예제 #1
    def _pre_save(self):
        if getattr(self, "_id", None) is None:
            # Don't bother saving a connection that already exists, or that has a more precise link already
            samelink = Link().load({"refs": self.refs})

            if samelink and not self.auto and self.type and not samelink.type:
                samelink.type = self.type
                raise DuplicateRecordError(
                    u"Updated existing link with new type: {}".format(

            elif samelink:
                #logger.debug("save_link: Same link exists: " + samelink["refs"][1])
                raise DuplicateRecordError(
                    "This connection already exists. Try editing instead.")

                preciselink = Link().load({
                    '$and': [{
                        'refs': self.refs[0]
                    }, {
                        'refs': {
                            '$regex': text.Ref(self.refs[1]).regex()

                if preciselink:
                    # logger.debug("save_link: More specific link exists: " + link["refs"][1] + " and " + preciselink["refs"][1])
                    raise DuplicateRecordError(
                        u"A more precise link already exists: {}".format(
예제 #2
    def _pre_save(self):
        if getattr(self, "_id", None) is None:
            # Don't bother saving a connection that already exists, or that has a more precise link already
            # will also find the same link with the two refs reversed
            samelink = Link().load({
                "$or": [{
                    "refs": self.refs
                }, {
                    "refs": [self.refs[1], self.refs[0]]

            if samelink:
                if not self.auto and self.type and not samelink.type:
                    samelink.type = self.type
                    raise DuplicateRecordError(
                        "Updated existing link with new type: {}".format(

                elif self.auto and not samelink.auto:
                    samelink.auto = self.auto
                    samelink.generated_by = self.generated_by
                    samelink.source_text_oid = self.source_text_oid
                    samelink.type = self.type
                    samelink.refs = self.refs  #in case the refs are reversed. switch them around
                    raise DuplicateRecordError(
                        "Updated existing link with auto generation data {} - {}"
                        .format(self.refs[0], self.refs[1]))

                    raise DuplicateRecordError(
                        "Link already exists {} - {}. Try editing instead.".
                        format(self.refs[0], self.refs[1]))

                #find a potential link that already has a more precise ref of either of this link's refs.
                preciselink = Link().load({
                    '$and': [

                if preciselink:
                    # logger.debug("save_link: More specific link exists: " + link["refs"][1] + " and " + preciselink["refs"][1])
                    raise DuplicateRecordError(
                        "A more precise link already exists: {} - {}".format(
                            preciselink.refs[0], preciselink.refs[1]))
                # else: # this is a good new link

        if not getattr(self, "_skip_lang_check", False):

        if not getattr(self, "_skip_expanded_refs_set", False):
예제 #3
    def _pre_save(self):
        if getattr(self, "_id", None) is None:
            # Don't bother saving a connection that already exists, or that has a more precise link already
            # will also find the same link with the two refs reversed
            samelink = Link().load({
                "$or": [{
                    "refs": self.refs
                }, {
                    "refs": [self.refs[1], self.refs[0]]

            if samelink:
                if not self.auto and self.type and not samelink.type:
                    samelink.type = self.type
                    raise DuplicateRecordError(
                        u"Updated existing link with new type: {}".format(

                elif self.auto and not samelink.auto:
                    samelink.auto = self.auto
                    samelink.generated_by = self.generated_by
                    samelink.source_text_oid = self.source_text_oid
                    samelink.refs = self.refs  #in case the refs are reversed. switch them around
                    raise DuplicateRecordError(
                        u"Updated existing link with auto generation data {} - {}"
                        .format(self.refs[0], self.refs[1]))

                    raise DuplicateRecordError(
                        u"Link already exists {} - {}. Try editing instead.".
                        format(self.refs[0], self.refs[1]))

                preciselink = Link().load({
                    '$and': [{
                        'refs': self.refs[0]
                    }, {
                        'refs': {
                            '$regex': text.Ref(self.refs[1]).regex()

                if preciselink:
                    # logger.debug("save_link: More specific link exists: " + link["refs"][1] + " and " + preciselink["refs"][1])
                    raise DuplicateRecordError(
                        u"A more precise link already exists: {}".format(
예제 #4
    def _pre_save(self):
        if getattr(self, "_id", None) is None:
            # check for duplicates
            query = {
                "linkType": self.linkType,
                "ref": self.ref,
                "toTopic": self.toTopic,
                "dataSource": getattr(self, 'dataSource', {"$exists": False}),
                "class": getattr(self, 'class')
            if getattr(self, "charLevelData", None):
                query["charLevelData.startChar"] = self.charLevelData[
                query["charLevelData.endChar"] = self.charLevelData['endChar']
                query["charLevelData.versionTitle"] = self.charLevelData[
                query["charLevelData.language"] = self.charLevelData[

            duplicate = RefTopicLink().load(query)
            if duplicate is not None:
                raise DuplicateRecordError(
                    "Duplicate ref topic link for linkType '{}', ref '{}', toTopic '{}', dataSource '{}'"
                    .format(self.linkType, self.ref, self.toTopic,
                            getattr(self, 'dataSource', 'N/A')))
예제 #5
 def _pre_save(self):
     if getattr(self, "_id", None) is None:
         # check for duplicates
         duplicate = RefTopicLink().load(
             {"linkType": self.linkType, "ref": self.ref, "toTopic": self.toTopic, "dataSource": getattr(self, 'dataSource', {"$exists": False}),
              "class": getattr(self, 'class')})
         if duplicate is not None:
             raise DuplicateRecordError("Duplicate ref topic link for linkType '{}', ref '{}', toTopic '{}', dataSource '{}'".format(
             self.linkType, self.ref, self.toTopic, getattr(self, 'dataSource', 'N/A')))
예제 #6
    def _validate(self):
        super(IntraTopicLink, self)._validate()

        # check everything exists
        link_type = TopicLinkType().load({"slug": self.linkType})
        assert link_type is not None, "Link type '{}' does not exist".format(self.linkType)
        from_topic = Topic.init(self.fromTopic)
        assert from_topic is not None, "fromTopic '{}' does not exist".format(self.fromTopic)
        to_topic = Topic.init(self.toTopic)
        assert to_topic is not None, "toTopic '{}' does not exist".format(self.toTopic)
        data_source = TopicDataSource().load({"slug": self.dataSource})
        assert data_source is not None, "dataSource '{}' does not exist".format(self.dataSource)

        # check for duplicates
        duplicate = IntraTopicLink().load({"linkType": self.linkType, "fromTopic": self.fromTopic, "toTopic": self.toTopic,
                 "class": getattr(self, 'class'), "_id": {"$ne": getattr(self, "_id", None)}})
        if duplicate is not None:
            raise DuplicateRecordError(
                "Duplicate intra topic link for linkType '{}', fromTopic '{}', toTopic '{}'".format(
                    self.linkType, self.fromTopic, self.toTopic))

        if link_type.slug == link_type.inverseSlug:
            duplicate_inverse = IntraTopicLink().load({"linkType": self.linkType, "toTopic": self.fromTopic, "fromTopic": self.toTopic,
             "class": getattr(self, 'class'), "_id": {"$ne": getattr(self, "_id", None)}})
            if duplicate_inverse is not None:
                raise DuplicateRecordError(
                    "Duplicate intra topic link in the inverse direction of the symmetric linkType '{}', fromTopic '{}', toTopic '{}' exists".format(
                        duplicate_inverse.linkType, duplicate_inverse.fromTopic, duplicate_inverse.toTopic))

        # check types of topics are valid according to validFrom/To
        if getattr(link_type, 'validFrom', False):
            assert from_topic.has_types(set(link_type.validFrom)), "from topic '{}' does not have valid types '{}' for link type '{}'. Instead, types are '{}'".format(self.fromTopic, ', '.join(link_type.validFrom), self.linkType, ', '.join(from_topic.get_types()))
        if getattr(link_type, 'validTo', False):
            assert to_topic.has_types(set(link_type.validTo)), "to topic '{}' does not have valid types '{}' for link type '{}'. Instead, types are '{}'".format(self.toTopic, ', '.join(link_type.validTo), self.linkType, ', '.join(to_topic.get_types()))

        # assert this link doesn't create circular paths (in is_a link type)
        # should consider this test also for other non-symmetric link types such as child-of
        if self.linkType == TopicLinkType.isa_type:
            to_topic = Topic.init(self.toTopic)
            ancestors = to_topic.get_types()
            assert self.fromTopic not in ancestors, "{} is an is-a ancestor of {} creating an illogical circle in the topics graph, here are {} ancestors: {}".format(self.fromTopic, self.toTopic, self.toTopic, ancestors)
예제 #7
    def _pre_save(self):
        self.expanded_refs = list(set(self.expanded_refs))  # clear out duplicates

        # make sure we're not adding duplicates
        manuscript_id, page_id = getattr(self, 'manuscript_slug', None), getattr(self, 'page_id', None)
        if manuscript_id is None or page_id is None:  # important to check for None explicitly, page_id=0 is valid
            raise ManuscriptError('No manuscript_id or page_id')
        if self.is_new():
            duplicate = ManuscriptPage().load({
                'manuscript_id': manuscript_id,
                'page_id': page_id
            if duplicate:
                raise DuplicateRecordError("Record already exists. Please update existing instead of adding new.")
예제 #8
    def normalize_slug_field(self, slug_field: str) -> str:
        Duplicates are forbidden for Manuscript slugs. Character normalization only, duplicates raise
        a DuplicateRecordError
        :param slug_field: not an attribute, this should just be a string that will be normalized.
        :return: normalized string
        slug = self.normalize_slug(slug_field)
        mongo_id = getattr(self, '_id', None)
        duplicate = getattr(db, self.collection).find_one({'slug': slug, "_id": {"$ne": mongo_id}})
        if duplicate:
            raise DuplicateRecordError(f"Record with the title {slug_field} already exists")

        return slug
예제 #9
    def _pre_save(self):
        if getattr(self, "_id", None) is None:
            # Don't bother saving a connection that already exists, or that has a more precise link already
            if self.refs != sorted(self.refs) and hasattr(
                    self, 'charLevelData'):
            orig_refs = self.refs
            self.refs = sorted(
                self.refs)  #make sure ref order is deterministic
            if orig_refs != self.refs and getattr(
                    self, "versions", False) and getattr(
                        self, "displayedText", False):
                #if reversed self.refs, make sure to reverse self.versions and self.displayedText
                self.versions = self.versions[::-1]
                self.displayedText = self.displayedText[::-1]
            samelink = Link().load({"refs": self.refs})

            if samelink:
                if hasattr(self, 'score') and hasattr(self, 'charLevelData'):
                    samelink.score = self.score
                    samelink.charLevelData = self.charLevelData
                    raise DuplicateRecordError(
                        "Updated existing link with the new score and charLevelData data"

                elif not self.auto and self.type and not samelink.type:
                    samelink.type = self.type
                    raise DuplicateRecordError(
                        "Updated existing link with new type: {}".format(

                elif self.auto and not samelink.auto:
                    samelink.auto = self.auto
                    samelink.generated_by = self.generated_by
                    samelink.source_text_oid = self.source_text_oid
                    samelink.type = self.type
                    samelink.refs = self.refs  #in case the refs are reversed. switch them around
                    raise DuplicateRecordError(
                        "Updated existing link with auto generation data {} - {}"
                        .format(self.refs[0], self.refs[1]))
                    raise DuplicateRecordError(
                        "Link already exists {} - {}. Try editing instead.".
                        format(self.refs[0], self.refs[1]))

                #find a potential link that already has a more precise ref of either of this link's refs.
                preciselink = Link().load({
                    '$and': [

                if preciselink:
                    # logger.debug("save_link: More specific link exists: " + link["refs"][1] + " and " + preciselink["refs"][1])
                    raise DuplicateRecordError(
                        "A more precise link already exists: {} - {}".format(
                            preciselink.refs[0], preciselink.refs[1]))
                # else: # this is a good new link

        if not getattr(self, "_skip_lang_check", False):

        if not getattr(self, "_skip_expanded_refs_set", False):
예제 #10
    def _pre_save(self):
        if getattr(self, "_id", None) is None:
            # Don't bother saving a connection that already exists, or that has a more precise link already
            if self.refs != sorted(self.refs):
                if hasattr(self, 'charLevelData'):
                if getattr(self, "versions", False) and getattr(
                        self, "displayedText", False):
                    # if reversed self.refs, make sure to reverse self.versions and self.displayedText
                    self.versions = self.versions[::-1]
                    self.displayedText = self.displayedText[::-1]
            self.refs = sorted(
                self.refs)  # make sure ref order is deterministic
            samelink = Link().load({"refs": self.refs})

            if not samelink:
                #check for samelink section level vs ranged ref
                oref0 = text.Ref(self.refs[0])
                oref1 = text.Ref(self.refs[1])
                section0 = oref0.section_ref()
                section1 = oref1.section_ref()
                if oref0.is_range() and oref0.all_segment_refs(
                ) == section0.all_segment_refs():
                    samelink = Link().load({
                        "$and": [{
                            "refs": section0.normal()
                        }, {
                            "refs": self.refs[1]
                elif oref0.is_section_level():
                    ranged0 = text.Ref(
                    samelink = Link().load({
                        "$and": [{
                            "refs": ranged0.normal()
                        }, {
                            "refs": self.refs[1]
                elif oref1.is_range() and oref1.all_segment_refs(
                ) == section1.all_segment_refs():
                    samelink = Link().load({
                        "$and": [{
                            "refs": section1.normal()
                        }, {
                            "refs": self.refs[0]
                elif oref1.is_section_level():
                    ranged1 = text.Ref(
                    samelink = Link().load({
                        "$and": [{
                            "refs": ranged1.normal()
                        }, {
                            "refs": self.refs[0]

            if samelink:
                if hasattr(self, 'score') and hasattr(self, 'charLevelData'):
                    samelink.score = self.score
                    samelink.charLevelData = self.charLevelData
                    raise DuplicateRecordError(
                        "Updated existing link with the new score and charLevelData data"

                elif not self.auto and self.type and not samelink.type:
                    samelink.type = self.type
                    raise DuplicateRecordError(
                        "Updated existing link with new type: {}".format(

                elif self.auto and not samelink.auto:
                    samelink.auto = self.auto
                    samelink.generated_by = self.generated_by
                    samelink.source_text_oid = self.source_text_oid
                    samelink.type = self.type
                    samelink.refs = self.refs  #in case the refs are reversed. switch them around
                    raise DuplicateRecordError(
                        "Updated existing link with auto generation data {} - {}"
                        .format(self.refs[0], self.refs[1]))
                    raise DuplicateRecordError(
                        "Link already exists {} - {}. Try editing instead.".
                        format(self.refs[0], self.refs[1]))

                #find a potential link that already has a more precise ref of either of this link's refs.
                preciselink = Link().load({
                    '$and': [

                if preciselink:
                    # logger.debug("save_link: More specific link exists: " + link["refs"][1] + " and " + preciselink["refs"][1])
                    if getattr(self, "_override_preciselink", False):
                        self.generated_by = self.generated_by + '_preciselink_override'
                        #and the new link will be posted (supposedly)
                        raise DuplicateRecordError(
                            "A more precise link already exists: {} - {}".
                            format(preciselink.refs[0], preciselink.refs[1]))
                # else: # this is a good new link

        if not getattr(self, "_skip_lang_check", False):

        if not getattr(self, "_skip_expanded_refs_set", False):