예제 #1
파일: realAlgebra.py 프로젝트: njt99/SnapPy
def _test_result(number_field, prec=53, epsilon=1e-10):
        sage: from sage.rings.complex_field import ComplexField
        sage: CF = ComplexField()
        sage: x = var('x')
        sage: nf = NumberField(x**2 + 1, 'x', embedding = CF(1.0j))
        sage: _test_result(nf)
        sage: nf = NumberField(x**2 + 7, 'x', embedding = CF(2.64575j))
        sage: _test_result(nf)
        sage: nf = NumberField(x**8 + 6 * x ** 4 + x + 23, 'x', embedding = CF(0.7747 + 1.25937j))
        sage: _test_result(nf, 212, epsilon = 1e-30)

    CIF = ComplexIntervalField(prec)
    RIF = RealIntervalField(prec)

    real_number_field, x_expression, y_expression = (

    x_val = x_expression.lift()(RIF(real_number_field.gen_embedding()))
    y_val = y_expression.lift()(RIF(real_number_field.gen_embedding()))
    z_val = CIF(x_val, y_val)

    diff = z_val - CIF(number_field.gen_embedding())

    if not abs(diff) < epsilon:
        raise Exception("Test failed")
예제 #2
 def _singularities(self, dom, include_apparent=True, multiplicities=False):
     dop = self if include_apparent else self.desingularize() # TBI
     if isinstance(dom, ComplexBallField): # TBI
         dom1 = ComplexIntervalField(dom.precision())
         dom1 = dom
     lc = dop.leading_coefficient()
     sing = lc.roots(dom1, multiplicities=multiplicities)
     if dom1 is not dom:
         sing = [dom(s) for s in sing]
     return sing
예제 #3
 def _singularities(self, dom, include_apparent=True, multiplicities=False):
     if not multiplicities:
         rts = self._singularities(dom,
         return [s for s, _ in rts]
     if isinstance(dom, ComplexBallField):  # TBI
         dom1 = ComplexIntervalField(dom.precision())
         rts = self._singularities(dom1, include_apparent, multiplicities)
         return [(dom(s), m) for s, m in rts]
     dop = self if include_apparent else self.desingularize()  # TBI
     lc = dop.leading_coefficient()
         return lc.roots(dom)
     except NotImplementedError:
         return lc.change_ring(QQbar).roots(dom)
예제 #4
def interval_roots(p, rts, prec):
    We are given a squarefree polynomial p, a list of estimated roots,
    and a precision.

    We attempt to verify that the estimated roots are in fact distinct
    roots of the polynomial, using interval arithmetic of precision prec.
    If we succeed, we return a list of intervals bounding the roots; if we
    fail, we return None.


        sage: x = polygen(ZZ)
        sage: p = x^3 - 1
        sage: rts = [CC.zeta(3)^i for i in range(0, 3)]
        sage: from sage.rings.polynomial.complex_roots import interval_roots
        sage: interval_roots(p, rts, 53)
        [1, -0.500000000000000? + 0.866025403784439?*I, -0.500000000000000? - 0.866025403784439?*I]
        sage: interval_roots(p, rts, 200)
        [1, -0.500000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000? + 0.866025403784438646763723170752936183471402626905190314027904?*I, -0.500000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000? - 0.866025403784438646763723170752936183471402626905190314027904?*I]

    CIF = ComplexIntervalField(prec)
    CIFX = CIF['x']

    ip = CIFX(p)
    ipd = CIFX(p.derivative())

    irts = []

    for rt in rts:
        irt = refine_root(ip, ipd, CIF(rt), CIF)
        if irt is None:
            return None

    return irts
예제 #5
def followstrand(f, x0, x1, y0a, prec=53):
    Return a piecewise linear aproximation of the homotopy continuation
    of the root ``y0a`` from ``x0`` to ``x1``.


    - ``f`` -- a polynomial in two variables
    - ``x0`` -- a complex value, where the homotopy starts
    - ``x1`` -- a complex value, where the homotopy ends
    - ``y0a`` -- an approximate solution of the polynomial `F(y) = f(x_0, y)`
    - ``prec`` -- the precision to use


    A list of values `(t, y_{tr}, y_{ti})` such that:

    - ``t`` is a real number between zero and one
    - `f(t \cdot x_1 + (1-t) \cdot x_0, y_{tr} + I \cdot y_{ti})`
      is zero (or a good enough aproximation)
    - the piecewise linear path determined by the points has a tubular
      neighborhood  where the actual homotopy continuation path lies, and
      no other root intersects it.


        sage: from sage.schemes.curves.zariski_vankampen import followstrand # optional - sirocco
        sage: R.<x,y> = QQ[]
        sage: f = x^2 + y^3
        sage: x0 = CC(1, 0)
        sage: x1 = CC(1, 0.5)
        sage: followstrand(f, x0, x1, -1.0) # optional - sirocco # abs tol 1e-15
        [(0.0, -1.0, 0.0),
         (0.7500000000000001, -1.015090921153253, -0.24752813818386948),
         (1.0, -1.026166099551513, -0.32768940253604323)]
    CIF = ComplexIntervalField(prec)
    CC = ComplexField(prec)
    G = f.change_ring(QQbar).change_ring(CIF)
    (x, y) = G.variables()
    g = G.subs({x: (1-x)*CIF(x0) + x*CIF(x1)})
    coefs = []
    deg = g.total_degree()
    for d in range(deg + 1):
        for i in range(d + 1):
            c = CIF(g.coefficient({x: d-i, y: i}))
            cr = c.real()
            ci = c.imag()
            coefs += list(cr.endpoints())
            coefs += list(ci.endpoints())
    yr = CC(y0a).real()
    yi = CC(y0a).imag()
    from sage.libs.sirocco import contpath, contpath_mp
        if prec == 53:
            points = contpath(deg, coefs, yr, yi)
            points = contpath_mp(deg, coefs, yr, yi, prec)
        return points
    except Exception:
        return followstrand(f, x0, x1, y0a, 2*prec)
예제 #6
def exactly_checked_canonical_retriangulation(M, bits_prec, degree):
    Given a proto-canonical triangulation of a cusped (possibly non-orientable)
    manifold M, return its canonical retriangulation which is computed from
    exact shapes. The exact shapes are computed using snap (which uses the
    LLL-algorithm). The precision (in bits) and the maximal degree need to be
    specified (here 300 bits precision and polynomials of degree less than 4)::

       sage: from snappy import Manifold
       sage: M = Manifold("m412")
       sage: M.canonize()
       sage: K = exactly_checked_canonical_retriangulation(M, 300, 4)

    M's canonical cell decomposition has a cube, so non-tetrahedral::
       sage: K.has_finite_vertices()

    Has 12 tetrahedra after the retrianglation::
      sage: K.num_tetrahedra()

    Check that it fails on something which is not a proto-canonical

      sage: from snappy import Manifold
      sage: M = Manifold("m015")
      sage: exactly_checked_canonical_retriangulation(M, 500, 6)  # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
      Traceback (most recent call last):
      TiltProvenPositiveNumericalVerifyError: Numerical verification that tilt is negative has failed, tilt is actually positive. This is provably not the proto-canonical triangulation: 0.1645421638874662848910671879? <= 0

    # Convert to decimal precision
    dec_prec = prec_bits_to_dec(bits_prec)

    # Try to find the exact shapes
    shapes = find_shapes_as_complex_sqrt_lin_combinations(M, dec_prec, degree)
    if not shapes:
        raise FindExactShapesError()

    # Build the cusp cross section
    c = RealCuspCrossSection.fromManifoldAndShapes(M, shapes)

    # Check that the exact solutions form a complete hyperbolic structure
    # We convert to intervals to check that the shapes are positive and
    # the angles add up to 2pi and not some other multiple of 2pi.
    CIF = ComplexIntervalField(bits_prec)

    # Normalize cusp area. This is not needed when only 1 cusp
    if M.num_cusps() > 1:

    # Compute tilts

    # Get the opacity of a face in the proto-canonical triangulation
    def get_opacity(tilt):
        # Get the tilt of the sign. The sign method is implemented
        # to use exact arithmetic to certify that the sign is 0 and
        # to use interval arithmetic (of increasing precision until a decision
        # can be made) to certify the sign otherwise.
        sign, interval = tilt.sign_with_interval()

        # Tilt is negative, return True
        if sign < 0:
            return True

        # Tilt is zero, return False
        if sign == 0:
            return False

        # Tilt is positive, raise exception
        if sign > 0:
            raise exceptions.TiltProvenPositiveNumericalVerifyError(interval)

    def index_of_face_corner(corner):
        face_index = t3m.simplex.comp(corner.Subsimplex).bit_length() - 1
        return 4 * corner.Tetrahedron.Index + face_index

    # Opacities of all four faces of each tetrahedron, initialize with None.
    # The format is opacity of face 0, 1, 2, 3 of the first tetrahedron,
    # ... of second tetrahedron, ...
    opacities = (4 * len(c.mcomplex.Tetrahedra)) * [None]

    # For each face of the triangulation
    for face in c.mcomplex.Faces:
        opacity = get_opacity(face.Tilt)
        for corner in face.Corners:
            opacities[index_of_face_corner(corner)] = opacity

    if None in opacities:
        raise Exception("Mismatch with opacities")

    # If there are transparent faces, this triangulation is just the
    # proto-canonical triangulation. We need to call into the SnapPea
    # kernel to retriangulate (introduces finite vertices)
    if False in opacities:
        return M._canonical_retriangulation(opacities)

    # No transparent faces, this triangulation is the canonical triangulation.
    # Return it without introducing finite vertices.
    return M
예제 #7
    def __init__(self, M, initial_shapes, bits_prec=None, dec_prec=None):
        Initializes the KrawczykShapesEngine given an orientable SnapPy
        Manifold M, approximated solutions initial_shapes to the
        gluing equations (e.g., as returned by M.tetrahedra_shapes('rect'))
        and the precision to be used for the desired computations in either
        bits bits_prec or decimal digits dec_prec.

        This requires Sage since it uses Sage's ComplexIntervalField for its

        Note that this will choose an independent set of edge equations and
        one equation per cusp. It is known that a solution to such a subset of
        rectangular gluing equations is also a solution to the full set of
        rectangular gluing equations::

            sage: from snappy import Manifold
            sage: M = Manifold("m019")

            sage: C = KrawczykShapesEngine(M, M.tetrahedra_shapes('rect'), bits_prec = 53)
            sage: C.expand_until_certified()
            sage: C.certified_shapes # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
            (0.780552527850...? + 0.914473662967...?*I, 0.780552527850...? + 0.91447366296773?*I, 0.4600211755737...? + 0.6326241936052...?*I)

        Does not work with non-orientable manifolds::

            sage: M = Manifold("m000")
            sage: KrawczykShapesEngine(M, M.tetrahedra_shapes('rect'), bits_prec = 53)
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            Exception: Manifold needs to be orientable

        Or some non-hyperbolic manifolds::
            sage: Manifold("t02333(1,0)").tetrahedra_shapes(intervals = True)
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            RuntimeError: Could not certify shape intervals, either there are degenerate shapes or the precision must be increased.


        # Require sage
        if not _within_sage:
            raise SageNotAvailable(
                "Sorry, the verify module can only be used within Sage")

        # Convert to precision in bits if necessary
        if dec_prec:
            self.prec = prec_dec_to_bits(dec_prec)
        elif bits_prec:
            self.prec = bits_prec
            raise Exception("Need dec_prec or bits_prec")

        # Setup interval types of desired precision
        self.CIF = ComplexIntervalField(self.prec)
        self.RIF = RealIntervalField(self.prec)

        # Verify that manifold is orientable
        if not M.is_orientable():
            raise Exception("Manifold needs to be orientable")

        # Initialize the shape intervals, they have zero length
        self.initial_shapes = vector(
            [self.CIF(shape) for shape in initial_shapes])

        # Get an independent set of gluing equations from snap
        self.equations = snap.shapes.enough_gluing_equations(M)

        self.identity = matrix.identity(self.CIF, len(self.initial_shapes))

        CDF = ComplexDoubleField()

        # Could be sparse
        approx_deriv = self.log_gluing_LHS_derivatives(
            [CDF(shape) for shape in initial_shapes])
        approx_inverse_double = approx_deriv.inverse()
        self.approx_inverse = approx_inverse_double.change_ring(self.CIF)

        # Compute the term z0 - c * f(z0) in the formula for
        # the Krawczyk interval K(z0, [z], f)

        value_at_initial_shapes = self.log_gluing_LHSs(self.initial_shapes)

        self.first_term = (self.initial_shapes -
                           self.approx_inverse * value_at_initial_shapes)

        # Shapes have not been certified yet
        self.certified_shapes = None
예제 #8
def covariant_z0(F, z0_cov=False, prec=53, emb=None, error_limit=0.000001):
    Return the covariant and Julia invariant from Cremona-Stoll [CS2003]_.

    In [CS2003]_ and [HS2018]_ the Julia invariant is denoted as `\Theta(F)`
    or `R(F, z(F))`. Note that you may get faster convergence if you first move
    `z_0(F)` to the fundamental domain before computing the true covariant


    - ``F`` -- binary form of degree at least 3 with no multiple roots

    - ``z0_cov`` -- boolean, compute only the `z_0` invariant. Otherwise, solve
      the minimization problem

    - ``prec``-- positive integer. precision to use in CC

    - ``emb`` -- embedding into CC

    - ``error_limit`` -- sets the error tolerance (default:0.000001)

    OUTPUT: a complex number, a real number


        sage: from sage.rings.polynomial.binary_form_reduce import covariant_z0
        sage: R.<x,y> = QQ[]
        sage: F = 19*x^8 - 262*x^7*y + 1507*x^6*y^2 - 4784*x^5*y^3 + 9202*x^4*y^4\
        ....: - 10962*x^3*y^5 + 7844*x^2*y^6 - 3040*x*y^7 + 475*y^8
        sage: covariant_z0(F, prec=80, z0_cov=True)
        (1.3832330115323681438175 + 0.31233552177413614978744*I,
        sage: F = -x^8 + 6*x^7*y - 7*x^6*y^2 - 12*x^5*y^3 + 27*x^4*y^4\
        ....: - 4*x^3*y^5 - 19*x^2*y^6 + 10*x*y^7 - 5*y^8
        sage: covariant_z0(F, prec=80)
        (0.64189877107807122203366 + 1.1852516565091601348355*I,


        sage: R.<x,y> = QQ[]
        sage: covariant_z0(x^3 + 2*x^2*y - 3*x*y^2, z0_cov=True)[0]
        0.230769230769231 + 0.799408065031789*I
        sage: -1/covariant_z0(-y^3 + 2*y^2*x + 3*y*x^2, z0_cov=True)[0]
        0.230769230769231 + 0.799408065031789*I


        sage: R.<x,y> = QQ[]
        sage: covariant_z0(2*x^2*y - 3*x*y^2, z0_cov=True)[0]
        0.750000000000000 + 1.29903810567666*I
        sage: -1/covariant_z0(-x^3 - x^2*y + 2*x*y^2, z0_cov=True)[0] + 1
        0.750000000000000 + 1.29903810567666*I


        sage: R.<x,y> = QQ[]
        sage: covariant_z0(x^2*y - x*y^2, prec=100) # tol 1e-28
         (0.50000000000000000000000000003 + 0.86602540378443864676372317076*I,


        sage: R.<x,y>=QQ[] 
        sage: covariant_z0(x^2 + 24*x*y + y^2)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: must be at least degree 3
        sage: covariant_z0((x+y)^3, z0_cov=True)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: cannot have multiple roots for z0 invariant
        sage: covariant_z0(x^3 + 3*x*y + y)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        TypeError: must be a binary form
        sage: covariant_z0(-2*x^2*y^3 + 3*x*y^4 + 127*y^5)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: cannot have a root with multiplicity >= 5/2
        sage: covariant_z0((x^2+2*y^2)^2)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: must have at least 3 distinct roots
    R = F.parent()
    d = ZZ(F.degree())
    if R.ngens() != 2 or any(sum(t) != d for t in F.exponents()):
        raise TypeError('must be a binary form')
    if d < 3:
        raise ValueError('must be at least degree 3')

    f = F.subs({R.gen(1): 1}).univariate_polynomial()
    if f.degree() < d:
        # we have a root at infinity
        if f.constant_coefficient() != 0:
            # invert so we find all roots!
            mat = matrix(ZZ, 2, 2, [0, -1, 1, 0])
            t = 0
            while f(t) == 0:
                t += 1
            mat = matrix(ZZ, 2, 2, [t, -1, 1, 0])
        mat = matrix(ZZ, 2, 2, [1, 0, 0, 1])
    f = F(list(mat * vector(R.gens()))).subs({
        R.gen(1): 1
    # now we have a single variable polynomial with all the roots of F
    K = ComplexField(prec=prec)
    if f.base_ring() != K:
        if emb is None:
            f = f.change_ring(K)
            f = f.change_ring(emb)
    roots = f.roots()
    if max(ex for _, ex in roots) > 1 or f.degree() < d - 1:
        if z0_cov:
            raise ValueError('cannot have multiple roots for z0 invariant')
            # just need a starting point for Newton's method
            f = f.lc() * prod([p for p, ex in f.factor()
                               ])  # removes multiple roots
            if f.degree() < 3:
                raise ValueError('must have at least 3 distinct roots')
            roots = f.roots()
    roots = [p for p, _ in roots]

    # finding quadratic Q_0, gives us our covariant, z_0
    dF = f.derivative()
    n = ZZ(f.degree())
    PR = PolynomialRing(K, 'x,y')
    x, y = PR.gens()
    # finds Stoll and Cremona's Q_0
    q  = sum([(1/(dF(r).abs()**(2/(n-2)))) * ((x-(r*y)) * (x-(r.conjugate()*y)))\
              for r in roots])
    # this is Q_0 , always positive def as long as F has distinct roots
    A = q.monomial_coefficient(x**2)
    B = q.monomial_coefficient(x * y)
    C = q.monomial_coefficient(y**2)
    # need positive root
        z = ((-B + ((B**2) - (4 * A * C)).sqrt()) / (2 * A))
    except ValueError:
        raise ValueError("not enough precision")
    if z.imag() < 0:
        z = (-B - ((B**2) - (4 * A * C)).sqrt()) / (2 * A)

    if z0_cov:
        FM = f  # for Julia's invariant
        # solve the minimization problem for 'true' covariant
        CF = ComplexIntervalField(
            prec=prec)  # keeps trac of our precision error
        z = CF(z)
        FM = F(list(mat * vector(R.gens()))).subs({
            R.gen(1): 1
        from sage.rings.polynomial.complex_roots import complex_roots
        L1 = complex_roots(FM, min_prec=prec)
        L = []
        err = z.diameter()
        # making sure multiplicity isn't too large using convergence conditions in paper
        for p, e in L1:
            if e >= d / 2:
                raise ValueError(
                    'cannot have a root with multiplicity >= %s/2' % d)
            for _ in range(e):
        RCF = PolynomialRing(CF, 'u,t')
        a = RCF(0)
        c = RCF(0)
        u, t = RCF.gens()
        for l in L:
            a += u**2 / ((t - l) * (t - l.conjugate()) + u**2)
            c += (t - l.real()) / ((t - l) * (t - l.conjugate()) + u**2)
        # Newton's Method, to find solutions. Error bound is less than diameter of our z
        err = z.diameter()
        zz = z.diameter()
        g1 = a.numerator() - d / 2 * a.denominator()
        g2 = c.numerator()
        G = vector([g1, g2])
        J = jacobian(G, [u, t])
        v0 = vector([z.imag(), z.real()])  # z0 as starting point
        # finds our correct z
        while err <= zz:
            NJ = J.subs({u: v0[0], t: v0[1]})
            NJinv = NJ.inverse()
            # inverse for CIF matrix seems to return fractions not CIF elements, fix them
            if NJinv.base_ring() != CF:
                NJinv = matrix(CF, 2, 2, [
                    CF(zw.numerator() / zw.denominator())
                    for zw in NJinv.list()
            w = z
            v0 = v0 - NJinv * G.subs({u: v0[0], t: v0[1]})
            z = v0[1].constant_coefficient(
            ) + v0[0].constant_coefficient() * CF.gen(0)
            err = z.diameter()  # precision
            zz = (w - z).abs()  # difference in w and z
            if err > error_limit or err.is_NaN():
                raise ValueError(
                    "accuracy of Newton's root not within tolerance(%s > %s), increase precision"
                    % (err, error_limit))
        if z.imag() <= z.diameter():
            raise ArithmeticError(
                "Newton's method converged to z not in the upper half plane")
        z = z.center()

    # Julia's invariant
    if FM.base_ring() != ComplexField(prec=prec):
        FM = FM.change_ring(ComplexField(prec=prec))
    tF = z.real()
    uF = z.imag()
    th = FM.lc().abs()**2
    for r, ex in FM.roots():
        for _ in range(ex):
            th = th * ((((r - tF).abs())**2 + uF**2) / uF)

    # undo shift and invert (if needed)
    # since F \cdot m ~ m^(-1)\cdot z
    # we apply m to z to undo m acting on F
    l = mat * vector([z, 1])
    return l[0] / l[1], th
예제 #9
def followstrand(f, x0, x1, y0a, prec=53):
    Return a piecewise linear aproximation of the homotopy continuation of the root y0a
    from x0 to x1
    - ``f`` -- a polynomial in two variables
    - ``x0`` -- a complex value, where the homotopy starts
    - ``x1`` -- a complex value, where the homotopy ends
    - ``y0a`` -- an approximate solution of the polynomial $F(y)=f(x_0,y)$
    - ``prec`` -- the precission to use
    A list of values (t, ytr, yti) such that:
        - ``t`` is a real number between zero and one
        - $f(t\cdot x_1+(1-t)\cdot x_0, y_{tr} + I\cdot y_{ti})$ is zero (or a good enough aproximation)
        - the piecewise linear path determined by the points has a tubular
          neighborhood  where the actual homotopy continuation path lies, and
          no other root intersects it.
        sage: R.<x,y> = QQ[]
        sage: f = x^2 + y^3
        sage: x0 = CC(1, 0)
        sage: x1 = CC(1, 0.5)
        sage: followstrand(f, x0, x1, -1.0) # optional 
        [(0.0, -1.0, 0.0),
        (0.063125, -1.0001106593601545, -0.02104011456212618),
        (0.12230468750000001, -1.0004151100003031, -0.04075695242737829),
        (0.17778564453125, -1.0008762007617709, -0.059227299979315154),
        (0.28181243896484376, -1.0021948141328698, -0.09380038023464156),
        (0.3728358840942383, -1.0038270754728402, -0.123962953123039),
        (0.4524813985824585, -1.005613540368227, -0.15026634875747985),
        (0.5221712237596512, -1.0074443351354077, -0.17320066690539515),
        (0.5831498207896948, -1.009246118007067, -0.1931978258913501),
        (0.636506093190983, -1.0109719597443307, -0.21063630045261386),
        (0.6831928315421101, -1.0125937110987449, -0.2258465242053158),
        (0.7648946236565826, -1.0156754074572174, -0.2523480191006915),
        (0.8261709677424369, -1.0181837235093538, -0.2721208327884435),
        (0.8721282258068277, -1.0201720738092597, -0.2868892148703381),
        (0.9410641129034139, -1.0233210275568283, -0.3089391941950436),
        (1.0, -1.026166099551513, -0.3276894025360433)]
    CIF = ComplexIntervalField(prec)
    CC = ComplexField(prec)
    G = f.change_ring(QQbar).change_ring(CIF)
    (x, y) = G.variables()
    g = G.subs({x: (1 - x) * CIF(x0) + x * CIF(x1)})
    coefs = []
    deg = g.total_degree()
    for d in range(deg + 1):
        for i in range(d + 1):
            c = CIF(g.coefficient({x: d - i, y: i}))
            cr = c.real()
            ci = c.imag()
            coefs += list(cr.endpoints())
            coefs += list(ci.endpoints())
    yr = CC(y0a).real()
    yi = CC(y0a).imag()
        if prec == 53:
            points = contpath(deg, coefs, yr, yi)
            points = contpath_mp(deg, coefs, yr, yi, prec)
        return points
        return followstrand(f, x0, x1, y0a, 2 * prec)
예제 #10
파일: realAlgebra.py 프로젝트: njt99/SnapPy
def field_containing_real_and_imaginary_part_of_number_field(number_field):
    Given a Sage number field number_field with a complex embedding z, return
               (real_number_field, real_part, imag_part).

    The number field real_number_field is the smallest number field containing
    the real part and imaginary part of every element in number_field.

    real_part and imag_part are elements in real_number_field which comes with
    a real embedding such that under this embedding, we have
               z = real_part + imag_part * I.

        sage: from sage.rings.complex_field import ComplexField
        sage: CF = ComplexField()
        sage: x = var('x')
        sage: nf = NumberField(x**2 + 1, 'x', embedding = CF(1.0j))
        sage: field_containing_real_and_imaginary_part_of_number_field(nf)
        (Number Field in x with defining polynomial x with x = 0, 0, 1)

        sage: nf = NumberField(x**2 + 7, 'x', embedding = CF(2.64575j))
        sage: field_containing_real_and_imaginary_part_of_number_field(nf)
        (Number Field in x with defining polynomial x^2 - 7 with x = 2.645751311064591?, 0, x)

        sage: nf = NumberField(x**3 + x**2 + 23, 'x', embedding = CF(1.1096 + 2.4317j))
        sage: field_containing_real_and_imaginary_part_of_number_field(nf)
        (Number Field in x with defining polynomial x^6 + 2*x^5 + 2*x^4 - 113/2*x^3 - 229/4*x^2 - 115/4*x - 575/8 with x = 3.541338405550421?, -20/14377*x^5 + 382/14377*x^4 + 526/14377*x^3 + 1533/14377*x^2 - 18262/14377*x - 10902/14377, 20/14377*x^5 - 382/14377*x^4 - 526/14377*x^3 - 1533/14377*x^2 + 32639/14377*x + 10902/14377)

    # Let p be the defining polynomial of the given number field.
    # Given the one complex equation p(z) = 0, translate it into two
    # real equations Re(p(x+y*I)) = 0, Im(p(x+y*I)) = 0.
    # equations are sage symbolic expressions in x and y.
    equations = [
            number_field.defining_polynomial(), start) for start in [0, 1]

    # In _solve_two_equations, we implemented a method that can solve
    # a system of two polynomial equations in two variables x and y
    # provided that y is in the number field generated by x.
    # If we are lucky, this is the case.
    # If we are unlucky, the number field containing x and y is generated
    # by x' = x + k * y where k is some small natural number.

    # The k mentioned above. We start with 0 and increase until we
    # succeed.
    k = 0

    # The amount of extra precision beyond double precision we are working
    # with. We increase it if one of the above methods fails to find the right
    # factor of the above polynomials.
    extra_prec = 0

    # Initialize the intervals for x and y with double prescision intervals
    CIF = ComplexIntervalField()
    z_val = CIF(number_field.gen_embedding())
    x_val = z_val.real()
    y_val = z_val.imag()

    # Keep trying to find a k or increase precision until we succeed
    # Give up if k reaches 100 or we are at precision 16 times greater than
    # that of a double
    while k < 100 and extra_prec < 5:

        # Compute the interval for x'
        xprime_val = x_val + k * y_val

        # From the equations for x and y, get the equations for x' and y
        # where x' = x + k * y as abover
        equations_for_xprime = [
            eqn.substitute(x=var('x') - k * var('y')) for eqn in equations

            # Try to find a solution to the two equations
            solution = _solve_two_equations(equations_for_xprime[0],
                                            xprime_val, y_val)

            if solution:
                # We succeeded. We have a solution for the equations in
                # x' and y, thus, we need to do x = x' - k * y
                real_number_field, y_expression = solution
                x_expression = real_number_field.gen() - k * y_expression
                return real_number_field, x_expression, y_expression
                # No solution found. This means that y is not in the
                # number field generated by x'. Try a higher k in the
                # next iteration
                k += 1

        except _IsolateFactorError:
            # We did not use enough precision. The given intervals for
            # x and y that are supposed to isolate a solution to the
            # system of two equations did not have enough precision to
            # succeed and give a unique answer.

            # Double the precision we will use from now on
            extra_prec += 1

            # Recompute the intervals for x and y with the new precision.
            CIF = ComplexIntervalField(53 * 2**extra_prec)
            z_val = CIF(number_field.gen_embedding())
            x_val = z_val.real()
            y_val = z_val.imag()

    # Give up
    return None
예제 #11
def refine_root(ip, ipd, irt, fld):
    We are given a polynomial and its derivative (with complex
    interval coefficients), an estimated root, and a complex interval
    field to use in computations.  We use interval arithmetic to
    refine the root and prove that we have in fact isolated a unique

    If we succeed, we return the isolated root; if we fail, we return


        sage: from sage.rings.polynomial.complex_roots import *
        sage: x = polygen(ZZ)
        sage: p = x^9 - 1
        sage: ip = CIF['x'](p); ip
        x^9 - 1
        sage: ipd = CIF['x'](p.derivative()); ipd
        sage: irt = CIF(CC(cos(2*pi/9), sin(2*pi/9))); irt
        0.76604444311897802? + 0.64278760968653926?*I
        sage: ip(irt)
        0.?e-14 + 0.?e-14*I
        sage: ipd(irt)
        6.89439998807080? - 5.78508848717885?*I
        sage: refine_root(ip, ipd, irt, CIF)
        0.766044443118978? + 0.642787609686540?*I

    # There has got to be a better way to do this, but I don't know
    # what it is...

    # We start with a basic fact: if we do an interval Newton-Raphson
    # step, and the refined interval is contained in the original interval,
    # then the refined interval contains exactly one root.

    # Unfortunately, our initial estimated root almost certainly does not
    # contain the actual root (our initial interval is a point, which
    # is exactly equal to whatever floating-point estimate we got from
    # the external solver).  So we need to do multiple Newton-Raphson
    # steps, and check this inclusion property on each step.

    # After a few steps of refinement, if the initial root estimate was
    # close to a root, we should have an essentially perfect interval
    # bound on the root (since Newton-Raphson has quadratic convergence),
    # unless either the real or imaginary component of the root is zero.
    # If the real or imaginary component is zero, then we could spend
    # a long time computing closer and closer approximations to that
    # component.  (This doesn't happen for non-zero components, because
    # of the imprecision of floating-point numbers combined with the
    # outward interval rounding; but close to zero, MPFI provides
    # extremely precise numbers.)

    # If the root is actually a real root, but we start with an imaginary
    # component, we can bounce back and forth between having a positive
    # and negative imaginary component, without ever hitting zero.
    # To deal with this, on every other Newton-Raphson step, instead of
    # replacing the old interval with the new one, we take the union.

    # If the containment check continues to fail many times in a row,
    # we give up and return None; we also return None if we detect
    # that the slope in our current interval is not bounded away
    # from zero at any step.

    # After every refinement step, we check to see if the real or
    # imaginary component of our interval includes zero.  If so, we
    # try setting it to exactly zero.  This gives us a good chance of
    # detecting real roots.  However, we do this replacement at most
    # once per component.

    refinement_steps = 10

    smashed_real = False
    smashed_imag = False

    for i in range(refinement_steps):
        slope = ipd(irt)
        if slope.contains_zero():
            return None
        center = fld(irt.center())
        val = ip(center)

        nirt = center - val / slope
        # print irt, nirt, (nirt in irt), nirt.diameter(), irt.diameter(), center, val, slope
        if nirt in irt and (nirt.diameter() >= irt.diameter() >> 3 or i >= 8):
            # If the new diameter is much less than the original diameter,
            # then we have not yet converged.  (Perhaps we were asked
            # for a particularly high-precision result.)  So we don't
            # return yet.
            return nirt

        if i & 1:
            irt = nirt
            irt = irt.union(nirt)
            # If we don't find a root after a while, try (approximately)
            # tripling the size of the region.
            if i >= 6:
                rD = irt.real().absolute_diameter()
                iD = irt.imag().absolute_diameter()
                md = max(rD, iD)
                md_intv = RealIntervalField(rD.prec())(-md, md)
                md_cintv = ComplexIntervalField(rD.prec())(md_intv, md_intv)
                irt = irt + md_cintv

        if not smashed_real and irt.real().contains_zero():
            irt = irt.parent()(0, irt.imag())
            smashed_real = True
        if not smashed_imag and irt.imag().contains_zero():
            irt = irt.parent()(irt.real(), 0)
            smashed_imag = True

    return None
예제 #12
def orient_circuit(circuit):
    Reverses a circuit if it goes clockwise; otherwise leaves it unchanged.


    - ``circuit`` --  a circuit in the graph of a Voronoi Diagram, given
        by a list of edges


    The same circuit if it goes counterclockwise, and its reverse otherwise


        sage: from sage.schemes.curves.zariski_vankampen import orient_circuit
        sage: points = [(-4, 0), (4, 0), (0, 4), (0, -4), (0, 0)]
        sage: V = VoronoiDiagram(points)
        sage: E = Graph()
        sage: for reg  in V.regions().values():
        ....:     if reg.rays() or reg.lines():
        ....:         E  = E.union(reg.vertex_graph())
        sage: E.vertices()
        [A vertex at (-2, -2),
         A vertex at (-2, 2),
         A vertex at (2, -2),
         A vertex at (2, 2)]
        sage: cir = E.eulerian_circuit()
        sage: cir
        [(A vertex at (-2, -2), A vertex at (2, -2), None),
         (A vertex at (2, -2), A vertex at (2, 2), None),
         (A vertex at (2, 2), A vertex at (-2, 2), None),
         (A vertex at (-2, 2), A vertex at (-2, -2), None)]
        sage: orient_circuit(cir)
        [(A vertex at (-2, -2), A vertex at (2, -2), None),
         (A vertex at (2, -2), A vertex at (2, 2), None),
         (A vertex at (2, 2), A vertex at (-2, 2), None),
         (A vertex at (-2, 2), A vertex at (-2, -2), None)]
        sage: cirinv = list(reversed([(c[1],c[0],c[2]) for c in cir]))
        sage: cirinv
        [(A vertex at (-2, -2), A vertex at (-2, 2), None),
         (A vertex at (-2, 2), A vertex at (2, 2), None),
         (A vertex at (2, 2), A vertex at (2, -2), None),
         (A vertex at (2, -2), A vertex at (-2, -2), None)]
        sage: orient_circuit(cirinv)
        [(A vertex at (-2, -2), A vertex at (2, -2), None),
         (A vertex at (2, -2), A vertex at (2, 2), None),
         (A vertex at (2, 2), A vertex at (-2, 2), None),
         (A vertex at (-2, 2), A vertex at (-2, -2), None)]

    prec = 53
    vectors = [v[1].vector() - v[0].vector() for v in circuit]
    while True:
        CIF = ComplexIntervalField(prec)
        totalangle = sum((CIF(*vectors[i]) / CIF(*vectors[i - 1])).argument()
                         for i in range(len(vectors)))
        if totalangle < 0:
            return list(reversed([(c[1], c[0]) + c[2:] for c in circuit]))
        elif totalangle > 0:
            return circuit
            prec *= 2
예제 #13
def braid_in_segment(g, x0, x1):
    Return the braid formed by the `y` roots of ``f`` when `x` moves
    from ``x0`` to ``x1``.


    - ``g`` -- a polynomial factorization in two variables
    - ``x0`` -- a complex number
    - ``x1`` -- a complex number


    A braid.


        sage: from sage.schemes.curves.zariski_vankampen import braid_in_segment # optional - sirocco
        sage: R.<x,y> = QQ[]
        sage: f = x^2 + y^3
        sage: x0 = CC(1,0)
        sage: x1 = CC(1, 0.5)
        sage: braid_in_segment(f.factor(), x0, x1) # optional - sirocco


    Check that :trac:`26503` is fixed::

        sage: wp = QQ['t']([1, 1, 1]).roots(QQbar)[0][0]
        sage: Kw.<wp> = NumberField(wp.minpoly(), embedding=wp)
        sage: R.<x, y> = Kw[]
        sage: z = -wp - 1
        sage: f = y*(y + z)*x*(x - 1)*(x - y)*(x + z*y - 1)*(x + z*y + wp)
        sage: from sage.schemes.curves import zariski_vankampen as zvk
        sage: g = f.subs({x: x + 2*y})
        sage: p1 = QQbar(sqrt(-1/3))
        sage: p2 = QQbar(1/2+sqrt(-1/3)/2)
        sage: B = zvk.braid_in_segment(g.factor(),CC(p1),CC(p2)) # optional - sirocco
        sage: B  # optional - sirocco

    (x, y) = g.value().parent().gens()
    I = QQbar.gen()
    X0 = QQ(x0.real()) + I * QQ(x0.imag())
    X1 = QQ(x1.real()) + I * QQ(x1.imag())
    intervals = {}
    precision = {}
    y0s = []
    for (f, naux) in g:
        if f.variables() == (y, ):
            F0 = QQbar[y](f.base_ring()[y](f))
            F0 = QQbar[y](f(X0, y))
        y0sf = F0.roots(multiplicities=False)
        y0s += list(y0sf)
        precision[f] = 53
        while True:
            CIFp = ComplexIntervalField(precision[f])
            intervals[f] = [r.interval(CIFp) for r in y0sf]
            if not any(
                    for a, b in itertools.combinations(intervals[f], 2)):
            precision[f] *= 2
    strands = [
        followstrand(f[0], [p[0] for p in g if p[0] != f[0]], x0, x1,
                     i.center(), precision[f[0]]) for f in g
        for i in intervals[f[0]]
    complexstrands = [[(QQ(a[0]), QQ(a[1]), QQ(a[2])) for a in b]
                      for b in strands]
    centralbraid = braid_from_piecewise(complexstrands)
    initialstrands = []
    finalstrands = []
    initialintervals = roots_interval_cached(g.value(), X0)
    finalintervals = roots_interval_cached(g.value(), X1)
    for cs in complexstrands:
        ip = cs[0][1] + I * cs[0][2]
        fp = cs[-1][1] + I * cs[-1][2]
        matched = 0
        for center, interval in initialintervals.items():
            if ip in interval:
                initialstrands.append([(0, center.real(), center.imag()),
                                       (1, cs[0][1], cs[0][2])])
                matched += 1
        if matched == 0:
            raise ValueError("unable to match braid endpoint with root")
        if matched > 1:
            raise ValueError("braid endpoint mathes more than one root")
        matched = 0
        for center, interval in finalintervals.items():
            if fp in interval:
                finalstrands.append([(0, cs[-1][1], cs[-1][2]),
                                     (1, center.real(), center.imag())])
                matched += 1
        if matched == 0:
            raise ValueError("unable to match braid endpoint with root")
        if matched > 1:
            raise ValueError("braid endpoint mathes more than one root")
    initialbraid = braid_from_piecewise(initialstrands)
    finalbraid = braid_from_piecewise(finalstrands)

    return initialbraid * centralbraid * finalbraid
예제 #14
def roots_interval(f, x0):
    Find disjoint intervals that isolate the roots of a polynomial for a fixed
    value of the first variable.


    - ``f`` -- a bivariate squarefree polynomial
    - ``x0`` -- a value where the first coordinate will be fixed

    The intervals are taken as big as possible to be able to detect when two
    approximate roots of `f(x_0, y)` correspond to the same exact root.

    The result is given as a dictionary, where the keys are approximations to the roots
    with rational real and imaginary parts, and the values are intervals containing them.


        sage: from sage.schemes.curves.zariski_vankampen import roots_interval
        sage: R.<x,y> = QQ[]
        sage: f = y^3 - x^2
        sage: ri = roots_interval(f, 1)
        sage: ri
        {-138907099/160396102*I - 1/2: -1.? - 1.?*I,
         138907099/160396102*I - 1/2: -1.? + 1.?*I,
         1: 1.? + 0.?*I}
        sage: [r.endpoints() for r in ri.values()]
        [(0.566987298107781 - 0.433012701892219*I,
          1.43301270189222 + 0.433012701892219*I,
          0.566987298107781 + 0.433012701892219*I,
          1.43301270189222 - 0.433012701892219*I),
         (-0.933012701892219 - 1.29903810567666*I,
          -0.0669872981077806 - 0.433012701892219*I,
          -0.933012701892219 - 0.433012701892219*I,
          -0.0669872981077806 - 1.29903810567666*I),
         (-0.933012701892219 + 0.433012701892219*I,
          -0.0669872981077806 + 1.29903810567666*I,
          -0.933012701892219 + 1.29903810567666*I,
          -0.0669872981077806 + 0.433012701892219*I)]

    x, y = f.parent().gens()
    I = QQbar.gen()
    fx = QQbar[y](f.subs({x: QQ(x0.real()) + I * QQ(x0.imag())}))
    roots = fx.roots(QQbar, multiplicities=False)
    result = {}
    for i in range(len(roots)):
        r = roots[i]
        prec = 53
        IF = ComplexIntervalField(prec)
        CF = ComplexField(prec)
        divisor = 4
        diam = min((CF(r) - CF(r0)).abs()
                   for r0 in roots[:i] + roots[i + 1:]) / divisor
        envelop = IF(diam) * IF((-1, 1), (-1, 1))
        while not newton(fx, r, r + envelop) in r + envelop:
            prec += 53
            IF = ComplexIntervalField(prec)
            CF = ComplexField(prec)
            divisor *= 2
            diam = min([(CF(r) - CF(r0)).abs()
                        for r0 in roots[:i] + roots[i + 1:]]) / divisor
            envelop = IF(diam) * IF((-1, 1), (-1, 1))
        qapr = QQ(CF(r).real()) + QQbar.gen() * QQ(CF(r).imag())
        if qapr not in r + envelop:
            raise ValueError("Could not approximate roots with exact values")
        result[qapr] = r + envelop
    return result
예제 #15
def followstrand(f, factors, x0, x1, y0a, prec=53):
    Return a piecewise linear approximation of the homotopy continuation
    of the root ``y0a`` from ``x0`` to ``x1``.


    - ``f`` -- an irreducible polynomial in two variables
    - ``factors`` -- a list of irreducible polynomials in two variables
    - ``x0`` -- a complex value, where the homotopy starts
    - ``x1`` -- a complex value, where the homotopy ends
    - ``y0a`` -- an approximate solution of the polynomial `F(y) = f(x_0, y)`
    - ``prec`` -- the precision to use


    A list of values `(t, y_{tr}, y_{ti})` such that:

    - ``t`` is a real number between zero and one
    - `f(t \cdot x_1 + (1-t) \cdot x_0, y_{tr} + I \cdot y_{ti})`
      is zero (or a good enough approximation)
    - the piecewise linear path determined by the points has a tubular
      neighborhood  where the actual homotopy continuation path lies, and
      no other root of ``f``, nor any root of the polynomials in ``factors``,
      intersects it.


        sage: from sage.schemes.curves.zariski_vankampen import followstrand # optional - sirocco
        sage: R.<x,y> = QQ[]
        sage: f = x^2 + y^3
        sage: x0 = CC(1, 0)
        sage: x1 = CC(1, 0.5)
        sage: followstrand(f, [], x0, x1, -1.0) # optional - sirocco # abs tol 1e-15
        [(0.0, -1.0, 0.0),
         (0.7500000000000001, -1.015090921153253, -0.24752813818386948),
         (1.0, -1.026166099551513, -0.32768940253604323)]
        sage: fup = f.subs({y:y-1/10})
        sage: fdown = f.subs({y:y+1/10})
        sage: followstrand(f, [fup, fdown], x0, x1, -1.0) # optional - sirocco # abs tol 1e-15
        [(0.0, -1.0, 0.0),
         (0.5303300858899107, -1.0076747107983448, -0.17588022709184917),
         (0.7651655429449553, -1.015686131039112, -0.25243563967299404),
         (1.0, -1.026166099551513, -0.3276894025360433)]

    if f.degree() == 1:
        CF = ComplexField(prec)
        g = f.change_ring(CF)
        (x, y) = g.parent().gens()
        y0 = CF[y](g.subs({x: x0})).roots()[0][0]
        y1 = CF[y](g.subs({x: x1})).roots()[0][0]
        res = [(0.0, y0.real(), y0.imag()), (1.0, y1.real(), y1.imag())]
        return res
    CIF = ComplexIntervalField(prec)
    CC = ComplexField(prec)
    G = f.change_ring(QQbar).change_ring(CIF)
    (x, y) = G.parent().gens()
    g = G.subs({x: (1 - x) * CIF(x0) + x * CIF(x1)})
    coefs = []
    deg = g.total_degree()
    for d in range(deg + 1):
        for i in range(d + 1):
            c = CIF(g.coefficient({x: d - i, y: i}))
            cr = c.real()
            ci = c.imag()
            coefs += list(cr.endpoints())
            coefs += list(ci.endpoints())
    yr = CC(y0a).real()
    yi = CC(y0a).imag()
    coefsfactors = []
    degsfactors = []
    for fc in factors:
        degfc = fc.degree()
        G = fc.change_ring(QQbar).change_ring(CIF)
        g = G.subs({x: (1 - x) * CIF(x0) + x * CIF(x1)})
        for d in range(degfc + 1):
            for i in range(d + 1):
                c = CIF(g.coefficient({x: d - i, y: i}))
                cr = c.real()
                ci = c.imag()
                coefsfactors += list(cr.endpoints())
                coefsfactors += list(ci.endpoints())
    from sage.libs.sirocco import contpath, contpath_mp, contpath_comps, contpath_mp_comps
        if prec == 53:
            if factors:
                points = contpath_comps(deg, coefs, yr, yi, degsfactors,
                points = contpath(deg, coefs, yr, yi)
            if factors:
                points = contpath_mp_comps(deg, coefs, yr, yi, prec,
                                           degsfactors, coefsfactors)
                points = contpath_mp(deg, coefs, yr, yi, prec)
        return points
    except Exception:
        return followstrand(f, factors, x0, x1, y0a, 2 * prec)