loop

                # if we did not merge the location with any edge
                if (did_merge_location is False):

                    # add location to graph
                    self._add_location_to_graph(location, prev_node)

                    # update previous node with current location
                    prev_node = location

                # increment location counter
                location_count += 1

            # done with current trip locations
            print "done."

            # increment trip counter
            trip_count += 1

        # write graph edges to file

        # create graph database

    def _merge_location_with_edge(self, location, edge, prev_node):

        # get the edge node closest to the location
        edge_node = self._get_closest_edge_node(location, edge)

        # if prev_node is None
        if (prev_node is None):

            # increase volume of just this edge
            edge.volume += 1

        # if prev_node is not None

            # find path from prev_node to edge_node
            path = self._find_path(prev_node, edge_node, max_path_length)

            # if there was a path from prev_node to edge_node
            if (path is not None):

                # iterate through nodes in path
                for i in range(1, len(path)):

                    # grab in_node
                    in_node = path[i - 1]

                    # grab out_node
                    out_node = path[i]

                    # find corresponding graph edge
                    graph_edge = self._find_graph_edge(in_node, out_node)

                    # increment volume on edge
                    graph_edge.volume += 1

            # if there is no path from prev_node to edge_node

                # create a new graph edge between prev_node and edge_node
                self._create_graph_edge(prev_node, edge_node)

        # return the edge_node
        return edge_node

    def _get_closest_edge_node(self, location, edge):

        # if in_node distance is less than out_node distance
        if (self._distance(location, edge.in_node) < self._distance(
                location, edge.out_node)):

            # return the edge in_node
            return edge.in_node

        # otherwise, return the edge out_node
        return edge.out_node

    def _find_path(self, source, destination, max_length):

        # reset all node visited flags

        # get a breath-first search path from source to destination
        path = self._bfs_path(source, destination)

        # if there is a path from source to destination
        if (path is not None):

            # and if the path length is less than or equal to the maximum length
            if (len(path) <= max_length):

                # return the path
                return path

        # otherwise, return None
        return None

    def _bfs_path(self, source, destination):

        # storage for breadth-first search parents
        bfs_parent = {}  # key is current node, value is parent node

        # source node has no breadth-first search parent
        bfs_parent[source] = None

        # node queue for breadth-first search
        bfs_queue = []

        # enqueue source node

        # mark source node as visited
        source.visited = True

        # while the queue is not empty
        while (len(bfs_queue) > 0):

            # dequeue the first node in the queue
            curr_node = bfs_queue.pop(0)

            # if the current node is the destination
            if (curr_node is destination):

                # create storage for breadth-first search path
                bfs_path = []

                # add the current node to the breadth-first search path
                bfs_path.insert(0, curr_node)

                # grab the parent of the current node
                parent = bfs_parent[curr_node]

                # iterate through breadth-first search parents
                while (parent is not None):

                    # add the parent to the breadth-first search path
                    bfs_path.insert(0, parent)

                    # grab the next parent
                    parent = bfs_parent[parent]

                # return the breadth-first search path
                return bfs_path

            # if the current node is not the destination

                # iterate through the current node's out_nodes
                for out_node in curr_node.out_nodes:

                    # if the out_node has not been visited
                    if (out_node.visited is False):

                        # mark the out_node as visited
                        out_node.visited = True

                        # enqueue the out_node

                        # store curr_node as out_node's breadth-first search parent
                        bfs_parent[out_node] = curr_node

        # if we reached here, no path was found
        return None

    def _should_merge_location_with_edge(self, location, edge):

        # project location onto edge
        (location_projection, location_projection_fraction,
         location_projection_distance) = self._projection_onto_line(
             edge.in_node, edge.out_node, location)

        # if projection is not onto edge
        if (location_projection_fraction < 0.0
                or location_projection_fraction > 1.0):

            # we cannot merge location with edge
            return False

        # determine bearing difference between edge and location
        bearing_difference = math.cos(
                self._path_bearing(edge.in_node, edge.out_node) -

        # if location projection distance is less than 20 meters
        if (location_projection_distance < location_projection_distance_limit):

            # if bearing difference is less than 45 degrees
            if (bearing_difference > location_bearing_difference_limit):

                # merge location with edge
                return True

        # otherwise, do not merge location with edge
        return False

    def _add_location_to_graph(self, location, prev_node):

        # add an out_nodes list to location
        location.out_nodes = []

        # add an in_nodes list to location
        location.in_nodes = []

        # add a visited flag to location
        location.visited = False

        # add location to graph nodes list
        self.graph_nodes[location.id] = location

        # if prev_node is not None
        if (prev_node is not None):

            # create a new graph edge between prev_node and location
            self._create_graph_edge(prev_node, location)

    def _create_graph_edge(self, in_node, out_node):

        # see if we can find an existing graph edge with the same nodes
        existing_graph_edge = self._find_graph_edge(in_node, out_node)

        # if there is no existing graph edge with the same nodes
        if (existing_graph_edge is None):

            # create new graph edge object
            new_graph_edge = Edge(self.graph_edge_id, in_node, out_node)

            # add new graph edge to graph edge dictionary
            self.graph_edges[new_graph_edge.id] = new_graph_edge

            # add new graph edge to graph edge lookup dictionary
            self.graph_edge_lookup[str(in_node.id) + "," +
                                   str(out_node.id)] = new_graph_edge

            # add new graph edge to graph edges spatial index

            # increment graph edge id
            self.graph_edge_id += 1

            # store out_node in in_nodes's out_nodes list

            # store in_node in out_node's in_nodes list

    def _find_graph_edge(self, node1, node2):

        # generate edge lookup key
        edge_lookup_key = str(node1.id) + "," + str(node2.id)

        # if edge is in lookup table
        if (edge_lookup_key in self.graph_edge_lookup.keys()):

            # return the matching edge
            return self.graph_edge_lookup[edge_lookup_key]

        # if the edge wasn't in the lookup table
        return None

    def _add_graph_edge_to_index(self, graph_edge):

        # determine graph edge minx, miny, maxx, maxy values
        graph_edge_minx = min(graph_edge.in_node.longitude,
        graph_edge_miny = min(graph_edge.in_node.latitude,
        graph_edge_maxx = max(graph_edge.in_node.longitude,
        graph_edge_maxy = max(graph_edge.in_node.latitude,

        # insert graph edge into spatial index
                                     (graph_edge_minx, graph_edge_miny,
                                      graph_edge_maxx, graph_edge_maxy))

    def _location_bearing(self, location):

        # if location has a previous neighbor and a next neighbor
        if ((location.prev_location is not None)
                and (location.next_location is not None)):

            # determine bearing using previous and next neighbors
            return self._path_bearing(location.prev_location,

        # if location has no previous neighbor, but has a next neighbor
        elif ((location.prev_location is None)
              and (location.next_location is not None)):

            # determine bearing using current location and next neighbor
            return self._path_bearing(location, location.next_location)

        # if location has a previous neighbor, but not a next neighbor
        elif ((location.prev_location is not None)
              and (location.next_location is None)):

            # determine bearing using previous neighbor and current location
            return self._path_bearing(location.prev_location, location)

        # if we reach here, there is an error
        return None

    def _find_closest_edges_in_graph(self, location, number_of_edges):
        return self.graph_edge_index.nearest(
            (location.longitude, location.latitude), number_of_edges)

    def _projection_onto_line(self, location1, location2, location3):
        return spatialfunclib.projection_onto_line(
            location1.latitude, location1.longitude, location2.latitude,
            location2.longitude, location3.latitude, location3.longitude)

    def _path_bearing(self, location1, location2):
        return spatialfunclib.path_bearing(location1.latitude,

    def _distance(self, location1, location2):
        return spatialfunclib.distance(location1.latitude, location1.longitude,
                                       location2.latitude, location2.longitude)

    def _output_graph_to_db(self):

        # output that we are starting the database writing process...
        sys.stdout.write("\nOutputting graph to database... ")

        # connect to database
        conn = sqlite3.connect("cao_graph.db")

        # grab cursor
        cur = conn.cursor()

        # create nodes table
            "CREATE TABLE nodes (id INTEGER, latitude FLOAT, longitude FLOAT)")

        # create edges table
            "CREATE TABLE edges (id INTEGER, in_node INTEGER, out_node INTEGER)"

        # remove values from nodes table
        #cur.execute("DELETE FROM nodes")

        # remove values from edges table
        #cur.execute("DELETE FROM edges")

        # commit creates

        # iterate through all graph nodes
        for graph_node in self.graph_nodes.values():

            # insert graph node into nodes table
            cur.execute("INSERT INTO nodes VALUES (" + str(graph_node.id) +
                        "," + str(graph_node.latitude) + "," +
                        str(graph_node.longitude) + ")")

        # iterate through all graph edges
        for graph_edge in self.graph_edges.values():

            # if the graph edge has volume greater than or equal to 3
            if (graph_edge.volume >= min_graph_edge_volume):

                # insert graph edge into edges table
                cur.execute("INSERT INTO edges VALUES (" + str(graph_edge.id) +
                            "," + str(graph_edge.in_node.id) + "," +
                            str(graph_edge.out_node.id) + ")")

        # commit inserts

        # close database connection

        print "done."

    def _write_graph_edges_to_file(self):

        # output that we are starting the writing process
        sys.stdout.write("\nWriting graph edges to file... ")

        # open graph file
        graph_file = open('cao_edges.txt', 'w')

        # iterate through all graph_edges
        for graph_edge in self.graph_edges.values():

            # if the graph edge has volume greater than or equal to 3
            if (graph_edge.volume >= min_graph_edge_volume):

                # output edge to file
                    str(graph_edge.in_node.latitude) + "," +
                    str(graph_edge.in_node.longitude) + "\n")
                    str(graph_edge.out_node.latitude) + "," +
                    str(graph_edge.out_node.longitude) + "," +
                    str(graph_edge.volume) + "\n\n")

        # close graph file

        print "done."

    def _reset_node_visited_flags(self):

        # iterate through all graph nodes
        for graph_node in self.graph_nodes.values():

            # set visited flag to False
            graph_node.visited = False
예제 #24
print >> sys.stderr, "%d retried, %d unassigned." % (retries, len(unassigned))

hoodIndex = Rtree()

print >> sys.stderr, "Buffering polygons."
for place_id, polygon in polygons.items():
    if type(polygon) is Polygon:
        polygon = Polygon(polygon.exterior.coords)
        bits = []
        for p in polygon.geoms:
            if type(p) is Polygon:
        polygon = MultiPolygon(bits)
    polygons[place_id] = polygon.buffer(0)
    hoodIndex.insert(place_id, polygons[place_id].bounds)

print >> sys.stderr, "Retconning blocks to shapes."
    """select geom, geoid10 FROM tabblock10 tb WHERE statefp10 = %s AND countyfp10 = %s AND blockce10 NOT LIKE '0%%'""",
    (statefp10, countyfp10))
for r in cur.fetchall():
    poly = wkb.loads(r[0].decode('hex'))
    id = r[1]
    candidates = [i for i in hoodIndex.intersection(poly.bounds)]
    found = False
    for place_id in candidates:
        hood = polygons[place_id]
        if hood.contains(poly):
            cur.execute("""DELETE FROM votes WHERE source=%s AND id=%s""",
                        ('blockr', id))
예제 #25
def mod_boruvka(G, subgraphs=None, rtree=None):

    algorithm to calculate the minimum spanning forest of nodes in GeoGraph G
    with 'budget' based restrictions on edges.

    Uses a modified version of Boruvka's algorithm

    NOTE:  subgraphs is modified as a side-effect...may remove in future
        (useful for testing right now)

        G:  GeoGraph of nodes to be connected if appropriate
            Nodes should have 'budget' attribute
        subgraphs:  UnionFind data structure representing existing network's
            connected components AND the 'fake' nodes projected onto it.  This
            is the basis for the agglomerative nearest neighbor approach in
            this algorithm.
        rtree:  RTree based index of existing network

        GeoGraph: representing minimum spanning forest of G subject to the
            budget based restrictions

    # special case (already MST)
    if G.number_of_nodes() < 2:
        return G

    V = set(G.nodes())
    coords = np.row_stack(G.coords.values())
    projcoords = ang_to_vec_coords(coords) if G.is_geographic() else coords
    kdtree = KDTree(projcoords)

    # Handle "dead" components
    D = set()

    if subgraphs is None:
        if rtree is not None: raise ValueError('RTree passed without UnionFind')

        rtree = Rtree()
        # modified to handle queues, children, mv
        subgraphs = UnionFind()

    # <helper_functions>
    def candidate_components(C):
        return the set of candidate nearest components for the connected
        component containing C.  Do not consider those in C's connected
        component or those that are 'dead'.
        component_set = subgraphs.component_set(C)
        return list((V - set(component_set)) - D)

    def update_nn_component(C, candidates):
        find the nearest neighbor pair for the connected component
        represented by c.  candidates represents the list of
        components from which to select.

        (v, vm) = subgraphs.queues[C].top()

        # vm ∈ C {not a foreign nearest neighbor}
        # go through the queue until an edge is found between this node
        # and the set of candidates, updating the neighbors in the connected
        # components queue in the process.
        while vm not in candidates:
            um, _ = kdtree.query_subset(projcoords[v], candidates)
            dm = square_distance(projcoords[v], projcoords[um])
            subgraphs.push(subgraphs.queues[C], (v, um), dm)
            # Note:  v will always be a vertex in this connected component
            #        vm *may* be external
            (v, vm) = subgraphs.queues[C].top()

        return (v, vm)

    # Tests whether the node is a projection on the existing grid, using its MV
    is_fake = lambda n: subgraphs.budget[n] == np.inf

    # Test whether the component is dead
    # i.e. can never connect to another node
    def is_dead(c, nn_dist):
        return not is_fake(c) and subgraphs.budget[c] < nn_dist

    # "true" distance between components
    def component_dist(c1, c2):
        dist = 0
        if G.is_geographic():
            dist = spherical_distance([coords[c1], coords[c2]])
            dist = euclidean_distance([coords[c1], coords[c2]])
        return dist

    # </helper_functions>

    # Initialize the connected components holding a single node
    # and push the nearest neighbor into its queue
    for v in V:
        vm, _ = kdtree.query_subset(projcoords[v], list(V - {v}))
        dm = square_distance(projcoords[v], projcoords[vm])
        subgraphs.add_component(v, budget=G.node[v]['budget'])
        subgraphs.push(subgraphs.queues[v], (v, vm), dm)

        # Add to dead set if warranted
        nn_dist = component_dist(v, vm)

        if is_dead(v, nn_dist):
            # here components are single nodes
            # so no need to worry about adding children to dead set
            if v not in D: D.add(v)

    Et = []  # Initialize MST edges to empty list
    last_state = None

    # MST is complete when no progress was made in the prior iteration
    while Et != last_state:

        # This is a candidate list of edges that might be added to the MST
        Ep = PriorityQueue()

        # ∀ C of G; where c <- connected component
        for C in subgraphs.connected_components(component_subset=V):

            candidates = candidate_components(C)

            # Skip if no valid candidates
            if not candidates:

            (v, vm) = update_nn_component(C, candidates)

            # Add to dead set if warranted
            nn_dist = component_dist(v, vm)

            if is_dead(C, nn_dist):
                # add all dead components to the dead set D
                # (note that fake nodes can never be dead)
                for c in subgraphs.component_set(C):
                    if c not in D and not is_fake(c):  D.add(c)

        # One more round to root out connections to dead components
        # found in above iteration.
        # Need to do this BEFORE pushing candidate edges into Ep.
        # Otherwise we might be testing only 'dead' candidates
        # and therefore mistakenly think we were done (since
        # no new edges would have been added)
        for C in subgraphs.connected_components(component_subset=V):

            candidates = candidate_components(C)

            # Skip if no valid candidates
            if not candidates:

            (v, vm) = update_nn_component(C, candidates)

            # Calculate nn_dist for comparison to mv later
            nn_dist = component_dist(v, vm)

            # Append the top priority edge from the subgraph to the candidate
            # edge set
            Ep.push((v, vm, nn_dist), nn_dist)

        last_state = deepcopy(Et)

        # Candidate Test
        # At this point we have all of our nearest neighbor component edge
        # candidates defined for this "round"
        # Now test all candidate edges in Ep for cycles and satisfaction of
        # custom criteria
        while Ep._queue:
            (um, vm, dm) = Ep.pop()

            # if doesn't create cycle 
            # and subgraphs have enough MV
            # and we're not connecting 2 fake nodes 
            # then allow the connection
            if subgraphs[um] != subgraphs[vm] and \
                (subgraphs.budget[subgraphs[um]] >= dm or is_fake(um)) and \
                (subgraphs.budget[subgraphs[vm]] >= dm or is_fake(vm)) and \
                not (is_fake(um) and is_fake(vm)):

                # doesn't create cycles from line segment intersection
                invalid_edge, intersections = \
                    line_subgraph_intersection(subgraphs, rtree,
                        coords[um], coords[vm])

                if not invalid_edge:
                    # edges should not intersect a subgraph more than once
                    assert(filter(lambda n: n > 1,
                        intersections.values()) == [])

                    # merge the subgraphs
                    subgraphs.union(um, vm, dm)

                    # For all intersected subgraphs update the mv to that
                    # created by the edge intersecting them,
                    # TODO: This should be updated in not such a naive method
                    map(lambda (n, _): subgraphs.union(um, n, 0),
                            filter(lambda (n, i): i == 1 and
                                    subgraphs[n] != subgraphs[um],

                    # index the newly added edge
                    box = make_bounding_box(coords[um], coords[vm])

                    # Object is (u.label, v.label), (u.coord, v.coord)
                    rtree.insert(hash((um, vm)), box,
                        obj=((um, vm), (coords[um], coords[vm])))
                    Et += [(um, vm, {'weight': dm})]

    # create new GeoGraph with results
    result = G.copy()
    result.coords = G.coords
    return result
예제 #26
print >>sys.stderr, "%d retried, %d unassigned." % (retries, len(unassigned))

hoodIndex = Rtree()

print >>sys.stderr, "Buffering polygons."
for place_id, polygon in polygons.items():
    if type(polygon) is Polygon:
        polygon = Polygon(polygon.exterior.coords)
        bits = []
        for p in polygon.geoms:
            if type(p) is Polygon:
        polygon = MultiPolygon(bits)
    polygons[place_id] = polygon.buffer(0)
    hoodIndex.insert(place_id, polygons[place_id].bounds)

print >>sys.stderr, "Retconning blocks to shapes."
cur.execute("""select geom, geoid10 FROM tabblock10 tb WHERE statefp10 = %s AND countyfp10 = %s AND blockce10 NOT LIKE '0%%'""", (statefp10, countyfp10))
for r in cur.fetchall():
  poly = wkb.loads(r[0].decode('hex'))
  id = r[1]
  candidates = [i for i in hoodIndex.intersection(poly.bounds)]
  found = False
  for place_id in candidates:
    hood = polygons[place_id]
    if hood.contains(poly):
      cur.execute("""DELETE FROM votes WHERE source=%s AND id=%s""", ('blockr', id))
      cur.execute("""INSERT INTO votes (id, label, count, source) values (%s, %s, %s, 'blockr')""", (
          id, place_id, 1))
예제 #27
Created on Aug 5, 2016

@author: ionut

import fiona
import logging
from rtree import Rtree
from shapely.geometry import shape

logger = logging.getLogger('memory')

logger.info('loading shp data')
_countries = fiona.open('/media/ionut/Work/gis/gadm28_levels.shp/gadm28_adm0.shp')
_states = fiona.open('/media/ionut/Work/gis/gadm28_levels.shp/gadm28_adm1.shp')
_counties = fiona.open('/media/ionut/Work/gis/gadm28_levels.shp/gadm28_adm2.shp')

logger.info('building county index')
_counties_idx = Rtree()
for county in _counties:
    geom = shape(county['geometry'])
    gid = int(county['id'])
    _counties_idx.insert(gid, geom.bounds)

예제 #28
class StreetMap:
    def __init__(self):
        self.nodes = {}  # indexed by node id
        self.edges = {}  # indexed by edge id
        self.intersections = {}  # indexed by node id
        self.node_spatial_index = Rtree()
        self.edge_spatial_index = Rtree()
        self.intersection_spatial_index = Rtree()
        self.edge_lookup_table = {}  # indexed by (in_node,out_node)
        self.edge_coords_lookup_table = {
        }  # indexed by (in_node.coords, out_node.coords)
        self.segments = {}  # indexed by segment id
        self.segment_lookup_table = {
        }  # indexed by (head_edge.in_node, tail_edge.out_node)

    def load_osmdb(self, osmdb_filename):

        # connect to OSMDB
        conn = sqlite3.connect(osmdb_filename)

        # grab cursor
        cur = conn.cursor()

        # output that we are loading nodes
        sys.stdout.write("\nLoading nodes... ")

        # execute query on nodes table
        query_iter = cur.execute("select id, lat, lon from nodes")
        #        query_result = cur.fetchall()

        # iterate through all query results
        for id, lat, lon in query_iter:

            # create and store node in nodes dictionary
            self.nodes[int(id)] = Node(float(lat), float(lon), int(id))

        print "done."

        # output that we are loading edges
        sys.stdout.write("Loading edges... ")

        # execute query on ways table
        query_iter = cur.execute("select id, tags, nds from ways")
        #        query_result = cur.fetchall()

        # storage for nodes used in valid edges
        valid_edge_nodes = {}  # indexed by node id

        # iterate through all query results
        for id, tags, nodes in query_iter:

            # grab tags associated with current way
            way_tags_dict = eval(tags)

            # if current way is a valid highway
            if ('highway' in way_tags_dict.keys()
                    and self._valid_highway_edge(way_tags_dict['highway'])):

                # grab all nodes that compose this way
                way_nodes_list = eval(nodes)

                # iterate through list of way nodes
                for i in range(1, len(way_nodes_list)):

                    # grab in_node from nodes dictionary
                    in_node = self.nodes[int(way_nodes_list[i - 1])]

                    # grab out_node from nodes dictionary
                    out_node = self.nodes[int(way_nodes_list[i])]

                    # create edge_id based on way id
                    edge_id = int(str(id) + str(i - 1) + "000000")

                    # if either node on the edge is valid
                    if (
                    ):  #self._valid_node(in_node) or self._valid_node(out_node)):

                        # create and store edge in edges dictionary
                        self.edges[int(edge_id)] = Edge(
                            in_node, out_node, int(edge_id))

                        # store in_node in out_node's in_nodes list
                        if (in_node not in out_node.in_nodes):

                        # store out_node in in_node's out_nodes list
                        if (out_node not in in_node.out_nodes):

                        # if edge is bidirectional
                        if ('oneway' not in way_tags_dict.keys()):

                            # create new symmetric edge id
                            symmetric_edge_id = int(str(edge_id / 10) + "1")

                            # create and store symmetric edge in edges dictionary
                            self.edges[int(symmetric_edge_id)] = Edge(
                                out_node, in_node, int(symmetric_edge_id))

                            # store in_node in out_node's out_nodes list
                            if (in_node not in out_node.out_nodes):

                            # store out_node in in_node's in_nodes list
                            if (out_node not in in_node.in_nodes):

                        # store in_node in valid_edge_nodes dictionary
                        if (in_node.id not in valid_edge_nodes.keys()):
                            valid_edge_nodes[in_node.id] = in_node

                        # store out_node in valid_edge_nodes dictionary
                        if (out_node.id not in valid_edge_nodes.keys()):
                            valid_edge_nodes[out_node.id] = out_node

        print "done."

        # close connection to OSMDB

        # replace all nodes with valid edge nodes
        self.nodes = valid_edge_nodes

        # index nodes

        # index edges

        # find and index intersections

        # output map statistics
        print "Map has " + str(len(self.nodes)) + " nodes, " + str(
            len(self.edges)) + " edges and " + str(len(
                self.intersections)) + " intersections."

    def load_graphdb(self, grapdb_filename):

        # connect to graph database
        conn = sqlite3.connect(grapdb_filename)

        # grab cursor
        cur = conn.cursor()

        # output that we are loading nodes
        sys.stdout.write("\nLoading nodes... ")

        # execute query on nodes table
        cur.execute("select id, latitude, longitude, weight from nodes")
        query_result = cur.fetchall()

        # iterate through all query results
        for id, latitude, longitude, weight in query_result:

            # create and store node in nodes dictionary
            self.nodes[id] = Node(latitude, longitude, id, weight)

        print "done."

        # output that we are loading edges
        sys.stdout.write("Loading edges... ")

        # execute query on ways table
        cur.execute("select id, in_node, out_node, weight from edges")
        query_result = cur.fetchall()

        # storage for nodes used in valid edges
        valid_edge_nodes = {}  # indexed by node id

        # iterate through all query results
        for id, in_node_id, out_node_id, weight in query_result:

            # grab in_node from nodes dictionary
            in_node = self.nodes[in_node_id]

            # grab out_node from nodes dictionary
            out_node = self.nodes[out_node_id]

            # if either node on the edge is valid
            if (True
                ):  #self._valid_node(in_node) or self._valid_node(out_node)):

                # create and store edge in edges dictionary
                self.edges[id] = Edge(in_node, out_node, id, weight)

                # store in_node in out_node's in_nodes list
                if (in_node not in out_node.in_nodes):

                # store out_node in in_node's out_nodes list
                if (out_node not in in_node.out_nodes):

                # store in_node in valid_edge_nodes dictionary
                if (in_node.id not in valid_edge_nodes.keys()):
                    valid_edge_nodes[in_node.id] = in_node

                # store out_node in valid_edge_nodes dictionary
                if (out_node.id not in valid_edge_nodes.keys()):
                    valid_edge_nodes[out_node.id] = out_node

        # execute query on segments table
        cur.execute("select id, edge_ids from segments")
        query_result = cur.fetchall()

        for id, edge_ids in query_result:
            segment_edges = map(lambda edge_id: self.edges[edge_id],
            self.segments[id] = Segment(id, segment_edges)

                self.segments[id].tail_edge.out_node)] = self.segments[id]

            for segment_edge in segment_edges:
                segment_edge.segment = self.segments[id]

#                self.segment_lookup_table[segment_edge.id] = self.segments[id]

# execute query on intersections table
        cur.execute("select node_id from intersections")
        query_result = cur.fetchall()

        for node_id in query_result:
            self.intersections[node_id[0]] = self.nodes[node_id[0]]

                "select transition_segment, from_segment, to_segment from transitions"
            query_result = cur.fetchall()
            self.transitions = {}
            for transition_segment, from_segment, to_segment in query_result:
                self.transitions[transition_segment] = (from_segment,
            print "Got an error reading "

        print "done."

        # close connection to graph db

        # replace all nodes with valid edge nodes
        self.nodes = valid_edge_nodes

        # index nodes

        # index edges

        # find and index intersections

        # output map statistics
        print "Map has " + str(len(self.nodes)) + " nodes, " + str(
            len(self.edges)) + " edges, " + str(len(
                self.segments)) + " segments and " + str(
                    len(self.intersections)) + " intersections."

    def load_shapedb(self, shapedb_filename):

        # connect to graph database
        conn = sqlite3.connect(shapedb_filename)

        # grab cursor
        cur = conn.cursor()

        # execute query to find all shape ids
        cur.execute("select distinct shape_id from shapes")

        # output that we are loading nodes and edges
        sys.stdout.write("\nLoading nodes and edges... ")

        # storage for shape specific edges
        self.shape_edges = {}  # indexed by shape_id

        # storage for node id
        node_id = 0

        # iterate through all shape ids
        for shape_id in cur.fetchall():

            # grab shape id
            shape_id = shape_id[0]

            # if route is a bus route
            if (shape_id == "0" or shape_id == "11" or shape_id == "15"
                    or shape_id == "41" or shape_id == "65"
                    or shape_id == "22"):

                # execute query to find all shape points
                    "select shape_pt_lat, shape_pt_lon from shapes where shape_id='"
                    + str(shape_id) + "' order by shape_pt_sequence asc")

                # amend shape id
                if (shape_id == "0"):
                    shape_id = "10000000"
                elif (shape_id == "11"):
                    shape_id = "10000011"
                elif (shape_id == "41"):
                    shape_id = "10000041"
                elif (shape_id == "15"):
                    shape_id = "10000015"
                elif (shape_id == "65"):
                    shape_id = "10000065"
                elif (shape_id == "22"):
                    shape_id = "10000022"

                # storage for first node
                first_node = None

                # storage for previous node
                prev_node = None

                # create list for this shape's edges
                self.shape_edges[shape_id] = []

                # iterate through all shape points
                for shape_pt_lat, shape_pt_lon in cur.fetchall():

                    # create new node
                    curr_node = Node(shape_pt_lat, shape_pt_lon, node_id)

                    # store first node
                    if (first_node is None):
                        first_node = curr_node

                    # increment node id
                    node_id += 1

                    # add shape id to node
                    curr_node.shape_id = shape_id

                    # store new node in nodes dictionary
                    self.nodes[node_id] = curr_node

                    # if there exists a previous node
                    if (prev_node is not None):

                        # create edge id
                        edge_id = int(
                            str(shape_id) + str(prev_node.id) +

                        # create new edge
                        curr_edge = Edge(prev_node, curr_node, edge_id)

                        # add shape id to edge
                        curr_edge.shape_id = shape_id

                        # store new edge in edges dictionary
                        self.edges[edge_id] = curr_edge

                        # store new edge in shape edges dictionary

                        # store previous node in current node's in_nodes list

                        # store current node in previous node's out_nodes list

                    # update previous node
                    prev_node = curr_node

                # create edge id for last edge
                edge_id = int(
                    str(shape_id) + str(prev_node.id) + str(first_node.id))

                # create new edge
                curr_edge = Edge(prev_node, first_node, edge_id)

                # add shape id to edge
                curr_edge.shape_id = shape_id

                # store new edge in edges dictionary
                self.edges[edge_id] = curr_edge

                # store new edge in shape edges dictionary

                # store previous node in first node's in_nodes list

                # store first node in previous node's out_nodes list

        print "done."

        # close connection to gtfs db

        # index nodes

        # index edges

        # find and index intersections

        # output map statistics
        print "Map has " + str(len(self.nodes)) + " nodes, " + str(
            len(self.edges)) + " edges and " + str(len(
                self.intersections)) + " intersections."

    def _index_nodes(self):

        # output that we are indexing nodes
        sys.stdout.write("Indexing nodes... ")

        # iterate through all nodes
        for curr_node in self.nodes.values():

            # insert node into spatial index
                curr_node.id, (curr_node.longitude, curr_node.latitude))

        print "done."

    def _index_edges(self):

        # output that we are indexing edges
        sys.stdout.write("Indexing edges... ")

        # iterate through all edges
        for curr_edge in self.edges.values():

            # determine current edge minx, miny, maxx, maxy values
            curr_edge_minx = min(curr_edge.in_node.longitude,
            curr_edge_miny = min(curr_edge.in_node.latitude,
            curr_edge_maxx = max(curr_edge.in_node.longitude,
            curr_edge_maxy = max(curr_edge.in_node.latitude,

            # insert current edge into spatial index
                                           (curr_edge_minx, curr_edge_miny,
                                            curr_edge_maxx, curr_edge_maxy))

            # insert current edge into lookup table
                                    curr_edge.out_node)] = curr_edge
                curr_edge.out_node.coords())] = curr_edge

        # iterate through all edges
        for edge in self.edges.values():

            # iterate through all out edges
            for out_node_neighbor in edge.out_node.out_nodes:

                # add out edge to out edges list
                    self.edge_lookup_table[(edge.out_node, out_node_neighbor)])

            # iterate through all in edges
            for in_node_neighbor in edge.in_node.in_nodes:

                # add in edge to in edges list

        print "done."

    def _find_and_index_intersections(self):

        # output that we are finding and indexing intersections
        sys.stdout.write("Finding and indexing intersections... ")

        # find intersection nodes and index
         intersection_nodes_index) = self._find_intersection_nodes()

        # storage for intersection nodes already placed in intersections
        placed_intersection_nodes = set()

        # define longitude/latitude offset for bounding box
        lon_offset = ((intersection_size / 2.0) / METERS_PER_DEGREE_LONGITUDE)
        lat_offset = ((intersection_size / 2.0) / METERS_PER_DEGREE_LATITUDE)

        # storage for intersection id
        intersection_id = 0

        # iterate through intersection nodes
        for intersection_node in intersection_nodes:

            # if the intersection node has not yet been placed
            if (intersection_node not in placed_intersection_nodes):

                # create bounding box
                bounding_box = (intersection_node.longitude - lon_offset,
                                intersection_node.latitude - lat_offset,
                                intersection_node.longitude + lon_offset,
                                intersection_node.latitude + lat_offset)

                # find intersection node ids within bounding box
                intersection_node_ids = intersection_nodes_index.intersection(

                # get intersection nodes
                intersection_nodes = map(self._get_node, intersection_node_ids)

                # add intersection nodes to placed set

                # create new intersection
                new_intersection = Intersection(intersection_id,

                # increment intersection id
                intersection_id += 1

                # add new intersection to intersections list
                self.intersections[new_intersection.id] = new_intersection

                # insert new intersection into spatial index
                    (new_intersection.longitude, new_intersection.latitude))

        print "done."

    def _get_node(self, node_id):

        # return node from dictionary
        return self.nodes[node_id]

    def _find_intersection_nodes(self):

        # storage for intersection nodes
        intersection_nodes = []

        # spatial index for intersection nodes
        intersection_nodes_index = Rtree()

        # iterate through all nodes in map
        for curr_node in self.nodes.values():

            # set storage for current node's unique neighbors
            neighbors = set()

            # iterate through all in_nodes
            for in_node in curr_node.in_nodes:

                # add in_node to neighbors set

            # iterate through all out_nodes
            for out_node in curr_node.out_nodes:

                # add out_node to neighbors set

            # if current node has more than 2 neighbors
            if (len(neighbors) > 2):

                # add current node to intersection nodes list

                # add current node to intersection nodes index
                    curr_node.id, (curr_node.longitude, curr_node.latitude))

        # return intersection nodes and index
        return (intersection_nodes, intersection_nodes_index)

    def _valid_node(self, node):

        # if node falls inside the designated bounding box
        if ((node.latitude >= 41.8619 and node.latitude <= 41.8842) and
            (node.longitude >= -87.6874 and node.longitude <= -87.6398)):

            return True
            return False

    def _valid_highway_edge(self, highway_tag_value):
        if ((highway_tag_value == 'primary')
                or (highway_tag_value == 'secondary')
                or (highway_tag_value == 'tertiary')
                or (highway_tag_value == 'residential')):

            return True
            return False

    def reset_node_visited_flags(self):

        # iterate through all nodes
        for node in self.nodes.values():

            # set node visited flag to False
            node.visited = False

    def reset_edge_visited_flags(self):

        # iterate through all edges
        for edge in self.edges.values():

            # set edge visited flag to False
            edge.visited = False

    def write_map_to_file(self, map_filename="map.txt"):

        # output that we are starting the writing process
        sys.stdout.write("\nWriting map to file... ")

        # open map file
        map_file = open(map_filename, 'w')

        # iterate through all map edges
        for curr_edge in self.edges.values():

            # output current edge to file
                str(curr_edge.in_node.latitude) + "," +
                str(curr_edge.in_node.longitude) + "\n")
                str(curr_edge.out_node.latitude) + "," +
                str(curr_edge.out_node.longitude) + "\n\n")

        # close map file

        print "done."

    def _distance(self, location1, location2):
        return spatialfunclib.distance(location1.latitude, location1.longitude,
                                       location2.latitude, location2.longitude)
예제 #29
class StreetMap:
    def __init__(self):
        self.nodes = {} # indexed by node id
        self.edges = {} # indexed by edge id
        self.intersections = {} # indexed by node id
        self.node_spatial_index = Rtree()
        self.edge_spatial_index = Rtree()
        self.intersection_spatial_index = Rtree()
        self.edge_lookup_table = {} # indexed by (in_node,out_node)
        self.edge_coords_lookup_table = {} # indexed by (in_node.coords, out_node.coords)
        self.segments = {} # indexed by segment id
        self.segment_lookup_table = {} # indexed by (head_edge.in_node, tail_edge.out_node)
    def load_osmdb(self, osmdb_filename):
        # connect to OSMDB
        conn = sqlite3.connect(osmdb_filename)
        # grab cursor
        cur = conn.cursor()
        # output that we are loading nodes
        sys.stdout.write("\nLoading nodes... ")
        # execute query on nodes table
        cur.execute("select id, lat, lon from nodes")
        query_result = cur.fetchall()
        # iterate through all query results
        for id, lat, lon in query_result:
            # create and store node in nodes dictionary
            self.nodes[int(id)] = Node(float(lat), float(lon), int(id))
        print "done."
        # output that we are loading edges
        sys.stdout.write("Loading edges... ")
        # execute query on ways table
        cur.execute("select id, tags, nds from ways")
        query_result = cur.fetchall()
        # storage for nodes used in valid edges
        valid_edge_nodes = {} # indexed by node id
        # iterate through all query results
        for id, tags, nodes in query_result:
            # grab tags associated with current way
            way_tags_dict = eval(tags)
            # if current way is a valid highway
            if ('highway' in way_tags_dict.keys() and self._valid_highway_edge(way_tags_dict['highway'])):
                # grab all nodes that compose this way
                way_nodes_list = eval(nodes)
                # iterate through list of way nodes
                for i in range(1, len(way_nodes_list)):
                    # grab in_node from nodes dictionary
                    in_node = self.nodes[int(way_nodes_list[i - 1])]
                    # grab out_node from nodes dictionary
                    out_node = self.nodes[int(way_nodes_list[i])]
                    # create edge_id based on way id
                    edge_id = int(str(id) + str(i - 1) + "000000")
                    # if either node on the edge is valid
                    if (True): #self._valid_node(in_node) or self._valid_node(out_node)):
                        # create and store edge in edges dictionary
                        self.edges[int(edge_id)] = Edge(in_node, out_node,int(edge_id))
                        # store in_node in out_node's in_nodes list
                        if (in_node not in out_node.in_nodes):
                        # store out_node in in_node's out_nodes list
                        if (out_node not in in_node.out_nodes):
                        # if edge is bidirectional
                        if ('oneway' not in way_tags_dict.keys()):
                            # create new symmetric edge id
                            symmetric_edge_id = int(str(edge_id / 10) + "1")
                            # create and store symmetric edge in edges dictionary
                            self.edges[int(symmetric_edge_id)] = Edge(out_node, in_node, int(symmetric_edge_id))
                            # store in_node in out_node's out_nodes list
                            if (in_node not in out_node.out_nodes):
                            # store out_node in in_node's in_nodes list
                            if (out_node not in in_node.in_nodes):
                        # store in_node in valid_edge_nodes dictionary
                        if (in_node.id not in valid_edge_nodes.keys()):
                            valid_edge_nodes[in_node.id] = in_node
                        # store out_node in valid_edge_nodes dictionary
                        if (out_node.id not in valid_edge_nodes.keys()):
                            valid_edge_nodes[out_node.id] = out_node
        print "done."
        # close connection to OSMDB
        # replace all nodes with valid edge nodes
        self.nodes = valid_edge_nodes
        # index nodes
        # index edges
        # find and index intersections
        # output map statistics
        print "Map has " + str(len(self.nodes)) + " nodes, " + str(len(self.edges)) + " edges and " + str(len(self.intersections)) + " intersections."
    def load_graphdb(self, grapdb_filename):
        # connect to graph database
        conn = sqlite3.connect(grapdb_filename)
        # grab cursor
        cur = conn.cursor()
        # output that we are loading nodes
        sys.stdout.write("\nLoading nodes... ")
        # execute query on nodes table
        cur.execute("select id, latitude, longitude, weight from nodes")
        query_result = cur.fetchall()
        # iterate through all query results
        for id, latitude, longitude, weight in query_result:
            # create and store node in nodes dictionary
            self.nodes[id] = Node(latitude, longitude, id, weight)
        print "done."
        # output that we are loading edges
        sys.stdout.write("Loading edges... ")
        # execute query on ways table
        cur.execute("select id, in_node, out_node, weight from edges")
        query_result = cur.fetchall()
        # storage for nodes used in valid edges
        valid_edge_nodes = {} # indexed by node id
        # iterate through all query results
        for id, in_node_id, out_node_id, weight in query_result:
            # grab in_node from nodes dictionary
            in_node = self.nodes[in_node_id]
            # grab out_node from nodes dictionary
            out_node = self.nodes[out_node_id]
            # if either node on the edge is valid
            if (True): #self._valid_node(in_node) or self._valid_node(out_node)):
                # create and store edge in edges dictionary
                self.edges[id] = Edge(in_node, out_node, id, weight)
                # store in_node in out_node's in_nodes list
                if (in_node not in out_node.in_nodes):
                # store out_node in in_node's out_nodes list
                if (out_node not in in_node.out_nodes):
                # store in_node in valid_edge_nodes dictionary
                if (in_node.id not in valid_edge_nodes.keys()):
                    valid_edge_nodes[in_node.id] = in_node
                # store out_node in valid_edge_nodes dictionary
                if (out_node.id not in valid_edge_nodes.keys()):
                    valid_edge_nodes[out_node.id] = out_node
        # execute query on segments table
        cur.execute("select id, edge_ids from segments")
        query_result = cur.fetchall()
        for id, edge_ids in query_result:
            segment_edges = map(lambda edge_id: self.edges[edge_id], eval(edge_ids))
            self.segments[id] = Segment(id, segment_edges)
            self.segment_lookup_table[(self.segments[id].head_edge.in_node, self.segments[id].tail_edge.out_node)] = self.segments[id]
            for segment_edge in segment_edges:
		segment_edge.segment = self.segments[id] 
#                self.segment_lookup_table[segment_edge.id] = self.segments[id]
        # execute query on intersections table
        cur.execute("select node_id from intersections")
        query_result = cur.fetchall()
        for node_id in query_result:
            self.intersections[node_id[0]] = self.nodes[node_id[0]]

            cur.execute("select transition_segment, from_segment, to_segment from transitions");
            query_result = cur.fetchall()
            for transition_segment, from_segment, to_segment in query_result:
            print "Got an error reading "
        print "done."
        # close connection to graph db
        # replace all nodes with valid edge nodes
        self.nodes = valid_edge_nodes
        # index nodes
        # index edges
        # find and index intersections
        # output map statistics
        print "Map has " + str(len(self.nodes)) + " nodes, " + str(len(self.edges)) + " edges, " + str(len(self.segments)) + " segments and " + str(len(self.intersections)) + " intersections."
    def load_shapedb(self, shapedb_filename):
        # connect to graph database
        conn = sqlite3.connect(shapedb_filename)
        # grab cursor
        cur = conn.cursor()
        # execute query to find all shape ids
        cur.execute("select distinct shape_id from shapes")
        # output that we are loading nodes and edges
        sys.stdout.write("\nLoading nodes and edges... ")
        # storage for shape specific edges
        self.shape_edges = {} # indexed by shape_id
        # storage for node id
        node_id = 0
        # iterate through all shape ids
        for shape_id in cur.fetchall():
            # grab shape id
            shape_id = shape_id[0]
            # if route is a bus route
            if (shape_id == "0" or shape_id == "11" or shape_id == "15" or shape_id == "41" or shape_id == "65" or shape_id == "22"):
                # execute query to find all shape points
                cur.execute("select shape_pt_lat, shape_pt_lon from shapes where shape_id='" + str(shape_id) + "' order by shape_pt_sequence asc")
                # amend shape id
                if (shape_id == "0"):
                    shape_id = "10000000"
                elif (shape_id == "11"):
                    shape_id = "10000011"
                elif (shape_id == "41"):
                    shape_id = "10000041"
                elif (shape_id == "15"):
                    shape_id = "10000015"
                elif (shape_id == "65"):
                    shape_id = "10000065"
                elif (shape_id == "22"):
                    shape_id = "10000022"
                # storage for first node
                first_node = None
                # storage for previous node
                prev_node = None
                # create list for this shape's edges
                self.shape_edges[shape_id] = []
                # iterate through all shape points
                for shape_pt_lat, shape_pt_lon in cur.fetchall():
                    # create new node
                    curr_node = Node(shape_pt_lat, shape_pt_lon, node_id)
                    # store first node
                    if (first_node is None):
                        first_node = curr_node
                    # increment node id
                    node_id += 1
                    # add shape id to node
                    curr_node.shape_id = shape_id
                    # store new node in nodes dictionary
                    self.nodes[node_id] = curr_node
                    # if there exists a previous node
                    if (prev_node is not None):
                        # create edge id
                        edge_id = int(str(shape_id) + str(prev_node.id) + str(curr_node.id))
                        # create new edge
                        curr_edge = Edge(prev_node, curr_node, edge_id)
                        # add shape id to edge
                        curr_edge.shape_id = shape_id
                        # store new edge in edges dictionary
                        self.edges[edge_id] = curr_edge
                        # store new edge in shape edges dictionary
                        # store previous node in current node's in_nodes list
                        # store current node in previous node's out_nodes list
                    # update previous node
                    prev_node = curr_node
                # create edge id for last edge
                edge_id = int(str(shape_id) + str(prev_node.id) + str(first_node.id))
                # create new edge
                curr_edge = Edge(prev_node, first_node, edge_id)
                # add shape id to edge
                curr_edge.shape_id = shape_id
                # store new edge in edges dictionary
                self.edges[edge_id] = curr_edge
                # store new edge in shape edges dictionary
                # store previous node in first node's in_nodes list
                # store first node in previous node's out_nodes list
        print "done."
        # close connection to gtfs db
        # index nodes
        # index edges
        # find and index intersections
        # output map statistics
        print "Map has " + str(len(self.nodes)) + " nodes, " + str(len(self.edges)) + " edges and " + str(len(self.intersections)) + " intersections."
    def _index_nodes(self):
        # output that we are indexing nodes
        sys.stdout.write("Indexing nodes... ")
        # iterate through all nodes
        for curr_node in self.nodes.values():
            # insert node into spatial index
            self.node_spatial_index.insert(curr_node.id, (curr_node.longitude, curr_node.latitude))
        print "done."
    def _index_edges(self):
        # output that we are indexing edges
        sys.stdout.write("Indexing edges... ")
        # iterate through all edges
        for curr_edge in self.edges.values():
            # determine current edge minx, miny, maxx, maxy values
            curr_edge_minx = min(curr_edge.in_node.longitude, curr_edge.out_node.longitude)
            curr_edge_miny = min(curr_edge.in_node.latitude, curr_edge.out_node.latitude)
            curr_edge_maxx = max(curr_edge.in_node.longitude, curr_edge.out_node.longitude)
            curr_edge_maxy = max(curr_edge.in_node.latitude, curr_edge.out_node.latitude)
            # insert current edge into spatial index
            self.edge_spatial_index.insert(curr_edge.id, (curr_edge_minx, curr_edge_miny, curr_edge_maxx, curr_edge_maxy))
            # insert current edge into lookup table
            self.edge_lookup_table[(curr_edge.in_node, curr_edge.out_node)] = curr_edge
            self.edge_coords_lookup_table[(curr_edge.in_node.coords(), curr_edge.out_node.coords())] = curr_edge
        # iterate through all edges
        for edge in self.edges.values():
            # iterate through all out edges
            for out_node_neighbor in edge.out_node.out_nodes:
                # add out edge to out edges list
                edge.out_edges.append(self.edge_lookup_table[(edge.out_node, out_node_neighbor)])
            # iterate through all in edges
            for in_node_neighbor in edge.in_node.in_nodes:
                # add in edge to in edges list
                edge.in_edges.append(self.edge_lookup_table[(in_node_neighbor, edge.in_node)])
        print "done."
    def _find_and_index_intersections(self):
        # output that we are finding and indexing intersections
        sys.stdout.write("Finding and indexing intersections... ")
        # find intersection nodes and index
        (intersection_nodes, intersection_nodes_index) = self._find_intersection_nodes()
        # storage for intersection nodes already placed in intersections
        placed_intersection_nodes = set()
        # define longitude/latitude offset for bounding box
        lon_offset = ((intersection_size / 2.0) / spatialfunclib.METERS_PER_DEGREE_LONGITUDE)
        lat_offset = ((intersection_size / 2.0) / spatialfunclib.METERS_PER_DEGREE_LATITUDE)
        # storage for intersection id
        intersection_id = 0
        # iterate through intersection nodes
        for intersection_node in intersection_nodes:
            # if the intersection node has not yet been placed
            if (intersection_node not in placed_intersection_nodes):
                # create bounding box
                bounding_box = (intersection_node.longitude - lon_offset, intersection_node.latitude - lat_offset, intersection_node.longitude + lon_offset, intersection_node.latitude + lat_offset)
                # find intersection node ids within bounding box
                intersection_node_ids = intersection_nodes_index.intersection(bounding_box)
                # get intersection nodes
                intersection_nodes = map(self._get_node, intersection_node_ids)
                # add intersection nodes to placed set
                # create new intersection
                new_intersection = Intersection(intersection_id, intersection_nodes)
                # increment intersection id
                intersection_id += 1
                # add new intersection to intersections list
                self.intersections[new_intersection.id] = new_intersection
                # insert new intersection into spatial index
                self.intersection_spatial_index.insert(new_intersection.id, (new_intersection.longitude, new_intersection.latitude))
        print "done."
    def _get_node(self, node_id):
        # return node from dictionary
        return self.nodes[node_id]
    def _find_intersection_nodes(self):
        # storage for intersection nodes
        intersection_nodes = []
        # spatial index for intersection nodes
        intersection_nodes_index = Rtree()
        # iterate through all nodes in map
        for curr_node in self.nodes.values():
            # set storage for current node's unique neighbors
            neighbors = set()
            # iterate through all in_nodes
            for in_node in curr_node.in_nodes:
                # add in_node to neighbors set
            # iterate through all out_nodes
            for out_node in curr_node.out_nodes:
                # add out_node to neighbors set
            # if current node has more than 2 neighbors
            if (len(neighbors) > 2):
                # add current node to intersection nodes list
                # add current node to intersection nodes index
                intersection_nodes_index.insert(curr_node.id, (curr_node.longitude, curr_node.latitude))
        # return intersection nodes and index
        return (intersection_nodes, intersection_nodes_index)
    def _valid_node(self, node):
        # if node falls inside the designated bounding box
        if ((node.latitude >= 41.8619 and node.latitude <= 41.8842) and
            (node.longitude >= -87.6874 and node.longitude <= -87.6398)):
            return True
            return False
    def _valid_highway_edge(self, highway_tag_value):
        if ((highway_tag_value == 'primary') or 
            (highway_tag_value == 'secondary') or 
            (highway_tag_value == 'tertiary') or 
            (highway_tag_value == 'residential')):
            return True
            return False
    def reset_node_visited_flags(self):
        # iterate through all nodes
        for node in self.nodes.values():
            # set node visited flag to False
            node.visited = False
    def reset_edge_visited_flags(self):
        # iterate through all edges
        for edge in self.edges.values():
            # set edge visited flag to False
            edge.visited = False
    def write_map_to_file(self, map_filename="map.txt"):
        # output that we are starting the writing process
        sys.stdout.write("\nWriting map to file... ")
        # open map file
        map_file = open(map_filename, 'w')
        # iterate through all map edges
        for curr_edge in self.edges.values():
            # output current edge to file
            map_file.write(str(curr_edge.in_node.latitude) + "," + str(curr_edge.in_node.longitude) + "\n")
            map_file.write(str(curr_edge.out_node.latitude) + "," + str(curr_edge.out_node.longitude) + "\n\n")
        # close map file
        print "done."
    def _distance(self, location1, location2):
        return spatialfunclib.distance(location1.latitude, location1.longitude, location2.latitude, location2.longitude)
예제 #30
def api_root():
    ''' This is the root of the webservice, upon successful authentication a text will be displayed in the browser '''
        projectid = request.args.get('projectid')
        diagramid = request.args.get('diagramid')
        apitoken = request.args.get('apitoken')
    except KeyError as ke:
        msg = json.dumps({
            "Could not parse Projectid, Diagram ID or API Token ID. One or more of these were not found in your JSON request."
        return Response(msg, status=400, mimetype='application/json')

    if projectid and diagramid and apitoken:
        myAPIHelper = GeodesignHub.GeodesignHubClient(
        myGridGenerator = GridGenerator()
        myDiagramDecomposer = DiagramDecomposer()

        r = myAPIHelper.get_diagram(int(diagramid))

            assert r.status_code == 200
        except AssertionError as ae:
            print("Invalid reponse %s" % ae)
            op = json.loads(r.text)
            diaggeoms = op['geojson']
            sysid = op['sysid']
            desc = op['description']
            projectorpolicy = op['type']
            fundingtype = 'o'
            geoms, bounds = myDiagramDecomposer.processGeoms(diaggeoms)
            grid, allbounds = myGridGenerator.generateGrid(bounds)

        gridRTree = Rtree()
        for boundsid, bounds in allbounds.items():
            gridRTree.insert(boundsid, bounds)

        choppedgeomsandareas = []
        choppedgeoms = []
        totalarea = 0
        for curgeom in geoms:
            curbounds = curgeom.bounds
            igridids = list(gridRTree.intersection(curbounds))

            for curintersectid in igridids:
                gridfeat = grid[curintersectid]
                ifeat = curgeom.intersection(gridfeat)
                ifeatarea = ifeat.area
                totalarea += ifeatarea
                ele = {'area': ifeatarea, 'feature': ifeat}

        sortedgeomsandareas = sorted(choppedgeoms, key=lambda k: k['area'])

        tenpercent = ((totalarea * 10) / 100)
        thirtypercent = ((totalarea * 30) / 100)
        seventypercent = ((totalarea * 70) / 100)
        # print totalarea, tenpercent, thirtypercent, seventypercent
        a = 0
        tenpercentfeats = {"type": "FeatureCollection", "features": []}
        twentypercentfeats = {"type": "FeatureCollection", "features": []}
        seventypercentfeats = {"type": "FeatureCollection", "features": []}

        for cursortedgeom in sortedgeomsandareas:
            cf = {}
            j = json.loads(
            cf['type'] = 'Feature'
            cf['properties'] = {}
            cf['geometry'] = j
            if a < tenpercent:
            elif a > tenpercent and a < thirtypercent:
            a += float(cursortedgeom['area'])

        opdata = [{
            'gj': tenpercentfeats,
            'desc': "10% " + desc
        }, {
            'gj': twentypercentfeats,
            'desc': "20% " + desc
        }, {
            'gj': seventypercentfeats,
            'desc': "70% " + desc,
            "fundingtype": fundingtype
        alluploadmessages = []
        for curopdata in opdata:
            # upload = myAPIHelper.post_as_diagram(geoms = json.dumps(curopdata['gj']), projectorpolicy= projectorpolicy,featuretype = 'polygon', description= curopdata['desc'], sysid = sysid)
            # alluploadmessages.append(json.loads(upload.text))

        msg = json.dumps({
            "message": "Diagrams have been uploaded",
            "uploadstatus": alluploadmessages
        return Response(msg, status=400, mimetype='application/json')


        msg = json.dumps({
            "Could not parse Project ID, Diagram ID or API Token ID. One or more of these were not found in your JSON request."
        return Response(msg, status=400, mimetype='application/json')
예제 #31
def snap_points_to_links(points, links):
    """Place points onto closest link in a set of links (arc/edges).
    points : dict
        Point ID as key and (x,y) coordinate as value.
    links : list
        Elements are of type ``libpysal.cg.shapes.Chain``
        ** Note ** each element is a link represented as a chain with
        *one head and one tail vertex* in other words one link only.
    point2link : dict
        Key [point ID (see points in arguments)]; value [a 2-tuple 
        ((head, tail), point) where (head, tail) is the target link,
        and point is the snapped location on the link.
    >>> import spaghetti
    >>> from libpysal.cg.shapes import Point, Chain
    >>> points = {0: Point((1,1))}
    >>> link = [Chain([Point((0,0)), Point((2,0))])]
    >>> spaghetti.util.snap_points_to_links(points, link)
    {0: ([(0.0, 0.0), (2.0, 0.0)], array([1., 0.]))}

    # instantiate an rtree
    rtree = Rtree()
    # set the smallest possible float epsilon on machine
    SMALL = numpy.finfo(float).eps

    # initialize network vertex to link lookup
    vertex_2_link = {}

    # iterate over network links
    for i, link in enumerate(links):

        # extract network link (x,y) vertex coordinates
        head, tail = link.vertices
        x0, y0 = head
        x1, y1 = tail

        if (x0, y0) not in vertex_2_link:
            vertex_2_link[(x0, y0)] = []

        if (x1, y1) not in vertex_2_link:
            vertex_2_link[(x1, y1)] = []

        vertex_2_link[(x0, y0)].append(link)
        vertex_2_link[(x1, y1)].append(link)

        # minimally increase the bounding box exterior
        bx0, by0, bx1, by1 = link.bounding_box
        bx0 -= SMALL
        by0 -= SMALL
        bx1 += SMALL
        by1 += SMALL

        # insert the network link and its associated
        # rectangle into the rtree
        rtree.insert(i, (bx0, by0, bx1, by1), obj=link)

    # build a KDtree on link vertices
    kdtree = cg.KDTree(list(vertex_2_link.keys()))

    point2link = {}

    for pt_idx, point in points.items():

        # first, find nearest neighbor link vertices for the point
        dmin, vertex = kdtree.query(point, k=1)
        vertex = tuple(kdtree.data[vertex])
        closest = vertex_2_link[vertex][0].vertices

        # Use this link as the candidate closest link:  closest
        # Use the distance as the distance to beat:     dmin
        point2link[pt_idx] = (closest, numpy.array(vertex))
        x0 = point[0] - dmin
        y0 = point[1] - dmin
        x1 = point[0] + dmin
        y1 = point[1] + dmin

        # Find all links with bounding boxes that intersect
        # a query rectangle centered on the point with sides
        # of length dmin * dmin
        rtree_lookup = rtree.intersection([x0, y0, x1, y1], objects=True)
        candidates = [cand.object for cand in rtree_lookup]
        dmin += SMALL
        dmin2 = dmin * dmin

        # of the candidate arcs, find the nearest to the query point
        for candidate in candidates:
            dist2cand, nearp = squared_distance_point_link(point, candidate.vertices)
            if dist2cand <= dmin2:
                closest = candidate.vertices
                dmin2 = dist2cand
                point2link[pt_idx] = (closest, nearp)

    return point2link
예제 #32
파일: polygons.py 프로젝트: tebuck/trimesh
def enclosure_tree(polygons):
    Given a list of shapely polygons with only exteriors,
    find which curves represent the exterior shell or root curve
    and which represent holes which penetrate the exterior.

    This is done with an R-tree for rough overlap detection,
    and then exact polygon queries for a final result.

    polygons : (n,) shapely.geometry.Polygon
       Polygons which only have exteriors and may overlap

    roots : (m,) int
        Index of polygons which are root
    contains : networkx.DiGraph
       Edges indicate a polygon is
       contained by another polygon
    tree = Rtree()
    # nodes are indexes in polygons
    contains = nx.DiGraph()
    for i, polygon in enumerate(polygons):
        # if a polygon is None it means creation
        # failed due to weird geometry so ignore it
        if polygon is None or len(polygon.bounds) != 4:
        # insert polygon bounds into rtree
        tree.insert(i, polygon.bounds)
        # make sure every valid polygon has a node

    # loop through every polygon
    for i in contains.nodes():
        polygon = polygons[i]
        # we first query for bounding box intersections from the R-tree
        for j in tree.intersection(polygon.bounds):
            # if we are checking a polygon against itself continue
            if (i == j):
            # do a more accurate polygon in polygon test
            # for the enclosure tree information
            if polygons[i].contains(polygons[j]):
                contains.add_edge(i, j)
            elif polygons[j].contains(polygons[i]):
                contains.add_edge(j, i)

    # a root or exterior curve has an even number of parents
    # wrap in dict call to avoid networkx view
    degree = dict(contains.in_degree())

    # convert keys and values to numpy arrays
    indexes = np.array(list(degree.keys()))
    degrees = np.array(list(degree.values()))

    # roots are curves with an even inward degree (parent count)
    roots = indexes[(degrees % 2) == 0]

    # if there are multiple nested polygons split the graph
    # so the contains logic returns the individual polygons
    if len(degrees) > 0 and degrees.max() > 1:
        # collect new edges for graph
        edges = []
        # find edges of subgraph for each root and children
        for root in roots:
            children = indexes[degrees == degree[root] + 1]
            edges.extend(contains.subgraph(np.append(children, root)).edges())
        # stack edges into new directed graph
        contains = nx.from_edgelist(edges, nx.DiGraph())
        # if roots have no children add them anyway

    return roots, contains
        assert r.status_code == 200
    except AssertionError as ae:
        print("Invalid reponse %s" % ae)
        op = json.loads(r.text)
        diaggeoms = op['geojson']
        sysid = op['sysid']
        desc = op['description']
        projectorpolicy = op['type']
        geoms, bounds = myDiagramDecomposer.processGeoms(diaggeoms)
        grid, allbounds = myGridGenerator.generateGrid(bounds)

    gridRTree = Rtree()
    for boundsid, bounds in allbounds.iteritems():
        gridRTree.insert(boundsid, bounds)

    choppedgeomsandareas = []
    choppedgeoms = []
    totalarea = 0
    for curgeom in geoms:
        curbounds = curgeom.bounds
        igridids = list(gridRTree.intersection(curbounds))

        for curintersectid in igridids:
            gridfeat = grid[curintersectid]
            ifeat = curgeom.intersection(gridfeat)
            ifeatarea = ifeat.area
            totalarea += ifeatarea
            ele = {'area': ifeatarea, 'feature': ifeat}