예제 #1
파일: ProblemPGD.py 프로젝트: 3MAH/fedoo
 def UpdateAlpha(self):
     BB = SeparatedArray(self.__B + self.__D - self.__A * self.__Xbc)
     alpha = sp.c_[linalg.solve(self.calcMat_Alpha(self.__X),
                                self.SecTerm_Alpha(self.__X, BB))]
     #        alpha = self.solve_Alpha(self.__X,SeparatedArray(self.__B - self.__A*self.__Xbc))
     self.__X.data[0] = sp.tile(
         alpha.T, (self.__ProblemDimension[0], 1)) * self.__X.data[0]
예제 #2
파일: util.py 프로젝트: esheder/CMM
def linsolve(M, b):
    A = aslinearoperator(M)
    v, info = solve(A, b, x0=b, tol=1e-6)
    if info == 0:
        return v
    elif info < 0:
        raise Exception('Breakdown or bad input with code %d' % info)
        raise Exception('Non-convergence after %d iterations' % info)
예제 #3
    def fit(self, xyzk, uvk=None):
        if (not self.postAssembly) and (uvk is None):
            print("You must run updateMatrix before!")

        if (not self.postAssembly) and (uvk is not None):
            self.Dt, self.Mat = self.updateMatrix(uvk)
            self.postAssembly = True


        from scipy.sparse.linalg import cg as solve
        N_ini = self.system.shape[0]
        N_final = N_ini + self.nConstraints
        #        print "N_ini ", N_ini
        #        print "N_final ", N_final
        #        print "nconstraints ", self.nConstraints
        cxyz = []
        # xk is a list of arrays. one array per patch
        for i, xk in enumerate(xyzk):
            #            print "==== i "+str(i)+" ==="
            x = np.zeros(N_final)
            # we must transform xk into one single array
            _xk = np.concatenate(xk)
            #            print "xk ", len(_xk)
            #            print "Dt ", self.Dt.shape
            x[:N_ini] = self.Dt * _xk
            # ... update with rhs for some Constraints
            x += np.asarray(self.RHS[i])
            # ...
            #            np.savetxt("x"+str(id(xk))+".txt", x)
            Cx = solve(self.Mat, x)[0]
            cx = Cx[:N_ini]
            #            np.savetxt("xk"+str(i)+".txt", _xk)
            #            np.savetxt("x"+str(i)+".txt", x)
            #            np.savetxt("xa"+str(i)+".txt", x[:81])
            #            np.savetxt("xb"+str(i)+".txt", x[81:])
            #            np.savetxt("cx"+str(i)+".txt", cx)
            #            print ">> x "
            #            print x
            #            print "---"
            #            print "---"
            #            print cx
            #            print "---"
#        from scipy.linalg import det
#        print "det = ", det(self.Mat.todense())
#        print "---"
#        print ">> xk "
#        print xk
#        print "---"
#        print ">> self.Dt "
#        print self.Dt
#        print "---"
#        print self.Mat
        return cxyz
예제 #4
def solve_batch(covariance_r, covariance_i, steering_r, steering_i):
  covariance = covariance_r + 1j * covariance_i
  steering = steering_r + 1j * steering_i
  global N_BLOCKS
  global N_DOP
  global N_CHAN
  global TDOF
  adaptive_weights = zeros((N_BLOCKS*N_DOP*N_STEERING, N_CHAN*TDOF), dtype=complex64)
  for block in range(N_BLOCKS):
    for dop in range(N_DOP):
      problem_id = dop + block*N_DOP
      mat = covariance[(N_CHAN*TDOF)*problem_id:(N_CHAN*TDOF)*(problem_id+1),:]
      aw = linalg.solve(mat, steering.T)
      adaptive_weights[(N_STEERING)*problem_id:(N_STEERING)*(problem_id+1),:] = aw.T
  return real(adaptive_weights), imag(adaptive_weights)
예제 #5
def dF_with_distance(G, src_a=None, src_b=None):
    allnodes = G.nodes()

    shortest_pathlengths = nx.single_source_shortest_path_length(G, src_a)
    shortest_pathlengths_ordered = [
        shortest_pathlengths[node] for node in allnodes

    source_vector = csr_matrix((G.number_of_nodes(), 1))
    src_a_ind = allnodes.index(src_a)
    source_vector[src_a_ind] = 1

    if src_b:
        src_b_ind = allnodes.index(src_b) if src_b else None
        source_vector[src_b_ind] = -1

    return shortest_pathlengths_ordered, solve(G.loopy_laplacian(),
예제 #6
def solver_BE_simple(I, a, L, Nx, Fo, T):
    Simplest expression of the computational algorithm
    for the Backward Euler method, using explicit Python loops
    and a dense matrix format for the coefficient matrix.
    import time
    t0 = time.clock()
    x = linspace(0, L, Nx + 1)  # mesh points in space
    dx = x[1] - x[0]
    dt = Fo * dx**2 / a
    Nt = int(round(T / float(dt)))
    t = linspace(0, T, Nt + 1)  # mesh points in time
    u = zeros(Nx + 1)
    u_1 = zeros(Nx + 1)

    # Data structures for the linear system
    A = zeros((Nx + 1, Nx + 1))
    b = zeros(Nx + 1)

    for i in range(1, Nx):
        A[i, i - 1] = -Fo
        A[i, i + 1] = -Fo
        A[i, i] = 1 + 2 * Fo
    A[0, 0] = A[Nx, Nx] = 1

    # Set initial condition u(x,0) = I(x)
    for i in range(0, Nx + 1):
        u_1[i] = I(x[i])

    for n in range(0, Nt):
        # Compute b and solve linear system
        for i in range(1, Nx):
            b[i] = -u_1[i]
        b[0] = b[Nx] = 0
        u[:] = linalg.solve(A, b)

        # Update u_1 before next step
        #u_1[:]= u
        u_1, u = u, u_1

    t1 = time.clock()
    return u, x, t, t1 - t0
예제 #7
def solver_BE_simple(I, a, L, Nx, F, T):
    Simplest expression of the computational algorithm
    for the Backward Euler method, using explicit Python loops
    and a dense matrix format for the coefficient matrix.
    import time
    t0 = time.clock()
    x = linspace(0, L, Nx+1)   # mesh points in space
    dx = x[1] - x[0]
    dt = F*dx**2/a
    Nt = int(round(T/float(dt)))
    t = linspace(0, T, Nt+1)   # mesh points in time
    u   = zeros(Nx+1)
    u_1 = zeros(Nx+1)

    # Data structures for the linear system
    A = zeros((Nx+1, Nx+1))
    b = zeros(Nx+1)

    for i in range(1, Nx):
        A[i,i-1] = -F
        A[i,i+1] = -F
        A[i,i] = 1 + 2*F
    A[0,0] = A[Nx,Nx] = 1

    # Set initial condition u(x,0) = I(x)
    for i in range(0, Nx+1):
        u_1[i] = I(x[i])

    for n in range(0, Nt):
        # Compute b and solve linear system
        for i in range(1, Nx):
            b[i] = -u_1[i]
        b[0] = b[Nx] = 0
        u[:] = linalg.solve(A, b)

        # Update u_1 before next step
        #u_1[:]= u
        u_1, u = u, u_1

    t1 = time.clock()
    return u, x, t, t1-t0
예제 #8
파일: curfit.py 프로젝트: ratnania/pigasus
    def fit(self, xyzk, uk=None):
        if (not self.postAssembly) and (uk is None):
            print("You must run updateMatrix before!")

        if (not self.postAssembly) and (uk is not None):
            self.Dt, self.Mat = self.updateMatrix(uk)
            self.postAssembly = True

        from scipy.sparse.linalg import cg as solve
        N_ini = self.system.shape[0]
        N_final = N_ini + self.nConstraints
        cxyz = []
        for i, xk in enumerate(xyzk):
            x = np.zeros(N_final)
            x[:N_ini] = self.Dt * xk
            # ... update with rhs for some Constraints
            x += np.asarray(self.RHS[i])
            # ...
            #            np.savetxt("x"+str(id(xk))+".txt", x)
            Cx = solve(self.Mat, x)[0]
            cx = Cx[:N_ini]
#        from scipy.linalg import det
#        print "det = ", det(self.Mat.todense())
#        print "---"
#        print ">> xk "
#        print xk
#        print "---"
#        print ">> self.Dt "
#        print self.Dt
#        print "---"
#        print ">> x "
#        print x
#        print "---"
#        print self.Mat
#        print "---"
#        print Cx
#        print "---"
        return cxyz
예제 #9
n = 10
m = np.zeros((n + 1, n + 1))
b = np.zeros((n + 1))

g = lambda x: x * np.sin(x)
# def f(x):
#     return x * np.sin(x)

for i in range(n):
    ele = mesh.elements[i, :]
    x = mesh.nodes[ele, :]
    h = x[1] - x[0]
    hm = np.array([[h / 3, h / 6], [h / 6, h / 3]])
    for j in range(2):
        for v in range(2):
            m[ele[j], ele[v]] += hm[j, v]

    hb = np.array([[g(x[0]) * h / 2], [g(x[1]) * h / 2]])
    for u in range(2):
        b[ele[u]] += hb[u]
# print(m)
# print(b)

Pf = linalg.solve(m, b)

plt.plot(mesh.nodes, Pf, 'r-o')
# plt.plot(x, y)
예제 #10
    ';' + 'C,' * 26 + 'B,A,B' + ',C' * 19 + ';' + 'C,' * 27 + 'B,A,B' +
    ',C' * 18 + ';' + 'C,' * 28 + 'B,A,B' + ',C' * 17 + ';' + 'C,' * 29 +
    'B,A,B' + ',C' * 16 + ';' + 'C,' * 30 + 'B,A,B' + ',C' * 15 + ';' +
    'C,' * 31 + 'B,A,B' + ',C' * 14 + ';' + 'C,' * 32 + 'B,A,B' + ',C' * 13 +
    ';' + 'C,' * 33 + 'B,A,B' + ',C' * 12 + ';' + 'C,' * 34 + 'B,A,B' +
    ',C' * 11 + ';' + 'C,' * 35 + 'B,A,B' + ',C' * 10 + ';' + 'C,' * 36 +
    'B,A,B' + ',C' * 9 + ';' + 'C,' * 37 + 'B,A,B' + ',C' * 8 + ';' +
    'C,' * 38 + 'B,A,B' + ',C' * 7 + ';' + 'C,' * 39 + 'B,A,B' + ',C' * 6 +
    ';' + 'C,' * 40 + 'B,A,B' + ',C' * 5 + ';' + 'C,' * 41 + 'B,A,B' +
    ',C' * 4 + ';' + 'C,' * 42 + 'B,A,B' + ',C' * 3 + ';' + 'C,' * 43 +
    'B,A,B' + ',C' * 2 + ';' + 'C,' * 44 + 'B,A,B' + ',C' * 1 + ';' +
    'C,' * 45 + 'B,A,B' + ';' + 'C,' * 46 + 'B,A')
#test case for solver:
testmat = np.bmat([[A, B, C], [B, A, B], [C, B, A]])
testb = [25, 50, 150, 0, 0, 50, 0, 0, 25]
#sols [18.75, 37.5, 56.25, 12.5, 25. ,37.5, 6.25, 12.5,18.75]

#Computing Potentials
plt.imshow(phi, cmap='hot')

sol = solve(pmat, rho.flatten())[0]
phi = np.reshape(sol, (12, 12))

plt.imshow(phi, cmap='hot')
예제 #11
def get_v(w,rho):
    """compute velocities"""
    return solve(ll,rr)
예제 #12
    for ii in range(3):
        x[ii] = p[0, ele[ii] - 1]
        y[ii] = p[1, ele[ii] - 1]

    S = area3(x, y)
    MK = np.array([[2, 1, 1], [1, 2, 1], [1, 1, 2]])
    for j in range(3):
        for v in range(3):
            M[ele[j] - 1, ele[v] - 1] += MK[j, v] * S / 12

    hK = np.array([[fun(x[0], y[0]) / 3], [fun(x[1], y[1]) / 3],
                   [fun(x[2], y[2]) / 3]])
    for u in range(3):
        b[ele[u] - 1] += hK[u] * S

Pf = linalg.solve(M, b)

# 生成网格的结点坐标,三角单元和区域边界
# m,n分别为x,y的划分,[a,b]和[c,d]分别为x,y的取值范围
def NODES1(m, n, a, b, c, d):
    nodes1 = np.zeros(((m + 1) * (n + 1), 2))  # 结点坐标
    for i in range(n + 1):
        for j in range(m + 1):
            nodes1[i * (m + 1) + j, 0] = j
            nodes1[i * (m + 1) + j, 1] = i

    for iii in range((m + 1) * (n + 1)):
        nodes1[iii, 0] = nodes1[iii, 0] * (b - a) / m + a
        nodes1[iii, 1] = nodes1[iii, 1] * (d - c) / n + c

a = lambda x: 0.1 * (5 - 0.6 * x)
f = lambda x: 0.03 * (x - 6)**4

for i in range(n):
    ele = mesh.elements[i, :]
    x = mesh.nodes[ele, :]
    h = x[1] - x[0]
    x_mid = (x[1] + x[0]) / 2
    hm = np.array([[1, -1], [-1, 1]])
    for j in range(2):
        for v in range(2):
            A[ele[j], ele[v]] += hm[j, v] * a(x_mid) / h
    A[0, 0] += kappa[0]
    A[n, n] += kappa[1]

    hb = np.array([[f(x[0]) * h / 2], [f(x[1]) * h / 2]])
    for u in range(2):
        b[ele[u]] += hb[u]
    b[0] += kappa[0] * g[0]
    b[n] += kappa[1] * g[1]

u = linalg.solve(A, b)

# plt.figure()
plt.plot(mesh.nodes, u, 'r-')
# plt.plot(x, y)
예제 #14
def FiniteElem3D(degree, dim, my_f):
    cheb = lf.chebyshev_nodes(degree+1) #Lista nodi chebichev

    n = degree + 1 # Dim poly space

    q,w = leggauss(n) # Gauss between -1 and 1
    q = (q+1)/2 # to go back to 0,1
    w = w/2


    #lagrangian base per i punti chebichev
    for i in range(len(cheb)):

    Vq = zeros((n, len(q)))
    Vpq = zeros((n, len(q)))

    #Le righe di Vq sono le funzioni di base calcolate sui punti di quadratura
    for i in range(n):
        Vq[i] = lag_bas[i](q)
        Vpq[i] = lag_bas_deriv[i](q)

    # -------------------------------------------------

    latticeq_points = array([[[[qx,qy,qz] for qz in q] for qy in q ] for qx in q])
    latticeq_points = latticeq_points.reshape(len(q)*len(q)*len(q),dim)

    lpoint_x = array([latticeq_points[i,0] for i in range(len(latticeq_points))])
    lpoint_y = array([latticeq_points[i,1] for i in range(len(latticeq_points))])
    lpoint_z = array([latticeq_points[i,2] for i in range(len(latticeq_points))])

    # -------------------------------------------------
    print "Starting einsum A and M..."
    Atmp = einsum('jq, iq, q -> ji', Vpq, Vpq, w, optimize=True)
    Mtmp = einsum('jq, iq, q -> ji', Vq, Vq, w, optimize=True)

    A = einsum('il, jm, kn -> ijklmn', Atmp, Mtmp, Mtmp, optimize=True)
    A += einsum('il, jm, kn -> ijklmn', Mtmp, Atmp, Mtmp, optimize=True)
    A += einsum('il, jm, kn -> ijklmn', Mtmp, Mtmp, Atmp, optimize=True)

    M = einsum('il, jm, kn -> ijklmn', Mtmp, Mtmp, Mtmp, optimize=True)

    # -------------------------------------------------
    print "Starting einsum rhs..."
    my_f = array(my_f(lpoint_x,lpoint_y,lpoint_z)).reshape(n,n,n)

    rhs = einsum('ijk, li, i -> jkl', my_f, Vq, w, optimize=True)
    rhs = einsum('ijk, li, i -> jkl', rhs, Vq, w, optimize=True)
    rhs = einsum('ijk, li, i -> jkl', rhs, Vq, w, optimize=True)

    # -------------------------------------------------

    A = A.reshape(n**3,n**3)
    M = M.reshape(n**3,n**3)
    rhs = rhs.reshape(n**3)
    #---------- Direct Method -------------------------
    print "Direct Method ..."

    start = time.time()
    u_fe_dir = linalg.solve( A + M, rhs)
    end = time.time()
    time_dir = end - start

    # ---------- Iterative Conjugate Gradient without Prec----------
    print "Iteractive Method without Preconditioner..."

    start = time.time()
    u_fe_iter_noprec = scipy.sparse.linalg.cg( A + M, rhs, M = identity(len(A)), tol = 1e-10)
    end = time.time()
    time_iter_noprec = end - start

    u_fe_iter_noprec = array(u_fe_iter_noprec[0])

    # ---------- Iterative Conjugate Gradient with Prec ----------
    print "Iteractive Method with Preconditioner..."

    start = time.time()
    invP = diag(1./diag(A + M))
    u_fe_iter_prec = scipy.sparse.linalg.cg( A + M, rhs, M = invP, tol = 1e-10)
    end = time.time()

    time_iter_prec = end - start

    u_fe_iter_prec = array(u_fe_iter_prec[0])

    # -------------------------------------------------

    Vcheb = zeros((n, len(cheb)))

    for j in range(degree + 1):
        Vcheb[j] = lag_bas[j](cheb)

    C = einsum('is, jk, nm -> skmijn', Vcheb, Vcheb, Vcheb, optimize=True)

    sol_dir = einsum('skmijn, ijn', C, u_fe_dir.reshape((n, n, n)), optimize=True)
    sol_iter_prec = einsum('skmijn, ijn', C, u_fe_iter_prec.reshape((n, n, n)), optimize=True)
    sol_iter_noprec = einsum('skmijn, ijn', C, u_fe_iter_noprec.reshape((n, n, n)), optimize=True)

    return sol_dir.reshape(n,n,n), sol_iter_prec.reshape(n,n,n), sol_iter_noprec.reshape(n,n,n)
예제 #15
ix = 0  # index, counter
for N in nrange:
    m = m1 * ones([N])
    kvec = [0, 0, k]
    rfile = '../shape/sphere_' + str(nrange[ix]) + '.txt'
    # S = load(rfile)
    S = array(load_dipole_file(rfile))
    r = d * asarray([S[:, 0], S[:, 1], S[:, 2]], dtype=numpy.complex128).T
    Ei = E_inc(E0, kvec, r)
    alph = polarizability_LDR(d, m, kvec, E0)

    A = interaction_A(k, r, alph)

    if iterative == 0:
        P, dummy = linalg.solve(A, Ei)
    elif iterative == 1:
        P, dummy = scipy.sparse.linalg.gmres(A, Ei)
    elif iterative == 2:
        P, dummy = scipy.sparse.linalg.minres(A, Ei)
    elif iterative == 3:
        P, dummy = scipy.sparse.linalg.qmr(A, Ei)

    Cext[ix] = C_ext(k, E0, Ei, P)
    Cabs[ix] = C_abs(k, E0, Ei, P, alph)
    Cscat[ix] = Cext[ix] - Cabs[ix]
    ix += 1

print(time.time() - tic)

# the interaction matrix may take up a lot of memory so it can be cleared