예제 #1
def down():
    Print a list of all the down or unresponsive salt minions
    client = salt.client.LocalClient(__opts__['conf_file'])
    key = salt.cli.key.Key(__opts__)
    minions = client.cmd('*', 'test.ping', timeout=1)
    keys = key._keys('acc')

    for minion in sorted(keys - set(minions.keys())):
예제 #2
파일: nodes.py 프로젝트: techhat/salty-dog
def _populate():
    active_nodes = []
    inactive_nodes = []

    Print a list of up and down minions

    response = {}

    __opts__ = salt.config.master_config("/etc/salt/master")

    client = salt.client.LocalClient(__opts__["conf_file"])
    key = salt.cli.key.Key(__opts__)
    minions = client.cmd("*", "test.ping", timeout=__opts__["timeout"])
    keys = key._keys("acc")

    response["inactive_nodes"] = sorted(keys - set(minions))

    active_nodes = client.cmd("*", "test.ping", timeout=__opts__["timeout"])
    response["active_nodes"] = sorted(active_nodes)

    return response