예제 #1
def sparse_matlab(i, j, v, m, n):
    from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix as sp
    A = sp((m, n))

        ni = i.shape[1]

    except IndexError:
        ni = 1


    except AttributeError:
        v = v * np.ones((ni, i.shape[0]))

        vn2 = v.shape[0]

    except IndexError:
        v = v[:, None]
        vn2 = 1

    assert ni == vn2

    for ii in range(ni):
        B = sp((v[ii, :], (i[:, ii], j[:, ii])), shape=(m, n))
        A += B

    return A
예제 #2
def create_cluster_vector_and_gwbowv_sparse(wtv,wordlist,num_cluster,word2vec_dim,train=False):
    global c
    # This function computes SDV feature vectors.
    bag_of_centroids = sp(np.zeros((num_cluster, word2vec_dim) , dtype="float32" ))
    # print(bag_of_centroids.shape)
    global min_no
    global max_no

    for word in wordlist:
            bag_of_centroids += wtv[word]
        # print(word)
        # print("word = ",wtv[word].shape)
        # print(bag_of_centroids.shape,wtv[word].shape)
        # bag_of_centroids = bag_of_centroids + wtv[word]
        # bag_of_centroids.sum(wtv[word])
    # print(len(bag_of_centroids.nonzero()[0]))
    c+= len(bag_of_centroids.nonzero()[0])
    # norm = np.sqrt(np.einsum('...i,...i', bag_of_centroids, bag_of_centroids))
    norm = normsp(bag_of_centroids)
    # if(norm!=0):
        # bag_of_centroids /= norm

    # To make feature vector sparse, make note of minimum and maximum values.
    # if train:
    #     min_no += min(bag_of_centroids)
    #     max_no += max(bag_of_centroids)
    # bag_of_centroids = bag_of_centroids.toarray()
    return bag_of_centroids
예제 #3
    def IsoMassAssembler(self):
        rspts, qwgts = GaussPoints(2)  #Quadrature Rule
        M = sp((self.Np, self.Np)).tolil()
        for i in range(self.Nt):
            loc2glb = self.T[i]  #node numbers
            x, y = self.P[loc2glb].T  #Node x- and y-coordinates
            MK = sp((3, 3))  #elements stiffness
            for q in range(len(qwgts)):  #quadrature loop
                r = rspts[q, 0]  #quadrature r-coordinate
                s = rspts[q, 1]  #quadrature s-coordinate
                S, dSdx, dSdy, detJ = Isopmap(x, y, r, s, self.shapes)
                wxarea = qwgts[q] * detJ / 2  #weight times area
                MK += (S @ S.T) * wxarea  #Element Stiffness
            M[loc2glb[:, None], loc2glb[None, :]] += MK

        return M.tocsr()
def get_matrix(articles, base_words):
    A = scipy.sparse.lil_matrix((len(articles), len(base_words)))

    stemmer = SnowballStemmer("english", ignore_stopwords=True)
    all_words = set()
    stem_table = {}
    keys = base_words.keys()
    article_id = 0

    for article in articles:

        for word in article['raw'].split():
            if word not in all_words:

                if only_letters(word):

                    if word not in stem_table.keys():
                        stem_table[word] = stemmer.stem(word)
                    if stem_table[word] in keys:
                        A[article_id, base_words[stem_table[word]]] += 1


        article_id += 1

    return sp(A).transpose()
예제 #5
    def IsoStrainYAssembler(self, func):
        rspts, qwgts = GaussPoints(2)  #Quadrature Rule
        S = sp((self.Np, self.Np)).tolil()
        for i in range(self.Nt):
            loc2glb = self.T[i]  #node numbers
            x, y = self.P[loc2glb].T  #Node x- and y-coordinates
            SK = sp((3, 3))  #elements stiffness
            for q in range(len(qwgts)):  #quadrature loop
                r = rspts[q, 0]  #quadrature r-coordinate
                s = rspts[q, 1]  #quadrature s-coordinate
                Sv, dSdx, dSdy, detJ = Isopmap(x, y, r, s, self.shapes)
                xc, yc = Sv[:, 0].dot(x), Sv[:, 0].dot(y)
                wxarea = qwgts[q] * detJ / 2  #weight times area
                SK += (Sv @ dSdy.T) * wxarea * func(xc, yc)  #Element Stiffness

            S[loc2glb[:, None], loc2glb[None, :]] += SK

        return S.tocsr()
예제 #6
    def mass_matrix_assembly2D(self):
        M = sp((self.Np, self.Np)).tolil()

        for i in range(self.Nt):
            loc2glb = self.T[i]
            MK = np.array([[2, 1, 1], [1, 2, 1], [1, 1, 2]]) * self.K[i] / 12

            M[loc2glb[:, None], loc2glb[None, :]] += MK
        return M
예제 #7
파일: ex3.py 프로젝트: xingzhong/PyML
 def __init__(self, N, K, D, SNR):
     self.N = N
     self.K = K
     self.D = D
     self.A = np.matrix(np.random.randn(K,N)/np.sqrt(N))
     self.X = 10*sp(N,1,density=D/N).todense()
     self.Y = self.A * self.X
     self.SNR = SNR
     snr = 10**(-self.SNR/10.0)
     eng = norm(self.Y)/np.sqrt(K)
     self.V = np.matrix(eng*snr*np.random.randn(K,1))
     self.Y = self.Y + self.V
예제 #8
    def RobinMassMatrix2D(self, kappa):
        R = sp((self.Np, self.Np)).tolil()

        for i in range(self.Ne):
            loc2glb = self.E[i]
            x, y = self.P[loc2glb].T
            L = np.sqrt((x[0] - x[1])**2 + (y[0] - y[1])**2)
            xc, yc = np.mean(x), np.mean(y)
            k = kappa(xc, yc)
            RE = k * L * np.array([[2, 1], [1, 2]]) / 6
            R[loc2glb[:, None], loc2glb[None, :]] += RE

        return R.tocsr()
예제 #9
    def stiffness_matrix_assembly2D(self, func):
        S = sp((self.Np, self.Np)).tolil()

        for i in range(self.Nt):
            loc2glb = self.T[i]
            x, y = self.P[loc2glb].T
            b = np.array([y[1] - y[2], y[2] - y[0], y[0] - y[1]
                          ]) / (2 * self.K[i])
            c = np.array([x[2] - x[1], x[0] - x[2], x[1] - x[0]
                          ]) / (2 * self.K[i])
            xc, yc = np.mean(x), np.mean(y)
            abar = func(xc, yc)

            SK = abar * self.K[i] * (b[:, None] * b[None, :] +
                                     c[:, None] * c[None, :])
            S[loc2glb[:, None], loc2glb[None, :]] += SK

        return S.tocsr()
예제 #10
def trapezium_matrix(x):
    This function will return the numerical integration matrix for the
    trapezium rule. Multiplying the return matrix to a functional array will
    give the numerical integration from x[0] to x[1:].

    x : numpy array
        The domain over which to perform the numerical integration

    scipy.sparse matrix
        The sparse matrix for the numerical trapezium rule.
    N = len(x) - 1
    T = np.tril(np.ones((N, N)))
    dx = np.diag(np.diff(x))

    weights = (np.eye(N + 1, k=1) + np.eye(N + 1))[:-1, :]

    return sp(T @ dx / 2 @ weights)
예제 #11
    def tri2edge(self):
        from ppp.PDE import sparse_matlab
        from scipy.sparse import triu, find
        i, j, k = self.T.T[:, None]
        A = sparse_matlab(i, k, -1, self.Np,
                          self.Np)  #1st edge is between (j, k)
        A += sparse_matlab(j, k, -1, self.Np, self.Np)  #2nd
        A += sparse_matlab(i, j, -1, self.Np, self.Np)  #3rd
        indices = (A + A.T).todense() < 0
        A = sp((self.Np, self.Np)).tolil()
        A[indices] = -1
        A = triu(A)
        r, c, v = find(A)
        v = np.linspace(0, len(v) - 1, len(v))[:, None]
        A = sparse_matlab(r[None, :], c[None, :], v, self.Np, self.Np)
        A += A.T
        edges = np.zeros((self.Nt, 3), dtype=int)
        for k in range(self.Nt):
            edges[k] = np.array([
                A[self.T[k, 1], self.T[k, 2]], A[self.T[k, 0], self.T[k, 2]],
                A[self.T[k, 0], self.T[k, 1]]

        return edges
예제 #12
            folder_name, file_name+'.npz'

def load_arrays(file_name, wd=None, folder_name=None):
    from scipy.sparse import load_npz
    if not wd: wd = os.getcwd()
    if not folder_name: folder_name = ''

    loaded = load_npz(
            wd, os.path.join(
                folder_name, file_name+'.npz'

    return loaded

if __name__ == '__main__':
    test_array = sp(np.random.rand(5, 2**10))
    test_vector = sp(np.random.rand(2**10))
    arrays = test_array, test_vector
    save_arrays('arrays', arrays)
    a, b = load_arrays('arrays')