예제 #1
def get_second_chain_image():
  return get_chain_image(
      ValueCard("green", values["green"][3]).get_card(),
      FunctionCard("green", get_rules()["green"][2]).get_card(),
      FunctionCard("green", get_rules()["green"][7]).get_card(),
      ValueCard("green", values["green"][7]).get_card(),
    ], 11, 5, 2.5
예제 #2
  def get_all_functions():
    fns = []
    for color in ["green", "yellow", "red", "white"]:
      for fn in get_rules()[color]:
        fns.append(TwoSidedCard(FunctionCard(color, fn), PlayingCardBack("yellow")))

    return fns
예제 #3
def get_first_chain_image():
  return get_chain_image(
      ValueCard("green", values["green"][3]).get_card(),
      FunctionCard("green", get_rules()["green"][5]).get_card(),
      ValueCard("green", values["green"][7]).get_card()
    ], 7, 5, 2.2
예제 #4
 def _check_code(self, code):
     rules = get_rules()
     data = []
     i = 1
     for line in code.splitlines():
         for key, rule in rules.items():
             if rule.findall(line):
                 data.append({"Line": i, "Code": line.strip(), "Rule": key})
         i += 1
     return data
예제 #5
파일: utils.py 프로젝트: 2dotstwice/dlcli
def backup_account(url='', org='', key='', account='', backupdir='', **kwargs):
    #  create directory structure
    backup_dir = create_dir(os.getcwd(), backupdir)
    org_dir = create_dir(backup_dir, org)
    account_dir = create_dir(org_dir, account)

    # backup agents
    agent_dir = create_dir(account_dir, 'agents')
    for agent_json in agents.get_agents(url=url, org=org, account=account, key=key):
        agent_path = os.path.join(agent_dir, str(agent_json['name']) + '.json')
        remove_keys = ['presence_state', 'created', 'modified', 'heartbeat']
        for k in remove_keys:
            if k in agent_json:
                del agent_json[k]
        with open(agent_path, 'w') as f:
            f.write(json.dumps(agent_json, indent=4))

    # backup dashboards
    dashboard_dir = create_dir(account_dir, 'dashboards')
    for d in dashboards.get_dashboards(url=url, org=org, account=account, key=key):
        dashboard_path = os.path.join(dashboard_dir, str(d['name']) + '.yaml')
        with open(dashboard_path, 'w') as f:
            f.write(yaml.safe_dump(d, default_flow_style=False, explicit_start=True))

    # backup plugins
    plugin_dir = create_dir(account_dir, 'plugins')
    for p in plugins.get_plugins(url=url, org=org, account=account, key=key):
        plugin_path = os.path.join(plugin_dir, str(p['name']) + '.' + str(p['extension']))
        with open(plugin_path, 'w') as f:
            f.write(plugins.export_plugin(plugin=p['name'], url=url, org=org, account=account, key=key))

    # backup rules
    rule_dir = create_dir(account_dir, 'rules')
    for r in rules.get_rules(url=url, org=org, account=account, key=key):
        rule_path = os.path.join(rule_dir, str(r['name']) + '.yaml')
        with open(rule_path, 'w') as f:
            rule_content = yaml.safe_load(rules.export_rule(rule=r['id'], url=url, org=org, account=account, key=key))
            if rule_content['actions']:
                action_count = len(rule_content['actions'])
                for i in range(action_count):
                        del rule_content['actions'][i]['details']['status']
                    except KeyError:
            f.write(yaml.safe_dump(rule_content, default_flow_style=False, explicit_start=True))

    # backup links
    link_dir = create_dir(account_dir, 'links')
    for l in links.get_links(url=url, org=org, account=account, key=key):
        link_path = os.path.join(link_dir, l['id'] + '.json')
        link_json = links.export_link(link_id=l['id'], url=url, org=org, account=account, key=key)
        with open(link_path, 'w') as f:
            f.write(json.dumps(link_json, indent=4))
예제 #6
def translate_functions(string):
  for color in ["green", "yellow", "red"]:
    for fn in get_rules()[color]:
      code = get_source_code(fn)
      if code.startswith("def "):
        fn_name = code[4:code.index("(")]
        string = string.replace(fn_name, translate("functions", fn_name))

  for variable in variables:
    string = string.replace(variable, translate("variables", variable))
    if variable == "string" and len(translate("variables", variable)) == len(variable) - 1:
      string = string.replace("# index:  012345678", "# index: 012345678")

  return string
예제 #7
def build_argument(conclusion, env):
    Builds an argument for the conclusion given. The conclusion should contain
    "filled" parameters, if it has any parameters.
    conclusion - A conclusion object to build the argument around
    Returns : An argument object
    ruleset = rules.get_rules(conclusion)
    runset = []

    for rule in ruleset:
        runset.append(rule.run(conclusion, env))

    return arguments.Argument(conclusion, env, runset)
예제 #8
파일: engine.py 프로젝트: jrahm/Calvin
def quick_confidence(conclusion, working_env):
    runs 'quick' rules to do a first-pass over a conclusion to determine if it
    is worth pursuing further
    #TODO: does this need to memo-ize based on env too? and if so, how do
    #I make sure to limit the yuck?
    cached = working_env.quick_cached(conclusion)
    if cached:
        return cached
    ruleset = rules.get_rules(conclusion)
    runset = []
    for rule in ruleset:
        runset.append(rule.quickrun(conclusion, working_env))
    result = confidence.parse_conf(runset)
    if result:
        working_env.quick_results[conclusion] = result
    return result
예제 #9
파일: engine.py 프로젝트: jrahm/Calvin
def build_argument(conclusion, working_env):
    Builds an argument for the conclusion given. The conclusion should contain
    "filled" parameters, if it has any parameters.
    conclusion - A conclusion object to build the argument around
    Returns : An argument object
    cached = working_env.cached(conclusion)
    if cached:
        return cached
    ruleset = rules.get_rules(conclusion)
    runset = []
    for rule in ruleset:
        runset.append(rule.run(conclusion, working_env))
    result = arguments.Argument(conclusion, working_env, runset)
    if result:
        working_env.memoized_results[conclusion] = result
    return result
예제 #10
def view_results():
    colors = ["green", "yellow", "red"]
    for num in range(2, 3):
        print("stats with %s cards" % (num + 1))
        for c in range(len(colors)):
            # for c in [2]:
            print(colors[:c + 1])
            color_values = []
            color_rules = []
            for color in colors[:c + 1]:
                color_values += values[color]
            for color in colors[:c + 1]:
                color_rules += get_rules()[color]
            color_values = [v[0] for v in color_values]

            total = {}
            fn_total = {}
            s = [0]
            fn_s = {}
            value_color_fns = {}
            total_values = {}

            def account(_value, *rules):
                _rule = rules[0]
                original = _value
                time_start = time()
                for _rule in rules:
                    _value = get_result(_rule, _value)
                    if get_value_color(_value).split('-')[0] not in colors:
                if time() - time_start > .01:
                          time() - time_start, original,
                          [get_source_code_name(fn)[0] for fn in rules],

                result_color = get_value_color(_value)
                if result_color not in total:
                    total[result_color] = 0
                total[result_color] += 1
                s[0] += 1

                if result_color not in value_color_fns:
                    value_color_fns[result_color] = []
                if _rule not in value_color_fns[result_color]:

                if _rule not in fn_total: fn_total[_rule] = {}
                if _rule not in fn_s: fn_s[_rule] = 0
                if _value not in fn_total[_rule]:
                    fn_total[_rule][_value] = 0
                fn_total[_rule][_value] += 1
                fn_s[_rule] += 1

                if _value not in total_values:
                    total_values[_value] = 0
                total_values[_value] += 1

            for val_num, value in enumerate(color_values):
                for i, rule in enumerate(color_rules):
                    for i2, rule2 in enumerate(color_rules):
                        if num == 0: break
                        if i == i2: continue
                        for i3, rule3 in enumerate(color_rules):
                            if num == 1: break
                            if i == i3 or i2 == i3: continue
                            for i4, rule4 in enumerate(color_rules):
                                if num == 2: break
                                if i == i4 or i2 == i4 or i3 == i4: continue
                                account(value, rule, rule2, rule3, rule4)
                            account(value, rule, rule2, rule3)
                        account(value, rule, rule2)
                    account(value, rule)
                print(int(val_num / len(color_values) * 100), end="% ")

            for color, count in sorted(total.items(),
                                       key=lambda w: (-w[1], w[0])):
                print('{:20}'.format(color), end=': ')
                print("{: 6.2f}%".format(100 * count / s[0]), end='')
                print('{}'.format("(abs count = "), end='')
                print('{:6}'.format(count), end=' out of ')
                print('{:6}'.format(s[0]), end=')\n')

            # if num == 0 and len(colors[:c + 1]) == 4:
            for rule, _ in sorted(
                    key=lambda ww: -sorted(ww[1].items(), key=lambda w: -w[1])[
                print("fn:", get_source_code_name(rule)[0])
                for color, count in sorted(fn_total[rule].items(),
                                           key=lambda w: -w[1])[:5]:
                    print('{:20}'.format(color), end=': ')
                    print("{: 6.2f}%".format(100 * count / fn_s[rule]), end='')
                    print('{}'.format("(abs count = "), end='')
                    print('{:6}'.format(count), end=' out of ')
                    print('{:6}'.format(fn_s[rule]), end=')\n')

            print("fns which produced certain result:")
            for value_color in value_color_fns:
                print("{:20}".format("color: " + value_color), [
                    for fn in value_color_fns[value_color]


            print("most common values globally:")
            for value, count in sorted(total_values.items(),
                                       key=lambda w: -w[1])[:40]:
                print("{:20}".format("value: " + str(value)),
                      count / s[0] * 100)
예제 #11
    def __init__(self):

        self.rules = get_rules()
        self.paragraph = ""
        self.ouptut_para = ""
예제 #12
def backup_account(url='', org='', key='', account='', backup_dir='', **kwargs):
    #  create directory structure
    backup_dir = create_dir(os.getcwd(), backup_dir)
    org_dir = create_dir(backup_dir, org)
    account_dir = create_dir(org_dir, account)

    # backup agents
    agent_dir = create_dir(account_dir, 'agents')
    for agent in agents.get_agents(url=url, org=org, account=account, key=key):
        logging.debug('Exporting JSON for agent "%s"', agent['name'])
        # some agents can have a name 'http://...' encode name before writing a dir
        agent_path = os.path.join(agent_dir, str(urllib.quote(agent['name'], safe='')) + '.json')
        remove_keys = ['presence_state', 'created', 'modified', 'heartbeat']
        for k in remove_keys:
            if k in agent:
                del agent[k]
        with open(agent_path, 'w') as f:
            f.write(json.dumps(agent, indent=4))

    # backup dashboards
    dashboard_dir = create_dir(account_dir, 'dashboards')
    for dash in dashboards.get_dashboards(url=url, org=org, account=account, key=key):
        logging.debug('Exporting YAML for dashboard "%s"', dash['name'])
        dashboard_path = os.path.join(dashboard_dir, str(dash['name']) + '.yaml')
        with open(dashboard_path, 'w') as f:
            f.write(yaml.safe_dump(dash, default_flow_style=False, explicit_start=True))

    # backup plugins
    plugin_dir = create_dir(account_dir, 'plugins')
    for plugin in plugins.get_plugins(url=url, org=org, account=account, key=key):
        logging.debug('Exporting plugin "%s"', plugin['name'])
        plugin_path = os.path.join(plugin_dir, str(plugin['name']) + '.' + str(plugin['extension']))
        with open(plugin_path, 'w') as f:
            f.write(plugins.export_plugin(plugin=plugin['name'], url=url, org=org, account=account, key=key))

    # backup rules
    rule_dir = create_dir(account_dir, 'rules')
    for rule in rules.get_rules(url=url, org=org, account=account, key=key):
        logging.debug('Exporting YAML for rule "%s" with id %s', rule['name'], rule['id'])
        rule_path = os.path.join(rule_dir, str(rule['name']) + '.yaml')
        with open(rule_path, 'w') as f:
            rule_yaml = rules.export_rule(rule=rule['id'], url=url, org=org, account=account, key=key)
                rule_content = yaml.safe_load(rule_yaml)
                if rule_content['actions']:
                    action_count = len(rule_content['actions'])
                    for i in range(action_count):
                            del rule_content['actions'][i]['details']['status']
                        except KeyError:
                f.write(yaml.safe_dump(rule_content, default_flow_style=False, explicit_start=True))
            except yaml.YAMLError as e:
                logging.warn('Unable to parse YAML for rule %s: %s', rule['name'], e.problem)

    # backup links
    link_dir = create_dir(account_dir, 'links')
    for link in links.get_links(url=url, org=org, account=account, key=key):
        logging.debug('Exporting JSON for pack "%s" with id %s', link['plugin'], link['id'])
        link_path = os.path.join(link_dir, link['id'] + '.json')
        link_json = links.export_link(link_id=link['id'], url=url, org=org, account=account, key=key)
        with open(link_path, 'w') as f:
            f.write(json.dumps(link_json, indent=4))
예제 #13
from rules import get_rules
from transliteration import normalize_text, get_transliteration

if __name__ == '__main__':
    rules = get_rules()
    # print(rules)
    text = input('Input some russian text: ')
    trans_text = get_transliteration(text, rules)
    norm_text = normalize_text(trans_text, rules)
예제 #14
def get_play(
    fns_count, values_count,
    input_value_index, output_value_index,
    front_hand_count, right_hand_count,
    front_played_count=0, right_played_count=0,
  background = ImageColor.getrgb(color_codes["lighter_black"])
  base = Image.new("RGB", mm_to_px(87 - PictureHelpCard.DX, 87 - PictureHelpCard.DX), (*background,))

  x1 = 30
  x2 = 230
  y1 = 30
  y2 = 100

  table = get_play_board()
  table = transform_play_board(table, 0)
  base.paste(table, mask=table)

  blank = get_play_board()

  fn = get_play_board()
  fn_card = PlayingCardBack("yellow").get_card()
  fn.paste(fn_card, mm_to_px(x2, y1), fn_card)

  for i in range(fns_count):
    transformed = transform_play_board(fn, i - 0.5)
    base.paste(blank, mask=transformed)
    transformed = transform_play_board(fn, i)
    base.paste(transformed, mask=transformed)

  value = get_play_board()
  value_card = PlayingCardBack("blue").get_card()
  value.paste(value_card, mm_to_px(x1, y1), value_card)

  for i in range(values_count):
    transformed = transform_play_board(value, i - 0.5)
    base.paste(blank, mask=transformed)
    transformed = transform_play_board(value, i)
    base.paste(transformed, mask=transformed)

  used_value = get_play_board()
  used_value_card = ValueCard("green", values["green"][0]).get_card()
  used_value.paste(used_value_card, mm_to_px(x1, y2), used_value_card)

  for i in range(14 - values_count - 1):
    transformed = transform_play_board(used_value, i - 0.5)
    base.paste(blank, mask=transformed)
    transformed = transform_play_board(used_value, i)
    base.paste(transformed, mask=transformed)

  if input_value_index is not None:
    input_value = get_play_board()
    input_value_card = ValueCard("green", values["green"][input_value_index]).get_card()
    input_value.paste(input_value_card, mm_to_px(x1, y2), input_value_card)

    i = 14 - values_count - 1
    transformed = transform_play_board(input_value, i - 0.5)
    base.paste(blank, mask=transformed)
    transformed = transform_play_board(input_value, i)
    base.paste(transformed, mask=transformed)

  if output_value_index is not None:
    output_value = get_play_board()
    output_value_card = ValueCard("green", values["green"][output_value_index]).get_card()
    output_value.paste(output_value_card, mm_to_px(x2, y2), output_value_card)

    i = 0
    transformed = transform_play_board(output_value, i - 0.5)
    base.paste(blank, mask=transformed)
    transformed = transform_play_board(output_value, i)
    base.paste(transformed, mask=transformed)

  for i in range(right_hand_count):
    right_hand = Image.new("RGBA", mm_to_px(200, 200), (0, 0, 0, 0))
    right_hand_tmp = Image.new("RGBA", mm_to_px(200, 200), (0, 0, 0, 0))
    right_hand_card = PlayingCardBack("yellow").get_card()
    right_hand_tmp.paste(right_hand_card, mm_to_px(50, 50), right_hand_card)
    # right_hand_tmp = resize(right_hand_tmp, (2 * right_hand_tmp.size[0], 2 * right_hand_tmp.size[1]))
    right_hand_tmp = rotate(right_hand_tmp, 13 + (-i - 1) * 8,
                            expand=False, center=mm_to_px((Card.base_width + 50, 50)))
    right_hand.paste(right_hand_tmp, mm_to_px(0, 80), right_hand_tmp)
    right_hand = rotate(right_hand, 180)

    coeffs = find_coefficients(
        (mm_to_px(140), mm_to_px(20)),
        (right_hand.size[0] - mm_to_px(20), mm_to_px(40)),
        (right_hand.size[0] - mm_to_px(20), right_hand.size[1] - mm_to_px(130)),
        (mm_to_px(160), right_hand.size[1] - mm_to_px(140))
      [(0, 0), (right_hand.size[0], 0), (right_hand.size[0], right_hand.size[1]), (0, right_hand.size[1])]
    right_hand = transform(right_hand, right_hand.size, Image.PERSPECTIVE, coeffs)
    scale = 1.5
    right_hand = resize(right_hand, (int(right_hand.width / scale), int(right_hand.height / scale)))
    base.paste(right_hand, mm_to_px(-110 / scale + 23, -30 / scale + 2), mask=right_hand)

  if add_thumb:
    thumb = Image.new("RGBA", mm_to_px(200, 200), (0, 0, 0, 0))
    thumb_tmp = Image.new("RGBA", mm_to_px(200, 200), (0, 0, 0, 0))
    thumb_card = Image.open("help/arrows/thumb.png").convert("RGBA")
    scale = 3. * 80 / ANTIALIASING / RESOLUTION_DPI
    thumb_card = resize(thumb_card, (int(thumb_card.width / scale), int(thumb_card.height / scale)))
    thumb_card = rotate(thumb_card, 180)
    color = getrgb("grey")
    for x in range(thumb_card.width):
      for y in range(thumb_card.height):
        thumb_card.putpixel((x, y), (*color, thumb_card.getpixel((x, y))[3]))
    thumb_tmp.paste(thumb_card, mm_to_px(70, 50), thumb_card)
    thumb_tmp = rotate(thumb_tmp, 13, expand=False, center=mm_to_px((Card.base_width + 50, 50)))
    thumb.paste(thumb_tmp, mm_to_px(0, 80), thumb_tmp)
    thumb = rotate(thumb, 180)

    coeffs = find_coefficients(
        (mm_to_px(140), mm_to_px(20)),
        (thumb.size[0] - mm_to_px(20), mm_to_px(40)),
        (thumb.size[0] - mm_to_px(20), thumb.size[1] - mm_to_px(130)),
        (mm_to_px(160), thumb.size[1] - mm_to_px(140))
      [(0, 0), (thumb.size[0], 0), (thumb.size[0], thumb.size[1]), (0, thumb.size[1])]
    thumb = transform(thumb, thumb.size, Image.PERSPECTIVE, coeffs)
    scale = 1.5
    thumb = resize(thumb, (int(thumb.width / scale), int(thumb.height / scale)))
    base.paste(thumb, mm_to_px(-110 / scale + 23, -30 / scale + 2), mask=thumb)

  for i in range(len(used_fn_indexes)):
    used_fn = get_play_board()
    used_fn_card = FunctionCard("green", get_rules()["green"][used_fn_indexes[i]]).get_card()
    used_fn_card = rotate(used_fn_card, randint(0, 360))

    used_fn.paste(used_fn_card, mm_to_px(x1 / 2 + x2 / 2 - 5, y2 + 30), used_fn_card)

    transformed = transform_play_board(used_fn, i - 0.5)
    base.paste(blank, mask=transformed)
    transformed = transform_play_board(used_fn, i)
    base.paste(transformed, mask=transformed)

  for i in range(front_played_count):
    i += 1
    front_player_fn = get_play_board()
    front_player_fn_card = PlayingCardBack("yellow").get_card()
    front_player_fn_card = rotate(front_player_fn_card, 97 + 10 * -i)
                          mm_to_px(x1 - 10 + 2 * i + randint(-3, 3), 200 + 20 * i + randint(-3, 3)),

    transformed = transform_play_board(front_player_fn, i - 0.5)
    base.paste(blank, mask=transformed)
    transformed = transform_play_board(front_player_fn, i)
    base.paste(transformed, mask=transformed)

  for i in range(right_played_count):
    i += 1
    right_player_fn = get_play_board()
    right_player_fn_card = PlayingCardBack("yellow").get_card()
    right_player_fn_card = rotate(right_player_fn_card, 51 + 8 * -i)
                          mm_to_px(x2 + 20 + 8 * i + randint(-3, 3), 300 - 20 * i + randint(-3, 3)),

    transformed = transform_play_board(right_player_fn, i - 0.5)
    base.paste(blank, mask=transformed)
    transformed = transform_play_board(right_player_fn, i)
    base.paste(transformed, mask=transformed)

  for i in range(front_hand_count):
    front_hand = Image.new("RGBA", mm_to_px(200, 200), (0, 0, 0, 0))
    front_hand_tmp = Image.new("RGBA", mm_to_px(200, 200), (0, 0, 0, 0))
    front_hand_card = ValueCard("green", values["green"][0]).get_card()
    front_hand_tmp.paste(front_hand_card, mm_to_px(50, 50), front_hand_card)
    # front_hand_tmp = resize(front_hand_tmp, (2 * front_hand_tmp.size[0], 2 * front_hand_tmp.size[1]))
    front_hand_tmp = rotate(front_hand_tmp, -2 + (-i - 1) * 5, expand=False,
                            center=mm_to_px((Card.base_width + 50, Card.base_height + 50)))
    front_hand.paste(front_hand_tmp, mm_to_px(0, 0), front_hand_tmp)

    coeffs = get_main_plane_coeffs(front_hand.size, .9, i)
    front_hand = transform(front_hand, front_hand.size, Image.PERSPECTIVE, coeffs)
    scale = 2
    front_hand = resize(front_hand, (int(front_hand.width / scale), int(front_hand.height / scale)))
    base.paste(front_hand, mm_to_px(-12, 46), mask=front_hand)

  return base
예제 #15
import logging


### Constants
# folder with tiff files
TIF_FOLDER = './tif_files/'
# Variables names

BOOLEAN_STATES = ["true", "false"]

debug = False

## Engine
engine = InferenceEngine(rules.get_rules())

## Read tiff files
tif_files = glob.glob(TIF_FOLDER + "*.tif")

evidences = []

# For each tif file
for tif in tif_files[:]:
    ### Detectors
    people = PeopleEvidence()
    fire = FireEvidence()

    print "processing ", tif
    # Read the file