예제 #1
    def visualizeFunction(self, img, msg):

        # #	Render
        # colorImage = np.zeros( img.shape, dtype = np.uint8 )
        # # colorImage[ img[:,:,1] == 1 ] = [0, 128, 0]
        # colorImage[ img[:,:,1] == 3 ] = [0, 128, 255]
        # colorImage[ img[:,:,1] == 8 ] = [255, 255, 255]

        # #	marker
        # marker = np.zeros( img[ :, :, 0 ].shape, dtype = np.uint8 )
        # marker[ img[:,:,1] == 8 ] = 1

        #	find boundary
        fieldBoundary, fieldMask = findBoundary(img[:, :, 1], 1, flip=False)

        # #	find circular shape
        # whiteContour = self.detectCircular( whiteContours )

        # cv2.drawContours( colorImage, whiteContour, -1, ( 0, 0, 255 ), 3 )

        # #	draw region boundary of field

        # img[ :, :, : ] = colorImage.copy()

        colorImage = np.zeros(img.shape, dtype=np.uint8)
        colorImage[img[:, :, 1] == 3] = [0, 128, 255]
        colorImage[img[:, :, 1] == 8] = [255, 255, 255]
        colorImage[img[:, :, 1] == 1] = [0, 128, 0]

        colorImage[:, :, 0] *= fieldMask

        cv2.drawContours(colorImage, [fieldBoundary], 0, (255, 0, 0), 2)

        img[:, :, :] = colorImage.copy()

        if msg.ball_confidence:

            rospy.logdebug(" error X : {}, error Y : {} ".format(
                msg.ball_error[0], msg.ball_error[1]))
            cv2.circle(img, (msg.ball[0], msg.ball[1]), 10, (255, 0, 0), -1)

        cv2.circle(img, (msg.imgW / 2, msg.imgH / 2), 5, (0, 0, 255), -1)
예제 #2
#	create colordef msg
colorDef = createColorDefFromDict(colorList)

while True:

    #img = imageList[ indexIndicator ]
    ret, img = cap.read()

    #blur = cv2.bilateralFilter( img, 9, 75, 75 )
    blurGaussian = cv2.GaussianBlur(img, (5, 5), 0)

    #	get marker
    marker = colorSegmentation(blurGaussian, colorDef)

    #	get field boundary
    fieldBoundary, fieldMask = findBoundary(marker, 2, flip=False)
    fieldMask *= 255

    #	white marker to white mask
    whiteImageObject = np.zeros(marker.shape)
    whiteImageObject[marker == 5] = 1

    #	and operation with field mask
    fieldOnly = cv2.bitwise_and(blurGaussian, blurGaussian, mask=fieldMask)
    whiteObject = (fieldMask * whiteImageObject).astype(np.uint8)

    minVal = cv2.getTrackbarPos('Min', 'edge')
    maxVal = cv2.getTrackbarPos('Max', 'edge')

    #edgeNormal = cv2.Canny( img, 100, 200 )
    edgeGaussian = cv2.Canny(fieldOnly, 100, 200)
예제 #3
def main():

    #	define usage of programing
    programUsage = "python %prog arg [option] [framePathStr] [modelPathStr] " + str(
        VERSIONNUMBER) + ', Copyright (C) 2018 FIBO/KMUTT'

    #	initial parser instance
    parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=programUsage,

    #	add option of main script
                      help="Specify color config.",

    #	add option
    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()

    #	check number of argument from NUM_REQUIRE_ARGUMENT
    if len(args) != NUM_REQUIRE_ARGUMENT:

        #	raise error from parser
        parser.error("require {} argument(s)".format(NUM_REQUIRE_ARGUMENT))

    #		get option and argument

    framePathStr = args[0]
    modelPathStr = args[1]

    colorConfigPathStr = options.colorConfig

    #	get abs path
    frameAbsPathStr = getImageList(framePathStr)

    #	get config
    #colorDict = readConfig( 'color_2.ini' )
    colorList = getColorListFromConfig(colorConfigPathStr)

    #	create colordef msg
    colorDef = createColorDefFromDict(colorList)

    #	load image sequence
    frameList = map(cv2.imread, frameAbsPathStr)

    #	initial index frame
    idxFrameInt = 0

    #	initial finalPosition of football
    finalPosition = None

    #	ball confidence
    ballConfidence = 0.70

    #	get model
    model = loadModel(modelPathStr)

    #	initial hog/svm instance for classifier
    #	FYI : float is confidence
    predictor = HOG_SVM(modelPathStr, ballConfidence)

    while True:

        #	get image
        img = frameList[idxFrameInt]

        #	blur image
        blurImage = cv2.blur(img, (5, 5))

        #	get marker
        marker = colorSegmentation(blurImage, colorDef)

        #	get only white object from marker
        #	NOTE :
        #		Change id of white marker, follow chattarin colordef template
        #		ID White : 5, old : 8
        #		ID Green : 2, old : 1
        whiteImageObject = np.zeros(marker.shape)
        whiteImageObject[marker == 5] = 1

        #	get field boundary
        fieldBoundary, fieldMask = findBoundary(marker, 2, flip=False)

        #	get mask only ball
        whiteObjectMask = fieldMask * whiteImageObject
        whiteObjectMask *= 255

        #	change back to uint8 (opencv support only uint8)
        whiteObjectMask = whiteObjectMask.astype(np.uint8)

        #	get contours from white object
        whiteContours = cv2.findContours(whiteObjectMask, cv2.RETR_TREE,

        #	copy image for visualize
        visualizeImage = img.copy()

        #	extract feature all white feature
        extractStatus = predictor.extractFeature(img,

        if extractStatus == True:

            #	predict all white feature, which the ball is ?

            # #	get bounding box list from cv2.boundingRect
            # boundingBoxList = map( cv2.boundingRect, whiteContours )

            # #	filter
            # filterFunction = lambda boundingBoxTuple : boundingBoxTuple[ 2 ] >= 10 and boundingBoxTuple[ 3 ] >= 10
            # boundingBoxFilterdList = filter( filterFunction, boundingBoxList )

            # #	filter again check rectangle
            # filterNonRectFunction = lambda boundingBoxTuple : abs( boundingBoxTuple[ 2 ] - boundingBoxTuple[ 3 ] ) <= 20
            # boundingBoxRectList = filter( filterNonRectFunction, boundingBoxFilterdList )

            # print len( boundingBoxRectList )

            # for boundingBox in boundingBoxRectList:

            # 	x1Actual, y1Actual, x2Actual, y2Actual = expandAreaBoundingBox( 10, boundingBox, img.shape[ 1 ], img.shape[ 0 ] )

            # 	# cv2.rectangle( visualizeImage, ( x, y ),
            # 	# 							   ( x + width, y + height ), ( 255, 0, 0 ), 2 )

            # 	cv2.rectangle( visualizeImage, ( x1Actual, y1Actual ),
            # 								   ( x2Actual, y2Actual ), ( 0, 255, 255 ), 2 )

            # 	#	get roi
            # 	roiCandidateImage = img[ y1Actual : y2Actual, x1Actual : x2Actual ].copy()

            # 	#	resize
            # 	roiCandidateResizedImage = cv2.resize( roiCandidateImage, ( 40, 40 ) )

            # 	#	extract feature
            # 	featureVector = extractFeatureHog( roiCandidateResizedImage ).T

            # 	#	predict
            # 	predictClass = model.predict( featureVector )

            # 	if predictClass[ 0 ] == 1:
            # 		cv2.circle( visualizeImage, ( boundingBox[ 0 ] + boundingBox[ 3 ] / 2, boundingBox[ 1 ] + boundingBox[ 3 ] / 2 ),
            # 								      boundingBox[ 3 ] , ( 0, 255, 0 ), 2 )

            #	visualization zone

            for boundingBoxObject in predictor.boundingBoxListObject.boundingBoxList:

                # cv2.rectangle( visualizeImage, boundingBoxObject.topLeftPositionTuple,
                # 			   boundingBoxObject.bottomRightPositionTuple, ( 255, 0, 0 ), 2 )

                if boundingBoxObject.footballProbabilityScore > ballConfidence:

                                  (255, 0, 0), 2)

                               boundingBoxObject.object2DPosTuple, 5,
                               (0, 255, 0), -1)


                                  (0, 0, 255), 2)

                               boundingBoxObject.object2DPosTuple, 5,
                               (0, 255, 0), -1)

                    visualizeImage, "{0:.4f}".format(
                    cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 0.5, (0, 255, 0), 1, cv2.LINE_AA)

            #	get best region
            finalPosition = predictor.getBestRegion()

        if finalPosition is not None and len(finalPosition) != 0:
            cv2.circle(visualizeImage, tuple(finalPosition), 10, (255, 0, 0),

        #print idxFrameInt
        #	draw contours
        cv2.drawContours(visualizeImage, [fieldBoundary], 0, (128, 0, 255), 1)

        #	show image
        cv2.imshow("show", visualizeImage)
        cv2.imshow("ball mask", whiteObjectMask)

        #	reset final position
        finalPosition = None

        #	waitkey and break out of the loop
        k = cv2.waitKey(50)
        if k == ord('q'):
        elif k == ord('d'):
            idxFrameInt += 1
        elif k == ord('a'):
            idxFrameInt -= 1

        # #	increment index
        # idxFrameInt += 1

        # #	reset frame index
        if idxFrameInt >= len(frameList):
            idxFrameInt = len(frameList) - 1
        elif idxFrameInt <= 0:
            idxFrameInt = 0

    def ImageProcessingFunction(self, img, header):
        '''	ImageProcessingFunction

        #	get image property
        imageHeight = img.shape[0]
        imageWidth = img.shape[1]

        #	get gray scale image
        imageGray = img[:, :, 0].copy()

        #	initial ball position
        bestPosition = Point32()
        ballErrorList = Point32()
        ballConfidence = 0.0

        #	get marker (on channel 1)
        marker = img[:, :, 1]

        #	get field boundary
        fieldContour, fieldMask = findBoundary(marker, 2, flip=False)
        self.contourFieldVis = fieldContour

        #	do ransac

        coeffList = findLinearEqOfFieldBoundary(fieldContour[1:-1].copy())

        if len(coeffList) > 1:
            #	find y intersect
            xIntersect = coeffList[0][3]
            m = coeffList[0][0]
            c = coeffList[0][1]

            yIntersect = (m * xIntersect) + c

            intersectPoint = Point32(x=xIntersect, y=yIntersect, z=0.0)
            intersectPointConfidence = 1.0

            intersectPoint = Point32()
            intersectPointConfidence = 0.0

        ransacContour = findNewLineFromRansac(fieldContour, imageWidth,

        #		#	cut first and last point
        #		fieldContourMiddlePoints = fieldContour[ 1:-1 ].copy()
        #		#	get ransac result
        #		linearCoefficiant = findLinearEqOfFieldBoundary( fieldContourMiddlePoints )
        #		#	create list
        #		pointList = list()
        #		for lineCoeff in linearCoefficiant:
        #			#	get linear coeff
        #			x0 = lineCoeff[ 2 ]
        #			xf = lineCoeff[ 3 ]
        #			m = lineCoeff[ 0 ]
        #			c = lineCoeff[ 1 ]
        #			#	calculate y from x
        #			x = np.arange( x0, xf, dtype = np.int64 )
        #			y = np.int64( m * x ) + int( c )
        #			contour = np.vstack( ( x, y ) ).transpose()
        #			contour = contour.reshape( -1, 1, 2 )
        #			pointList.append( contour )
        #		if len( pointList ) > 1:
        #			ransacContour = np.vstack( pointList )
        ##			print pointList[ 0 ].shape
        ##			print pointList[ 1 ].shape
        ##			print contour.shape
        #		else:
        #			ransacContour = pointList[ 0 ]
        #		#	concat first and last point
        #		firstPoint = np.array( [ [ [ 0, img.shape[ 0 ] - 1 ] ] ] )
        #		lastPoint = np.array( [ [ [ img.shape[ 1 ] - 1, img.shape[ 0 ] - 1 ] ] ] )
        #		ransacContour = np.concatenate( ( firstPoint, ransacContour, lastPoint ) )
        self.ransacContourVis = ransacContour

        #	get new field boundaty from ransac technic
        newFieldMask = np.zeros(marker.shape, dtype=np.uint8)
        cv2.drawContours(newFieldMask, [ransacContour], 0, 1, -1)

        #	get white object and predict ball
        whiteObject = np.zeros(marker.shape, dtype=np.uint8)
        whiteObject[marker == 5] = 1

        #	get white object only the field
        whiteObjectInField = whiteObject * newFieldMask
        whiteObjectInField *= 255

        #	find contour from white object in field
        whiteContours = cv2.findContours(whiteObjectInField, cv2.RETR_TREE,

        #	detect goal

        goal = findGoal(ransacContour, marker)
        #		goalLeft, goalRight = None, None
        #		if goalLeft is not None and goalRight is not None:
        #			#	find middle point of goalpost
        #			goalLeftPoint = ( ( ( goalLeft[ 0 ][ 0 ] + goalLeft[ 1 ][ 0 ] ) / 2 ), ( ( goalLeft[ 0 ][ 1 ] + goalLeft[ 1 ][ 1 ] ) / 2 ) )
        #			goalRightPoint = ( ( ( goalRight[ 0 ][ 0 ] + goalRight[ 1 ][ 0 ] ) / 2 ), ( ( goalRight[ 0 ][ 1 ] + goalRight[ 1 ][ 1 ] ) / 2 ) )
        #			goalLeftPoint = Point32( goalLeftPoint[ 0 ], goalRightPoint[ 1 ], 0.0 )
        #			goalRightPoint = Point32( goalRightPoint[ 0 ], goalRightPoint[ 1 ], 0.0 )
        #			goalLeftConfidence = 1.0
        #			goalRightConfidence = 1.0
        #		else:
        #			goalLeftPoint = Point32()
        #			goalRightPoint = Point32()
        #			goalLeftConfidence = 0.0
        #			goalRightConfidence = 0.0

        #	detect goal

        #	extract feature and predict it
        extractStatus = self.predictor.extractFeature(
            imageGray, whiteContours, objectPointLocation='bottom')

        #	check extract status
        if extractStatus == True:

            #	predict si wait a rai

            bestPositionList = self.predictor.getBestRegion()

            if len(bestPositionList) != 0:

                #	convert to point32
                bestPosition = Point32(bestPositionList[0],
                                       bestPositionList[1], 0.0)

                #	get bounding box object not only position
                bestBounding = self.predictor.getBestBoundingBox()

                #	get another point of object
                centerX, centerY = bestBounding.calculateObjectPoint('center')

                #	calculate error
                errorX, errorY = self.calculateError(imageWidth, imageHeight,
                                                     centerX, centerY)
                ballErrorList = Point32(errorX, errorY, 0.0)

                #	ball confidence
                ballConfidence = 1.0

        #	create msg
        msg = visionMsg()

        #	assign value to message
        msg.object_name = [
        msg.pos2D = [
        msg.imgH = imageHeight
        msg.imgW = imageWidth
        msg.object_error = [ballErrorList]
        msg.object_confidence = [ballConfidence]
        msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()

        if goal is not None:
            for idx, g in enumerate(goal):
                x, y = g[0], g[1]
                x -= 3
                while y < 480 and marker[y, x] != 2:
                    y += 1

                msg.pos2D.append(Point32(x=float(x), y=float(y), z=0))

                #	calculate error
                errorX, errorY = self.calculateError(imageWidth, imageHeight,
                                                     g[0], g[1])
                msg.object_error.append(Point32(x=errorX, y=errorY, z=0))


        #	append intersect point
        errorX, errorY = self.calculateError(imageWidth, imageHeight,
        msg.object_error.append(Point32(x=errorX, y=errorY, z=0.0))

        return msg
예제 #5
    def ImageProcessingFunction(self, img, header):
        ''' ImageProcessingFunction function

        startTime = time.time()

        #   Re-initialize
        self.boundingBoxList = list()

        #	ROI image list
        imageROIList = list()

        #	Position list -> convert to numpy after that
        positionList = list()

        scoreDict = dict()

        #   Get property of image
        imageHeight = img.shape[0]
        imageWidth = img.shape[1]

        #   Get grayscale image
        grayImage = img[:, :, 0].copy()

        #   Get marker
        marker = img[:, :, 1].copy()

        #   Find field boundary
        fieldContour, fieldMask = findBoundary(marker, FieldGreenColorID)

        #   Get new contour from ransac
        ransacContours = findNewLineFromRansac(fieldContour, imageWidth,

        #   Create mask from new contour
        newFieldMask = np.zeros(marker.shape, dtype=np.uint8)
        cv2.drawContours(newFieldMask, [ransacContours], 0, 1, -1)

        #   Get white object mask
        whiteObjectMask = np.zeros(marker.shape, dtype=np.uint8)
        whiteObjectMask[marker == WhiteColotID] = 1

        #   Eliminate outer field
        whiteObjectInFieldMask = whiteObjectMask * newFieldMask * 255

        #   TRY!!!
        #   Opening for eliminate white field
        kernel = np.ones(DefaultKernelShapeTuple, dtype=np.uint8)
        whiteObjectInFieldMask = cv2.morphologyEx(whiteObjectInFieldMask,
                                                  cv2.MORPH_OPEN, kernel)

        #   NOTE: I should find ball first

        #   Find contour of white object in field
        whiteObjectContours = cv2.findContours(whiteObjectInFieldMask,

        #	NOTE: All of this, I will do again if this idea is work
        #	Loop over rectangle
        #	Get bounding rect x, y, w, h
        #	Filtered size that doesn't make sense
        #	Get new four point
        #	Expand bounding box from fourpoints
        #	Cut roi from the four points and store
        #	Append to imageList

        #	Hog predict roi of image list
        #	Get score vector

        #	Find goal with old approach
        #	Create score from result's old approach

        #	Calculate score
        #	Find mean between two score
        #	Ranking

        if len(whiteObjectContours) != 0:
            for cnt in whiteObjectContours:

                #	Get bounding box (x,y,width,height)
                x, y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(cnt)

                if w < 10 or h < 10 and h > w:

                #	append to position list
                centerX = x + w / 2
                centerY = y + h / 2
                positionList.append((centerX, centerY))

                #	Get top and left point
                topLeft = (x, y)
                bottomRight = (x + w, y + h)

                #	Expand area
                newTopLeft_X, newTopLeft_Y, newBottomRight_X, newBottomRight_Y = expandBoundingBox(
                    topLeft, bottomRight, imageWidth, imageHeight)

                #	Get new width and height
                newWidth = newBottomRight_X - newTopLeft_X
                newHeight = newBottomRight_Y - newTopLeft_Y

                #	Calculate new rectangle contours
                fourPointList = generateFourpoints(
                    (newTopLeft_X, newTopLeft_Y), newWidth, newHeight)

                #	Change to form of contours
                fourPointContours = np.array(fourPointList).reshape(-1, 1, 2)

                #	Append new fourpoints to the list

                #	Crop image from gray scale image
                imgROI = grayImage[newTopLeft_Y:newBottomRight_Y,

                #	Resize to 40, 40
                imgROI = cv2.resize(imgROI, (40, 40))

                #	Append to image list

            if len(imageROIList) != 0:

                #	Get feature matrix dim = (nSample, nFeatureVectors)
                featureMatrix = self.hog.extract(imageROIList)

                #	Get probability score of each sample
                probabilityScoreVector = self.model.predict_proba(
                    featureMatrix)[:, 1]

                #	old approach !!!
                pointGoalList = findGoal(ransacContours, marker)

                #	Create other score vector
                pointPolygonScoreVector = np.zeros(
                    probabilityScoreVector.shape, dtype=float)

                if pointGoalList is not None:
                    self.pointGoalList = pointGoalList

                    #	Loop point first
                    for p in pointGoalList:

                        #		Loop each bounding rectangle
                        for idx, cnt in enumerate(self.boundingBoxList):

                            #	Get width and height of rectangle contours
                            width = cnt[2, 0, 0] - cnt[1, 0, 0]
                            height = cnt[0, 0, 1] - cnt[1, 0, 1]

                            #	If there have any point that inside rectangle
                            score = cv2.pointPolygonTest(cnt, p, True)
                            if score > 0:

                                #	Calculate normalize score (0-1) and plus score to that bounding box
                                score /= (min(width, height) / 2.0)
                                pointPolygonScoreVector[idx] += score

                # print "Score from model of each candidate : {}".format( probabilityScoreVector )
                # print "Score from check point : {}".format( pointPolygonScoreVector )

                #	find mean of score
                # meanScoreVector = probabilityScoreVector + pointPolygonScoreVector / 2
                for idx, pos in enumerate(positionList):
                    scoreDict[pos] = (0.8 * probabilityScoreVector[idx]) + (
                        0.2 * pointPolygonScoreVector[idx])

                #	ranking score
                rankScore = sorted(scoreDict.items(),

                nameList = list()
                pos2DList = list()
                errorList = list()
                confidenceList = list()

                # print rankScore

                if rankScore[0][1] > 0.5:
                    for i in xrange(len(rankScore)):

                        nameList.append('goal_{}'.format(i + 1))
                            Point32(rankScore[i][0][0], rankScore[i][0][1],
                        errorX, errorY = self.calculateError(
                            imageWidth, imageHeight, rankScore[i][0][0],
                        errorList.append(Point32(errorX, errorY, 0.0))

                    msg = self.createVisionMsg(nameList, pos2DList, errorList,
                                               confidenceList, imageWidth,
                    msg = self.createVisionMsg(list(), list(), list(), list(),
                                               imageWidth, imageHeight)
                msg = self.createVisionMsg(list(), list(), list(), list(),
                                           imageWidth, imageHeight)


            msg = self.createVisionMsg(list(), list(), list(), list(),
                                       imageWidth, imageHeight)

        #	Initial msg
        # msg = visionMsg()
        # msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
        # msg.object_name = list()
        # msg.pos2D = list()
        # msg.object_error = list() # Later...
        # msg.object_confidence = list() # Later...
        # msg.imgH = imageHeight
        # msg.imgW = imageWidth

        # #	Send goal first
        # for i, point in enumerate( filteredPosition ):

        # 	msg.object_name.append( 'goal_{}'.format( i+1 ) )
        # 	msg.pos2D.append( Point32( point[0],point[1],0 ) )

        #   Return msg
        # msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
        # msg.object_name = [ 'ball', ]
        # msg.pos2D = [ Point32() ]
        # msg.imgH = imageHeight
        # msg.imgW = imageWidth
        # msg.object_error = [ Point32() ]
        # msg.object_confidence = [ 0.0 ]

        rospy.loginfo("Time usage : {}".format(time.time() - startTime))

        return msg
예제 #6
    def kinematicCalculation(self, objMsg, js, rconfig=None):

        stepSize = 20

        img = cvtImageMessageToCVImage(objMsg)

        gray = img[:, :, 0:1]
        gray = np.repeat(gray, 3, axis=2)

        color_map = img[:, :, 1].copy()

        fieldContour, fieldMask = findBoundary(color_map, 2)

        points = []
        for p in fieldContour[1:-1:stepSize, 0, :]:

            if p[1] == 0:
            points.append((p[0], p[1]))

            cv2.circle(gray, (p[0], p[1]), 4, (0, 0, 255), -1)

        cv2.imshow('img', gray)
        k = cv2.waitKey(1)

        if k == ord('w') and len(points) != 0:
            print "capture {} w".format(len(self.__imgPoints) + 1)
            panTiltPos = np.array(js.position, dtype=np.float64)
            self.__lineCoef.append([1.0, 0.0, -2.0])

        elif k == ord('a') and len(points) != 0:
            print "capture {} a".format(len(self.__imgPoints) + 1)
            panTiltPos = np.array(js.position, dtype=np.float64)
            self.__lineCoef.append([0.0, 1.0, -2.0])

        elif k == ord('d') and len(points) != 0:
            print "capture {} d".format(len(self.__imgPoints) + 1)
            panTiltPos = np.array(js.position, dtype=np.float64)
            self.__lineCoef.append([0.0, 1.0, 2.0])

        elif k == ord('q'):
            print "Delete last instance."

        elif k == ord('s') and len(self.__imgPoints) != 0:
            fn = '/tmp/line.npz'

            print "Save ... to {}".format(fn)


        return Empty()
예제 #7
	def ImageProcessingFunction( self, img, header ):
		'''	ImageProcessingFunction
		#	get image property
		imageHeight = img.shape[ 0 ]
		imageWidth = img.shape[ 1 ]
		#	get gray scale image
		imageGray = img[ :, :, 0 ].copy()
		#	get marker (on channel 1)
		marker = img[ :, :, 1 ]  
		#	get field boundary
		fieldContour, fieldMask = findBoundary( marker, 2, flip = False )
		self.contourFieldVis = fieldContour
		#	get white object and predict ball
		# whiteObject = np.zeros( marker.shape, dtype = np.uint8 )
		# whiteObject[ marker == 5 ] = 1
		# #	get white object only the field
		# whiteObjectInField = whiteObject * fieldMask
		# whiteObjectInField *= 255

		#	Get magenta object
		ballMagentaObject = np.zeros( marker.shape, dtype = np.uint8 )
		ballMagentaObject[ marker == MagentaColorID ] = 1
		ballMagentaObjectInField = fieldMask * ballMagentaObject
		ballMagentaObjectInField *= 255

		#	Get orange color object
		ballOrangeObject = np.zeros( marker.shape, dtype = np.uint8 )
		ballOrangeObject[ marker == OrangeColorID ] = 1
		ballOrangeObjectInField = fieldMask * ballOrangeObject
		ballOrangeObjectInField *= 255

		#	Get contour of orange and magenta
		ballMagentaObjectContour = cv2.findContours( ballMagentaObjectInField, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE )[1]
		ballOrangeObjectContour = cv2.findContours( ballOrangeObjectInField, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE )[1]
		objectNameList = list()
		pos2DList = list()
		objectErrorList = list()
		objectConfidenceList = list()

		if len( ballMagentaObjectContour ) != 0:
			x,y,w,h = cv2.boundingRect( ballMagentaObjectContour[ 0 ] )
			objectNameList.append( 'ball_magenta' )
			pos2DList.append( Point32( x = x + (w/2), y = y + (h/2), z = 0 ) )
			errorX, errorY = self.calculateError( imageWidth, imageHeight, x + (w/2), y + (h/2) )
			objectErrorList.append( Point32( x = errorX, y = errorY, z = 0.0 ) )
			objectConfidenceList.append( 1.0 )
		if len( ballOrangeObjectContour ) != 0:
			x, y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect( ballOrangeObjectContour[ 0 ] )
			objectNameList.append( 'ball_orange' )
			pos2DList.append( Point32( x = x + (w/2), y = y + (h/2), z = 0 ) )
			errorX, errorY = self.calculateError( imageWidth, imageHeight, x + (w/2), y + (h/2) )
		 	objectErrorList.append( Point32( x = errorX, y = errorY, z = 0.0 ) )
			objectConfidenceList.append( 1.0 )

		msg = self.createVisionMsg( objectNameList, pos2DList, objectErrorList, objectConfidenceList, imageWidth, imageHeight )


		return msg
예제 #8
def main():

    #	initialize camera
    cap = cv2.VideoCapture(

    #	initialize classifier
    modelPathStr = ROS_WORKSPACE + '/src/hanuman_user/model/data_haar111217_2.xml'
    classifier = cv2.CascadeClassifier(modelPathStr)

    #	get config ini
    pathConfig = 'color.ini'

    #	get color dictionary
    colorDict = readConfig(pathConfig)

    while True:

        #	capture
        ret, frame = cap.read()

        if ret:
            #	change to gray image
            grayImage = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

            #	smoothen image
            blurImage = cv2.blur(frame, (5, 5))

            #	marker
            marker = colorSegmentation(blurImage, colorDict)

            #	get field boundary
            fieldBoundary, fieldMask = findBoundary(marker, 1, flip=False)

            #	ged rid off outside boundary of field
            fieldImage = cv2.bitwise_and(grayImage, grayImage, mask=fieldMask)

            #	get ball
            footballs = classifier.detectMultiScale(fieldImage, 1.1, 5)
            for (x, y, w, h) in footballs:
                cv2.rectangle(frame, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), (255, 0, 0), 2)

            #print np.var( fieldBoundary[ :, 1 ])
            #	throw marker to water shed
            #markerWaterShed = waterShed( frame, marker )

            #	draw contours
            cv2.drawContours(frame, [fieldBoundary], 0, (0, 0, 255), 3)

            #	get render image
            colorImage = renderImage(marker, colorDict)

            cv2.imshow("image", frame)
            cv2.imshow("segmentation", colorImage)
            cv2.imshow("mask", fieldMask)

            k = cv2.waitKey(1)
            if k == ord('q'):

            cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, 0)

			print "Used time {}".format( time.time() - startTime )
		flag = False
	startTime = time.time()
	ret, img = cap.read()
	print "Used time {}".format( time.time() - startTime )
	#	filering
	blurImage = cv2.GaussianBlur( img, ( 5, 5 ), 0 )
	#	get marker
	marker = colorSegmentation( blurImage, colorDef )
	#	get field
	fieldContour, fieldMask = findBoundary( marker, 2, flip = False )
	#	get regressor list
	regressorList = findLinearEqOfFieldBoundary( fieldContour )
	for regressor in regressorList:
		X = np.arange( regressor[ 2 ], regressor[ 3 ] )
		Y = ( regressor[ 0 ] * X ) + regressor[ 1 ]
		floorY = np.floor( Y ).astype( X.dtype )
		contour = np.vstack( ( X, floorY ) ).transpose()
		contour = contour.reshape( -1, 1, 2 )
		cv2.drawContours( img, [ contour ], 0, ( 0, 0, 255 ), 3 )
예제 #10
    def ImageProcessingFunction(self, img, header):

        stepSize = 20

        imgH, imgW = img.shape[:2]

        color_map = img[:, :, 1].copy()

        fieldContour, fieldMask = findBoundary(color_map, 2)

        boundaryLine = findLinearEqOfFieldBoundary(fieldContour)

        ransacContours = [[0, imgH]]
        for m, c, x0, xf in boundaryLine:
            ransacContours.append([x0, m * x0 + c])
            ransacContours.append([xf, m * xf + c])
        ransacContours.append([imgW, imgH])
        ransacContours = np.vstack(ransacContours).astype(int).reshape(
            -1, 1, 2)

        pointClound = findChangeOfColor(color_map,

        points = []
        splitIndexes = []

        for i, scanline in enumerate(pointClound):

            for x, y in scanline:
                points.append(point2D(x=x, y=y))


        for p in fieldContour[1:-1:stepSize, 0, :]:

            if p[1] < 10:
            points.append(point2D(x=p[0], y=p[1]))

        newFieldContour = findNewLineFromRansac(fieldContour, 640, 480)
        # goalList = findGoal( newFieldContour, color_map, goalColorID = 2 )
        goalList = []

        landmarkName = []
        landmarkPose = []
        landmarkConfidence = []

        if len(boundaryLine) == 2:
            intersect_x = boundaryLine[0][3]
            intersect_y = boundaryLine[0][0] * intersect_x + boundaryLine[0][1]

            landmarkPose.append(point2D(x=intersect_x, y=intersect_y))

        self.whiteObjectContours = self.getWhiteObjectContour(
            color_map, ransacContours)

        canExtract = self.predictor.extractFeature(
            img[:, :, 0],

        if canExtract:


            goalList = self.predictor.getGoal()
            foundBall = self.predictor.getBestRegion()

            if foundBall:


                #	get bounding box object not only position
                bestBounding = self.predictor.getBestBoundingBox()
                #	get another point of object
                botX, botY = bestBounding.bottom

                landmarkPose.append(point2D(botX, botY))


            for goalObj in goalList:

                botX, botY = goalObj.bottom
                landmarkPose.append(point2D(botX, botY))


        msg = localizationMsg()
        msg.pointClound.num_scanline = 8
        msg.pointClound.min_range = 0
        msg.pointClound.max_range = 2**16 - 1
        msg.pointClound.range = []
        msg.pointClound.points = points
        msg.pointClound.splitting_index = splitIndexes
        msg.header = header

        msg.landmark.names = landmarkName
        msg.landmark.pose = landmarkPose
        msg.landmark.confidences = landmarkConfidence

        return msg
예제 #11
    def ImageProcessingFunction(self, img, header, pan_tilt=None):

        startTime = time.time()

        objNameList = list()
        pos2DList = list()
        errorList = list()
        confidenceList = list()

        imgH, imgW = img.shape[:2]

        marker = img[:, :, 1]
        gray = img[:, :, 0]

        t0 = time.time()
        fieldContour, fieldMask = findBoundary(marker, self.greenID)
        coeff = findLinearEqOfFieldBoundary(fieldContour)

        ransacContours = [[0, imgH]]
        for m, c, x0, xf in coeff:
            ransacContours.append([x0, m * x0 + c])
            ransacContours.append([xf, m * xf + c])
        ransacContours.append([imgW, imgH])
        ransacContours = np.vstack(ransacContours).astype(int).reshape(
            -1, 1, 2)

        t1 = time.time()

        pointClound = findChangeOfColor(marker,

        t2 = time.time()

        for scanline in pointClound:

            for x, y in scanline:
                self.addObject(x, y, 'point', 1.0, (imgH, imgW), objNameList,
                               pos2DList, confidenceList, errorList)

        for p in fieldContour[1:-1:20, 0, :]:
            if p[1] < 10:

            self.addObject(p[0], p[1], 'field', 1.0, (imgH, imgW), objNameList,
                           pos2DList, confidenceList, errorList)

        t3 = time.time()

        if len(coeff) > 1:
            #	find y intersect
            xIntersect = coeff[0][3]
            m = coeff[0][0]
            c = coeff[0][1]

            yIntersect = (m * xIntersect) + c

            self.addObject(xIntersect, yIntersect, 'field_corner', 1.0,
                           (imgW, imgH), objNameList, pos2DList,
                           confidenceList, errorList)

        self.whiteObjectContours = self.getWhiteObjectContour(
            marker, ransacContours)

        t4 = time.time()

        self.kickCandidate = self.findKickCandidate(marker == 5)

        self.addObject(self.kickCandidate[0], self.kickCandidate[1],
                       'kicking_side', 1.0, (imgW, imgH), objNameList,
                       pos2DList, confidenceList, errorList)

        magentaCnt, cyanCnt = self.getMagentaAndCyanContour(marker, fieldMask)

        if len(magentaCnt) > 0:
            largestMagenta = magentaCnt[-1]
            magentaArea = cv2.contourArea(largestMagenta)
            largestMagenta = cv2.moments(largestMagenta)
            magentaArea = 0

        if len(cyanCnt) > 0:
            largestCyan = cyanCnt[-1]
            cyanArea = cv2.contourArea(largestCyan)
            largestCyan = cv2.moments(largestCyan)
            cyanArea = 0

        if cyanArea + magentaArea > 0:
            largestArea = max(cyanArea, magentaArea)
            cyanCfd = cyanArea / largestArea
            magentaCfd = magentaArea / largestArea

            if cyanArea > 0 and largestCyan['m00'] != 0:
                x = largestCyan['m10'] / largestCyan['m00']
                y = largestCyan['m01'] / largestCyan['m00']
                self.addObject(x, y, 'cyan', cyanArea, (imgW, imgH),
                               objNameList, pos2DList, confidenceList,

            if magentaArea > 0 and largestMagenta['m00'] != 0:
                x = largestMagenta['m10'] / largestMagenta['m00']
                y = largestMagenta['m01'] / largestMagenta['m00']
                self.addObject(x, y, 'magenta', magentaArea, (imgW, imgH),
                               objNameList, pos2DList, confidenceList,

        t5 = time.time()

        canExtract = self.predictor.extractFeature(
            gray, self.whiteObjectContours, objectPointLocation="bottom")

        self.visBBList = self.predictor.boundingBoxListObject.boundingBoxList

        numCandidate = self.predictor.boundingBoxListObject.getNumberCandidate(

        t6 = time.time()

        predictTimeStart1 = 0
        predictTimeEnd1 = 0

        predictTimeStart2 = 0
        predictTimeEnd2 = 0

        if canExtract:

            # predictTimeStart1 = time.time()
            # self.predictor.predict()
            # predictTimeEnd1 = time.time()

            predictTimeStart2 = time.time()
            predictTimeEnd2 = time.time()

            # self.predictor.printScore()

            goalList = self.predictor.getGoal()
            foundBall = self.predictor.getBestRegion()

            if foundBall:

                #	get bounding box object not only position
                bestBounding = self.predictor.getBestBoundingBox()
                #	get another point of object
                botX, botY = bestBounding.bottom
                centerX, centerY = bestBounding.center

                print bestBounding.footballProbabilityScore

                               (imgW, imgH),
                               error=(centerX, centerY))

            for goalObj in goalList:

                botX, botY = goalObj.bottom

                self.addObject(botX, botY, 'goal',
                               goalObj.goalProbabilityScore, (imgW, imgH),
                               objNameList, pos2DList, confidenceList,

        t7 = time.time()

        msg = self.createVisionMsg(objNameList, pos2DList, errorList,
                                   confidenceList, imgW, imgH)

        t8 = time.time()

        rospy.logdebug("Time usage : {}".format(time.time() - startTime))
        rospy.logdebug("	Time ransac : {}".format(t1 - t0))
        rospy.logdebug("	Time point clound : {}".format(t2 - t1))
        rospy.logdebug("	Time append pc : {}".format(t3 - t2))
        rospy.logdebug("	Time white cnt : {}".format(t4 - t3))
        rospy.logdebug("	Time kick cand : {}".format(t5 - t4))
        rospy.logdebug("	Time ext feat : {}".format(t6 - t5))
        rospy.logdebug("	Number of candidate : {}".format(numCandidate))
        rospy.logdebug("	Time predict : {}".format(t7 - t6))
            "	Time original predict only : {}".format(predictTimeEnd1 -
            "	Time eiei predict only : {}".format(predictTimeEnd2 -
        rospy.logdebug("	Time create msg : {}".format(t8 - t7))

        return msg
예제 #12
    def ImageProcessingFunction(self, img, header):

        startTime = time.time()

        objNameList = list()
        pos2DList = list()
        errorList = list()
        confidenceList = list()

        imageWidth = img.shape[1]
        imageHeight = img.shape[0]

        blurImage = cv2.GaussianBlur(img, (5, 5), 0)
        hsvImage = cv2.cvtColor(blurImage, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)

        marker = colorSegmentation(blurImage, self.colorDefList)
        marker = cv2.watershed(hsvImage, marker)

        fieldContour, fieldMask = findBoundary(marker, 2)
        ransac = findNewLineFromRansac(fieldContour, imageWidth, imageHeight)

        if len(ransac) > 0:

            ransacContours, coeff = ransac[0], ransac[1]
            ransacContours, coeff = fieldContour, []

        if len(coeff) > 1:
            #	find y intersect
            xIntersect = coeff[0][3]
            m = coeff[0][0]
            c = coeff[0][1]

            yIntersect = (m * xIntersect) + c

            intersectPoint = Point32(x=xIntersect, y=yIntersect, z=0.0)
            errorX, errorY = self.calculateError(imageWidth, imageHeight,
                                                 xIntersect, yIntersect)

            errorIntersectPoint = Point32(x=errorX, y=errorY, z=0.0)


        newFieldMask = np.zeros(marker.shape, dtype=np.uint8)
        cv2.drawContours(newFieldMask, [ransacContours], 0, 1, -1)

        whiteObjectMask = np.zeros(marker.shape, dtype=np.uint8)
        whiteObjectMask[marker == 5] = 1

        whiteObjectInFieldMask = whiteObjectMask * newFieldMask * 255
        kernel = np.ones((5, 5), dtype=np.uint8)
        whiteObjectInFieldMask = cv2.morphologyEx(whiteObjectInFieldMask,
                                                  cv2.MORPH_OPEN, kernel)

        whiteObjectContours = cv2.findContours(whiteObjectInFieldMask,

        canExtract = self.predictor.extractFeature(
            img, whiteObjectContours, objectPointLocation="bottom")

        if canExtract:


            goalList = self.predictor.getGoal()
            bestPosition = tuple(self.predictor.getBestRegion())

            if len(bestPosition) != 0:


                #	get bounding box object not only position
                bestBounding = self.predictor.getBestBoundingBox()
                #	get another point of object
                centerX, centerY = bestBounding.calculateObjectPoint('center')

                    Point32(bestPosition[0][0], bestPosition[0][1], 0.0))
                #	calculate error
                errorX, errorY = self.calculateError(imageWidth, imageHeight,
                                                     centerX, centerY)
                errorList.append(Point32(errorX, errorY, 0.0))


            for goal in goalList:

                pos2DList.append(Point32(goal[0][0], goal[0][1], 0.0))

                errorX, errorY = self.calculateError(imageWidth, imageHeight,
                                                     goal[0][0], goal[0][1])
                errorList.append(Point32(errorX, errorY, 0.0))


        poles = findPole(marker,

        for n, center in poles.items():
            for x, y in center:
                pos2DList.append(Point32(x=x, y=y))

                errorX, errorY = self.calculateError(imageWidth, imageHeight,
                                                     x, y)

                errorList.append(Point32(x=errorX, y=errorY))


        msg = self.createVisionMsg(objNameList, pos2DList, errorList,
                                   confidenceList, imageWidth, imageHeight)

        rospy.logdebug("Time usage : {}".format(time.time() - startTime))

        return msg
예제 #13
def main( ):

	usage = "python %prog vidoeInputPath colorConfigPath"
	parser = optparse.OptionParser( usage = usage )

	parser.add_option( '--colorGreen', dest = 'colorGreen',
						type = 'int', 
						help = 'Color ID for green color.',
						default = 1 )
	parser.add_option( '--colorWhite', dest = 'colorWhite', 
						type = 'int',
						help = 'Color ID for white color.',
						default = 0 )

	options, args = parser.parse_args( )

	assert len( args ) == 2, "This program take exacly 1 argument ({} given).".format( len(args) )
	videoPath = args[0]
	colorConfigPath = args[1] 

	colorDef = readConfig( colorConfigPath )

	cap	= cv2.VideoCapture( videoPath )
	#cap = cv2.VideoCapture( 1 )
	frameIdx = 0 

	while True:

		ret, frame = cap.read( )
		cap.set( cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, frameIdx )
		#	get image width and height
		imageWidth, imageHeight = frame.shape[ 1 ], frame.shape[ 0 ]

		if not ret:
			cap.set( cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAME, 0 )


		blurImage = cv2.GaussianBlur( frame, (5,5), 0 )

		marker = colorSegmentation( blurImage, colorDef )
		marker = waterShed( blurImage, marker )

		fieldContour, fieldMask = findBoundary( marker, 2 )

		#fieldBoundary = findLinearEqOfFieldBoundary( fieldContour )
		#	find new contour 
		ransacContours = findNewLineFromRansac( fieldContour, imageWidth, imageHeight )
		ransacContours1 = ransacContours.copy()
		ransacContours2 = ransacContours.copy()
		ransacContours3 = ransacContours.copy()
		ransacContours1[ :, :, 1 ] = ransacContours1[ :, :, 1 ] + 5
		ransacContours2[ :, :, 1 ] = ransacContours2[ :, :, 1 ] + 10
		ransacContours3[ :, :, 1 ] = ransacContours3[ :, :, 1 ] + 15
		previousPoint1 = ransacContours1[ 1 ]
		previousPoint2 = ransacContours2[ 1 ]
		previousPoint3 = ransacContours3[ 1 ]
		changeList1 = list()
		changeList2 = list()
		changeList3 = list()
		#	cut origin and final position
		for point in ransacContours1[ 1:-1 ]:
			if marker[ point[ 0 ][ 1 ], point[ 0 ][ 0 ] ] != marker[ previousPoint1[ 0 ][ 1 ], previousPoint1[ 0 ][ 0 ] ]:
				if marker[ point[ 0 ][ 1 ], point[ 0 ][ 0 ] ] == 2 or marker[ point[ 0 ][ 1 ], point[ 0 ][ 0 ] ] == 5:
					#isChange = True
					changeList1.append( point )
			previousPoint1 = point
		for point in ransacContours2[ 1:-1 ]:
			if marker[ point[ 0 ][ 1 ], point[ 0 ][ 0 ] ] != marker[ previousPoint2[ 0 ][ 1 ], previousPoint2[ 0 ][ 0 ] ]:
				if marker[ point[ 0 ][ 1 ], point[ 0 ][ 0 ] ] == 2 or marker[ point[ 0 ][ 1 ], point[ 0 ][ 0 ] ] == 5:
					#isChange = True
					changeList2.append( point )
			previousPoint2 = point

		for point in ransacContours3[ 1:-1 ]:
			if marker[ point[ 0 ][ 1 ], point[ 0 ][ 0 ] ] != marker[ previousPoint3[ 0 ][ 1 ], previousPoint3[ 0 ][ 0 ] ]:
				if marker[ point[ 0 ][ 1 ], point[ 0 ][ 0 ] ] == 2 or marker[ point[ 0 ][ 1 ], point[ 0 ][ 0 ] ] == 5:
					#isChange = True
					changeList3.append( point )
			previousPoint3 = point

		changeArray2 = np.array( changeList2 ).reshape( -1, 2 )
		changeArray3 = np.array( changeList3 ).reshape( -1, 2 )
		print "************** ChangeArray *****************"
		print changeArray2
		print changeArray3
		if len( changeArray2 ) != 0 and len( changeArray3 ) != 0:
			distanceMatrix = spatial.distance.cdist( changeArray2, changeArray3 ) 

			minIdxAxis_0 = np.argmin( distanceMatrix, axis = 0 )
			minIdxAxis_1 = np.argmin( distanceMatrix, axis = 1 )
			print "************** Idx *****************"
			print minIdxAxis_0
			print minIdxAxis_1

			print "************** Distance *****************"
			print distanceMatrix

	#		for originPoints in changeList1:
	#			x = originPoints[ 0 ][ 0 ]
	#			y = originPoints[ 0 ][ 1 ]
	#			cv2.circle( frame, ( x, y ), 3, ( 0, 0, 255 ), -1 )

	#		for originPoints in changeList2:
	#			x = originPoints[ 0 ][ 0 ]
	#			y = originPoints[ 0 ][ 1 ]
	#			cv2.circle( frame, ( x, y ), 3, ( 0, 0, 255 ), -1 )
	#		for originPoints in changeList3:
	#			x = originPoints[ 0 ][ 0 ]
	#			y = originPoints[ 0 ][ 1 ]
	#			cv2.circle( frame, ( x, y ), 3, ( 0, 0, 255 ), -1 )
				#print marker[ point[ 0 ][ 1 ], point[ 0 ][ 0 ] ] == 2, marker[ point[ 0 ][ 1 ], point[ 0 ][ 0 ] ] == 5

			goalPointList = list()

			for i, j in zip( minIdxAxis_0, minIdxAxis_1 ):
				if i == j and 4.5 < distanceMatrix[ i, j ] < 6.5:
					x1, y1 = changeList2[ i ][ 0 ][ 0 ], changeList2[ i ][ 0 ][ 1 ]
					x2, y2 = changeList3[ j ][ 0 ][ 0 ], changeList3[ j ][ 0 ][ 1 ]

					goalPointList.append( ( x1, y1 ) )

					cv2.circle( frame, ( x1, y1 ), 3, ( 0, 255, 0 ), -1 )
					cv2.circle( frame, ( x2, y2 ), 3, ( 0, 0, 255 ), -1 )
			print goalPointList		
			if len( goalPointList ) == 4:
				print "found goal on frame : {}".format( cap.get( cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES ) )
				distanceMatrix2 = spatial.distance.cdist( goalPointList, goalPointList )
#				print distanceMatrix2
#				print goalPointList
#				minIdxAxisGoal_0 = np.argmin( distanceMatrix2[ np.nonzero( distanceMatrix2 ) ], axis = 0 )
#				minIdxAxisGoal_1 = np.argmin( distanceMatrix2[ np.nonzero( distanceMatrix2 ) ], axis = 1 )
#				print "idx : {}, {}".format( minIdxAxisGoal_0, minIdxAxisGoal_1 )
	#		waitTime = 1
	#		for m, c, x0, xf in fieldBoundary:
	#			c += 5
	#			y0 = ( m * x0 ) + c
	#			yf = ( m * xf ) + c
	#			p_list.append( (int(x0), int(y0), int(xf), int(yf)) )
	#		changeFG2BG = []
	#		changeBG2FG = []
	#		FG = []
	#		BG = []
	#		for x0, y0, xf, yf in p_list:
	#			print x0, y0, xf, yf
	#			cv2.line( frame, (x0,y0), (xf,yf), (0,255,255), 1 )

				# cv2.circle( frame, (x0,y0), 5, (0,0,255), -1 )

				# if xf < 0:
				# 	print p_list
				# 	print fieldBoundary
				# 	waitTime = 0
	#			changeFG2BG_, changeBG2FG_, FG_, BG_ = raycast_bresenham( x0, y0, xf, yf, marker, options.colorGreen, options.colorWhite )
	#			changeFG2BG.extend( changeFG2BG_ )
	#			changeBG2FG.extend( changeBG2FG_ )
	#			FG.extend( FG_ )
	#			BG.extend( BG_ )

	#		for x,y in BG:
	#			cv2.circle( frame, (x,y), 2, (0,255,0), -1 )
	#		for x,y in FG:
	#			cv2.circle( frame, (x,y), 2, (0,0,0), -1 )
	#		for x,y in changeFG2BG:
	#			cv2.circle( frame, (x,y), 3, (0,0,255), -1 )
	#		for x,y in changeBG2FG:
	#			cv2.circle( frame, (x,y), 3, (255,0,0), -1 )

		cv2.drawContours( frame, [ ransacContours ], 0, ( 255, 0, 0 ), 1 ) 

		renderImg = renderColor( marker, colorDef )

		cv2.imshow( 'frame', frame )
		cv2.imshow( 'rendered', renderImg )

		k = cv2.waitKey( 1 )

		if k == ord( 'q' ):
		if k == ord( 'a' ):
			frameIdx -= 1
		if k == ord( 'd' ):
			frameIdx += 1

	cv2.destroyAllWindows( )
예제 #14
	def ImageProcessingFunction( self, img, header ):

		startTime = time.time() 

		#	get image property
		imageWidth = img.shape[ 1 ]
		imageHeight = img.shape[ 0 ]
		#	initial final position
		bestPosition = Point32()
		ballErrorList = Point32()
		ballConfidence = 0.0

		#	blur image and change to hsv format
		blurImage = cv2.GaussianBlur( img, ( 5, 5 ), 0 )

		#	segmentation and get marker
		marker = colorSegmentation( blurImage, self.colorDefList )

		#	get field boundery, green color ID is 2
		fieldContour, fieldMask = findBoundary( marker, 2, flip = False )
		fieldContourMiddle = fieldContour[ 1:-1 ].copy()
		#	create new mask from ransac
		#	get ransac result
		linePropertyAttribute = findLinearEqOfFieldBoundary( fieldContourMiddle )
		#	create list of poit
		pointList = list()
		for lineCoeff in linePropertyAttribute:
			#	get linear coefficient
			x0 = lineCoeff[ 2 ]
			xf = lineCoeff[ 3 ]
			m = lineCoeff[ 0 ]
			c = lineCoeff[ 1 ]
			#	calculate y from x
			x = np.arange( x0, xf, dtype = np.int64 )
			y = np.int64( m * x ) + int( c )
			contour = np.vstack( ( x, y ) ).transpose()
			countour = contour.reshape( -1, 1, 2 )
			pointList.append( countour )
		if len( pointList ) > 1:
			contour = np.vstack( pointList )
#			print pointList[ 0 ].shape
#			print pointList[ 1 ].shape
#			print contour.shape
			contour = pointList[ 0 ]
		firstPoint = np.array( [ [ [ 0, img.shape[ 0 ] - 1 ] ] ] )
		lastPoint = np.array( [ [ [ img.shape[ 1 ] - 1, img.shape[ 0 ] - 1 ] ] ] )
		contour = np.concatenate( ( firstPoint, contour, lastPoint ) ) 
		self.contourVis1 = fieldContour
		self.contourVis2 = contour
		newFieldMask = np.zeros( marker.shape, dtype = np.uint8 )
		cv2.drawContours( newFieldMask, [ contour ], 0, 1, -1 )
		#	find white contour in mask
		#	get white object from marker color of white ID is 5
		whiteObject = np.zeros( marker.shape, dtype = np.uint8 )
		whiteObject[ marker == 5 ] = 1

		#	get white object only the field
		#whiteObjectInField = whiteObject * fieldMask.astype( np.uint8 )
		whiteObjectInField = whiteObject * newFieldMask
		whiteObjectInField *= 255

		#	find contour from white object in field
		whiteContours = cv2.findContours( whiteObjectInField, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE )[ 1 ]
		#	extract feature and predict it
		extractStatus = self.predictor.extractFeature( img, whiteContours, objectPointLocation = 'bottom' )
		#	check extract status
		if extractStatus == True:
			#	predict si wait a rai
			bestPositionList = self.predictor.getBestRegion()
			if len( bestPositionList ) != 0:
				#	convert to point32
				bestPosition = Point32( bestPositionList[ 0 ], bestPositionList[ 1 ], 0.0 )
				#	get bounding box object not only position
				bestBounding = self.predictor.getBestBoundingBox()
				#	get another point of object
				centerX, centerY = bestBounding.calculateObjectPoint( 'center' )
				#	calculate error
				errorX, errorY = self.calculateError( imageWidth, imageHeight, centerX, centerY )
				ballErrorList = Point32( errorX, errorY, 0.0 )
				#	ball confidence
 				ballConfidence = 1.0
		#	define vision message instance
		msg = visionMsg()

		#	assign to message
		msg.object_name = [ 'ball' ]
		msg.pos2D = [ bestPosition ]
		msg.imgH = imageHeight
		msg.imgW = imageWidth
		msg.object_error = [ ballErrorList ]
		msg.object_confidence = [ ballConfidence ]
		msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()

		rospy.loginfo( "Time usage : {}".format( time.time() - startTime ) )

		return msg
예제 #15
	if not stop:
		ret, frame = cap.read( )

	img = frame.copy()

	if not ret:
		print "Camera not found ..."

	# hsv = cv2.cvtColor( img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV )

	img = cv2.GaussianBlur( img, ( 5, 5 ), 0 )

	colorMap = colorSegmentation( img, colorDefList )[:, : ]
	colorMap_watershed = waterShed( img, colorMap.copy() ).astype( np.uint8 )
	fieldContour, fieldMask = findBoundary( colorMap_watershed, 1 )
	pointClound = findChangeOfColor( colorMap_watershed, 8, 1, mask=fieldMask, step = 40 )

	# pointCloound = findChangeOfColor( colorMap, 8, 1, mask = fieldMask )

	renderedColorMap = renderColor( colorMap, colorDefList)
	renderedColorMap_watershed = renderColor( colorMap_watershed, colorDefList)
	cv2.drawContours( img, [ fieldContour ], 0, (0, 128, 255), 2 )

	for scanLine in pointClound:
		for x,y in scanLine:
			cv2.circle(img,(x,y), 4, (0,0,0), -1)
			cv2.circle(img,(x,y), 3, (0,0,255), -1)

	# cv2.imshow( 'colorMap', colorMap_watershed )
	# cv2.imshow( 'colorMap_watershed', renderedColorMap_watershed )
예제 #16
    def ImageProcessingFunction(self, img, header):

        #	get image property
        imageWidth = img.shape[1]
        imageHeight = img.shape[0]

        # #	get field mask
        # fieldMask = getFieldMask( img, self.lower, self.upper )

        # #	convert image to gray scale
        # grayImage = cv2.cvtColor( img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY )

        # #	and with gray color
        # grayImage = cv2.bitwise_and( grayImage, grayImage, mask = fieldMask )

        # #	detect ball
        # footballPositions = self.classifier.detectMultiScale( grayImage, 1.1, 5 )

        # #	check ball
        # if len( footballPositions ) > 0:
        # 	x, y, w, h = footballPositions[ 0 ]
        # 	ballPosition = [ x+w/2, y+h/2 ]
        # 	isBallDetection = True
        # 	ballError = self.findBallError( ballPosition[ 0 ], ballPosition[ 1 ], imageWidth, imageHeight )
        # else:
        # 	ballPosition = list()
        # 	isBallDetection = False
        # 	ballError = list()

        #	get color map and grey color
        grayImage = img[:, :, 0]
        colorMap = img[:, :, 1]

        #	get field boundary
        fieldBoundary, fieldMask = findBoundary(colorMap, 1, flip=False)

        #	get rid off region outside field boundary
        # colorMap *= fieldMask

        marker = np.ones(grayImage.shape, dtype=np.uint8)
        marker[colorMap == 1] = 0

        grayImage *= fieldMask

        # whiteContours = cv2.findContours( marker, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE )[ 1 ]

        # circularWhiteList = self.detectCircular( whiteContours )

        #footballs = self.detectBall( circularWhiteList, grayImage )
        footballs = self.classifier.detectMultiScale(grayImage, 1.1, 3)

        if len(footballs) > 0:
            x, y, h, w = footballs[0]
            ballPosition = [x + w / 2, y + h / 2]
            isBallDetection = True
            ballError = self.findBallError(ballPosition[0], ballPosition[1],
                                           imageWidth, imageHeight)
            ballPosition = list()
            isBallDetection = False
            ballError = list()

        # #	find contour with marker
        # whiteConturs = cv2.findContours( marker, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE )[ 1 ]

        # #	find circular white object
        # self.circularWhiteList = self.detectCircular( whiteConturs )

        # #	detect ball
        # footballs = self.detectBall( self.circularWhiteList, grayImage )
        # print footballs
        # if len( footballs ) > 0:
        # 	ballPosition = footballs[ 0 ][ 0 : 2 ]
        # 	isBallDetection = True
        # 	ballError = self.findBallError( ballPosition[ 0 ], ballPosition[ 1 ], imageWidth, imageHeight )
        # else:
        # 	ballPosition = list()
        # 	isBallDetection = False
        # 	ballError = list()

        msg = visionMsg()
        msg.ball = ballPosition
        msg.imgH = grayImage.shape[0]
        msg.imgW = grayImage.shape[1]
        msg.ball_error = ballError
        msg.ball_confidence = isBallDetection
        msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()

        return msg