예제 #1
def angular_gaussian_integral(alpha):
    angular gaussian integral
    int[G[alpha, theta]*Sin(theta) dtheta dphi, {dtheta, 0, Pi}, {dphi, 0, 2Pi}]


    factor1 = (np.exp(-1 / (4 * alpha)) * np.sqrt(np.pi)) / (4 * np.sqrt(alpha))
    factor2 = 0
    factor2 += 2 * erfi(1 / (2 * np.sqrt(alpha)))

    inside_term_1 = 1 - (np.pi * alpha * (0 + 2j))
    inside_term_2 = 1 + (np.pi * alpha * (0 + 2j))
    factor2 -= erfi(inside_term_1 / (2 * np.sqrt(alpha)))
    factor2 -= erfi(inside_term_2 / (2 * np.sqrt(alpha)))

    return np.real(factor1 * factor2)
예제 #2
def irwav(q, n):
    Irreg wave function
    if n == 0:
        return PI**(3 / 4) * np.exp(-(q**2) / 2) * special.erfi(q)
        return (1 / np.sqrt(2 * (n - 1) + 2)) * (q * irwav(q, n - 1) -
                                                 dirwav(q, n - 1))
예제 #3
def ep_xg_angular3(alpha, z):

    factor = 7 * np.exp(-4.0 / alpha) * np.sqrt(
        np.pi) * np.cos(z) / (256.0 * np.sqrt(alpha))
    factor *= (-3 + 5 * np.power(np.cos(z), 2.0))

    it1 = (2.0j + alpha * np.pi) / np.sqrt(alpha)
    it2 = 1 / np.sqrt(alpha)
    it3 = 2 / np.sqrt(alpha)
    it4 = (1 - 1.0j * alpha * np.pi) / np.sqrt(alpha)
    it5 = (1 + 1.0j * alpha * np.pi) / np.sqrt(alpha)
    it6 = 2.0 + (1.0j * alpha * np.pi)

    sum1 = 5.0j * erf(it1)
    sum1 -= (4.0 * np.exp(3 / alpha)) * erfi(it2) - 10.0 * erfi(it3)
    sum1 += 2 * np.exp(3 / alpha) * (erfi(it4) + erfi(it5))
    sum1 -= 5.0 * erfi(it6)
    return factor * sum1
예제 #4
 def func(f, amp, f_mean, f_sigma, time):
     # the 2.pi goes with 'time' because we are in the frequency domain and not in the angular frequency domain
     # time is 'ts-t0'
     return -amp * np.exp(-np.asarray(f - f_mean)**2 /
                          (2 * abs(f_sigma)**2)) * np.imag(
                                  (np.asarray(f - f_mean) + 1j *
                                   (abs(f_sigma)**2) * time * 2 * math.pi) /
                                  np.sqrt(2 * abs(f_sigma)**2)))
예제 #5
def Moments(SL, SR, A, EL, ER):
    # complex variables
    epsilon = ER - EL
    gamma = A * epsilon**2
    delta_S = SR - SL

    # calculate methods
    if A < 0:
        weight = (np.sqrt(np.pi) * np.exp(SL) * np.exp(
            (gamma - delta_S)**2 / 4 * gamma) * (erf(
                (delta_S + gamma) / (2 * np.sqrt(gamma))) - erf(
                    (delta_S - gamma) /
                    (2 * np.sqrt(gamma))))) / (2 * np.sqrt(gamma))
        avg_E = epsilon * (((delta_S + gamma) / (2 * gamma)) -
                           ((1 - np.exp(-delta_S)) /
                            (erf((delta_S + gamma) / 2 * np.sqrt(gamma)) - erf(
                                (delta_S + gamma) / 2 * np.sqrt(gamma))))) + EL
        theta = ((np.sqrt(np.pi)/8*gamma**(5/2))((delta_S + gamma)**2+2*gamma))*(-np.exp((delta_S + gamma)**2/4*gamma + delta_S))*erf((delta_S + gamma)/2*np.sqrt(gamma)) + \
            np.exp(((delta_S - gamma)**2)/4*gamma)*erf((delta_S - gamma)/2*np.sqrt(gamma)) + \
            - ((3*gamma - delta_S)-np.exp(delta_S)*(gamma - delta_S))/(4*gamma**2)
        avg_E_2 = (epsilon * np.exp(SL) *
                   theta) / weight + 3 * EL**2 - 2 * EL * avg_E
        stdev_E = np.sqrt(avg_E**2 - avg_E_2)
        return [weight, avg_E, avg_E_2, stdev_E]
    elif A > 0:
        weight = (np.sqrt(np.pi) * np.exp(SL) * np.exp(
            (gamma - delta_S)**2 / 4 * gamma) * (erfi(
                (delta_S + gamma) / (2 * np.sqrt(gamma))) - erfi(
                    (delta_S - gamma) /
                    (2 * np.sqrt(gamma))))) / (2 * np.sqrt(gamma))
        avg_E = epsilon * (((delta_S + gamma) / (2 * gamma)) - (
            (1 - np.exp(-delta_S)) / (erfi(
                (delta_S + gamma) / 2 * np.sqrt(gamma)) - erfi(
                    (delta_S + gamma) / 2 * np.sqrt(gamma))))) + EL
        theta = ((np.sqrt(np.pi)/8*gamma**(5/2))((delta_S + gamma)**2+2*gamma))*(-np.exp((delta_S + gamma)**2/4*gamma + delta_S))*erfi((delta_S + gamma)/2*np.sqrt(gamma)) + \
            np.exp(((delta_S - gamma)**2)/4*gamma)*erfi((delta_S - gamma)/2*np.sqrt(gamma)) + \
            - ((3*gamma - delta_S)-np.exp(delta_S)*(gamma - delta_S))/(4*gamma**2)
        avg_E_2 = (epsilon * np.exp(SL) *
                   theta) / weight + 3 * EL**2 - 2 * EL * avg_E
        stdev_E = np.sqrt(avg_E**2 - avg_E_2)
        return [weight, avg_E, avg_E_2, stdev_E]
        return "A == 0"
예제 #6
def Efn(e_min, e_max, e_ideal, sd, T):

    erfn_min = erfi((e_min - e_ideal) / sd - sd / (2. * R * T))
    erfn_max = erfi((e_max - e_ideal) / sd - sd / (2. * R * T))

    fnexp = np.exp(-(sd**2 + 4 * e_ideal * (R * T)) / (4 * (R * T)**2))

    e_min = 1 / 4 * sd * (2 * sd * np.exp(
        (e_ideal - e_min)**2 / sd**2 - e_min /
        (R * T)) + (np.sqrt(np.pi) * (sd**2 + 2 * e_ideal *
                                      (R * T)) * fnexp * erfn_min) / (R * T))

    e_max = 1 / 4 * sd * (2 * sd * np.exp(
        (e_ideal - e_max)**2 / sd**2 - e_max /
        (R * T)) + (np.sqrt(np.pi) * (sd**2 + 2 * e_ideal *
                                      (R * T)) * fnexp * erfn_max) / (R * T))

    Z = (sd * np.sqrt(np.pi) * (erfn_max - erfn_min) * fnexp / 2)
    return (e_max - e_min) / Z
예제 #7
 def int_exact(self, x):
     '''Integral of dawson function: analytical solution'''
     # Evaluated with arbitrary precision arithmetic
     # 50 times faster than direct integration; can still suffer from numeric overflow
     y = np.zeros(x.size)
     i = 0
     for t in x:  # run a loop since mpm doesn't support vectorization
         y[i] = 0.5 * t * t * float(mpm.hyp2f2(
             1, 1, 3 / 2, 2, t * t)) + 0.25 * np.pi * erfi(t)
         i += 1
     return y
예제 #8
def calcAve(input_index, A, B, C):
    #Other imported info: bins[], bstep
    x = input_index
    E0 = bins[x] - bstep * 0.5
    E1 = bins[x] + bstep * 0.5
    if C < 0:
        F3 = B / (2 * np.sqrt(-C))
        F1 = special.erf(np.sqrt(-C) * E1 -
                         F3) - special.erf(np.sqrt(-C) * E0 - F3)
        comp1 = np.exp(B * E0 + C * E0 * E0) - np.exp(B * E1 + C * E1 * E1)
        calcAve = 1 / (np.sqrt(-C * np.pi) *
                       np.exp(F3**2)) * comp1 / F1 + F3 / np.sqrt(-C)
        F3 = B / (2 * np.sqrt(C))
        F1 = special.erfi(np.sqrt(C) * E1 +
                          F3) - special.erfi(np.sqrt(C) * E0 + F3)
        comp1 = np.exp(B * E0 + C * E0 * E0) - np.exp(B * E1 + C * E1 * E1)
        calcAve = -1 / (np.sqrt(C * np.pi)) * np.exp(
            F3**2) * comp1 / F1 - F3 / np.sqrt(C)
    return calcAve
예제 #9
def dirwav(q, n):
    Derivative of irreg wave functions
    if n == 0:
        return PI**(3 / 4) * np.exp(-(q**2) / 2) * (
            (2 / np.sqrt(PI)) * np.exp(q**2) - q * special.erfi(q))
        wf = irwav(q, n - 1)
        return (1 / np.sqrt(2 * (n - 1) + 2)) * (
            (2 * (n - 1) + 2) * wf + q * dirwav(q, n - 1) - (q**2) * wf)
예제 #10
def dipole_gaussian(G, u, alpha):
    Obtains the first moment of function:

    rho[d] = (u d Exp[-G d - alpha * (theta^2)])


    factor1 = (np.exp(-1 / alpha) * np.sqrt(np.pi)) / (8 * np.sqrt(alpha))
    factor2 = 0
    factor2 += 2 * erfi(1 / np.sqrt(alpha))

    inside_term_1 = 1 - (np.pi * alpha * (0 + 1j))
    inside_term_2 = 1 + (np.pi * alpha * (0 + 1j))
    factor2 -= erfi(inside_term_1 / (np.sqrt(alpha)))
    factor2 -= erfi(inside_term_2 / (np.sqrt(alpha)))

    factor3 = 12 * np.pi / (G ** 4) * u

    return np.real(factor1 * factor2 * factor3)
예제 #11
def v_func_gb(f, f_0, f_dot, T, ts):
    function of frequency giving the Fourier transform of exp(-j*Phi(t)),
    where Phi(t) is the phase of the gravitatonal wave

    f : array_like
        vector frequencies (size n_data) where to evalutate the function w(f)
    f_0 : scalar float
        wave frequency
    f_dot : scalar float
        wave frequency derivative
    T : scalar float
        integration time
    ts : scalar float
        sampling time (cadence)

    v : numpy array
        vector of values of v (size n_data) calculated at given frequencies


    if f_dot != 0:
        f_shift = f + f_0
        a = np.pi * f_dot
        coeff = np.exp(3j * np.pi / 4) / np.sqrt(a)
        common_factor = - np.exp(1j*np.pi/4)/(2*np.sqrt(a))*np.sqrt(np.pi) \
                        * np.exp(1j*np.pi**2 * f_shift**2 / a)

        erfi_0 = special.erfi(coeff * (np.pi*f_shift))
        erfi_T = special.erfi(coeff * (a*T+np.pi*f_shift))

        return common_factor*(erfi_T - erfi_0)/ts

        return np.exp(-1j*np.pi*(f_0+f)*T)*np.sinc((f_0+f)*T)*T/ts
예제 #12
def Nesc_Triaxial(sigr,sigphi,beta,v_esc):
    # sigr, sigphi = radial and azimuthal dispersions
    # beta = anisotropy parameter
    # v_esc = escape velocity
    N_esc = erf(v_esc/(sqrt(2.0)*sigr)) - sqrt((1.0-beta)/beta)\

    # Make sure the N_esc doesn't blow up (which it does for some streams)
    if (abs(N_esc)==inf) or isnan(N_esc):
        N_esc = 1.0
    return N_esc
예제 #13
 def int_exact(self, X):
     q = np.zeros(X.size)
     i = 0
     fun1 = lambda x: np.power(erfcx(-x), 2) * dawsn(x)
     fun2 = lambda x: np.exp(-x * x) * np.power(erfcx(-x), 2)
     for x in X:
         y1, _ = quad(fun1, -np.inf, x)
         y2, _ = quad(fun2, -np.inf, x)
         q[i] = -np.pi / 4 * y1 + np.power(np.sqrt(np.pi) / 2,
                                           3) * erfi(x) * y2
         i += 1
     return q
예제 #14
def dipole_gaussian(G, u, alpha):

    :param G:
    :param u:
    :param alpha:

    factor1 = (np.exp(-1 / alpha) * np.sqrt(np.pi)) / (8 * np.sqrt(alpha))
    factor2 = 0
    factor2 += 2 * erfi(1 / np.sqrt(alpha))

    inside_term_1 = 1 - (np.pi * alpha * (0 + 1j))
    inside_term_2 = 1 + (np.pi * alpha * (0 + 1j))
    factor2 -= erfi(inside_term_1 / (np.sqrt(alpha)))
    factor2 -= erfi(inside_term_2 / (np.sqrt(alpha)))

    factor3 = 12 * np.pi / (G**4) * u

    return np.real(factor1 * factor2 * factor3)
예제 #15
def P_2(a):
    from numpy import pi, sqrt, exp
    from scipy.special import erfi

    # Double precision e^x overflows so do a Taylor expansion around infinity
    # for large values of a.  With five terms it is accurate to 12 digits
    # at a = 700, and 7 digits at a = 75.
    if a <= 700:
        r = exp(a) / sqrt(pi * a) / erfi(sqrt(a))
        r = 1 / ((((6.5525 / a + 1.875) / a + 0.75) / a + 0.5) / a + 1)
    return 1.5 * r - 0.75 / a - 0.5
예제 #16
def int_nnk(e, L, nnk, l1, m1, l2, m2, alpha):
    nk = norm(nnk)
    twopibyL = 2. * math.pi / L
    k = nk * twopibyL
    gamma = gam(e, k)
    x2 = xx2(e, L, k)
    #hhk = hh(e, k) # TB: put hhk in C
    x_term = x2**(-(l1 + l2) / 2)  # TB
    #q2s = (x2*twopibyL**2)**(-(l1+l2)/2) # FRL

    if (l1 != l2 or m1 != m2):
        return 0.

    elif (l1 == l2 == 0):
        factor1 = -sqrt(math.pi / alpha) * 0.5 * np.exp(alpha * (x2))
        factor2 = 0.5 * math.pi * sqrt(x2) * erfi(sqrt(alpha * x2))

        #out = q2s*hhk*4*math.pi*gamma*(factor1 + factor2) # FRL
        # out = x_term*4*math.pi*gamma*(factor1 + factor2) #TB
        out = 4 * math.pi * gamma * (factor1 + factor2)  #TB, no q

    elif (l1 == l2 == 2):
        factor1 = -np.sqrt(math.pi / alpha**5) * (
            3 + 2 * alpha * x2 + 4 * alpha**2 * x2**2) * np.exp(alpha *
                                                                (x2)) / 8
        factor2 = 0.5 * math.pi * sqrt(x2**5) * erfi(sqrt(alpha * x2))

        #out = q2s*hhk*4*math.pi*gamma*(factor1 + factor2) # FRL
        #out = x_term*4*math.pi*gamma*(factor1 + factor2) #TB
        out = (2 * pi / L)**4 * 4 * math.pi * gamma * (factor1 + factor2
                                                       )  #TB, no q

        return 0.

    if abs(out.imag) > 1e-15:
        print('Error in int_nnk: imaginary part in output')
        out = out.real
    return out
예제 #17
def int_nnk(e, L, nnk, l1, m1, l2, m2, alpha):

    if (l1 != l2 or m1 != m2):
        return 0.

    elif (l1 == l2 == 0):
        nk = norm(nnk)
        twopibyL = 2. * math.pi / L
        k = nk * twopibyL
        gamma = gam(e, k)
        x2 = xx2(e, L, k)
        x_term = x2**(-(l1 + l2) / 2)  # TB
        factor1 = -npsqrt(math.pi / alpha) * 0.5 * exp(alpha * (x2))
        factor2 = 0.5 * math.pi * sqrt(x2) * erfi(sqrt(alpha * x2))

        out = 4 * math.pi * gamma * (factor1 + factor2)  #TB, no q

    elif (l1 == l2 == 2):
        nk = norm(nnk)
        twopibyL = 2. * math.pi / L
        k = nk * twopibyL
        gamma = gam(e, k)
        x2 = xx2(e, L, k)
        x_term = x2**(-(l1 + l2) / 2)  # TB

        factor1 = -npsqrt(math.pi / alpha**5) * (
            3 + 2 * alpha * x2 + 4 * alpha**2 * x2**2) * exp(alpha * (x2)) / 8
        factor2 = 0.5 * math.pi * sqrt(x2**5) * erfi(sqrt(alpha * x2))
        out = (2 * pi / L)**4 * 4 * math.pi * gamma * (factor1 + factor2
                                                       )  #TB, no q

        return 0.

#    if abs(out.imag)>1e-15:
#        print('Error in int_nnk: imaginary part in output')
#    else:
#      out = out.real
    return out.real
예제 #18
def calcAve2(input_index, A, B, C):
    #Other imported info: bins[], bstep
    x = input_index
    E0 = bins[x] - bstep * 0.5
    E1 = bins[x] + bstep * 0.5
    if C < 0:
        F3 = B / (2 * np.sqrt(-C))
        F1 = special.erf(np.sqrt(-C) * E1 -
                         F3) - special.erf(np.sqrt(-C) * E0 - F3)
        comp2 = np.exp(B * E0 + C * E0 * E0) * (
            B - 2 * C * E0) - np.exp(B * E1 + C * E1 * E1) * (B - 2 * C * E1)
        calcAve2 = 1 / (2 * (-C)**1.5 * np.pi**0.5 * np.exp(
            F3**2)) * comp2 / F1 + (B**2 - 2 * C) / (4 * C**2)
        F3 = B / (2 * np.sqrt(C))
        F1 = special.erfi(np.sqrt(C) * E1 +
                          F3) - special.erfi(np.sqrt(C) * E0 + F3)
        comp2 = np.exp(B * E0 + C * E0 * E0) * (
            B - 2 * C * E0) - np.exp(B * E1 + C * E1 * E1) * (B - 2 * C * E1)
        calcAve2 = 1 / (2 * (C)**1.5 * np.pi**0.5) * np.exp(
            F3**2) * comp2 / F1 + (B**2 - 2 * C) / (4 * C**2)
    return calcAve2
 def _the_integral_variance_per_unit_mut_input(self, x):
     if x <= self._a:
         return 0
     if self._a < x < self._SCAL / 2.0:
         numeratori = 2.0 * self._N * (
             2 *
             (self._rs * dawsn(self._rs / 2.0) - 1 + np.exp(-self._S * x *
                                                            (1 - x)) *
              (1 - self._rs * dawsn(self._rs / 2.0 * (1.0 - 2.0 * x)))))
         if x > self._b:
             x = self._b
         integtilldenom = 2.0 * self._N * (
             2 * (self._rs * dawsn(self._rs / 2.0) - 1 +
                  np.exp(-self._S * self._DENOMINATOR *
                         (1 - self._DENOMINATOR)) *
                  (1 - self._rs * dawsn(self._rs / 2.0 *
                                        (1.0 - 2.0 * self._DENOMINATOR)))))
         numeratori = 2.0 * self._rs * np.sqrt(np.pi) * np.exp(
             -self._S / 4.0) * (erfi(self._rs / 2.0 * (1.0 - self._SCAL)) -
                                erfi(self._rs / 2.0 * (1.0 - 2.0 * x)))
         numeratori += integtilldenom
     return numeratori
예제 #20
    def mean_firstpassage_time(self, x0, a):
        Return the mean first-passage time for the 1D Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process (exact formula).

        x0: float
            Initial position
        a: float

        tau: float
            Mean first-passage time

        The first passage time is defined by :math:`\tau_a(x_0)=\inf \{t>0, X_t>a | X_0=x_0\}`.
        It is a random variable. Here, we compute only its expectation value, for which an
        analytical formula is known.

        General methods for first-passage time conputations are avaiblable in the
        `stochrare.firstpassage` module.
        if self.mu != 0:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "The theoretical formula has not been checked for nonzero mu")
        if x0 > a:
            tau = 0
            k = np.sqrt(self.theta / (2 * self.D0))
            u = np.linspace(k * x0, k * a)
            integral = np.sqrt(np.pi) / self.theta * np.trapz(erfcx(u), u)
            tau = np.pi / self.theta * (erfi(k * a) - erfi(k * x0)) - integral
        return tau
예제 #21
 def int_exact(self, X):
     '''Integral of the 2nd order Dawson function (with a change of order of integration)'''
     q = np.zeros(X.size)
     i = 0
     fun1 = lambda x: np.power(erfcx(-x), 2) * dawsn(x)
     fun2 = lambda x: np.exp(-x * x) * np.power(erfcx(-x), 2)
     for x in X:
         if x < -25:  #== -np.inf:
             q[i] = self.int_asym_neginf(x)
             y1, _ = quad(fun1, -np.inf, x)
             y2, _ = quad(fun2, -np.inf, x)
             q[i] = -np.pi / 4 * y1 + np.power(np.sqrt(np.pi) / 2,
                                               3) * erfi(x) * y2
         i += 1
     return q
예제 #22
    def WatsonHinderedDiffusionCoeff(self, dPar, dPerp, kappa):
        dw = np.zeros((2, 1))
        dParMdPerp = dPar - dPerp

        if kappa < 1e-5:
            dParP2dPerp = dPar + 2 * dPerp
            k2 = kappa * kappa
            dw[0] = dParP2dPerp / 3 + 4 * dParMdPerp * kappa / 45 \
                + 8 * dParMdPerp * k2 / 945
            dw[1] = dParP2dPerp / 3 - 2 * dParMdPerp * kappa / 45 \
                - 4 * dParMdPerp * k2 / 945
            sk = np.sqrt(kappa)
            dawsonf = 0.5 * np.exp(-kappa) * np.sqrt(np.pi) * special.erfi(sk)
            factor = sk / dawsonf
            dw[0] = (-dParMdPerp + 2 * dPerp * kappa +
                     dParMdPerp * factor) / (2 * kappa)
            dw[1] = (dParMdPerp + 2 * (dPar + dPerp) * kappa -
                     dParMdPerp * factor) / (4 * kappa)
        return dw
예제 #23
    def int_fast(self, x):
        '''fast approximation'''

        region1 = -np.abs(x) < self.coef.cheb_xmin_for_G

        region2 = ~region1
        region2_pos = x > 0

        y = np.zeros(x.size)

        y[region1] = self.int_asym_neginf(-np.abs(x[region1]))
        y[region2] = Chebyshev.chebval_no_transform(
        y[region2_pos] += np.pi / 2 * erfi(x[region2_pos])

        return y
예제 #24
    def __init__(self, rho_0, v_LSR, sig_v, v_esc, v_pec, beta, eta):
        self.LocalDensity = rho_0
        self.RotationSpeed = v_LSR
        self.Dispersion = sig_v
        self.EscapeSpeed = v_esc
        self.PeculiarVelocity = v_pec
        self.Normalisation = erf(v_esc/(sqrt(2.0)*sig_v))-\

        self.SausageEta = eta
        if eta > 0.0:
            self.SausageBeta = beta
            sigr = sqrt(3 * v_LSR**2.0 / (2.0 * (3 - 2.0 * beta)))
            sigphi = sqrt(3 * v_LSR**2.0 * (1 - beta) / (2.0 *
                                                         (3 - 2.0 * beta)))
            sigz = sqrt(3 * v_LSR**2.0 * (1 - beta) / (2.0 * (3 - 2.0 * beta)))
            self.SausageDispersionTensor = array([sigr, sigphi, sigz])
            self.Normalisation = erf(v_esc/(sqrt(2.0)*sigr)) \
                    - sqrt((1.0-beta)/beta)\
예제 #25
    def dawson2(self, x):
		2nd order Dawson function (fast approximation) with transformation and subdivision
        region1 = x < -10.0
        region3 = x > 10.0
        region2 = ~(region1 | region3)
        region2_pos = region2 & (x > 0)

        y = np.zeros(x.size)
        y[region1] = self.asym_neginf(x[region1])
        y[region3] = self.asym_posinf(x[region3])
        y[region2] = Chebyshev.chebval_neg(-np.abs(x[region2]),

        x_pos = x[region2_pos]
        G = self.dawson1_int(-x_pos)
        y[region2_pos] = np.sqrt(np.pi)*np.exp(x_pos*x_pos)*\
            (0.5*np.log(2)+2*G+np.pi/2*erfi(x_pos)) \
            - y[region2_pos]

        return y
예제 #26
파일: utils.py 프로젝트: ratnania/mhd
 def Z(xi):
     return np.sqrt(np.pi)*np.exp(-xi**2)*(1j - sp.erfi(xi))
예제 #27
    def WatsonSHCoeff(self, k):
        # The maximum order of SH coefficients (2n)
        n = 6
        # Computing the SH coefficients
        C = np.zeros((n + 1))
        # 0th order is a constant
        C[0] = 2 * np.sqrt(np.pi)

        # Precompute the special function values
        sk = np.sqrt(k)
        sk2 = sk * k
        sk3 = sk2 * k
        sk4 = sk3 * k
        sk5 = sk4 * k
        sk6 = sk5 * k
        #        sk7 = sk6 * k[exact]
        k2 = k**2
        k3 = k2 * k
        k4 = k3 * k
        k5 = k4 * k
        k6 = k5 * k
        #        k7 = k6 * k

        erfik = special.erfi(sk)
        ierfik = 1 / erfik
        ek = np.exp(k)
        dawsonk = 0.5 * np.sqrt(np.pi) * erfik / ek

        if k > 0.1:
            # for large enough kappa
            C[1] = 3 * sk - (3 + 2 * k) * dawsonk
            C[1] = np.sqrt(5) * C[1] * ek
            C[1] = C[1] * ierfik / k

            C[2] = (105 + 60 * k + 12 * k2) * dawsonk
            C[2] = C[2] - 105 * sk + 10 * sk2
            C[2] = .375 * C[2] * ek / k2
            C[2] = C[2] * ierfik

            C[3] = -3465 - 1890 * k - 420 * k2 - 40 * k3
            C[3] = C[3] * dawsonk
            C[3] = C[3] + 3465 * sk - 420 * sk2 + 84 * sk3
            C[3] = C[3] * np.sqrt(13 * np.pi) / 64 / k3
            C[3] = C[3] / dawsonk

            C[4] = 675675 + 360360 * k + 83160 * k2 + 10080 * k3 + 560 * k4
            C[4] = C[4] * dawsonk
            C[4] = C[4] - 675675 * sk + 90090 * sk2 - 23100 * sk3 + 744 * sk4
            C[4] = np.sqrt(17) * C[4] * ek
            C[4] = C[4] / 512 / k4
            C[4] = C[4] * ierfik

            C[5] = -43648605 - 22972950 * k - 5405400 * k2 - 720720 * k3 \
                - 55440 * k4 - 2016 * k5
            C[5] = C[5] * dawsonk
            C[5] = C[5] + 43648605 * sk - 6126120 * sk2 + 1729728 * sk3 \
                - 82368 * sk4 + 5104 * sk5
            C[5] = np.sqrt(21 * np.pi) * C[5] / 4096 / k5
            C[5] = C[5] / dawsonk

            C[6] = 7027425405 + 3666482820 * k + 872972100 * k2 \
                + 122522400 * k3 + 10810800 * k4 + 576576 * k5 + 14784 * k6
            C[6] = C[6] * dawsonk
            C[6] = C[6] - 7027425405 * sk + 1018467450 * sk2 \
                - 302630328 * sk3 + 17153136 * sk4 - 1553552 * sk5 \
                + 25376 * sk6
            C[6] = 5 * C[6] * ek
            C[6] = C[6] / 16384 / k6
            C[6] = C[6] * ierfik

        if k > 30:
            # for very large kappa
            lnkd = np.log(k) - np.log(30)
            lnkd2 = lnkd * lnkd
            lnkd3 = lnkd2 * lnkd
            lnkd4 = lnkd3 * lnkd
            lnkd5 = lnkd4 * lnkd
            lnkd6 = lnkd5 * lnkd
            C[1] = 7.52308 + 0.411538 * lnkd - 0.214588 * lnkd2 \
                + 0.0784091 * lnkd3 - 0.023981 * lnkd4 + 0.00731537 * lnkd5 \
                - 0.0026467 * lnkd6
            C[2] = 8.93718 + 1.62147 * lnkd - 0.733421 * lnkd2 \
                + 0.191568 * lnkd3 - 0.0202906 * lnkd4 - 0.00779095 * lnkd5 \
                + 0.00574847*lnkd6
            C[3] = 8.87905 + 3.35689 * lnkd - 1.15935 * lnkd2 \
                + 0.0673053 * lnkd3 + 0.121857 * lnkd4 - 0.066642 * lnkd5 \
                + 0.0180215 * lnkd6
            C[4] = 7.84352 + 5.03178 * lnkd - 1.0193 * lnkd2 \
                - 0.426362 * lnkd3 + 0.328816 * lnkd4 - 0.0688176 * lnkd5 \
                - 0.0229398 * lnkd6
            C[5] = 6.30113 + 6.09914 * lnkd - 0.16088 * lnkd2 \
                - 1.05578 * lnkd3 + 0.338069 * lnkd4 + 0.0937157 * lnkd5 \
                - 0.106935 * lnkd6
            C[6] = 4.65678 + 6.30069 * lnkd + 1.13754 * lnkd2 \
                - 1.38393 * lnkd3 - 0.0134758 * lnkd4 + 0.331686 * lnkd5 \
                - 0.105954 * lnkd6

        if k <= 0.1:
            # for small kappa
            C[1] = 4 / 3 * k + 8 / 63 * k2
            C[1] = C[1] * np.sqrt(np.pi / 5)

            C[2] = 8 / 21 * k2 + 32 / 693 * k3
            C[2] = C[2] * (np.sqrt(np.pi) * 0.2)

            C[3] = 16 / 693 * k3 + 32 / 10395 * k4
            C[3] = C[3] * np.sqrt(np.pi / 13)

            C[4] = 32 / 19305 * k4
            C[4] = C[4] * np.sqrt(np.pi / 17)

            C[5] = 64 * np.sqrt(np.pi / 21) * k5 / 692835

            C[6] = 128 * np.sqrt(np.pi) * k6 / 152108775
        return C
예제 #28
xold = x0
xnews = (x0,)
for t in steps[1:]:
  guess = xold
  xnew = mynewton(guess)
  # SOLVE fstep for xnew
  it, xnew, f_xroot = mynewton(guess)
  # Store xnew in list
  xnews = xnews + (xnew,)
  xold = xnew

# Using Wolfram Alpha to determine the analytical solution we find:
# x = np.exp(t**2/2)/np.sqrt(np.sqrt(np.pi*np.erfi(t)+1))

t_an = steps
x_an = np.exp(t_an**2/2)/np.sqrt(np.sqrt(np.pi)*sp.erfi(t_an)+1)

# Plot results

fig = plt.figure()
axes = fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8])
axes.set_ylabel('x(t), x0 = 1')

axes.plot(steps,x_an,color = "blue",label = "analytical")
axes.plot(steps,list(xnews),color = "red",label = "numerical")


예제 #29
def eye(z):
    z = np.asarray(z, float)
    return (z**4 / 6 * hyp2f2(1.0, 1.0, 2.5, 3, z * z / 2) + np.pi *
            (1 - z * z) * erfi(z / np.sqrt(2)) - 3 * z * z +
            np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) * np.exp(z * z / 2) * z + 2.0)
예제 #30
x4 = np.linspace(a, b, n)
for p in [0.66, 0.95]:
    k = 1 / (b - a) + m / 2 * (b - a - np.sqrt(8 * p / m))
    x4 = np.linspace((a + b) / 2 + (k / m + 1 / (a - b) / m), b, n)
    x2 = sigma2 * (-np.log(k) + np.log(1 / (b - a) + m * (x4 - (b + a) / 2)))
    axes['x2']['x4'].plot(x2, x4, ls)

axes['x2']['x4'].plot(np.zeros_like(x4), x4, ls)
axes['x2']['x4'].plot(x2, b * np.ones_like(x2), ls)

from scipy.special import erf, erfi
from scipy.optimize import root

for p in [0.66, 0.95]:
    k = root(
        lambda k: (1 / (b - a)**2 * (2 + (b - a)**2 * m)**2 * erf(
                (2 + (b - a)**2 * m) / 2 / (b - a) / k))) - 4 * k**2 * erfi(
                    np.sqrt(np.log((2 + (b - a)**2 * m) / 2 /
                                   (b - a) / k)))) / 8 / m - p, 0.5).x[0]
    x1 = np.sqrt(2 * np.log((2 + (a - b)**2 * m) / 2 / (b - a) / k))
    x1 = np.linspace(-x1, x1, n)
    x4 = (a + b) / 2 + np.exp(x1**2 / 2) * k / m - 1 / (b - a) / m
    x1 *= sigma1
    axes['x1']['x4'].plot(x1, x4, ls)

    axes['x0']['x4'].plot(x1, x4, ls)

axes['x1']['x4'].plot(x1, b * np.ones_like(x1), ls)
axes['x0']['x4'].plot(x1, b * np.ones_like(x1), ls)
예제 #31
def dawson(x):
    # Abramowitz and Stegun (1972)
    a = 0.5 * np.sqrt(np.pi) * np.exp(-np.power(x, 2)) * special.erfi(x)
    return (a)
예제 #32
파일: sample.py 프로젝트: Ingwar/amuse
    def _pdf_angle(self, q, *args):
        # Sample random values for: q = cos(theta)
        # P(q) = erfi(sqrt(k)*p*q)/erfi(sqrt(k)*p)

        a, R = args
        return R  - erfi(a*q)/erfi(a)