예제 #1
    def build(self, env):
		Build the final product.
        srcname = env.main.sources[0]
        # FIXME unindent, untangle
        if True:
            if self.force:
                ret = env.main.make(True)
                if ret != ERROR and env.final is not env.main:
                    ret = env.final.make()
                    # This is a hack for the call to get_errors() below
                    # to work when compiling failed when using -f.
                    env.final.failed_dep = env.main.failed_dep
                ret = env.final.make(self.force)

            if ret == ERROR:
                msg.info(_("There were errors compiling %s.") % srcname)
                number = self.max_errors
                for err in env.final.failed().get_errors():
                    if number == 0:
                        msg.info(_("More errors."))
                    number -= 1

            if ret == UNCHANGED:
                msg(1, _("nothing to be done for %s") % srcname)

            if self.warn:
                # FIXME
                log = env.main.log
                if not env.main.parse_log():
                    msg.error(_("cannot read the log file"))
                    return 1
예제 #2
파일: cmdline.py 프로젝트: skapfer/rubber
	def build (self, env):
		Build the final product.
		srcname = env.main.sources[0]
		# FIXME unindent, untangle
		if True:
			if self.force:
				ret = env.main.make(True)
				if ret != ERROR and env.final is not env.main:
					ret = env.final.make()
					# This is a hack for the call to get_errors() below
					# to work when compiling failed when using -f.
					env.final.failed_dep = env.main.failed_dep
				ret = env.final.make(self.force)

			if ret == ERROR:
				msg.info(_("There were errors compiling %s.") % srcname)
				number = self.max_errors
				for err in env.final.failed().get_errors():
					if number == 0:
						msg.info(_("More errors."))
					number -= 1
				rubber.util.abort_generic_error ()

			if ret == UNCHANGED:
				msg(1, _("nothing to be done for %s") % srcname)

			if self.warn:
				# FIXME
				log = env.main.log
				if not env.main.parse_log ():
					msg.error(_("cannot read the log file"))
					return 1
					refs=self.warn_refs, warnings=self.warn_misc))
예제 #3
    def info_log(self, act):
		Check for a log file and extract information from it if it exists,
		accroding to the argument's value.
        log = self.env.main.log
        ret = log.read(self.env.main.target + ".log")
        if ret == 1:
            msg.error(_("The log file is invalid."))
            return 1
        elif ret == 2:
            msg.error(_("There is no log file"))
            return 1

        if act == "boxes":
            if not msg.display_all(log.get_boxes()):
                msg.info(_("There is no bad box."))
        elif act == "check":
            if msg.display_all(log.get_errors()): return 0
            msg.info(_("There was no error."))
            if msg.display_all(log.get_references()): return 0
            msg.info(_("There is no undefined reference."))
            if not msg.display_all(log.get_warnings()):
                msg.info(_("There is no warning."))
            if not msg.display_all(log.get_boxes()):
                msg.info(_("There is no bad box."))
        elif act == "errors":
            if not msg.display_all(log.get_errors()):
                msg.info(_("There was no error."))
        elif act == "refs":
            if not msg.display_all(log.get_references()):
                msg.info(_("There is no undefined reference."))
        elif act == "warnings":
            if not msg.display_all(log.get_warnings()):
                msg.info(_("There is no warning."))
I don't know the action `%s'. This should not happen.\n") % act)
            return 1
        return 0
예제 #4
	def info_log (self, act):
		Check for a log file and extract information from it if it exists,
		accroding to the argument's value.
		log = self.env.main.log
		ret = log.read(self.env.main.target + ".log")
		if ret == 1:
			msg.error(_("The log file is invalid."))
			return 1
		elif ret == 2:
			msg.error(_("There is no log file"))
			return 1

		if act == "boxes":
			if not msg.display_all(log.get_boxes()):
				msg.info(_("There is no bad box."))
		elif act == "check":
			if msg.display_all(log.get_errors()): return 0
			msg.info(_("There was no error."))
			if msg.display_all(log.get_references()): return 0
			msg.info(_("There is no undefined reference."))
			if not msg.display_all(log.get_warnings()):
				msg.info(_("There is no warning."))
			if not msg.display_all(log.get_boxes()):
				msg.info(_("There is no bad box."))
		elif act == "errors":
			if not msg.display_all(log.get_errors()):
				msg.info(_("There was no error."))
		elif act == "refs":
			if not msg.display_all(log.get_references()):
				msg.info(_("There is no undefined reference."))
		elif act == "warnings":
			if not msg.display_all(log.get_warnings()):
				msg.info(_("There is no warning."))
I don't know the action `%s'. This should not happen.\n") % act)
			return 1
		return 0
예제 #5
    def info_log(self, act):
		Check for a log file and extract information from it if it exists,
		accroding to the argument's value.
        log = self.env.main.log
        if not self.env.main.parse_log():
            msg.error(_("Parsing the log file failed"))

        if act == "boxes":
            if not msg.display_all(log.get_boxes()):
                msg.info(_("There is no bad box."))
        elif act == "check":
            if msg.display_all(log.get_errors()): return 0
            msg.info(_("There was no error."))
            if msg.display_all(log.get_references()): return 0
            msg.info(_("There is no undefined reference."))
            if not msg.display_all(log.get_warnings()):
                msg.info(_("There is no warning."))
            if not msg.display_all(log.get_boxes()):
                msg.info(_("There is no bad box."))
        elif act == "errors":
            if not msg.display_all(log.get_errors()):
                msg.info(_("There was no error."))
        elif act == "refs":
            if not msg.display_all(log.get_references()):
                msg.info(_("There is no undefined reference."))
        elif act == "warnings":
            if not msg.display_all(log.get_warnings()):
                msg.info(_("There is no warning."))
I don't know the action `%s'. This should not happen.\n") % act)
            return 1
        return 0
예제 #6
파일: cmdline.py 프로젝트: skapfer/rubber
	def info_log (self, act):
		Check for a log file and extract information from it if it exists,
		accroding to the argument's value.
		log = self.env.main.log
		if not self.env.main.parse_log ():
			msg.error(_("Parsing the log file failed"))
			rubber.util.abort_generic_error ()

		if act == "boxes":
			if not msg.display_all(log.get_boxes()):
				msg.info(_("There is no bad box."))
		elif act == "check":
			if msg.display_all(log.get_errors()): return 0
			msg.info(_("There was no error."))
			if msg.display_all(log.get_references()): return 0
			msg.info(_("There is no undefined reference."))
			if not msg.display_all(log.get_warnings()):
				msg.info(_("There is no warning."))
			if not msg.display_all(log.get_boxes()):
				msg.info(_("There is no bad box."))
		elif act == "errors":
			if not msg.display_all(log.get_errors()):
				msg.info(_("There was no error."))
		elif act == "refs":
			if not msg.display_all(log.get_references()):
				msg.info(_("There is no undefined reference."))
		elif act == "warnings":
			if not msg.display_all(log.get_warnings()):
				msg.info(_("There is no warning."))
I don't know the action `%s'. This should not happen.\n") % act)
			return 1
		return 0
예제 #7
	def main (self, cmdline):
		Run Rubber for the specified command line. This processes each
		specified source in order (for making or cleaning). If an error
		happens while making one of the documents, the whole process stops.
		The method returns the program's exit code.
		self.jobname = None
		self.prologue = []
		self.epilogue = []
		self.clean = 0
		self.force = 0
		self.unsafe = False

		self.warn = 0
		self.warn_boxes = 0
		self.warn_misc = 0
		self.warn_refs = 0

		self.place = "."

		args = self.parse_opts(cmdline)

		initial_dir = os.getcwd()
		msg.cwd = os.path.join(initial_dir, "")

		if self.place != "." and self.place is not None:
			msg.path = self.place
			self.place = os.path.abspath(self.place)

		msg.log(_("This is Rubber version %s.") % version)

		for srcname in args:
			src = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(initial_dir, srcname))

			# Go to the appropriate directory

				if self.place != ".":
					if self.place is None:
						msg.path = os.path.dirname(src)
						src = os.path.basename(src)
			except OSError as e:
				msg.error(_("Error changing to working directory: %s") % e.strerror)
				return 1

			# Check the source and prepare it for processing
			env = Environment()

			if env.set_source(src, jobname=self.jobname):
				return 1
			self.jobname = None

			env.is_in_unsafe_mode_ = self.unsafe

			if self.include_only is not None:

			if self.clean:
				if env.main.products == []:
					msg.warn(_("there is no LaTeX source for %s") % srcname)

			saved_vars = env.main.vars
			env.main.vars = Variables(saved_vars, { "cwd": initial_dir })
			for dir in self.path:
			for cmd in self.prologue:
				cmd = parse_line(cmd, env.main.vars)
				env.main.command(cmd[0], cmd[1:], {'file': 'command line'})
			env.main.vars = saved_vars


			saved_vars = env.main.vars
			env.main.vars = Variables(saved_vars, { "cwd": initial_dir })
			for cmd in self.epilogue:
				cmd = parse_line(cmd, env.main.vars)
				env.main.command(cmd[0], cmd[1:], {'file': 'command line'})
			env.main.vars = saved_vars

			if self.compress is not None:
				last_node = env.final
				filename = last_node.products[0]
				if self.compress == 'gzip':
					from rubber.converters.gz import GzipDep
					env.final = GzipDep(env.depends,
							filename + '.gz', filename)
				elif self.compress == 'bzip2':
					from rubber.converters.bzip2 import Bzip2Dep
					env.final = Bzip2Dep(env.depends,
							filename + '.bz2', filename)

			# Compile the document

			if self.clean:

			if self.force:
				ret = env.main.make(True)
				if ret != ERROR and env.final is not env.main:
					ret = env.final.make()
					# This is a hack for the call to get_errors() below
					# to work when compiling failed when using -f.
					env.final.failed_dep = env.main.failed_dep
				ret = env.final.make(self.force)

			if ret == ERROR:
				msg.info(_("There were errors compiling %s.") % srcname)
				number = self.max_errors
				for err in env.final.failed().get_errors():
					if number == 0:
						msg.info(_("More errors."))
					number -= 1
				return 1

			if ret == UNCHANGED:
				msg(1, _("nothing to be done for %s") % srcname)

			if self.warn:
				log = env.main.log
				if log.read(env.main.target + ".log"):
					msg.error(_("cannot read the log file"))
					return 1
					refs=self.warn_refs, warnings=self.warn_misc))

		return 0