예제 #1
    def post(self, request, project, **kwargs):
        # Minidump request payloads do not have the same structure as
        # usual events from other SDKs. Most notably, the event needs
        # to be transfered in the `sentry` form field. All other form
        # fields are assumed "extra" information. The only exception
        # to this is `upload_file_minidump`, which contains the minidump.

        if any(key.startswith('sentry[') for key in request.POST):
            # First, try to parse the nested form syntax `sentry[key][key]`
            # This is required for the Breakpad client library, which only
            # supports string values of up to 64 characters.
            extra = parser.parse(request.POST.urlencode())
            data = extra.pop('sentry', {})
            # Custom clients can submit longer payloads and should JSON
            # encode event data into the optional `sentry` field.
            extra = request.POST
            json_data = extra.pop('sentry', None)
            data = json.loads(json_data[0]) if json_data else {}

        # Merge additional form fields from the request with `extra`
        # data from the event payload and set defaults for processing.
        extra.update(data.get('extra', {}))
        data['extra'] = extra

        # Assign our own UUID so we can track this minidump. We cannot trust the
        # uploaded filename, and if reading the minidump fails there is no way
        # we can ever retrieve the original UUID from the minidump.
        event_id = data.get('event_id') or uuid.uuid4().hex
        data['event_id'] = event_id

        # At this point, we only extract the bare minimum information
        # needed to continue processing. This requires to process the
        # minidump without symbols and CFI to obtain an initial stack
        # trace (most likely via stack scanning). If all validations
        # pass, the event will be inserted into the database.
            minidump = request.FILES['upload_file_minidump']
        except KeyError:
            raise APIError('Missing minidump upload')

        # Breakpad on linux sometimes stores the entire HTTP request body as
        # dump file instead of just the minidump. The Electron SDK then for
        # example uploads a multipart formdata body inside the minidump file.
        # It needs to be re-parsed, to extract the actual minidump before
        # continuing.
        if minidump.read(2) == b'--':
            # The remaining bytes of the first line are the form boundary. We
            # have already read two bytes, the remainder is the form boundary
            # (excluding the initial '--').
            boundary = minidump.readline().rstrip()

            # Next, we have to fake a HTTP request by specifying the form
            # boundary and the content length, or otherwise Django will not try
            # to parse our form body. Also, we need to supply new upload
            # handlers since they cannot be reused from the current request.
            meta = {
                'CONTENT_TYPE': b'multipart/form-data; boundary=%s' % boundary,
                'CONTENT_LENGTH': minidump.size,
            handlers = [
                uploadhandler.load_handler(handler, request)
                for handler in settings.FILE_UPLOAD_HANDLERS

            _, files = MultiPartParser(meta, minidump, handlers).parse()
                minidump = files['upload_file_minidump']
            except KeyError:
                raise APIError('Missing minidump upload')

        if minidump.size == 0:
            raise APIError('Empty minidump upload received')

        if settings.SENTRY_MINIDUMP_CACHE:
            if not os.path.exists(settings.SENTRY_MINIDUMP_PATH):
                os.mkdir(settings.SENTRY_MINIDUMP_PATH, 0o744)

            with open('%s/%s.dmp' % (settings.SENTRY_MINIDUMP_PATH, event_id),
                      'wb') as out:
                for chunk in minidump.chunks():

        # Always store the minidump in attachments so we can access it during
        # processing, regardless of the event-attachments feature. This will
        # allow us to stack walk again with CFI once symbols are loaded.
        attachments = []

        # Append all other files as generic attachments. We can skip this if the
        # feature is disabled since they won't be saved.
        if features.has('organizations:event-attachments',
            for name, file in six.iteritems(request.FILES):
                if name != 'upload_file_minidump':

            state = process_minidump(minidump)
            merge_process_state_event(data, state)
        except ProcessMinidumpError as e:
            raise APIError(e.message.split('\n', 1)[0])

        response_or_event_id = self.process(request,

        if isinstance(response_or_event_id, HttpResponse):
            return response_or_event_id

        # Return the formatted UUID of the generated event. This is
        # expected by the Electron http uploader on Linux and doesn't
        # break the default Breakpad client library.
        return HttpResponse(six.text_type(uuid.UUID(response_or_event_id)),
예제 #2
파일: api.py 프로젝트: zhangdinet/sentry
    def post(self, request, project, project_config, **kwargs):
        # Minidump request payloads do not have the same structure as usual
        # events from other SDKs. The minidump can either be transmitted as
        # request body, or as `upload_file_minidump` in a multipart formdata
        # request. Optionally, an event payload can be sent in the `sentry` form
        # field, either as JSON or as nested form data.

        request_files = request.FILES or {}
        content_type = request.META.get("CONTENT_TYPE")

        if content_type in self.dump_types:
            minidump = io.BytesIO(request.body)
            minidump_name = "Minidump"
            data = {}
            minidump = request_files.get("upload_file_minidump")
            minidump_name = minidump and minidump.name or None

            if any(key.startswith("sentry[") for key in request.POST):
                # First, try to parse the nested form syntax `sentry[key][key]`
                # This is required for the Breakpad client library, which only
                # supports string values of up to 64 characters.
                extra = parser.parse(request.POST.urlencode())
                data = extra.pop("sentry", {})
                # Custom clients can submit longer payloads and should JSON
                # encode event data into the optional `sentry` field.
                extra = request.POST.dict()
                json_data = extra.pop("sentry", None)
                    data = json.loads(json_data) if json_data else {}
                except ValueError:
                    data = {}

            if not isinstance(data, dict):
                data = {}

            # Merge additional form fields from the request with `extra` data
            # from the event payload and set defaults for processing. This is
            # sent by clients like Breakpad or Crashpad.
            extra.update(data.get("extra", {}))
            data["extra"] = extra

        if not minidump:
            raise APIError("Missing minidump upload")

        # Breakpad on linux sometimes stores the entire HTTP request body as
        # dump file instead of just the minidump. The Electron SDK then for
        # example uploads a multipart formdata body inside the minidump file.
        # It needs to be re-parsed, to extract the actual minidump before
        # continuing.
        if minidump.read(2) == b"--":
            # The remaining bytes of the first line are the form boundary. We
            # have already read two bytes, the remainder is the form boundary
            # (excluding the initial '--').
            boundary = minidump.readline().rstrip()

            # Next, we have to fake a HTTP request by specifying the form
            # boundary and the content length, or otherwise Django will not try
            # to parse our form body. Also, we need to supply new upload
            # handlers since they cannot be reused from the current request.
            meta = {
                "CONTENT_TYPE": b"multipart/form-data; boundary=%s" % boundary,
                "CONTENT_LENGTH": minidump.size,
            handlers = [
                uploadhandler.load_handler(handler, request)
                for handler in settings.FILE_UPLOAD_HANDLERS

            _, inner_files = MultiPartParser(meta, minidump, handlers).parse()
                minidump = inner_files["upload_file_minidump"]
                minidump_name = minidump.name
            except KeyError:
                raise APIError("Missing minidump upload")

        if minidump.read(4) != "MDMP":
            raise APIError("Uploaded file was not a minidump")

        # Always store the minidump in attachments so we can access it during
        # processing, regardless of the event-attachments feature. This is
        # required to process the minidump with debug information.
        attachments = []

        # The minidump attachment is special. It has its own attachment type to
        # distinguish it from regular attachments for processing. Also, it might
        # not be part of `request_files` if it has been uploaded as raw request
        # body instead of a multipart formdata request.

        # Append all other files as generic attachments.
        # RaduW 4 Jun 2019 always sent attachments for minidump (does not use
        # event-attachments feature)
        for name, file in six.iteritems(request_files):
            if name == "upload_file_minidump":

            # Known attachment: msgpack event
            if name == "__sentry-event":
                merge_attached_event(file, data)
            if name in ("__sentry-breadcrumb1", "__sentry-breadcrumb2"):
                merge_attached_breadcrumbs(file, data)

            # Add any other file as attachment

        # Assign our own UUID so we can track this minidump. We cannot trust
        # the uploaded filename, and if reading the minidump fails there is
        # no way we can ever retrieve the original UUID from the minidump.
        event_id = data.get("event_id") or uuid.uuid4().hex
        data["event_id"] = event_id

        # Write a minimal event payload that is required to kick off native
        # event processing. It is also used as fallback if processing of the
        # minidump fails.
        # NB: This occurs after merging attachments to overwrite potentially
        # contradicting payloads transmitted in __sentry_event.

        event_id = self.process(

        # Return the formatted UUID of the generated event. This is
        # expected by the Electron http uploader on Linux and doesn't
        # break the default Breakpad client library.
        return HttpResponse(six.text_type(uuid.UUID(event_id)), content_type="text/plain")
예제 #3
파일: api.py 프로젝트: mjumbewu/sentry
    def post(self, request, project, **kwargs):
        # Minidump request payloads do not have the same structure as
        # usual events from other SDKs. Most notably, the event needs
        # to be transfered in the `sentry` form field. All other form
        # fields are assumed "extra" information. The only exception
        # to this is `upload_file_minidump`, which contains the minidump.

        if any(key.startswith('sentry[') for key in request.POST):
            # First, try to parse the nested form syntax `sentry[key][key]`
            # This is required for the Breakpad client library, which only
            # supports string values of up to 64 characters.
            extra = parser.parse(request.POST.urlencode())
            data = extra.pop('sentry', {})
            # Custom clients can submit longer payloads and should JSON
            # encode event data into the optional `sentry` field.
            extra = request.POST
            json_data = extra.pop('sentry', None)
            data = json.loads(json_data[0]) if json_data else {}

        # Merge additional form fields from the request with `extra`
        # data from the event payload and set defaults for processing.
        extra.update(data.get('extra', {}))
        data['extra'] = extra

        # Assign our own UUID so we can track this minidump. We cannot trust the
        # uploaded filename, and if reading the minidump fails there is no way
        # we can ever retrieve the original UUID from the minidump.
        event_id = data.get('event_id') or uuid.uuid4().hex
        data['event_id'] = event_id

        # At this point, we only extract the bare minimum information
        # needed to continue processing. This requires to process the
        # minidump without symbols and CFI to obtain an initial stack
        # trace (most likely via stack scanning). If all validations
        # pass, the event will be inserted into the database.
            minidump = request.FILES['upload_file_minidump']
        except KeyError:
            raise APIError('Missing minidump upload')

        # Breakpad on linux sometimes stores the entire HTTP request body as
        # dump file instead of just the minidump. The Electron SDK then for
        # example uploads a multipart formdata body inside the minidump file.
        # It needs to be re-parsed, to extract the actual minidump before
        # continuing.
        if minidump.read(2) == b'--':
            # The remaining bytes of the first line are the form boundary. We
            # have already read two bytes, the remainder is the form boundary
            # (excluding the initial '--').
            boundary = minidump.readline().rstrip()

            # Next, we have to fake a HTTP request by specifying the form
            # boundary and the content length, or otherwise Django will not try
            # to parse our form body. Also, we need to supply new upload
            # handlers since they cannot be reused from the current request.
            meta = {
                'CONTENT_TYPE': b'multipart/form-data; boundary=%s' % boundary,
                'CONTENT_LENGTH': minidump.size,
            handlers = [
                uploadhandler.load_handler(handler, request)
                for handler in settings.FILE_UPLOAD_HANDLERS

            _, files = MultiPartParser(meta, minidump, handlers).parse()
                minidump = files['upload_file_minidump']
            except KeyError:
                raise APIError('Missing minidump upload')

        if minidump.size == 0:
            raise APIError('Empty minidump upload received')

        if settings.SENTRY_MINIDUMP_CACHE:
            if not os.path.exists(settings.SENTRY_MINIDUMP_PATH):
                os.mkdir(settings.SENTRY_MINIDUMP_PATH, 0o744)

            with open('%s/%s.dmp' % (settings.SENTRY_MINIDUMP_PATH, event_id), 'wb') as out:
                for chunk in minidump.chunks():

        # Always store the minidump in attachments so we can access it during
        # processing, regardless of the event-attachments feature. This will
        # allow us to stack walk again with CFI once symbols are loaded.
        attachments = []
        attachments.append(CachedAttachment.from_upload(minidump, type='event.minidump'))

        # Append all other files as generic attachments. We can skip this if the
        # feature is disabled since they won't be saved.
        if features.has('organizations:event-attachments',
                        project.organization, actor=request.user):
            for name, file in six.iteritems(request.FILES):
                if name != 'upload_file_minidump':

            merge_minidump_event(data, minidump)
        except ProcessMinidumpError as e:
            raise APIError(e.message.split('\n', 1)[0])

        response_or_event_id = self.process(

        if isinstance(response_or_event_id, HttpResponse):
            return response_or_event_id

        # Return the formatted UUID of the generated event. This is
        # expected by the Electron http uploader on Linux and doesn't
        # break the default Breakpad client library.
        return HttpResponse(